I know this is a videogame, but has anyone taken a gander at it? I'm deeply in love with this sort of style and most of the game is just animation cycles.
Cuphead in: Don't Deal with the Devil
Other urls found in this thread:
>>>Holla Forums
I really like how the authors put their hearts and soul into this. I heard they even put their own house on mortgage to fund the game.
It is beautiful.
Shills get the fuck out.
The music is pretty great, to say the least.
I hate videogames, but I'd buy a soundtrack album from this any day
Actually I do like this old school rubberhose cartoon look
If you're so interested you can buy the soundtrack off of Steam or GoG for 9.99 USD
It's pretty fucking good, but if you give it af ew days I'm sure someone will get a full rip in FLAC format for listening pleasure.
>>>Holla Forums
They hired a professional Jazz band iirc because they wanted to make it all feel as authentic as possible. Also all the animations are hand drawn and the only thing that is digitalized is the coloring.
You can just find the magnets on Holla Forums if you want to.
I really ought to get this game.
How long did it take to make this game.
Hey Holla Forums
Longer than the amount of time you've been trying to force that meme.
two threads on video games on Holla Forums???
what is this?!?!?
Holla Forums???
There was Injustice thread on Holla Forums and it was quite successful. Since this game can be seen as homage to 30's Disney, I think it can be allowed to stay.
Entire OST in MP3 format, get it while its hot.
Oh shit, thanks!
I beat it today and I was wondering if each stage is based on an old cartoon or if it's just a few of them. The most obvious one to me is the Bluto Sinbad boss, but there must be more references to less known stuff too.
Sad, innit? I just wish that the cult followers will give birth to a neo-oldie animation renaissance.
Yessiree! I haven't catalogued them, but to the best of my knowledge and skipping vidya-tier references like the Megaman Dragon boss fight:
These are all I've got.
Actually, if you look at how the defeated Devil looks its pretty much exactly like old Style Tom from Tom&Jerry….I think Tom overall in the body.
It took them 3-4 years to accomplish that. I don't think a cartoon can survive with having over 2 year breaks for each season, unless it's really damn good or just an autistic fanbase. People are too impatient and will likely move on, even if they spread episode releases over the course of the year when they get it done. Also, the current talent lacks either skill or passion to pull it off.
Well since you're not going over the video game references I'll go over a few.
There's the dragon from Megaman 2 and the Robotnik boss as you mentioned.
The theater boss has a Kefka phase.
One of the bosses in King Die's stage is a simplified Yellow Devil.
The Devil's first stage is most likely a throwback to Lucifer in Ghouls N' ghosts.
And as for cartoon references I picked up on, there are Woody Woodpeckers in one of the run and gun stages (I think the one inside a tree).
I'm pretty sure someone will catalogue everything eventually, I love reading about shit like that, but finding stuff in small bursts in a thread is fun too.
The shopkeeper is reminiscent of the shopkeep from Wonder Boy 3
The flower seems to be a reference to an early Disney cartoon, iirc their first in color
While I agree on the style being very similar, I'm fairly sure that the Devil himself was part of some other actual characters from older toons but I don't have the name of the original picture to reference it. What I do know and forgot to add back there is that the Rabbit with the magic wand in the casino stages sends out skulls that are almost a 1:1 replica of Bugs Bunny's from the extremely old episodes.
We wouldn't need the series to be popular to be honest. /ani/ folk with passion for their work could just shit them out as practice or to get their feet wet in their industry. There's plenty of non consequential shorts that I like that were made just with that purpose in mind.
The Jawbreaker in the candy world acts like Pac-Man
The second boss of the game is just a glorified Dragon Quest slime, even the background reminds me of that series
I believe some of the cola caps in the mouse's stage are a reference to Fallout but I am not sure about it. Also said mouse reminds me a lot of Mortimer Mouse's old design.
Pretty much anything that you see on screen was either copied or inspired by a mix of 20's designs and some new iconic ones, refer to the video I posted earlier and you'll see that the mermaid was inspired by Splash Woman also.
I'm assuming you meant Flowers and Trees, I thought the same but can't find a great connection other than "talking plants".
A game normally takes about 3/2 years to make however. A somewhat 'big' game with a decent budget
Post proof.
I'm pretty sure the skeletons in the opening with the book are designed after Iwerks' skeletons on that Flip the Frog short. As far as their expressions go, at least.
For the band part, check out the game's credits, they hired a lot of people to do the music, including a big band.
I love the tracks with vocals.
Getting some Princess and the Frog vibes, except with less juju. Friends on the Other Side.
An thought just came to me when playing Cuphead; Why do the pupils on the eyes of the characters both in Cuphead and the old toons from the early 20th century look like pacman?
I think they were a style for the shine in the pupils. Much like how nowadays modern cartoons instead of having eyes with big shines that are just circles when excited, they have giant stars Steven Universe style when excited.
I think you might like Twisted Tales of Felix The Cat.
The cut is a simplified eye highlight.
That cartoon was insane.
So that's where that pic came from.
Anyone else notice on the results screen, Cupman's gloves are yellow instead of white?
Reference to Mickey's changing gloves?
I thought it was just filters
I'll add two more.
>one of the minibosses in that stage is based off Melon Bread
I believe the background of Djimmi the Great is supposed to be based on the backgrounds of Popeye Meets Sindbad.
Its the way they'e drawn.
I thought that it was either that or the animators submitted two different versions and they just forgot about replacing it.
Which one?
Oh damn I remember that one. The one where he beats the forty thieves, I suppose, not the one with Sinbad the sailor.
So much good work here behind the scenes..
There's nothing worse than someone who's too young trying to do that style of singing. Not to mention the fact that he's trying to force the rasp.
That's actually a woman.
Great animation, just wish they werent cups. It doesnt fit their surrounding themes and inhabitants.
Nope, check the credits mang. Alana Bridgewater is her name, I can't find many good clips of her on youtube but look around and you can find her. Girl has an amazing set of pipes on her.
I don't really get what they were going for with cup designs. Are there any classic cartoons about animate crockery that I'm not familiar with? You'd think they'd go for animal characters or something more familiar to the theme. Maybe they just wanted something unique.
Cups fit just fine. They're not the only living objects in their world.
It's loosely based on an old Jap propaganda cartoon. Also it wasn't uncommon back in the Golden Age, especially the 20s and 30s, to bring inanimate objects to life.
Apparently the lead animator was flat out copying a design from Swing You Sinners and just tried to make it more unique. Mugman looks generic as fuck even compared to Cuphead because of that, I guess.
I don't know how likely it is to happen, but part of me is worried that normalfags will ruin old-time animation by all pretending to be into it now that the game is a hit.
no, not normies
but hipsters
Oh it's already too late for that. Normalfags eat that classic Disney/Fleischer style up.
Already happening. Thank gaming e-celebs for that.
Is the game any good
Hey Holla Forums
Nope, Bendy is absolute trash. It's the polar opposite of Cuphead in gameplay, relying solely on boring puzzles and jump scares.
The only reason people like it is because of the edgy Disney aesthetic and rule34. Very similar to the FNaF fandom
What is this weird gesture he's doing?
Some sort of autistic dance. I don't understand it either.
Normalfags already were using old timey cartoons for gang shit and logos. It'll just get worse until the next big thing hits.
A dance based on hiding your face in shame? Autistic indeed.
It's "Sieg Heil for the 21st Century"
I guess if we're talking about games based on 30's cartoons what do you guys think on Epic Mickey?
Your shekels she'll grab, the kike that dabs.
I remember playing a game with the similar artstyle on newgrounds, I think it was titled Mr. Fox Adventures. I couldn't pass through the fucking walking log boss
That shit spawned out of nowhere. Cuphead is the chad's videogame.
There are too many memes and buzzwords in that one paragraph and as such, I have to presume that it's an edit.
Never played the Epic Mickey games but I've heard mixed opinions. I remember people complaining a lot about the hard to control camera. However the 2D cutscenes look really good. Wish I gave the series a chance back when I had a Wii.
Epic Mickey was a fucking wasted opportunity and just Warren Specter fanwanking having to deal with Disney's policy of "think of the children".
It was supposed to be epic in the sense of an actual epic. Basically, think of every Disney property up until that game's development being turned into hellish abominations but with Classic Mickey being able to restore the world's beauty, think of Mickey Mania meets Castle of Illusion and a creepy atmosphere. However, that would never fly with the execs, so they made the whole game into a bland adventure where Oswald is the quasi-villain, here and there you can see slightly disfigured but still safe for work toons and overall the game is that of a weak platformer with terrible camera controls. Ironically, the only parts that are actually any interesting are the linking sections of the various levels, which play out as minor 2d platformer stages and reference all of the good mickey mouse shorts from yesteryear, which are decidedly more colorful and interesting than the rest of the game.
Of course its an edit. No SJW ever, uses the word cuck without quotation marks, and much less the world nigga (under any circumstances). They'd have an aneurysm upon hearing it.
Now the funny thing about that headline is that I could see that working as a cartoon.
Golly gee mister, you really think so?
Well I'll be danged! Tell me more!
That surprisingly sounds really good. If it kept the art style, I'd watch it.
I swear the devs involved should also make cartoons.
The Devil was from Silly Symphony's Hell's Bells short.
I'll add some more
>The Devil looks a lot like the Devil in Hell's Bells, far more than the Devil in Red Hot Mama.youtube.com
>There's a lot of dancing flames in Fleischer toons. Fire acting like people is a classic cartoon gag in general. I know there's a "fire person" in Bimbo's Initiation but the biggest influence on the stage 3 dragon is probably Mickey's Fire Brigade. The fire in the toon looks the most like what you fight in Cuphead. youtube.com
>There's a statue in the city part of inkwell island of a living sax that looks like the prince from Music Land.youtube.com
>The Candyland boss fight takes a lot from Cookie Carnival. youtube.com
>Cala Maria is basically King Neptune but a girl. youtube.com
>Dr. Kahl's Robot looks like Mickey's Mechanical Man.youtube.com
>The hooded things that jump at you on the derby boss of the Casino level look like the head spook from Mickey's Haunted House. youtube.com
>The flies in the background of the frog brothers fight are basically lifted from Cobweb Hotel. youtube.com
I wish. Disney liked the edgy concept but Warren Specter never actually intended to use it: he just made it all as exaggerated bait to get their attention.
Whatever the case, it's a scam thru and thru.
Awesome work. One aspect I neglected to mention but that has quickly become my favorite part of the game, is the Ribby and Croaks stage. They're obviously inspired by Ryu and Ken (notice how they even do the same exact introduction poses and even have similar attacks, like hadoukens and that spinning kick), but the background itself looks exactly like old fighting game stages, with background events mixed with the crowd cheering on the competitors. I've also been told that the background in the Goopy la Grande's stage is almost the same from other Dragonquest games, as he's a cartoonish slime enemy.
so, have there been any fun articles calling the game problematic for the difficulty yet?
I'd say my favorite one so far was the article calling the art style racist.
I'll spoonfeed you this time, but is it really that hard to google "[terrible gaming site] Cuphead"?
Werner Werman's last form is almost identical to Cheshire Cat boss from Batman and Robin on Genesis (at 8:45).
Those faggots need to git gud.
How the fuck is it racist?
we wuz cups n shiet
basically the journalist was crying because the art style was prominent in a time of "racism" so therefore it is racist inherently and triggered him.
The funniest part about it is that the dev already changed designs in fear of being called both a rayciss and a copycat.
The only vaguely racist things are the coin person in the first island that complains that even the banks are controlled by the devil and the kike that appears in a fountain to tell you how many lives you've lost.
Don't forget the negress on Twitter who chimped at the sight of the first trailer a couple of years ago. It was a minor meme around Gamergate.
hipsters are subset of the normalfags and the worst kind, the pretentious normalfag.
The change was because the original devil looked to much like the rubber hose mistral niggers back in the old 20's shorts. All they did was make the devil taller, removed the lips and made him smug, besides that nothing was changed.
He's clearly a bat creature.
Bats don't have big red lips and a dick for a nose. Plus I like his redesign, gives off a nice 'fuck you im the boss here' vibe.
The difference is this was literally just one artist working on this with modern conveniences.
Passion Moves Mountains.
The guy re-mortgaged his house, quit his job and worked on this full time. The truth is you indeed need two things:
Passion and at least some capital.
His passion was high quality entertaining animation, and high quality entertaining animation we got. After some blowback after fears the gameplay would be too primitive, it was added just enough to give it satisfaction.
And niggers don't have red bat wings and no legs. Not every character with goofy lips is supposed to be a nigger, sambo.
How much does a cartoon last?
Like 10 minutes?
It takes you at least 5 hours to play Cuphead, assuming you are good as me at videogames (the most I had to "retry" was with the devil, needed more or less 10 attempts to beat him).
That's 300 minutes.
Aka the equivalent of 30 episodes.
And that doesn't even take in consideration all the extras, bonuses and whatnot.
So it's 3-4 years to make 30 episodes which are 10 minutes long.
That seems reasonable to me.
I'm sorry but that's moronic. Cuphead is great, but generally, the focus is on singular characters with single action loops
Of course, it all makes sense.
There's no such thing as a skillful pianist, they just wasted their time memorizing everything.
No I mean I can understand the argument to a certain extent. Most games of these types are not about memorization but about reaction speed. Somegames just use cheap shots to make something harder when it's really just unexpected.
However, the game is way to charitable and overall fine in order to be described as a "Do by memory only!!!!!"
So get gud Preston.
Like all prolific bullshit it's seasoned with at least one grain of truth. "Fake difficulty" was always a thing, it's just that these people are trying to extrapolate it into meaning "all difficulty is fake."
When you smoke hash oil, you’ll cough a lot. The dab move is supposed to emulate that.
Exactly. Imagine the OPPOSITE end of the argument being made. They say "Oh, it all relies on memorization." Ok, instead imagine a game where it's PURE REACTION. Enemy attacks come at completely random angles with no origin source. Random bullet sizes and speeds, but there's an algorythm making sure there is a possible exit from the bullet hell that doesn't involve getting hit. According to these fuckers, that would be "real" difficulty, but that sounds like the worst game in existence. Who the fuck would play that?
These maniacs for starters:
Touhou Ultra mode patches, because for some people lunatic isn't hard enough.
Even those have a source point, though. Imagine Touhou where the bullets could literally come from any side of the screen.
I see Dobson takes the same lazy approach to video games he does to everything else.
Get gud, faggot.
Are there any good tutorials for old school animation and the filters involved to achieve that look digitally?
Because people laughed at the implication it was broken, bad, unfair, etc. It's game journos last recourse to 'win' the situation. If all else fails just accusing everything of being racist. Textbook operation.
Hell no. This shitty meme have spawned out of vidya hell as soon as demon souls got ported to PC and people instead of moving slowly and checking for traps or enemy ambush bumrushed the level and died as morons claiming was artificial difficulty
Lost a lot of respect for the dev for that one.
How long will it take for people to learn that you never back down or appease SJWs?
It's been noted multiple times now that the Devil was not changed. The vampire bat shown was a boss that was cut out of the game entirely, in fact, if you watch the Swing You Sinners video there is a VERY similar looking vampiric bat with the exact same style flying after the main toon.
The devil was probably not changed in any massive way, I doubt these two guys that took a mortgage out on their house to finish this game would go out of their way to appease SJWs considering they didn't give a fuck about anything but making the game they wanted to make. They had no pressure from triple A developers or literally anyone.
Pretty much. That's just a bat Boss fight, I don't believe that's the devil.
Plenty of other large noses in the game, they just probably disliked how it played.
These are the kind of people that want the easy mode button in the new asscreed. It makes you skip all the bossfights so you won't have to cry when you die to them.
Take this bullshit back to Holla Forums and fucking stay there, you AIDS-ridden, leper-dick-sucking niggers.
BENDY can be discussed here?
I heard it was shit and any mystery it had was ruined by some moronic death cult.
They really bitched about the thick lips?
Cuphead is the only western animation out right now with any sort of talent or passion behind it. I consider this more Holla Forums related than anything on CN at this point besides Gumball
Stupid be as stupid comes.
Got any more?
Just ignore him Cuphead is completely related, its just Holla Forums throwing a tantrum again.
How the fuck did things get this bad?
What fucking kills me is that AssCreed is already too fucking easy as it is. And people are willing to pay money to skip gameplay, but still watch the story when they might as well see it on Youtube for free? You know if one year ago, you had told me this shit, I'd assume you are fucking with me.
Two lone leafs gambled with the devil, took out two mortgages for each of their houses, almost went bankrupted and refused to cut costs (both in production , animation, and gamedesign) to follow their dream and make one of the best indie games ever known to man.
On the other side, the western animation industry is ran by a bunch of rich old fucks with no passion for actual art or cinema, only seeking out to develop shit to sell toys and merchandise from Hot Topic to little kids that still haven't moved on to cutting the cord and subscribe to Kikefilxs yet.
The "easy mode" isn't that at all. It's a mode that allows you to walk around the city and get historical commentary from the devs.
This is gonna be gold.
Yeah, I'm not terribly hopeful that this will be of any use to anyone.
Im not honestly against the idea, but its angers me the people who are fielding it out first is Ubisoft.
The devs understand the virtue of hard work and patience. They could of released this game as a rushed half finished mess, but instead made sure their product didn't suck. You'd think that wouldn't be asking much but I'm glad Studio MDHR had the rare talent to pull it off. Hope they keep making games.
And actual shorts, if they play their cards right again they could possibly make a successful animated series and Id pay top dollar for quality of that caliber.
Early builds of the game from it's earliest announcements were just a basic boss rush game. There were no levels or anything, and I don't think there were even that many bosses. They realized that was a shitty waste of a great concept, and they expanded over the years with more music, more levels, more enemies, and the kind of shit that takes something from indie flavor of the month, to something truly great.
I'm a bit apprehensive about shorts based on Cuphead. The thought is obviously tempting, but I feel like a series would overshadow the original 1930s short films the game is based on. They could introduce a new generation to those films without making anything themselves. More people have already seen this masterpiece thanks to Cuphead and that number is only going to grow.
If it causes other companies to try to mimic it's success by going back to what made cartoons great, I say let them over shadow the originals. They'll get noticed no matter what, they weren't getting much before Cuphead was released, they'll surely get more if a Cuphead show is released compared to a pre-Cuphead release.
Well fucking duh, you idiot.
I'm saying that if it took 3-4 years to make 30 episodes 10 minutes long it wouldn't be that strange, especially with this kind of art style.
I'm not saying the game can be sold as a fucking show.
The journey you took to arrive at this conclusion is what I want to question.
For a videogame enemy or boss, you're generally looking at single-action loops whereas for an episode with dialogue and varied scenes per episode, you're looking at drawing a lot more new stuff. You can't just loop the same stuff.
Basically, what I want to say is, I don't think there's a relationship between the time it took them to make the videogame and the time they would've needed to make 30 10-minute episodes. The two seem pretty independent of one another.
The journey you took to arrive at this conclusion is what I want to question.
For a videogame enemy or boss, you're generally looking at single-action loops whereas for an episode with dialogue and varied scenes per episode, you're looking at drawing a lot more new stuff. You can't just loop the same stuff.
Basically, what I want to say is, I don't think there's a relationship between the time it took them to make the videogame and the time they would've needed to make 30 10-minute episodes. The two seem pretty independent of one another.
Depends how big and how many people are working within the studio.
Cuphead is very Alien Soldier in that regard. The Run'n'Gun segments are to build up collecting coins to enhance your player for the boss battles. It's to help break up the battles and give those a bit of leg-up with powers they can depend on. Stuff like the invisible/invincible dash can be a life saver.
I forgot about that game, has the developer ever made anything else?
Last game was 2014
The game still has fireflies with blackface in the frog boss stage, and there are literal moon cricket enemies in another of the stages.
I am being ironic of course. I imagine it will be a complete trainwreck if either the devs decide to tell the actual history which completely clashes with what we are seeing in the gameplay, or if they will tell their own revisionistic version which will probably be even more hilarious.
Didn't they already fuck up history enough with dividing all historical characters into either the Assassins or Templars?
I really need to filter your retarded butthurt ass.
Hey Holla Forums
I don't normally use the filter and I have no idea how to filter "Holla Forums".
"tv" works, but "tv" is used by other anons and I only want to not see this retarded faggot shitting up every thread in sight.
Never mind, I figured it out
Congratulations Newfag.
get back to Holla Forums and post maisies in there you butthurt faggot.
I'd buy a Cuphead comic if Milton Knight did it.
I'd buy the FUCK out of it.
Who would be Meatball, and Fry?
Frylock could be Elder Kettle and Meatwad is Mugman
Only niggers can mock other niggers
You have two identical paths. One of them forces you to restart the section, the other lets you continue onwards. Immediately afterwards, you have three identical paths. Two of them force you to restart the section. There's still no way to tell which is which. There's four paths next, three force you to restart. They're all 100% visually identical and there is no way to tell which is the correct one until you pick it.
That is a prime example of artificial difficulty from an underwater segment in Kirby's Dreamland 3 that's stuck with me for a long time for how out-of-place it is. Since it's a Kirby game, you come to a door instead of instant kill spikes, but it isn't particularly different from killing you, since it makes you redo the whole thing anyway.
There's no skill there. There's no situational awareness. It's 'guess right 3 times in a row.' THAT is artificial difficulty. Pointless waste-of-time memorization.
My point stands. SJW only allow niggers to mock other niggers.
Uncle Ruckus mocking niggers is 100% politically correct.
But this old cartoon that doesn't use the word nigger one? Completely racist in every way!
Thanks buddy!
Then play a In App Purchase game. Yes you could eventually get good, or get good RNG, but ANYTHING can be padded, ANYTHING can be made difficult.
Difficulty isn't HARD. It's not HARD to make a difficult game. But there is also good level design and appropriate challenge. To say otherwise is an insult to good game design.
That is the meaning of difficulty you retard.
Making difficulty isn't hard, just as making a game easy isn't hard. Making a quality challenge is for instance.
There are tons of "Ultra Hard Mario" levels made by fans where you need to follow a certain path to a micrometer or die, but I doubt anybody will argue they are better made then the sets in the original.
not that this doesn't belong on Holla Forums
It comes down to challenge versus difficulty. It's not challenging to win the lottery, but it is difficult. Difficulty is easy to create. Just make success unlikely. Challenge has more to do with the effort required to succeed, and is harder to create. Something can be challenging to understand, but once you do, future success is likely.
Goddamn do I love cartoony revolvers like that.
flavor of the month fad bullshit
No, the joke with Uncle Ruckus is making fun of whites who complain about other whites and about blacks being superior. Take his words and replace black with white and he talks like a BLM tumblerette. The point is that they can get away with making him complain about blacks because it's not racist if it's a black vs black thing and if it had been a white man talking the collective of the show's actual viewership would have thrown a fit.
Didn't McGruder straight up say that being black was the only reason he could get away with half the shit he pulled?
It's a fucking game, every aspect is artificial. If a game didn't have some sort of difficulty that discriminated players then it wouldn't be fun. I mean it's like bitching about how come midgets don't ever get into the MBA or why basketball players can't win limbo competitions. If you suck that much, then just watch youtube videos of all the bosses.
Was this their their way of 'avin a giggle?
Sounds about right.
That's what I was referring to. In the eyes of their liberal audience Uncle Rucks is automatically politically correct just because of his skin color. They can't get mad at him or McGruder because they're apart of the "oppressed class"
Artificial difficulty isn't a meme, though. Artificial difficulty is increasing every enemy's health and damage by twofold.
Cuphead doesn't have artificial difficulty as it's about memorisation and timing, and even then, it's not a perfect pattern as the boss will often change up it's attacks if you just died 90% of the way through the fight, like the genie boss, who will start throwing gems or sarcophaguses after you die a couple times at the end of the battle.
I do like the Boondocks but that animation on the right is pretty good. Wouldn't want the thought policePC crowd to see me say that though.
It was actually funny too. What is racist about it though?
Kid, you're trying too hard to fit in.
Hey Holla Forums
It was made by white people. That's the only reason SJWs need. Compared to some the things Ruckus has done that cartoon is very tame. Most of it is just lighthearted roasting of black culture and I don't see a problem with that either.
fuck off
If I wanted to fit in, why would I be on Holla Forums?
Because someone on Reddit told you that this is where the cool kids hang out, and it's time for you to go back.
making a cartoon character with exaggerated features coresponding to a given race's generalized feature set (nigger lips, jew nose, white aryan prominent brow and chin) is automatically hateful and bigoted no matter how heroically or intelligently you portray the character in the story
because shallow people think they're making a difference
Most of the bosses whom I could recognize are:
Oh yeah, and early design Bugs Bunny
Hey Holla Forums
What is this bullshit? Is Holla Forums to Holla Forums what "shill" is to Holla Forums?
You called?
This is a background character from the game.
Whoops, I forgot the spoiler.
Now that I fucked that up and can't repost the images, I guess I'll just link to what I posted.
Nobody cares, attention whoring faggot. You've done more to derail the thread than the Anons going off the rails to talk about the standards that allows the Boondocks to be as raunchy as it is.
Its a gesture used to by NAZIS to demonstrate their loyalty to HITLER! Don't be fooled by alt-right shitlords, whoever does this is a white supremacist, even if they're black as night!
Wrong board buddy, Holla Forums's that way. >>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
Take a chill pill, besides anyone will still see it if they're using auto-update.
Now it can at least serve as a stark reminder of my incompetence.
Again kill yourself, nobody asked for your shit and the faggot that did is spewing garbage like this all around
Its bad enough a good thread like this went off topic and the mods won't clean shit up but its worse with you posting unwanted garbage everywhere.
I'll bet you fucking bigots think socialism doesn't work do you?
Kill yourself crybaby
No u
Autistic cancer.
Golly user, you don't have to be so clean just because your mother is near by.
is that fly in the background of the frog fight? I haven't seen her
It's more on topic than all these worthless sage downvotes. Go back to 4chan if you hate porn so much.
I would just like to thank you for the excellent service you provide, if not for the porn which isnt even all to my tastes) then for triggering redditors and hopefully repulsing them
Its called not bumping a thread with off topic garbage, of course someone with your mental capabilities you'd have a hard time conceptualizing the idea.
Who the fuck talks like that?
Keep posting lewds and triggering.
At least you admit everything you post is trash.
I will when you learn how to talk like a real human being.
Looks like school finished early.
Of course im not a faggot like you.
why is this thread getting butchered? just delete the thread if you dont like on topic posts faggot mods
sage for meta shit
Reupload those 4 images, they were deleted.
Bumping for TRIGGERING
Isn't it past your bed time kid?
Wow! I can't believe it's not 4chan! Seriously, did the site come under new ownership recently? It's like all the boards have gotten worse and constantly give into people who ruin the site.
Let me help you.
Besides the off topic Boondocks talk, the thread was perfectly fine until you started to spam shit like a tard. Seriously user if you want porn so much go to /vp/ or /rule34/, no one gives a shit here.
Sure, except I'm not the same user unlike you and your little buttbuddy here.
It's what an autist trying to force a meme looks like.
Posting lewds is fine, but being an obnoxious cunt about it isn't.
I fucking hate people like this.
This iswhy Holla Forums is so fucking dead now.
It's a matter of competition. The animation industry is oligopolized by a few networks on an inefficient distribution system called television, whereas any dev team, whose members may not live in the same country, can raise capital and create whatever kinds of games they want with, and sell them to the world on digital distribution.
If cartoons were sold like video games, we would have a new animation Renaissance, as there would be a massive amount of capital to reinvest into making high quality cartoons. Why do you think video games have a thriving indie market, while western animation is in even more of a shitter than the mid-2000?
porn spammers are always desperate virgins trying to show people their special snowflake fetish no one cares about, cause they are like so messed up and moms gonna freak when she finds out
it's always monsterfags and footfags too
who destroyed the thread?
You, considering user here is tying to stay on topic and you keep dumping gas into the fire.
It has nothing to do with TV networks, newgrounds proved that. It all has to do with 1.money:time ratio, and 2.the current culture of animators. Animation takes a lot of time and work with very little pay off compared to video games, and a lot of animators now have to eat. It was different when 90% of internet animators were in highschool and could spend hours on some shitty internet shorts, but when you can make video games or even just play them and make more money, why wouldn't you?
Well, kind of comes down to economics. Good luxury media is like a rare rainbow-crested songbird that can only survive in the most favorable environment.
It's relatively easy for a noname to get a game published and make dosh off of it it it catches attention. Not so much for animation, or much anything else really at present.
Maybe webcomics, those are money pits if you get a following.
user your enter button is broken.
in my opinion this Holla Forums is all but lost. All it will take is a few shitposters defending Marvel and DC then soon you'll have people getting banned for complaining about forced diversity. Hell, it's already starting to happen in several threads, and I'm assuming the same anons complaining about 2 or 3 lewds are the same ones defending current year comics. This wouldn't be and issue if mods didn't just give right into them for mass reporting with some various IP changer.
That's rarely a good thing though
Nigger, people aren't complaining about lewds, they're complaining about people spamming pictures and ruining the thread. But you dumbasses will defend it because "IF WE BAN
What the fuck are you talking about? You're some butthurt waifu spammer, aren't you?
Reminder that the nig bat is just a cut boss, both it and the devil show up in the very same trailer when the game was announced.
Add in that
i already said post all the lewds you want, i don't fucking care about that
it's acting like a tremendous faggot piece of shit that gets you shitposted at and you should take the hint and realize your faggot ass isn't welcome
or maybe you do realize this and you're here specifically to shit up an already dying board
thanks for killing yet another place i used to enjoy hanging around
thanks you despicable cunt
yes im fucking mad
here's your mad (you) there you fucking go enjoy
There is also a unique inversion in the economics of labor comparing animation for a show versus a game. When creating a television show, animation is one of the most expensive and labor intensive to produce. However, when creating a video game, 2d animation and art is much cheaper than 3d. The creator of Cuphead was also clever in recognizing that old-time animation is characterized by its repeated, rhythmic animation cycles; the same thing that characterizes the classic pixel animation of 2d games.
Thanks for reminding me of the guy with a suit stomping on non-goombas and rescuing a blow up doll that literally blows up.
This sounds like something that would get a stylized Japanime treatment. I'm not sure how good that'd wind up being but it would certainly be something.
Yet except for Journey or Bastion, the rest are just 2deep4u shitty games. Maybe Bit Trip Runner if you're into extremely minimalistic shit.
Post the porn on Holla Forums, Mark's a kike but he's a horny kike, so unless you post Sonic Mania or Nier you should be fine.
Would you fuck his mouth and cum all over his luscious puffy lips hahah just wondering for a friend don't mean to offend
Hey Holla Forums