Jesus Christ, What led to this kid being like this. All he does is spout far-left rhetoric into a camera almost daily, and he's got 1300 subs clapping like seals in the comments
Jesus Christ, What led to this kid being like this. All he does is spout far-left rhetoric into a camera almost daily...
american education, all institutions must go.
you do you fat little fuck, the face of Holla Forums
top kek, this guy's going to be a manchild in 2029
And you give the little e-celeb free advertising. Good job, faggot.
It's a real mystery.
Saged and reported for e-celeb faggotry.
1. webm that shit op
2. That is an incredibly ugly child
Does anybody know if that youtube glitch that counts 1 unsure as two is still a thing?
Sub to his channel, unsure, resub, do the same over and over an dover until he has -9000 subs- pewdiepie already list something like 500,000 thousand subs this way.
This doesnt need a thread but this is what leftist media does to a child. He cannot grasp theologies fully at his age nor does he even seem like a remotely intelligent child. But if he can be convinced of the horrors and utter atrocity that is communism, he can start possibly learning the principles of National Socialism. Maybe. Hard maybe.
Oh fuck trips of fucking truth PRAISE KEK
reported for the most useless thread of 2017
even nigger dick posters are more relevant
Fuck you Trips. I'd bet he's an anchor too.
Beaner read Animal Farm in 6th grade, misunderstood it, and thinks he's hot shit.
Wow it's fucking nothing
I didnt say become nat soc but start learning it. Not applying it.
Praise KEK again, blessed tonight .
That kid needs a good paddling.
This is actually a perfect encapsulation of the inane nature of communists.
Topkek, thanks user. I hope puberty benefits this homely child, because if it doesn't chances are high he is still a communist.
This is your brain on Mcdonalds, Steven Universe, and public schooling…
Fuck off OP, you fat spic looking piece of shit.
no more ecelebs thread. fuck off