First time playing Bioshock. And on Hard

First time playing Bioshock. And on Hard.

Vita Chambers revive you for free without costing you any money. What's stopping me from going at Big Daddies with a wrench, hurtingthem 1/10th at a time, dying, then going at it again. He isn't regenerating the HP. It's cheap and tedious but is it doable?


Nothing. That's, sadly, how the game was meant to be played.

Alright, I can understand if the idea was to use real world intelligence to compensate for the lack of ammo and fair damage dispersion.

free resurrections? Christ.

I beat the first Big Daddy by jumping on and off a counter, making sure he can't reach me with his melee attacks or charges. And it worked. Intelligence.

I beat the second nigger by placing explosive barrels around him and making him go kablooey. Intelligence.

I can't beat the third and fourth ones because they have ranged attacks and I'm out of barrels, so the only thing that came to my mind was pushing them off the ledge (didn't work) and abusing the vita chambers, but that's way too cheap.

Balance in this game is fucked. As you said vita chambers have literally no drawback, not like you're needing them, 90% of the time you'll be running around fully stocked up on ammo, EVE, medpacks and money. Hard just turns everything into bullet sponges and you into tiffany glass, not fun at all.

I'd say play on normal without vita chambers, most fun way to play imo.

The game does not reward exploration or conserving ammo.

Nothing other than boredom.

Ye but if I turn off vita chambers I'm just gonna be relying on loading games, which is pretty much what I've been doing so far. I don't recall using the Vita Chamber once, but that's because I'd load the previous auto-save if I got fucked by a turret or something.

Tiffany glass indeed, but that's not what annoys me the most. Fucking coked up drunkard splicer fires a dented peashooter five times through a small opening and lands 4 headshots and the fifth grazes my tits. Why are random enemies so fucking broken? I mean yes I'm a noob, but I chose hard to learn fastest, and the irregularities make me feel it's okay to abuse the vita chambers simply to farm adam off the little cunts.

The honor system I guess.

This is a serious game series for intellectual, philosophically minded games who prefer engaging, tactical gameplay.

the only thing stopping you from using the vita chambers is the fact that you'll have to play more Bioshock otherwise.

Why the hate?

I've successfully ignored every single Bioshock thread because I've never played System Shock or any Bioshock game so I don't even know if Holla Forums likes it or not.

What's wrong with that? Pretty much every other game works that way

Also like in many cases, the game simply isn't balanced for hard mode, they just inflated some numbers and called it a day. You're way to slow to effectively dodge, not like that matters much with bios' lock on hitscan guys.

Again I recommend normal, my first playthrough of Bioshock 2 was also on hard and it was just more of the same bullshit. Except even more infuriating because you're a fucking Big Daddy yourself and yet a single crackhead can kill you almost instantly by spraying his rusty tommy roughly in your direction.

Nobody plays BioShock for the gameplay. It's shit. The story and atmosphere is the only redeeming things

Did you just spoil it for me you disgusting piece of shit

Because the game is piss easy, linear in the bad way, and the shooting mechanics aren't satisfying?
Plus, duh, the vita chambers. And what about the piss-poor implementation of the morality system? Either you kill all the sisters or save them all, no one ever deviates from their first choice.

I played Bioshock 2 on Hard and rarely ever died thanks to the mercy time which activates when you're low on health, so you can activate a medkit just in time to heal up
Actually, I only died ONCE so far, to a Big Sister blocking the way to the exit and making me waste my medkits

No, nigger, that's not even a little secret.
It's like saying you play as a human in the Half-Life series. Anyone who knows anything about that game knows it's the best in the series because you're a Big Daddy.

It's in the fucking trailers and literally the first second of the first cutscene so calm your tits you whiny pissbaby.

Well I didn't know. I'm still on the first game and I've already been spoiled by accidentally reading "dont trust atlas". I didnt know the guy was suspicious, but he sure as fuck is now. I'm out, someone's gonna spoil something pretty soon I can feel it

literally the first thing you see is your reflection on the glass walls confirming your status of being a Big Daddy

spoiler alert: you die at the end

Bioshock is trash

Here's another spoiler to go with that one user, you were in a city under the ocean all along

Jack kills Andrew Ryan with a golf club

Shouldn't have said that, you brought this upon yourself

There are some good bits in this game. It's a shame it's so easy.
The Sander Cohen part was great.

congratulations, you just figured out why people only talk about Bioshock games in terms of their story or graphics

At first when I see threads like this I always think "who the fuck doesn't play on Hard the first time?" and then I remember that the game in question is designed with Easy Mode in mind and any higher difficulty just scales up health and damage.

But yeah I did Bioshock Hard when it came out (YAR HAR) and I don't remember having too many problems with it. I probably found a way to cheese them or something.

tl;dr: Game is designed for easy, but you can do it OP! Do it for the cute girl juices!

So much hate for BioShock

I don't find a games difficulty to ruin a game unless its extreme in one sense or another. BioShock isn't particularly hard, but it's not piss easy either. It's a comfortable ride from beginning to end. The whole bullet sponge thing is a valid compliment, but that's how hard modes tend to work for the past few years. It's more an easy way to offer "more" options without coding something completely new.

Linearity is a valid complaint. You can explore a little bit to find some goodies, but you can't deviate from your objective in the slightest.
I'm willing to let that slide if the journey is entertaining. And while there are dull points in the game, Rapture is an interesting world that helps lessen the stagnant linearity.

Lack of balance can be debated.
The only thing I can think of off the bat is Insect Swarm 3 in BioShock 2. That is hella broken.

I find enjoyment from the game despite its faults.
Just because it isn't 10/10 doesn't mean it isn't worth a playthrough.

So much hate for BioShock

I don't find a games difficulty to ruin a game unless its extreme in one sense or another. BioShock isn't particularly hard, but it's not piss easy either. It's a comfortable ride from beginning to end. The whole bullet sponge thing is a valid compliment, but that's how hard modes tend to work for the past few years. It's more an easy way to offer "more" options without coding something completely new.

Linearity is a valid complaint. You can explore a little bit to find some goodies, but you can't deviate from your objective in the slightest.
I'm willing to let that slide if the journey is entertaining. And while there are dull points in the game, Rapture is an interesting world that helps lessen the stagnant linearity.

Lack of balance can be debated.
The only thing I can think of off the bat is Insect Swarm 3 in BioShock 2. That is hella broken.

I find enjoyment from the game despite its faults.
Just because it isn't 10/10 doesn't mean it isn't worth a playthrough.

Cripplekike fix your site

Contradicting yourself so fast and so early. Wew.


It's average difficulty.
I can play the game without feeling overly bored or frustrated.

I wish I had your capacity to enjoy boring gunplay.

Like I give a shit about your perception of difficulty. My point is that you contradicted yourself.

Plasmids kept me interested. Gunplay is pretty standard.

By saying it isnt piss easy but saying it's comfortable?

It means I didn't feel completely overwhelmed in any sense.
I played the game through and didn't have to overly compensate.

Take more standard RPG's as an example.
if I have to overly grind, that's boring.
If I can go through the game at a consistent pace where the world around me scales in a manner that is still beatable without me going out of my way, it's comfortable.

Are you actually labeling Bioshock as an RPG?

Anyway you contradicted yourself, I guess you're too dumb to understand what my post meant? Any game that can be described as comfortable is per definition piss easy. Because if you're feeling comfortable then it is because you are not being pressured by the difficulty of anything in the game in any way.

Standard for bad FPS games, maybe.

"more standard"
BioShock isn't full RPG. It has elements of them, but it isn't. Psuedo RPG is more accurate.
I felt it wasn't too much of a reach to use traditional RPG's as an example.

I see your point more clearly now in regards to my definition and I must concede in that regard.
However, I think of it like a species of plant or animal. They belong to the same main group, but have subgroups.
A piss easy game in the bad sense is more likely to be shut down for self explanatory reasons.

A game that is comfortable is still easy, but can still be enjoyed.

What do you consider good gunplay then?

Serious Sam is pretty solid. Not phenomenal, but good.

So this is what I watched.

From what I can see, Serious Sam has 2 key distinctions from BioShock gun play.
Movement and reward.

Movement is self explanitory.
BioShock being confined to smaller areas with a slower walk/ low jump means you're either facing threats head on or hiding.

in terms of reward, all BioShock gives are pick ups.
You get those in Serious Sam too, but there's an entertainment factor to it. Enemies are silly and goofy; Their death animations are fun to watch. Its a spectacle that keeps you engaged.

Game is and always has been shite. I have tried about 8 times to enjoy it, the gameplay is just so painfully mediocre.

OP, here's some context as to where Bioshock fits among the other shock games.

Eat a bag of dicks

You're really not getting this are you? I have never and will never argue that you cannot enjoy something. That has not and will not be my argument.

My argument is that a comfortable game has no difficulty in it, in lieu of being comfortable.
My argument is that you contradicted yourself. That's where my argument stops. My argument is nothing more than these two points.

God forbid I post from work.
I needed a quick reference to keep the discussion.

I read too deep into it.
Yes, I did contradict myself.
Easy and comfortable go hand in hand.

I wanted to dissect my explanation further so you would see where my points where coming from.

I played Bioshock Infinite for Elizabeth.

Why does she have no ears?

Why not just find the porn, then, since the game was complete shit and had nothing to do with exploiting the best of her?

Of the first one, right until you meet Ryan.

The second and third one are just pure shit, that idiots praise for the story, unable to understand that it's one of the most illogical pieces ever concieved by mankined.
Artwork mioght be the only redeeming factor left.

I ended up uninstalling the game (BioShock 1) around Arcadia because at that point there were a couple of Big Daddies around, I had died about four times in a row to them, respawning in a VitaChamber, there were no ammo vending machines nearby, and I was like "why the fuck am i playing this shitty grindy-ass game."

Why do people say it's good? The only thing I liked about it was the story and the cool setting in a steampunk underwater city.

I think I was playing on Normal mode.


It does, she evolves, but not in the best way. You learn to want to take care of her.
The gameplay would improve if you actually had to defend her, it would give you a purpose.

My god.

So, now that we are on topic, where did Ryan failed?
Pretty sure he failed the moment he accepted everyone into Rapture. A closed circle would have prevented people like Fountain on Rapture, also, they needed some kind of manpower or machines that managed the work nobody wanted to do, which would have prevented something like Fountain as well.
Ryan himself was pretty rad.

He should have implemented full underwater communism.

That's everything he, and I, was against, fag. The choice to let anyone in, something of commie nature, was what destroyed the city, and the main enemy is a commie hero.
Rapture was cool because "muh freedom", but there was little to no preparation social-wise, so commies rotted the mind of Rapture citizens.

He should have put a rule in that if you buy a ticket to go to Rapture you need to also buy a ticket to leave Rapture. Thus those who have failed in creating a better life for themselves in Rapture could still have the ticket to leave, and would not as easily fall for Fontaine's socialism(the reason why everything wen't so wrong).

It couldn't have turned out much worse than it did.

It could have turned just as worse but much faster.

Exactly. Rapture was fucked from the start.


It was mainly fucked by Fontaine who represents socialism, or at the very least a caricature of it, just as Andrew Ryan is a caricature of Ayn Rand.

I did nothing but kill big daddies with the wrench the whole fucking game. get the freeze on melee hit perk and you can stunlock everything to death just by circle-strafing and holding m1. git gud, faget.

I thought Lamb was the caricature of socialism and Fontane was just a dick.

Quick tips for playing bioshock:

1: Hack absolute everything since the enemies won´t stop from spawning, turrets and cameras will chase and destroy anything that moves, except the daddies (there´s the security plasmid to mark them to trigger the attacks) , and probably the wounded enemies will look for the nearest dispenser and since you´ve hacked it the only thing you need is loot their corpses. Also, there´s a perk that restores health and eve with each succesful hack.

2: Use the camera, maybe sound ridiculous, but when you fill the research meter you gain bonuses and perks (Scan the Drill daddies and the teleporting-flaming- faggots to get the strengh and invisibility perk)

3: Use the wrench, it´s your best friend: love it, stroke it, choke it. To make it work probably you´ll need a few perks (Damage, sneak atacks, invisibility, attack speed) once you get the build probably you don´t need ammo anymore.

4: The guns, in hard are pretty much useless except the grenade launcher, the shotgun with shock shells (You can stun daddies with this), and maybe the flamethrower and the tommy. Save the grenades and shock shells only for the daddies, since the 50% of the game revolves around that.

5: In early levels spam the plasmids if you need it, mainly the fire and shock ones…

Nothing, you'd would be a big faggot if you didn't play with vita chambers disabled though, it's not even that hard if you don't play like a retard.

user, how in the fuck can you be this bad at videogames?

This was more of a caricature of Objectivism and Ayn Rand's philosophy. She was against helping the poor and the weak. Andrew Ryan calls them parasites. So here comes Fontaine and besides Fontaines Futuristics builds shelters for the poor and orphanages(in which he does experiments on children) and did charity work. In his room we also see a stuffed bear which represents Russia. That's why I say that everybody should have been forced to also buy an extra ticket to leave. He also sponsored the creation of plasmids which had the side effect of making people go crazy.

enemies do regenerate health after you die in a vitachamber, something at 30% will be back at 50%, and I'm pretty sure it goes up from there.

bioshock 1 is pretty shitty. play 2 instead.

bioshock 2 was far worse than 1.

I disagree.

How? The plot was so shit that most anons have forgotten it and being able to breathe underwater turns the setting of being in a dangerously leaky underwater drcaying city into an irrelevant backdrop. It was just a cash grab while they worked on infinite.

The gameplay is better in every imaginable way but you're one of those fags that just goes "muh story" so that doesn't really matter to you

Does anybody use plasmids in this game? Once I got the chemical thrower: I found that it pretty much rendered them obsolete. By the way, Liquid Nitrogen is fucking awesome in the third act because you constantly have a full inventory of ammo and money plus looting and hacking becomes a waste of time.

Plasmids really don't get interesting until Bioshock 2.


Oh no, that's not a spoiler: THIS IS A SPOILER:

Bioshock 1: you're Andrew Ryan's son and Atlas was Frank Fontaine all along.

Bioshock 2: Gilbert Alexander is a giant monster. Sinclair becomes an Alpha Series Big Daddy and you have to kill him. You get to play as a little sister.

Infinite: Elizabeth is your daughter. You are Comstock.

Because the game part is superior?

no guns, hard, disabled vita-chambers is the way to go to add challenge/replayability.

otherwise just play once and uninstall.

Gameplay in all the bioshock games is pretty awful.

That part was great.

I'm not touching it until I'm done System Shock and its sequel but it's still nice to know that the game works.

it's better in every way, most importantly design and mechanics, but also story. Story, in that, what you do actually matters and it tells a far more cohesive and less disjointed story.

The only people who dislike bioshock 2 are the people who are so upset they tacked on multiplayer that they never touched the game in the first place. They believe all the journo lies, and think ken levine is some untouchable genius. They have convinced themselves that because the game has multiplayer, the SP is somehow degraded. When in reality, it's the only good single player the franchise has ever hosted.

Honestly, the multiplayer wasn't even all that horrible. I think I sunk about a dozen hours into it back in the day.

I hate everything about the game except its setting.

You're too mean, user!

Booker is Comstock

Polito is dead and Shodan was telling you what to do the whole time

Everytime, I read that as Cumsock.

I was a cumsock all along.

Basically? Pretentious 'journalists' with no perspective on videogaming whatsoever and their similarly minded audiences.

Bioshock 1 was fun as fuck. Never had too much trouble aside from fucking up a hack without dosh maybe twice? Story-wise, if I had the patience I'd listen to all the audio logs. And I'm the type of guy who skims lore dumps. What I heard was excellent though.

I'm currently playing Bioshock 2. Should I be hoarding money like in 1 and Infinite* to be able to open locked doors? As in the ones that needed the tools or lockpicks. Infinite was garbage and I'm embarrassed that it was the first I beat. First I played was Bioshock 1 on PC and again, it was PHENOMENAL.**

The only thing I remember about money in Bioshock 1 & 2 is that I ended up hoarding all of it to the end of the game, where I spent into whatever the fuck I could buy because I realized the game was about to end.
Do whatever the hell you want with the money, it doesn't really matter that much.

Wow you suck.

You can only have a limited amount of money so hoarding it is pretty much impossible. That said, wait until you're close to the limit or next area before you go shopping, this way you're never out of cash when something interesting is expensive.