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It's not surprising that people take VR to create historical and artistic experiences. Check out this video. VR has a ton of applications. It will be long time until it gets actual futures in mainstream games, but it's a new world to create new experiences.
It completely changes interaction, dynamic and possibilities mate. It's not just seeing the world without the borders of your LCD screen and the wall behind it.
Lincoln Reyes
Oh, you'll still wake in a tub of ice, but not with any missing organs. Just hypothermia. :^]
Dylan Flores
Surely if their target demographic new that, they'd boycott?
Just a bit more!!
Gavin Butler
HAHAHAHAHA! In Ready Player One, Ernest Cline thinks Wil Wheaton would do a kickass job of defending user rights in a fictional post apocalyptic future, where people are forced to escape into a VR simulation for relief. It's sad that he knows nothing about Wheaton, obviously.
I now assume that in the Oasis (The VR world) only Social Justice views and opinions are allowed, future Wheaton is waging a war against the remains of GamerGate, and swinging at shadows, fighting enemies that don't actually exist. Like he does now in real life!
Sebastian Foster
Yeah, Six Flags did it.
It's just a novelty though, considering that the coaster itself should be thrilling enough without the VR. And even then, it's basically what Disney did with Hyperspace Mountain and Disney didn't need VR for that.
The Six Flags ride has a lot more going on than the Disney one, but the Disney one was more or less a test-run that was only around for a few months. I think Disney could do a much better job at the "futuristic dog fight" idea than Six Flags if they designed the ride around the concept, and wouldn't need to use VR.
Jackson Adams
It isn't going to do what you think it will. Even if it can, it won't take off.
There are already headtracking solutions on the market that are near irrelevant, so when you add in the high barrier to entry for VR and the rates at which a lot of people experience some form of motion sickness, and it really doesn't look that viable in a commercial setting.
Easton Allen
He obviously forgot that Wesley repeatedly blogged about how he wants to abolish user anonymity.
Carter Edwards
That's a great point, especially considering how big a deal the book makes about anonymity. The Oasis sounds kinda like an image board in that regard. Total freedom and total anonymity. Cline knows jack shit about Wheaton's real life character.
Wyatt Thompson
He probably does know what wil is. Which does not help matters at all.
Disney had a working VR headset at Disney Quest at Disney World which explains why commiefornians did not know, they only know of Disneyland for at least 8 years. It was kinda boring when I tried it.
Its a gimick that will pass, just like advanced motion control above and beyond tilt controls.
Liam Wilson
Erm, 10 years. Went in 2006.
Kevin Hernandez
Prices will normalize, sooner or later An issue that can be fixed with technology, just like low FoV or headbobbing can cause motion sickness. FoV can be adjusted (increased), head bobbing can be deactivated.
The only legit issue I've heard is eye straining. That it makes it impossible to experience this for longer sessions, e.g. like you'd normally do with a new game you are hyped about. I don't know enough about the cause of it and can just assume that it's because your eyes still focus on a very near object, unlike if you'd constantly focus and refocus as if you'd look at real objects. This could possible be fixed with technology in the future as well. Something that tracks your iris and adjusts the blurriness of objects in the game world, e.g. if you focus on a near object, background becomes blurry, when you focus on a far object, objects close to you become blurry. But again, I don't know enough about this topic to give an educated opinion. It will certainly be another 5+ years before it becomes anywhere near common. It needs a big, subsidized push like motion controls for Wii to make it mainstream.
Robert Powell
I think VR will really take off…if they can lower the cost significantly. I think if one of the major console manufacturers, like Sony for example, made their next gen console with VR in mind,it would boom. But that's unlikely to happen. I think VR will wither and the dream will die, just like the VR fad did in the late 80s early 90s. Maybe in another decade the tech will be cheap enough and readily available, and it'll take off.
Levi Lopez
Here's my dream VR rig. We're talking scifi here of course, but it's technology that could happen someday.
It'd be a sensory substitution device, as in, it intercepts sensory input coming from all 5 senses, and replaces it with it's own virtual feedback. No visor, it'd simply replace what your eyes are sending with what the rig wants you to see. Same for touch, smell, hearing. Maybe the rig can paralyze you, the same way your mind paralyzes you during dreams, and it can then pick up on the signals your brain is sending to your limbs, so you have free movement as well.
I imagine this being done non-invasively. No implants or anything. It'd use, I dunno, radio waves or some shit to override your brain's signals. I have n o idea if this could really work, but it would be cool as shit.
Andrew Peterson
BSOD while being paralyzed.
Jace Cook
Someone hasn't watched Sword Art Online yet. :^)
Josiah Jones
The thing is, do you trust the groups who could make that to do so with any intent other than greed and subjugation of the people? Because I do not. Unles it is privatly made and distributed without the help of a gov or org like facebook, I would not trust it to not be malicious in some shape or form.
Wyatt Young
I haven't, please no billy.
I didn't think of that. It'd have to be failsafe, so if the rig died it would automatically kick you out.
Michael Jackson
Anonymity was okay until the "wrong" people (us) became associated with it, now it has to go. SJWs have no principles.
Andrew Thompson
It's not just the headset. I'm talking about performance requirements, space requirements, ease of setup (vive is a PITA from what I've heard), and FoV can't be increased with whole new headsets with different displays and better lenses that will cost a hell of a lot more than what Oculus and HTC are already using.
Display resolution is another thing to consider, but it's going to cost substantially more to increase that without passage of time due to the cost of graphics hardware involved.
I've gotten to spend some time with VR. No experience really felt improved vs just playing a game - especially not when all Oculus does is sit you down with a controller and strap a screen to your face. It will take more than that to convince people, because it sure as hell didn't do much for me. Prices would have to come way down to consider picking up a headset.
I didn't experience any forms of motion sickness (though I've always had a good set of sea legs, which probably helps a lot), but some people do, and I think it deals with a lot more than FoV and other factors - I'm pretty sure some people just don't handle the visual and kinesthetic mismatch.
And they'd be smart for continuing to avoid that piece of shit.
Ryder Price
What you described is 1:1 what actually is used in that anime. It's about a virtual MMO that uses a device that paralyzes you and feeds your brain all these stimuli, so that you think you are actually the person in the game.
It's an okay anime. Got pretty popular and therefor shit on by /a/. It's nothing special though.
I reccomend .hack I liked legend of twilight the best, but all were fun watches. and gits too. the tech I want to see in the near future is washus hardlight computer panels. But thats probably real far away.
Cooper Butler
I want hardlight holograms like in star trek, so I can fuck my waifu.
Noah White
Is nobody just straight anymore? goddamn
Jason Sanchez
Colton Morris
Yeah SAO had that too.
Jack Sanchez
thanks for storytime last night
Jordan Murphy
Nah. I just want hardlight panels that cannot break and can be summoned and put away easily like washu's.
Nolan Rivera
Deepfreeze updated yesterday with 8 new updates, all relating to the MGS V review camp.
I don't understand enough. Article says several politicians, one germany, some french, have spoken out against TTIP, but it may just be the conditions, not TTIP in general.
Fucking Merkel wants to push TTIP through this year before she's gone in next years elections. Same with Obama and the TPP I assume.
Cameron Morris
Sounds like it's time to make Germany great again
Thanks for your contribution
Grayson Cruz
y'know what? They could've avoided this whole GG thing if they had just made good games in the first place.
I mean, I have way more free time with all the shit games coming out that aren't even worth playing.
Lucas Williams
Thanks for making it so easy to identify you fags so we can discard your opinions immediately.
Zachary Richardson
Doesn't matter. Merkel wants it, Merkel gets it. Even if the whole of Germany would stand against that. My guess is she'll have a nice, warm seat in some council after she gives up re-election. This cunt doesn't give a shit about Germany. Never has. Never will be.
Evan Price
I can't find the article on their official twitter account- but if you do tweet it, be sure to include #Brexit and #NoTTIP
Connor Bennett
Uhh, thats dev and pub end. Journo end yhey would have to get rid of their messiah complex and accet that game jounalism is a dead end job and can only be done for the joy of it and not attack us for their insecurities.
She and ibama are going to get seats in the un, but will both be disposable pawns in their new positions.
I'm not gonna bother with reading the article but that title is entirely right : who fucking gives a shit about likes on youtube for a trailer. Why is this seriously what people go so maddeningly passionate about these days, like it represents a civil rights issue. Fuck modern life.
I got banned there a year ago for saying moar on Holla Forums
So yeah its probably goon owned by now.
I can't be bothered trying to VPN around it.
Tyler Morris
James James
I mean, they're not wrong.
Aaron Watson
Where is the dox
Username IP address Time Board Action Mark hidden 1 minute Holla Forums Deleted all posts by IP address: 36d6d8ec40 Mark hidden 4 minutes Holla Forums Created a new 13-week ban on Holla Forums for 36d6d8ec40 (#124719) with reason: ralph shill
(also doxing)
where is the dox mark
Jace Hill
Joshua Carter
Just think, when Fembusters comes out, GB2 will no longer be considered the worst movie.
Thomas Rodriguez
Liam Brooks
We don't want you either
Mason Green
I actually thought GB2 was okay.
Not as good as 1, but still pretty good.
You can bully me if you like.
Jose Howard
Haha. China scews up everything by entering nowindia wants to change the agreement. China may have gucked everything. Also Heh.
Tyler Thompson
whoever started the bait meme should be gassed.
Nolan Lopez
Gotta go with Acid Man here
GB2 is still a great movie, no way bad or even mere average. Ghostbusters had worse stuff attributed to its franchise than a sequel that couldn't measure up to the greatness of the first movie, far before this femboot.
Thomas Garcia
Fuck off you retard. Nothing wrong with actually leaving a hugbox like this from time to time trying to redpill some people.
Parker Hernandez
Yea I liked it as well.
Anthony Wood
He's a faggot. Follows and RTs Kelly too.
Gavin Morales
Please tell me this is just the cover of some doujin and that there's more
Matthew Wood
There is.
Evan Bailey
hope you like old ugly men gang-raping Asuka
Ryder Sullivan
>and the video game that was supposed to be the third movie
Cooper Wood
I hate how that is 75% of asuka doujins. The other 25 is her raping someone herself
I'm a bit surprised at how little substance there is to this article. Basically summed up as "People are more likely to show their displeasure for things", but not expanding beyond that. Not even any commentary about the comments on the video or why people show their displeasure for this particular trailer. archive.is/jVhwE Typo: archive.is/vswlN#selection-1545.190-1545.210 "things i agree with" Who cares about grammar?
What I liked most about the Overwatch Tracer pose shitstorm is the amount of art that came out afterwards essentially showing that no one took the initial complaint seriously.
Daniel Lopez
Some Eva doujins go weird places with the art.
Zachary Walker
Christian Barnes
I wonder how many people will play the game because of the porn now.
Or was it vice versa?
Oliver Hall
You have much to learn.
Ryan Martinez
Daniel Smith
"goofy" isn't the same as "ahegao" user Ahegao is a top-tier fetish.
Adrian Bell
Sounds like an aneurysm.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Fuck Anno, Kawarou was a better friend/ally to Shijni in the one episode he was in than Asuka was to Shinji the entire show
Rei is still best girl
Nathan Johnson
I mean i can fap to that but its still annoying as hell.
But that is either very badly executed ahegao or it being cranked up to 11 to the point where it turns from fucked-silly to weird frog people faces
Easton Allen
Gavin Barnes
Nicholas Hernandez
Why is Danielle so perfect?
I just wanna raise children with her.
Jaxson Davis
That's the reason I can't get into Kurai Ai. The faces just go too weird.
Temptation, on the other hand….
Jaxon Smith
I might have worded that badly.
Frog people a qt.
What happened to the spoiler image function? Am i retarded?
Landon Jackson
I like frog people
Benjamin Wood
Jonathan Ross
btw, any good news lately?
Gabriel Smith
Evan King
tsuyu a qt
Carson Martin
If you think it's an e-celeb user you're probably imagining things there are look-alikes or simply "the light makes it kinda seem like my face is smaller" or whatever.
Nicholas Watson
Not enough frog.
Ayden Nguyen
Soo… that ain't Zoe Quinn?
Brandon Adams
Juan Wood
Would you a suako?
Wyatt Perez
cmon man, post sauce or the whole thing
Brandon Foster
Wow… Ahegao looks awful in real life.
Nathaniel Howard
You're no physionomist, user. Not it clearly isn't literally who. Mostly because the girl's face in that gif is definitely bearable
Wyatt Jones
Yes everyone with red hair is Zoe Quinn
Christian Garcia
No. The video that gif is from has been around many years and definitely is not her.
Carson Wood
i probably would anyone. and anything
Juan Walker
Lucas Edwards
But you'll forever be a neverfuck.
Daniel Ortiz
As if i dont know that already.
Oh well. The waifu age will come eventually.
Isaiah Butler
Well, maybe someone should send em a few archives then.
Nolan Myers
search for the "Mantou" series. Lot of Slayers and Ranma but has a line of Asuka-themed ones. All but two of the Eva ones are translated
Elijah Jackson
I'm pretty sure that sort of use for the Holodeck was banned on all starfleet vessels and space docks. If you wanted to fuck your hardlight waifu, you still ended up having to pay the alien Jew his latinum (basically space jew gold) to use the holosuites.
Christian Campbell
Logan Richardson
Of which everything was recorded for future blackmail opportunities.
Hudson Rodriguez
Logan Young
no, i saw this vide way before GG started, it was some german cute thick girl and her skinny boyfriend
Andrew Evans
A podcast titled "Fireside Chat 31: David Jaffe" on my honey badger podcast feed anyone listen to this?
Jack Lewis
From what I remember, it's Jaffe jumping through hoops trying to justify why he got triggered over a bunch of friends with coordinated prom suits/dresses with a superhero theme.
Thomas Morgan
Honestly? No.
Not sure if I can stomach it. Really not interested in why he tries to justify getting triggered over a prom image.
Samuel Allen
So he sticks to it through the whole thing?
Matthew Lee
AI Here
Holy Shit
Jacob Wood
You say that like it's a bad thing, Huu-Mahn.
#48: The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife #74: Knowledge is profit #109: Principals and an empty sack is worth an empty sack.
thats because ahegao is just another piece of made-up hentai bullshit. Like fucking the cervix, "hips moving on their own", nipple fucking. etc. Never has ahegao happened honestly in real life, as its not a human reaction and is just a bizarre meme.
Fucking Japs, those bombs really messed them up.
Ryan Baker
Everything is sexist, user.
Hunter Thompson
I figure if your naming the robot, its not your waifu. Its your daughterfu
Tyler Rivera
No trash for this, give me a fucking incinerator.
Jose Foster
Any Holla Forums and /k/ anons should check this out. archive.is/5RwbZ
Jacob Bailey
I remember reading a bit of autism somewhere that basically established that nipple fucking is effectively impossible because milk comes out of the tiny pores in the nipple tissue rather than a single hypothetical hole in the dimple.
Even impossibly large nipples would therefore still have the same size of pores, which would make nipple fucking impossible.
Wyatt Scott
If robots have feelings they would fucking hate us. Look at Ultron.
Jaxson Roberts
That's what the Valley of Drums is for.
Jacob Powell
Huh. Thats actually quite a good question. I dunno which game would potray guns most accurately myself.
Noah Russell
What about inverted nipples it wouldn't be actual penetration, however you would be inserting your penis into the breast via the nipple?
Easton Johnson
Only because we'd copy our human primal motivators into their AI.
Asher Cruz
To sum up, he asked his daughter if the picture was sexist and she said no. The rest of the time he just damage controlled why he posted it.
Matthew Edwards
You technically can fuck anything, but you cant insertion fuck a nipple. You can rub the genetalia with the nipple and it could count as fucking.
Elijah Stewart
Even his daughter is more alpha than him now that is just sad.
Jason Ramirez
Its like the inverse scenario of that dev saying being a dev is a shitty career and having his daughter call him a sexist.
Adrian Gray
The whole incident blows my fucking mind, its a nice cute picture of a bunch of kids at their proms, a lot of work clearly went into it given the dresses and the matching tuxes, how can anyone look at 10 people clearly having loads of fun and cry sexism.
Aaron White
I don't know about those specifically, but if they're otherwise the same as normal nipples aside from their orientation then it's still impossible to penetrate them (without going into guro territory anyways) for the same reasons.
Jonathan Murphy
I would call it dorky and a bit cringy but not sexist.
Gavin Smith
I don't know. This one time I had a really bad itch and when I got in the shower and the water hit it my tongue just rolled out. It was weird as shit
Nathaniel Long
SJWs don't know what fun is.
Borderlands obviously.
Matthew Green
The fear of blasphemy and the drive for acceptance.
Logan Edwards
Brody Cruz
I don't think this is meant to be literal, I think it's just supposed to mean it feels so good they can't stop. Like when some idiot says oh my god these cookies are so good I can't stop eating them or some bullshit.
James Myers
I forgot memegate was still a thing, I came here to check on your board after probably a year. I see it's as slow and buggy as ever, doesn't this hotwheels faggot work on optimization? Can't believe you put up with this, I've been lurking here for just 5 minutes and I'm already annoyed at how slow the site is.
Brayden Murphy
still better then 4cucks
I mean that
Juan Parker
We were watching it yesterday live and it was just as much a clusterfuck of damage control as you can imagine.
Evan Brown
Progressiveness taken to its logical conclusion, really. Honestly, if they didn't complain about stuff like this, they wouldn't be consistent with their own philosophy.
Lincoln Martin
I imagine it was something like when nichegamer interviewed him after he mentioned GG on Sony's stage. The whole interview was just him saying I don't understand what GG wants so they better just shut up and stop talking.
Matthew Gonzalez
I like how you lumped ahegao and hips moving on their own with nipple and cervix fucking
2/10 bait nice try
Dominic Flores
Nathan Murphy
Not getting posting errors but the board is slow as hell right now, not sure what's going on.
Leo Morales
The /fa/ggot in me screams internally when I see that picture but it's just a bunch of kids having fun and I'm not going to tell them to stop.
Josiah Gutierrez
Yeah I don't see what the issue with ahegao I mean an "O face" is a widely known and talked about thing. It doesn't happen all the time but some people make a goofy fucking face when they cum. It isn't like this is something completely insane.
Adam Jones
See now a porn actress making a face doesn't help your argument. You have to remember they're porn actresses they're acting a lot of the times. Some actually do get into it and enjoy it but most don't it's a job for them.
Parker Clark
I got jepoardy on in the background, one of the categorys is women in politics, named the ones in charge of germany, south korea, brazil, and pakistan. And I'm chuckling at how each one is in charge of a shit contry or a corrupt politician. The category could have easily been corrupt women in politics. The only one that was decent person I am not sure was I think ukraine or hungary, shes a head of a conservative party in one of those 2 countries.
Asher Wright
Some do the face, some do the hips thing, some make weird noises or say weird things during sex.
But you wouldn't know about that would you.
Parker Bell
What a pussy.
Alexander Collins
Adrian Gray
This is what publishers enabled by not drawing a line in the sand with the journos. Now they are going around telling everyone not to play the game because it is violent. They dug their grave.
Tyler Ward
Are you saying porn actresses do or women in general or just people in general? I don't really understand what you're saying that I'm a virgin or that I don't watch a lot of porn?
Brayden Baker
Every damn time aka black dicks
Justin Price
I don't think clenched teeth counts as ahegao but I prefer it over tongue out anyway.
I love how these faggots need to revision things to suit their ends
Jose Davis
virtue signaling: the article
Dominic Taylor
No, thats mexican and black dicks. Pure black dicks is sweden.
Juan Cooper
[insert tired Holla Forums memes here]
Is he seriously complaining about America not giving a single fuck about Europe? Does he not realize that people fled Europe to get to America and didn't give a single fuck what happened there? Does he not realize that it had been essentially isolationist (outside of establishing its local sphere of influence) up to that point? Or is he a shitty writer and lamenting that it finally broke this long streak of non-concern? If so, why did he use "shape" instead of "completely shatter into a million pieces"?
Christian Reed
That's how 'right side of history' works.
Jayden Mitchell
If you want to prove each other wrong, search for a video of amateurs and see what her expression is.
Gavin Nelson
That's pretty much what I'd expect from a SanFran "journalist" What's odd is that I don't remember anything like this with the mountain of WWII games. Not even with the more recent ones like World at War that were pretty explicit with the brutality of it all
Juan Murphy
He's doing historical moralfagging, and several of his facts are bullshit.
Leo Gonzalez
Yep, i'm out
Jose White
The difference between World War I games and World War II games is that the "bad guys" are far easier to portray as inhuman monsters in WW2.
In WW1, it's basically just a really messy civil war with no one fighting for any real cause.
Connor Powell
Nathan Martinez
Ayden Hill
What a faggot.
Elijah Thompson
Hmmm. Reminds me of this.
Nathaniel Fisher
A) You can't boycott friviloties you were never going to buy. B) Boycotts are technically a PR faggotry C) A boycott is not the same as an information drive. In other words, look at all that faggotry. And as to why Targets boycott works, the reason for the boycott is for saftey reasons which buys target negative pr, and target, for some families is essentials which means they would rather forgo their health, saftey and wellbeing than risk the saftey of others by accepting the bathrom policy. It would be alot harder to setup a vidya boycott that would buy publishers negative pr in the eyea of the public.
Ryder Murphy
Um, one big reason for germany going nazi was because the league of nations was even more corrupt than the UN and did not try and help germans post war. The UN was founded by a corrupt org,thats why its so corrupt today.
This. It was like a giant intercontinential civil war.
Nicholas Turner
Well for one the journalists were not interested in pushing political bullshit when WW2 games were really popular. And WW1 was a much more brutal war and the enemies were not the demonized cartoons that the Nazis have become. Like they could sympathize with the Japs but they hate them also Japan had that whole rape of Nanking thing.
Grayson Gonzalez
Nipps dindu nuffin they were good boys
Logan Gutierrez
It was more brutal. But unlike sjw vs gg, they could truce during christmas and come together for a single day and celebrate together. The difference? Dunno, trust I guess.
Xavier Morgan
You really want to see some SJW heads explode, bring up Japanese war crimes. Ask them if the captured American soldiers on the Bataan Death March had white privilege.
Remember japs are white :^]. So its whites killing whites.
Tyler Fisher
From the article…
That's exactly what he's getting at. He's not squimish about killing Nazis, because the Nazis are basically faceless, generic, and fictional (by this point) targets - who if you even start to feel a twinge of sympathy or attempt at understanding the motivations of the man in the field - you can just think of "muh 6 billyon ded jooze" and then it's ok to hate kill them.
In the next five years, you'll start to see a serious push from game journos to take even fictional representations of human beings out of games, and advocating for you to just be running around shooting cardboard cutouts with mounted turrets strapped to them.
I'm a huge weeb but even I know that country was fucked up under the emperor. If they weren't stopped Asia would be all kind of fucked up now. Also we probably never would have gotten all that great anime and video games.
That only happened the first year it was an incredible show of humanity. However the commanding officers put a stop to that afterwards they didn't want people humanizing their opponents. It didn't stop other things from happening like soldiers allowing them to save wounded in the no-man zone. I'm sure the same things happened in WW2 as well as much as the Nazis are seen now as evil monsters. Most of the actual soldiers were not actual believers in the Nazi party but they either served or faced execution.
Connor Miller
Brayden Miller
Yet another reminder that this whole thing is just the 90's moral panic all over again, except with the left instead of the right.
Speak of the devil.
Kayden Lee
Someone give me that pic of mark at 9/11
Carter Ross
Gamergate is still a thing? For fucks sake anons.
Cameron Sanders
It did in most wars. Different ways for each war. The soilders may have been killing each other, but they and medical staff tended to have far more empathy and humaity than the ones calling the shots.
Owen Edwards
Which one? :^)
Henry Wright
Gavin Cooper
stirner is good
Mason Smith
Nicholas Cook
Naw naw user you don't understand toxic masculinity is a scourge on the earth and must be stopped. Surely a place that is filled with nothing but men who're told to fight each other cannot show compassion for their fellow man.
Ha ha. there is toxicity, but it lies in classism. Something that needs to be pushed more.
Christopher Ward
GamerGate is just like any other gaming topic. A stream of info relevant to said topic.
Topics of journalism, sjws, moral panics, ideology, etc are becoming more and more common occurrence in our current gaming atmosphere, so of course it's still around. It's not like people are just going to stop caring.
Movementfags are the ones who can't seem to realize this tho, thinking it needs to continue to change the landscape or it's "dead".
Brody Jenkins
No no user all these spoiled rich people telling everyone they're racist and trying to stir up race wars and fights between the genders they speak the truth. Rich people never keep the poor arguing amongst themselves to stop them from realizing the callous people in the upper class are causing all the problems.
The boobs are just really big, but the head is fine when you look at the proportion minus the boobs. But the actual problem is if they were going for realistic proportions, the torso is real long otherwise, its fine. She just has a long torso and huge titties.
Elijah Hernandez
I need to understand why I am so turned on by impractically large milky white breasts that are covered in freckles.
Blake Wilson
any one
Henry Parker
I should get back into drawing
Caleb Perez
McIntosh rants about violence in vidya then tries to lecture others about history. archive.is/mf58g
Brayden Hill
But that game was just made it was called Valiant Hearts. Why is he demanding that every WW1 game be the same?
Juan Lewis
He doesn't play video games. He has no idea.
There was also This War Of Mine
Brayden Wright
Did that take place during WW1?
Jeremiah Stewart
Ryder Parker
I know that one Anne Frank waifufag is gonna be happy though
Wyatt Kelly
I don't see what people's issue is, really. VR is the perfect place to explore things that never happened.
Robert Rivera
and this is how he repays him? If he even has such a father, which is unlikely because he's a fucking proven pathological liar.
Easton Allen
Wel its beca- Oh you
Gabriel Evans
It didn't, but it's the concept he's talking about. An exploration of the tragedy of war, doesn't really matter which war.
Josiah Parker
True, I actually thought it might've though I know it took place during an actual civil war I thought maybe it was wrapped up in WW1.
Jace Evans
Because games need to be political and on the right side of history or else they're just training young white men to shoot up schools and rape The dude's fucking crazy. He seriously thinks video games make people more violent
Lincoln Hill
This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.
Ayden Peterson
i think Holla Forums will benefits from gg actions
the only bone i have to pick with gg is that they are not focusing on vidya enough
Carter Lewis
Oh its you again.
Man filter's getting a work out tonight, been awhile since we've been shilled so much.
Thomas Rogers
I blame ddmfags and retards derailing look at them derailing downpour for rapp shit
Gabriel Lewis
Isaac Hill
this is bullying
Kevin Smith
Despite being raised around a military family, he's the most gigantic faggot around. Holy shit.
Xavier Howard
Something tells me he was either too sheltered by his dad, or heavily neglected and abused.
Don't care, have candy.
Michael Gutierrez
Cow tits are great, man. There are a lot of detractors to cowtits but man it can sometimes rock my socks.
A lot of information that get's posted here also get's posted/used in other areas of the board when relevant, and vice versa.
I blame faggots, especially twitter users, thinking it was a better idea to waste time arguing with ddmfags/ggrevolt fags over spreading good info.
They blame the tag went to shit but they don't post anything in it themselves, they would just rather tango with retards and sperg out.
Most people bitching about retards shitting the place up often times don't contribute anything themselves, making the problem worse and a vicious cycle of only the loud retarded voices are heard.
Anthony Ward
Supposedly 9/11 really traumatized him.
Zachary Campbell
No, this is bullying.
Reminder that you're waifuing a happily married woman, Marche.
Ayden Nelson
Robert Ward
Alexander Brooks
Then he should've joined the military and kick some dune coon ass like any other sane person. Not cow-tow in front of them and ask for forgiveness for being white.
Sebastian Baker
Kayden Bell
thats awfully hard when they botspam derail while waiting for OC for one
they make it their goal to try to sabotage and make shit unappealing so ignoring them isn't an option
Matthew Rodriguez
NTR isn't exactly a popular fetish, even on /furry/.
We're are huge degenerates regardless of the fetish probably someone on Holla Forums is into it. The only 2 fetishes most Holla Forums outright finds repulsive is 3D lolis and NTR/cuckoldry. Of course everyone who claims Holla Forums is evil hatred are in open marriages and rush to the defense of pedophiles.
Liam Morales
Journalism should always promote rape in some way in my opinion
Dominic Bennett
I assume you mean real kids by 3D lolis and not loli with cg models as opposed to drawn, such as with SFM.
Ryder Wood
I'll never understand this, why did they even marry? It will just make it easier for their wife to get all their shit. Though if you live in an area where common law marriage is recognized you're not in any better position.
Meh, a man is fucked regardless.
Jonathan Bailey
Well it does I mean every story about rape is about how it's so impossible to get a conviction that women shouldn't even report it. Or they're reporting on some fake rape story that only makes rape victims seem less and less believable. Hell in Germany and Sweden the journalists actively cover up actual rape stories to help protect the perpetrators. I don't know what is more pro-rape at this point journalists or islamist muslims.
Levi Hernandez
Yeah, call me when you and your site writes about how falsly accused rapists lives are pretty much ruined and how the accusers are macathyists who should be in prison. That would be protecting the vulnrable.
Nathaniel Ross
Yeah I never know what to say because if I just said pedophilia some guy would have came back with Holla Forums constantly posts loli.
Jeremiah Thompson
Because they believe that men under no circumstances should tell a woman what to do, even in marriage.
Benjamin Perry
Journalists. They do it for cash, muslims do it becase of nurture, which can be broken.
Juan Jackson
That's retarded bullshit but I don't expect much from cucked numales.
Leo Clark
I'm not saying ignoring, but many couldn't multi-task.
They stop spreading info because they got lazy and a couple of sperges hang about "poisoning the well", and then months later they wonder why retards was able to easily move in even though they don't counter post with actual relevant shit but just complain. Of course the discussion was going to get drowned out in shit if you aren't posting anything to counter the shit.
He has no regrets, he will continue in the path he believes it, unethical journalism and SJW koolaid drinking
Nathaniel Thompson
Parker Rivera
It isn't really telling a woman what to do though it's more just a trust and intimacy that says we'll be responsible for each others sexual urges. It isn't like the man is free to just sleep around while the woman stays home and looks after the kids. In fact in most cases these "open marriages" seem to be exactly that but having the women sleep with whoever they want. Not to mention the whole pushing of cuckoldry is really devious. I mean every time a ruling class wants to keep a poorer class as uneducated laborers/slaves. They encourage "walking marriages" which means the women are free to be as promiscuous as they want. It keeps men sexually satisfied so not as violent but keeps them from knowing who their children are. Which kills all their drive to better their lives why kill yourself to make things better when you have no one to pass on your legacy too especially when you're being fed and getting sex.
Mason Rivera
I multitasked but I got a bad habit to just post new info re reposting ain't my strongsuit so much
Blake Martinez
They all will stay on that path unless they see death on the road, then flipflop. Beware them appealing to us. Do not forgive their actions.
Isaac Scott
please dont
Nicholas Richardson
Bullying is natural.
Camden Nguyen
I have been honesty shocked by the amount of whiteknighting for Imperial Japan. But I guess all that is excused in their eyes, when you drop 2 nukes on them.
Ethan Cruz
Jayden Cooper
It is.
Kevin Taylor
Imperial Japan was super fucked up however you cannot hold the current Japan responsible for that. A lot of the people who were military-aged at that time are dead now and even at the time I'm sure like Germany most of them were not on board with it. Though considering it had a religious aspect to it perhaps more people actually did believe in the cause. Regardless having a country eternally pay for the sins of their fathers is exactly what BLM is doing with America and slavery. They paid the price for the crimes and should be given just as much power as any other country that holds up the same level of human rights.
Kayden Young
Thomas Adams
Logan Martinez
Landon Cruz
Zachary Morgan
Where did you get that I was judging modern Japanese people, I was just pointing out that there are a group of people on the internet that have excused the atrocities of IMPERIAL Japan, not modern Japan. I also find it amazing how those 2 cities have recovered into modern cities.
Daniel Barnes
Nathan Roberts
pls no
Juan Martinez
Just saying there are people who do still demonize Japan for that like all of China for obvious reasons.
Austin Evans
WW3 on American soil when? Seeing these people trigger themselves into self-induced comas would make for a good laugh before the nukes wipe us all out.
SPJ guidelines already favor this principle. Playing judge, jury, and executioner is mandated these days to be considered a "good journalist."
Adrian Howard
get a room you two
Dylan Rodriguez
And I'll stop here, no more derailing, I promise.
Dominic Gomez
No user America will have a civil war when this happens they will pull in all their troops that are keeping things in check around the world. Then WW3 will start everybody will leave America till last and just let them kill themselves, they'll learn from Japan's mistake.
Jaxson Johnson
Well Imperial Japan committed what was basically ethnic cleansing on the Chinese, and though I may be wrong Japan has never formally apologized for that.
Oliver Moore
Hmm yeah I don't know if they did apologize. Oh wait they did in the 70s.
WW3 will be a global civil war after the economic collapse.
William Foster
Ah Right thanks for correcting me.
Eli Bennett
Nathaniel Morales
Bait? Are you retarded? I'll concede the hips thing is probably a euphemism and not literal, but ahegao fits perfectly fine with cervix fucking, as they are both things that would never happen naturally during sex but are played as perfectly normal in hentai.
that is the closest people get to ahegao irl, notice how her tongue is still in her head
Hey anons, aside from Leigh Alexander and Patrick Klepek, do you know any other "games journalists" that uses the term "player/s" instead of "gamer/s"?
Noah Baker
Gavin Young
are my posts even going through?
8chin is boned without josh-kun.
Carson Hill
Good question.
Maybe they should donate to zoe's and wu's pateron. That would sure show us.
Ian Martin
Hudson Ramirez
Did you miss Ralph trying to say contacting kotakus ads was a mistake?
He would do it if it suited him
John Rivera
deadchan did something similar to what I suggested a while back.
John Rivera
Oh I would not be suprised. Hell, i would not be suptised if they have already done so
And yet, every plan backfired.
Josiah Cooper
Here, have a gift.
Chase Gutierrez
Hudson Mitchell
kyjellytwat is a slimy cunt. Who would have thought?
Anyone who censors their text cursing immediately loses all credibility for me. Either swear or go without, don't bleep yourself or use that bullshit. You aren't a fucking child use grown up talk.
Ryan Thomas
Eh, Close enough
Landon Phillips
People still demonize America for killing natives during settlement
People still demonize Australia for killing natives during settlement
People still Demonize Japan for killing Chinese
People still Demonize China for killing Japanese
People still Demonize Israel for killing natives during settlement
Jason Gutierrez
I thought everyone knew he was against GG? Like the whole time? I mean did someone not get the memo?
Cooper Allen
It's all about how accurate the reporting is, really. The newer the killings, the more numerous and accurate the accounts are. SJWs don't give a shit about Genghis Kahn and some even try to act like he was good because all the reports on him are just numbers, for the most part.
If it's out of sight and out of mind for SJWs they don't bitch about it.
Colton Murphy
Fuck Germany still demonizes themselves for the holocaust. To the point that they're acting as cucks for the middle-east.
Jose Ramirez
It's mostly the Jew council and the politicians under their thumb doing that demonizing. Average German is pretty much fed up with this shit. Kept hearing about it from childhood on, all through school, every media, all the time. There is only so much you can take from this shit.
Easton Morgan
What semen demon app is this?
Connor Lopez
Examples of censorship?
Not being enthusiastic about gg is not being against it. Being apathetic about gg is not being against it.
Aiden Stewart
Yep. In fact, there are people that still believe that Ralph dindunuffins and is proGG. Since we're anons, we know that the best strategy is "don't feed the trolls", but the people in social networks are retards, and the misinformation spreads faster than true information.
Anthony Morgan
And then no one cares about the Ainu.
Jayden Perez
I'll assume SJW's would say:
Genghis Khan = Good Napoleon = Evil Caesar = Evil Ariel Sharon = ??? Mao = Good Hitler = Evil Saddam = Good Mugabe = Good Gaddafi = Good Sese Seko = Good Amin Dada = Good
Hudson Wright
>people still demonize homo sapiens for killing neanderthals
Camden Butler
His mom was an early version of the ecofags today
So ya
they would
She told her son to destroy cities and give them back to nature
Jack Morris
I think Ralph is just Ralph, not everyone is going to side with you every time.
Colton Miller
They don't really White Knight Saddam because he wasn't Muslim. They only like crazy religious brown people. They just hate Bush more. Most of those arguments start Saddam was bad but Bush was worse.
They flip-flop on Caesar. They care less about his conquests because all the people he conquered were white and thus not real people. Caesar's a bit like Kahn, where they justify the slaughter for the eventual positive gains in the long run for global society as a whole, even if it cost a lot of corpses to get it.
William Carter
Yet, we just fucked them until they were gone. Wasn't genocide, it was diversity.
Isaiah Murphy
Implying we didn't kill all the males and take the women like nearly every other genocide in human history.
Kahn moved society forward? I thought he destroyed tons of libraries and other forms of knowledge which sent society back decades.
Jace Garcia
not at all inaccurate
Ethan Wright
I imagine they see it similarly to how Americans see the seizing of Native American lands; yeah it was terrible and shouldn't have happened, but past a certain point all the people responsible are either already punished or dead, so being expected to flagellate themselves over old crimes that they personally neither did nor were complicit with seems wrong.
It was the end of the Ice Age that killed off neanderthals, not homo sapiens.
David Martin
Close, sadam is evil because 911, they cant justify it so they change the subject. And mao is mixed. Most are neutral on him.
Cameron Turner
No they weren't, stupid. They were culturally enriched :^)
Adam Evans
alright I chuckled. Too bad whoever wrote this is 100 dollars serious.
Connor Adams
This. I mean fucking hell, we even used to call him Bad Panda so as not to confuse him with Lo Ping. I have no idea how he became Revolt's favorite e-celeb.
Brandon Green
If the Europeans didn't come and steal the land from the natives one of two things would have happened. They either would have killed themselves with their constant fucking warring amongst their different tribes. Or they would have remained in the state they were forever. The natives hadn't even really learned how to ride horses when the Europeans came. Also they were constantly warring with themselves and the Europeans when they arrived. Only some of the tribes were peaceful the stories of whites coming over and just wiping out the peaceful natives with no resistance is a complete lie.
Hudson Jackson
I thought most SJW's were maoists or marxists.
They fight inequality wherever they see it. They see supply and demand as evil. That's why they want more so and so representation.
Capitalism and Meritocracies are evils to them.
It fits in with their world view, because they are unremarkable hateful people who wish to bring everyone down to their level.
Christian Barnes
Angel Nelson
Well…you know hoe ecologists will tell you a forest fire is actually good once in a while when a forest gets too overgrown? Pre-Kahn China wasn't exactly the height of culture. They weren't even united at that time. Broken up into three kingdoms, once of which was ruled by the descendants of another barbarian invader that had sacked part of China earlier.
They were, at best, culturally stagnant. And there's no denying that Genghis's grandson, Kublai, did bring new ideas and trade to the region.
If you're curious about it, embedded is a fantastic series on Kahn's family from an interesting perspective.
Michael Robinson
Marxists yes because they can pull the "Its never been done" shit. Mao, not everone can support him because his communism killed colored people.
Henry Williams
Easton Hughes
Maybe I'll get to it after I finish Carlin's WW1 series.
Aiden Allen
I'm not going to get too far off-topic with this; I'm just going to point out that whatever the details, it still ended with the Europeans killing and displacing them and seizing their land.
Can you honestly say that if somehow Israel had existed and invaded pre-Treaty of Westphalia Europe that you would be saying the same thing about Jews conquering and seizing white land? It's the same principle.
John Lee
While we're on the topic of Hardcore History, I think this thread would appreciate Prophets of Doom. He rambles a bit more than usual but the story he tells is a good example of what idealistic morons do when they seize power. Reminded me a lot of SJW behavior. Lots of "we're on the right side of history" followed by outright slaughter, debauchery, and leaders grasping power with flimsy narratives.
Jaxon Nelson
My sister a berniefag and boarderline sjw believes the earth is trying to kill us because of pverpopulation. And I can't completely disagree looking at all the fires and quakes in the past decade.
Oliver Collins
I'd have fame…if I felt like it.
Chase Walker
You got the vector the wrong way. More people means, more quakes actually affect a population center and more fires are caused by idiots.
With mankind becoming an ever more dense monoculture the more likely a superbug will appear and wipe a large portion of it out, just like it happens in agriculture.
Ayden Wright
thank god someone has a brain in this thread.
Adam Evans
Probably. I remember the h1n1 vitus scare. That did not do much.
Landon Kelly
The magnitude of Earthquakes we're experiencing are normal, except those in areas where fracking may be weakening fault lines. The number of monitoring stations and sensitivity of the equipment has improved though, which could give a false impression of the number of earthquakes increasing.
We artificially keep the number of wild fires far lower than what it actually should be naturally, and because of that, when one finally does catch and burn - it tends to be huge.
The earth isn't trying to kill us.
At least, not purposefully. It's just doing what the earth does, and it doesn't give a fuck about us.
Owen Torres
It won't be a scare when it happens. This is why Papa Nurgle's germ industry is superior.
Elijah Johnson
Zika Baby Master Race soon!
James Clark
I was thinking more quakes in japan, they had quite a few this pat decade.
Juan Thomas
Blake Torres
Hello? I was suppose to go jogging today now its late. I think ill just run for a few minutes and lift some weights
Joseph Wilson
Luis Morris
Wyatt Williams
Bentley Sanders
Isaiah Gonzalez
Those 3 nogs on the bus were actually held accountable for their actions
Zachary Rogers
Nolan Fisher
People suffering consequences for making false accusations?
Aaron Bennett
Justin Lee
Also the video footage explicitely showed that they where the aggressors. Wasn't there even an audio cut of their 911 call where they hinted at the false flag, being unaware that their call gets recorded the second they dial it and not the moment the operator picks up?
Jordan Brooks
Impossible. I don't know their personalities yet.
Hikki girl is a pending 10/10 but they might write her as a 1337 haxxor gamer gurl so I'm withholding judgement.
Been there, done that, oh hey heres a whole book already, and look at where it was organized. Your nobodies who cant be creative to save your life.
Cooper Thomas
Oh, and forgot to say, at least the writers in this book can respect lovectaft more or less, but this was from 2011.
Jason Harris
Gavin Reyes
I'd rather just read the original works, thanks.
Blake Wood
Every time I see some sacrilege like this, I'm reminded of this comic.
Carter Ortiz
Thats why I said it was done before by sanfran types. And I only bothered with half the tales myself. Its a thick ass book. They act like them pissing on alegends grave is new. At least they are being blatant about it now I guess. some of the older short stories are really good.
Evan Robinson
Daniel Robinson
I like puling my doggies floppy ears
John Kelly
Adrian Flores
Andrew Morris
Your dog is a cripple he has no legs
Jonathan Nguyen
Aaron Thompson
Masturbate. Orgasms make you sleepy
Leo Green
Reported for calling hotwheels a dog.
Easton Hill
hope you have a good alarm clock. you're not gonna wake up if you nod off.
Carter James
Before you go to sleep, remember that your waifu is dino.
Grayson Edwards
I really hope we are back now.
Eli Martinez
#closethegate, time to pack it up, the SJWs won. Let us forgive Moot and embrace Hiroyuki, we can all head back now
Austin James
Aweful even for a joke
Leo Collins
Actually, the computers say she is a horse.
Mason Robinson
user I think you're sick and maybe you should just leave
Austin Adams
Uh, oh…
Aiden Perez
I can finally go to sleep…. about two hours.
Dylan Scott
We're finally back…
Xavier Jackson
whats the bet its the other way around and the GG person bahaves normally and explained his point and the guy who posted that got super defensive
or that it didnt happen at all
Asher Roberts
Dear Lord.
Jose Stewart
Je peux jurer que c'est bien moi, minou. Pas d'inquiétude.
I love when this shit happens. I just love it. "This person has a great personality and is everything I like but he is GG so I think we should murder him" NOT A CULT
Jaxon Russell
Kevin Garcia
Pretty fbullshit, but unless the guy who he plays with who has his kikebook wall "filled to brim with kotakuinaction" shit actually talks about his side of the story, this guy is full of fucking shit.
Marche, you can't complain about bullying and then do it yourself.
Angel Cruz
Marche, please never let the twitter get to you and turn into a burnout faggot.
Thomas Kelly
Im not bullying
Gabriel Gutierrez
Lincoln Rogers
I've been shown this shit already why please stop mentioning the existence of that garbage, I am not kidding when I say it's my fucking trigger I swear
She's the french version of anita sarkeesian, and I'm not exaggerating. Well, I am a bit because she has no relevance, power or influence outside of her cult on twitter, but she has a "blog" at least; but she's the worst piece of shit among the "progressive" crowd online
She's the kind of hyper-twitteraddict that makes you wonder how those people are even still alive She tends to write super-personal matters on her past and shit that should have NEVER been shared publicly and then she deletes it instead of owning up to it or just NOT GODDAMN SHARING IT ON FUCKING TWITTER
After the paris attacks in the bataclan, when it was found out one of the terrorists was a woman, and many people made a joke at her expense, this cunt's first reflex was to DEMAND PEOPLE STOP MAKING SEXIST JOKES ABOUT HER
Ryder Hughes
wait… how is persona 5 pandering to gamergate?
Dominic Evans
I'll see if we can do that while we're at e3.
Caleb King
Frog-Anita is now shit talking to us while bemoaning about masculinity and GG monsters.
Cooper Edwards
You know, ive never seen a huge pushback to these types of people in my life until in 2014, i dont wanna say Gamergate caused this huge pushback, but it was at the beginning i think.
So far, we had more people against SJW types than the last 10 years as it was getting to the point of pure insanity. I want to believe now its the tipping point for these sacks of shit and people aren't having it anymore
at least, thats what i think. I've seen more and more people talk out against this.
Aaron Perry
It's not persona, it's playasia themselves she hates.
Matthew Barnes
Fucking frogette is still rumprustled about Play-Asia's follower count ballooning after poking fun at regressives like her.
Zachary Gutierrez
Like this.
Ian Rivera
Is there any acceptable response to them other than "fuck off," at this point?
Jose King
Human squid a cute
Adrian Martin
No, he was butt angry because of the DoA X3 thing. He said he would have bought Persona 5 from Play Asia if they hadn't "pandered to Gamer Gate" earlier.
Brody Williams
No, play asia is, not persona.
I'm convinced gamergate was the huge pushback that started it all, simply because it was the first time there actually was one so vocally and effectively. This is something that is extremely common in human history : all that is needed to face a danger is a single person stepping out and saying "I won't take this shit anymore", and everyone else wakes up and stands next to him. This is all it takes and we were the first step.
As usual, the only good replies are [laughter intensifies] and memes
oh poor darling
Caleb Jones
To be fair, that's actually Anne getting the fanservice shot. It's just edited to make it look like Futaba has the wedgie.
James Sanders
I just assume they're all men or trannies now.
James Wilson
Post frog-art of anime smug girls.
Elijah Peterson
No no, that retard is a full-on ugly "my dad didn't love me right" idiot
I haven't saved anything totally spies-related that isn't porn though
Christopher Butler
Oh yeah, Playasia is totally gonna lose sleep over this. Its like losing a child
Its alright though, i'll just buy it in his place
Caleb Jones
Checked, if only Anita was more like this sperg, we would be entertained.
Matthew Reed
Eat some coleslaw puts you right to sleep
Xavier Cook
Changes nothing I swear to fucking god she better not turn out to be a tranny or some shit
Elijah Barnes
Only in the definitive English version :^)
Easton Sanders
I'm sure playasia will learn their lesson with this lost sale
Kevin Brown
Unlikely. The only thing we have to worry about is how she's translated. Atlus doesn't have a history of going full meme, so we're probably fine, but be on your guard just in case. If she's done right she could be fucking amazing. If done wrong, though, she'll be total cringe. Sadly, as the navigator there's no getting around her.
I was just reading this manga and I couldn't help but think of you guys.
Michael Reed
Cassandra Khaw was a regular contributer to both USGamer and Rock Paper Shotgun. No idea if she's still with them, but she was definitely an active game journo when this all started.
Dylan Reed
Are you from France Val?
Brayden Hall
I assumed I'd made this fully obvious numerous times by bragging about France being the best place on the goddamn world
Joshua Gray
France sucks full of leftist idiots who tax the shit out of the people they need and are moslty socialist commies.
Even val is a commie that supports bernie.
Charles Price
I hope we get dual audio.
Liam Smith
Do you think these people actually believe what they are saying? I mean its fucking mind boggling.
Evan Watson
I wish i had a qt loli to pat on the head.
You don't argue with the cultists, breh, you drag them into the light and expose their lunacy to the fence sitters and normalfags, that's why we are winning.
Andrew Bailey
It's not just for those fags, though. It's for everyone else watching and reading. It's visible by the entire world, so someone seeing it even accidentally will be shown new facts and opinions that will help seed their knowledge of the entire bullshit.
Gabriel Reed
Also, >not adding the #gamergate hashtag in there dude the tag needs a boost, any good excuse to use it needs to be present
Gotta monitor and spread info, GG is going watchdog mode, just have to avoid burning out or turn into bitter fucking revoltards who care more of drama than vidya.
Zachary Baker
I want save gookanon by bringing him to america.
Lucas Carter
Their antics yesterday was insane
>What you don't want to dox people? What are you, are you, a PR CUNT?
I felt like we were transported back the the days where goons were in the threads, advocating physical violence against games journalists, and going when they got called out on it.
Jaxon Baker
Gookanon has debt problems, unless you can smuggle him out of that hellhole, he can't leave, and he's still willing to fight and spread that place's bullshit.
If only a bunch of journalists actually cared about the entire vidya industry getting fucked over by the government there.
David Torres
That's a shame. He deserves a better nation.
Jaxson Powell
Jackson Hall
Don Henly did nothing wrong.
Connor Roberts
god help us if shillary gets in, its going to be ten times worse
Bentley James
Someone needs to make an edit on that dog comic in the burning house, saying its fine as long as he's a feminist.
Those Quads of Four mean it's the truth. Starfox confirmed great game.
Liam Roberts
Um… Uh… Not since 2003?
Christian Stewart
Quads confirm, it's been roughly 4800 days since the last good game
Hudson Roberts
Starfox is shit, play quantum break instead.
Jack Rivera
I also agree with him. NoA hates Japanese games. Games with a lot of JP influence seem to get gutted the most.
Austin Myers
We're literally degenerating
Luis Hall
Not really. There was a much larger fuss about Doom 3 back when it was launched. I remember one German gaming magazine (although a rather shitty one, admittedly) outright refused to test it because a hellknight tore out the head from some poor fellow, with the spine still connected.
Anthony Collins
DeSu Overclocked was good
Aiden Walker
I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm saying he's going a bit too much into the expletives territory. I know it's an opinion piece, but I prefer it when the author sounds collected.
Luke Smith
Thuse a select few who we happen to agree with, intentionally not quantifying the number so even a vocal minority can make the statement truth, no matter how insignificant they may be. Not gamers. These are the people we agree with and want the future of gaming to be. Gamers are dead. Long live the player!
Absolutely disgusting.
Ayden Wood
Not big surprise. They tend to censor the hell out of video games. Got any better lately?
Henry Murphy
Don't look to AAA or western games.
JP games are generally good. They may not be all time great games, but they're worth it.
Michael Scott
I'm offended. The spine is connected to the body with the ribs. If you'd tear the head off, you won't rip out the spine as the next would tear before all the ribs broke off. Worse yet, even if the ribs would break, you'd have some jagged remnants on the spine and not a clean column. This physics and anatomy failure offends me.
Jaxson Hernandez
hotwheels plz
Isaiah Price
I need to emphasize that the mag who pulled this was the "Computerbild Spiele" which basically is a video-game themed daughter of the "Bild" tabloid.
Bild is gawker tier, so go figure.
Jose Ross
Define "lately". Bulletstorm for example is outright ridiculous in the german version, characters losing their shit over empty walls where the dialog clearly implies gutted corpses. On the other hand, FO:NV Ultimate Edition is untouched aside from missing non-german voice options. It's unbelievably inconsistent with some games butchered beyond belief while others allow you to be as much of a butcher as in the rest of the world.
William King
Beautiful, not only are they astroturfing and trying to build a false consensus, but at the same time they are pushing "players" instead of gamers.
Blake Long
Wyatt Kelly
Aiden Rodriguez
John Scott
Maybe the "will nobody think of the womyn" is just an early form of the resurgent "will nobody think of the children" party?
Isaiah Thompson
People have been saying that for like a goddamned year now, probably more. I mean, its true, but its kind of funny, kind of sad watching them try to dance around it and act like they aren't just fucking puritans Christ… I'm just sick of this shit
Ian Williams
We're on page 13. Should we new bread at 600 again?
Trudeau is a puppet of the Liberal party. I never met him directly but he was alright during a meeting I attended where he was there.
Also from what I hear around Ottawa he is quite the shitlord. He got to be PM like his father so I guess he has no problem singing to the tune of the party.