Post stories of your journeys outside here
>At Ebgames
Game Store Stories
>At my far away local game store
i haven't been in a FUCKING GAMESTOP in awhile since glorious amazon prime does excellent 1 day delivery but i do have some
i only imagine he'll grow up to be another angry nignog
Should probably add that his younger brother (probably around 3 or 4) was just dumped on the floor playing with minion key chains while all this was happening, causing me and a friend to nearly step on him if we hadn't noticed
This was two days ago
I know this feel too well
At least I stole what he got with it a ps2 slim
The probably single black mom is a sexist and hates her sons for being boys, go figure
Why would you mock him for wanting to live like those guys in his COD games?
not even mocking, just telling what happened, it was strange as shit
But I am
Jesus, I thought my brothers and I did some fucked up stuff to each other. I guess we weren't that bad after all. We never stole from each other, because we're not fucking animals.
Brothers (or siblings in general rather) are supposed to be dicks to each other, but there's a certain line of basic human civility that you wouldn't ever cross unless you were a nigger
I still feel really guilty about some of the stuff I did to them when we were kids, even though it honestly wasn't that bad.
Maybe his toaster can't handle PS2 emulation.
my toaster died in september and i dont have the money to buy another
I feel you fam, when my siblings were in "happy little kid" mode I was in "edgy bitter belligerent preteen/teenager" mode and took out my frustrations on them, typically verbally. I often projected my own insecurities onto them, and the oldest of my younger brothers took the brunt of it since we were always playing vidya together. I'm worried I might have done some damage there, and as time goes by, I see more and more of myself in him, which is by no means a good thing.
sage for blogshit
I was pretty similar, except that I'm not very much like my brothers. I know some of the stuff we did as kids still bothers them. I've thought about writing up a list of shit I did to them (that I remember), and maybe getting them to add the bad shit that they remember to the list–and then burning it, together. I don't know if that's a retarded idea or not, though.
I'll sage for blogpost, too.
I went through that as the "happy little kid". It's not too late to mend bridges and to talk together (unless he's dead, that is), even though it's not easy. Give it a try, you may won someone to play vidya with.
Sage for offtopic.
I obviously don't know your brothers, but I do know for a fact that you would get a lot of shit for your list burning idea. Sounds kinda gay.
That being said, if you could get everyone to go in on it and take it seriously, it could possibly be a really effective bonding experience. Just have everyone come clean, apologize, stop placing blame(on themselves or on others), and try to make amends.
Of course there's also the possibility that they'll tell you take your list and shove it up your ass. Like I said, I don't know the situation.
The problem in my case is that he's now in the edgy belligerent teenager mode, in addition to also being 1000 miles away
And now my mother is treating him exactly the same way she treated me during that time, which is only adding fuel to the fire
Be a bro to him the next time you'll see him. He's edgy enough to want to be considered as an adult, so treat him like an adult and speak to him as such.
So much spaghettotori. At my local shop, it's rather
Just remember to impregnate Reggie
It is, I guess. But that's how our church did confession when we were kids, so it's not something that's totally alien to us. Plus we're all old enough now that none of us are in edgy rebellious teenager mode. Although none of us are believers anymore.
I remember this feel. I will never understand how most women shop: spend hours looking at stuff that they know they're not going to buy, and eventually leave with the one thing they were already planning on buying anyway. I have better ways to use my fucking time.
age because my last post was actually kind of on-topic.
Moms man, if you didn't love her you wouldn't put up with half the shit she drags you on.
I was expecting 60 fps.
They just want to imagine what it would be like to own it, if they had the money to buy it.
I'm the same way whenever I walk into my FLGS
I don't do that, it fucks with your head.
There's your evidence.
none of these are stories more or less occurrences that happen when I go to buy games
>I once got stuck in a line so long I lost track of time and the gallon of milk I bought went spoiled. I was in line to buy a copy of kirby air ride which had no scratches on it for 10 dollars it was worth it
He should have.
he was the kind of neckbeard that if he did get rejected I would have probably had a 30 paragraph story of the sperg out.
I haven't seen that pasta in a while
Stop reminding me of my countless family issues I came here to shitpost and read shitposts about game store stories.
My father had anger issues.
Your dad lived with you?
I really hated that job. Killed my love of video games for years afterward. I left that summer when my asst. manager got caught stealing (And leaving condoms in the store after fucking the goth girl part timer) and he said I helped him steal. I didn't, but since they couldn't prove it they started writing me up for silly shit like not vacuuming properly or not selling enough MSTs (Multiple sales transactions)
I told the manager to suck my dick that summer and left to my previous job, which hired me back with a raise and stayed there for 8 years. Until the economy crushed them in 2007 and they went bankrupt.
I miss the deepest lore threads
I'd rather have no dad than an abusive schizophrenic step-dad
You sound the most like a tumblrina getting triggered that he doesn't pretend to be colorblind
Imagining them as white and imagining them as black both paint two similar yet distinctly different images
You sound the most like a retard getting triggered that he saw someone who wasn't white.
Sorry, Holla Forumskiddie. It's irrelevant to his story. Maybe you should stop subscribing to identity politics so hard.
I'm sorry Xir, I'll try my best not to trigger you in the future
The story doesn't change and he doesn't bring it up in the other two examples. Nice whiteknighting for your precious user-kun, faggola.
reported for being an obtuse faggot
It literally took one word to get you this mad
Whyyyyy must they be so friendly, don't they fucking get the hint? I just want to play video games. I almost feel like a "dubs chooses what I write"
Time to pony up another $10! Your performance was so terrible, that even your jewish benefactors are debating keeping you on, unless of course you give them their $10 you goodest of goys.
Go away bait-kun
Another triggered faggot
This sounds like a problem that you could've avoided by not having a fucking facebook you dork.
Regretfully checked dubs.
You're a huge normalfag. Delete your dataminebook profile.
Keep going, I haven't had a chance to dump my smug anime girls in a while
Threadly reminder that Holla Forums is raiding this board with the intent of "purging Holla Forums of its cancer-enabling faggots" (read: "purging Holla Forums of any non cuckchanners/redditors/tumblrinas/SJW") with the help of Holla Forums.
IDs bb5714 and 3386e3 are good examples of it.
Holy shit you fucking faggot go be a normalfag somewhere else, jesus christ.
Uhhh, So what if I use reddit? lol
It's just a website, calm down my good sir
I was taught not to fall for such obvious bait.
Did you change your ID fam? No shitposter is this fucking gay.
This board will always be shit but it will always remain our specific brand of shit
Look I'm just saying that yes just because I use reddit as well doesn't mean I'm some guy who is all like, retarded and shit lmfao
I just use it for the sport subs, pr0n and gaming subs.
Ehhh the fact that she's not a fake gamer girl is why I don't want to date her. She may not be fat anymore but she'll just want to do shit like introduce me to her numale friends and want to stay in all night. Nerd girls = Terrible gfs, all they do is play games and shit, just boring man
You're a fucking quadra nigger for implying that I'm Holla Forums for calling 3386e3 the nigger-loving faggot a faggot
Not only that, but they always do it the lamest way - Greentext mocking everyone with smug pics until someone answers them, then picking on him with other devices to make it look like there are numbers.
Good thing it's easy to spot a samefag and most of us can call the shit when we see it. Then again, this board has seemingly got worse than it already was over the last month.
It's weird.
You really need to work on your tact, user. It's like you're not even trying.
It's no fun playing chess with a two-year-old and it's no fun shitposting with obvious bait.
I'm almost insulted tbh
Also she's like a 2/10
Seriously, just consider it. Its a huge wide world out there and I don't think it's worth even considering which "muh special club" is better. They both have a purpose, just accept it.
Starbucks is douchey but I still buy coffee there, get it?
Fuckin' Gamestop
All that proves is that you're an even bigger faggot than I initially thought
If you already have FNV for PC, why bother getting it for the 360?
Waste of $5 imo.
Let me guess, you hate Micky Dees as well?
Are you clinically retarded or have you just not been diagnosed yet?
Yes, because it's disgusting and terrible for you
I'd eat there if I had to, but I'd never go there by choice
If you are like me then you are going to mod your console and get it to run mods too. It's not so much about the mods themselves but about the challenge of it.
NV actually runs just fine on the 360.
mcdonalds makes better coffee than starbucks
I had owned the 360 for years and had next-to-nothing to play on it, so I saw it as an excuse to play a console for a while.
Besides, I pirated it on PC and enjoyed it, and I buy games I like
Why not get an exclusive or at least something you hadn't played yet?
$5 isn't much but you basically just flushed it down the toilet
Good for you, I'm sure Gamestop is very happy with your 5 shekels. They sure earned it.
I hadn't actually walked into one in years, did they always sell that many toys, pokemon/videogame bags/hats/etc? Also, since when do they have TVs blasting ads 24/7?
That's bullshit but I believe it
Also, Gamestop's target demographic is fat kids and autistic manchildren, of course they have ASSORTED GEEK STUFF conveniently lined up along the check-out counter
It's bullshit that you can return used games? It's pretty much a free week long rental.
It's not, you can do that. Hell I've done it a few times.
Oh God
I just re-read your post
When you said you burned them, the first thing I thought of was you throwing them all into a pile and torching the shit out of them in some sort of sacrificial bonfire
Then taking a bag of melted plastic and ashes back to the store and demanding your money back
I had an incident like that over Conker when I had to tell a kid's mom about the violence. I was lucky with the mom making her kid rent it first, but my manager yelled at me for holding up trade transactions some assistant managers could have handled (I was a sales associate).
I had one assistant manager that tried to get me into some crazy shit out of work, so he had somebody to blame. Thankfully, I knew better than to hang out with him, but he made sure I got jipped with the MSTs (he always took my transactions by making me do other things when I was about to hit the register). When I quit the place, I found out he got fired by wrestling with some kids in front of a district manager.
I don't know how Game Stop employees handle with those promo videos because the actors they hired are so douchey (like that 40-something guy who looks and acts like he's 20-something).
That's how I read his post at first too, but buying 30 games to set fire to them in hopes of getting your money back wouldn't make much sense.
Look who's back from his nap
Still cranky as ever I see
Did someone eat your tendies?
Projection levels are off the charts!
Hahaha, fuck off retard.
I'm sorry, I didn't know that anime girls were another one of your triggers
What about this one? How does it make you feel?
While we're at it, what pronouns should
I use for you?
And yet you're probably one of those guys that makes "tfw when no gf" posts.
You're gonna have to step your game up kiddo, I'm getting bored over here
So is being a weeaboo but you jumped straight into that.
Shouldn't you go back to r/anime already?
It was fun at first but you've just completely given up now
Case in point
I was working at GameStop and a guy came in to complain
How do you know?
Sir, it's a disc - they don't work that way.
Sure, but Xboxen saves onto memory cards or the harddrive, if you have save games then someone else was playing.
Who could possibly be behind this post?
Another one.
You're not even trying anymore, this is boring.
Flaming rotators god damn it.
You know, you could be much better than this.
You could have a life, have friends, work, and even better things. But instead, you're taking your time trying to shitpost every thread you don't like the exact same way, which not only makes you extremely recognizable, but also undermines all the shitposting you're making.
I already knew how bad were the remnants of Holla Forums, but I didn't expect it to show that much. Not a surprise since the good members left since long.
You know, you could be much better than this.
You could have a life, have friends, work, and even better things. But instead, you're taking your time trying to strawman and ad hominem every post you don't like the exact same way, which not only makes you extremely childish, but also exemplifies all the shitposting you're making.
I already knew how bad Holla Forums's average poster is, but I didn't expect it a Reddit-tier circlejerk level of bad. Not a surprise since the good members left since long.
Thanks for proving my point. Even though it wasn't needed, since your posting customs already betrayed you.
Worked at EB once.
The store is fucking packed. Kids are running wild, EB in sale mode is a complete shitshow, fucking everything everywhere and the store is just full of people, line out the door trying to get games the week before Christmas.
oh god i bet he was in there all the time trying to haggle with fucking retail workers
imagine if that was today you could of just fucked with him by making constant poo in the loo jokes
Stories like this are why I appreciate minorities.
So long as we have them, they will continue to do stupid shit like this that the rest of us can laugh at.
Honestly, if people would just let go of this "equality" bullshit and keep their numbers down so we didn't have more of them than us, everything would be fine.
As long as there are just enough immigrants to open up a few delicious ethnic restaurants/grocery stores then I'm A-OK
You are being very racist and close-minded. Haggling is part of the Indian market culture. Even if they weren't born in India, its very prevalent amongst their traditionalist parents and peers. They don't seem to understand that corporations can't be haggled.
I guess you prefer dicks.
All the more reason for Pajeet to realize that he's not in India anymore
When in Rome you do as the Romans do or you get the fuck out
Try harder, faggot. This your first time on an anonymous imageboard?
Come on, now.
Is it racist of me to follow my culture in my country, or is it racist of him to force his culture upon mine?
BRB going to be AusFag in India and get angry at them for not following my customs in their country because tolerance.
Stop shitting up this board by entertaining garbage. Jesus, you faggots can't handle not "told"-ing someone one.
Why don't we just play video games. I have ffxi loaded up right now.
Yeah, that's okay.
I'm in one of those lulls where nothing is fun. I wish I could find something comfy to get lost in.
This site is a great look into autism.
Stories like this are why I appreciate austists.
So long as we have them, they will continue to do stupid shit like having autistic nighmares and getting boners looking at mums that the rest of us can laugh at.
Holy fuck Mendo is so fucking good. To bad my friends family moved away, and all the local shops don't sell it besides Sunday mornings.
Nigga buy the shit for it
They sell canned menudo at a lot of places, and you can buy all the other stuff at basically any grocery store
Shit just thinking about it makes my mouth water, I might have to go get some tomorrow
It's not the same user. His family was from some part of Mexico where they made it their own way and I fucking love it.
You're not answering the important questions here
Did you fug her?
Did Pajeet get his discount?
It should have 6 gorillion dislikes instead
His point was that the kid is probably going to end up like a dindu because of her shitty parenting.
Higher than 2/10, but not pretty either. More like a 5.
Can a kind Amerifat please explain this bizarre terminology? In Bongland to 'ring someone up' means to call someone on the telephone.
Nope and nope. Never saw either one again. Which is win/lose so I came out even I guess?
I am not an amercian.
To ring someone up means to process their item at the cash registar.
Old cash registers made a "ding" when totaling the amount due. Vid related, which I imagine you've heard before.
Dem mental hurdles.
Sorry about your ADHD user.
The implication was that he'd turn out shitty because his mother (who is probably single) resents him for being a boy, rather than a girl.
Are you retarded, or just an autist?
Did you even read the screenshot you posted, they clearly said they are trying to purge Holla Forums of any cuckchanners/redditors/tumblrinas/SJW/AntiSJW.
Which is funny cause they are right, Holla Forums is fucking shit now, fredrick brennan was a a redditard who went to cuckchan (or that reddit board that was dedicated to 4chan) back when there were no real viable alternative chans, he embraced 4chan refugees, he extend to channers and he in pure greed extinguished what ever was left of the internet wild west. Its over. A genetic dud successfully killed the last of the internet cowboys.
Don't be such a drama queen, the exodus actually helped the site at first, it was tiny as fuck. I felt like things really started going downhill sometime last summer, or early 2015.
I got a pretty cool one.
Genuinely the nicest person I've met at a game shop, nothing has happened like that since.
**I have since lost my collection though
Madoka IS good you faggots.
FUCK you
I only like it for the animation, music, and Homura.
Just admit you like penises already you fucking gay
Well, I do something similar
I like to imagine what I'd do if I was a superhero like superman with no weaknesses making my country great again and building maglevs everywhere, thorium reactors, particle accelerator, that shit, and go to war with other countries where other countries have superheros too I literally spend hours doing so
Kek. Are your standards that low mate? Just judging by the face thats clearly below 5, we havent even seen the body but I'm guessing its on the weighty side.
I have high standards, but even I know she's not a 2. A 2 is full on butt ugly no redeeming qualities level of ugly. Just because she's not at your datable standards doesn't make her a 2 you thread derailing asshole.
The dude who posted about her the first time said she became kinda cute so if you're him you're a contradictory, baiting faggot and should go back to your pasttime of fisting yourself.
He's obviously baiting, nobody is that dumb not to notice she wants the d
There's that year again….