In his new video, Paul Joseph "MAINSTREET MEATY WHORE" Watson makes a good point.
Celebrities have been virtue-signaling since the beginning of the refugee crisis while they are actually sheltered and detached from reality, only echoing the goals of the jew world order without ever having to face its consequences.
This is very dangerous since most of the younger normies aren´t watching television anymore. Instead they get their opinions from celebrities they look up to. This is effective propaganda for mass-immigration of rapefugees by total asshats. If they started actually offering counterarguments for the MSM narrative, there would be a massive shift to the right in the younger demographics.

How do we deal with this problem?

Kill them

That would just give the media a new piece of propganda for "le ebil white supremacist murderer". You know how normies react when celebrities die. Unless someone takes out a large quantity of them, this is not going to work.
I was thinking more of a large-scale redpilling operation.


In addition to the ideas mentioned thus far in this thread, we need to make a point to call these people out for the hypocrites that they are. They claim this or that but never give their money to these so-called causes or put themselves around these communities they claim to champion. Putting pressure on them to either lose money or look like hypocrites will shut them up make them self-destruct.


No really. As long as fame is granted to those who deserve it, this a problem that would fix itself. With the current system of Hollywood and gossip, the wrong people (and I struggle to call them people really) are given the gift of mass attention. This is a sin. Fame and glory rightfully belongs to true heros who display virtue absolutely. Instead insects sit on the pedestals and waste our attention.

The most realistic replacement to the old mechanisms of fame is the free attention marketplace of the net. ecelebs. Most celebrities online enjoy fame they deserve, or at least in more accurate proportion to their virtue. I means, it's still cancerous. Like comment and subscribe. But it beats the force feeding of Hollywood because at least the audience holds some power and who gets attention with their likes and subscribes.

Fame can be fought for or bestowed. Currently Jews operate the big machines that bestow fame. Disrupt the fame machine and Jew parrots lose all relevance.

that petition for jk rowling to house refugees at her home got some traction, i believe. maybe we should meme those and tweet them directly to snobby celebs


Pewdiepie went full natsoc recently. Even if it was just elaborate trolling, it got some people's attention.

Why do you think Holla Forums is never allowed to have any public image allies? They're always relentlessly criticized a little too much.

Huh, relentless criticism of virtuous champions- where have we heard that before…

And the media went full fakenews mode, labeling him an antisemite while Disney severed their ties with him.
They are obviously afraid of dissidents that voice different opinions or destroy their artificial tabus.

Apparently you don't know what that looks like then.

Yeah, and whether he was trolling or not, (((they))) took it very seriously. For good reason. Fear of saying something offensive is how their control works. If you can joke about something, you can also question it.

And this is going to backfire hilariously, because young people everywhere are now getting the message that "Hitler did nothing wrong" is the edgiest thing you can ever possibly say and will piss off your parents the most. The forbidden thing that they aren't allowed to have is always what kids want the most. Natsoc might well become the new punk.

Or at the very least, people are realizing that blasphemy and sex jokes aren't funny anymore, because they're mainstream now and don't shock anyone. But "gas the kikes" is hilarious.

And as many people who are now Holla Forums regulars can attest, laughing at the jokes is a familiar first step…

Use HUD and the refugee resettlement program as a weapon against them. Hand out mansions in Hollywood to niggers. That goes for other centres of power too. Find the most vile niggers and bring them in and say the country's most vulnerable deserve a chance to live with the most affluent.

It's not to redpill them. These people should hang. It's to break their centres of power.

Well his video has blown the fuck up and is #1 trending on youtube. So now we have people watching pewbs and going 'fuck the media', then rolling their fat asses over to john oliver (lol you know, the fucking media) to get spoonfed political doctrine.

Just let them bounce off each other for awhile. Hell, maybe we can Ben Garrison pewdiepew.

Something to keep in mind while sperging about pewdiepie.

That's how it always starts. Soon he will be Holla Forums incarnate.

Does anyone have the webm cartoon of a cucked swede that has his girlfriend gang raped and murdered by japanese, then goes on Holla Forums?

It's a dumb quote. Everyone no matter the mind they have or how intelligent or unintelligent they are talks about all three of those things.


tbqh Holla Forums saying pewdiepie is natsoc is probably the reason why Disney dropped him. The yids know about Holla Forums, we're not a secret club anymore. They probably saw those threads, screenshotted them, then ran kvetching to Disney using our threads as "proof" that Felix is an ebil natzee. Jews believe our memes.



Most of the ideas people have are shit. All the events and people are shit, too. Your image is also shit. Fuck off.
b-but we should only talk about ideology and philosophy
No, fuck off.

you have to go back

if it can bleed it can be defeated.

Okay, you're right, let's just talk about ecelebs and pewdiepie.

by exterminating them.

Its just to trigger leftists by turning their anti-Trump insult against him. I bet if he would actually browse Holla Forums, he would change his opinion pretty quick


I doubt that, considering pewdiepew was going on youtube videos and really pushing hard with the natsoc stuff. They may have said 'these people like what he's doing', but is that us? Pewbs has probably, for the most part, been disliked around here since forever ago because 1) Holla Forumsirgins think he's just a celebrity emo chick-flick in action who likes to fuck around with facecams and controllers 2) he's already come out against the Swedish democrats, but you're crazy if you can find that video. That was a 2-3 years ago, so it's probably buried. So who the fuck knows 'who’ liked pewdiepew doing all this shit. WSJ probably made it up. I could say I like burning orphanages down on my way to the local Republican Party office to pick up my swastika arm sleeve that I'm going to wear while watching pewdiepew and jack off to Trump memes later on……some shitty journalist just might publish that. We could just say the dumbest things and get them memed into newspapers, we've already done it enough.

That tweet is some prime shit-tier bait if I ever saw it.



What the fuck are we casting?

(checked) Only the best possible outcome.

Ideas don't kill Jews buddy.
Events kill Jews.



The First Year is a magnificent one.

Good. That means jews meming him into Hitler gives us at least 50 million of new blood, most of them kids, all the while causing a massive shitstorm and crashing Jewtube with no survivors

Kek is pleased by this discussion as the dubs reveal. Discussion on how to redpill people through the garnered influence of others must continue.

He's a yid though. His lower lip is the size of a fucking planet, a dead giveaway.

He has the potential to start his own entertainment organization and bring a huge following with him, wouldn't that be something with say the infamous serial mass shooter, Sam Hyde being an employee.

You can do that without embedding that alt-kike poz dealer.

wew what a faggot

Deletion of that idiotic image is something you should keep in mind while sperging about others sperging.
I also suspect that was you capping your own post, which is just sad as fuck.

what does the j.k stand for?


Joanne kike, obviously. She added the k herself to pledge allegiance to her overlords.
We should start a petition for "J.K. Rowling to take in refugees in her home" and spam it on twitter if it gets enough followers.

Get the fuck off Holla Forums


I literally never knew a single pleasant person who liked Harry Potter. Not even when it was for kids.

Look, I get it. You've learned a new phrase "virtue signaling" and you've been dying to try it in a conversation.

Not sure why the screenshot is triggering you so hard. I'm only trying to keep the thread on topic to my first post in this thread, on righteous fame, after I opened a potential can of worms by saying "e-celebs" because sure enough it conjures muh pewdiepies. It would be a shame to see the thread devolve into bickering over the usefulness of e-celebs.

It's a difficult conversation to conduct without it turning into "pewdiepie will be so useful for our cause." Do you think pewdiepie deserves his fame? Or Jk Rowling? Or Madonna? Or Joy Villa? Or fucking Elton John? Or whoever the fuck is famous for some gay achievement?

One solution to OP's question push for this class of "celebrity" (which pewdiepie falls into afaic) to change their tune. Bully or redpill the celebrity. It just seems next to impossible really. It's like talking to a brick wall. So instead, another solution is to replace who gets to be "famous" which would more effectively fix the problem of current celebrities shilling for opposite of I want in my nation. The notion of what qualifies for bestowal of fame must be revamped to fix the problem. Not exactly easy, but at least feasible compared to changing the mind of a brainwashed celebrity.

I don't know man I'm just fucking spitballing in this mediocre brainstorming thread.

https: //www.change.org/p/j-k-rowling-petition-for-j-k-rowling-to-take-in-muslim-refugees-in-her-18-spare-bedrooms

just kidding




Holla Forums talks about everything from economics to philosophy to European literature.
Taking a break to talk about Pewdipie assblasting kikes isn't going to kill Holla Forums


We have a meme war to fight, to arms anons!

https: //www.change.org/p/j-k-rowling-petition-for-j-k-rowling-to-take-in-muslim-refugees-in-her-18-spare-bedrooms

It's caed return of the swede, you can find it on youtube

Doesn´t he give the muzzies a goat to fuck with a bomb attached which he then snipes? lol

Who gives a fuck? It's like going in war with spear and shield instead of with an assault rifle because it's more "honorable". No one gives a shit life is struggle and often there are injustices. The fact that we adapted to the harsh world is what allowed us to get some victories on 2016. If it were for faggots like we would be like fucking /lit/.
This is war, and war has no rules

PJW is the reason I've been trying to educate cuckservative human trash about why SJW'S are not "LITERALLY HITLER" for the last 2 weeks (even when he, himself, was denouncing the "literally Hitler" talking point when it was pointed towards Trump). Trump has won the fight, the right has won the fight, but Holla Forums ideology has become more of a pejorative than has ever been before. Everything is now nazi this and nazi that because of such attention whores. It's sickening to watch, to say the least, and anyone who's got their loyalties right should have predicted this months ago.

PJW is a bullet-point regurgitator that appeals to the bottom mold of the Trump-supporting barrel. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, and the video is called "return of the swede"

No it isn't. Nazi is the new cool. We are better than ever before

I hope so lad, I fucking hope so, because the last month on Twitter and YouTube has been too demoralizing. I've never seen "nazi" and "fascist" being used as an insult so many times before, ever. Call it a coincidence, but it certainly isn't good news.

Might just be a death rattle.

Gas the kikes, then you can take care of everything else with much less pressure.

The snake is rearing up in its death struggle. Lets cut off the head.

It's not about where they put their money because even if they do give to charity they NEVER have to deal with these mongrels one one one or in their mostly white, wealthy communities. So the point is to get them to house them in their 17 bedroom estates or fuck off.

In case you didn´t see it already, i made a petition to do exactly that, which i spread around. It has almost 300 signatures already.
https: //www.change.org/p/j-k-rowling-petition-for-j-k-rowling-to-take-in-muslim-refugees-in-her-18-spare-bedrooms

Here is the thread:

i concur, just kill em en masse

That picture you took of your own post is simply retarded and there is nothing wrong with telling you that truth.

Jewiest Kikel

Then either
a) kill a large quantity
or b) kill them in such a manner that the news won't be able to spin it as a white supremacy thing.

user, i love you
that is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen
i'm so happy

god she's such an old English man. is this a tranny?

I hate this meme because of how overused it is but this is a definite case of

This isn't true, more and more people are ironically saying Hitler did nothing wrong, Hitler was right etc. Using irony and hiding things behind jokes is how you break the barrier of accepted conversation set up by (((them))). Once something can be joked about for the sole purpose of being edgy comedy, it can eventually be questioned. People like Felix are helping the first step occur through online exposure, to almost entirely an audience of Gen Z boys and girls and many of the younger Millennials. You can go to the comments section and these kids are already saying they hate fake mainstream news and likening his dilemma to Trump, then there's others saying Jew jokes, and heiling PewDiePie. This is why they're are trying to shut him down. This is why Jews maintain a tight control over entertainment and comedy.

The pressure's been building for a while, and the soft normalization of such things we're seeing now is the kettle beginning to scream


Trippity trip trips

Kek didn´t Harry have a food prison like cell with a food tray in one movie? This would be appropriate for refugee shelters

With a tray slot*

Hitler has more testosterone in one testicle (oy vey goyim you know he only had one) than that pink lipped fairy boy has collectively accumulated his whole fucking existence

I don't care for pewdiepie being that I'm not a teenager, but this whole debacle sure gave way for some bantz

why doesn't think dried up cunt just fuck off already?

this dumb cunt

I wish I could unread the books and unwatch the movies

I can find solace in that I consumed all of the content and paid nothing.