Mattis says 'little doubt' Moscow meddling in elections

foxnews .com/politics/2017/02/16/mattis-rebuffs-russia-cooperation-call-says-little-doubt-moscow-meddling-in-elections.html

Man you shills really have kicked it up a notch tonight. Your masters must be completely panicked.

First post, every time.




so hes buying into the russia stuff?

I'm sure that Russia has meddled somewhat, but this is grossly mis-characterized and overexaggerated.

Mattis is a very good goy. Always has been.

He's just going to play PR now that he's out.

What did you mean by this?

This is the same guy who tongued Kosovo's asshole and asserted that they need to have full state and military capabilities to handle internal security [read: kill the remaining Serbs].

Wouldn't want the CIA to lose its main transport hub for Golden Crescent heroin in Camp Bondsteel, now would we?

No shit. No mercy for slavs. He isn't called "Mad dog" for no reason.

Why is he in Brussels seat of the EU?


What lying piece of shit.

Yeah its the (((Russians))) who are doing the meddling. Pay no attention to AIPAC Goyim.

Gtfo jew

Do you think because it's Midnight EST this will grow legs overnight? It was known months ago they were hiring for night shift duty.


Wow. Trump goes on TV and says "this Russia stuff is fake news," then Mattis does this.

Is international Jewry writing irresistible checks to these (((career politicians))) one by one who are all fucking over Trump? Does nobody have his back?

Fuck this. Trump should go Caesarism mode.

you idiots do realize he's referring to the original attempt on the DNC made by the Russians to get intel on Trump back in early 2016 right?

Read the replies in the read, numbnuts, nobody's buying it except for the shills. Mattis is saying what he has to while Trump's manoeuvering the media into position.

So has America. And even in America itself. DNC leaks ring a bell?

And the DNC leaks, the reactions were so weird. Like "how dare you interfere with our democracy by revealing the fact we interfere with democracy!"

It's a shill thread, user.

oh nvm then. nice get at least

This is the 3rd time now that he's undermined the President.

Are they getting more obvious or is it just getting cuter?

They're getting more desperate. Have you seen how many arrests have happened in the past week?

Another faggy Shill Thread. Also when in doubt, remember Mattis is a Soldier, Soldiers often follow orders.

Those eyes, all we need is a barber edit and a peashooter and we're good.

Also NATO seat

I was enthusiastic about Mattis when he was announced, but I like him less and less every time he opens his mouth. There's no doubt that he's qualified for the position, but it's pretty clear he's a neocohen through and through. Hopefully Trump keeps a tight leash on him.

I still can't grasp why people are falling for the russia angle. The only evidence that the alphabets have on Russian involvement with the election was a phishing email scam that originated in/near Russia. Better go to war soon, goy, your spam folders will soon be full.
Mattis is saying is:
If it weren't for the pro-war narrative adopted by many in America, I wouldn't think much of this line. An official youth wing of one of the two major parties in my country, Australia, went to America to shill for bernie on our tax dollars (although that's a federal crime). That's the kind of involvement I would assume. But since the yanks have lost their shit, his statement is concerning.

Hits the nail on the head. Fuck, just a few weeks ago, wasn't it an Israeli diplomat that was recorded asking an undercover journalist to (((take down))) prominent anti-israel politicians in Britain? The israeli have been caught red handed bribing and threatening european politicians. They even bombed an american warship.

The Red Menace is real. It's all the homegrown leftists infesting the nation right now, guided by jews.

He's not wrong? Of course Russia interferes with elections. They interfere with elections in the US, they interfere with elections in Europe. We do the exact same thing. We just more often than not skip the process altogether and put whoever we want in whatever spot is desired. The nations of the EU individually lack the same abilities to do so, but they certainly try their hardest, as best evidenced by their actions against Trump during the election. And China does their damned best to interfere, you can be sure of that.

In any case, Mattis is a soldier. He'll do what the President of the United States orders so long as he doesn't feel it violates the Constitution. If Trump were to go against the Constitution he'd be no better than the left and certainly wouldn't deserve the presidency. But up until that moment, Mattis won't do anything to undermine him.

I definitely think it's funny that the leftists are the ones sperging out about Russia now, though, considering that their entire political movement is the result of communist infiltration in the west. The irony is real.

First time I knew something was up was when he said he's ok with Women/Fags in the military during the confirmation hearing. His mind has obviously turned to shit from the Marxist brainwashing after all these years, if he thinks that.

Maybe Trump is the soviet agent and watchdog Mattis was placed behind Trump by the other faction of the deep state to watch him.

I'm starting to think he doesn't know what the fuck he was doing when assembling his team he thought would be alpha's and are all going basic bitch beta.

OP, you're a colossal faggot.

The board has gotten a bad case of "I only read titles like a faceberg normie" recently. I feel like I have to yell the fucking context from the rooftops half the time just to break a demoralization shill's attempts.

Good post.

I bet you're Canadian.

There it is then. They had their chance to shape up long ago. Even if they're insiders how did they pick sides so - I'll just blemmyespost instead.

Good dog, licking his (((master)))'s boots.

Baiting titles even with context are clickbait tier trash. It's a slow burn that is creating hovels for kike pigs to wallow in.

good boy


Its either there is evidence or there is not. The "rising evidence" actually means the continual buildup of a bullshit story. The Mattis quote, if he even said that, could be applied to any country. I am sure Russia has tried to sway an election of at least one country before but the implication is that Putin helped get Trump elected which is false.

He was nicely vague to avoid the question.

We're still not going to war with Russia, kike.

I relate it more to the death throes of a massive behemoth

He's talking about Ukraine. You know, like how it just came out that we fucked with France's elections to put a socialist puppet in power

He just said russia interferes in democrat elections, wich pretty much every big power does.

The the press writes a fantasious article trying to implicate as if it was directed at the american elections


I'm getting really sick of your shit Mattis.

Except he didn't say anything about that.
You mean wherein "protestors" (which we paid and trained and supplied) overthrew the democratically elected government of the Ukraine in a coup?
Is that what he meant?

mad cuck mattis does it again
fucking boomer cuck just wants to preserve the status quo, hope he keels over soon

This thread is full of shills. Only further confirming that their zionist handlers are really trying to push this narrative.
MadDog is exactly that, a dog who will fight against the zionist controlled CIA.
Anyone saying otherwise is a shill.

at least threads like this keep our critical thinking in check.

Has anyone else felt the impact of this outside of Mongolian water-painting forums? I find myself being much more efficient at the office when it comes to (((scheming))) coworkers.

Obvious kike is obvious

There's no way he's stupid enough to not realize the hypocrisy of his statement, especially given the shit the Marine Corps has been used for in the past. He's up to something. Either that, or we're all fucked.

He said "Democracies" That's the last "democratically elected government" that the Russians where accused of tampering.

Personally, I don't give a shit. They need Crimea and would have worked to get it no matter what, at least this way few people died.

I understand we need to fuck with Ukraine to keep Russian on her toes, but if the Russians fucked with Mexico to rile us up, we would be at war.

I want to go to space, not fight more white people in wars fam.

Nothing in the article specifies what Mattis was referring too though.


Obvious Russian is obvious, and totally besides the point.

Whether Ukraine 'belongs to Russia' or not is irrelevant - the point is, someone was trying to defend Mattis' statements by suggesting he was referring to Ukraine as the place wherein Russia was interfering with democracies… Except the US helped overthrow a democratically-elected regime… Because it was going to side with Russia instead of the West.

Put your fucking vodka down for a second Ivan and read before you get salty.

That Russia interfered with democracies - but so did we, and we did it first!

I likewise don't really give a shit in the context of Ukraine, I care about what the fuck Mattis was saying, and if its to be interpreted in the Ukrainian context, its an incredibly retarded and hypocritical stance for a faggot like him to be taking.

I want to go to space, not fight more people - White or otherwise - in pointless wars for Zion, and it seems Mattis is intent on seeing us war with Russia, of all fucking things, because… I don't fucking know, and wish he'd keep his fucking teeth together.

The name Mattis is Jewish in origin.

You would naïve to say Russia doesn't try and meddle in our elections. But it's quite a stretch to say Trump is a Russian puppet.
That's what the media narrative has been based on. Take something with a grain of truth and exaggerate the hell out of it to make it fit your narrative.

Also disliked the travel ban because his based Iraqi translators could be affected.

He's very obviously just spouting vague bullshit to get these retards to stop pestering him
