Final Fantasy X/X-2 coming to steam

Final Fantasy X/X-2 coming to steam.

Why do I even have a Vita again?

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Don't say that, it's a great early access console.

Great, now I can play the worst 3D FF on PC!

I didn't want to give Square any more money, but I have too many good memories with that game.

When you're away from your computer and want to play video games?

It's not like it uses denuvo. Just pirate it


on the other hand we're also getting the best 3D FF

The term "exclusive" is long time dead , and does not mean anything.

thats a not a bad thing

It never did outside shit eating fanboys

Buy it then faggot.

Theres no way you like FF13 more

I feel like playing it but then I have to avoid lightning for 2 hours …
Or remember that time one of my friends was going insane changing cameras in X-2

I wonder if there will be some mods for the games?



Nice meme

Casuals dont play spreadsheet simulators, simulators at all or no graphics games.

Wow thats a fast release date assuming they don't fuck around with it like IX. Good shit

I do. FFX was trash through and through. At least XIII had a fresh combat system and a cogent story.

Yeah right. FFX began the easy, linear cinematic trends everyone whines about, but muh nostalgia prevents people from seeing that.

Seeing how SE is porting all their old games to PC we might get a 12 international port with no audio compression.

Those FMVs + English and Japanese dialog take up a lot of space for two games, pretty standard sizing really. The "boosters" are just modern day gameshark codes

Might be sooner then we think at this point, why will square port after they're done with with all the existing FF games though, Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest?

Could you go into detail about what in the story makes FFX worse than FFXIII?

FFX's plot holes come on later in the story as you learn more about the world while FFXIII's plot inconsistencies start right off the bat and keep going

I also just plain disagree with the combat system. FFX was great while FFXIII had too many elements out of your control in the name of spectacle

Reminder bloated games are never okay

CTB was the best combat system Final Fantasy ever had.

And the PS4 version was something like 32GB on release which you cutely excluded. Steam usually overshoots what it is actually is for most games on the store. Really standard shit.

Only Holla Forums would complain about extra features on old games.

It just means buyfags are the ones getting fucked again when pirates propose small installers (that takes x4 less the bandwidth) or even sometimes modify the game to make less heavy in general.

Regardless, PS2 iso is still a better download than this shit

>Only Holla Forums would complain about extra features on old games.

Here is your reply

Since this is pretty close to a general FF thread i got ask anons, which is your favorite?
I've recently underwent the task of playing them all
I've beaten them all apart from x-2 (i'm on chapter 4) FFIX (pirated version refuses to work for some reason) and FFXII (which i've played like an hour of but kinda dropped since the battle system is fucking disgusting)
My favorite so far is a tie between FFVIII and FFX
8 just had a shlocky storyline but i somehow found it charming, and the draw/junction system was interesting enough to keep me engaged. Fuck that final dungeon and bossfight though
X had the best battle system. I don't know if you guys like the "wait for the bar to fill up and everything's happening at the same time" system but i prefer turn based and X did it perfectly. Had a ton of bullshit sidequests though

faggot pls

Can I have a reply too, user-kun?



You do know the PC version will be based on the PS3/4 remaster, not the original. Final Fantasy 10 has lots of audio and cutscenes.

Does it have japanese voiceovers?
I want to listen to Tidus laugh horribly in nipponese too.

Here you go


Also maybe it would be more constructive for folks to stop whining about game size and start lobbying politicians for decent internet infrastructure? Games will only get bigger.

Or move- whichever.

Same cutscenes and audio that are present on FFX international from the PS2 too

I'm based towards X because its the one I have the most fun replaying over the years due the sphere and battle system. IX was great to replay last month since I haven't touched it since it released. VIII gets a LOT of shit it doesn't deserve, sure the mechanics are retarded as shit but once you understand how to abuse them it becomes the funnest game to cheese with. If the English dialog was tweaked a tiny bit (specifically the "…whatever" being more like "…sorry". Small but whatever makes Squall sound like such a jackass and puts it closer to the jap intention) the game would have left a better impression on most people.

Couldn't ever sit down and play XIII due to the weird combat, I'll probably give it a fair chance some day. I've been playing a bunch of XIV lately which is a glorified single player RPG. Story is probably the best done for an MMO. Very "Final Fantasy".

I still can't tell if you're just a mindless shitposter or just retarded. One day we may learn the truth! Probably not today though

Please tell me why FFX HD should take up anything more than 5-6GB on PC (10-12GB at total for the whole package with FFX-2 HD)

You never had an actual argument, which I've already picked apart earlier in the thread. The size is pretty close off the PS4 version and the high size is due to FMV and duel audio. Square likely doesn't have the technology to compress it properly without sacrificing quality, because square is a bunch of a hacks. Fucking XIII is something like 60GB (XIII2/3 are both around 20-25 I think) and thats only one game. So even accounting for getting better at it with the lightning series 37 GB~ for X/X2 lines up exactly with expectations.

Thanks for keeping the thread bumped though, much appreciated!

Only way you would be satisfied is they ported the Vita version (so you don't go over mommy and daddies data cap like a bad boy), which would be retarded. But then you'd probably be complaining about that

Again FFX International on PS2 had both audio and have the same amount of cutscenes and dialogues on a DVD.

You could have the entire FFX HD on a vita cartridge (minus one audio language) for 3GB. Same for FFX-2 HD.

So again, why are you assmad that I point out the piss poor job from Square to bloat their shit on home consoles/PC?

I finished FFX last year, after playing FF13, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon (and Chrono Trigger for the second time, after first playing it years before) and I gotta say it's very hard to pick a decisive 'best' or even 'worst' of them. I love all of them.

It's tremendously hard to get past the first 30 minutes of X-2 though, maybe I'm just not used to the changes yet.

The Vita version has smaller texture resolutions dipshit.

Does it justify to have a game that take up 30-35GB more because of "muh uncompressed HD textures"?

Vita has smaller resolution and doesn't even come with the original soundtrack as an option, just the rearranged. That alone is a shit ton of space.

Don't think to hard about things and get into the combat system, the dress spheres are just great.

Considering he hasn't changed tactics he really is just a retard who think he is trolling well. Good excuse to keep the thread on the front page though. God bless

Squeenixfag pls

XIII-3 is only 12gb repacked companycuck.

Look I am a nice guy but honestly…

Did you ever play the remaster? It is not the same as the PS2 ISOs.

I just realised; we're going to get fucking nude mods. Lulu, Yuna and Rikku completely nude the whole game.

God is good.

X-2 was so cringey I couldn't play it with other people in the house. Then it suddenly ended without warning and I didn't get the happy ending, which is the whole point of the game, because lol no 100% completion. I regret everything. I should have used a guide and one shot it a the time, but now I don't care because my enthusiasm for X has waned an no longer carries over.

The only genuinely good thing to come out of X-2 was a few tracks in the Piano Collections.

Is this the remastered garbage, or the original just upscaled like an emulator?

Replay value :^)

It literally says in the OP link. Were you born in a womb full of alcohol?

Or mods that make them cover up, in which case God hates us.

I just auto-ignore anything like that.

Literally everyone's experience with the game: the post.

Getting that fucking good end not only needed completion, but also a completely unintuitive series of events in an otherwise linear game in a series of linear games. And after stomaching those random minigames, events and absolutely flat main characters there is no going back.

Gee wiz.

Why the fuck do people say X-2 is even good?

Because you're retarded?

There's your problem

You think I'm sadist?

Why not both; have Tidus covered up and Lulu naked. Honestly I'm actually more excited for potential alt costumes or character replacers. Maybe if Tidus looked less like a rent boy at a resort for older female sex tourists I'd be able to deal with his characterisation a little better. They should have just made him look like an Asian college swimming jock or something; black hair, shorts, grey hoodie with his teams logo on, I don't know.

I dropped the game mid cutscene; I just couldn't take it anymore. It was way worse in XIII though; I kept alt+F4'ing out of dialogue and had to spend a day washing that shit out of my head before trying again, I never made it past the first area before I dropped it after a week of trying.

The worst part about dresspheres was that even the fast version of the change animation took way too fucking long.


Is hacking on the PSV even worth a damn? I know the PSP is a fucking beast when it comes to shit you can do on custom firmware.

Real efforts to crack the Vita won't happen until Sony drops support. It's far too easy for them to patch any holes right now.

the milking continues…

I thought that's why you just make sure your firmware was on a certain version.

But I guess if that's the case then it shouldn't be too long, didn't sony announce that they weren't making anymore a while ago?

The first summon fight nonsense (shiva) was the final straw for me. The game's only gameplay is literally a repetitive quick time event that tries to fool you into pretending it's some sort of combat system. Not that the rest of the game was better, but that's how much i managed to go through after multiple tries.

The apparent consensus on the internet that the games are playable is no-doubt media-shill-manufactured nonsense. I shudder whenever i think what kind of deranged cuck one must be to go through FF13. I was in a hobby group when it came out and out of 5 other people the only person who managed to go through was the retarded gamer grrrl.

That didn't stop the 3DS hacking.
As i see it, the VITA isn't hacked only because there is not enough interest in the console to go through the hardware spoofing necessary. Not a single hacker worth their salt have dedicated it the time afforded to other consoles.

Sony's owned development studios aren't making games anymore, that's not the same thing as dropping support. The Vita still has, in Japan at least, a very large number of 3rd party developers making games for it and Sony are keeping the Vita patched and supported until they stop.

3DS had a lot less roadblocks to get through. It was part of Sony's design plan for the Vita to make it as hard to hack as possible and as easy for them to fix or brick as possible due to their erroneous belief that the PSP being hacked meant lost profits for them and lost interest from developers. Which is utter bullshit because even last year their were new PSP games being developed in Japan.

As I said before, they won't bother until Sony has dropped support. There have already been hacks and they all required abusing the internal PSP, all of which require exploiting vulnerable or trojan PSP games sometime purposefully placed on the store. These are inevitably taken down once Sony realises what's going on and every time it happens an avenue that could have been explored successfully is closed off for good. In addition, the trojan games leave a paper trail that exposes either the hacker, or possibly a poor sap who was convinced to unknowingly aid in a crime, to legal action.

But hey what does it matter now, everything that isn't Sony or Nintendo internal dev'd is coming to PC, and modern Nintendo consoles emulate better than the 64 so that really only leaves a couple of Sony internal studio catalogues that aren't available to the cunning consumer.

Brain problems.
Dear lord, why.


*also available on pc

I think the motivation is that sales will trickle in indefinitely for IPs that were formerly worthless. Supposedly, it may be worth more than the consoles were this way, but takes much more time.


So it won't be duel audio. Just english. HAHAHA




but XIII was already on PC

When has a voiced FF game ever been dual audio

So the PC version is going to be 30fps like those? Also is it going to be the vanilla or international version?

Mate give it a chance, it really is like any other FF's battle system except in real time (you can actually go in the options and change it so combat is not stopped every time you want to choose an action). Likewise, the gambit system is surprisingly deep, the only problem I had with the game apart from the story going to shit mid-way was how OP one's party got mid-game. It essentially made the whole party superheroes that could do everything, IZJS tried to fix this with actual classes but a lot of them either suck, are unviable or are broken as fuck. It does play great with a self imposed class challenge. You can google it, it makes the game way more enjoyable as each character is distinct, the classes are useful and it makes it harder too. Requires some good strategy and adapting to different enemies.

I love high framerates, but don't be a fucking faggot

If the PS2 version was 60fps why the fuck should PS3,PS4, or PC be 30fps if they're superior systems? Fuck that noise, theres no excuse for that shit.


What difference is it it going to make?

Are 100TB drives a thing yet?

Yeah nah, fuck that

I dunno, I was just asking mate. It just seemed odd to me when there is a version that has 60fps. Its not like I even like FFX. The backdrops were really nice but it felt way too linear corridory? for my taste. Also Tidus is an unbereable cunt and so is the whole cast except for eye-patch dude.

Was the PS2 version truly 60fps? I think I'd remember if it was.

Square enix is terrible at ports. Be thankful if they work in the first place.

Also the final fantasy games are one of the few games that actually run perfectly on pcsx despite terrible hardware, so it's not like this is the only way to play them

Just put in 01/01/1900 you fucking retard.

>To date, I still haven't had an internal drive larger than 500GB

And it's only going to get worse from here on out.
PC master race amirite guys.

Yeah nah

Nigger you can get a 2tb hard drive for $60.

Go back to Holla Forums you faggot.

2TB aint shit anymore

Whats that user? Are you being triggered by the 60fps monster? You know he doesn't exist right? The human eye can't even see past 31 frames.

I'm not talking about 60fps you walking abortion. I'm talking about you being fucking terrified of putting 01/01/1900 into steam.

oh boy, time to sink another 200 hours without plugging up my PS2

Are you baiting or are you for real?

Do you click on "No" when a porn site asks you if you're over 18?

Are you actually retarded?

it's just to make sure you're old enough to view an m-rated game you paranoid fuckhead

Nah man, it's the current year. You should OBVIOUSLY have 4TB+ hard drives by now. And a 1TB SSD to for boot!
God forbid you don't have NAS-levels of storage in your desktop PC. I mean COME ON.


You're gonna have to upgrade eventually; getting salty over time moving forward isn't going to stop filesize bloat from continuing.

Every XIII port for PC.

that's gay

That blur looks like a tiny hitler.


True, gotta get dat dither.

I guess most people just completely blanked everything about XIII out.

>It's okay for games to be 50+GB a piece because technology is advancing very slowly

I didn't even know what game we were talking about, just saw you say something stupid. I just checked, though, and it's apparently in place for T-rated games as well. You say you were born in 2000, it lets you in. Say you were born in 2006, no dice.

So I'll adjust my statement: It's just to make sure you're old enough to view the game you paranoid fuckhead

How many times do they need to re-release the same fucking games? Who, at this point, hasn't played them both to death already?

As long as you didn't update it, you still have a pretty good $200 PSP and PS1 emulator.

You know what, you're absolutely right, if you keep complaining to nobody in particular in this thread then I'm 100% certain that all the devs worldwide will stop these shitty practices.

You're basically trying to stop people breaking the speedlimit on the highway by complaining to an unconscious hobo. That is what you are doing right now.

I'm not saying those practices aren't shitty, I'm saying that we're powerless to stop them and we have only two choices; buy a new fucking harddrive (yes it cost fucking money, playing videogames isn't an inalienable right) or stop playing new videogames.

A PSP is better for that; SD storage.

Or, you know, boycott and not be a bitch like a good goy.

That's literally the second choice I gave you.

I'd rob a meme.

??? This vita hacking stuff sounds like a fun read. Is there a site talking about this stuff?

Eh, maybe. Dig through for hacking related articles and google what you find.


You can still play your old videogames without being a bitch you know.

Will the game have skipable cutscenes or not?


if you want higher framerate then emulate it


rikku is best girl



Yes, whats your point?

No it's not, and before someone says "but PCSX2 says 60fps", those are VFPS / VI/s / Hz (whatever you wanna call it), they do not have any relation to the internal framerate of the game.

If you play in Jap, the whole game will be in jap
You can't mix Jap VA with Eng subtitles and english UI

I know, thats still dual audio thought.
Lazy fucking port thought

Yes you can; you can in XIII so why wouldn't you be able to in X?

Stop fucking lying.

Is this as retarded as I think it is?
No dual audio.

aaaand there's already a mod for dual audio.