E3 Plans: What do?

Okay Holla Forums, so as usual we'll have the sticky cycled thread with an alternate link to infinity.moe for the movies inbetween the shows. I've also requested to codemonkey that we have a live embed on the website that only automatically plays in the thread and on the front page. beam.pro seems to support HTML5, and only has a lag of 0.2 second if you pay the ten bucks, so I'll request that codemonkey or hotwheels use that service, and I'll link them my account. the problem is the movies and animu. I doubt they'll let us stream the Mortal Kombat movie or Kung Pow.

So my question to Holla Forums is this.

If I'm able to get a live embed for the E3 cycled sticky. would you still be interested in watching anime and movies until the shows start? Or would you prefer to just wait until the shows start.


Fuck your cliquey hangout shit too, kike.
We'll just watch the twitch stream and make threads like we always do.

would you still be interested in watching anime and movies until the shows start?
Depends on the movies and anime. Kung Pow, Mortal Kombat, Super Mario Brothers Movie etc. are all good. I don't know of any good game related anime

I'm legitimately shocked.

Personally, I'd just be around for E3 since I don't have a lot of free time, so I don't really care either way, as long as we can collectively laugh at the presentations.


Hi Mark

I did not hit her. I did not! Oh hi, Mark.

That's why we're having this thread

If you're interested in seeing a movie with Holla Forums while we wait for the next E3 showing then let me know what you wanna watch. I have some ideas in mind. Probably won't do repeats of last year other than Kung Pow

also sticky only for 30 minutes, will make it a regular thread after that

If I was Mark, I'd be way more jewish. Also, I'd probably be posting more 3DPD. Instead, have a Yukari. Complete with tumblr file name.

I'd be down for movies.


If everyone could agree on some vidya-related anime, sure

I think he was trying to greentext

Hey Johnny what's up?

let's watch Devilman


I'd rather you hang yourself you fat jewish fuck

Shitposting thread?


Why not video game related movies?

My eternal nigger



only if you post mongolian cave paintings

Cannon spike!


Griefing videos

I'd say one of the lupin the third movies after all the shit is done. Maybe play all of part 2 jojo overnight.

We need to watch Dredd

Are you fucking retard? Of course you are you dumb fat kike

Mark, will you play one of the greatest cinematic masterpiece of all time, Crashing this plane with on survivors?

Off-topic Mark, Why do you look like Josh from that TV show Drake and Josh?

I'd be down for comfy animu and movies.

I propose:

Stream Redline

Both Gurren Lagann movies. They are pretty good.
also has my vote.

You have awful taste in blondes, user.

Stream something that keeps the normalfags at bay.

Oh, since we're talking Youtube stuff, maybe some Ross's Game Dungeon. That's some pretty good stuff.

We did those three last year

Will Rachet and Clank be on Blu Ray? I'll strongly consider it if it is.

Also didn't we do postal last year?

Stream The Room.

we did Bible Black last year

It'll be terrible, even more terrible than usually.

well shit. Heres hoping this year is better then.

Stream the Gundam 79 movies

Mark we all know normalfags are closet homos that love girls with dicks.

It is worth noting that it isn't really required since the post-show shittalks generally keep up until the next show starts.

Still, i'd like for the Zelda Cartoon to make a appearance, not necessarily the whole of it, just pick a few episodes.

And the "Ghost Stories" Dub, and yes, the Dub specifically, anyone who watched it knows why.

Bible Black is entry-level. We need some Natsuyasumi up in here.

Lets watch Strike Witches. Normalfags hate Strike Witches and it's actually good.

Why not stream something related to the superior fetish that is _NTR_?

I thought we were just listing porn, that's why I mentioned what I did. It's a shota hentai like boku no pico but actually good.

Finally a year where my waifu's birthday isn't tainted by the letdown that is E3.

you are a literal cuck, kill yourself.

I have one about a guy's mom fucking his bully or friend or something like that behind his back. 3 half hour episodes, definite NTR tone to it.

Who's your waifu, faggot?

But user, E3 being streamed is the main event, the should cover that fetish base. :^)

Looking at the schedule I see a huge gap between EA the Jews and Kikethesda, So I might do what suggested and stream the Gundam 79 movies. OR we can stream the Berserk trilogy.

So looking at the schedules, here's my idea

Devilman: The Birth at 11:00AM EST

Microsoft at 12:30PM EST

Mortal Combat at 2:30PM EST

Ubisoft at 4PM EST

Riki-Oh at 6PM

and Sony at 9PM

wew lad

Sounds like a plan

We need to buy e3 ads for deepfreeze.

And hold hands.

I know what Bible Black is, but normalfags like porn. They don't like genderswapped WWII aces without pants and yuri.

As an alternative I recommend Symphogear. The songs, while great to someone like us, are the exact thing normalfags usually complain about when they think their opinion on anime matters.

What's it to ya friend?

Don't mind me I'm here just to sage a sticky


I don't understand, Tohsaka. You posted Seiba. I told you about your shit taste. Am I missing something?

I didn't suggest Bible Black, though. Normalfags like porn but I think gay little boy porn might keep them at bay. Or NTR.

We can't have people with shit waifus parading them around like it's something to be proud of. We gotta waifu shame people who have shit taste until they learn better.

video games

I know you didn't, you only said that it was played last year. My fear is that normalfags might watch gay shota NTR to appear edgy, while there's absolutely no way a normalfag can rationalize watching Strike Witches, Symphogear or AKB0048.

I didn't say that either.
Well then we're dealing with edgelords, not normalfags. Normalfags, to me, are the kind of people who would see gay little boy porn and panic because they think they're going to get arrested or something.

dont make me capcode you nigger

look at

also unstickying thread


Stream this.
I dare you, motherfucker.

Before you go, are you ever going to ban the avatarfags that are shitting up 4am threads?

Looks good.
If we have issues streaming "copywritten material" for some reason, an user will probably set up a stream and we'll flee to that until E3 events start.

How come ur code-monkeys don;t like streaming movies?
Fear or repercussion, or who they work with does shit "by the book"?

we have pub streams set up where anyone can stream, copyright worries free

Might as well stream School Days while he's at it.

Professor Layton and The Eternal Diva, since it's based on a VIDYAGAEM and doesn't suck
The Jojo ovas
The original Berserk


Those threads are already shit fam

Also why does it have to be gay porn and not loli
come on fam

copyright isnt an issue on infinity.moe

the issue is that beam.pro is untested with movies, and thats only IF blazing steelspinners or codemonkey will embed it.

also im not gonna "ban" them, but i was considering treating avatarfags like we treat lewds. depends on what Holla Forums wants.

It'll at least make it less shit. Better to have a huge shit than bloody diarrhea.

Bloody diarrhea is my fetish, shitlord.

Not really, but what's big deal with avatar fagging? Isn't it just posting rection images with a specific character?

Just ban those faggots. Avatarfags have no place on Holla Forums.

Why can't we watch something like Interstellar or maybe Judge Dredd or play and stream something like a MUGEN tournament?

it's a circlejerk

It's tripfagging without a tripcode.

So long as it's taken care of.

It's just as bad as namefagging or tripfagging since you use it as an identity on an Anonymous imageboard. It's also a huge circlejerk.

The only people that actually enjoy avatarfags are other avatarfags.

They bring literally nothing of value to the table, just fucking nuke them.

Please, stop posting that hoe, she's extremely ugly.

I sorta get the tripfagging argument if they start identifying as the avatar in question, but if they get circlejerk-y, fucking nuke 'em no questions asked.

it's not so much the avatarfagging as it is the circle jerking in the threads themselves.

Thing is that it's a complicated situation, I don't wanna be a hotpocket, but on the other hand some avatarfags get weird like belrose and such. I need more time to think about it. Anyway I'm downloading the movies now, I'll remake this thread as soon as we get more information on the E3 of Tuesday

thank you everyone

bumplocking thread now

you might as well just fucking pack it in now

let me tell you what will happen if you start listening to the """"""""""""""""""majority"""""""""""""""""" and banning shit they don't like: you will ban a lot more shit, turning people who get banned into spiteful shitposters and starting a bunch of dumb culture wars where people fight to control the "majority" so they can ban shit they don't like

the range of what is acceptable to post will become narrower and posting will become even more of a fucking popularity contest, so people will get actually banned instead of just having to deal with a billion dubs-spamming morons fucking each thread to oblivion

please, don't listen to me. I want you to fuck this up. give me an excuse to quit imageboards. be the heeb I know you can be.

like I said, I need more time to think of the best solution.

Holla Forums should be fucking weird.
if you want an imageboard for volvo owners, go get a fucking pintrest account.

Nonsummerjack is literal perfection.

There are shades to weirdness, though.
We don't all have to be perfect, but it would be nice if we could keep the legitimately fucked-in-the-head types at arms length.

I don't mean weird as in "I'll suck your cock" weird. I mean more circlejerky weird


Holla Forums is about free speech, not being your country club for people of quality
my dick isn't your mouth but it's getting closer all the time

how about a stream of news footage of 9/11 ?


ban this guy for being gay!

I swear to christ if this shit starts autoplaying on the front page then I'm done

The circle jerking is a product of the avatarfagging. Banning avatarfagging isn't hotpocketing; they can still discuss whatever they want. It just forces them to be anonymous.

Why can 3DPD tease us like this to be filled with absolute trash everywhere else?

you post her specifically just to trigger that one guy, don't you BO?

Quit being such a huge faggot and fuck my face.

Also, I looked up some more of her pictures and found her dressed in Hooters uniform. I'm convinced she's ShindoL now. Or that she at least is aware of ShindoL's art.

do fucking nothing is the best solution
faggots already call this a rulecuck board, but there doesn't seem to be any serious issues from glancing over the catalog and a few threads
people are talking about videogames or videogame related things, and as things go other subjects creep into the threads which is pretty much what you would expect
or have I misunderstood something here?

every imageboard person is a fucking cancer cell and they eventually turn into the same rotten shit

4chan was a mistake

Dredd is really good.

Fuck off faggot. He's not removing their right to talk about what they want. You can discuss topics without having a dickspider or name attached to every post.

Just a few Ideas

burn your talmud

Burn yourself, faggot. If you want to avatarfag go to another board.

Was I ever this young


You keep acting like all forms of moderation are bad. You just get as close to whining "rulecuck rulecuck" as you can without saying it that way. Fuck off. You sound just like Holla Forums did.

Yes. Also

And what's so bad about having rules? Unlimited freedom is just as bad as unlimited restraint.

nice adhom/snarl word

If you want a place where "avatarfagging" is banned, please feel free to return to halfchan, which has exactly those rules in place.

please, continue trying to explain how us becoming more like halfchan is necessary

this is every argument I had on /q/ with stealthed janitors phoning in canned arguments from janiteam and combat-circlejerking with their bros, and nothing I said made any difference, and the site got shittier and shittier until it imploded

if this shit goes through, a bunch of other "majority-approved" shit is going to follow the same path in, and either you don't understand this, or you've got your own riders to attach. fuck off.

Just because the rule exists on halfchan doesn't make it a bad rule automatically. Moot was a faggot and genuinely didn't care about free speech. His mod team actively put down any discussion they didn't like.

This is not the same scenario. Discussion is completely possible without having to establish a permanent identity on an anonymous imageboard. Banning avatarfagging doesn't equate to banning discussion, but you seem incapable of understanding that.


Nice shitposting instead of defending your bullshit arguments.

You didn't understand the analogy.

The burden is not on Holla Forums to explain why they need the freedom to do stuff like this. The burden is on you to explain why it should be taken away, and you have nothing even close to a justification for this level of interference.

So, if anyone gets mad about anything, it's fair game for a ban? How completely unexploitable.
They, and by they I mean "you", are trying to game it right now.
Now your personal tastes and peeves are worth rewriting Holla Forums policy over?
Well, don't be pretentious or anything! But, personally, I'd say "the wrong element" is the guy with a grudge against randos who's trying to force new rules that, incidentally, bring us closer to halfchan and a rules page that resembles the tax code.

you're in the right here, I'll just keep things as is

So for the fuckwits who can't understand that Holla Forums isn't Holla Forums and the entire fucking point was that if you don't like a board, make your own, banning avatars has no change in the actual content being posted. It's just another way to filter out shitposters like reporting in any other fashion.

Sorta moot that Mark has taken this stance though.

If it really is just another way to filter out shitposters, why don't you take the initiative yourself and use the filtering option?

Hey mark might as well ask, but what's the plan on the pokemon info tomorrow? I don't think it will need a sticky, but it good to know in case it does.

it will probably suck and leave people disappointed

Because filtering is broke on my end. And it keeps threads from attracting that kind of circlejerk to get off topic. Conversations might have varying points but they should in some way be related to the discussion at hand, otherwise they really don't belong in that thread.

It's a 4am thread. "Keeping it related" doesn't mean anything.

You're the kinda willfully retarded who are alright with the lunatic Muslims shouting "England is Cancer, Islam is the Answer" because FREE SPEECH THO

Certain things are not covered by freedom of speech, and causing shit foremost among them.

Also, video related

What the fuck.

The only person here who I see causing shit is you.