What game have you spent the most time playing in the past 12 months?

What game have you spent the most time playing in the past 12 months?

Garry's Mod because I build shit.

ARMA 3, I play with a clan and enjoy using actual platoon level tactics instead of the "run at the enemy" that nearly every other MP FPS ends up being.

Second would be Civ V, it's my default when I don't really want to have to think.

Pinball Arcade for android

Super Smash Bros for 3DS (and for Wii U) because that was the hottest shit in my past college's gaming circle until the meleefags came back.

company of heroes 2

monster hunter i think


The most time would probably be Digimon. But I mostly beat it and then moved on. Gravity Rush Remastered, Shantae, Melty Blood. Currently wasting free time with Ridge Racer Type 4.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper


Real life. Get mad nerds

Definitely Phantom Pain, and I didn't even touch MGO. Too bad Konami shat on it with the online storage nonsense.

DMC4 SE (123 hrs, bought on launch) or MGSV (155 hrs, bought on launch).

Probably Hearthstone and I regret everything after the first expansion.

12 months is a long fucking time user, I typically binge play a game for like a week straight before getting sick of it and then move on to something else for a while

I guess maybe Oblivion, I modded it to the breaking point and set out to finally complete the main quest.

Also binding of Isaac, 130 hours


PSO2 and 7daystodie. I'll probably go back to Morrowind once OpenMW is finished and Stalker after some big mod gets released (there are like 3 of them in the development, but they are all taking their sweet time to come out).
I'm looking forward to Butterlord as I have way over 1000 hours on M&B.

Space station 13


Either Dark Souls II or Dustforce DX

Defecate can actually be used to make vehicles spin out

12 months… probably Fallout New Vegas/TTW. A lot of it just fucking around with mods and playing with the GECK. Played that to borderline autism levels until Fallout 4 came out. Then sunk 200 hours in that shitfest and haven't touched a Bethesda game since.

Since then I've been working on my back catalog… so, probably Valkyria Chronicles III - which was a good 70~80 hours with all the side story missions. Or Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, which is more or less the background radiation of my life, and my go-to game for just shutting down and grinding out a few levels when I don't have the time or ambition to do anything else.

In a single game? I've put about 330 hours into Monster Hunter X before I did everything.

Probably Sonic 2. I just play it briefly, then wind up at Mystic Cave without noticing.

Your mom

Definitely Witcher 3 before Dark Souls 3 came out.

Next closest is Heroes of the Storm, which I'm not nearly as big on but is kind of a thing my workplace does together.

Datamining on Holla Forums, of course.

Guilty Gear Xrd

FTL 289 hrs
Dustforce 180 hrs
Killer instinct 102 hrs + about 400hrs on the xbone

games i bought on the last 12 months

Monster hunter 4 Ultimate. At least 120 hours. I want to get MHX but I want to wait until I finish some of my backlog.

Diablo 3.

Trails in the Sky SC


Rare Replay.

This game alone makes it worth getting a Bone at a reduced price.

Doom. More specifically, Trailblazer.
Fallout 2
Dragon Quest V


Total war Attila

It hasn't been out a year yet, but it's the game I'm gonna be playing for long time yet.

FFXIV, kill me.

Monster hunter as usual.

Killing Floor 2

Too much was promised and various setbacks have hit the dev team too hard. At this point, it has more content than the first game had at launch, and more perks than at launch. I'd drop the early access tag as soon as possible, seeing as there's enough content and quality there.

Second is probably Diablo 3, as I spent the past year trying to build a roguelike with better content generation than it and was trying to learn it. I had limited success, but I could still expand on it.

Mount and Blade Warband
FIFA (pls make it stop)

Everyone hated doing it, but from what I've heard from people who still play, what replaced it was even worse.

Dark Souls and Demon's Souls

Probably Hyrule Warriors Legends is what I've spent the most time on in the past year, and there'll be even more time wasted on it when Medli and the Master Quest map hits this month, then two month intervals between it and even more content based on Link's Awakening and then Spirit Tracks/Phantom Hourglass.

Ganondorf, Link, Volga and Ghirahim a best. My only hope is that there'll be a Hyrule Warriors 2 or something for NX so I can play it as it was meant to look, Hyrule Warriors on Wii U looks absolutely stunning and it's rather obvious even playing Legends without having seen any of the original's footage that it's supposed to look better than it does.


It's still there for the same thing but for your level 60 version. I love and hate this game.

Depression Quest

Also Dota, but I haven't played in 6 months.

It probably still exceeds the time I've spent in MGSV and Path and the random JRPGs I've been clearing off the backlog.

This I spent so much time on it.

This. I took a break on games until the past few months when I picked this up.