All that "diversity"

Now the funny thing is, NONE of the dark-skinned characters has an alternate costume that gives them even slightly lighter skin. None.

Why does no one talk about this? Because the game is fun? That's what it takes to fiddle people?

Other urls found in this thread:


The floaty robot thing is obviously indian inspired in both costumes you goddamn trainwreck.

And let me just say that Overwatch is boring shit and you're a terrible person for even giving the game exposure by creating a new thread.

The alternate costume is obviously supposed to look like an Arab sultan. Are you an idiot?

they're just skins you dont' even have to use them

hell you don't even have to play the game actually

"Skins" are some of the biggest motivators for people in games, user.

…you really are retarded and just looking for excuses to complain. Probably doing all of this just to shill the game by increasing exposure.

Can't you give the identity politics a rest for two fucking seconds?

How about just not caring about the shit game you god damn faggot I fucking hate that kike, mark.

because it doesn't matter you faggot

you're also abstaining the information that that that those are the "third" costumes, your example pics show the characters second and third costumes cuz you're trying to get people to kick sand around and maybe screencap it

what the hell is Mediterranean about wearing a wolf on your head, he still has Japanese text on his shoulderpads too


This is shit is dead within a month. Then it will go free 2 play and be dead in a month again.

It's obviously an indian guru lad.
A cherry picked pic of an oriental sultan doesn't prove anything.

hardly news

1) A turban is a Muslim thing mostly:

2) You're the one nitpicking. There are other examples.

3) You have a dark-skinned alternate costume for almost all white characters but not a light-skinned alternate costume for ANY, I repeat because you are a mentally retarded SJW 4chan tourist, ANY of the dark-skinned characters.

How cucked are you guys here?

Yeah, let's ignore he magically turns black.

top kek

go away blizzard shill, I dont have any overwatch porn to give you. Not helping you bump your shill thread any more.

he's hardly black, if anything he looks kinda mongolian or some shit. also who cares, it's a fucking alt skin, he has 2 skins where he's his good ol' gook self

i am convinced you're just here to stir shit

I'm convinced you are mentally disabled ignoring the fact it's weird he has a skin that makes him look black or extremely dark-skinned, his brother gets an Arab costume and weapon, other white characters get dark skin and none of the dark-skinned character get anything like that.

Didn't know Holla Forums is more delusional and cucked than 4chan.

No, they aren't. Are you 12?

Do the japenese characters still spout weebshit when they activate their ulties or do the weebshouts get turned into allahu ackbars?

no because they're just skins and it's an excuse for the devs to create more themed costumes without making more themed characters

there's only like 2 dark skinned characters in the game and their alt costumes cover their faces

okay wait there's 3 dark skinned characters, lucios who's alt costume covers his face with a frog mask

pharrahs alt costume replaces her power armor with something that looks like a fucking gundam, is she being gookwashed?

the symetra alt costume turns her blue

yes, i was playing the beta and i got genjis arab scimitar costume in a lootbox, and equipped it, he still yells his weebshit

Look, man. I like gameplay. I don't care if the characters are all stick figures, black white, pink-haired, thick rimmed glasses, etc. The game is fun, the controls are tight, all the characters are interesting and satisfying to play, there's things to unlock, and the game is pretty.

If the game is fun enough to have me look past the exact number of white people compared to the exact number of black people, then where's the issue?


He posted this thread on Holla Forums too.

Because no one gives a shit?

louis can get fucked too

You're a cuck. It's okay.

McCree is tan as fuck and his alts turn him into a fucking southern slave owner

With the alternate costumes there are more dark-skinend than light-skinned.

The Jew is subtle, user, unlike you.

Around level 40+ guys you only have Muslim and black characters in your room.


Now go back to Reddit, please. Stop shitting up my thread.

You should, though, unless you are Arab, of course. But I bet you are a fat, balding, dumb American cuck "rebel" who doesn't care about anything.


You fucking idiot

shit moba

Not to say you're wrong, but a smelly mudshit is a smelly mudshit.

yeah, it's like an updated and less messy tf2 without microtransactions and more characters.

Pharrah is the only character with headwear to constantly be depicted without it on, to show off just how super egyptian she is
Wow, an indian dressed like a hindu deity, what a radical change

So, shit.


This is a pretty shit thread about a shit game

Rolling for digits

And you call me dumb?

no because the game doesn't force you to wear the costumes and you don't take into account any of the other characters , this isn't them turning tracer or mercy into niggers they're taking characters they can slap different skins on to because they can make more themes, roadhog is a big fat guy so they can put a maoi skin and tats on him and it will look like a maoi guy without having to make an entire new character, just like genjis arab blades, his initial costume doesn't even have a face so they can change it's theme without making a whole new characters

because he's just a knockoff of Beast from Xmen

as much fucking diversity bullshit goes on behind the scenes, this is a bad example and probably just bait to gather fake "outrage"

How is it shit? Too much effort spent on actually making some pictures and examples unlike most threads that are just one-line shitposts?


you literally replaced what i said with your own words lol. do you have dyslexia?
I said without, not with, and tf2 was fun before the hats and shit.

As long as they're robots, I don't mind. Robots are cool


This is just outright crazy. It's actually hilarious to see a mind degrade to the point where this is a problem to them.


No, it's not. As much as you love ignoring the fact how it's weird as fuck that almost every white character has a dark-skinned or black/Arab theme alternate costume and none of the blackies do, it's blatant SJW propaganda shit.

They didn't even try to hide it. Although I think that pink-haired monster is even worse than all of them. Or the fat girl to cater to even more feminists.

Yeah, it's totally crazy, kek. Nothing to see here at all.

Looks like a tanned Nip.

Ninja into a Hassassin? Nothing to get too upset over tbh.

The fuck are either of those supposed to be?

Either Buddhist monk into Guru, or Buddhist monk into a Persian mystic. Either way file name's off, Persians aren't black and Chinks aren't white.

Isn't that the guy that betrays the blonde haired blue eyed American?

Well I mean how else would you have super science Africa? DC got it right.


emissary from Holla Forums here, stop playing the interactive jew

This is what Stormfags actually believe.

I-I'm sure you guys are right. I'm just seeing things.

Well I've got bad news for you buddy. You're the only dumbass here.
If you don't like the game then stop giving it attention and shilling it for free.





you obviously don't know a god damn thing about character models or skins so just fucking stop

as for zarya, yes she is a pink haired monster and totally pandering garbage, she is a garbage character too judging by the beta i played

stop yourself, official concepts she's titty monster

give me one reason to believe you aren't here trying to gather proof that all the mean bullies on the internet are racists

Wait I didn't know this thread was about Overwatch, disregard that I suck cocks

That's where we differ.

She'd probably be okay if anyone bothered to play her
And it's totally understandable why nobody wants to play her, you have to unlock one of the orange skins first, and that's just a pain in the ass

first is his standard outfit, big fat hook guy, standard shit for these kind of games, second is obviously maori inspired

Kill yourself casual.

This is a whole new game aimed at 12+ year old kids.
More casual than most shooters out there.
Colorful as fuck and with modern "epic" themes.

You need a fucking mental condition to defend this product actiblizz has shat out.

porn alone doesn't make a game

*tips fedora*

But then they replaced it with another ass pose that is from a pin-up.

It was all a marketing ploy, you silly goy. False controversy.

Only if no one shoots her shields. If they're retarded her gun at 80%-100% strength murders everything.

nah she's trash, need a tank just use reinhart and put a wall of guns behind him, her shields don't even come close to reins

shitty character which i do believe was slapdashed together

At least if enough casuals buy it we might end up getting a good pixar style avengers ripoff

Not that I don't think the game isn't shit or sjw, but if nearly every character has an alternate skin like this couldn't you have posted more examples, or at least more convincing examples?

Anyways this issue reminds me of something that happened in league of Legends way back: They released the only black character in the game, and the first skin released for him made him white.

What does this even mean? it's not some kind of abstruse profession only learned by one of a billion special snowflake tumblr fags. Who decides "when" someone knows "things" about "skins".

Are you an idiot?

And yes, this girl looks fat as fuck, you don't have a face like this when you aren't fat and her whole body screems fat, don't give me some unimportant, shitty concept arts to deny this.

This is some of the most blatant feminist faggot SJW pandering I've ever seen in a video game.

yeah. No microtransactions. That's what we're talking about, not how the game handles duplicate items.

You might not like the replacement for dupes, but i don't mind it. I'm pretty sure you can influence what you get too as the character I play most also happens to be who I have the most stuff for.

you literally went and got some fat-lover's fanart and claimed it was official art. Fuck off, nothing you say in this thread can be respected anymore.

There is no ass in your pictures.

Roadhog's the only one that looks white. The others are Asian.

Man look at this game doing things I don't want it too, it should be altered with my tastes in mind.

This isn't censorship though, because FART lol


Which apparently aren't diverse enough anymore.

Ah, fair enough.

Make up your mind you drooling retard, either you're "LOL GAS DA GOOKS XD" or you're "Well I guess this game is just too diverse for some people!", you can't be both.

you gave me fanart from a fucking fat fetishist, you are completely full of shit and there is no way you are doing anything other than trying to stir up trouble because you're some third party cunt who wants to data mine or some false flagging dipshit who wants to prove how racist Holla Forums is based of an optional skin change in a video game

wew lad


The game is incredibly flawed but discounting Zarya they've made all of their women conventionally attractive. Some of the arguments I've seen are pretty ridiculous. Just because the game is garbage it doesn't mean you should make shit up.

"shitty concept art" is much more relevant than crap from tumblr.

If this looks like the face of a fat woman to you I doubt you've actually seen one to begin with.

that's golden

The game is a fucking mess, it's gonna take more than just the Blizzard Seal of Quality to make it last and skin variations aren't something that will keep it afloat, forced diversity or not.

And shittier maps and slower gameplay, and skill cooldowns and I-Win buttons and instagibs everywhere

Speaking of alternate skins… I've got this as a drop, which made me not have to vomit at the pink hair shit, but if having "darker skins" for light skinned character means waging war on whites, does covering up the pink hair mean waging war on tumblr?

I still don't understand what the fuss about this pose is. There's a "Salute" pose that if turned around shows her cameltoe and nobody complained about that

Goddamnit guys, I don't want to defend this garbage but you're complaining about shit problems in a shit game that doesn't even deserve its own thread.

i enjoyed playing zarya and got multiple play of the games because ult is too strong, especially with mei on your team

there's a point to be made about aethetics ruining the tone of a game, but ow has made it clear from the initial designs that there is no unifying aesthetic theme. i'm not buying this mediocre game but if i did, i'd only use the skins i like, like any rational human would. kindly fuck off back to Holla Forums

I'm pretty sure you're a retard.

Good luck ever getting the skins you want only using welfare boxes.

Post more fat Mei.

well asians are pretty xenophobic and don't let brown people into their country so SJW types are at an impasse if they're allowed to hate asians or not

but coincidentally, japan is a pretty well functioning country and it's made almost entirely out of its own people, i mean yeah their suicide rates are high, but their crime rate isn't

Well, yes, her face clearly looks fat. So does her body, except for maybe some shitty concept art drawn by some faggot.

i honestly dont mind any of the Overwatch characters. i think they did pretty decent job, even though they obviously were obsessed with trying to be "diverse" like faggots.

except Zarya and Lucio. those two characters are abominations. the "diversity" went wrong there.

lucio on paper isn't bad, rollerskating DJ thing it works, but his delivery was weak

zarya can fuck off, she's incredibly out of place in this game. if they had a different model for her and changed it last minute i would believe it too since all her voice lines are russian stereotypes that don't match up with her pink hair and painted nails one bit

This game probably has 5000 times the content/costumes but I think they never tried any forced shit or turning any of the characters black or the Scout/medic/sniper fat for diversity.

I don't think you understand what a parka is.

I never did understand what those caps at the end of his weird dreadlock things were supposed to be.

This is true is you ignore the character who is black, or the character who is a fat guy, you cherry picking homo queer.

They're both really fun to play

It's sad that the goth haircut is an improovement

Threads like this make me think that shills sometimes pull some reverse psychology shit and post controversial threads so we can









no matter what. The game is obviously full of international and colorful characters because Blizzard wants to attract normalfags from around the whole world instead of only their fucking competitive korean niche market.

forgot to sage

They should have just made her coat skin the default. It's miles better.

Says the guy who forgot to sage.

I bet you're the marketer, you fucking shill fuck.

It's just OP desperate for attention, manufactured outrage over a game he was never going to play

you double nigger

yea i think their gameplay is solid and even their voice acting and stuff, but the design is just tumblr shit


agreed, and it works with her voice lines and taunts

I stopped caring about agendas RE overwatch because I actually tried it, and it's fun as fuck, and I'd bang every female in the game until my dick chafed. Mei is the cutest all other waifus go home

it's a shame that it's actually fun because there is that lingering stank of blizzard on it and there's a large chance that what we got in the beta is the whole game

how about the lingering stank of those trips big guy

Japanese can have dark skin, idiot
Have you ever been to Japan?

pft what the fuck is this from

every fucking time.

Jesus fucking Christ

You niggers have reached some new levels of being retarded.

This is SJW level retarded.

Why would anyone have an opinion about something they're ignorant about, what are you retarded?

Just watch the world fall apart.

Engineering is hard work ok

I'm sure it is toy-maker

Instead of complaining about this you should be complaining about how ass the game is. But I guess modern Holla Forums doesn't play games.


I swear you fuckers would be complaining that Laura Matsuda is SJW pandering if SFV was made by Western developers

Pretty much
Enables discussion of the game for shills to worm their way into front page
If op was genuine then thats even more pathetic since he played the role of good goyim of making an outrage thread granting more exposure


SFV had some weird ass SJW pandering when they clipped out ass shots in certain animations

and that game is full price early-access piece of shit so that was the least of its problems

Not to be a pedantic prick, but it's Maori.

New zealand directly neighbours Australia and there's a good chance road hog is a kiwi, so it makes sense he'd have a quintessentially kiwi skin you stupid faggot.

And Hanzo's skin just looks like an Okinawan or Mongolian or some shit.

The robot is already supposed to be a Buddha or sheikh as well you silly goose.

I swear some of the stuff in this game which is actually related to the gameplay is stupid as fuck, but people just have no idea what they are even complaining about sometimes on this site.

pol doesnt do much of anything.

It's pandering because most of the characters are boring stereotypes and the ones that aren't stick out so much that it makes the game as weirdly diverse as your average children's show

no that's fair, i fucked up

Moar plz, it's for a good cause
My penis

she caters to MY DICK, NIGGA

Nice one, ArchangelleOrtleberg

Remember Evolve anons, post porn and the shills will leave.

blizzard is smart enough to know having a waifu selection will bring more people to their game and don't fear the porn

No, post DEGENERATE porn and the shills will leave. No company wants to be associated with freaks who want to fuck xenomorph-looking ayy lmaos. Fetish porn is the answer, not sfm vanilla shit

You can't fool me just by moving your numbers one over Satan.

The game is actually pretty fun and I'm the furthest thing away from a Blizzdrone




Too vanilla, post robots or dobson shit

I disagree
It has so little content that I was burned out after three days of seeing the exact same shit happen over and over and over again

Like Street Fighter?

Winston x Roadhog


I just want to post mei


he just wants to get his home back


shit, what was it called? That XBONE game with time powers. Quantum Break?

I can't respect a game that fawns and grovels like that, man. It's like trying to fap to 'healthy' porn. It's repulsive, because I can feel the cold dead hand of society on my dick. It's a slimy, unwanted intrusion by a third party into my correspondence with art.

aka the game with CIA

That's more like it. At least this level beyond vanilla, fat-humiliation.

You are poisoning me.

Don't spoonfeed this guy


Mei is not chubby!
She's just thick

sadly i do not have a chart of past blizzard fuckups to post, but what the hell did you expect?
didnt they even change dialogues and item names in WoW because someone felt 'offended'?

Because everyone would rather download the gratuitous amounts of porn this game generates.
Speaking of…

Nice, new Mei lewds.

Zarya has like the makings of a good hero but she just needs number tuning. That she has the least health of all the tanks on top of none of it being armor is pretty shit and her shields just don't last long enough and have too long of cooldowns to make up for that or put her on the same level of defensive capability of the other tanks. Her ult is fantastic and her damage when charged is really good but because of those super short shields its very difficult to get charged even in big fights. If you've got super good reflexes you can block some things that other tanks can't but even then it's usually not enough to swing a game.

I'd like to try this game, but the overwhelming shilling, quirky xD characters despite some nice characters being there, and the EVERYONES A WINNER DON'T WANT TO HURT YOUR FEEFEES bullshit kills any interest I might have. could've been a decent "she's really good at games, we put her on a robot and she's surprisingly good with it" character, but they had to go above and beyond pandering with being both a gook and a MLG-ish girl.


Being korean gives enough autism to override the vagina

Its cute that anyone thinks that this board of all places would be shilled.

This tiny ass dying board where at peak primetime hours we have 600 posts per hour(used to be nearly 3k) most of them done by the same people no doubt.

Never mind the fact that everything is hated here, yea I'm sure companies are paying top dollar for some poor asshole to shill games to like 20 people who hate them.

Got that far. Shoo, shoo, bait goblin.

I try to think of lucio as a reject Jet Set Radio character and then he's ok

But Pharah pleases my wiener dude


The game is pretty damn good, though. That'st he sad thing since it's infested with SJW pandering shit.

And why do you degenerate subhuman have this shiton your computer? Well, I just answered this myself.

Except she's always wearing that suit, so it's like some weird monstergirl version of clang

Most degenerate gamet here is.

You can enjoy it and still know it's pandering to degenerates and that it's annoying and wrong.

Can't argue with the Jews and Marxist fags. They're everywhere already.

I don't even know what fucking game you're talking about but those alternate costumes look pretty cool and I don't give a fuck who thinks their culture got stolen.

Did Buckly model her face?

You say that as if it were a bad thing

I don't see what's bad about this

That's because you're a cuck which again is why the white race is declining. Whitewash a black guy and people will throw a tantrum and then it will be forever respected and regarded that you don't do such a thing. Blackwash a white or Asian guy and cucks are cool with it.

We all know Roadhog is the best character though

Why is everyone on this board constantly making race threads?

Have a black girl OP. Fuck you

Dude like, %90 of Overwatch porn is futa. I don't really mind it but I understand why people get pissed since that's basically the only thing some people draw.

Holla Forums this is why we need to build a wall
to keep those fuck heads out of Holla Forums

Hanzo is asian already though. You're just spouting off about things you don't even know.



Pick one or the other you degenerate

Bare in mind goons got mad we outed that guy who set up the emails.

Not to mention they've hated us since forever (and a surprising number are SJWs).

They have been trying to divide the boards for ages- so bare in mind some people might bait or encourage board wars with Holla Forums.

Why is it in a place where anonymity is valued, someone would pin an identity to another user to insult them?

are you doing this ironically

Because they're desperate and have no other arguments?

finally, people who are more pathetic than /r9k/

No shit, Blizzard doesn't make games with shit gameplay. They may fuck up at launch, but they eventually sort it out.

The skin is called Djinn

It's obviously about Middle East

I'd let her snuggle me

So they painted it red and gave it a beard.
I fail to see how that is blackwashing, especially since it's a fucking robot

Look, Holla Forums, lets have a talk.

I love you guys, you know I do. But you really need to keep it in your pants. This is a board about video games, not about how much you hate non-whites. You don't see us posting on your board constantly about video games and derailing threads, you could at least extend to us the same courtesy.

We're all buddy's, you're always welcome, just do us all a favor and try to keep the board on topic because it gets really tiring trying to talk about video games when every thread with more than 100 posts devolves into ranting about the kikes and the niggers.

i cannot denounce this ascension

I love how there are BUT IT'S FUN-fags, yet if you suggested game a game that just so happens to have ass and titties or cute anime girls, and they won't even touch it. It's a chink game, but I'm enjoying Rabi Ribi more than these recent shit games. It's not like I'm there for the girls, the hot portraits are in there much less than he actual gameplay sprites, and the sprites are anything but hot.






Fuck off.

>>>Holla Forums

We came here together and we'll stay together, you soc-jus kike


Yeah, but vidya discussion is boring shit.
This isn't Wikipedia, man, it's a party.

This is not to completely excuse Holla Forums, though. The "duh genie rat" shit whenever someone posts porn reeks of normalfag.

They attract their fair share of shits, is what I'm saying, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw in with progs and swips.

>>>Holla Forums

I don't go on Holla Forums and spam Holla Forums threads, so how is it okay you do vice-versa?

i dont get it,if they want to create a game pandering to sjw let them have it and stay the fuck away from it
frothing off mindlessly to it gives them more goddamn attention

You made this same thread on Holla Forums you stupid faggot.

Jesus Christ, I haven't even watched this.

Why are video game writers so shit anyway? How can they not realize humans romancing toasters is dumb as fuck and unrealistic? This is even worse than your average 5/10 movie plot.

It was already revolting when Fallout 4 just did this.

Pretty disgusting, tbh.


pls go and stay go


No, I'm not. He's Japanese, period. Not a Mongol (which aren't this dark-skinned either), not a nigger.stop being a dumb piece of shit cuck, please. Not everyone has a degenerate fetish.

People would fucking marry their 2D waifus today if they legally could

I fucking wish we were back in the time video games were on Holla Forums
Discussing TES was a blast years ago on half/pol/

i dont go on Holla Forums

just like the prime in your image


I can't believe they white-washed the demoman

I think some people have, actually.

I swear to god, Holla Forums, you're a bunch of faggots.


The world isn't ruled by degenerates fetishists, though. Those people are a minority. Of course not here so you can get the wrong impression.

It's completely retarded to fall in love with a robot or something and caring about its "feelings". Fallout 4 was so cringe-worthy, literally dropped it after 10 hours.

Best thing is the Institute didn't even have a reason for building them, kek. There literally was no reason for them doing this. Everyone wants them dead but they won't stop.

Some stupid logo disgusts you? I see.

I could say the exact same thing about a human
Go home christfag

>tfw you will never CLANG a cute robot girl

But humans have emotions…? Are you trolling or are some people here really this dumb and degenerate?

Guess 4chan wasn't this bad after all.

It hurts to live

And why can a robot not have emotions
Souls don't real christfag

Widowmaker shot that peace loving motherfucker and completed her mission, all while dealing with girl-Flash.

If anything the trailer emphasized the survival of the fittest.
Now, you can be a bitch, but just don't do it here.

>The relationship has dissolved to become entirely physical.
>Given she is typically an emotional person, I think it's coming to an end.
>Might broach the idea of FWB status.

Oh shit what I meant to say was you're not gonna get to cum in her afro. One time I gave her a pearl necklace though, that was hot as fuck.

Because robots don't have the hormonal capacity to feel real emotions.

Why are hormones necessary to emulate emotions
Why can't the hormones themselves be simulated


You really don't understand how the human brain works, do you.

Because that doesn't fall in line with his angle of shitposting.

You may not be Anthony Burch, but damn if you aren't trying.

Adam and Eve,
Not Florence and the Machine.

Think of it more the worst of Holla Forums or those who wanted them to look bad

Remember how some people get pissed when an /a/ topic or posts are here, that really belong on /a/? Same sort of thing. It's not the dislike of the Holla Forums topic (I'd wager many anons here post or browse Holla Forums), but the dislike of that topic at that moment in time. I'd go to Holla Forums if I wanted it. Same as if I was on Holla Forums I wouldn't want to talk about the vidya industry.

Now, here's the issue. Politics affects everything. As we've seen- it's had an effect on vidya, and it's not good. It's tricky because it could fit in both camps at first glance. However, Holla Forums focuses on the major effects- economic, cultural, security, etc. The affect on industries- entertainment, manufacturing, transport, etc are minor compared to that (except when talking about a nations economy and said industry is a major part of it).

In that regard; the effects of recent culture on vidya is Holla Forums related- but the current culture of the world shouldn't be the focus of discussion IMO.

The major issue though is that it turns into an argument instead of a discussion. Whether it's a goon, SJW, intl, or an idiot- the outcome is the same. An argument that derails and pisses everyone off. In GG threads, they have an "Ignore, Hide, Report" methodology for those they expect to be shills. After a month the arguments dropped down dramatically. After 6 they were almost gone (save for major concentrated "raids").

So if the user you're discussing with decides to turn it into an argument instead of a discussion ("You must be [negative] to belie that! I'm better than you!") then ignore them, and even filter their ID. If you see two anons going at it like that, filter them both. With only each other to "play" with and no one else to join in (and no audience to feed them), they will quickly grow bored.

Freedom of speech also means the freedom to ignore people- be it at your own peril with good advice or discussion, or ignoring something that does not entertain, intrigue, or stimulate you.
Ignoring people online is the only time ignoring a problem can solve it.

Kill yourself.



Anthony Burch doesn't get his dick sucked, though

Also, have a cap m8.
You've voiced my opinion on the subject far better than I ever could have.

I don't have to know how it works, I just know that it isn't fucking magic
And if it isn't fucking magic, it can be replicated synthetically

We've talked about it. Honestly I'm waiting for her to cave because she's a total nympho, but I can't put the pressure on her to have sex or she's gonna blame me for it forever if it winds up being "not what she wanted". I'm doing a bad job about being impartial, though.


Are you in high school or something? You can't do better than this shit?

Not really m8. I'm xbox-hueg. Not a lot tend to go for big fat guys like me.

I didn't get into this relationship expecting as much as I've gotten though. She plays a lot of vidya and D&D, we're in the same major, we enjoyed hanging out a lot, blah blah personal blog.

Turing test

She's fat, isn't she?

That particular Reaper skin is named Blackwatch Reyes, he's a spic.

I mean jesus, it doesnt take genius. Yes, its somewhat video related, but at the core of it what is this really about? Its definitely not about the character design itself, its the politics surrounding the character design. While this discussion maybe worth having, we have separate boards for a reason. Holla Forums is to talk about video games, and Holla Forums is to talk about politics. Its this same "Art does not exist in a vacuum" that has allowed Video game Journalism to stop reporting on the video games themselves and start reporting on how racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Its not even a matter of "if you dont like it, ignore it" either becuase every article written about racism and ever bad review score given because of sexism take the place and views that could've gone to something talking about the video game itself, as does every politic thread on Holla Forums pushing a threat talking about the game of itself off the board.

I didn't mean it to come across like that.
SJW use it as a shield (Everything is political, so we must treat it as egg-shells) I meant more that everything is affected by politics- so as you discuss "how did this happen" with anything, you wind up back to a political topic.

And I agree with the middle part, but I only proposed the "ignore them" solution for this board and threads (bar Meta Holla Forums threads). Everywhere else, make your voice heard. The industry is in this mess because we grew tired of trying to make our voices heard, so we gave up and shitposted with each other- withholding out opinions from the market at large. Then SJW took our place.
No matter the capacity, always offer your opinion publicly so all people can weigh in on it, promote discussion, bait out shills, etc.

Hell OP I'm a massive raging foaming at the mouth Natsoc and even I'm ok with the design choices

You clearly are a SJW trying to stir up trouble

Piss off and die.

Not a bit.

This entire thread is hilarious considering how far up diversities ass this game is and anons are still trying to defend it. But fuck it nothings gonna change, bring on diversity and islam, I'll enjoy watching all these Nu-males get the shit beaten out of them and be forced to watch the women they want go with muzzies and watch their sisters and mothers raped. Should be cathartic.

I dont know how anyone can argue this bitch isnt tumblr incarnate. She's got the problem glasses, the double chin, the oriental hair and shes fucking fat.

user.. I have some terrible news for you.


I have literally no idea what you guys are seeing. She's by no stretch of the imagination ugly, unless you don't like how black people look.

Those second and third examples are one hell of a stretch, banana shoes don't make you black.


I'm perfectly aware. I only bring her up half the time because it triggers people. This time it was at least relevant that she was black.

So the bad guy's a spic? Explain to me how this is SJW-tier?

So you get she's fucking dudes behind your back right?

If you get that pregnant, you have no one but yourself to blame, faggot.

you'll probably have some kind of std too

She isn't.

That's kind-of the point of abstinence.

You missed the part where OP completely didn't mention these are alternate character skins you can buy with in-game currency.

Of course OP mostly did this on purpose to kick up a stink over fucking nothing.

Odds are she's already got someone else lined up and you're just too meek and laid back to get her to want to fuck. I'd bet money not 2 weeks after you two split some new guy is gonna be around her all the time, and he's been drumming her muffin a while now.

So if you want your black character white ya gotta pay. But blackwashing your white/asian characters is free. How are you proving him wrong exactly?

And they do it -$10.

Doesn't that make whiter characters more valuable?

Makes them rarer and gets you used to not seeing them.

The only character or skin in the game anyone could really consider to be SJW pandering would be Zarya, and barely anyone ever picks her despite her arsenal being pretty good.
Of all the characters OP is whining about, Roadhog would be the only white one. Genji and Hanzo are Japanese, Zenyatta is a robot and Reaper is of unknown race. Blizzard was obviously going for a "Characters from all over the world" type cast because it makes sense in the setting.
OP is just a huge faggot.

Doesn't that mean richer players get to play as white people more? Do you want poorfags playing as whites?

seriously, just dump porn and they should go away

There isn't another guy now. She's way too open for that, we've got a strong line of communication and something would have come up. And I never said she was emotionally distant. Emotionally she seems really close. Honestly I'm the one distancing myself, I think I'm falling out of love, which blows. Personal blog shit though.

Y'all can keep telling yourself stuff, though.


forgive me, mark.

I want to see my race the most, like any other sensible person in the world.

Wtv helps you sleep at night bro.

Because that's a boldface lie.


It's usually a blowjob and snuggling up to the nubile curves of my culturally enriching woman, you racist pig-man :^)

You're all just fucking retarded. Flat out fucking retarded. Fuck all of you.


doing mods work user

Nice source. Should I go through every single skin and make sure over the next hour to prove you wrong? I spose next time I cite a source I should cite the whole book too and not a single paragraph. Try being specific genius.

Funny thing, if I asked for source on your shit you would have shrieked and cried about, "THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU" and sent me on a wild goose chase for information that didn't exist.

Your pics only show white dudes going black in some skins. Wheres the black dudes going white in some skins like you're trying to disprove? What are you even doing?

That evolve post was probably 100% bullshit but Im glad it happened so that now we have porn dumps in just about every thread for a new hyped-up game.

It would on a surface level
But if you actually look into the story you'd find it doesn't really support the premise of the game
Half of the characters are not affiliated or even connected to Overwatch or any competing groups, and several of them aren't even unique, being a normal ass member of a millitary or security group without anything special about them outside of their annoying personalities

Adam and Barrymore

There's only one black character though.

Not with those skins there arent. And theres plenty of nonwhite characters. If white characters can be racechanged, i'd assume equality would allow the reverse to be true.


I just wanted to show off my Bayonetta shop



shame neutral pose doesn't show it with her fucking helmet on

Thats the best you got huh. A robot. I didnt realize robots were white :^)

When you say "black", do you mean actual black people? or just people that aren't white?
Also, the only white character that gets a race changing skin is Roadhog.


This is golden
I take it back the shitposting in this thread looks like people had fun

is Meis' weapon a freeze gun because she's a special snowflake?

History repeats itself.

well apparently putting genji in an arab themed costume counts as a race change according to OP

and reaper not being white under his mask also counts as a "Race change'

What exactly is it you're trying to convey here

I didn't realize banana shoes made you a mudslime either. :^)

Besides we all know too well that blacks aren't good at technology, they're all too busy throwing mud into piles in their mud huts made and eating mud cookies.

This has to be the most gay-ass looking fucking character in recent years.


And thank god for the bump limit

This is his hair.

True, it could also make you one of santa's elves
Too bad curly shoes aren't the only aspect of those skins, or you might have a point

And yet somehow putting a turban on one makes it arab

he's right though, it's just a fucking skin and genji still sounds like a gook and screams shit in japanese while wearing it, it's just a costume they threw on him

roadhog is the only one you could argue is a race change

i actually laughed the first time i saw Reaper as a black-cat-burglar, i wish his ulti was just him screaming "I DIN DO NUFFIN" and then him chimping out

reaper probably ins't actually black under the mask but more liklley just a demon thing, i think the alternate skins aren't meant to be the same character but rather other people who are part of the war for the galaxy (which is what i understand the game to be about after reading about the lore for about 5 seconds)

I think that's the most likley thing, that they're just people from the same clan/tribe and that there aren't just one of these heros with alternate skins it still doesn't explain Reaper-Cat-Burglar but

According to the wiki, Reaper's real name is Gabriel Reyes and he was born in LA. He's a spic and the Blackwatch Reyes skin is supposedly how he looked in his military days, before he went full edgelord.

he looks more like he looks in a boatyard

And it's design is unquestionably arabic, which is the only thing I addressed

If you look at Roadhog's hands though you can see his skin is the same color it normally is, he just looks darker because he's covered in tattoos. The Toa skin is actually lighter than his basic skin color.

the military let him dress up as a cat-burglar gusss he's undercover or something then.

So i assume that means there's a reason other characters have skin changes. if feels 50/5- if some characters are a before and after and then other characters are totally different people.

So genji having arab clothes and a scimitar, is that him when he goes to arabia to fit in? or is that a different genji.

characters with total race changes don't make sense now if reaper is just an edgy burglar

God damn now this just got hard to follow, so,


I fucking lol'd

No one gave a fuck when he was selling tacos.

or maybe they're just costumes and have no connection to the lore

i'm probably wrong but i think reapers costume is what he looked like before he became reaper or whatever

The skins that are part of the special edition are the only ones that are before/after skins, there's one for Soldier 76, one for Reaper and one for Pharah and the Tracer one might be but it could also just be a random costume since she doesn't look very different. Bastion's is sort of a before/after thing since I think part of his backstory is he was a war robot who was just left in a field for years. Everything else is just silly "for fun" skins.

The Blackwatch Reyes skin as well the other Overwatch Origins edition exclusive skins (I'm not sure about Bastion's Overgrown skin) are how the characters used to look during the events prior to the game.

OP and everyone else acting this way should fucking kill themselves. You whites did your own people a disgrace by being a bunch of fucking virgin losers, now everywhere is getting overrun with beaners and mudslimes.

And then there's this fucking faggot right here…

Here's your (You), Now fuck off.

Holy fuck it sounds like it hit too close to you for comfort. u mad?
At least you got dubs

It's admirable that you're willing to bait just to keep the thread alive, but why sage?



I have no idea what point you're even trying to make with all those random words and sayings.

But it looks like Widowmaker is the only non-degneerate character in this game.

She's french
And also really into spiders

yeah her big ass and blue skin became a lot less attractive knowing she was a frog

still better than a loudmouthed limey though

Holy shit, Holla Forums Holla Forums is even more SJW infested and retarded than 4chan Holla Forums. I thought this was one of the main reasons Holla Forums became a thing? Are you guys completely bluepilled? Do you never inform yourselves about what's going on that it's really inconceivable for you that some Jew company would actually pull such a thing? Watch this new Huntsman movie which is based on a medieval story, there are literally more black guys in the background than whites.

That's a fucking alien whatever costume, not a religion, race, culture or whatever. I also didn't pick that Junkrat and his "Toasted" or "Scarecrow" costume and say it's blackwashing.

Wearing a white suit equals turning someone's skin black?

A scimitar, a headscarf and those shoes sure make you appear like one. You can argue he still sounds Japanese and probably still is Japanese. And Abdullah could argue he is indeed Arab and just speaking Japanese because he served or was born in Japan. Nothing about this make the Islam pandering and forced cultural "enrichment" unhappen. It's fucking out of nowhere.

It counts as forced cultural enrichment and globalism propaganda.

His skin is clearly darker, retard. And it's pandering to a non-white culture regardless.

Well, with those skins (everyone will use above level ~30), there sure are more black guys. And it's not just about blacks, it's about non-whites (I count at least 6 or 7) and DIFFERENT CULTURES BEING FORED ONLY ON THE REMAINING WHITE CHARACTERS, NOT ON THE COLORED PEOPLE.

How hard is this to understand? You eternal cucks.

Both things I consider disgusting. Still no idea what his point was.

Robot/human romance shit or humans pretending robots have emotions or some kind of nonsense is just borderline retarded, childish shit tier writing that couldn't even make a 4/10 movie plot.

I'm disappointed.

or maybe they had a arab themed costume on the cutting room floor but didn't have any arab characters to work with, so they put it on the sword wielding character instead

there's a lot of hippy bullshit in this game, but hanzo and genjis alt costumes are not a good example at all you kneejerking dipshit

This is Smug Mnniggerson. Smug Mcniggerson is a cool nigger
He plays vidya but also a nigger.
Smuc Mcniggerson looks smugly at insecure stormfags who get triggered at the sight of anyone who isn't of aryan features.

I can already tell you're a subhuman who watches crap like Two Best Friends Play, loves woolie and excuses the shit taste of black weebs just because they are black.

You need to board my chopper, you pinko scum.

Are you new here?


That's what will happen to the trigger once I pull my gun on you, profligate.