Like Uncharted? Check Out Kojima's New Game


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It might be Kojima shilling for sony, but this is still extremely worrying.

How old are you?

great article

archive or shill, pick one

It's an interview excerpt.

I made sure not to archive it just for you.

They hardly have article about "muh diversity" or are you confusing it with other website

i'll say it again, archive or shill.
quite simple really.

Get a load of this nerd

Dropped before I even found out what genre it was, this is a personal record for me.



They are going to do Gone Gnome!!

Zone of Enders was a video game

kill yourself you waste of human flesh

Thanks hotwheels, meant to quote

new here huh?

The hell is a Hollywood system?


why, kojima-san, why

i still havent fully recovered from how hard of a slap in the face that was. now we'll only have flashlight-sneaking simulators with optional hide-in-locker mechanics for years to come.

Can't you read? It required Kojima to fully pitch his idea in every smallest details to get the funding he needed. Sony pretty much just throwing money at Kojima to make whatever he want

Fuck you, Kojima; where's my Silent Hills?

Not-MGS V confirmed. The things Kojima wanted to do but couldn't fully implement will now happen with his new game.

Its like the Bollywood system, but with less dances and more explosions

I can't wait to see how bad this will be. I'm gonna love all the crying from kojima fanboys on Holla Forums.

Open world ZoE spiritual sequel?


You've got dick sucking on the brain, son.

I know you're exaggerating, but this actually made me feel a little depressed. I knew survival horror was dead, but it really is heartwrenching to know that what could have been a glorious revival ended up being little more than the flashes of a good dream.

And theres still a PC version

I'm not riking this statement.

He's with sonny now. Probably not

i just want it on record that, regardless of his track record, kojima has always had a knack for finding or attracting artists who make the coolest fucking logos ever.

like, look at that thing, that is so unbelievably sweet, or the militaires sans frontieres one that is 100% banging

this is how fucking retarded you sound. go fight the good fight against those pesky paid marketers somewhere else

don't you fucking joke with me like that

Shit, user, whats wrong with you?

epic thread

It's all the same guy. Shinkawa's the fucking best, and Kojima's best trait is that he translates his art into the games fairly well. I consider him a lot better than Kojima himself, at the least.



Is this it?
Has Kojima been around long enough to become the cancer destroying the game industry?


Also, why has nobody posted an archive yet?

And so were the Boktai games, but you don't expect your average faggot here who spends his time shitposting on Twitter with an Anime avatar to know that, now ye?.

No, thanks for the thread and thanks Kojima for being such a westaboo

no, it has been explicitly confirmed from the devs themselves awhile ago

Fuck Uncharted.

You know what Kojima should have done?

Teamed up with del Toro.

Fucking hell, del Toro put all this work in to a "Mountains of Madness" movie that didn't get made because fucking studio execs wanted a happy ending and a love interest. In a fucking Lovecraft story.

Kojima got shit-canned and now Silent Hills isn't going to get made.

Combine the fucking two, you idorts!

Make a Mountains of Madness/Silent Hills collaboration fucking thing, call it Silent Mountains or Madness Hills or some fucking bastardisation and make the thing they both want to make at the same time.

del Toro gets his horror movie, Kojima still gets to pretend he's making movies but with someone actually competent at making said movies to supervise him, and maybe, just maybe, we will get a fucking decent fucking game.

Del Cucko should go back to mexico and make films there if he truly loves his people.

His political beliefs don't effect his work, though. It's not like Pan's Labyrinth is suddenly a shit movie because he doesn't want a wall built.

no thanks, i'll stay right here.

thank you

I saw that movie. It's pretty overrated and I usually love fantasy films.

Kojimbo was already working on ZOE 3 but it got cancelled when the HD remaster of the first two games wasn't well-received. The company that made the HD remaster is rumored to have never made an HD remaster before or since.

I don't understand this thing with Holla Forumsedditors and not being able to enjoy someone's work because they attach the political views of it's creator to his creation. That's rather childish and you won't really enjoy many thing in life that way.

Fuck off kike

You chose the worst possible example. The politics in Pan's Labyrinth made the real world segments more of a caricature than the fantasy ones.

I'm starting to think that Kojima wasn't responsible for the games he was involved with turning out good, it must have only been the other people working on them while he was just an idea guy.