Batman: Arkham City

Why does everyone think this is the best one in the series?

The plot is a nonsensical clusterfuck of contrived coincidences and wasted potential, it's supposed to be this huge open environment yet you can only enter 3 or 4 buildings, they removed the ability to throw thugs for some reason, and even the soundtrack sucks fat donkey dick compared to the first one.

And don't even get me started on the side missions, especially Mad Hatter. At least Arkham Origins showed how a proper Mad Hatter encounter could be done, but then Cocksteady fucked it up again in Arkham Knight. And Deadshot was a fucking disgrace.

So riddle me this, Holla Forums - why is it still considered the best one?

I don't know anyone who says City is the best in the series, everyone I've ever talked to about it or heard talk about has said they thought Asylum was the best.

The last one was the best one, imo OP

Nice opinions

Asylum was the best one everything else is shit.

The butt made it the best.

the main difference for me is the difficulty. In Asylum, you could toggle the colorfull attack indicators of enemies off at the beggining. But not in City. In City you have to finish the game at least once in order to toggle the difficulty, which is fucking retarded.

The whole combat system is based on the attack types of enemies. If you have the hint system running, everything is colorfully highlighted and you just have to watch out for the color of the hint on top of the enemy. If you turn the no-fun help system off, you get 373748111138% better combat as you actually have to watch the enemies and their movements.

This just proves that AAA devs dont know jack shit about what makes a good gameplay mechanics, because they would otherwise know that that shit is so fucking important and makes such a huge difference and wouldnt change it.

Also the fps drops of some levels in City, from steady 60fps to 15 and less just cuz the fucks were too lazy to optimize shit.

DLC Butt.

This. They didn't improve on anything from Asylum. The puzzles were just many, they weren't even complicated. The city was big and useless.

Asylum felt like a Zelda game with almost cinematic pacing, while City went with this faux open world vibe with their literally jail ghetto walled off from normal town cause what could possibly go wrong with that.

And then the story being not very good on top of that, made me like pic related, yo!

I haven't played Arkham Knight mainly cause I heard pc version is butt, but I skipped out on year one and knight because city was a massive disappointment. I could probably pick up dirt cheap used ps3 versions though. Is there absolutely any redeeming qualities to either or are they as much or more of a shit show than Arkham City was?

Arkham Knight has a similarly shit story, and faux-open world shit, but you have the Batmobile now. Which you WILL use, whether you want to or not.

Oh, and there's basically no boss battles, unlike City which at least had those. Fuck, they even have Dr. Phosphorus in the game, and he's killed off.

Origins was basically City, but with a slightly better plot and missions, and somewhat harder bosses. Plus, I liked Roger Craig Smith as Batman far more than Kevin Conroy.

You question this in a world where Joker hasn't been sentenced to execution?

I liked that version done by… I think it was the Ghost in the Shell creator? It was just a figurine but it was very interesting.

I don't even bother talking to people about this game anymore. Since theres always the "mash X to WIN" guys.

And then the "Asylum was betta!" guys.
Sure it was if you are one of those "I PLAY GAMES FOR THE STORY" retards.

Mechanically, city was just better.

Good point. Does Batman in the comics have some tacit agreement with the police not to execute the criminals he brings in so he doesn't indirectly kill them?

Why would Croc be killed for instance?

Except for the bugs Origins was better in every way. I can't believe I let the retards on Holla Forums talk me out of even playing it, I pirated it last year and the story was a million times better than City. t was extremely gratifying to have non-criminals and bystanders be extremely frightened of the psycho in the bat costume, the cloying little high fives from every civilian in Asylum and City eventually made me sick.

If you are going to get in to the "whys" of Batman, then you are going to have a long list.

Why does Batman use a car when its completely impractical when he has the far superior and thematically appropriate, stealthy, non-destruction of public property Batwing?

Does Batman not kill? Or does he just not use guns? Technically he could have killed people through head trauma, falls, chokes, or even spearing someone with his grappling hook.

The government hasn't seen anything odd about a Mayor and Chief of Police passively working with a vigilante.

Why does Batman allow a child to join him in beating up criminals on the street at night?

what civilians.

City had polish on the controls but the open world mucked up level design compared to Asylum.
Haven't played Origins or Knight yet.

The best game in the series is actually Origins

I couldn't play origins. I felt like I was fighting bugs more than the enemies.

Pro Tip: In the boss fight with Deathstroke, knock him down and then attempt to a downed finisher on him.

Watch Deathstroke teleport to his feet. Guess they didn't think people might try that.

There were bosses all the way through the series. So far as I could tell, at least Origins tried to make them different than: Batarang stun, pummel, repeat ad nauseum. It also carried over the mechanics of City, which were slightly better than Asylum. I only ran into one bug trying to get a Riddler trophy throughout my entire playthrough of Origins. Biggest disappointment was Black Mask not being the fucking main villain! Even Knight fell into the 'Joker is the ultimate' villain bullshit.

You know, the people you save. In Asylum it's the hospital staff, I forget who it is in City. At least Vicky Vale clearly wanted the bat D in that.

Mustards BTFO yet again

but we already had these games, why would we want them again?

Is this aremake of Arkham city?
Have they got no shame?


what is a straw man argument?


Asylum is still my favourite. I've always prefered Metroidesque level design to open world.

This this this, a million times.

They're all shit, how about that?

the series and comic books are utter lower-class trash


What's wrong with that food
Is that a tiny bite mark?

Great post. We're all impressed.