This is the worst JRPG I've ever played. How the fuck did this happen? Tri-Ace is a great developer. How could this have gone so wrong?
This is the worst JRPG I've ever played. How the fuck did this happen? Tri-Ace is a great developer...
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tri-Ace is a great developer (Valkyrie Profile and SO2 were the shit), but that publisher has never made a good game. Probably never will.
But that doesn't make any sense. How can a publisher fuck you over that badly that you lose all your talent and make a terrible, maybe the worst game of its genre? (certainly the worst game of its genre in the last console generation)
Besides Enix was good and Squaresoft was godly. Why is Squeenix so bad?
The video game industry has a lot of turnover. I haven't looked at the staff list for Tri-Ace or anything, but I'd bet in the space of ten years (since the godly SO2) there are very few people in the same positions they used to be.
Ive never heard of this game, how bad is it?
The gameplay was fun and that's the only thing matters. It's good game.
I played the 360 version at release which didn't have dual audio among a bunch of other QoL features only the PS3 version offers. The story is shit and the acting is laughably bad, sure, but that's practically a given with the genre. The gameplay itself was decently fun if you branched out to other characters, Edge is probably one of the most boring to play throughout the whole slog. I'll still never understand why people throw a bitchfit about this one, maybe it's because I haven't played any of the others in the series yet?
Might be wrong, but I seem to recall hearing that the writer for TLH was asspained over not being allowed to write for an eroge or something, and shat that game's writing up in revenge. Of course, that's simply what I've heard, so take it with a grain of salt. I'd honestly like some proof behind it myself.
From what I've seen, Tri-Ace generally seems to be considered pretty hit or miss with anons aside from Valkyrie Profile PS1 and Star Ocean 2, which are generally well liked (I also see some anons from time to time that have a good liking for Radiata Stories as well).
Doubtful. I mean, that's not to say TLH isn't notorious for being disliked, but as far as I'm aware it's never gotten the "Legendary Shit Game" treatment, the way a Famicom Dragon Quest clone called Hoshi wo Miru Hito did. And even on the PS3, I think some would argue it's got competition with Time and Eternity as far as bad JRPGs go.
I've heard something along the line that when both company's merged, rather than Enix' people being put in command, or having a balance of Square and Enix management, Square's people got to be in control. I mean, I'm not going to argue about whether Squaresoft or Enix were good or bad, but Square didn't exactly make the best decisions (stuff like Spirits Within breaking the company and all). With the merger, Dragon Quest's popularity in Japan likely provides them a battery to keep on trucking with even after making a lot of dumb moves (like thinking the world wanted only games about Lightning for the entirety of the PS3 Final Fantasy games, barring FFX/X-2 HD).
Any chance some of them went to Tri-Crescendo, given the similarity of names?
I'm sure you knew this video was coming.
Judging from their Wikipedia entry, Tri-Crescendo was actually more like a spinoff or subordinate company that worked together with Tri-Ace.
I got it because I figured it couldn't be as bad as people said. Most of the complaints were about how goofy the story and characters were and I was like 'oh they're just normalfags, I like japanese sensibililities' but holy SHIT. The voice acting, script, character behavior, it's all so bad I'm trying really hard to muscle through but I might not succeed. I REALLY don't want to play this shit anymore.
Not in an RPG it's not faggot. Have some standards. Beyond that the combat camera is fucking horrible unless you set it to fixed, but if you do that all the cinematic flair of the kung-fu combat completely disappears and you're left with this uninteresting pile of bullshit you have to get through to get to the uninteresting bullshit story.
It's not, you just have shit taste. The other Star Oceans are underrated gems and the series is about as venerable as Wild Arms, but the game didn't have some immense pedigree it could never live up to. It was just shit. It is a very, very bad game. Legitimately the only JRPG I've played that's worse was some Inuyasha shovelware title for the PS1.
Runs like shit too. Constant framerate drops and the environments have so much motherfucking bloom (you really have to see this shit to believe it) that at some points I get physically ill trying to endure this shit. Dizzy.
kek fuck me only in japan is writing for an eroge a more choice gig than writing the script for an for a triple or at least double A JRPG.
Oh, I'm speaking to reddit, that certainly explains the autistic shitfit over a wholly mediocre game.
Oh and yes, Radiata Stories is without a doubt the most underrated JRPG ever made, that's why I had so much faith in the game going in.
That shit is halfway cute. That's a better scene than anything I've experienced in the game so far. I WISH this was the average quality of the game's writing. Imagine the searing indignity of being a voice actor and having to read this shit.
Just because your feelings got hurt doesn't mean I'm from le boogeyman site, apply pomade directly to your asshole you silly faggot.
Are you trying to say that SO2 is mediocre rather than amazing, or SOTLH is mediocre rather than shit? Because either way, fuck you.
I blame Enix, personally. Square made all kinds of great stuff, Enix only published games, Enix buys Square after they waste all their money on 3DPD models, Squeenix pumps out shit thereafter.
There's also a lot of FF games on steam but no DQ games, making me think Enix is whoring out Square's cash cows with reckless abandon.
Someone post it
the nappy time one
go on
It always comes up in SO4 threads
you know you wanna
post the nappy time
It's not underrated when everyone screaming how underrated it is. Played it and it was a borefest just like any other game made by Atlus. Atlus is censer to JRPGs. Toki no Towa had some good ideas and the battle system was fun but the enemies needed better AI and more skills. It could be one of the best JRPGs with some changes but the money would be a problem.
fuck it i'm posting it
Nothing wrong with it other than shitty EN voice. Most of you westerners get butthurt over any young character when it's announced even before you ee it in game like children doesn't exist and shouldn't be in games. You can keep playing your gay sims if ypu don't like it.
Except the writing is shit and the interactions between characters are awkward and unnatural. This shit is fucking hilariously bad, the loli being present isn't the problem, the problem is the entire scene is supreme shite.
Post more Meracle
Tri-Ace's writing isn't good, but it's nowhere near that fucking bad. This is a pretty clear cut case of terrible English voice acting making a scene seem infinitely more retarded than the JP original. A ton of the shitty writing westerners like to point out in Japanese games often has absolutely nothing to do with the actual writing and everything to do with the localization team that butchered it. You'd think Fates would have been the sledgehammer to the face that knocked some sense into people, but I guess not.
pretty sure it was just posted because of how bad the localization was… also, I like loli as much as I like thick milfs, but I got to say, I think the models for all the characters look bad and the loli looks uncanny valley for some reason.
jesus fuck, glad I never touched this fucking thing.
ITT: buttblasted "MUH GAMEPLAY" fags BTFO.
Even the best gameplay in the history of videogames wouldn't save this turd.
What makes it so bad?
She's cute. Only thing bad is the shitty English dubbing, which you can change with the international version.
Eroges are serious business user
The new one is just as bad. Don't buy it when it comes out.
Unfortunately there will be people here who actually liked the game you posted OP. I don't know how or why, but they will. Probably because they are sexually attracted to a character or two.
Radiata Stories wasn't Atlus. What game are you thinking of?
Satan has spoken, the dub and localization has too much unintentional comedy.
Stop being so defensive you fucking weeb. This has nothing to do with MUH PEDO PANIC, it's got everything to do with shit writing. If you set the language to japanese it doesn't save the game, believe me I've tried, you're still going to get the horrible writing and dumb fucking scenes and cringeworthy physical comedy, just with WAKA WAKA? KAWAII DESU NE screechy japanese voices instead.
And Welch is fucking horrible with the japanese track, don't even pretend she isn't.
I don't own a PS4.
Lymle looks like a doll from an old-time horror movie, mostly it's the dress I think. I will say that Reimi, your love interest which the game railroads you into her ending, is interesting because she's the first character I've seen in a JRPG where I think legitimate effort was made to make her look Japanese. Her eye shape seems to be a halfway point between normal round westerner eyes and asian almond eyes.
You have shit taste, kill yourself.
He probably got it confused with Radiant Historia, which is a very common mistake.
One of the only games that I could not even force myself to finish. Got to right after that silly faggot Edge got the alternate earth blown up and couldn't take it anymore.
did anyone else like resonance of fate?
Oh shit, I just remembered that game. I thought that one had something to do with Radiata too. I was going to get it at some point because of that, is it any good?
I'd yell at you for spoilers but honestly I couldn't give a shit about anything that happens in this shitpile. The only thing I'm enjoying is the bestiary. I really love it when games have bestiaries with in-world enemy descriptions instead of just a stat list and a drop list. I'm basically soldiering on for fucking bestiary entries at this point.
I got the impression you didn't care about the shitheap story anymore. It only gets worse. Radiata Historia is legit good. You should play that instead.
Radiant Historia is like if someone actually made Chrono Break
damn solid story with both time and dimension travel, and a combat system that's all about position control to maximize damage (knock two enemies into the same space and any attacks against either will affect both)
it gets my recommendation
My computer got fried and I'm not replacing it until the new 16nm graphics cards come out, so I've got my consoles hooked up and and am playing through the backlog I accumulated. I'm looking at a fairly long wait so I can't really afford to blank on any game in my backlog. I don't know. We'll see how far I can get. If worse comes to worst I'll just skip through all the movies and text even though I've never done that in any game and thought less of people who did.
Sounds fun. I wonder if the toaster I'm using right now can handle DS emulation. I'm leery of it because I already killed one laptop trying to get it to do more than it was capable of.
Not the uncanny valley, the stupidity("why am I hiding"), the awkwardness, the "people die when they are killed", and the cringe awkward instead of funny awkwardness of the whole damn scene?
I made it a little bit past that to angel teammate, but that was my breaking point. Especially with how everyone tried to comfort him by saying "At least it wasn't OUR Earth!" Like that made it OKAY!? There was something else that pissed me the fuck off around that time, but I must've blocked it out. I remember getting raging pissed twice, and alternate Earth was one of those times.
Just a heads up, but because of how the time travel system works, some side quests are really fucking obnoxious to do, so it might be worth trying to find a spoiler free guide or something for them.
Hahaha, Besides some snes and ps1 jrpgs all you ever need is Dragon Quest.
You are all manchild faggots, get fucked.
Everybody serious has already beaten those games a hundred times you retarded casual.
A friend of mine bought this when he got a 360 years ago before the PS3 ver. was a thing. Shit was hilarious but being "so bad it's good" is still bad. We have a weird fascination with playing shit games so it was the only thing keeping us going outside the breaks for PGR 3.
it's not as bad as ff9 though, the worst gook rpg japland ever shat out.
>but that publisher has never made a good game
Now admittedly Darius Burst is pretty fucking shit, but Taito still managed to put some excellent games out after Squeenix bought them out.
Fish somewhere else.
They're really not. At best, they're inconsistent. Valkyrie Profile for the PSX was pretty good (but later VP games weren't very good), as was Star Ocean 1 and Resonance of Fate, but most of their games were utter trash.
They couldn't even make a good handheld Phantasy Star game, despite having access to all the assets to work with from PSO2 and having a perfect example of how to do handheld PS games right with AlfaSystems entries on the PSP.
I love first and second SO, hated 3 because of that stupid plot twist that ruined the entire franchise until that game (yes, "that" game twist) and when I thought series couldn't get worse…4 came in. Only possible saving grace is its gameplay, and that's with a grain of salt; today, many Tales of games have a better gameplay than that and yes, you need to compare the two series. While they started differently, now both have a very similar gameplay.
I really wish I could give a proper review, but been years. However, there are some things about the story and characters I - sadly - couldn't forget, for how stupid or nonsensical it was. One of them was…Myuria. Let's elaborate on her for a bit, just to make a point.
At first, she looked like to be one -maybe the only? - good character. Good design, acts cool, show emotion, etc. She kinda falls on the mentor figure, since she's much older than the rest of cast, which is why she's always teasing Edge, calling him a boy, showing that she have experience under her belt about life, battle, and…WAIT WHAT!
She's FUCKING 22, while Edge is 20…AND TURNS 21 DURING GAME. So, why the fuck she's acting like such a hotshot, experienced woman that kick major ass during entire game? She's barely even older than Edge himself! And it's like game knows this is bullshit, since her age is never mentioned in game itself. While there's other problems with her, see how this fact, alone, ruins her entire character?
Each character have a similar problem, that kinda ruins them, for better or worse. IMO the only good playable characters are Reimi and Bacchus and by good, I mean boring characters, specially Reimi. While they aren't really bad they also aren't really good, but when you compare them with rest of cast, they’re not half bad…*sighs* though at least Bacchus is more interesting than Reimi. In fact, he's the best character overall, as far as playable characters go. Funny that the best characters, Crowe and Elenya, aren't playable. I remember the rumor that Crowe in fact was supposed to be the main protagonist in place of Edge, if that's true it's a real shame it never happened.