What's currently on your mind Holla Forums?
Tell me about the last game you played, what do you think about it?
What do you wish could come back?
Any hopes for E3?
What's currently on your mind Holla Forums?
Tell me about the last game you played, what do you think about it?
What do you wish could come back?
Any hopes for E3?
I wish everyone gets aids
Half-Life 3 is not getting announced and that John Lennon poster will never be heard from again.
The Last Guardian is probably getting delayed.
Another beloved and long-abandoned franchise is going to be brought out for crowdfunding begging.
Did Nintendo confirm they were or were not showing the NX this year?
Nintendo confirmed they're only showing Zelda off this E3. Completely fucking retarded move if you ask me.
Zelda was confirmed to be on Wii U and NX and they arent even using it to at least mention one or two features of the NX. It's bullshit.
This is not how you make an E3 thread.
Delete this thread and try again.
My sides
Seems like a good move actually.
What better way to generate even more hype.
News outlets won't get anything but their new game, which Nintendo wants everyone to focus on.
Seems like a good move actually.
What better way to generate even more hype.
News outlets won't get anything but their new game, which Nintendo wants everyone to focus on.
I think nothing of e3 since it hasn't happened yet. Fuck off shill.
Only that some more good memes come out of it. Because let's face it, that's about all E3 is good for these days, and a few major companies are basically avoiding E3 entirely this year.
Looking forward to Battlefield 1 killing itself by having to actually show gameplay, something that we all know DICE is incapable of getting right at this point.
Honestly this is the first time I'm actually not looking forward to any games at E3.
All I want to see is how bad things will be.
I hope someone bombs the place
So much filth in one place.
I'm extremels dissatisfied with all my games.
Call me a retard for playing/buying them but still… Attila was alright but has some infurating mechanics that never got fixed. TW: Warhammer will probably be just as bad.
XCOM2 simply crashed and burned. No idea how they could fuck up a simple system such as EU and EW.
Dark Souls 3 is barely alright and needs a ton of patching and balancing still, which I doubt From cares about.
Hence I only expect the absolute worst from E3. More shooters for babies,more casual shit,more pointless gimmicks. The best one can hope for these days is massive spilled spaghetti on stage so that even normalfags realize how fucked in the head the leaders of the industry are.
You know what must be done, user. Vidya is great, Vidya is merciful.
E3 is the week-long marketer cesspit where hope goes to die & the goyim go to buy.
Many people only watch it on TV to see awkward train wrecks as marketers attempt & fail to simulate human behavior.
Last game I played was Black Desert, it's an endless autistic grindfest just like every other Korean MMO ever. I wish my childlike love for games would come back so I could stop playing grinding simulators just to kill time. Only thing I really want at E3 is a Persona 5 release window for NA so I can know if I need to import or not.
Sony announcing first party games only their most rabid fans can enjoy
Microsoft showing more Gears 4 and to have Homefront 2, a sequel to the game that brought THQ to it's knees before the 360/PS3 iteration of their tablet killed them to take centre stage and to be so poorly recieved that they are booed offstage during their own event.
Nintendo booth to be completely vacant after the first day and for Zelda UNiX to be recieved poorly
Yooka Laylee to be showcased by a third party probably Sony and for it to be a dissapointment to Banjo Kazooie fans
Anons everywhere wondering why they even tuned in for E3 2016, a year no-one expected to be as dissapointing as E3 2015, probably the worst E3 on record.
Lasagnas. And coffee. And how shit will this E3 be. Probably a fun ride, then.
Bravely Second Uncensored. The game is fun to play and challenging in Hard mode, for all it's worth. Plus Magnolia is sexy as hell, and the final boss is a fourth wall breaking reversed Millenium Puzzle with hands - What's to hate from that ?
I'd love a Shining Soul III, as unprobable as it may be.
Not a single shred.
And now for something completely different:
Call, "hi-movie".
Introducing our newest IPs: Iron Screw Plasma, and Quiet Valley!
P3ggle timed exclusive, console exclusive, also on PC!
Talladega Nights; Ace Combat 7! Now free to play 2: The Race War; Gas the Knife Ears, "give cinematic experience in my nigger dick."
And the PS4.5 will be our last console ever, because now we are focusing exclusively on the exciting new mobile and tablet platforms, like Nintendo Smartboy! Featuring nanotransactions, season pass "for your anus."
There are so many possibilities with a spinoff having that name.
I remember that thread. vocaroo.com
Don't forget the free sensual staycation with every NX console purchased.
I had lost the mp3 file and was looking for it before giving up and just posting the text.
Thank you based user
Mortar Kombat
A first person stealth shooter featuring all of the defenders of Earthrealm being lead by Major Jackson "Jax" Briggs into a guerrilla insurgency of Outworld because "All that ching chong shit you monks have been up to ain't getting it done!"
To be fair to that MSPaint strawman, we'd all be better off if the axis powers had won WW2 simply because nationalism & racial preservation would not be relegated to Israel & non-white nations only. Whites will likely be practically extinct by the next century & considering all they've contributed to the world that's a very sad loss.
I wonder if we'll get an announcement for this;
I don't hold out hope, though.
warfare tech
tech designed to enslave the people
death of nature
yeah, no. let's just end this civilization
Jamal pls
Mad that ebin nihilism thread got bump locked?
I just wish they would announce the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 already.
niggs aren't better in any way. they're bombing eachother's faces like it ain't no thing, and while a suicide bomber can be someone's idea of a party i prefer mine without limbs thrown around
didn't even see it. wouldn't really matter though, and i'm sure you faggots found a way to turn it into a battlefield of socialism vs bad hair do or whatever is the flavor of the day
Kill yourself.
People have been saying this since I've first started following E3 10 years ago.
I hope For Honor isn't completely infected by ubisoft's bullshit
They've said it's more of a "core title" than their other games, but that doesn't really inspire confidence
Oh Boy, cant wait
That leaves a pretty large gap, since chivalry's pretty great
"Worse than Chivalry" could still mean "better than most other shit"
Also, it doesn't include any assfaggots elements other than the NPC battles, but I don't think there's really anything to that system other than "they fight in the middle and you can kill them", the focus seems to be almost entirely on the PvP
Gas yourself.
If you love the things Hitler did so much you should follow his footsteps and copy his greatest action: killing himself.
I bet your mom tells you often you're special.
But I shouldn't be suprised by doublethink from the likes of you.
Maybe there wouldn't be a birthrate problem if there were less grubby neckbeards like you who spend all their time on imageboards and dream of Ebin Stached Nazi Man's rise from the grave.
See the marxist reveal his true genocidal colors when confronted with truth.
Don't give a fuck about E3, e3 is for AAA trash and for watching how badly nintendo can keep disappointing everyone. All the good games get announced at the Tokyo Game Show.
Dont play with my heart
Its probably not even going to be good even thought current SnK is trying their best.
You're implying people like you contribute to society when you don't even go outside.
Reread your own posts my man.
Only difference is I'm not the one who started a retarded shit flinging contest with a dumb opinnion and then run back on my word.
Threadly reminder of the Holla Forums raid, made in order to "purge Holla Forums of his cancer-enabling faggots" (read "purge Holla Forums of his not cuckchanners/goons/redditors/SJW") with the collaboration of Holla Forums.
ID 75e7e5 is a good example of it.
I have. Maybe you should read things without injecting lies and meme into them.
You mean this?
I do agree, that ID started a shitflinging content just because of a dumb strawman image that had nothing to do with the issue at hand.
I'm really not worried, the worst that could happen is that they give it Metal Slug Advance's Health Bar as an option. They still have 90 percent of Metal Slug XX's staff working for them and they could still do sprite work for it because MS sprites aren't as expensive as KoF's/the had a lot of new sprites done up for Metal Slug Defense.
Even if they switch to 3D like they did for KoF, if it's as half as good as Metal Slug XX was I'll be happy.
Any interest I had in E3 died when Nintendo said they weren't saying shit about what they're doing next. Their current consoles are on life-support and the only big thing they've got up their sleeve is a multi-platform Zelda title that is the nail in the coffin of the Wii U.
Aren't you a dense one.
I meant you're projecting pretty much in your posts too.
But hypocrisy isn't a suprising after double think.
I mean this. The one from Holla Forums trying to do so on Holla Forums failed hard while trying to shift the blame on both /a/ and Holla Forums, and that's why it came to light.
Just played more Burnout: Revenge. It's more fun if you disable takedown cameras, so you don't get a cinematic experience every time you crash somebody's car.
For E3 I just want companies to cut the bullshit and go back to being good. Get Nintendo to stop censoring their games, and do more unexpected hits like Splatoon. Get Sony to remember the Vita, and to bring more couch coop games. Get Microsoft to stop putting Windows 10 everywhere like a fucking STD. Get Valve to remember they were game devs once, and come up with something neat like Portal.
Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world, so I'm just excited for the occasional indie dev spilling his spaghetti.
Fuck man, I really hope so.
Metal Slug was the shit at arcades where I lived.
People would just join in without asking and start shooting the shit just to get to the next boss.
Have played it countless times since even with normalfag friends who enjoy it immensely, the sprites, animation and gameplay are just too good.
It will never happen. NoA want the Wii audience back at the cost of everything else, and NoE is sheepily following them
They could let the latest slew of AAA games run on it, silly user
How will they force people towards their main revenue (the pay they have to let people play online with the games they already bought) if they do that ?
W10 is their datamining entry. It's better to shoehorn it everywhere as "the new level of technology for gaming" than to "add programs that will grab your personal information for better gaming experience".
Steam gives them too much cash