to be a bad goy or a good goy edition
bought stella glow, anyway to play it with nip voices if i have homebrew launcher installed? do i need to use the miivershit to take screenshots?
to be a bad goy or a good goy edition
bought stella glow, anyway to play it with nip voices if i have homebrew launcher installed? do i need to use the miivershit to take screenshots?
Neo Y, Bravely Second Uncensored, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Kirby Lagann
Pokemon Star Sapphire with the recently released 679 build (go see on GBAtemp), please drop the .cia on volafile's 3d/scurv/ room.
The Etrian trilogy (IV, Untold, Untold II with all DLC). IV was great, but the game features added in U and U2 make the game comfier to play. Plus, U2 got all those classes at once, it was fun to play. Too bad the game's mostly based on the Story mode.
Playan Devil Summoners: Soul Hackers.
Wantan: Not much, lol
Monster Hunter Cross mostly, also been replaying Bravely Second on and off. Just finished Kirby Robobo Planet. Trying to martial up the will to finish the shitty routes of SMT 4 before starting up FINAL.
Really want to get into Sekaiju no MeiQ, but not sure if I should start with the remakes of the first two or straightaway with 4. Really wish they had an option to switch graphically to the DS style graphics since they looked so much nicer, and that 4 had used the PC-88 soundchip like it's predecessors for it's soundtrack, but oh well. Otherwise, Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari SP next month, but other than that the only releases that come to mind at all are Gyakuten Saiban 6 and Shovel Knight next month, then Sekaiju 5 and the new Armed Blue Gunvolt in August, none of which particularly call to my wallet at the moment.
7th Dagon the 3rd Impact
I somehow enjoyed Langrisser so I feel obligated to increase it's sales by 1.
I'm playing that Kirby shit where you get keychains.
To not make it absolute blogpost I will say a game and if it is worthy of your time.
Bravely Second, I caved and bought it
From what I played and this is about 4-5h. I actually wouldn't recommend it. So far story was just running too fast for me to care about anything. Gameplay stayed the same so it is alright.
Bigger resolution.
Currently 3DS library isn't bad, I have a lot of stuff to beat on it. Fact I can play DS games on it only makes it better, I will most likely won't ever need another handheld.
Kid Icarus uprising
Controls were horrible until the end but story and constant narrations were good. If you like silly stories I can recommend it. If you want some good gameplay and a lot of game for a buck, go play something else.
7th Dragon
Pretty good so far, made an /ara/, a battle maid, and a shota healer as my staple team. might switch people around as needed.
Some nip Snes games to be posted somewhere since the ones posted everywhere give me this graphical error pic related but the nip exclusive Mother2 doesn't
I had to use hans to play it the first time, and when i tried the same thing with LoZ i got redscreened
Bravely Default. pretty fun, gonna play Second when i know more moonrunes
Hyrule legends was really fun, trying to get the spiders is annoying sometimes but still kinda fun
though i might just buy the snes games and some dlc for Medarot Girls Mission since no one has anything but the free stuff posted
My ass has never hurt this much.
Yes, just run with the romfs file with HANS. HANS can take screenshots as well.
Start with IV. I'm playing through EOU now and while it's got nice mechanical improvements, IV really captures the series' sense of exploration best. In IV I would race through the labyrinths to find out what was there. In EOU it's race through the labyrinth, find a bunch of dead ends, then get stopped by a NPC who says "No, you have to go back." I've heard EO2U is a bit more exciting, but I haven't got to that one yet.
Pic related, and EOV of course.