Did the Next Gen even happen?

Each generation of vidya produced not only better graphics, but more gameplay possibilities and depth as well.

But this current generation seems to just be about graphics. What new innovations in gameplay have occurred?

I'm talking about just what can be played with the basic hardware.

I'm not seeing any revolutionary upgrade in gameplay on any system.

Other urls found in this thread:


the current console gen doesn't have a single good exclusive so there is literally no reason for it to exist. every game has a superior version available on PC.

I'm not seeing any radical upgrade in gameplay on pc either, to be honest.

Thats why you play old games, emulators and exclusive genres.

But that's wrong. We haven't seen more "depth" since gen 6.

Define "radical upgrade in gameplay".

I didn't even do much graphics wise, wii-wiiU difference excepted. It's just the exclusives generation.


The time and place of consoles came, and went.

The original benefit of consoles were numerous. Accessibility (I know many people who "grew up" with PC gaming have to recognize they only had access to it at that time because of the relative wealth of their family). Along with the necessity of it. Along with things like a universal platform for the developers (you know everyone has the same SNES, for example).

Some of my earliest memories are playing an atari of one type or another. It would be well into my teens before I owned a computer.

People have short memories but owning a personal computer was not an ubiquitous quality like it is now. Nor was having a computer capable of playing graphically intense games.

Now days, this is not the case anymore. Everyone owns a computer, and just about everyone owns a computer which can play even newer games.

The only benefit a console would have would be as a platform for specific hardware (like specility controllers). Something Nintendo is attempting capitalizing on. And somewhat failing at because their gimmicks aren't that profound.

I really don't see traditional consoles continuing into the future. Only something premised on a gimmick would make any sense.


Really, the last innovation on consoles was online play.


2D to 3D
Movable camera
Voice acting
Destruction physics
Branching dialogue and story paths
Contextual actions and manuevering
Open world without loading zones

To name a few.

Press X to climb that ladder. Press X to climb over that barrier. Press X to hack that door. Press X repeatedly to escape that grab. Press X to duck into that vent. Press X to pay respects :^).
Contextual actions were a mistake.
Hiding your loading screens behind awful, stuttery texture streaming is not a radical upgrade in gameplay.

Also all of that shit was around in gen 6 except for the "open world" shit which is cancerous as fuck.

The ONLY step up I can think of is Nintendo going from the Wii to the Wii U. Too bad it's nothing more then a Smash machine.

It's such a dissapointing gen I finally built a PC after having a toaster for ten years.


I was thinking more like what games like Prototype and Mirror's Edge did with the parkour or LA Noire with the investigations.

>Literally the best rated games are mostly open world. The latter is indie / old shit I could run with previous rig
Just look at it
Black Flag
Brutal legendthe middleschool metalhead in me creamed his pants
To name a few.
The more I look forward the more I wish to look back.
On the plus side I can render 1080p videos in 60fps so I was thinking of devoting some time and energy in learning Vegas a bit more.


Oh wait till you hear this, it will really jumble your christmas lights.
My last pc WAS A PREBUILT WITH AN AMD 6670 AND an i3 cpu iirc


Why can't you play console games on a computer anyway?
I mean, I know that it's because the console's software processes the programs differently so it's like trying to run a Linux program on Wangblows or vice versa. But is it really that big a job to emulate? In my very infantile understanding of C coding the only real differences between coding on Linux and Wangdongs is the system commands, so designing a program for the other kernel consists of simply either changing the system commands, or changing the OS to interpret the commands. Would it be too different for consoles?
I mean, it's not as if the designers are going to make the software too outlandish? That would be way too expensive. Especially Xbox which is owned by Macroshit anyway.

It hurts. So much potential for gameplay scenarios with the extra computational power but instead they'd rather drown their games in texture shaders and lighting engines.

You mean the "innovation" of figuring out retards will pay $60 a year to host games on their own connections?

You serious? Have you never played an old adventure game?

I was talking about this same topic with my friend the other day, who absolutely adores his PS4. Of course, I can't judge, because I also had bought a PS4 last year, thinking that exclusive games would actually come out, but most are crap. Really the only nice thing I've looked about the PS4 is the fact multiplats seen to be best optimized for it, and I like my physical media. Plus it seems to upscale my dad's better.

Anyway, the PS4 Neo should have been what the PS4 originally launched as. It would have been closer to being an actual leap in graphics and power, albeit still not as great as the console before it.

Honestly, the xbone I got second hand had more games that interest me. Rare Replay, Scalebound, Killer Instinct, Forza series, Sea of Thieves, Raiden V, and more. And yes, I know some of them will be on Windows 10, but that doesn't count.

All in all, I feel more desperate to justify my console purchases than ever, and I've been thoroughly disappointed. The only reasons I don't completely rely on PC gaming is lack of physical media, and the fact that PC releases of my games always seem to be sloppy seconds ports.

We have lots of choices and variety in gaming nowadays, but we are also stagnating. It's an interesting time to be a gamer.

Stay idort

Honestly, I don't think we're missing out on much, unfortunately. For serious physics simulation you'd need GPU-bound physics which would go completely against graphics fidelity and thus will never happen, or we need vastly superior CPUs to emerge (also unlikely any time soon).

Our contemporary CPUs don't seem to go much beyond what Crysis did. Imagine Crysis type buildings, except with more pieces and more visual realism (decals, particles etc). Look at Siege and JUST 3. The former has that Battlefield Bad Company style visual realism that's all about cool looking explosions and the remaining holes, but the number of rubble "pieces" doesn't exceed Crysis and they disappear (shanty hut parts do not disappear in Crysis). JUST 3 does some more complex simulation of structures as its all about collapses, not about blowing holes into things. In Crysis you would see roofs standing on one of its four original pillars so that's progress. In Siege buildings don't come down at all. But the number of rubble pieces in JUST doesn't seem remarkable to me.

Of course if destruction physics were the holy grail of marketing big budget games, instead of graphics, we'd see optimizations for current hardware. I'm sure much better destruction (or physics in general) is feasible on current hardware in theory but noone is pumping money into that area of game development - and noone outside of video games has an interest in simulating physics in real-time so those optimizations are going to be 100% up to game developers to make.

It seems like the few I've bothered to try got butchered PC ports, and they rarely bother to patch them.

That, and Steam isn't something I like to rely on.

I guess I'll just stay idort.

It kinda was though. Halo 1 and the Xbox is the reason online FPS on consoles are a thing. Not necessarily a good thing, mind you, but you can't deny that it did completely change the market.

It's not like loonix and wangblows. Not by far. With OSes you still compile for the same x86/AMD64 architecture and all you have to do is translate OS calls. The original xbox uses a fairly standard x86-compatible pentium 3, but all the other consoles have always used their own proprietary chips. Everything by nintendo uses MIPS-derivatives, sony uses their weird shit, sega uses some other RISC stuff from nipland, etc. You have to translate that shit to run it on modern PCs. Luckly, that's not actually too hard and as a result we have emulators for these systems.

The problem is that since 7th gen, all the consoles uses custom-made graphics cores in some form or another that are programmed through some API. In the case of microshaft it's DX-like, but for the rest it's all custom. Reverse-engineering those is miles more difficult, since it all goes through multiple layers of abstractions that eventually ends up inside a blackbox chip that does things that nobody other than the hardware designer knows about.

In the ole days when the consoles were all essentially doing software rendering with a few extras for acceleration (sprite engines, simple vertex pipelines etc.) it's feasable to reverse-engineer and port since you can usually figure out how it works by looking at chips by the same manufacturer and how they work. Example: even if the compiler for N64 is unavailable, if you can find docs for the chips the one in the N64 is based on you can work it out roughly from similarities and then fill the rest in by looking at official programming manuals and see what code should do what, then figure out what kind of hardware features it probably has and how they should behave, then you try to implement them, either in software directly or on top of another API, ex. opengl.

In the case of 360/xbone, since they're DX-like and they use PowerPC/presumably AMD64-like respectively and AMD graphics in both cases, it's not impossible that they might be reverse-engineerable in the future. We do have an open-source graphics driver for AMD, so unless they've made everything different it's possible there's enough similarities that a custom graphics driver for a custom version of linux could be made. Then that might be able to emulate all the services required to run stock games using a non-stock OS+software stack. If you can get that done, you might also be able to translate the machine code and run it on a PC whilst also implementing all the hardware features on top of other libraries and APIs (opengl for graphics ofc, but there's also a bunch of other stuff like input system, networking, dashboard services, sound system etc.).

As for PS3/4, Wii etc. I don't know. It's possible their libraries and APIs aren't too weird and I do know that you can run linux on the Wii, but xbox has the advantage that they're the most similar to what we have in the PC world.

Of course I have, all of the examples I listed were previous innovations.

Can you make this in the form of a frog meme?

This is why most idorts are garbage, they spread themselves too thin and dont find the actual good games/squeeze the potencial out of their platforms.

I'm honestly surprised none of you have realized that people STILL eat up consoles, despite nothing being innovative.
It doesn't matter that the "Next Gen" didn't happen, because people will still buy this shit because their friends and the media tells them they have to.

"Gamer" used to be a niche group designated for nerds and faggots who liked staying inside all day and playing games instead of doing anything productive with their lives.
So companies had to cater to these autistic NEETs by actually being creative and fucking making games that they would buy.

Now that "Gamer" is a term that describes literally fucking every dudebro plays CoD on his xbox, companies don't have to try as hard to be innovative, because Chad doesn't fucking give a shit if the new Call of duty is particularly creative.

You all have to realize that when it comes to consoles, and maybe even PC,
We autistic NEETs are now in the minority.

Personally I don't need innovation.

Look at what Nintendo has done. Change is not always good.

Autistic neets have pretty much always been in the minority, and consoles aren't doing hot themselves this gen.

We aren't exactly winning, but neither is AAA dreck and consoles. Everyone's losing. The hardcore fans at least have backlogs.

The only thing they changed has been some of their business practises and their move to mobile that people here have been predicting since late 2013 also Iwata

They're still the same as they always have been.

Look up medieval engineers. It can be done if you want to.

Also, doing physics on the GPU is nontrivial for a lot of reasons. It's easy enough to have particles bounce around in the scene or have fluids dripping over edges, but that's a one-way interaction. The physically simulated stuff is affected by the environment, but the environment is not affected by it. Simulating water flowing through a pipe while dragging your character along with it or stepping on loose rubble and having the surface shift and move about would either require you to host the entire physics simulation on the GPU or require you to have a constant feed of data back to the host system. The latter is not very good since it's not a thing GPUs are good at. They're designed to be fed data in one end and spit out frames in another. Feedback is not a thing they do by design. Just look at the mess that is occlusion queries.

As for the first, it might be possible, but it would place a lot of restrictions. You'd have to basically host your entire game on the GPU and consider kb+m and network as the input to be fed into the pipeline. It might be possible, but you'd probably have to throw away all game design that's ever been invented. Games are essentially sophisticated state machines with millions of moving parts, with graphics deferred to an external API. GPUs are, like I said, pipelines. The feature of retaining state between frames is a relatively new feature and is pretty restricted. You'd have to design a new language to properly model the execution environment and you'd still be rather limited in what you can do.

So basically no. GPU-accelerated physics is an appealing concept, but not really feasible. We design games around the generalist nature of CPU+RAM systems. GPUs are not generalists, they're extremely limited specialists that do one thing and does it really well. Maybe advancements in GPGPU like HSA will bridge (kek) the gap, but I doubt it. It would be better to try and parallellize current physics libraries to take advantage of all the cores we have. In fact, that might help bring us towards the hyperparallell nature of GPUs.

tl;dr: consoles use custom hardware, curstom tools and custom everything. That means they're about as incompatible with PCs as elephants are incompatible with snakes. There are some similarities, so maybe in the far future, but not today. Running the code is not the biggest problem. It's the custom graphics.

You are the problem. Adding in advanced destuctibility for the sake of more shiny, without any impact on gameplay, is the exact mentality that got us into the shiny-over-everything state that AAA gaming is in right now.

No we wouldn't, as impressive destruction makes balancing gameplay and retard-proofing missions extremely difficult.
Try Silent Storm, it's a flawed masterpiece because of its destruction physics. And by that I mean it's both flawed and a masterpiece because of it. On one hand it's really impressive what you can do to a level, especially when you think of its age. But then you try to actually finish a mission and learn to hate the system. That safe with the secret documents you're tasked to steal? Unreachable. Sometimes buried under rubble, sometimes it's where it should be but all paths to it are cut off in the ruins left standing after the, as mentioned, really impressive, firefight. And sometimes your goal would be reachable, but blown across the level so it's unfindable.
Realistic physics sound great exactly until the point where you're trying to have structured gameplay inside this simulation. Either simplify the gameplay, but then gameplay variety goes down the drain, or have unbelievable shitloads of playtesting to restructure levels and abilities so it doesn't get overly frustrating.

Real physics is hard. Yes, it's computationally expensive, but more than that, it's an immense game design problem. If you want a focus on real physics you better hope for the success of VR as the hightened immersion/presence physics enables is about the only incentive strong enough to open this can of worms.

Thats a filthy lie and you know it. The last big step in gameplay possibilities and depth console game made was with the 6th generation, after that they degenerated and fell into pre 6th generation shovel ware shit, only difference being the nicer graphics.

Hell Demon Souls and Bloodborne became popular, not because they did something new, but they continued the way 6th generation Games were made and didn't degenerate into the cookie cutter bullshit to attract casual, like all the other Games of the 7th and 8th Generation.

This. There comes that point where we're literally out of huge ground breaking ideas within the framework of what can be done in a virtual 3d space controlled with an ergonomic TV remote and that's OK.

Let's check:
1st Generation: The core concepts of videogames. First consoles that played multiple "games". Pong.

2nd Generation: Atari 2600, more colors and SFX. Actual gameplay.

3rd Generation: NES age. Decent colors and graphics. Platformers everywhere.

4th Generation: 16-bit age, Graphics are so good their style is replicated to this day. RPGs golden age.

5th Generation: 3D graphics, polygons everywhere. Rise of the Playstation. FF7 and Ocarina of Time.

6th Generation: Online gameplay. Fall of Sega and Rise of the Xbox. All consoles get notorious graphics upgrades.

7th Generation: HD, I guess. Wii, DS and Smartphones attracts millions of casuals everywhere. AAA games start focusing in casuals since they bring in the best profit.

8th Generation: Graphics were already so good that you can't always tell the difference from the previous generation. Many of PS4's best games are ports of PS3 games.

I did and that's a cool concept. The gameplay seems very physics-driven which is exactly what we need going forward. Nice.

The industry's superficial trends are a result of a decade of marketing via videos. Scripted shit is enough for casuals who buy games based on 1 minute "cinematic" trailers and shill reviews. Noone is more cynical about the state of video games, FPS in particular, than I am. Witness my rant:

I remember watching Crysis footage in 2006 (that's before youtube so I went to a real store and bought a physical magazine with a DVD in it), later playing the demo (remember demos?) and ultimately playing the game. I was so optimistic about the future of FPS! Had I known that Crysis would be the last PC FPS and all subsequent FPS would be soulless console COD clones with simplistic level design, simplistic AI, no fucking physics etc. I would have stopped paying attention to video game news 9 years ago. Sure, you can still play old games but how exciting will they be after you've played Doom, Quake, Deus Ex, AVP, FEAR, Dark Messiah and Crysis? Up until Crysis it seemed like we were going somewhere, like the best was yet to come and we were getting closer and closer. Then every franchise moved to consoles.


Deus Ex got rebooted a second time, FEAR got dumbed down, Arkane wanted to make yet another Thief inspired game but had to turn it into a casual power fantasy, Crytek made COD clones… And what are old school FPS people mildly excited about right now? Shadow Warrior 2, another fucking console game. Surely, THIS fucking console game will be good somehow. They never learn. And what about multiplayer? CounterStrike and Quake 3 with some balance changes, so basically we're stuck in 2001 forever. Oh, and plenty of pros are gearing up to compete in Overwatch, another fucking console FPS. Surely this one will become the next big esport. Just wait, Blizzard will throw so much money at it and… oh wait, it's repetitive and fucking garbage to watch so it won't become a spectator sport no matter how many pros they lure into their trap.

(((8 YEARS)))

Splatoon has the best control scheme of any console shooter ever made thanks to the gyro aiming. It's not as good as M&K, but it's finally practical to make console shooters that don't rely on autoaim.
What's disgusting is that both the PS4 and XB1 controllers could do this as well, but devs don't want to fucking bother.

How are DS games that use the touchscreen on emulators?
Can you play them with a mouse or is a touchscreen/tablet recommended?

I got introduced to the Forgotten Weapons channel just a couple of weeks ago (start of the rock island auction). He seems like a cool guy.

What is it like user? I never played so I don't understand what you're saying.


That's because the average gamer hears "motion controls" and sneers at the very sound.
A similar thing happened with Uprising where reviewers sucked at adapting to the controls, despite offering higher precision/control. A few of them remapped their controls to something vastly inferior, then went on to complain about shit like not being able to spin the camera fast enough to catch enemies behind them or imprecise aiming.

Likewise, I can't tell you how many times I've seen people damn near calling hacks on opponents in Splatoon due to seemingly having unfair precision, when in reality all they were using was the intended control scheme. Or people playing the game for the first time and immediately turning "that shit off" in the menu first thing.

It's disappointing because you're entirely right. The twinsticks + gyro aiming gives so much precision and practicality for shooters and it's criminally underutilized.

Enlighten me user, for I am inexperienced and young.

Yes, sure, physical unlock keys for on-disc content is truly a gameplay innovation and totally not an objectively bad thing for the consumer.

It really isn't. See . Reliance on physics can be an awful thing. Look at Little Big Planet, for example. It's cool how much you can customize and build, but the actual gameplay is factually bad. The extreme reliance on physics means that the same action often leads to a different result. That's unacceptable in a platformer, which needs speed and precision.

Bloodborne is painfully mediocre.

Face it, the 8th console gen is a complete wash and anyone who bought an 8th gen console wasted their money.

You aim by tilting the gamepad in addition to just moving the right stick. Use the stick for large movements, make fine adjustments with the gyro. It takes a little bit of getting used to, but once you adjust it blows pure sticks away.

That's an universal phenomenon.

Reminder that phoon did use scripts, he just lied about it.

I'm a video editor by trade so I always take a crack at people who use Vegas. I cut my teeth on Vegas when I was younger, but now I use Premiere, and Media Composer occasionally, so I always laugh when I shit like ecelebs using Vegas like they're pro editors when really no professional film makers/videographers touch it

vr looks pretty promising. especialy if valve get their shit together and release portal vr. or even half life 3.
then it only has to drop in price, which will definitly happen as production costs go down.

My pirated copy of Premiere stopped working half a year ago and I have been too lazy to pirate the current version and learn new things.

Why is Premiere so fucking brutal on hardware? I have only 6 GB RAM so that could be a factor, but if that were the problem then things should work initially and only slow down after a while. My CPU is good and my GPU is even better. I don't get it.

What did last gen offer in that regard?
The PS3 and 360 were just better powered versions of the PS2 and OGBox, respectively, and didn't really do much outside of fully introduce video games to a larger audience. The PS4 and Xbone are just upgraded versions of the PS3 and 360, respectively, and aren't really doing much outside of introducing video games to a larger audience

Yeah I can get that, along with the cricle jerk of being inbred with Photoshop and After Effects and having them all intertwine like an amalgamation of moving parts.
Tell me user, what would you outline as pros and cons of the current software we have on display? Vegas seems noob friendly when compared to Premier, and so far it's working.
When do I shit my pants and realize I have to jump ship?

The PS3/360/Wii gen was the one that made online play on consoles explode. You know, the CoD boom..

You definitely need more RAM. 16 gigs at least. If you're processor is decent then maybe RAM is the issue.

Remember that Adobe programs allow for allocating RAM use based on performance.

Halo 1 and 2 had a large playerbase online, on OGBox.
Dreamcast had PSO, which did pretty well.
PS2 had an Everquest thing, as well as all its sports games with online.
Gamecube had PSO ep 3.

Online was not a unique thing to gen 6, nor were the benefits of online. Gen 6 just offered that across more options, and had a much bigger userbase to have things like a "CoD boom."
So I'll ask again: What did last gen offer in that regard?

Vegas aside from being accessible is still languishing in updates compared to Premiere. It's also more prone to generally instability and crashing in my experience. It's video renderer for a final video output is also woefully anemic compared to Adobe Media Encoder or Apple Compressor.

Premire has a slight learning curve but if you've ever used FCP7 you can learn it. Just be sure you have adequate hardware and keep your media organized. Other than that it's more feature rich and has had some superb updates since moving from the Creative Suite to Creative Cloud (look built in LUTs for quick and easy color correction and HEVC support).

Avid Media Composer is mainly for just editing and project management. It has one fuck of a learning curve and is really only used by professional filmmakers and dedicated production houses. Don't worry about using unless you want to work as editor in jewlywood or shit like that.

Final Cut Pro X is trash and Apple can fuck themselves for brainwashing every young film student for buying into their shit for 15 plus years. Thankfully I've found more and more videographers are migrating to PC.

But again, how could the RAM limitation affect me when I'm just booting up the program and adding a couple clips that don't fill a GB combined?

The worst part was always getting audio to synch. In Premiere the audio would seem synched, then I'd render the video and played in another media player audio would no longer seem as well synched as before. So frustrating.

did the site fuck up again

Halo 1 and 2 had a large playerbase online, on OGBox.
Dreamcast had PSO, which did pretty well.
PS2 had an Everquest thing, as well as all its sports games with online.
Gamecube had PSO ep 3.

Online was not a unique thing to gen 6, nor were the benefits of online. Gen 6 just offered that across more options, and had a much bigger userbase to have things like a "CoD boom."
So I'll ask again: What did last gen offer in that regard?
Let me post kikewheels

You might not be exporting to the same frame rate that your sequence is in. You also need to render footage in the timeline whenever you add footage or an effect for smoother playback.

meant to reply to


Oh, and PSO ep 3 on Gamecube was miniscule compared to the player bases on Eps 1 and 2.

Like said, the original Halo didn't have Xbox Live support.

Remember when you had a backlog of games you wanted to replay?

Remember when you could actually name releases you were looking forward to?

Sound points. Thanks user. I was thinking about Premier when and if I actually decide to go into animation. This is mostly for personal shits and giggles if it blows into something bigger that'd be hilarious

Oh, I have one right now.

The framerate thing may be hitting me because of that retarded difference between 29.97 and 30.

I already knew about rendering. Annoying bug there: I press enter, it starts to render but then arbitrarily stops at some point during the footage. I then press enter again and it does the rest (unless it stops arbitrarily again). Repeat until everything is actually done.

So that's red turning into green. What are the yellow parts though?

Yellow parts are usually new clips with no preview file, but can playback in real-time. Red means no preview file and no smooth real-time playback. Green means there's a rendered preview file and real-time playback.

If the rendering in your timeline seems incomplete, set in and out points at the beginning of your timeline and the end of your last clip. That usually has premiere render all your clips with preview files.

Anytime user. Though when it comes to animation and postproduction, make sure to learn Aftereffects for motion graphics and Cinema 4D for 3D animation (something I need to know as more pro editing jobs are requiring it).

Well, there seemed to be yellow parts that would always stay yellow. In fact that was the norm, I think. I don't remember a yellow part ever changing its color.

gyroscopic controls became the standard, as well as integrating touch interfaces.

They have been beneficial overall.

make in and out points like I mentioned then select "Render In and Out" under the Sequence menu up top if you want all clips in the timeline to render with a preview file.

Pretty shit tbh

I heard he lurked /k/

Not happening until Xbones gets a new gamepad with gyroscope and touch interfaces or developers stop pandering CODs fags.

What have this console generation in common? Every game platform this generation have a similar architectures or build and Microsoft opened their online borders. What this means, this console generations will likely getting more cross-platform multiplayer games.

Then we got game streaming.

You guys just need to fucking face it, AAA is dead, its not coming back.

AA and decent indies are however, find your niche and laugh and educate the casuals.

already happening on ps4 and wii u, so xbone doesn't matter. If microsoft has a next gen console, it will have gyro controls simply because they actually allow gamepads to compete with a mouse's high precision pointer controls. Although, I'd argue they feel better in some ways, but they are not as efficient. If anything, Analog is half as good as a mouse, maybe 75% as good in highly experienced users hands, but gyro+analog is 95% as good for player performance.

Just not western indies, who are trash.

Weeaboo pls

found the filthy frank fan, did he tell you liking japanese things is bad

Smash 4 is another weak entry to it's respective series.

I play games from all regions, timeframes and genres.
Project Reality and Mandate of Heaven to Trails in the Sky and Snatcher
You're nothing but a sad pathetic weeaboo with shit taste in video games and more than likely anime too.

I dont refrain to play games from other regions like a pissant with an inferiority complex and a love for shitty shallow otaku pandering games.
Everyone knows the bulk of vidya today is fucking shit no matter the region.
By stopping from buying from a region like a fucking idiot you're missing out on a shitton of great games.

Kill yourself you ignorant Asian cocksucking weeaboo

He's probably a butthurt mixed anglo-shitskin just like him.

oh he's mad too. it's ok, like frank says "its time to stop!" you can stop now that you got your inferiority complex out in the public, mister master taste master race.

Go play Ar Nosurge faggot, Ill be playing Endless Legend and Dominions while you grind like the autistic weeaboo you are.

wow, all these niche games…I've never heard of any of them before. You've done shown me good, frank-kin! Gosh, you're so confident in your taste. I've never seen someone go from painfully upset that games of one type from one region are shit to so insecure so quickly.

You forgot your smug anime girl image weeaboo shitcrease

Sadly the only game worth playing on the current console generation.

I just didn't want to upset you any more than you clearly are.

Vita happened, although Sony forgot. It's good if you're a weeb
3DS definitely happened, then again they're propped up with Pokemon and Monster Hunter so that was inevitable.
Wii U kinda happened, although it's not that much better than the last generation. Amazing for couch coop though.

PS4 and X1 seem to have ported all the worst parts of PC gaming, with none of the good stuff. The consoles support plugging a keyboard and mouse in, but you can't use them in games. Games now require massive updates, and some games only have a small part of the game on the disk so you need to update. If someone pulls a game you like from the store, you can't download it again See UMvC3, although that was last gen the same tech is in place. At least with Steam you can crack games if they get removed, and GoG gives you installers without DRM.

PCs are a solution, but I feel MS will start coming after the Mustard Race right after they wash their hands of the Xbox. They've already released locked down, unmoddable games on their locked down platform. They're turning Windows 10 into some shitty mobile OS, with their app store. They're playing the long game. Kids get into this amazing Master Race they found out about on Reddit and they think PC gaming has always been a locked down mess of DRM. Linux gaming can't come fast enough, but as long as it's 1% of the market it's going to be a long time before devs treat it as more than an afterthought.

PC + Handhelds are the way to go, but Microsoft is breathing down PC's neck and phone gaming will wipe out handhelds. At least they can't ruin older machines, so grab an Xbox/PS2/Wii for cheap and have fun.

Online play was already a thing on PC prior to muh gaylo so no consoles weren't responsible for that innovation at all.

I'm surprised asian crossbreeds get triggered so easily.

neither was PC, it was developers who developed the infrastructure to allow online play. Why not give them credit instead of a platform you worship?

He did say "on consoles". But he's still wrong because he said Halo 1 and Halo 1 didn't have online MP on Xbox, Halo 2 started the online craze on consoles. I guess no PS2 game worked well enough online because of PSN being much worse in connection speed but I don't know. It just seems weird that out of all consoles the one that charged for online established that feature online.

He's not giving credit, he's just saying it happened on PC first.

are you retarded

Full quote:

And at the end of the day it doesn't matter because he misinterpreted the original post already.

sure, but anyway, PSN didn't exist. There was no online infrastructure by Sony except for an authenticity check introduced later in the PS2's life (04 iirc?) beyond that, online was handled primarily by developers and publishers. Today, players host some games online themselves with modified play.

XBL was successful because it also brought in support for friends lists, was a reliable and consistent architecture for matchmaking and server browsing, provided free DLC for numerous games, and regularly encouraged developers to do events, such as with steel battalion line of contact, and of course, halo 2.

Stop being a stupid motherfucker.

Pretty much. Old 80s computers couldn't even handle sidescrolling despite having more powerful hardware that the NES and such. And don't forget slow as shit load times vs instant cartridge.

Now in modern times you can brute force everything in spite of any ineffciencies. Which is what has lead to software being so shit, because they can just say throw more power at it. The consoles don't even have the advantage of tight software implementation anymore because everyone is incompetent.

Now that we have the eqivalent of 90s supercomputers, the focus should be on software. It's such a pity that no one really appreciates the current power and possabilities that we have or uses it.

the only people who think consoles have "come and gone" have a ridiculously poor understanding of the industry that can only come from limiting yourself and failing to look at how things work and how games are made in the industry, especially exclusives.

Oh, shut up indy-fag, your type shows up in music and movie-discussions aswell. Let's fucking face it, your precious indy-games is glorified piles of shit, that's why they are unknown, just like that garage-band you have to look long and hard on the internet for, to find.

The fact of the matter is, if you even have too actively search through 100 tons of shit, before you find a decent game, then it's kinda telling that the industry is in a fucking creative rut. Just like the music and movie-industry.

Interesting that everything has correlated this way. I wonder why nobody has written articles on this phenomena, must be some connection or implementation to it.

What i feel about the new consoles is, i can't find a game i would really like to play. Still got my PS3 and is qiuet satisfied with the games i got on it, but i casually look up if there is some new games worth investing in, and there really aren't. I don't get why they haven't been able to really break the barrier of the next generation, there hasn't been that defining game for 4 years that you just have to play. It's strange.

Could it be, because they set out to make the new generations of consoles less powerful than they could've?

Bloodborne is good, but a single good exclusive doesn't justify a whole generation. I think the industry's hit a wall and needs a reboot.

A lot of indie games are fun; I've spent more time playing gungeon than any recent 'AAA'. But indie devs don't have the skills to build anything really complex. MMOs desperately need someone to remake them but that's totally unapproachable for an indie dev. All the talent either left that industry or is employed writing engines and tools or goybook goggles rather than games.

Think again what a generation means user.

A generation is not made by improvement.
They're other editions of the hardware made at another time period. It's that simple.

Yeah I misremembered the Halo 1 MP thing. To be honest, I've never owned an xbox myself. I was part of the PS2 crowd. An I can attest to the fact that PS2 netplay was shit. I tried to play Battlefront 2 online, but the desync, lagginess and glitchiness was just unbearable. It's not fun having to rejoin a game 5 times before it lets you spawn, only to be killed by people who weren't even visible on your screen. The family did have broadband at the time, too.

That network module was such a fucking scam. Complete waste of money.

don't jump the gun, m8.

Lets have a backlog thread, post yours, rate others.
Mine consist mainly on fps, need suggestions

System Shock 1&2, Terminal Velocity, X-COM(DOS),Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain,Master of Orion 2
Star Wars Jedi Knight, American McGee's Alice, Starcraft+BW,Soldier of Fortune,
Thief 1 y 2,Unreal,Aliens Vs Predator 2,Dark Messiah of Might and Magic,Oni,Painkiller
Star Wars Jedi Academy,Stronghold,SWAT 4,The Chronicles of Riddick,Bioshock,Dead Space 1 & 2,The Witcher 1
Anno 1404,Bulletstorm,Deus Ex,La-Mulana,LISA, Hotline Miami,Shadow Warrior(DOS)

That'd depend how much time or effort you feel like putting in. Assuming you don't have a fuckton of either immediately:

I'd play Stalker SoC or Deus Ex first of that list.

Jedi Knight/Dark Forces/Jedi Academy series is also a good call if you want something faster paced.

Blood if you're very much into Doom or Duke 3D.

SWAT 4 is fun alone but really shines with a few friends if you can find some.

DMoMM will scratch an action itch if you've got one. Hotline Miami will also be good here.

Witcher 1 if you feel like a 'normal' RPG. Might not be the best for light playing though as the swamps drag a bit.

Thief 1 and 2 require a fair bit of time to get into and the right mindset but you'll love them if you are even a slight fan of stealth games.

Really I'd need to know what you're currently after.

The fuck nigger? I never had issues with the online on PS2.

Great fucking times. Miss the shit out of those games. Your parents only being able to afford dial-up because mommy was an alcoholic and daddy was on welfare isn't the netplays problem.




just remove metal plating, detach IDE and molex board, attach and secure SATA board, done.

I don't know how the performance is, but there you go.

Not everyone lives in burgerland mang.

I don't think the PS2 supports TRIM. If you're not on an OS that does your SSD will die much faster.

eh it'd be better if it had combo Gyro and twin stick, in fact that is best way to do it

Tell me I'm not the only one who still refers to 7th gen as the current gen. The 8th gen is still the next gen as far as I'm concerned.

That's a good image.

I didn't see any gameplay improvements between PS2 and PS3 neither

This mentality what brought 7th gen masterpieces such as Bioshock and tLoU. Fuck you.
This is what these words mean now:
plays like every other
goes against the sacred laws handed down Sony, Microsoft, and Gabe Newell (they don't care about PC gaming outside Steam)
slight different

The biggest dogma of modern game design is intuitive design.
: a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence : a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why
: something that is known or understood without proof or evidence

Basically, they are against anything that people don't automatically get without thinking.

I suggest removing Day of the Tentacle but that is rant for another day.


(citation needed)

Just go back to fucking /a/ if you're going to be this much of a projecting Nip-loving cocksucker.

This meme is fucking garbage and will never happen with the profitability that the 3DS holds.

Literally how Splatoon works my man.

Now that all multiplats are on PC, there's really is no reason to own a console. The exclusives this gen are laughable.



So what console to get, XBone or PS4?

Build a low budget PC and install Linux or a pirated copy of Win 7. Or buy an ogXbox or PS2 fat, mod them, and fill them with all the best games you can find.

Already got a modded Xbox, and Xbox360 and can run most games on pc.

Just looking for a new console to play newer games on.

Well as a former Xbone owner there's absolutely fucking nothing. The PS4 has one game worth getting it for (so basically not worth it) and the WiiU is infested with Nintendo shittery. Piracy is already making breakthroughs with the Wii U with the current firmware being exploitable, but it has like 11 games worth pirating. You'd be better off with a Wii to homebrew.

A 3DS is a sound option, you can get an N3DS and homebrew it for a huge variety of games. You can also use it to allow you to boost performance in 3DS games that don't utilize the better hardware by default.
I wouldn't recommend a Vita unless you're a weeb, but there's a decent variety of JRPGs.

If all you care about are the other two home consoles, don't. They're both shit.

what did 7th gen bring that wasn't in 6th?

He wants to play games.

I had an Xbox and I really enjoyed Halo and Burnout back then. But the truth is, any kind of game those consoles had existed on PC in similar form except it would run at four times the resolution and framerate and be more complex. That last part is something we might not care about when we're 12 but user didn't specify being 12 so we shouldn't assume it.

They're both underpowered. If you're marketing brainwashed into buying a console at least wait for the refresh PS4 so you don't get burned by mid-end cycle games that run at under 30 fps on the original hardware because they were optimized for the refresh first.

But seriously don't buy a console. Save up a little more, build a custom PC for under 1000 dollars and enjoy games in vastly better quality than you would on a console. The initial investment seems like a bad deal but you would be paying for multiplayer on a subscription basis on console, like a cellphone contract, and each games costs a tad more as well. On PC you pay once and then you get all the games for cheap. Consoles are a ripoff aimed at people who think in the short-term.


Literal child detected

user, the PS2 was released 15 years ago

I suggested a free alternative, sue me. WINE also exists.

Is this bait? Or are you just trying to be edgy.

Xbox Exclusives:
Blinx 2
Ninja Gaiden Black
Jet Set Radio Future
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
Metal Wolf Chaos
Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike
Project Gotham Racing 1&2
Steel Battalion
Star Wars: Obi-Wan

These are the noteworthy titles that come to mind when I think of Xbox games. Not to mention the superior version of most non-PC multiplats due to the Xbox being able to support 480p.
Some games like The Suffering, ran better on Xbox than PC.

I never owned an Xbox when I was a kid, it's benefits now can be exploited easily.


That image never fails to trigger me. It's almost as bad as that "Holla Forums's top 100 games" chart.

For an original idea, it was actually more innovative than modern nintendo now and that depresses the shit out of me. Also, anyone that said the xbox huge was shit didn't play Ninja Gaiden Black. That alone made me pick one up cheap later on in it's life cycle.

You're clearly not beyond redemption but have to repent. Mod another XboxHUEG and give it to a youngling to spread word that, once upon a time, Microsoft did something good for gamers.
Only awareness of the difference between MS-that-was and MS-that-is leads to the proper amount of hate for MS of today.

The performance impact would ruin his experience, remember you recommended buying a low budget computer. He wouldn't be able to play future PC games like he could with that pirated Windows copy.

There are many games similar to those on PC. Yes, those exact games are only on Xbox but so what? Plenty of games were NOT on Xbox. If this were an argument you would have to buy all systems ever. I'm sure someone could make a list like that for the fucking Dreamcast so that's a must-own system as well then. Bullshit. There was always and will always be more than you can ever play on the PC. PC is the biggest gaming platform with the best backwards compatibility and consoles are a fucking scam, now more than ever. In the past the scam consisted of mediocre hardware sold at a slight loss, compensated by raising the price per game. Microsoft saw room for even more Jewery and added a fee for 200 PING PEER TO PEER multiplayer. Sony eventually followed suit. We had proper fucking multiplayer for free in the 90s. We had resolutions higher than a TV and refresh rates over 50/60hz in the 90s. We had the fucking mouse and keyboard in the 90s. Consoles have been the retarded cousin of PC gaming since at least the 90s. I'm ignorant about pre-90s tech so I'll leave that argument to someone else.

Bad ports are no argument in favor consoles but rather an argument against that publisher or dev, whoever fucked up. The alternative would be justifying when MS and Sony incentivize devs to make the PC version suck so their consoles look better. That's some cancerous cartel shit right there. Yes, MS, the people who run "PC" hate PC gaming because they can't make profits in quite the same manner that the console scam allows. You can see their attempts at making it profitable in GFWL and the new and unimproved GFWL2.0 aka Win10 store

Yes, my $65 investment packed full of free games and movies is a scam.
Go back to Reddit mustardfag.

WINE doesn't have a performance impact.

You get free games and movies on PC without paying 65 dollars.

That shit is an appeasement strategy Sony used to damage control when they announced that the one big selling point of the PS3 over the 360, free multiplayer, was cut and PS4 would charge you just like Xbox. And you fucking morons actually ate it up. Incredible. You think that "free" shit costs Sony anything? You think that's what the 65 bucks are for? The 65 bucks are for you and millions of others being stupid enough to pay them, that's what they're for. Fucking. Morons.


Wait? Multiplayer on PS4 cost money?

Why? That's the only reason i got a PS3 over Xbox 360.

cuckchan Holla Forums or here? That would be pretty rad to have Ian here

First of all, I like how you ignored everything else I said because I was right about everything else.

Secondly, 65 dollars sounded like a plausible figure for the PeaSaNt subscription. I guess the thought of some Sonygger actually biting and trying to defend the second worst console to date was too sweet and I forgot to check IDs.

Spending the price of 1.5 new PC games on a potato from 2001 and playing laggy 240p games on a gamepad even worse than today's wiggly, waggly, dead-zoney pieces of shit is admittedly not the original scam. It's actually nostalgia, derived from the original scam. PC games from the Xbox era are better than Xbox games and you wouldn't need to buy a pre-historic toaster to run them, so you're still a marketing-cuck for wasting your time with a console instead.

Yes, and I used to tease PS3 owners about it whenever they brought it up in bitchfights vs. 360fags. I would always tell them they're going to be paying for multiplayer on their next console, and they would violently deny it. Years later when Sony finally proved me right Playstationcucks didn't even complain. They quietly paid their idiot tax and looked for the new rationalizations for sticking with the only choice they had considered from the start.

Please kill yourself retard. There was nothing of value in anything you said last time because you didn't even know what you're talking about. I don't even own a PS4 and even I know the online sub is $50.

*stable 480p games on a gamepad
I use a gamepad for practically everything but FPS and RTS games, because it's a more fitting tool.
How can nostalgia exist for a product I never owned or took an interest in it's games until recently?

I don't see any Ninja Gaiden, Blinx, Jet Set, or Metal Wolf Chaos on PC. The games around that time on PC were garbage like Half-Life 2, Doom 3, and Thief Deadly Shadows. Which were all worse than their predecessors.

Xbone and PS4 expanded into cable services instead of expanding gameplay horizons

Nintendo has been catching up with social network aspects and hardware specs and refining the motion controls the other two abandoned.

Bullshit. Plenty of consolecucks cried about it and still cry about it to this day. Even though it's like comparing a pile of shit to a sack of garbage, Sony is still the better choice over Microshit.

240p was hyperbole but there were plenty of games that did not run at 480p on Xbox or PS2. Upscaling was a thing even then. Burnout Revenge had such poor pixel count I just stopped playing it after a few hours because whether you could spot traffic obstacles was pure gambling and straining on the eyes.

You can do that on PC, no problem. But you can also use M&KB which you cannot on consoles.

Everything about that console, every video or review, every offering on amazon or wherever you bought your modded console, everything to do with Xbox is based on mass scale marketing for a scam. The overwhelmingly positive reviews for those games are based on a mass marketing push going on and reviewers getting dragged along by it.

Ask yourself rationally if it can truly be that those games, made for terrible hardware and a pretty bad controller, can OBJECTIVELY offer anything PC games can't. What would be the fairy dust that would magically make Xbox games good despite them all starting out with serious handicaps such as disgusting 90s resolution and an imprecise method of input? Sure, there could be some gems in the mountain of shit, just by chance. Rallisport Challenge 2 was pretty good. But on average the games are guaranteed to suck compared to any similar game on PC. I say there is no fairy dust, just a mass marketing push the power of which can still be felt today because it lead to 9/10 reviews and millions of people playing these games as opposed to any other game they could have played instead and enjoyed just as much.

Literally all three of those are on Xbox. Doom 3 and Thief 3 sucked so hard precisely because they were dumbed down to run on the fucking Xbox. HL2 is the odd one out as it got ported down later and the port proved that the game was never intended for consoles originally. Any way, your reference for "PC games" being two Xbox games and one actual PC game, all from 2004 out of all years - what is that, if not a huge bias?

Programmers back then saw that as a challenge, though. By the end of the commodore 64, companies were making games almost indistinguishable from NES games in movement speed and scrolling like Creatures 2 and Flimbo's Quest. Factor 5 pulled off miracles on the Amiga as well.

On PS2, most of the library was sub 480P. GC had about half the library be sub-480P. Xbox huge it was a certification requirement by Microsoft that your game had to run 480P. There was no sub 480P on Xbox at all and some games even ran at 720P like GTA 3 and Amped 2. KOF Maximum Impact Remix even ran at 720P 60FPS on Xbox huge.

I'm a mustardfag too but get your shit together. Burnout Revenge was 480P on Xbox and sites scored the PS2 version lower at the time because the game looked like ass on the PS2 while the Xbox version looked fine.


On my opinion the problem in current gen consoles is that they didn't even fucking try to make good powerful hardware. (Nintendo excluded, they are the weird kid of consoles, I have no idea what they are doing)

The timing to make something great hardware-wise has never been better. We got SSD:s, low heat multicore prosessors, reliable and fast memory, insanely good graphics chips that can work in parallel, hell, the power consumption and heating is almost a nonissue now. Do you have any idea what even a small SSD would of done to the horrible loading times? So why the fuck would they make a goddamn bulkgrade-factoryshitted-midtier-PC?

Here's what I think… You quessed it, they focused on "features", fuck the hardware being just a lazy upgrade when we have such cool new features as: Share-button, Licking pad, Motion controls, Kinect, TV, NSA, Twitch, Movies, Face recognition, Voice recognition, Licking pad, Speaker on controller, mic on controller…

Well, I still hope there will be another console generation, just to have a good hearty laugh.

still too expensive
like the ones in current consoles
like in current consoles, also the first consolegen not to be strangled by a ridiculously low amount of RAM
like in current consoles
which lowers efficiency, introduces latency or requires additional work by devs if they want to circumvent the added latency, and if they choose the manual multi-GPU support the efficiency goes further down the drain
Did I mention how expensive it would be? Several memory subsystems, a lot higher complexity of the mainboard and cooling, more power required to achieve the same result due to lower efficiency…

You're either b8ing or absolutely clueless.

Not , but you're mistaken enough that I have to chip in here:
I'm a poorfag and I easily saved up for two.
Go look at some thermal images of xbone/paystation and try again. The APUs in those units are underclocked to perform within thermal limits, yet they still get warm enough to cook eggs. My country has some semidesert regions where you simply can't use consoles from the last two gens, meanwhile a decently-cooled PC runs fine.
The last console generation has been the least technically impressive compared to contemporary PC gaming hardware. Mid-range PCs were better hardware than the PS4 - the better of the two consoles - before it even had three dozen games out.

If consolefags weren't getting their wallets raped for royalty-laden games and monthly subscriptions they could afford a rig with a performance card. The amount of money MS and Sony waste reinventing the wheel each console gen is only getting bigger. All this R&D squandering is a cock-slap in the face of their customers, since consoles only ever get closer to being PCs from it. Within the next two generations, consoles will follow the logical evolutionary steps into being nothing more than overpriced, glorified Steamboxes, with either a Sony or MS logo injection-moulded into the casing.

"Gameplay" was not invented by video games as you think it is. You need to go back and connect it to previous mechanical games and the like, especially to the sports and play culture.

Let's be honest, Sony single handedly ruined this gen. If it weren't for their shitty laptop, regular games could have flourished on PC while consoles would have tried some interesting new ways to play games, but instead we have regular games running at 14fps on a laptop tier hardware.

too expensive to rely on for mass storage in a mass produced device that isn't massively overpriced garbage like smartphones and tablets
compared to PC APUs sharing the same architecture not by much and don't even try arguing with boost clocks, that shit doesn't fly in the console context

I fully agree, they're not in the least technically impressive. They're sensible HW for the task they're designed for. The time of completely insane HW design choices like Cell is over, which admittedly is a little sad.
We're beyond the wildly experimental era, best practices have been established. That makes gaming tech a little dull compared to what it used to be. Ah well, automobile tech was mature and dull for a long time and then the hybrid craze happened and different concepts emerged. Maybe that'll happen again for gaming someday.

Well, there's your problem, nigger; They're for your boot/games drive, not your 1920x1080p FLAC BD rip chinese cartoons. The kind of people who store their media collection on SSDs are the kind of people who light their cigars with $100 bills.
Let me stop you right there: PC APUs are all kind of shit; i.e. They're sorta rubbish for gaming performance. Every builder knows this. If you're a laptop manufacturer, a ramen-is-my-staple-diet poorfag, or just rigging up a low power HTPC, then APUs are fine. But if you're serious about gaming, and your budget is >Salvation Army, you don't get a fucking APU. APUs would be as good as their dGPU equivalents if it weren't for having to share the same DDR as their chipset. This means when you're comparing console APUs to PC APUs you're comparing an ideal case incarnation of the hardware with one that's been gimped for practical reasons. Comparing consoles to mediocre gaming hardware isn't doing anything except to highlight how mediocre they are.

Your whole argument ignores the differences in manufacturing and licensing issues. AMDs cat family cores are the highest performing CPU you can get for a console style device, the competition here are ARM CPUs.
Sure, you could go to Intel. Ask Microsoft how that turned out last time they tried. Spoiler alert: Horrible.

Tell me how you'd build a console that needs to go below 200 manufacturing costs in the long run. With tech available before 2013.
Protip: It'll look not much different from current consoles.

Too late, 80% of thread chose to shitpost about mustard instead

I think most of the blame falls on the devs and publishers of the games be they third or first party. As far as physical gimmicks on each system for the sake of blind innovation, I think nintendo's a good case on why that isn't a good idea to furiously push random gimmicks. It's always better to add them when they fit a game.

there's no way that's not scripted

No, you idiot-
My "whole argument" was that consoles are mediocre hardware FULL STOP
You've been told on SSD pricing, you've been told on cooling issues, and you've been told on the relative performance of APUs. Stop grasping at straws; My "whole argument" stands.

I followed it with the following corollary: Sony and MS would get better value for their R&D money if they went the route of the Steambox, because while consoles have spent the past decades doing a mediocre job of innovating their one speciality, PCs have been getting better and better at doing absolutely everything that isn't mobile (and even that recently with game streaming). Aside from which- you can't really think that nebulous 'licensing issues' are an obstacle to two of the worlds largest technology companies using desktop kit. Again- the latest gen of consoles are running fucking APU chipsets- they're a now spit away from being desktops. The only reason they maintain that gap is for the sake of the software monopolies they get to enjoy on their platforms. The console market is itself a sham that keeps MS and Sony's gaming divisions in existence.

Would one have made the current consoles cheaper by using straight-up desktop hardware to negate the R&D costs of putting together novel chipsets? I reckon so. You think otherwise. Ultimately, neither of us has any worthwhile proof we could tip the scales with, so how about we stop pretending we can convince dissuade each other?

Yeah, the 3DO was such a colossal success story, why not repeat it?
Clueless and incapable of seeing things from the business perspective, the typical mustard. Have a nice day.

You dont need an expert to realize Nintendo, Microsoft and even Sony are getting fucked in the ass.
Even Sony is trying to make the PC.

I've spent the last minute sitting here flabbergasted, wondering how hard your parents must have dropped you on your head that you think the 3DO is at all comparable to Steamboxes. Standards don't rise and fall in remotely the same fashion as they did back then. The ubiquity and inter-compatibility of hardware we have today is incomparably better than it was even fifteen years ago (let alone 23) when you usually had an expansion card or three to support interfaces when motherboard manufacturers today throw that sort of shit in the most rudimentary feature set.
FFS- we hadn't even had PCI for a full year when Trip shat that abortion of business idea onto his investors' boardroom table. ATX hadn't been standardised at all - a configuration that enjoys near-ubiquity over two decades after its inception - and DDR memory, which we'll all been using incremental upgrades of for the last twenty years, was three years out of sight. Hardware standards were a different beast altogether then. Jesus Christ- you can't possibly compare the 3DO to Steamboxes and expect to be taken seriously, friendo.
There's a difference between smart business and just taking your clients for a bunch of putzes. Console business is at roughly 70% shitting down the consumer's throat as he's held there forcibly by exclusivity and your hardware ecosystem, and only 30% savvy market tactics.

Srsly, there is a ton of those in older games. You can't really judge what introductions had each generation because it all has been done before, and I could probably name an example of everything on that list..


Yeah, is the last desperate approach to convince pc users that consoles are better.
You really think bigger companies like Warner are dumb enought to not know how High Voltage messed up their previous attempts at porting stuff? Of course they knew, but they think releasing butchered ports of Injustices and MKX will ensure that fans of those franchise will avoid the PC releases of their next games and will get their console counterparts.

Yeah I've wiped out everything, gone back as much as I can tolerate, there's virtually nothing left but the new and that is a tedious drip-feed.

WB is a garbage company and their products besides Lego games have been absolute trash.
They killed F.E.A.R, they killed Monolith, they killed NetherRealm, they killed Mortal Kombat and they will kill you.

but user why would I play what is basically Dark Souls III with missing features when I could play Dark Souls III?

Potentially better than Keyboard and Mouse.

Sounds like you just played infamous last light: now with white-washed diversity

Because it isn't a continuation of the DaS series' shitty sword and board gameplay, it's combat is faster and more fun, and has heavy amounts of Lovecraft in it's story/setting rather than even more dark fantasy.

You do come off as being rather bootyblasted.