Why do people hate playing as animals in video games? True question

Why do people hate playing as animals in video games? True question.

I've asked everyone from women, to normalfags, to hardcore autists, to regulars of this board and they all say they'd only want to play as a human being?

Is self insertion really that important to everyone? I'd love to play as an anteater. They have claws that can rend flesh. Playing as a robber fly would be pretty great too, snatching bugs out of mid-air the way they do would be very interesting.


I have no idea what you are talking about, people play as non-humans all the time.


I like to play as an anime girl.

really? From my limited sample population I took I was worried it wasn't desirable

I think Tokyo Jungle is a game like this.

Animals can't really communicate with each other compared to humans and they don't have any semblance of civilization. People don't necessarily want to self insert but they want to have a story that involves human problems because the story isn't relatable otherwise.

Obviously you can easily accomplish this by making the anthropomorphic or allowing them to talk, but that's quite a bit different than just playing as animal.

Arcade games are probably where you'll see the most animal protagonists since the story doesn't really matter. Even then they often talk at some point. Often in advertising too, which may give them more character than the game ever does.

It's the same reason why fantasy and sci-fi races are always so similar to humans. We don't really understand or sympathize with the problems of completely different species.

Why is it even necessary?

Because they rape and rob human beings

I'd much rather play as a cute girl over an animal.

I think part of the problem, OP, is that most animals tend to be tough as shit to control compared to bipedal beings like us.

If they're four-legged, you have to choose whether to make them control like a tank or like a typical FPS. If they're winged, you have to choose whether to have flying behave realistically or just kinda floating there ala Minecraft. If they're fish, combine both of the above problems.

Given that different devs will have wildly different control schemes for any non-bipedal animal, it's understandable that interest in games with animals isn't particularly high. Which is a shame, because Tokyo Jungle is fucking great.


Press LMB repeatedly to scream harder

Nice edge post


Loosen up, cuck…

I just thought about this, but a nig might actually be a good foot soldier.

If purely clearing out and killing the enemy is your goal, then I guess they'd be good. Special forces-type stuff would probably still end up pretty white, though.

Games don't need a story to be fun.

the racism on this board is so obnoxiously present that it's actually funny. I love you guys. mwah

A-are you a grill?

if i confirm that you'll ask for tits and im not showing them


Human being more easier to build mechanic around. Dumb american

Way too lewd.

I agree with you user. I always gravitate to the weirder things like animals and undead.

I will now perform the ancient ritual of my dying kind
t i t s
g t f o
Really though, lurk more, don't bring your gender into random shit unless it's directly related to the discussion.

Im aware of the rule, but he asked

Stop with these myths.

They're subhumans for a reason, they're not sidegrades to the master race, this isn't a freaking video game.


gb2 >>>/reddit/

you guys must not have many friends

You must not, either, if you're trawling for attention on places like these.

I'm hesitant to say this;

But you're a fucking normalfag.

So much so despite the fact that you're obviously a disingenous outsider.

attention for what?

Where'd you come from?

Also I like to play as animals when I can, transforming into a cat is wizardly.

an anime forum

Hmm. Not sure what you mean. If the game is interesting enough the actual protag does not matter. Attach jet packs and lasers to any animal and it becomes an interesting concept. But execution is where you gotta figure things out. Thing is, the majority of devs lack imagination, passion or both. So creating an fun animal game that don't act human-ish is hard but not impossible.

These are the few I remember that act the least human.

be more specific.

I'm actually really curious now, people are talking about us?

Do I have to? It's one of the only places that little kids dont fester and I've been hearing the average Holla Forumsirgin is 14-15.

I can't make you do anything. I said I was curious.


fuck you now I want a game where I can play as an annoying bird

what are you a nigger? all I ever wanted is a realistic street cat simulator where I can go climbing all over shit, hunt shitbirds and mice, get in fights over territory, steal food and piss on every goddamn thing


Nigga what I love playing as animals

If on the off chance you're surveying people because you're a dev trying to gauge interest, then just remember that nobody ever made anything interesting by trying to make a bunch of random shitheads happy.

I especially like games that let you shapeshift into shit

There was this one RPG on the GBC where you went around murdering small animals like a fucking sociopath and when you killed them you gained their powers or something and could transform into them to solve puzzles and kill even more animals. It was really neat but I never actually owned it and I have no idea what the hell it was called.

user don't play with the Holla Forums shills, you don't know what filth they've been in

Let me count the ways in which you are wrong.

I got nothing for this one.

This, nobody is going to respond with what they actually like/want when asked upfront for fear of being judged if their answer doesn't jive with everyone else's.

Focus groups and similar statistic-gathering activities have not once produced a truly desirable object, only one that does not invoke any particular feelings one way or the other.

And level up to start attacking people. Then shit gets fucking rad as you start to recruit other cats and try and conquer the world. As your cats grow in power you soon discover a monolith that opens the second arc of the game, now you can develop cat-weapons and aim for world control, the game turns into an action/4X hybrid with both types of missions. Nearing the end game you'll face the last hope of humanity, then you can choose to fight him or give up.
Also it all should be on a realistic artstyle and the cats shouldn't talk but instead their meowing and purring would be subtitled.


I know this is your first day here and all, but it is customary to lurk and learn who you share this board with before posting.
Most people on this board want to play as non-humans and fuck other non-humans, except moths, they want to tenderly love those pure beings.

Don't you know they have Sonic the Hedgehog?

Also I think view height, bipedal and something resembling arms is the thing usually. There's still some exceptions like playing as the quadped aliens in Natural Selection 2, sky-camera in RTS, or a spaceship (player character doesn't really appear) in space games.

Because I'm not fucking degenerate.
Deus vult!


Humans are a cylinder, which is a nice shape - we mostly live in flat environments. So it's all simple. Even when you put us on slopes and shit, little bit of IK, done.

Imagine playing as a cheetah and jumping onto a barrel. That shit would always look bad.

There, fixed

And the cheetah will land as a real one does: By arching its back and placing its front and rear legs closer together.



Playing as a dragonfly would be cool as hell, zooming around, being super maneuverable and hunting other bugs. Hell, a game where all the players are different insects in an ecosystem would be really neat if done well.


Effective soldiery is not built on these factors. You require a certain level of physical fitness, but mostly it's about working effectively as a team, the largest component of that being not throwing down your weapon and running away when things get bad.

i thinks its a limitation issue, you can't really put an animal in an action game or a shooter without taking some liberties

they work fine for platformers or something but in action games i wanna see humans


Animals are very limited.

That's why Banjo Kazooie is fun!

Picture a pie chart of your life and compare the sizes of the time you spend on >>>Holla Forums or partaking in >>>Holla Forums related activities against the time you spend in real life talking to real people that don't hate you. I urge you to think carefully about the disproportion between those slices of the pie and consider reevaluating your life priorities.

But this is imagebnaords. We're all anonymous.

"fear of being judged" is meaningless here, given that is has no effect or leverage.
So at least here, people can be fully open, if they o choose.

I've been mulling this over for years but I can't figure out a way to make it really work

I was thinking it would either have to be arcadey like Tokyo Jungle or more like an MMO with all the players forming race gangs and fucking each other over

The latter would probably be really hard to pull off, but goddamn it if it wouldn't be glorious if someone were able to make it work

The key is to make the gameplay completely different than if a human was in the role. Play to the strengths of the animal to show the complexity and diversity of life. Fighting, hunting and attracting a mate are all relatable.

goat simulator
every nba game.

i love playing as non-human

Furries ruin everything, thats why

Japan Studio is basically stuck to Sony, nothing can ever change that

I'd love to play as just an animal. Beast races don't count since they're 9\10 just people with funny heads and no functional differences

nogs can't shoot for shit. having actual military training helps that a little, but they're dumb as bricks so not as much as you'd think. also, niggers aren't strong, they're fast, and just lol at them being loyal

Our you could try not being a lazy piece of shit and code the game so the cheetah doesn't use the same environment collision methods a human does.