Star Fox thread, anyone?

Star Fox thread, anyone?

I just beat Star Fox Zero a few hours ago. The controls weren't nearly as bad as normalfags were saying that they were, but holy shit during the Andross fight they were clunky as hell because of the funny camera angles.

So far, I think it has the potential to be one of the better AAA games released in the past 5 years. Maybe Mountain Blade and a few other upcoming games will surpass it this year by maybe I mean probably

Honestly, I liked it. I'd give it a 7 or 8/10. Now I wanna play Star Fox 2, but I actually want to get my hands on a physical copy to make it more special. So far the only other Star Fox game I've played was Star Fox 1, and I haven't played it in 16 years.

Other urls found in this thread:

Played the first level and dropped it. Being yelled at by Peppy to use the motion controls every 2 minutes is as unappealing as the controls themselves. I'm not sure who your dumbass is trying to refer to when you say "normalfags" as they're the ones that originally bought into the motion control hype in the first fucking place newfaggot.

Having played splatoon, and having not seen gameplay demonstrations of SF0, I actually went into the game expecting good controls.
But I found the controls were definitely not done very well once I played.
The gyro-aim is perfect. It works great and is miles ahead of directional-input pointing, as it should be, BUT that's not the problem with the controls.

The big annoying issue is the measures the game takes to force you to use cockpit view.
The reticle is innacurate in 3rd person view, the reticle vanishes when you do a special maneuver or enter target mode.
And the camera does not pan to follow your aim.
All of this forces me to use the cockpit for all the most intense and spectacular moments in the game that I should be enjoying with the big beautiful main-screen. And I hate it.

Also, I always wanted a Platinum Starfox so bad… but I didn't want a literal remake of Star Fox 64.
Platinum has made some awesome scripts in the past, like MGR or W101. And I wanted that same "hype" to be present in a Platinum StarFox, which this game does not have.

It feels like a game made by Platinum, but on a tight leash being held by Nintendo EAD. I really wish Platinum had full control, especially since we are probably never going to get this opportunity again.

Peppy was the Navi of SF64, so it's pretty fitting.

I enjoyed the game, however I did wish it was longer. The motion controls were fine for me; I actually loved how they handled homing rockets in this, were if you aim up or down, they fly up or down, then arc into the target, which is very good for killing enemies such as the spidies.

The game is Short, but longer then the older games. However they is not much reason to 100% the game, either, and when you do, they isn't anything to do after that despite getting a new ship.

I liked the game enough. Has some really fun dogfights in there, however the gyro wing sections are just kind of boring. Didn't have trouble with motion controls, rarely ever looked down at my gamepad.

Nah, I'll pass.

You also dropped Skyward Sword in the first hour or so, am I right?

Thats a terrible way to starting any argument, user.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence, your Majesty.


Guys, why is Star Fox 2 so freaking hard, any tips?. Currently playing it on retroarch in my psp.

Git gud.

You playing on Expert mode, user?

Yes friendo, only way to make a shmup feel long. The unstable framerate really doesn't help either.



There's no lies here.

What the fuck Nintendo

Who cares about writing on a fucking shoot em up game about talking animals.

Conrols aside, the game is a fucking shitheap with zero content, shoddily designed levels, recycled shit everywhere, garbage graphics and zero difficulty.

I'll be charitable and assume you're the single intern NOA is paying to vital this crap OP, please let me be right and don't tell me you be to try and validate your sit purchase here.

Hello Miyamoto


Na a bit more than that once I realized the dungeons where short and easy, never mind Fi's annoying presence.


Someone post the Metroid one

You're not that one fucking idiot on here that thinks SS was a good game, are you?

Shame Miyamoto is barely involved in Zelda anymore, the only good Zelda games Aonuma made were Majoras Mask and Wind Wanker

Holy shit, what a fucking mess. I was really thinking of giving this the benefit of the doubt because I was expecting a literal rehash of 64, not a shitty rip-off of 64.

he's monitoring Zelda U IIRC, but Zelda has been bad since 2001 anyway

Nintendo a shit

I don't have very high hopes after how disappointed I was with Squidward Sword, all I really want is a new Zelda for the 3DS that isn't just a rehash of ALTTP, I don't even have a WiiU

Tri-Force Heroes

I know I should've specified I wanted a main series game and not some spinoff
Why the fuck does is seem like Nintendo is really fucking disconnected from their audience when it comes to handheld Zeldas? The last Zelda game that I feel was an actual fucking Zelda game and not a remake we got for handhelds was Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Trash use the retarded touch controls that completely ruin the games for me

Color Splash
Federation Force
anything Wario related

All-range mode was a newly added mode. They should have just stuck to the formula

Shitty infographic


Good laughs

No, I didn't, holy shit. WHERE?

I like what I played so far. Being able to enter the first boss for a secret boss fight was really awesome. Only thing I'm disappointed in is the amount of content I've seen, but other than that I think it's a solid Platinum game.

Yeah, I hate how in Mario 64, Princess Peach is all "Mario I have baked a cake for you please come to the castle" I mean Jesus, at least put some effort into your writing, Nintendo!

Really aren't worth it just for SFZ, I'll admit, but they have uses outside the game, too. Not to mention it's just optional content and you can play it to the fullest experience without even looking at an amiibo.

Was a pretty mediocre boss fight. Yeah, the fact that he's fought in a walker is a little anti-climatic given the game it's in, but it was still a pretty intense and frustrating sequence.

The game had solid OST, good enemy placement, and some of the free-range missions were really good.

I just wish they didn't do that stupid Dropbox that appears when you die too many times, or at least make it easier to skip over it. It was bad in 3d World and it's bad in this game, too. Oh, and more missions in the tank vehicle, too. Those were fun as hell.

I also appreciate the fact that it at least felt like some love went into it. Haven't seen that from a Nintendo game since The Wind Waker, or possibly even Mario 64.


Holy shit, did the rabbit hurt your fucking feelings?

Metroidbabbies need to get a grip.

0/10 Apply yourself

Starfox Zero is the biggest casual filter this series has ever seen. It's harder than 64 on expert mode or even Gold Levels on Assault. Anybody complaining about it tend to be giant scrubs.


People actually have to support themselves with their money instead of spending it on rehashed garbage Nintentoddler.

answer the question you baby
cant even play video games

user, for fuck's sake, the game isn't hard. The controls are clunky, but the game isn't hard.

You move SLOWER than ANY other Starfox game, and you have MORE HEALTH and enemies do LESS DAMAGE than any starfox game. Beating a level in Zero is not a challenge by any means. EVERYTHING that people complained about Assault except for the on-foot shit? Assault does better than Zero.

The controls are PASSABLE, they WORK, but that doesn't make them GOOD. GOOD starship controls are in a thousand PC space games, even the modern ones, and good controls for a starfox game the game doesn't have to hinder itself just to make it playable are in 64 and to some extent Assault and Command.

And yes, I bought, played and beat it.

Everything you posted is false. It's faster than 64, enemies do more damage than enemies in 64, and the controls are good.

I don't believe you've ever played any Starfox game if you believe any of that.

Controls were passable. The aiming was very intuitive when you could see the reticle on the big screen, but when you had forced camera angles like in certain boss fights, they became a pain in the ass because you were practically forced to play the game in 1st person.

Nigger I have played every single Star Fox game as they've come out, and apart from the high-speed level near the end of the game this game is much slower than 64, and far more forgiving when it comes to damage.

I even replayed 64 on both 3DS and N64 right before I popped in Zero for the first time.

Don't get too upset at the Nintendo meme-team shills.
It's not worth it, after all the info posted in this thread, they aren't fooling anyone.

Here, check this out. Once they reach the city, you can really compare how the buildings just crawl past you in zero compared to the normal speed in SF64

Now compare how fast the buildings move past you here.

Now compare that to how fast this game goes.

64 is a little faster. Not by much but the difference is there.

Too bad this game is kill.

The speed between them is roughly similar. I wonder if some people feel differently because buildings and the overall area in Zero are larger.

You want shit crawling past you? Go play Assault on all-range. Now THAT feels sluggish.

Too bad that game is vastly different from Star Fox. SF would not work as it is on that speed (even the very same game needs a slowdown mechanic so you can lock onto enemies, ffs).

It's looks about the same. I have to say Zero wins here, though, because it gives you significantly more boost than 64. You can actually go about twice as fast as what's shown in the video as a result.

So what are the chances of this shit getting scalped to hell and back?

Not even close, I would go as far to say that he is being purposely obtuse or he didn't even play command because that game was fucking abysmal.

Yeah there's nothing wrong in that image, effect should read affect though.

I sincerely expected a second andross fight.
Considering the fight is with a robot.
Come to think of it, did most of the levels feel extremely short?

Think the only level I struggled with was the 1 on 1 with Wolf, mainly due to the barrel roll being unresponsive as shit.
LZ and L buttons go completely unused and Platinum decides to map the barrel roll and tilting the arwing to the right stick.
Then pointlessly using X to somersault and Y to U-turn when you can tilt the sticks to do both that and U-turn.

All star fox zero has done is show me how terrible the wiiu gamepad is in comparison to the snes or N64 controller.

Zero is still objectively faster.

Holy shit, quit being retarded and git fucking gud.

I'm sure i could have fun with Zero since i'm usually pretty good with motion controls
but a rehash of 64 doesn't sound that great to me

as flawed as Command was it had the right idea letting you play as each pilot and all there ships were unique
that is the kind of shit that should be improved upon

Nintendo is really starting to piss me off now a days
I wish someone could yell at them to just stop trying to be fucking innovative because no body cares anymore

The box set will, but they'll probably release just the game a little later.. well, depending on sales. I've seen sources saying it sold fine and others that it sold like shit. As I said earlier, I liked it so it's going to suck if this is the deathblow to the series,

2/3 ain't bad.

Personally, I liked Twilight Princess


Good thing Zero isn't a rehash.

I beat the level anyway, it was embarrassingly easy with the chicken walker.
Barrel rolling is simply not as responsive as it should be.

Is it really that hard for you to flick?

Protip: all of them are because it slows shit down.

Well that just shows how your taste is officially shit.

I found myself tilting instead of barrel rolling.

I'm not sure what it was, I'd flick it from left to right or double tap it to the right, but it didn't seem to affect it much.

A guide to getting the most out of starfox zero's controls

dont use your wrists or elbows, lock your gamepad to your view and move your entire upper body when aiming, use the main screen primarily in rail segments, and use the gamepad primarily during all range.

I am not even kidding you that is the closest a game has gotten me to feeling like im in an actual aircraft (and i dont just say that, ive flown) and when you lock your view to the gamepad it acts alot like a VR headset.


You honestly couldn't have picked a better video. Pay attention to how your allies act in this fight. They only ever fly in scripted paths, shoot at nothing, and only get in trouble at scripted points. Leon and Panther never even really engage them either. Wolf never really gives you a fight either. Compare this with Zero and 64 where everybody, including little enemies, had some form of AI and not scripting. Assault felt so imcomplete, which may be explained by the delays and rumor that development had to be restarted mid-way through.

Whoever made these has no fucking idea what they are talking about.
Like, this is some of the most bizarre, nitpicky shit.

for fucks sake the retard who did the starfox one seriously complained about the game being too short.

its commonly reported at 6 fucking hours, making it the second longest game, only beat out by starfox assault which…well, its starfox assault, that cringey anime shit took up alot of time, apparently.

Those lists are failing to point out any of the actual design flaws of either game and just relying on "this isnt what i wanted/what i expected/what the other ones did, so its shit!"

Does it suck that medals barely do anything? yes. Does that make a game bad? no, what the fuck.

And for fucks sake
god damn your autism legitimately angers me, dont have children.


Thats not even mentioning how slow and static everything is.
There isnt any weight to the game either, when you do a barrel roll it just looks like the arwing is casually rotating on a pin attached exactly to the center of the ship

the game feels like a fucking fan creation. the characters, the dialog, the voice acting, the physics, it all feels amateur as fuck.

Additionally, dogfighting has never been better than in zero, Wolf clearly earns his spot as leader of the team and deserved his own boss fight, While his constant evasive maneuvers makes it frustrating to take him down in time to save peppy, when its 1v1 his agility is exciting.

did i? because that same bullshit is all over the place.

thats strange.
The title and url make it seem like they mean its the best version of all range mode, but the article makes it seem like its all new.

maybe they meant the new lock on mechanic in all range mode? the titles contradict the article, so im going to assume he just fucked up what he wrote and never corrected it.


The NDF is really going at it with this game.

Read: Irony

Yea its totally NDF to be offended by the failure of human cognition

Nah, NDF like Zero because "it's just like muh 64" and because they actually believe a bunch of reviews gave a mediorce game a mediocre score only as part of a conspiracy to shame Nintendo for firing the ped-defender Rapp.

Except that even on nintendo sites ive never seen anyone say it being a 64 reboot was a good thing.

seems youre just pulling that out your ass m8, maybe, and i know this is a stretch

maybe its not a bad game?
maybe a troubling number of gamers really are just too stupid or too stubborn to learn the controls, and so write it off?


its 70 medals, actually.
I dont think thats all of them, not even really that hard to get

the unlocks are supposed to extend the life of the game you dingus.

The game only has 70 medals, 10 of which are from bonus missions

Unlocks that reskin/change something for the player should be available at halfway or 2/3rds of the way, so that the player can actually use it for new things instead of just redo everything they've already done. Something like a sound test, model viewer, or hidden final boss should be for 100%

Maybe a troubling number of gamers really are just too stupid or too stubborn to understand the controls aren't good and this coming from someone who didn't mind Galaxy's, and so write those that do understand off with ebin "git gud" maymays? And that tonnes of flaws besides the controls have been pointed out.

Venom being retconned into a transporter the size of a Mario Galaxy planet was dumb.

838070, you're a real champ.

Uncle Nintendo is proud of you and will surely love you again, unlike those last 10 years.

I liked Star Fox Assault and fuck all you niggers hating on it.

Play 24 hours in multiplayer and you got fucking booster packs.

you can say that about fox, but falco's ship takes double damage, so that isnt just a reskin, and seems like an end game unlock.

probably should have let you unlock fox's amiibo shit earlier though.

except the flaws pointed out were actually completely moot, because they were comparing the game to other, completely unrelated games or industry norms.

there isnt anything wrong with the controls, I know that because ive actually played the game, and I actually have spent time with them.

Its like some of you people are trying to put square blocks in round holes because thats what you were taught in the other games "so it must work here"
How about this user
"user, I didnt like the controls, i dont like having to keep track of two screens at once, I play games to relax, this is entirely too much stimulus, and so I am not inclined to like the game"
see? that isnt hard, you are allowed to not like a game other people like, user.

I never once lied about my uncle working at nintendo, but my friend did.

just a fun fact.

assault is weeaboo garbage, faggot.

looks like you don't know what weeaboo means

Shitty ones? No. What's the point? Dipshit.

looks like you didnt play through that god awful anime plot.

please tell me that isn't real

Okay then. Instead of Star Fox Zero being shorter and more linear than Star Fox 64, we have… a short, linear game.


How about this user
"user, I didnt like the story, i dont like having to writing that isn't 64's meme-tier cheese, I play games to have excuse plots, this is entirely too much improved voice acting, and so I am not inclined to like the game"
See? That isnt hard.

Sorry user. It's true.

The framerate on the original Star Fox for the SNES is absolutely fucking abysmal. I still can't believe Nintendo released the game in that state, it is unplayably bad and is practically a slideshow during the more busy sections. What the goddamn fuck.

uh, not anymore so than 64, they have two alt paths locked for the first three stages, but after that, no.

as in "hurr starfox isnt INSERT RAIL SHOOTER OF CHOICE HERE"

"user, I didnt like the story, i dont like having to writing that isn't 64's meme-tier cheese, I play games to have excuse plots, this is entirely too much improved voice acting, and so I am not inclined to like the game"
See? That isnt hard.

actually what.

and nice cherrypicked screen, jackass. Its from a youtube video so you clearly could have taken a closer picture, the planetoid is twice that size, and that isnt a retcon, its a reboot, retcons require them to RETroactively change something further down the line to create a plot twist or fix an error.

god damn you niggers are stupid.

I think people were more impressed that it was displaying 3d graphics, I guess the upside is that during the slowdown you can more accurately aim, there were a few times when I would use a bomb to force a framerate drop to get around obstacles or get a better shot.

It still shrinks Venom down to a miniscule size from what it was, which is disappointing as fuck since an HD version with scrapped ships and massive canyons would be a great final planet instead of wormhole fuckery

It's referring to you sperging about Star Fox Assault being "weeaboo".

No, get some depth-perception. It's still absurdly small for a planet. It's a retcon.

And actually, the reason I took that screenshot was so I could screencap Pepper saying Venom was merely a teleportation device.