ITT: Shit design choices in otherwise fun games that are deal breakers for you
Do you have one of these 'deal breakers' in vidya?
ITT: Shit design choices in otherwise fun games that are deal breakers for you
Do you have one of these 'deal breakers' in vidya?
Forget trying to platinum-trophy runs in that case.
Guess which game
that's a pretty specific complaint without mentioning any titles
Thats nothing
It's pretty easy to guess what he's complaining about, though. He probably just doesn't want to mention the title.
This is the most recent one. The rest of it is fun enough to keep me playing -bear in mind im in eu so not NISA version.
Wew, does dark souls 3 do this? A quick reload fixes that in dark souls 1
Demons Souls. The phrase "the true demons souls starts here" exists for a reason.
Fuck, I would've thought one game would be enough to know not to do that shit. That game has a stamina system too?
Werent those salamanders?
Tfw you never got to play demon's souls
Guess I'm never getting that game. Shame, I was looking for something useful for my Gravity Rush machine.
Demons is very easy by modern standards in some cases, in others dark souls is amazingly casual by comparison.
it was worth it for all the cute grils, fun combat and disgaea tier fun times, but fuck is it not worth 50 bongdollers.
Was that part of Golden week? Probably woulda been $10 in burgerland, still prefer saving the $10, honestly. At least I can spend half that getting Ace Combat Assault Horizon and use Open Horizon for shits and giggles. Sage for being mildly offtopic.
Like when you have to talk to a completely unimportant person to trigger a cutscene or an NPC.
or like in Okami when the Legendary dog who's hiding the the Tree doesn't actually show up in the tree unless you talk to the NPC bird that says he saw the dog there, EVEN THOUGH THE FUCKING RADAR SAYS THE DOG IS RIGHT THERE.
Or in Okami again, when you can't fight the cutter family until you trigger a cutscene at the bird village, but if you go to the cutter house before then you still get all the prompting for blowing a hole in the roof, and dragging a body into the moonlight. All the pieces are there, but since you didn't visit this random village yet, FUCK YOU.
It's all the frustration of being a beta tester, only the mistakes you find will never get fixed.
EU PSN gets some steam tier sales every other week. Being the sonygger capital of the world pays off sometimes as long as the wiggers are placated with a yearly offering of fifa.
I actually really like these games-
Get stuck on a level? well maybe you aren't sending in the right characters, or maybe you aren't using a good enough strategy, or maybe you've been leveling up in the wrong way this entire time without realizing it? or maybe the game is just really grindheavy because NIS doesn't give a fuck.
Any dev that puts this in a stealth game is a fucking idiot.
Remove the grinding and I would be okay with that. But the NIS games can get crazy with grinding.
Fuck, man. Burgerland at least has cheap hardware. I wish we got good PSN sales though.
For all it's praise, this makes me glad I never played Okami.
Goddamn I wanted to love this game but holy shit did the long combos ruin it. First people went "Git Gud", so I Got Gud but I realised even performing the same fucking combo over and over again is fucking boring, not only to play but even to watch.
Skullgirls is only good for Mariels lewd art.
Don't do it, user. You can still save yourself the pain.
You forgot to point out that those 10 second combos barely fucking do damage
This was so fucking annoying when I played Kingdoms of Amalur. I liked the gameplay but the 4 ability limit was shit and dragged the otherwise fun mage class down.
I also forgot to point out they ruin the characters themselves. Good example Beowulf:
So you got this wrestler-character, with an awesome tutorial that teaches all the fun customisable wrestling moves that are there just to be flashy but you can combine them creatively like crazy.
Nope, spamming a damaging dash is better, lets just do combos with him because actually using the character the way he was intended would not be competitive enough. Just learn the 10-second combo string, spam the dash-move and shut the fuck up, no fun allowed.
Some of my favorite animators out there like the animator of Space Dandy does some of the characters on the game, what a huge waste of potential.
It's a decent plane painter. Besides, if Open Horizon is anything to go by, the assets won't go to waste. I already know DFM stuck it's meaty dick in the entire game, along with HELICOPTERRZZSZS, but I have higher hopes for the guy doing it 4Free
Skullgirls is great when you play with friends and you're both shit at the game. Our combos don't last long so we just poke and do a few hits when we can. I've had a much better experience that way. Also, Skullgirls is made to feel good while button bashing, so it's combo heavy for little reason beyond 'I like hitting buttons'. And 1 touch because fuck letting the other player actually do anything, why would that matter?
They respawn if you kill a boss
Fuck that and fuck Mike Z, and fuck their petty removal of asscheeks and pantyshots. Double is still a nice character, hell, the SG universe is interesting, shame nothing will come out of it and now they are focused on that multiculti RPG.
Storymodes in arcade style fighters
What better way to let your fans know that the original dev team was in no way involved in this console port.
Will anyone ever fix the game to make it GOAT?
If a game has procedurally/randomly generated levels I won't play it.
Guilty Gear Xrd at least pulled that off better, if only a bit.
But goddamn, aging the story mode in Blazblue is just aggravating, not to mention how slow it advances and yet they keep pouring in more characters and twists. Get on with it, Jesus Christ. Permanently kill someone or something.
You think thats bad, GG Xrd's story-mode is just a long half anime, half motion comic of heads talking with each other. You dont even play the story mode, you watch it.
Shit's dead, chief, better move on.
I return to Vanguard Princess, but no netplay kills the vanpris.
To clarify, GG Xrd doesnt belong in this thread otherwise.
I actually kinda like blazblue's story mode for some reason I can't seem to explain.Maybe I'm just a huge faggot?Who knows.
While ı can't argue with that I cant help but feel that alot of the nuance of the arcade mode's story telling would be lost on someone who doesn't know the characters and setting properly.
Also Nu is best girl
Lambda's second best
Squirreltitties a best, followed by dixie dukes.
I immediately drop any game that does this
which open world meme game started this?
I want to fuck Makoto though
user,Everyone who doesnt think it will make them a furry wants to fuck Makoto.Its just the default human reaction and while perfectly natural it does not make her best girl.
In 15h of playing it I was able to buy half of weapons for my robot and they are Epic there are also Legendary that cost about 5 times more. Including a fact you will need 1-2 Legendary weapons instead of 5 Epic ones.
I think it was Far Cry 3.
ok to drag it more under topic.
Because of this bullshit p2w/f2p system I already dropped Hearthstone and it looks like Robocraft will be next. It is fucking bullshit.
It doesn't even encourage me to buy your crates/packs they are fucking expensive and drops from them are bullshit.
NISA is the one taking care of the European market, Being a NIS fan is suffering, start learning those moonrunes user.
Who does this shit? Seriously? Why not have *both*? That way legacy stuff still works and you can tack on new stuff?
Because apparently nobody working on the sourceport has the motivation and time to either rewrite the old code, write entire new protocols, or write LUA scripts to do it. The FPS cap is still 30fps in the sourceport because of some physics bullshit. I mean, the sourceport is so fucking old that they have to code PowerPC support for each update.
A different team who worked on the Xbox port of the game just wrote an entire new 3D engine which read the files of the original game, which allowed more flexibility such as 60fps and better networking support, but it wasn't entirely mechanically the same as the original in terms of physics and movement, yet nobody tried to do something similar.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Now I have to know. Please don't tell me it's something like ioquake.
This is painful that a different development team could make this happen and the original won't deprecate PPC support.
Brother, am sorry. Everyone deserves cheap weeb games.
it's the Aleph One sourceport for the Marathon Trilogy
Space Dandy was done with multiple animators and artists on a rotation. To give the aliens lots of variety.
Suddently, the parry system is about reflexes (and you have to be above averagely fast too) instead of timing. If they went back to the instant parry of DS1, it might be too easy, since attacks are more rarely exaggeratedly slow, and don't bait you into too early parries anymore, but making parrying in PVE be about reflexes is even stupider.
the leveling up in Transformers Devastation really bugs me. It's one of the reasons I personally enjoyed Korra a little bit more then Transformes.
At times I feel like I should be doing more damage but my weapon isn't a good enough rank or I need to be a higher level.
where as in Korra the leveling up is more straightforward. you get new attacks and more health and you can equip an item to level up faster.
Trasformers on the whole is has more content and is over all better.
but I like Korra because her move list feel more focused
where as with Transformers the weapon leveling come off like a nuisance to me.
you get copies of the same weapon but they all suck so you have to combined them until it's starts being decent.
instead of combining 20 crap weapons into a good weapon. Why can't I just have a good weapon?
okay maybe not a deal breaker but it drives me up the fucking wall
just use cutscenes for fucks sake, cuz then i can skip them if the story is for shit or i'm replaying the game
The only people who get mad at this are retards who never fucking use their guns because "omg it only has 500 bullets WHAT IF ITS EMPTY…ill just use my shit pistol with inginite ammo instead! Im so smart!"
"OH NO I DIED, if only i had multiple guns that were better, oh wait i did and they had full ammo, SHIT GAME."
Ammo drops in this game are as rare as niggers in japan. I have gone through whole floors without seeing a single ammo box multiple times
Fucking MGR
Anything that requires/rewards OCD. Being compelled to check a status screen or something once a minute is the opposite of fun.
An example: one time, I was looking through my list of active effects in Skyrim, and noticed I had gotten Rockjoint from a wolf or something at some point. -25% damage; no wonder the last few fights seemed tougher.
Of course, Skyrim is moddable, so I just wrote a mod that changed all the disease penalties to -1 so I wouldn't have to worry about being unwittingly crippled if I missed a notification; no need to compulsively check the effects list.
The worst is equipment degradation in MMOs. I don't even care about the expense, it's the fact that if you don't go over to this part of town and pay that NPC every chance you get, your sword and armor will break in the middle of a fight. Why play a game where something like that is constantly hanging over your head?
The Elder Scrolls games always tell you when you've contracted a disease. In Skyrim, there would have been a notification in the upper-left corner saying, "You have contracted Rockjoint." Also, NPCs will tell you that you look sick.
In all seriousness, MMOs do this because they need gold sinks to get currency out of circulation and thus avoid hyperinflation. There are better ways of doing it, though.
How the hell does that get past testing?
Vanquish did it too which fucking blows my mind
Vanquish is shit, fite me.
I wouldn't call it shit, but I think it's kinda overrated
Not really a fite, but OK.
Waste of trips right here
Why do you think it's shit, user?
Fucking Dead Rising.
i like it but its not perfect, its short and needs more content
would be neat to see it advanced upon
Right, but the notification popped up while I was busy fighting, so I didn't notice it.
Slideboost and melee shouldn't have used the same meter.
Boss reuse is inexcusable given the game's length.
Story is dumb, and not in a good way.
I didn't hate everything about it, and I like what they were trying to do, I just think they could have done it better. Also, I want to fug Elena.
I'm fine with the boss re-use since they were fun to fight. Still though, new fights would've been better.
Story is dumb in the perfect way, did we play the same game?
At least we agree with Elena.
Schlock is hard to pull off well, and often it's a matter of taste. Theirs didn't click with me.
Yet I loved MGR. I dunno, mang.
i'd say the story is 'perfect dumb' because it doesn't affect how the game is played, they just give you some characters and a goal, but its not quite barebone so you can get a chuckle at the banter. doing forced walking exposition in certain parts is a bad idea though when you can otherwise blitz the fuck out of the game
Far Cry 3
I, I actually like 3rd birthday but replaying it is pure death.
Japan has a gambling problem
Also from japan:
Why? Just why? Why fuck with a core mechanic like that?
Please tell me why?
are you talking about FF7 Crisis Core because I looked it up. The level ups are not Random
There is an exp counter, but the game just doesn't fucking show you for some reason
i deleted this post and retried twice 3rd times the charm