Older thread hit the 13th page: Let's get this shit going with something new and extremely lewd.
Webm Thread: Lewd elves edition
Other urls found in this thread:
or maybe some sauce?
Enjoy your ban, OP
this is a christian website, please delete this
Janitor Collaborator-senpai already fixed the issue. We can move on to post more webms.
Why should he fear a ban lad?
Is that the same voice actress as argueably best girl from Steins Gate?
Just search tags on gelbooru. I found it with literally 2 tags.
Is that some AS109? Delicious.
He's probably from halfchan.
I'd rather watch LoK again then to be with an elf.
god bless
I have no idea, I just bumped into it on chan.sankakucomplex.com
There was more, but not with elves.
Are you two new or do you not know the board rules?
Holy fucking shit OP, you are an underaged newfag
what's wrong with sankaku?
Elves are only good for fucking
Not a webm, but I thought it was cute
How fucking new are you?
So what should we be using besides sadpanda?
That's unfortunate. Never used sankaku outside of its gallery and as a potential back up alongside the rest of the boorus and other smaller sites.
Sounds like something written by a drama addicted normalfag that has a severe personal issue with loli stuff. I don't give a flying fuck about that shit, it's a site for porn.
On a glance I don't see anything wrong besides the owner being a faggot. Is there something I missed?
ED in a nutshell
Holy fuck dude, don't you know the #1 rule of imageboards is to lurk and learn the rules before even posting?
Holy fuck man, read up, get good and come back when you're ready to play with the big boys.
What the hell is the source on this one? That last line was chilling in a way I haven't felt in a long time.
fuckin savage
kindly requesting source
I need the name of this tune
not to sure myself, i thinks it's from one of the hundred law and order series
mighty switch force m8
fucking file name
Here is the better souece:
On top of this comes that Sankaku is one of /a/'s favorite objects of mockery. Its not a good news site and there way better Boorus out there.
who's the retard? the guy too lazy to look for it himself, or the guy actually putting in effort to spoonfeed so he can call someone a retard?
What's the best booru?
Am I a pleb for using gel?
It's as good of a booru as any other, but it has two advantages, the popular category and the fact that they allow pretty much everything.
Though I do use sankaku as a back up site, they did ban loli a few years ago and as such showed they have no back bone and the same incident could repeat themselves. Use sankaku only sparingly and only as a peripheral and never as a main site and source of porn.
It's like christmas
all you had to say was thanks nigger, you have fucked up im coming for yer bootyhole
Can someone tell me what the fuck happened in this webm?
Sankaku news because it's yellow journalism in its purest—news bites and such plucked from other websites with no hard citation nor any peer reviewing or in-depth examination of its own. It's primary purpose isn't news, though. It's advertisement. Which it does mildly okay.
Anyone taking the time to take swings at Sankaku or its creator are either in a dick-waving contest with no dick to speak of, or they need page hits and are going for the easiest fish to swing at that isn't Anime News Network.
You could put Gehrman's Theme over anything and it would instantly be 1000x sadder
Dear god that's spooky.
Well, /a/ is filled with autistic faggots, so I really don't care. Also this and fuck off with the drama, it's just porn.
The zone claimed him. You don't question the zone.
Shit sucks.
It's probably one of those moving anomalies mod going bonkers. A-life is one hell of a drug
I've had far too many spooky experiences with STALKER to even think about playing it again
The booming sound tells me it's some mod that has fucked with the emissions so that it kicks in full power right when it starts instead of ramping up to horror and death. It seems to also be bugging out the AI because they start looting and camping around the bodies instead of going for shelter like they should.
This webm is black when I pull it up in VLC player, so test
Found your problem.
I love old /g/ memes
you better have some of those gifs handy, faggot
You can see the psi emission mark lit up and the npc die only on the spot as the player did.
My guess is theres a massive amount of psi anomaly at that spot and he and the npc's walked right into it.
A lot of webms seem to fuck up in VLC, I use mpv without problem. It does however have problems seeking with certain webms, like this one.
that webm is fucked
also any issue with webms and VLC can be solved by actually updating the fucking thing
Fresh from my crappy converter.
Imagine if the game was good.
what song is that?
Sabaton - Ghost Division
thanks man
Whoops forgot to spoil
Why is his dick orange
His dad was a carrot.
normalfag retard spotted
Such a punchable face
Such a terrible anime
Since I see so many small res/oversized versions of this
I need someone to explain this webm to me
I don't give a shit what anime this is, but I need to understand why this is happening
sauce on the music?
And now for fresh
Nope, thats the best one. Some shitty pics but its worth it for everything else.
Any more like this?
It relates to this somehow, don't know the source
Don't know the anime, but what they are referencing is Gachimuchi.
such is life in the zone
That guy is a massive asshole and I'm very unsure of what his ethnicity is
Why does her butt crack go up so far?
That's not how butts look, not even fat butts.
Are we ever going to have another Intimidation Game moment?
Which episode of Bill & Mandy in that webm came from? It been forever since I watched that show.
Supposedly a Gamergate movie is in the works and Zoe is one of the people working on it, so maybe.
That anime was gold
This world gets worse by the day
Seeing that webm always makes me feel good.
Corn starch works too.
Don't worry user.
There's plenty of ideas I have for fun vidya threads. Soon I'll make more.
Besides, mosaic threads have been extinct for some time, hm? Lotta games we have to catch up on.
i meant that Holla Forums has gotten worse and worse that even if we did have a thread like that again it wouldn't be as fun
Sauce? Google isn't giving me shit.
Don't mice piss and shit themselves when afraid?
This is why you always carry a firearm when going into black neighborhoods
you retards would eat horse shit out of the source with just a couple decades of kike propaganda about it.
what film?
What was the context to this happening? I forgot about it.
Is this bait or are you actually mentally handicapped?
Just some nigger with a knife
Probably a eurocuck.
is that how you are right now?
Mentally handicapped you mean?
maybe you should visit a doctor then, they can diagnose that
I meant you son.
Oh wow.
First, the video wasn't even shot in America, faggot.
Second, the eurofags in the video aren't afraid of the backpack, they're afraid of the towlhead who threw it.
Now go be unbelievably retarded somewhere else.
It's probably worth mentioning it's obviously fake too.
americucks are easy to butthurt
0/10 bait
try harder faggot
Looks to be a mod that adds in Psi-Storms, similar to Call of Prypiat.
However, there did not appear to be an on-screen effect to signify that it was occurring. The only warning was the Psi icon on the right side of the screen, and it became strong enough to kill the player instantly.
Also, the NPCs did not appear to take cover, and so start to loot the player's corpse before keeling over themselves.
That looks like an interesting show
this isn't what dancing is
Monty Python's Dragon Quest
This thread has a severe lack of vidya. Here's some gameplay from the latest Street Fighter. I don't know why anons think the graphics suck.
I don't remember, lord Byron was teaching billy how to be a lady's man, that's as far as my memory goes. The video was already edited, I just converted it to webm.
I still remember the first Winnie pooh thread was mad fun, now that was fun. Too bad it didn't catch on.
Wild mouse is actually pretty tasty and relatively easy to catch with traps, city rats and other city rodents are fucking disgusting. Cat is actually pretty good, kind of like rabbit, but usually with less meat to it and a bit less tender.
Chun Li is still way too overpowered, going into Ryu's Super with only a simple move shouldn't be allowed
If he thinks speed running is stupid and there is no point in doing it WHY THE FUCK IS HE STILL DOING IT?
When someone's joking they're not this salty.
i watched both seasons, 1 is just slightly better but they're both great
but user you're the one who got salty as davy jones bags when he heard the term americuck.
Is there such a thing as being to choreographed?
Game? Looks rad.
its command and conquer renegade x
think about an unofficial sequal to CNC Renegade
here is the link user
What is the context of the anime?
Car thief bitch ass nigga deserved it, mane.
No idea
I like danbooru.
Do i have shit taste anons?
I am disappoint
best repost, everytime.
Thank you kind user.
np user
He dindu nuffin., he was a good boi, about to get his life back on track, going to church every day, if only they had mo money for dem programs.
rare nog
My sister kept asking me to tell her when I saw it on Holla Forums.
I don't really care that you're a Eurocuck, but do you seriously think everyone that posts here lives in America?
confirmed american.
you need a good stay in vietnam to stop being so touchy.
I assume they taste like most scavengers.
Top kek. Thanks.
Because he has nothing else in his life.
Jesus I actually learned stuff. I mean I knew most of that already, but not ALL of it
The video wasn't even of America though Eurocuck.
Did he just use his dick to pull her cervix out of her vagina?
you're crying this hard right now
Small dick faggot detected.
If you're not pulling off your elf's cervix with your dick head you're not a real man :^).
You must be 'merican.
those faggot yanks can't handle the bant m8, triggered with a word
He's not an aussi m8, they shitpost at 1am jew york time.
maybe the jew holding your leash puts you on a schedule m8 but that don't happen to me
What anime is this seems familiar?
Anyone have a webm of this one pokemon animation? It's a really sarcastic, badly drawn thing that makes fun of the commonly overused jokes about the game
i want to believe this somehow involves the guy who made LISA
All it needs.
That's fucking disgusting but it still gave me a boner.
What the fuck is wrong with this bitch.
How am I supposed to impregnate her when I've rendered her barren?
Where's my multi-generational orgy gone? Down the fucking drain, that's where, because I've decided to leave my elf inside-out to dry.
He's being far too nice to that elf
WHY ARE THE RUSSIANS STILL USING MIG 21s Is there military situation really that bad.
also webm unrelated
It's actually the local syrians, the webm exaggerates.
im glad people are using that webm occasionally and for its intended purpose
thank you user
For you, big guy
Yeah and the Syrians are fighting insurgents, not a modern army. It's not as if the enemy has anything that can even shoot down an old seventies plane. All Assad's airforce needs to do is drop bombs on cities.
What exactly are you implying with this document user?
Nightmare house droid aside, who the hell coded the home defense for that house to flip out like that because a bird flew in.
Shit, the video was missing?
Can we just talk about how awesome this scene is in cementing the idea that music is powerful in this game?
When the music starts almost all the singers are trying to sing, one going slower, one adding yells that no one else does, and mostly singing off key.
By the second time the Chorus comes around, they start keeping in time and being very close to what everyone is singing.
Finally the third Chorus comes, and everyone is harmonized, even going in sync with each others movements, and yelling hey all at the same time.
The music literally made a bunch of drunks singing .off key into a troupe
Thats that from?
Sea shanty time
as is tradition
what a fantastic year
its only going to get betterzeus save us
even better, is it worth watching it?
Have the original.
I love Reisen!
is this some weird avatar capture thing or is it just done to match the original video
Match the video
i need more
Anyone know which 2hu is on the left? I wanna fug it
two nukes were not enough
Kasen ibaraki from wild and horned hermit, a print work.
everytime i watch these degeneracy compilations they always follow the same pattern.
first the complaints are about blacks, womyn, fags, SJWs, all to lure you into thinking the entire video is right and then they go into the "pedophilia is bad" meme, and use bad examples and cherrypicking of people who are fucked in the head hard (ie the guy who thinks hes 6).
I'm sorry, are you dissing squid kids?
you seeing this shit zach?
h-how do you know my name
What is this originally from? Some sort of Wrestling documentary?
We always knew, man.
We always knew.
IDK I got it from one of these threads a while back.
I almost vomited from seeing that.
i want to cum inside both of them, but i wouldn't let them give me a blowjob those teeth look pointy as fuck.
Come on man, I trusted you
Ore Monogatari/My Love Story. Basically big teenage gorilla finds love in a really simple animu girl.
Don't forget where those cephalopods come from, user. The enemy.
put an epilepsy warning, man
I should hope not nignog, squids have a poison bite
Yeah sure that stuffs not fatal at a squid size, but imagine at a kid size
Does anyone have the "Decide in the Eyes"/Big Blue dog video?
no flood wheels
Fuck it, I'm bored, time to play the numbers game again.
FOR THE NEXT HOUR: pick a number between 1 and 1640, and the file I give you describes your future.
The last 4 digits of my post number.
Also, apologies if it takes me a bit, I have to do math for every number.
Congratulations, your life is a wreck.
You are a gentleman and a scholar with classy tastes, congratulations.
thats 703?
You're a fruit, congratulations.
Holy shit this was filmed where my mom lives
Newgrounds artist, circa 1980. Congratulations.
so those big rock formations appeared when she tripped and fell on her ass
that explains everything!
My mistake, that was 702, yours is linux
Holy shit, you know my mom?!
that man must be as alone as i am.
If she pulls those pants off, will she die?
she did
Good shit OP. Nothing better than breeding a tiny loli elf.
Have fun
does that mean my future is meeting my monstergirl waifu, who is a manticore?
It shall remain one of the greatest tragedies of the medium. That being said, I still really enjoyed the game we were given.
69 natch
Lel. A contribution for your effort.
I did what no man should ever do
i actually got hyped for it
the only other game I was hyped for was spore.
Life truly is not worth living.
Don't fall in love anons
Do dating sites have in studio videos like that? Looks more like a porn interview.
Sure, good luck with the claws.
You cheeki with the breeki, поздравления.
Can't say I ever got the appeal of the Sly games.
I miss being able to watch Tex Avery cartoons on the television.
What's the actual song?
Also, for some quick semi-OC, I present number 12.
It's metal gear with furries
I am always unsettled by seeing the P4 dancing game. It's like I'm watching a company actually prostitute their characters, but in an even more unnatural way.
Well they haven't released an actual persona game since the fucking PS2 so they gotta make money somehow.
Elves are good breeders from a very early age.
Excellent for producing slaves as livestock.
I made a whole post about how MGSV should've ended. I wasn't happy with the ending to MGSV, so I came up with something that I thought would've been a much better ending to a game that deserved a good ending. I can post it if you want.
Sankaku never banned loli what crack are you smoking? They're one of the only boorus that doesn't ban anything.
can someone webm this without the ending credit stuff?
Fuck you? No no fuck me
Someone needs to edit this with the Hiroshima nuke at the end.
Have you got the original? I want to see how much further they fuck it up.
Anyone have the other webm of him?
Source perhaps?
What is that from? Is this like some parody shit or is this guy just really bad with electricity?
hi satan
It's the kilogram of feather vs the kilogram of steel all over again.
Fucking great.
lewd ahead
Sauce on song?
Aruarian Dance - Nujabes
You know you can just go to the dudes youtube page, right? The channel is "Bill Wurtz", most of what he does is
Remember Teagen
Shit I knew it sounded familiar, I haven't listened to that shit in years, thanks bruv.
Wait what?
Have some cringe fresh off of one of TF2's most autistic youtubers
I'm a retard who can't get .webm's for retards to ever work in his favor, but this video's 90% audio with shitty gameplay thrown in the background for no reason. Part 2 with better quality coming in a minute
I have never heard this statement, even on blizzdrone websites like MMO-C
The guy owns thousands in virtual hats, I'm fairly sure he's just projecting his own fears.
I mean I've gotten Potg with Mercy using my pistol… Shit does a lot of damage if you know what you are doing and can combo your heal/ult. This guy is literally retarded, the game is literally a reinvigorated and better hat fortress 2 at launch.
I mean, I don't want to defend overwatch really. I played it on open beta and I definitely won't be buying it. But this guys complaints are just over. Like he's complaining about the graphics, when blizzard graphics have always been purposefully shit so anyone on a toaster can play them for instance.
I mean fuck, the lack of long range hitscan weapons are one of the few things the game got right imo. The fact Lucios gun requires you to lead shots is one of the main reason they've let him be as fun as he is.
Similar point with D.Va when her Mech dies. I mean yeah she can't be all that aggressive, but it's not like she's defenseless either. This is also ignoring the fact the medic can't fly across the map like Mercy can, which makes for an amazing escape tool.
I enjoy overwatch for what it is, a reinvigorated tf-2 game for 20 bucks more that my friends all enjoy. D. Va is also the shit I miss my June Bug skin.
I can't agree. At least the prospect of what the world under SJW rule would look like resonates with me a lot.
I'm gonna print this out, frame it and hang on the wall in the living room.
search "rope-a-dope" on youtube, there's two of these videos.
You're a saint, user. Thanks.
Dats a hammer, mane.
This is why you always carry a firearm when going into asian neighborhoods
Somebody make a new thread dammit, I'm too drunk. Unless you want another Mitsudomoe OP?
hmph, nice marmot.
what is it with millennial artists and noodle-limbs? Is it because of the popularity of cartoons like Adventure Time that everyone tries to copy that style? It's really grating to the eyes.
You know that noodle arms have been a thing for a long ass time right? Disney sort of pioneered that whole style and others copied it.
what's the earliest example of noodle arms? and why has it taken a hold only recently if it's been around for so long? Seriously every "animator" draws things with noodle arms
Hell if I know why people now are bringing it back other than it probably is easier to draw and animate for them. If you want an example of the noodle arm style just look up any of the old black and white Mickey Mouse shorts and you will see plenty of examples of it.