They're 600,000 sales short of their projection of 2 million by this point in time.
They're 600,000 sales short of their projection of 2 million by this point in time.
So people don't know what flops are anymore do they?
Fuck off OP for getting my hopes up, I wish it had really flopped after that censorship bullshit.
This is a flop on capcom's level.
Remember all the series they said they wouldn't revisit because the newest game didn't reach the sale target?
Remember how SF4 sold 3 million after the first month?
Hell they were originally disappointed in MvC3's vanilla sales even though it was preforming well.
I wonder if the lack of sales is beacuse of the censorship, the greedieness of Capcom or if the playerbase are waiting four a super or ultra edition when they release all off it´s DLC.
Chuanita Lee
I don't get why so much money needs to be sunk into a fighting game.
My perspective is that a fighting game would take less of a production team and less labour to produce than, say, any other type of game.
Even 500,000 sold should be enough.
Anybody got any inside information?
The marketing for SFV before release was fantasitc but Capcom fucked it up by not taking the casual into consideration. I wouldn't be surprised that a lot of buyers are waiting until they think they will get a good deal. However this desire to buy the game will only last so long before the casual moves on.
BTW while Capcom will be pissed at low sales, it's actually not as much as a big deal for them with SFV. The only reason SFV exists is because Sony paid them to develop the fighter, no doubt to compete wih Killer Instict.
Especially with the financing from Sony being fronted for it as an exclusive. I'm curious how they view this.
The only thing that really makes sense is that they spent too much on marketing, in which case I would say that capon should have learned by now.
Well that's like saying BvS flopped because it didn't make the $1 billion DC wanted, only $865 million currently.
Most people are waiting until the game is out of early access, OP.
The team is small but fighting games are DEFINITELY not easy to make. They are much more fickle than you expect when you start coding them, to the point where SFV still has a major bug involving corners, because corners are fucking hard to program. Ask literally anyone that has tried, it's harder than you think.
Every other part of the game has so many mechanical intricacies such as buffering and switching sides and its really not as easy as it seems.
They are clearly playing the long game with sf 5. DLC characters/outfits through their store if they even get it to work, is the shekel strategy here, not hard copies.
I can't believe it's not f2p already.
Dayum bby you lookin gooood
Sexy mama
well its not really a flop but it is a loss for them. which is good because fuck capcom.
how many units were they expecting to push? the fighting game scene is a lot bigger than it used to be but its never going to make call of duty bullshit numbers and capcom should know that
i'm out of the loop but the character DLC plans seem like it would quickly lead to characters getting tourney banned cuz DLC characters always throw a wrench into this shit
watch them end up having to release SFV:turbo and capcom ends up causing another fighting game crash
read the OP, they wanted 2 million and got 1.6
I am retarded, they got 1.4
can't wait to see people lose their shit at the next edition
street fighter fans are fucking battered wives though, they refuse to play any other fighter on the market and will buy any of the million editions to keep up with the scene
Wouldnt this be a good thing?
This too
Capcom had everything going for them and they still managed to fuck it up by releasing an unfinished gaem.
Normally I'd agree, but considering they have made almost a 100 fighting games before, I'd like to think they know a thing or two about such intricacies.
Apparently programmers don't like to help the programmers that will come after them
I'd totally get Capcom being disappointed if 2 million were what it took simply to break even, I sure don't expect them to make games at a loss. I don't expect any business to do anything at a loss. But knowing how Capcom is with their "it's a failure if it doesn't make Call of Duty in its prime sales" attitude toward everything, it's probably already profitable, just not profitable enough. In which case, they have no sympathy from me.
And then when you factor in the censorship, the DLC, and the fact that I still don't think they got the art direction right since the series went 3D, they don't even deserve that 1.6 million.
you can't blame Capcom, they had to rush the game out
…to meet a financial quarter end?
the common adage in the software industry is "If I ever get that son of a bitch alone in a room…", so no, they usually don't come back to help later.
Most of those past fighting games probably had little to no developers involved. After the last iteration of SFIII, they straight-up closed their fighting game development branch because it wasn't profitable enough. So metaphorically speaking, Capcom had the experience, but then removed that part of its brain because it didn't seem useful at that exact moment.
If you cover up everything from the waist up then you can pretend you're looking at a sexy babe.
I think it can be all of them.
Ironic since they wanted to be "inclusive" to a "wider audience" and all that shit.
Reminds me of two E3s earlier "its CONSOLE DEBUT exclusively on PS4"
I wonder if Capcom is still on the "5 million or is shit" mentality.
Not quite, people sometimes decide to pick up the game to get a fix of some fighting, some of them go competitive, and some don't but still it would be a sale.
Keep posting lewds or I'm leaving
it'd probably be better for you to browse a site that isn't this one for a change. the most a vast majority of people care (especially about how minor the censorship in sfv was) limits out at "that sucks".
when has the greediness of an established parent company ever stopped a significant amount of sales
some will, some won't. maybe bad word of mouth made more people than usual hold off.
they shipped the game without an arcade mode, online was bugged forever, they are trying a new moba style approach to patches/content updates that doesn't appear to actually be revitalizing interest in the game at those patches, the game itself isn't as fun to watch as usf4, the music sucks, and word of mouth got around that it was a broken mess.
Reminds me of two E3s earlier "its CONSOLE DEBUT exclusively on PS4"
I wonder if Capcom is still on the "5 million or is shit" mentality.
Not quite, people sometimes decide to pick up the game to get a fix of some fighting, some of them go competitive, and some don't but still it would be a sale.
she would get the hour glass shape if she had used a girdle and a white sash
Good to know that it fails, but isn't like a big part of this board into this game? Like you guys say here that it is cool that they fail but every fighting thread is mostly about sfv. Most if not all of my usfiv questions are never answered and there were, if I remember correctly only 2 other people who also said that they wont buy sfv while everybody else tried to push me to buy it.
So I don't really get you guys. It does not look like /v hates sfv.
Its because the game is bad.
Holla Forums isn't one person. A lot of people here really hate the dark souls series. A lot of people here find it the pinnacle of gaming.
Sometimes people go into threads they aren't interested in just to shit post about something they don't like.
You'll understand as you spend more time here.
as mentioned earlier, SF fans are battered housewives; that doesn't mean they don't know they are being abused, it just means they will put up with it, and they will definitely speak out against capcom behind their backs.
Why does she look so dead
Not really, it's just that people stopped trying to get Capcom fanboys to realize they had been scammed. In fact i think Slow Fighter V is quietly coming to a stall.
Let's just discuss nude mods.
Dem thighs.
they deserve much worse. they released a game that would be approprate for early access but made it a full price release. and if you dont follow SFV you dont even know that they promised to stop with the hyper super benis :DDD editions so years of pulling that shit are finally catchign up.
My guess is that people have caught on to Capcom's jew bullshit and are now waiting for Street Fight V Hyper Mega Ultra Versus Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series!
I'm glad they actually modeled the nips and didn't just use a texture.
Real nice.
Cowards will make Pachinko Street Fighters before making new MegaMans.
Good. Why would I buy a fighting game that has to patch in characters who should already be there? Post-release DLC is one thing but this is bullshit.
If you like fatties, maybe.
dance thread?
Disaster Girl is not that old.
The original pic was from 2004.
the gameplay is so good though. its a shame capcom marketing and management are so incompetent.
They are possible in RL.
everyone is waiting for the second of third rendition because they know it's a better investment
also the specs to run it are too high for the mass pc market
also a lot of fags like me still like sf4 more and are pissed at it being booted away so quickly when it practically made the FGC into what it is today
Do you think SF4fags will be the Meleefags of the FGC?
Sweet Jesus. That big is buff and sexy as fuck at the same time. Man the things I would do to that wonderful lady. To bad I don't millions in the bank to get something like as a play thing.
SF4 was fucking garbage though, played SF4 and ultra SF4 and in both cases it was slow and boring.
That's about 1400000 sales.
If I made a game and sold it at 1400000 times at $49 it would make about $68600000. Let's take off maybe 4000000 in some fees from steam or whatever other service. That's still $64,600,000.
That's a whole lot of fucking money. Like… it's a WHOLE LOT OF FUCKING MONEY.
$64,600,000 a flop.
For a copy paste, template game that was the same as your other past games.
Natascha Encinosa
Thank you
I've had fun playing it.
What more can they do to make SF better?
She's pretty nice for a girl that hot, usually those types of girls don't respond to you on social media ever.
I love how the last panel seems to say "I don't know what I was expecting."
Sage for off topic.
Nah SF4 is a fighting game not a party game silly
you play marvel or something SFV isn't quicker
SFV is a fine game tho
It's ugly. Uglier than the OP picture. The art style in this game is horrendous and can't imagine the type of fuckwit that could jerk off to this nasty looking shit.
I always hated the monster feet in SF's art style.
Fighting game fans are the biggest cucks.
smash is not a fighting game
No shit. It's basically a phone game.
Dammit user! I read that with Trump's voice.
This user is right.
Capcom has the dumbest metrics to measure success by. Someone is probably already committing seppuku at this point.
Sad thing is, they probably will get the wrong impression, like Market team researchers always do, and conclude no one wants fighting games again, or some bullshit.
uhh user?
KI's already successfully done seasons of characters that are DLC for the main game, and have them all be relatively balanced and tournament legal.
The season pass is basically a vehicle for more characters without causing people to re-buy the game, which would fracture your playerbase. They've got a good thing going with the PC/PS4 crossplay.
Its basically an early access game, and whether you guys like it or not, tons of people play fighting games for the single player which SFV lacked.
fantastic news
suck it down cuckcom
I never said it was, I haven't even played SFV all I am saying is that SF4 was garbage.
now street fighter alpha 2 that is where its at.
I have mixed feelings about that.
You do realize that the average cut for Steam/console manufacturer is around 30%, right? Even if they got an incredible deal from Sony, there's no way they've made more than $50m. Which really is not a lot for a popular franchise on multiple platforms.
That said, they probably got a big paycheck from Sony to make the damn thing, so they've probably already made their money back several times over.
That's why we need GNU to save us.
if it's a loan they might be screwed.
look for RE7 to be their last big game.
of course SF4 sold like crazy, it came out after a massive hiatus with 3rd strike
It's the Diablo 3 syndrome.
all BTFO
I'm surprised they only projected 2m in sales. I guess they knew normalfags just aren't interested in fighting games right now.
I would think free advertising would be the most likely benefit they'd receive from Sony.
they milked SFIV too hard.
I'm a big sf fan and honestly I find 5 kind of meh….
also KOF13 is the best fighting game I have ever played ever and SF5 is a total piece of dogshit in comparison
As someone who never liked Capcom, it would have no impact on my life.
Hey capcom still has Unbrella corps with all it's technical Duck Walks.. It's powered by the Unity Engine so capcom will get more profit.
the porn is good
all I really cared for from this
I've never been in a combat situation that would require me to wear heavy armor and walking like a duck for movement, but is that a case of "it looks silly but you will probably actually have to do this" or is it "they fucked up the animations completely"?
good lord her english voice is crap
I am normally a fan of nude mods but in sf the characters look really weird, they have those fat ass thights and weird looking feet.
And by the way, is sfv easy to mod like sfiv?
for example here in usfiv I can just create a character folder in one of the empty patch folders and put my files there.
for example the \Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition\patch_ae2\battle\ folder is basically empty. There is a vfx folder but you can just ignore it. I can just create a folder called chara in it and put my mods in there and the game will automatically put them in. And when I am tired of them I can just rename the chara folder to something else and I have my normal skins again.
In other games like mkx I would have to replace mods, and in order to get the non nudes back I would have to find them, delete them and let steam redownload them.
Start a thread about borderlands and you will always get the same result, people will shit on it.
Start a elder scrolls thread and you will again get the same kind of responses. People will say that skyrim is dull and previous games are better.
Start a fighting games thread and everybody will talk about sfv.
like look at this one >>>9244996 You see a single person talking about usfiv apart from the one post that I made? I am visiting those threads since the release of sfv, and people talk about nothing else.
Nobody can answer any sfiv questions, if you ask for tips they can't tall you shit.
I am pretty sure that the majority of Holla Forums (at least those that are into fighting games) are into sfv.
It's like a third of a game, why would you ever pay full price for a third of what you got last time?
Not to mention Capcom kind of fucked itself on initial good sales for their fighting games by releasing seventeen different versions of SFIV, everyone who owned the previous versions felt ripped off.
Now those are nice feet
I know right? I saved it from the last thread. It's apparently just a picture on deviantart. They don't look that nice in game.
Just seems so wrong.
Gross looking models, tbh.
I don't wanna see her kung fu.
Yee mang, we need more barefoot cuties in vidya.
Street fighters art design is much more cartoony. Look at King of fighters they look and dress like actual humans.
I was surprised by how quickly people jumped to SFV on Holla Forums.
I enjoyed sfiv a slight amount when it came out, but I only planned to get SFV after being blown away with ggxrd, and not wanting to miss out on getting gud in the more popular fighting game. I could give or take SFV right now, and I'd probably be playing it more if not for ggxrd, but I wish I did hold off and not buy it, since it's less than half a game and it's not even that great.
replied to wrong person fuck it
serves them right for caving to the SJWs. i was actually planning to buy that game but noped the fuck out the moment they did that.
I honestly went into the training room and was just pissed off by the value of shorts
. You can't really hitconfirm the big combos
this is just such a non factor when it comes to the people that actually know how to play these games.
Why even live
oosh I'm actually so fucking pissed right now. I sold my copy of CVS2 for weed.
they lost a lot of casual buyers with their faggotry.
yea they lost money which sucks for the future of the series, but for me it just means less worthless canon fodder in online.
What about Blindfiring with no Cover?
Post yfw the god of lewd is cursing Capcom for becoming cucks.
I am not a big fan of usfiv either, bought it for 7.50 and I don't plan on spending a lot more for sfv.
I was really looking forward to sfv, and it was almost going to be a game I would buy at release, which I rarely do but I decided to not buy it because capcom is shitty. I am disappointed in Holla Forums for buying it.
That's purely steam sales, and steam takes a significantly higher cut than that.
Physical sales have a cut taken from the manufacturers of discs, game cases, the shipping, game stores, and the console it's on.
Then you throw in advertising, and development.
Then you add in server costs, which are admittedly probably pretty low since they're shit and only even running half the time.
I don't see them cutting out mika's butt slap as having that much of an impact on sales, to be honest.
A lot of people bought it anyway, and a lot of others don't care. I think the people that stayed away because of that (and solely because of that) are in a massive minority that wont affect Capcom at all. If you can prove otherwise I'd be interested to see it.
Can't say I have.
This shouldn't be surprise.
The only way I would redeem Capcom personally if they team up with Sega and made Sega vs Capcom.
Sony seems too dumb to have protected themselves.
Who would win in a fight, Persona or Breath of Fire?
I hope King of Fighters is good, I can't think of any other fighters to run towards.
Depends, is it classic BoF or modern BoF?
See pics
This is some platinum autism.
Does it not occur to people you can just put 9999999999999 to damage values and call it a day? I get those MS paint mugen characters do that, but really, why do people make stupid shit like that?
Is there a clear hardline definition for what a fighting game is? When ever I hear people argue if smash should be consider one or not, I basically get the feeling that its basically "not a 2d fighter like street fighter."
Do people consider bushido blade a fighting game? The game, ironically enough is probably the more "realistic" then most fighting games because one good hit and you dead. Some times 3 hits for some reason.
You mean a shitty, incomplete game that tried to focus on disc-lockec content and microtransactions through sleazy practices failed?! Well, that's a shocker.
SFV also failed to hit April's sales charts. This game is pretty fucked. I can't wait to see how the FGC is going try to defend this shitty game as well as the failed Alex hype.
The whole game sucks. They didn't even put any effort into the alternate colors because all of them make you want to hate your life for even going through Survival Mode to get them.
If changing the view of an ass-slap is a more dire issue than a game coming out as an incomplete piece of shit, you need to rethink your priorities in life.
The FGC is battered because:
-It won't move out of the 90s
-If they call out Namco and Capcom, they can threaten the fgc's only opportunity to make a shitty living out of playing terrible fighting games and smoking weed all day in some shit hole part of CA.
-Lolesports cuz gaming jobs are serious career decisions, guys.
Fuck the FGC tbh. I hope KoF flops hard, so I can make more Sonic cycle jokes at their expense.
Capcom screwed up approaching the casuals and the competitive scene. At first they promised the game would be friendlier by making certain characters easier; then they do a 180 by focusing on one small group of players that enter tourneys. Both sides got jipped with shitty, incomplete game and a terrible netcode (if you're not near a fighting game scene, you're fucked if you want to get good at SFV let alone fighting games).
They half-assed the online mode with some kind of penalty system that doesn't work as intended.
I really hope Capcom goes out of business one day. It's one of the many companies that didn't deserve a second chance from Sony.
Again, the fgc isn't going to jeopardize the only way to make a living out of playing terrible games, acting like trash, and smoking weed everyday by calling out shitty companies like Arksys, Capcom, Namco, and NRS/WB Games.
Wait, what's "modern", I thought they only made an IOS game in recent years after not bothering for a long while.
I guess if we're talking about BoF from BoF 1-4, then I would say BoF > Persona
Oh yea, now there's some issue about possible input latency when you're playing the game offline.
Maybe it's pro-players finding excuses, but knowing how shitty SFV is I wouldn't be surprised.
People knew that way long ago. I believe its around 8-9 frames of lag, and maybe 6 if you turn v-sync off
I'm…speechless. This game really is a piece of shit.
Ummm…Falcoon wants a minute of your time because KoF's designs have been shit since he joined them.
There's a reason why people hate KoF: Maximum Impact and characters like Ashe.
People hate Maximum Impact 1 and 2 because they play like shit, not because of their character design.
Maximum Impact: Regulation A felt like a true KoF game, but the franchise was done by that point. The thing is, short-haired Mai was pure sex.
MI is the reason why fans should never be in charge of your game though.
doesn't change the fact that Falcoon does do overdesigned shit which conflicts with original KoF designs and those Maximum Impact designs were shit.
Fair enough everyrhing else, but what did Arksys do (apart from slow releases and unbalanced games) and what did KOF do?
Fans know jack shit about game design most of the time. But pandering to them is not bad sometimes.
Chae Lim was good, Lily Kane was good and Xiao Lon was good. I personally liked Louise, but that's me.
And yes, Falcoon does overdesigned shit, but MI:RA was a good KoF even when most of the characters were overdesigned shit.
On the bright side
Guess who wrangled the rights for the PANG! games to another dev?
Lets just hope KoF14 finishes the job.
Thank god, fuck off and die already Crapcom.
The same people that got mad about the buttslap most likely.
Doesn't Valve handle servers? I mean not in this case because they decided to let their own servers handle it, but normally Valve should do that.
They did though. Casuals don't give a shit about offline content if that's what you trying to imply, complexity is what really matters. This is why BlazBlue, Guilty Gear and KOF are niche compared to SF games, not to mention that for a lot of people SF4 was baby's first fighting game.
Besides that, only retards would buy this early access garbage with bugged online and microtransactions for 60 bucks.
Seriously, when will you stop using this excuse? For fuck's sake, plenty of casuals moved to SF5 because of MKX PC version fuck up, for example.
SF drones are truly the worst among FGC.
and this is why you will live forever with parents
The only way out for them now is porting Dead Rising to PC, with no bullshit. That's the only shit they have yet to fuck up.
Try it for yourself:
All of them together.
The DLC was known for a while and signaled the coming of some super edition later on (just like with SF4 where Ono said there won't be one becasue of DLC and we got it later anyway).
The censorship was just the icing on the cake which persuaded those have had enough of SJW trying to fuck everything up.
And Life is Strange says it's an Adventure game in it description. Your point?
I'm pretty sure no one, aside from shitposting autists, will deny Smash has a solid competitive scene. But it shares more in common with platformers than fighting games. Quite literally the only thing it shares with any fighting game ever made is the fact that 2 characters on screen are in combat. Really, Smash is in its own genre sitting next to PS All-Stars.
AND digimon rumble arena 2!
Smashfags everyone
And Onimusha: Blade Warriors, how could I have forgotten.
Aside from adding dlc characters that will be in $40-60 expansions (Valk, Platinum, and Makoto in BlazBlue CS), ,Arksys charges ludicrous prices for stupid, pointless dlc like Persona sunglasses and extra colors.
KoF did nothing…yet.
Think they will ever do something about all the female fighters but Chun Li having plastic breasts? It find it disturbing how breast implants have become rampant in this game. Does boob jiggle even kill sales?
I was going to buy it until they nerfed ass slapping and tit jiggling.
SJWs don't deserve my money.
more than likely the slimy fucks would buy resident evil.
also this thread seems to be an excuse for everyone who couldn't control their characters when they were a kid to come out of the woodwork and shit on street fighter. I just imagine these fucks getting smashed by cpu zangiefs and crying.
So I guess it's safe to say this game's meta and balance are complete shit with tourney players dropping their favorites over bullshit top-tiers like Nash, Chun, Vega, etc?
I can't tell who is the most pathetic faggot: you, or the faggots who cried about not seeing Mika slap her ass?
Game's pretty shit bro. Funny you mentioned Gief because a tourney player who is famous for his Giefs dropped him for a top-tier. Gief is trash like Alex.
Fuck off and go back to being a raging-virgin faggot pornstars will never notice, Homer.
Sure, if you're a fucking faggot piece of shit dick lover. God I hate you literal fucking faggots for ruining all fanart of her.
Remember that thread where the user was sperging out because Pokken already outsold SFV in Japan? Everyone in the thread was saying it was deserved because Pokken is an actual complete product.
Good times.
Why is life so cruel?
Don't blame life for SNK being a shitty company that shot itself in the foot for over 10 years. Blame SNK for being SNK.
When KoF 14 flops, I'm going to have a ball seeing the fgc try to defend the game, living in denial about it being a failure.
And we'll probably see the same thing with KoF 14.
Come on collapse and buyout.
The balance seems to be in a fair amount of flux outside of people saying that Chun, Ryu, and Nash are at the top and that FANG and Gief are at the bottom.
A month ago people were crying that Bison was S-tier, and Necalli was D-tier, and then you have pro players like fchamp putting out their tier lists with Bison being 2nd from the bottom and Necalli being 5th from the top.
I don't think anyone currently has a fucking clue.
Not that I'm defending Capcom or anything, but the lag is due to the PS4. The PC version only has 4-5 frames of lag, similar to how USF4 had 5 frames of lag on the 360, which was tourney standard, embed related
I didn't say Alex is top tier because Alex is pretty bad. Nash is top.
I thought Vega was top. My mistake.
The top gief player you're talking about switched to Alex, not Nash.
it did.
see the similar overwatch controversy where blizzard at least had the sense to backpedal, if they'd gone SJW like capcom then the whole beta would have been in a shroud of negativity.
i think you need to reread your post buddy
It looks like the camera is near her feet looking up to produce those proportions.
everyone has huge fucking feet in street fighter
ryu's starting to look like he has dwarfism
so you don't have any proof of that.
the sf5 launch was beyond poorly handled in a number of ways, and the mika animation was definitely one of the smaller issues
Street Fighter has always had fairly cartoonish proportions. Hands and feet are especially emphasized because that's generally what they're hitting you with.
Here's some sprites from 3rd strike for reference.
Why the hell did capcom think they would get away with releasing a game with only 2 modes?
That looks like fucking shit.
That's a man.
Is Ricki pregnant?
what is up with his beard in the pre-order outfit? Why does he look like he stole billy mayes facial hair instead of looking like the art on the right?
Foreign companies can not buy Japanese based ones.
It's against their law.
If TPP passes friend.
I thought the PC version only got 4-5 after v sync was turned off. I know fighters on recent consoles usually have a fair amount of lag but I don't think it was ever 8-9 frames like SFV.
I can't try it myself, I don't own sfv.
As a foot fetishist this really bothers me, wish they would look more like this
That was the point of the video.
Oh no, I'm just saying that OP's pic looks like how Bethesda would design Chun Li if they made their own Street FIghter in the Gamebryo engine.
Damn is game industry really getting that lazy? Same thing happened to Mortal Kombat X on the PC release. Half of the modes missing, online didn't work for shit, content was supposed to keep downloading while you played but it never worked as intended and the game gave you a shit ton of weird errors they had to patch later.
No, it isn't. That's Natasha Encinosa, and she used to be a fatty fat fuck in High School apparently.
So why are you still a fat fuck Holla Forums?
*sigh* SFV needed another full year to be ready
I'll want for the SFV Goty edition. I don't have the bandwidth for Gb patches
kill yourself.
lol faglets
Bloody Roar 2 > all this shit
*unzips katana*
*teleports behind you*
heh. nothing personnel kid
You were THIS close.
I like the game. The mechanics are overall very good and the pacing is much better than SF4.
There are a couple of things that suck but for the most part its good and it has everything you could want in a fighting game.
Because the fighting game community consists of autists, manchildren, and retards who don't want to jeopardize their non-existing career of playing terrible fighting games and smoking weed everyday (See Arturo Sanchez, LowtierGod, Marn, and a bunch of other losers/pricks in the fgc).
Capcom half-assed this game to both the casual and competitive audiences, thinking they could get away with it.
Well shit why would anyone buy there game if they are just gonna re release it again as a different edition 3 times?