Why the fuck didn't Bethesda showed off the singleplayer game being played with KB+M instead of a gamepad?, the game actually looks fun now.
D44M footage on KB+M
What the fuck why hasn't the rest of the gameplay they've shown been like this?
Do they want their game to flop?
dead thread, but you're right it looks better on pc because higher fov, overall better graphics, stable 60fps, high resolution, instant weapon switch hotkeys etc.
Essentially the reasons why virtually every game looks more fun on PC.
Here's your bump faggot
Did the game just get faster or have my standards rapidly dropped in the past month?
They sped it up from what I could tell, but you also have to take the higher fov in account, it feels like you're moving a lot faster if your fov is set very high
Filthy lying Jews trying to trick me, why I oughta
because some retarded marketing fag made the decisions
Well, guys, if you want to go fast, why not just get CoD. It has all the features you want.
Unchecked Satan quads
Satan, my only guess would be that wanted to market this is as large of an audience as humanly possible, so they have to cater to the console crowd who would never be able to handle this. That still wouldn't make any sense since Doom is not something associated with consoles except Doom 64.
Comparing it to the original footage of the game showed off at E3, I'd say yeah it does look much faster.
All this did was move it from my "lol don't care" category to my "might pirate" category. The dirty kikes at Zenimax aren't getting a single shekel from me.
what exactly are you responding to?
How many times are you going to post this?
So this is not the first time, huh?
Should've figured it out, this is a shill thread after all.
Yeah more than likely, I just sometimes like to give the benefit of the doubt from time to time.
Who am I kidding of course it's probably a fucking shill
The best thing I'm seeing here is the Vulkan support.
As a game it still may as well not exist to me otherwise.
I just want the game to be decent at least
you do know Doom has been ported to more platforms than probably any other game?
granted most of those ports were shit but the PSOne port is respectable.
Hope mods fix that
The 64 "port" was also pretty good.
Can't you turn most of that shit off?
even calling it a port with quotes is stupid, it's a totally new game and it's honestly the best doom game.
When did this meme first begin?
Devs being too lazy to bother with proper item placement.
Still, it's better than the health regeneration alternative.
Should I kill myself?
Be honest, how many people have you ever heard say "I'm going to go boot up my (insert console of choice) and play Doom?"
But as I said, Doom 64 is an exception to the rule because it's not just a port. They simply made a separate game designed specifically for that console, like what said.
I think a big issue arises because if you tried to put proper item placement back in, then you'd run into having to redo the maps to compensate for it. Just from the video alone, that arena style room seems a little cramped to add a bunch of health and ammo drops around. It's why I worry that this game will suffer from the Hitman: Absolution problem where if you turn off major game design choices, it becomes almost impossible to play it.
I will say though that I would be impressed if someone would be able to beat nuDoom on max difficulty with the fountain enemies turned off, if it['s even possible to do so without cheating.
It looks good to me
bad luck
Will nuDoom be a failure?
Good graphics =/= good game
The CoD kiddies will probably like it.
Awesome OP!
I can't wait to pre-order it with a season pass and tell all my friends on Facebook to do the same!
Should have mentioned how it's running on Vulkan and the dev says the LOD on the walls can't keep up.
That's the only interesting thing about the video.
Yeah dude, this totally fixes the loadouts and 2 weapon limit!
Going to pre-order right now!
Top kek
Is nu-doom fast?
What 2 weapon limit?
Did you watch the video?
he's being a retard and talking about the multiplayer that nobody has ever given a shit about.
fug off
Found some Nu-Doom porn
If anyone played the Overwatch beta on PC, I would recommend looking up someone play the console version.
Holy shit. No wonder so many people have been complaining about Overpowered Characters…
What they didn't fix however are the three progression systems for weapons, the chainsaw and the player character.
Furthermore they didn't bother to fix the horrendous kill move system around which the game has been designed.
Enemies take way more damage because you are supposed to use the glory kills which again slows down the combat and/or just hinders your natural progression.
I can't wait to see shitty versions of old doom maps that people will make and try to sell on Bethesda's marketplace
Do you retards not realize the multiplayer is entirely different to the single player?
They didn't "Fix" the 2-weapon bullshit. It's just on a different game. Unreal Doomament 2016: Guardians
I get 20 kill streaks on ps4 version because nobody on console ever learned what circle strafing is.
funny stuff
Also why does he keep opening the map during fights? Shit's annoying.