Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg tells BBC of his concerns the tide is turning on globalisation
The kike knows his time is up and soon he will hang
Why are the ((elite)) always so surprised when people have a problem with their vision of reducing the human experience down into a global economic output figure?
Just how out of touch are they?
Sammy's gonna chuck this yid in a van and let Charles go to town on him
Unlucky for Zuckerjew, memes are the counter culture atm and they are most produced in anonymous imageboards, the social media sites that are the opposite of Facebook. His time is up.
Zuck ought to be concerned
Oy vey, I'm not getting my 2500 little goy slaves
I always thought of the Illuminati as suave psychopathic businessmen and politicians, not spergy yids. I guess our work will be a lot easier than we thought. No wonder he's always sweating bullets these days.
He's not wrong. He should be angry at himself and NSAbook for promoting such slanted behavior.
This is coming from the kike who wants to screw over his American employees by abusing H1-B visas and flooding the country with immigrants who will drive down wages.
I'm not going to live in the timeline where he's president. One way or another but I refuse to exist in it.
Zuckerberg is not only a zionist but also a horrible human being in general.
He's forcing Hawaiians to sell their lands so he can have more privacy in the perimeter of his hawaii beach house. If they don't sell, he threatens to find dirt on them or make it up and make their lives hard.
Never seen this before. What in the fuck.
Thanks to the efforts of this faggot though globalization is finally over. I no longer need you to import thousands of shitskins from all over the globe for me to feel 'connected and open' - I can see them just fine from over here in my chair, through my computer screen.
I'll repeat it to make it clear: the advances of the internet have rendered the idea of transferring humans across borders OBSOLETE. Stay in your own fucking countries and use the internet if you want to feel 'global'. Fuck off from my country. Ok.
Oh, that's just grand. I can feel this beady eyed jewish fuck sweating in his Hawaii fortress from here. He knows what's in store for him and all his ilk. But he has not even the faintest clue on the full extent of what's going to happen.
He's going to kill himself.
I doubt he has what it takes to mobilize a large movement and get people to care about him and vote for him. Sure he's the creator of Facebook, and there might be some political value to that, but the chances of him actually mounting a successful campaign seem slim to none. I'm pretty sure he's on the spectrum somewhere. I've seen videos where he has 'handlers' because he can't even speak to reporters well enough.
Don't rest, keep fighting hard so that it will never reappear again.
Eternal rape, poor little Jew boy
So it has been ordained by the memetic law. So it will be done.
Will pray for this to happen. "Jewish billionaire suicides himself in his walled off mansion."
He has zero fucking charisma. He's a figurehead, he's not even an actor to be anything else than just some awkward jewish fuck who supposedly created this massive social network that totally isn't selling info to every alphabet agency under the sun.
And the fucking CIA are sperging out, the supposed professionals at wrecking countries. Zuckerberg has seen the writing on the wall, he's FUCKED because as soon as the CIA is purged, everyone will know just how deeply he's been working with them.
I hate that these kikes twist the words of people who would persecute them if they were alive today.
I love when character in Marvel turn "evil".
Nothing we didn't already know, but quads confirm.
Yeah, it's lovely when leftists try to portray sane people with understandable concerns as evil. No way that's going to backfire, right?
It's 2800 slaves.
This is the manifestation of the small, rootless international clique that does its business everywhere and nowhere. The global elite - the Jews and their co-conspirators of all races - are people without soil and without struggle. They either have no comprehension, or they simply don't care, of the idea that for most of the world, their soil is their home, their only home. The overwhelming majority of the world can't be in New York on Monday, Brussels on Wednesday, Shanghai on Friday and Rio de Janeiro on Sunday. Globalization is great for the elites because it means they get to use the infrastructure of the first world, and then move third-world people onto first-world soil to utilize the facilities envisioned and built by first-world hands and minds. The first world becomes just as fucked and dangerous as the third world, and the third world stays as fucked and dangerous as it ever was.
It's great for the elites. It sucks for everyone else. Everyone needs boundaries that are inviolable and respected, and until the elites stop ignoring that fundamental reality of human nature, this pushback they're seeing now is only going to further intensify.
He could never win an election based on his track record of the past 3 elections. Censoring conservatives by banning their accounts and stifling the news feed with only things he deems acceptable are the exact opposite of what he would run on. He sure as hell isn't going to run on the conservative ticket after shadow banning hundreds if not thousands of accounts.
What about that island you're trying to buy from the Natives?
I can totally see him beating a Cruz type, he doesn't need to run in 4 years.
I can't into comics since the world was young. Are these altered? What the fuck is HH? Hail Hydra?
/r/ that business about Captain America wielding Thor's hammer.
What did MDE mean by this?
Yeah, the crucial non-white vote upon which the Dems depend wouldn't exactly be galvanized by a dweeby "white guy". Might sound crazy, but to me it looks like they're preparing for someone like LeBron James to run or some shit.
Comics are now so pozzed that genuine redpills are considered the ultimate in "smart evil" the likes of Red Skull can spout off.
And yes, Cap was a Hydra agent for all of a few issues before they retconned it for being retarded. Imagine that.
literally why? they pay the bong government basically no money.
the bbc is controlled by the rothschilds somewhat and have to shill their shit.
ie shitty jewish hollywood films.
Because most of them are legitimately autistic.
Because the actually intelligent ones set up plans that their spoiled sons' spoiled sons' spoiled sons are supposed to act upon, but they all grow up knowing they're the "chosen ones" and don't realize that the inherent intricacies of running a conspiracy theory can't be beat by pretending to not know anything about them. Literally Zuckerkike started sweating bullets during the interview where he reluctantly revealed his hoodie's hidden satanic logo, under any other age he'd have been suicided by his own for being such a moron.
Also it has to do with that whole post about how they're merchants by nature and do actions that benefit them in the next few picoseconds but come to realize the gravity of their situation only when the gas valve is open.
Where? I dont see it
WOuld love this kike to run for president he would GET BTFO on the campaign trail. He is globalist ie COMMUNIST scum.
I like the irony of putting the word "graph" on there, implying it depicts 3 axes where facebook is neither "open and connected" nor "making the world".
They know, shut it down™
They introduced Zuckerberg as the "model global citizen" before the interview. So they aren't out of touch they are simply brainwashed and need everyone else to be as well.
What's does that button do?
Chemically castrates all whites in a twenty mile radius.
The part of this that annoys me the most is that dumb bitch standing there pretending to contemplate the black square.
I also try to contemplate it, as in: why the fuck is this on show?; why is worth money?; how come I, who can do this with a fucking paint roller, am not getting money? And so on.
"Modern art" is used for money laundering. Plain and simple.
But what if he wants eternal rape?
It's not about "connecting the world," Zuck. It's great to have a connected world where people can talk with each other - the problem is being FORCED to be around those people, and being FORCED to deal with those people on a day-to-day basis! People want to be around people like them - actually understanding that people from different places act differently is why nationalism is a thing!
This is one of the most detestable yids to ever live, basically rose to fame jewing a gentile and made a movie bragging about it
He seems nervous.
He should be
love you guys
You get it. They are have no fondness for one particular "home" because they have no home, so it's all the same to them.
It simply is more convenient to coalesce everything into one so they no longer have to deal with the effort of learning new languages or cultures, etc. The variety of different peoples is more of a burden than a novelty to them.
pic related
Do it faggot. Don't talk about it do it. Grease up that weapon and secure a future for the entire white race.
whoa how come I had never seen that picture before? where's the video?
We need anonymous assassination markets funded by anonymous crypto currency, until then kikes will continue their bullshit
I think it means "graph" in the discrete math sense: en.wikipedia.org
Vertices and edges. People are the vertices, the edges connecting the vertices are the relationships between people. Facebook is attempting to map the social graph of humanity. They must be stopped. The technology they are building is incredibly dangerous, it's horrifying that they've gotten away with it for this long.
Zuckerberg is possibly the living stereotype for everything wrong with jews and his twofaced leftism.
Shouldn't have**
Zuck wants to try his hand at becoming President
Why would he need to run for president? He already has PII on over 2 billion people.
just to add, FYI, there's only about 8 billion on the planet.
Tired of the false narratives, not about patronizing fucking "left behind," it's about genocide, getting jewed, fuck you do not want, don't want to live with shitskins.
that's a brilliant scheme, actually
reminder that goslings character in this movie (the believer) is Jewish. It's a very kiked movie.
do you think he is cooking babies in that green egg?
Where could one learn to speak his mind in this way, to debate and argue without being a complete retard?
I want to improve my knowledge of the English language, to the point where I could form good arguments.
What can be done about the Hawaiians anyways? Are they as bad as California, being so far out west? I know the natives used to have relatively stable monarchies before America annexed them for the greater good. Even though they're not white, perhaps the native Hawaiians deserve some meme magic to help them retake their island from the Jewish tourists and regain their statehood.
I remember reading about people installing solar panels and getting shut down by the ((( power companies ))) because that shit was so crazy effective in sunny tropical islands.
And she will still sit there and stare at it until someone tells her that it is all garbage, it's all a big scheme to get money out of anyone who A) has a lot of money B) gullible.
Even then she might not believe it, why else would this obvious work of art be in this museum?
I think it would be funny if some Hawaiian were to accidentally shoot Suckerberg in the head a few dozen times.
It's 2800*. Get it right, animal.
3 generations ago, they weren't as naive, because they saw the push back against the lying noses. They created institutions which make people retarded. Little did they know, the bullshit they pioneered and pushed came to bite them in the ass. They too had kids way past their prime so they handed all that shit to a bunch of retarded autistic young Jews who are totally oblivious to what they needed to do to keep the ball going. Add to it that no matter how many hearts they burn through, the kikes who are still alive from that old generation are definitely going senile so they overplay their hand and hope they can censor and react to the uprising. After all, they want to see the endgame in their lifetime. Problem with that is they far overplayed it and no amount of global human movement and tyrannical puppets putting treasonous ideas into law will save their offsprings. You'll most likely see the planet get completely nuked before the white man accepts falling into perpetual slavery and no amount of autistic screeching the UN does will stop an eventual world civil war, thanks to they bullshit Agenda 2030 made to wreck cultures and nations.
You still have guys like Soros and Rockefeller, but I think they're realizing now that Kurzweil was way too optimistic and their kids just don't have what it takes.
very nice
Well that's not going to happen. Globalisation only exists for the 0.001% who are just building capital off their capital. Capitalism is the issue here and it will always be an issue.
Waiting for the announcement tbh
Also in response to your comment, this tends to happen when surrounded by yes-men and career opportunists that will never go against the CEO, creates an artificial bubble.
It doesn't help that we're talking about Jews, which multiplies that problem.