Vidya Rage Thread

Post stuff that makes you mad.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm certain the F4 one has to be satire. Roosterteeth are faggots, but to get that upset over 'low' scores just seems ridiculous.



Well, they're both big skinny fuckers that can hit you if you're in their line of sight.

But that's just plain fucking wrong. You get a cutscene for every action no matter how insignificant.

Press button?
Open door?
Pick up weapon?

Not to mention the chainsaw just being a fucking cutscene machine just like the melee kills.

This cunt is just a liar

You have no idea how religious normalfags and their media are over Fallout.


The "artist" clearly never played the original DOOM and has no idea what the fuck he's talking about





Take that patriarchy.

For the following, the left side will be about Doom and the right side will be about NuDoom.
He's not huge and you see his face at all times. / The NuDoom marine isn't faceless either. A high-res image of the cover shows his face (or at least his eyes) through his helmet.
Doom takes place on Phobos and Deimos, which are moons of Mars. / NuDoom takes place in Hell, not Mars.
Six guns, two of them are effectively the same gun with different RoF making it five guns. / NuDoom has a two weapon limit in online mode and roughly the same amount of guns as Doom 2.
Except how every episode ends in a cutscene. / It has execution cutscenes constantly.
At least he's right about that. / Same for NuDoom.
The shotgun in Doom 1 has to be pumped, and the SSG in Doom 2 does have to be reloaded. / This is blatantly fucking false, did he even watch the trailers?
Also true. Why does he keep starting his sentences with with "and"? / PFFFF, it looks like a game from 2007.
Another true statement. / Ditto.
I first played Doom in 2004, most of the current generation either wasn't alive in the 90's or doesn't remember it because they were too young. / Unless anybody has a time machine, I don't think they'll play this one in the past.

10/10 legitimately rump roasted.


Holla Forums


They really don't. They are different sizes and use different colours and substantially different weapons and attack patterns.

That's loading it in the chamber, you fucking dingus, not reloading



Fun Fact:

The voice of isabelle in this animation is provided by Boxxy.

I've always wanted to cum in her mouth

I was sure she was going to be a blip on the radar and nothing more, fading back into obscurity as Rebecca Black and Brian Peppers did in their own time.

It's most unfortunate that I was wrong.

Maybe this is how Prince felt when the Internet just kept getting picked up by more and more people.


Where did all of these normalfag memelords come from and when did it become acceptable to act like them?


She's a racemixer, STD's are easy to transfer.

I want to bully that fucking retard so badly.




That's not communism.
That's not funny.
It takes too long to reach the "punchline"
The only thing that is "meh" and not total shit is GW at the end of it.

Stay assmad, leftypol

I have literally never wondered that in my entire life.
I just wish it would stop.

We can't have everything, now can we? We need to accelerate until both sides of the now political vidya burn out everyone involved and get replaced by the new less politicized vidya.

I'm already burnt out goddammit

Only 8/v/ does this and only because 90% of you faggots are crossboarding from Holla Forums. I just want to discuss fucking video games but I can't because you stupid shits keep derailing discussion.

Just a few more years, man. Too much money still circulating. The shit/quality ratio could needs to get worse.

But as a gameplay mechanic it is basically reloading which is what he meant.

he dead.


plz don't bully. I'm trying to talk about vidya as well, but politics is fun as well.

But it's not.

What makes you think so?


The comic makes me the maddest because you see it all the time. People making up these blatantly false stories about how oppressed they are, or making comics complaining about things that NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN, and people treat the "fact" that these things happen as gospel. Nobody questions it. I've been going to cons for twelve fucking years and I've never seen anyone called a fake geek girl, for example.

Yeah nah.

I want to introduce you to . He's a new friend of mine who seems to have a spot-on sense of humor, which I realized because he only detected a single gigglehertz of funny in that entire webm.

I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about.

I'm at a loss with you. I don't politic, left or right. Injecting it into Animal Crossing is just dumb and irks me, as per the subject of the thread.

That's most unfortunate for the weird-looking bastard. I figured it would happen pretty fast with the accusations that were leveled against him.

I'm still triggered

Thanks, user, I was worried that last comic would be a complete waste of time.

While the rest of the "cast" vary in SJW-ness (some not at all) she is definitely the worst. You can also bet it's during the time they were getting payment for their F4 skit.

Correction: You never go to Deimos itself in Doom, just the base that used to be there and it's floating above Hell.


Communism isn't politics, it's Satanism



Within the first image, it would be safe to assume the dev wanted to think she won the argument just because of some words from the guy pointing out the fact that she left a female faction that already existed. Canon or not, the only fallacy that exist is the dev thinking the guy going against her used some special buzzword.

You have to learn to compartmentalise this stuff though. I don't come on here and talk about my lust for giant hairy men and their enormous musky dongs because I've learnt to seperate my being a faggot and my posting on an anonymous image board about video games.

But you're not on a crusade to make the world a better place.

Its not
They complain about the low score while Pipboy(tm) is on the table in front of them and they wear it later

Trying to keep these somewhat related to video games.

Well there's your problem, my friend!

But can you really argue that raising anti-mainstream narrative opinions and discussing them on Holla Forums has no place when vidya production at this point in time is filled quite a lot with people that are themselves in their work incapable of splitting from their politics to create a good game. Is me being angry about the talking points a game raises and speaking out vs them as bad or worse than the guy making the game and raising these points in the first place?

Imho, it ends up being a push-pull situation.




Dude looks kind of dark to be white. Kind of a light chocolate.

This retard thinks theres something wrong with the grammar? are they thinking an doesnt come before FAQ and think it should be "a FAQ"?

because thats retarded.

nobody pronounces "FAQ" as a "FACK" its pronounced "EF AY CUE" and if you use an or a depend on the pronunciation of the next word, not the spelling. "saying "a ef ayy que" sounds retarded. "an ef ayy cue" sounds much better

fuck anyone who says otherwise.

What do you expect from somebody who can't even find the ruby? I didn't get that achievement until the death faleon fight

You know not every white person is a pasty shit whose skin turns to paper under direct sunlight, right?

That's pretty distinctly brown, though. Next you're gonna tell me the blood they're covered in is green.

One of the faggots on this website's IRC channel claims to be Zoe Quinn's friend and says pictures with red text won't convince him that she isn't some pure gamedev goddess.

Because you can tell the difference between a beaner and a tanned white person in a cartoon, right?

No, that's definitely a polinesian.

This mentality will never not aggravate me.

OPS forgot image

Tell me user, how did you come to this place?

come now…

I'm having a pretty shitty day anons.
These fun threads is all that I have left.

Dude. He's brown. Get over it.

wow wtf rendered that

Now I'm triggered.

thank you, I thought I was the only one

What, you're supposed to think everyone should have the same opinion? Is that the punchline, "I'm mad because people don't like the things I make"? Get fucked.

What can you expect from a Cucknadian?

what that game fam?



So its ok to derail topics away from video games because "le Holla Forums and Holla Forums unity"?

Ys the oath in Felghana. To be fair I did find it a bit rough to get into, but that journalist definitely pulled DSP levels of suck.

nvm its
Ys: The Oath in Felghana

thank you for thinking of me fellow user

`>who is this guy

That doesnt make me rage, it breaks my heart.

The trick is to hold them tight and beat a mathematician until he gives you the estimation.

Fucking redditors and their niggerspeak.

Looks like either Daz Studio or Poser.

I've learned that is best not to read JRPG reviews done by game"journalists".

The IGN review of Nier still gets me mad.

But user, Nier isn't a RPG.

that's why he said jrpg :^)

But in order it to be JRPG, it would need to be RPG in the first place.

nigger speak has a long, long, long fucking history on image boards.

Because in the Nu World if everyone doesnt love you unconditionally and worship the ground you walk on they're evil Xists\Phobes\and so on

bix nood mufuga

back to africa homeboy

Sure it has, Jamal.


My nigga.

you have the archive of that pcgamer article?

Someone on 7chan mentioned it, faggot.

Oh god you new babbies are always so certain you know how it works here.
Have some poorly made examples.

This nig knows whats good.

Maybe my brain doesn't operate on the same level as your nigger brain, but I don't see how the 'examples' you made have anything to do with you spouting niggerspeak and trying to justify it as the 'normal thing' to do here. smh tbh fam as you nignogs say.

What do you think you're proving in this post?

great "new babbies" meme i can tell you're a real oldfag like myself

Nothing nigger related has a long or rich history.



There's a big difference between pic related and shitty acronyms most commonly used on the internet by reddit and 12 year olds

I'm providing an example of how you new niggers go on to claim what this board is however you don't have a single fucking clue.

The example I provided are pretty good examples.
In this example the newfag claims he wasn't avatarfagging, but clearly he doesn't actually know the understanding of the word as its clear he was doing just that.
These examples provided that despite explaining why saging as a downvote is stupid and doesn't work they then sage as a downvote while another user looks on and comments on that they are doing exactly what they claimed they weren't.

Where do you think salty comes from?
Where do you think calling each other nigga and nigger comes from?
There are a thousand fucking terms that are used here that draw routes from ebonics.
All of them were used ironically, but denying that's where they came from is retarded and only shows how unfamiliar you are with this board.

Ebonics has been used since 2005-6 on our ching chong boards.

you talk like you think Holla Forums has a particularly long history as an imageboard

and your autistic screencaps of the e-arguments you've been in don't go anywhere close to making a point

Thanks for proving that niggerspeak is popular among shitposting autists, you may go kill yourself now.


The community tore him a new asshole over it when the review was first published. He just double-downed on his retardation before accepting that "it can be said BOTH WAYS". Don't forget, these SJW limp dicked fuckwits are never wrong!

Ah another used incorrectly.
Shitposting is in fact not posts you disagree with.

Yes, it doesn't however Holla Forums is a successor of Holla Forums so it would make sense what holds true there in the past is true now.
As much as Mark is a faggot I'm glad he isn't bending over backwards to please you newfags like moot did and is instead forcing you to learn.

I said poorly made examples.

This is not only a liberal detector, but a shit opinion detector. Discredit all opinions that start with "I feel like." Good opinions often start with "I think" and show confidence and reasoning in what's about to be said (I.E. having facts to back up statements)

I think you're right about this.

Maybe speaking like a typical 12-year-old nigger comes natural to you, but don't try to push this shit on us claiming it has 'long history' on a board started 2 years ago. And by the way, are you seriously claiming that saying "my nigga", a quote from movie Training Day, is the same thing as posting this SMH TBH FAM crap as a part of normal discussion.

Know what makes me mad? When a game starts out really fucking good, and then halfway through, you can see the dev team getting fucking lazy and just rushing to finish it.

They wouldn't know what its like to think.
They decide everything using emotions, shit is infuriating.
Trying to explain to some chick that France isn't a socialist paradise and that they are in economic state of emergency

did you forget a word or is English not your first language
You used an example where the person meant to be a bad example is using something that you're defending the usage of.

Or are you switching it now so that you can call someone a newfag based on them being stupid but you can't say they're shitposting when they're avatarfagging and don't even know how retarded they look?

Or did you just misunderstand my post completely?

i know you think you're the king of oldfags because you mention 2ch

but anyone who screencaps the posts that make him mad and posts social media tier nigger memes is forever new

Yes you fucking idiot look at what you posted Viper's fucking CD.
You know the reason anyone knows about that shit? Because some user picked it up and brought it to our attention.
People talked ebonics and shit because it was fun it is only a recent phenomenon that we have the no fun police who lose their shit whenever someone uses ebonics.
If you want no fun and circle jerk go to either Holla Forums of your choosing.
Also my nigga isn't a qoute from training day, its a term that existed way before training day.


I never mentioned 2ch once, usually newfaggots mention it because it gives them cred or something.
No user I'm not the king of oldfags, I'm just some faggot who isn't going to let the kids run around with abandon like what's happened on 4chaim and Holla Forums

I misread, I'm sorry user ;_;

I know about Viper because people posted the "you'll cowards don't even smoke crack" as a example of the retarted nignog culture and people still post it to make further fun of it. You posting ebonics is not making fun of nignog culture, it is embracing that said nignog culture.

Uh, no, you are clearly on the moon. The inbetween map screen shows your progress along the surface. The whole moon disappeared in the manual's story when hell came through the gates. The entire Deimos moon is above hell.

I assume you also responded to the wrong post

Shit man get some sleep or something.

So you're saying you don't smoke crack? What are you 10?
You're the only one who looks at it that way.
What I'm going to say TBH FAM and turn into a literal nigger?
Like that JoJo comic?

I can sleep when I'm dead, which might be soon if continue to mix redbull and tequila.

This is some abstract rage right here.

They were just pretending, right?

passively aggressively commenting like a woman when we both know who you are referring to.
Nice downvote

Poor show fam.

you mean you're going to sperg out an post more badly capped e-tussles you've had? how will that help "the kids"?

you need to go back to your social media

what a shocking turn of events
at least Holla Forums had a good run the first 3 months it was refugee free


youre all fags

I hardly think I'm sperging out, I would say all the faggots losing there shit over me reminding them of the boards history is sperging out.
I'm only trying to help user.
Let me help you.

Let me give you my two cents on this in an attempt to clear this shit up.

'My nigga' and such euphemisms were used as a way of communicating approval.

Things such as 'you'll cowards don't even smoke crack' are memes, which have their place and are seen as fucking stupid when used out of their place.

SMH TBH FAM and other such expressions are used everywhere. When you see someone ironically shitposting or baiting they use it at the end like a signature, when some asshole agrees they use it like 'this tbh fam', when someone disagreed they use it like 'smh tbh fam'.

It's practically a forced meme from twitter, even though you might not think it differs from other negro related memes and euphemisms, it is different on the base that it's incredibly overused and as such is really fucking annoying.

I hope I've shed some light on the topic.

Fuck moot for fucking over 4chaims Holla Forums it worked perfectly as a containment board.
Then he went out of his way to personally fuck with the board.
Then he fucking lied about it on his AMA right before leaving 4chins for good.
meanwhile he turned Holla Forums into /cuck/ just a week earlier

How many starvations does it take for them to get it right?

Then cuck is equally overused, and despite originating here in frequency of use it still ended up leaking to normalfags vocabulary.
And lets be honest nigga, if we were pressed I'm sure we can come up with other instances when the shit was adopted.

In my personal opinion cuck is an annoying overused meme.

I'm sure there's plenty of people who disagree with me, but there is enough actual cuckoldry that happens with e-celebs and what not that it warrants some usage of the word.

I think it's just kids these days who don't know how to properly use their memes for maximum effectiveness and end up burning them out.

It's exactly like what reddit does.

I have a lot to be angry about in video games.

The Legend of Korra game is a massive disappointment, even though Platinum Games just got done making MGR that same year.

People defend companies like CA for releasing beta builds of games and letting modders fix it.

Battlefield 1 when we could've had 2143.

The War Thunder devs passing off old German Panther tank mechanics saying it was "blatant propaganda" when Panthers could shoot every 4 or so seconds because of how it was built.

you really think that's what's going on, don't you

Well one of them is a guy so that might be it

Yeah, what are the chances of them making crap after mgr!

I feel like you're right

Devastation and Bayonetta 2 were good.

That's what I'm worried about.
Troll has just become a term for people to use when deflecting criticism.
Same with shitposting.

I'm pretty certain, but why don't you enlighten me?


the only FPS I've ever played that goes out of its way to show you the character's face, how could someone really be this retarded

really shows you how sensitive they are to any criticism or lack of
Reddit on almost the entirety are beta whiteknights, yet if there is the smallest group who don't bend over backwards to lick some fat lesbos smelly cunt then they assume the ENTIRETY of the site is castle of misogyny.

I like to imagine some reddit fedora fag read that comment and cried a bit to himself that despite all his privilege checking he still is considered an evil misogynist.

Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it, it all has its place but don't misuse it, niggerspeak is being currently overused, so give it a rest.

Troll bait and shitpost have really all devolved, but most of the time I see them they're being used correctly enough on things that are obviously put up for the sake of agitating people. Newfag has also become more or less one of these words, and you were throwing that around earlier, this probably contributed to people getting pissed.

Moral of the story, don't overuse shit and don't use it when there's no practical sense in doing so.

And if you do use something that's overused, even if it does make sense to use it, expect people to get pissed off at you.

Eh I don't like to self regulate.
I try to reign in myself from being a turbo faggot however I'm quite comfortable being the faggot who swings his dick around even though my dick ends up slapping me in the face.
If that makes sense.I know its hypocritical

It's to keep a stranglehold on them. Gotta keep the niceness coins flowing

cuck as an insult should be used exclusively to describe someone who has sold out on their core values in order to appease other people and like what they're doing.

Through the door of his university office
Tips fedora
The man looks at you confused, and slowly backing up to the wall
You look up, staring the man dead in the eye
You see him grabbing the large whiteboard compass
You grab your protractor from your threnchcoat
Before he utters his fear, you strike at him with your protractor, happy it still fits around your big-boned fingers
The apparatus slices open his face, leaving him wounded
Blood splatters in your mottons

Then really you're arguing for argument's sake.

I guess feel free to do that, most people here do it anyway.

cuck as an insult should be used exclusively to describe someone whose significant other has sexual relations with other people.

There are many functional alternatives: sellout, attention whore, spineless, two faced, or woman.

Who is that guy? Did he make world of Warcraft?

She literally got the job by sucking dick.

as most women do.
Its why we didn't want them in the workplace.
Most men will bend over backwards for a woman.
Men will throwaway kingdoms for some ass, why wouldn't they overlook better candidates because they want to sleep with some slut?

There's nothing wrong with actual cuckoldry, there's plenty of worse fetishes

Languages change fam, "faggot" isn't an insult for gay dudes often anymore, it's an insult for a dude who is being a pussy.

There's another reason for not using it, if it does get mainstream use it can be used in the future by cuckold rights activists as evidence of their oppression.

Look what happened to nigger, faggot, dyke, tranny, retard, bitch, and every other insult that was even remotely directed at a group of people.

It is, in that that the results of such are displayed without the bullshit.
It is
It's one of his problems, his animation and shots are too relaxed.

Friendly Reminder: South Park is made by Jews who made an entire episode to tell you that circumcision is ok. "They just snip it to make it look bigger."

Somehow I doubt they will be taken seriously.

I almost forgot this thread was about video games


I'm still wating for the day kids in school will get in trouble for calling other kids "cucks" and then we will have teachers and tattle tellers trying to defend cuckolds because "we should tolerate those of open relationships".

never underestimate human stupidity.


Same Thatll be the day

give it a few years. my nephew is starting to call other kids "cucks". he got in trouble because she thought he said "fuck"


Why do kids even know what that means? I didn't know what a cuckold was until it became popular as an insult here
Fuck man

Not enough.

RIP good insults

Kids are not perfect little angels and have easy access to the internet, user.

Can't wait

True When i was younger i used to call people cunts
i mean i still do but if you said it back then you were fucked

What kind of rights? "my wife must cheat me at least 2 times per week" or something like that?

I think they got some other letters on the end already but I forgot what they were, but my point is that C will eventually be the last letter before it starts including bestiality or something.

The right to not be mocked just for letting other men fuck your wife, of course. :^)

The very first point is hilariously wrong both literally and metaphorically. Doomguy has a small backstory in the Doom readme.



And im sure there is more, add cuckold if you want, wont make much of a difference. But subtract gay because gays are not opressed enough anymore.

Drop the gay, because not liking women is sexist. and replace it with pedo :^)


hold on I thought Queer was just a way to describe all of them, was I mistaken?

I was of the belief that instead of just tacking on letters each time they come up with something else they should just shorten it to Q or Q+.

Queer are those gays with the lisp and shit i think. Completely different. :^)

Anyone has any information on that pic they used in the article? Isn't this from cr1tikal's video?


I dunno. I just like the artist work.

Cuck detected

Why not use * as a regex wildcard


Why do the smuggest people on the planet take this stance on everything? It's like no matter what it is, whenever there's something that a lot of people don't like, you'll see the same people complaining about the people who don't like it.

Soon websites like Metacritic, Youtube, Steam, Twitter, etc. will delete negative reviews on the basis that they are trolling.

I know >reddit

But their retro subreddits are more active than /vr/. Anyway, he paid $55 for boxes, no games no manuals, just fucking boxes. Game collecting is getting ridiculous. You know what I do when I run across a retro game in the box? I take the game out, and put the box in the trash where it rightfully belongs.

Nigga thats like $1 per box. Consider their age and how many people tossed 'em, and thats a really fair price to buy or sell them for. He's payib for ''your'" ;junk because its valuable to him

And yet liking them is objectification and rape

Smugposting started as a low-effort response to shitposts, but as we all know, the best response to shitposts is to not respond. Eventually it was corrupted into what we see today, which is just a low-effort refutation to anything you don't like, or are pretending not to like at the moment.

Try not being ugly :^)

Are you actually fucking retarded? The box usually ups the value of any retro game to double the original value if not more. This reddit user may be stupid but you are beyond stupid.

Next you're gonna tell me that a banana is actually green.


are you gonna tell thats "modern" communism and by that extend, there are many different types of communism?

I learned what it means in senior year of highschool when we read the Canterbury tales.
Shit's hilarious.

Yep, that's a nigger.

I remember that thread. That was so good.

I've pronounced it FACK since 1995 you homo.

I bet you pronounced SNES as "SNESS".

I can't stand mother fuckers who say "sa ness" It's called Super Nintendo Entertament System aka S-N-E-S. Fucking kill yourself if you say this and "ness"

For the first image the first thing to do would have been to report it to GW…, 5s latter he had a cease and desist.

/tg/ had to ruse like hell to not get sued into oblivion for chapter master…

There's one kind and it is explained surprisingly very well by the first wikipedia page paragraph.

If you don't you're a fucking idiot

Are asexuals really in on this train?


Surprisingly honest considering it's kikepedia.

Guy has a point, I could finish most of Morrowind in that time.

Though the twat doesnt get that it's not a law about bad games but broken as shit games


You might as well add "Hey Kim Jong-unm whatcha doin'?" to that image, considering he's the most recent communist dictator whom kills innocents that disagree with him.

how are broken as shit games defined?


What is with American college students calling themselves fucking Maoists? How fucking retarded are you people?

Even the racist Belorussian faggots at Wargaming admitted the Panther could fire that fast.

Only Americans are so stupid that they think that shit was communism. Fucking die of a heart attack already you pleb burger.

also this entire thread should be deleted and moved to a LOL thread

"Democratic Socialism." You know, when a bunch of people vote together that they deserve to steal from you. What are you gonna do? It is democracy :^)

Good shit user

These threads are always cancer since Holla Forums, Holla Forums and whoever else want to turn them into spaghetti throwing contests

it's called 'catch-22' user

That's all you got? FP has much worse stuff than that doesn't it?

I spell N-E-S but i say Sness

Nigga, everyone knows unless you have germanic aryan heritage (clear white) you're black.

ebonics =/= nigger talk.

Fo shizzle, bust a cap up in yo ass, mah nigga


No, absolutely not.

Fuck off with this trend, I can't constantly be on guard to make sure I don't get branded by some unpredictable trap a new player would have no idea how to counter unless they read a walkthrough for every step of the game. I might as well watch a fucking playthrough.

Do Steam Achievement modifiers get you banned again? That's literally the only way to excuse this shit.

Holy shit. Gitting gud is a mistake.

The protractor is a Stand, right? 10/10 either way


FUCK OFF /pone/
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The thing about that webm is, they aren't just complaining that the review is, say, 1/10, or some shit. No, they're complaining about 7/10. Like, seriously, what the hell.

Have something completely not cringe, because I don't save this shit, sadly.

See, it really pisses me off that everyone mentions that for proof against 60fps.
That wasn't the issue. The issue was the massive fucking CG literally everywhere.

I think folk are taking this a bit too seriously.
I've had times where I felt like that fellow.
Working for ages on a project, spending hours carefully putting the thing together, then, it turns out I did it all upside down.
Five hours of work, down the drain. Not to mention it'd give me another good hour or two to take the damn thing apart again.

The first part of dating deals with superficial shit, and all people are shallow. News at 11.

What does that have to do with video games? That's more of a dating thing.

Open on the female side only you mean?