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Does anyone have those comics made by a guy who seems to have an extreme disdain for women? One of them ended with a guy who married a slut saying "Trust me, I know these things." I should have saved them but I never did.
A MGTOW doing a funny comic?
Never heard of such thing.
>Now on the iOS
Could've been good. Hookers are not common in real life or in GTA. Unless GTA has changed since I last played it.
I can't remember how funny they were, but I want to read them again.
I don't understand
Video games
I've got OC
This is painful
I want to fuck Erin.
wew wew lad lad
I doubt you do from this post m8.
I want to cuddle and play video games with Erin and in general make her feel loved.
I no longer want to fuck Erin.
You did it, Reddit.
I spent a literal 3 minutes in Paint to do this. It doesn't look good, but it looks better. Couldn't be fucked to change the ears.
Still looks exponentially better.
Who ever this new "artist" is needs to be dropped.
But user, he's very talented. The guy being paid to write the dialogue to a strip per week said so.
Geezus. Didn't notice the ears at first.. Looks like a swollen monstrosity with that salmon color.
this is real? I assumed OP was an edit.
I wanted to participate in this thread but I don't have cringe comics in my disk.
Why do you save these things?
What is wrong with you?
She looks like she has cauliflower ear.
seems legit to me
last comic tbh
never thought I'd day this but I don't want to masturbate to Eri anymore
Holy shit, I thought it was an edit. The art couldn't be any more tumblr.
neither do I. RIP fuckable-Erin
lol I made that last thread, user but no one saw it because by the time I was finished the thread reached page 9
Where do I sign up to be a sweet summer child ? I need that.
she looks like a tranny
Wait, the original art was different ? Is this a guest artist ?
Read the bottom of the image.
get on my level scub
But that's not efficient.
nigga why you gotta make me feel sad
you know what's even more sad?
she doesn't even exist
Oh no.
My precious.
What have they done to you.
I'd say that makes it better.
What do you mean user? The new artist has upgraded her for the modern age. Soon she'll be obese with glasses to appeal to the large female base of gamers :^)
why not both.
I don't know, usually the elder gods prefer virgins.
It's not supposed to be efficient it's supposed to be FUN.
Just chubby
Can we get some lewd pictures of her in the outfit?
Oh, boy!
You poor soul.
Hope you don't die with what I've just done.
Also LOL
You madman, you've created a monster.
This comic again
Oh no, my masturbatory item.
They did it. Seeing we were enjoying her they thrown acid on her face like the sandniggers they love!
user, this is reality in japan
C-can we save her?
Fuck Teagan, I want my Erin to bully with my dick.
Her nose looks like a spread eagle vagina
Never said where he was very talented in, I assume its taking nigger dick in every orifice
You will keep bullying her as long as i'm here user.
Moral of the story
And that's how we met 😍
Thank you, oh wise user savior.
and everywhere else
Or don't expose yourself to an open forum if you're afraid of criticism.
Don't you dare bring best muscle girl into this
>doesn't have any comics for some reason
out hustling the marks, my friend?
I really wanted to take a nap.
might as well get on with it.
Yeah, the cartoon really gave him the Micky Mouse treatment.
Erin was always called white korra
I think posting any CAD comic should be a bannable offense because fuck Tim B^Uckley.
I can't believe he's still making these shitty jokes. What's that faggot up to these days?
I want to impregnate Erin.
there can never be enough of White Korra femdom
I REALLY want to fuck Amir.
I just want my beautiful bi girls, god damn it.
XDDD OMG LOL #cuhrazy
Can women actually get proper horny from headpats?
Brown Korra is better than White Korra
When did Emma Wattson turn into such an annoying prick?
Korra’s a dyke, retard.
depends on how much money there is between the hand and the head
She's bi you knuckledragger
It's funny because it flopped and then she was leaked in the panama papers.
What's with feminists and tax evasion, anyway?
She’s a dyke. There is no such thing as bisexuality. Kinsey was a faggot too scared to admit it.
So no, then.
At least she's fuckable.
But she did deserve a good character development. Which she never got, she was just a fuck up
Hold on to your butts.
I think you mean best cow girl.
I don't want to be reminded of that
Nice. I like IAHFY better though
It's like a dog barking at the fucking wind.
I don't think that means what you think it means
underrated post
Guy wanted to force his SJW dick in during all 4 seasons and luckily 99% of it got denied.
The reason why LoK was so subpar compared to TLA is no one shot down all of Guy's dumb ideas.
The very last season does a small amount of hinting prior to the shit finale. There's some moments where she and Asami are talking and get gets flustered/blushes.
Otherwise yeah it's shit and not strongly hinted at.
You look like you could use some BAD PUSSY
>when did turn into such an annoying prick
sometime between her conception and her birth
That's the good shit my nig
That's a very pretty chess piece you've got there, user.
I could use more
What's the name of the comic? Not to read, so I can find its rule34
Where are the chess pieces, user?
Kuvira and Asami are okay as well
Race mixing is degenerate.
Critical Miss
Right there.
That's some funny shit
she's 2d, therefore huwhite even if her skin is dark!
I remember the first time that image was posted here.
Good times, good times.
Dont fuck the Teagan.
Lovingly caress the Teagan.
Gamergator episode when
I don't think that's how it works, user.
If I recall correctly, the new avatar is chosen randomly, you can't do jack shit about it.
Avatars aren't Witchers, user. Tenzin is Aang's son.
Then manipulate the spirits.
I wonder if pumping my dick between her ass cheeks and cumming on her tatoos will activate some fun magic
If you massage a head, the person tends to relax and get sleepy, so no.
Would a combo between an Avatar and a Witcher even be possible? I mean, Witchers aren't really a spiritual thing..
She'd probably go into that super powerful yet super insane Avatar Mode or whatever they called it in the show.
This is why I come here
I love you feggos
Lok should have been completely shot down. The entire show was abysmal
It had the chance to be great.
Women can get legitimately-horny from all kinds of shit that's weird from a male perspective, usually more on the emotional side of things rather than the physical, although certain physical things can also do the trick.
From experience (although I later said "fuck it" and went back to masturbating alone, less hassle for the same result, but that's neither here nor there), I can tell you the general rule of thumb is that emotional happiness, security and contentment is to women what having a nice ass pressed into your crotch/giant pair of tits pushed into your face is to men. Where men tend to get off on and look for attractive physical features (ass and legs, breasts, face), women tend to get off on and look for attractive emotional traits (self-sufficiency, confidence, stubbornness to a degree, loyalty). This makes the surprisingly-common situation of women gladly marrying ugly sons of bitches (who aren't complete cucks, to be clear, I'm talking more like short/fat/hideous-faced blue-collar workers) who treat them well much more understandable, since they're sporting the female perspective equivalent of a massive rack.
Of course, the physical side of things still plays a big role, but it's not as big a deal for women and it doesn't follow the same lines as it does for men. While the breasts, ass and vagina do give positive responses on touch, other areas do it too just as strongly if not even stronger, from somewhat-sensible places like the thighs and the stomach, to the fucking bizarre places like the scalp or armpits. Unlike the emotional portion that's pretty consistent in most cases, the physical portion of female arousal has a shitload of variance between individuals, so one woman might get off traditionally to being touched exactly where you'd think, while another might only truly enjoy headpats and having dicks shoved into her armpits.
When it comes to headpats specifically causing arousal, based on the above, it could be purely-physical, purely-emotional, or both. If it's all-physical, then her scalp is oddly-sensitive to touch and it gets her hot and bothered, and/or she has some very weird fetishes. If it's all-emotional, then the attention and affection involved in being praised and interacted with as such by men gets her wet like Niagara Falls, without the actual action involved mattering much. And if it's both, then the mixture of both proper touch and positive emotion administered by a man hits her mind the same way a well-endowed woman turning a hug into a full-on motorboating session does a man's mind, which is to say it makes it clear that it's time to fuck.
Short version: Women get off more on positive emotional feedback, comfortable relational stability and undivided attention from a man than they do the physical aspect, which is why ugly fucks can and often do get hot women, the body matters to them as much as the mind does to men in most cases. However, women also tend to be just as kinky as men fetish-wise with just as much variance per individual, meaning there's not just one but many women out there who'd love nothing more than to have you pat and rub their head until their panties are sopping wet.
You mean the base of large female gamers
Literally the only redeeming aspect of this comic was that Erin was fuckable, now for the upcoming months (who knows how long really) we'll have to deal with literal tumblr-tier trash. I mean holy shit those nose and ears look like those parody kill la kill designs that were made to mock tumblr
Had sure, but after the third or fourth episode it was clear it wasn't going to be.
fuck I'm running out of korra pics
I'm calling bullshit on that one, boy.
Just joking m8
38 TB of Korra porn
2 TB miscellaneous Korra
Theoretically, there's a way to do it.
If an Earthbender fucked Korra, got her pregnant, and she died in childbirth, there's a shot her child could become the Avatar since the next Avatar in the line will be born from Earthbender stock.
Fuck, I actually wanted to see what that would look like.
You'd need a whole seperate computer for 40 TB, I think.
Have you thought about this before?
So what's lewder, headpats or hand holding?
Not until right now, actually. It's kind-of a sad thought.
I think there's something like a 1 to 2 week window for the Avatar to find a new "host", though. And unless they make an Avatar detector you wouldn't know until the person is naturally old enough to bend.
the only good thing about that shit was the first badguy to bad they shit up his story with the whole mafia/bloodbending stuff, the avatar origin episodes and the porn.
Step it up, user.
Listen, you sick fuck, spoiler that shit next time.
Can't you just have a team of seriously powerful benders from each element to rule over? That seems like a better option than trying to train a kid and hoping they'd stick to a good path
da fuck is wrong with you user?
headpats are shit tier and anyone who posts them is a big fat whiny loser
This is relevant to the current situation.
The Avatar's not supposed to be a ruler at all. They're a keeper of the peace and a communicator/advocate for the spirit world. They keep balance between the elements. I think the only time one of them was a "ruler" was Avatar Kyoshi and her tribe of shit-fucker-uppers. She made a new continent or some shit and I think ruled the Earth Kingdom. That last part may be wrong.
Kill yourself.
Reported you sick fuck, this is a christen imageboard.
Why did you have to post that?
Also, anyone got that korra booty shake gif? I need it
Was there any more followup to this?
I want to try and do a voice-over, but I know I won't be able to do Shake's voice justice.
Best I could do is Meatwad.
I hope not
Do it.
Please ignore the bit in the end
my sides
requesting original .gif
Is there enough porn of her to fill up that kind of space?
It was good up until "would it be possible for a baby to give a decent blowjob?"
Then make more
Of coursh!
Why can't we have both?
Are we going to make a game where Teagan deals with the world ending after killing Alto and the universe collapses, spitting Teagan out into another universe where she encounters Erin, and they go on an adventure?
All women are open to sex with other women. A "lesbian" is just a woman who can't get dick.
Didn't both Asami and Korra want to fuck Mako at some point?
No, women are not inherently dykes. No one is inherently gay.
Mako turned them both gay, who knew.
Kind of a shitty thing to do to a character named after Iroh's voice actor though
Eh. I still enjoy the occasional Makorra, or Makorrasami
Strictly speaking, female homosexuality probably has a moderately positive evolutionary selection because there really isn't a downside and there are a number of moderate benefits.
although I've read genes that give people a small predisposition towards homosexuality are actually a thing because when a small amount of people in a family are gay it decreases competition while still giving the advantage of having brothers, so it could actually be right.
Why do these comics remind me of family guy so much?
You pretty much only need to preface it with Peter saying "remember that time I was a prostitute?!?!?" and you could slot it right in. It's a very similar flavor of shit.
Ayy. Doesn't matter how gay you are; if your choices are to become an outcast (at best, and painfully killed at worst) or suck it up and form babby then you'll fucking form babby.
And at any rate, the benefits I mentioned are basically that two women (probably with children, and therefore with little chance of being married again) and no provider can pool their resources and provide for one another both in terms of physical well-being (especially where children are concerned) and fulfilling needs for physical and/or sexual intimacy without risking more children and the social stigma of promiscuity.
My harebrained crank evopsych theory is that homosociality evolved so that dudes wouldn't just kill each other.
I wonder how he reconciles that with God saying if you think your pregnant woman is cheating on you you should make her drink poison til she miscarries
Why is vision from the marvel movies in the comic?
Give me a minute.
this sucks
sounds like a bargain bin joker.
Have some more.
oops, I accidentally posted that one image again. Here's one more to make up for it.
these are adorable as fuck
Naw, it's just relaxing.
fixed it
I live near a "female friendly sex toy boutique" that fucking sells paperbacks of these.
Her face looks like it's been photoshopped on.
I don't believe you
place is called SheBop in southeast Portland.
oh wait of course they have a site
oh thank goodness, I misread that as FAMILY friendly at first
one would assume that a majority of the people who buy sex toys are female, so why the need for an explicitly "female friendly" sex shop?
I see DSP's fanfics made it there
And simpsons, fucker just copy and paste every fucking joke that Sath macfag shit everytime.
p-gud bruh
what in the legitimate fuck, user.
Because women always have to pretend they have it bad. Meanwhile as a guy I could never walk anywhere near a sex shop or look in its general direction without being called a perverted rapist but of course that gets ignored since women have it so damn bad.
This is actually a very important insight into the Leftist/Subhuman/Feminine worldview (all very similar and incestuous).
At it's core, Tabula Rasa, the idea that everyone is a blank sheet, with the same capacity and ability to learn and become; everyone is special and can be whatever they want to be if only they try.
This is one tentacle of that monstrous thought, in that they expect and demand that any effort they put in to any task is rewarded, with the particularly simple minds expecting to be rewarded linearly.
But then, it bears mentioning what "effort" actually means in their minds, because that is also very different from what we might consider it. It is the fat people who drink diet shakes and show up to PT sessions, yet never lose weight. It is the people for whom showing up to class and cruising through on passes is completing a tertiary degree.
There is no internal compass guiding them towards overcoming themselves or the challenges around them, so they instead rely to an absurd degree on credentials; they are obsessed with it, because it's not what you can do that matters, it is what you are accredited to do, which is another great equalizer in their minds, since they have the same qualifications as this other person, have "done" the same things, have put in the "same" effort, yet are not rewarded in the same way.
It cannot be, hence the horror and the anger at their failure, which by everything they believe, should not occur. Obviously, then, it is some invisible hand; external systemic bias or oppression leading to this alternate result, which will have to just be accounted for in their revised theory and battled on its own terms, rather than upsetting the well ordered and reasoned worldview that they worship.
Head patting just feels good in general, it's not really a horny thing, which makes it getting cut out of Jap games because it's 'sexual' fucking retarded.
As someone who dated a chick who liked petting my head, I can tell you, that's some good feeling shit nigga.
saved this webm a while ago and still can't fin sauce. Please help.
What have I become
My sweetest friend…
Knowing your favorite R34 artists by style is really no different from having a favorite pornstar. Normalfags all have favorite pornstars.
no idea what its named but the orange haired girl is a ghost that possess jap chick and tries to make her fuck her brother
I think I saw a similar style in an AMV called Do you take it in the ass.
I don't even care, and yet I can still feel the bile in my throat just looking at it.
yfw Poo is Donald Trump
Don't get the wrong impression from your cambodian clay animations, fatties are more likely to be yandere. Anorexic people are second most likely.
I'd rather have head pats than sex, and I'm a guy
I'm a fucking loser and feel so alone
But I AM gay.
you should watch the movie "Misery"
I didn't have anything saved to concisely call you a bitch nigga for your complete failure as a human being, so I had to make do with calling you a faggot instead. You take what you can get.
They ruined the only redeeming thing about this comic
I'm not a NEET, just lonely.
On the other hand, head pats are much easier to score than sex, so that's a plus I guess.
Get your hair super curly and pillowy. People can't keep their hands out of it.
I think you need to lay off the trap porn for a bit user
I was aware that menstrual cups were a thing before, but I hadn't really considered this. I guess menstrual blood is handled pretty regularly in female restrooms. No wonder they're fussier about restroom cleanliness. The blood of a diseased stranger can really fuck you up.
It's gross, but we're talking about menstruation here. I don't think you can really get away from that.
What the fuck is wrong with you faggot. If you pay them you OWN them for the allotted time.
Next whore you pay for smash all her holes at maximum force and finish in her hair.
get a trap, faggot.
traps love headpats.
I don't know whether it's different in Murrica, but where I live the standard escort package only includes vaginal sex, blowjobs and handjobs. Everything else (facials, anal, bareback blowjobs) is paid for separately.
Hell no, they are overpriced as fuck and are not cute in real life.
what the fuck, user
I keep meeting women like this in my line of work. I ended up marrying one of them, but I'm still depressed by their sheer numbers and how many will die alone. Please, the next time you're in a place with too many old books, talk to the fat lady in the back who won't make eye contact. She'll appreciate it. Yes all of them are fat.
People on Tumblr complain about the hetero-normative society they claim to live in. Well, guess what? I live in a homo-normative society, filled to the brim with bigotry, hypocrisy, and promiscuity, and I hate every single bit of it.
It's hard to adequately describe how absolutely fucked this city is. The best way to put it is this: Imagine the contents of every single cringe thread that has ever been on this site, manifest each and every cringey post into a person, and then dump all those people out into a city and let them run rampant.
The good people this town has are completely overrun by hordes of communist savages and walking sacrilege.
They defile anything they touch; They consume whatever light there is and replace the void where it was with propaganda and "social acceptance". Those who do speak out against it are laughed off and cast away like trash. You may think I exaggerate, but with all the shit I've seen, there's no lengths these people won't go to in order to completely annihilate any moral standards or common fucking decency this city may or may not have had.
I bet you buy games to
Whores are just testing boundaries because you are a pathetic cuck it is the same anywhere you pay you own them if they disagree rough them up or tell them to fuck off.
Confirmed through personal first hand experience
Thank god for having great hair else people wouldn't be that up to doing it to me. It's nothing sexual but by god do I feel good when people rub my scalp and shit.
Legit downside is random people touching my hair, and no I'm not black I'm white as snow, legit only way I could be whiter is if my hair went full blond again.
You know fuck all about genetics, evolution, or mental health. Stop posting.
and you do user?
why the fuck would you want to touch a black person's hair?
Why the fuck would you want to touch somebody else's hair PERIOD?
I can understand it when it's a family member, a playful friend or a girlfriend, but to ask a total stranger to touch them? Their hair?
Explain this meme/stereotype!
Often times people like to experience something new or rare by touching it, hell some people just like the feeling of touching hair. Black people's hair is often like wool so some people want to touch it.
People like touching my hair since it's thick, soft and has a fuck ton of body to it. Worst experience was when I was in the 5th grade and this one guy just started playing with my hair while he sat behind me.
I'm a dude
I had a random girl run her hand through my hair and run off once. I got a haircut immediately.
I know people are curious and all that, but you don't cross personal space like that. Especially when we're talking about a person's head, that's just a step below genitalia fondling.
Am I being autistic here or am I really one of the few people with a sense of decency left on this god forsaken planet?
Oh I don't touch people's hair at random that's just fucking weird, I'm just used to people asking me to touch my hair so I'm generally fine with it if they ask.
Was this a fucking ad on tv?
Dunno, pretty certain it didn't.
but that wouldn't ever happen in real life
that pic oh man
Happen to have the zyzz version?
tryng this hard to make a fat fuck look "kawaii"
It's a whale trying to write for humans, of course it doesn't make any sense.
Why is it that I desperately want porn of her ?
Yes, I do. He is completely wrong about what he has said.
jim is very well spoken, and is 100% right
I miss that japfucker
get a better fetish then
there ARE cute brown girls out there
but they are mostly underage
on the plus side, the countries they reside in mostly don't care about that fact
pinoys are not brown, nor are they girls
they are shitty beachniggers and I will not dick them.
gargle my bojangles, comrade
I was talking about South Americans though
Well once you've stumbled that far over into the abyss you might as well start asking questions. It's not like it can hurt at that point.
Also I'm guessing the answer is "no".
I'd hit it, if only because I want to hear her squeal like a piggy.
Then you gotta make another one until you get one that does, obviously.
What makes you think that?
Catastrophic size incompatibly for one. Compare a nipple to a dick.
Of course getting it fully in would be impossible, but that's not the only way for a blowjob to be successful. The question wasn't "would it be possible for a baby to deepthroat?".
Someone who has got full motor control and has the attention span of a smart goldfish ain't going to be able to engage in any sexual acts of any kind. That's a fact.
Yeah, that was my main concern, the whole technique aspect of it.
Are you implying that goldfish are bad at giving blowjobs?
Yeah it's no go (I mean even aside from the whole horrific moral and ethical aspects of it) unless you're talking about a mature brain in a baby's body kind of situation. Then the only issue is the same as human on fairy action.
I don't think so. Jeremy Wade has thoroughly convinced me to keep my dangly parts out of unsecured waterways.
I took the time to read, just so you know it
Looks like the same.. AHEM …"style" Sqirrel Girl is made in.
This one?
This shit always makes me laugh
hey the jerkstore called, they're running out of you!
Just think of it as BABY FUCK BABY FUCK from the other end
so it's awwright?
holy shit; that mspaint relationship comics was like, 10 years ago.
before 9fag ruins everything.
except for the insane amount of hobos