Why aren't you playing vidya where you can slaughter humans Holla Forums? Surely you understand that our species is a blight upon nature
Realize that all of humanity is evil
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Since when are JRPG villains allowed to post on Holla Forums?
Well aren't you just Mr. Edgy
How about you just kill yourself and be done with it.
Not Tim Portland, pls
Grow up and become an adult, or hell even reach high school, and you'll see what we're discussing champ. In the mean time go do something productive. I hear 12 year olds who study calculus early will end up being ahead of everyone
Busy summoning the meteor
atta boy
Op is a faggot heretic.
I don't have a reaction image to show how fucking edgy that post is.
You are truly cancer.
There's no revenge simulators it's always just killing randos for no reason
Hi Mr Goldman
What a pathetic creature you are that you cannot see the good and light that shines in the world. I pity you. You fail to live up to any greater ideal, good or evil, because it is easier to accept and embrace failure than it is to try harder and push back.
Were the world filled with people like you, we would be overrun with corruption, blind-sided by the powers at large into believing what they told us and shamed into suppressing our self-expression so that others may have that freedom in our stead.
what game?
See squirt
Paladins are rare as fuckfor a reason. Something also gives me a hunch you play Ragnarok Online. Wanna talk about it?
If everyone shared my delusion, it would be.
Good to know that groundless cynicism is still viewed as a mark of maturity. You sound like a 16-year old trying to sound like a grown-up.
*teleports behind u*
*unsheaths katana*
Shut up you emo faggot.
rofl it's an edgy teenager.
it never fails, when a kid on the internet refers to an age group to talk down at "dumb kids" they go lower than their own age. edgy teens will say something between 13 and 10.
adults will call out something between 15 and 18 because that's when the prefrontal cortex hasn't caught up with physical development, making kids impulsive and retarded.
I tried it and got bored. now I mostly play FFXIV as a paladin. They are everything I have ever wanted in a paladin, stalwart protectors of Ul'dah and even when cast out by their peers they continue to help and defend innocents.
truly they lead by example.
I did not asked for my existence. But this way I might enjoy it until I die, at least.
To call someone else argument groundless, you sure don't have a lot of arguments yourself.
Too coward to.
*flies behind u in fast speed and then cuts your back and sends you flying on the air with giant sword
Fuck off with your pseudo-psychology, Satan.
I'm 21 and I call everyone younger than me a 12 year old in efforts to discredit them as much as possible, irregardless of their response.
I'm not into piss personally but if both men and women are so bad why care about what happens to them? :^)
no bad animals, only bad masters. Also no shit they're not as smart as adults they're not fully developed yet.
no shit
imply implications all you like, but you're just projecting.
I am though I like games where you can kill aliens trying to destroy humanity more.
A blight? No such thing. Just a force of change. Are photosynthesizers a blight on the planet? After all free oxygen is on of the most powerful carcinogens on the earth and caused a massive extinction of all life on the planet that could not cope with oxygen and oxygen radicals. Yet now without them (nearly) all life would once again perish.
Was that ironic?
Well I hope you can work up the courage to finally do it! Good luck user!
>Why aren't you playing vidya where you can slaughter humans Holla Forums? Surely you understand that our species is a blight upon nature
Go home Viridi.
Then you realize we are already doomed.
I always like the human factions
even if people try to make the vad guys
Like how in cartoons Nature>Technology and how my pagan goddess is more peaceful than yours
Nah, I'm fine being worthless in my room and pirating vidya until I feel sick of video games.
Unless something change, I won't do it.
Of course not. People just have to be the change they want to see. It has to start somewhere. These problems started somewhere, and not from apathy.
hope is a mans greatest virtue in tough times.
Wew ladder
that's stupid. 12 year olds aren't mentally developed enough to not be stupid. teens on the other hand should know better, dealing with their dumb shit is a developmental hump that they need to cross.
Even if our civilizations die out, humans will live on. It's happened in the past it will happen again. We won't be gotten rid of that easily.
Those problems always existed and they will never cease to. You can control them, but as long as humans exist, corruption will be a thing within us, we are not perfect, in fact, we struggle to be somewhat good.
One can only hope.
I really wish hippies convince everyone to spend resources on fixing earth so we run out of time and resources to leave it and die on it.
Because human lives are a drop in the ocean. If you're going to go down this route, kill yourself and punch God in the mouth using your sheer conviction to prioritize your power of fiat over his own on that lazing throne of false, physical light, then obliterate everything, rout out all corruption at once, and subsequently destroy yourself to stave off any temptation to create another world of dichotomous suffering or saccharine pure good while leaving behind a monodimensional placeholder reality to prevent any god-from-the-gap from recreating the multiverse in the false but theoretically plausible Abrahamic Genesis fashion. It'd be a great deal more efficient that way, but instead you aspire to be Not Important, you dimestore edgelord.
These problems can be overcome by working hard.. It's not something someone born in this day and age would understand.
I get the feeling we aren't the end-game apex species on the planet yet. We're pretty good and we've clearly taken over the entire planet so we're already better than everything else but there's still room for improvement. Eventually humanity will die out but it will be because we were replaced be something else more suited to life on earth.
I can only hope the species we evolve into, or that replaces us, is not some primitive savage that eradicates civilization in its wake.
Because I don't believe all humans deserve the damage set by only a small portion of the population what happen to be loud dickheads.
Plus, I am human.
And I also like all that "HFY" type stuff what says "fuck you ayys humanity's done some sweet ass shit and we don't tend to give up".
Because humanity just needs to realize what's wrong and abandon the memes of hatred and rage, and instead take peace and admiration, for a better future for this planet and our children
also calm down you edge lord
Scum love to pretend they're better than humans, they can't own up to their own mortality so they want to see everyone die.
Why haven't you killed yourself lately?
Why be disgusted user? Indulge in the chaos within man.
You are a sad human being. For realizing the bad nature of humans you wish death upon them all, yet will do nothing to stop their actions. While some may see edgy as Donte, I see it as wanting to kill or do actions deemed by society as wrong, but don't want to deal with the consequences. I could tell you go kill people and never worry about getting arrested for inciting violence because you would never do it. I would say prove me wrong, but that would be pointless wouldn't it.
Yet this species grew so that you one day could have those thoughts, building upon the teaching of their ancestors. If anything, you and I are brights upon nature, since we wish not to pass on our genetics or leave behind something that would benefit the human race.
I still have a lot of growing to do, and I acknowledge humanity's faults. I know though if I want change the only one truly stopping it is me. You should realize that soon, unless you wish to go down the route of senior autisimo.
You can change anything if you put your heart to it.
People are wonderful that way.
Don't give me that "one man can't make a difference" crap either. One man's made a huge difference countless times. Pick up a history book.
You can do whatever you want to, assuming you have the will. Most folk don't have the will, though. Still, can't blame nobody but yourself when you fail.
Not true. Humans are simply the only species able to perceive evil. Other animals act simply on instinct, but humans can go against that to become something different. While humans are certainly capable of evil, indeed more-so than any other animal, it is not what defines them.
Some probably are. I've known ones who weren't. I've known ones who abstained from sex outside of marriage, typically for religious reasons. I've also known one who were too honest for their own good.
Now what on Earth would give you that idea? Again, it's the individual man that dictates these things. While one can easily say "all men have penises", it's much harder to claim that all men enjoy pissing on women - hell, the white knights are proof enough that you can go too far the other direction as well - while the idea of torturing others is certainly far removed from the thoughts of the average person.
Children can be a lot of things. It all depends on how they're raised, and who is raising them. And their negative traits will fade in time, if raised properly. That's just a part of growing up.
Maybe. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
Pretty much. Hell, I'd be the first to admit I ain't the best guy. But the point is to try.
I guess if you love stagnation and dying out while acting like selfrighteous pricks the whole time.
I want to be a cute little fairy and use my magic to help people.
It's like saying you'll be healthy all your life because you got rid of the flu.
What I meant with good was morally good, which by itself is ambiguous. As a specie we're damn fine, but not perfect at all.
If an specie replace us, expect to it to be twice as smart but thrice as aggressive or dumb, like cockroaches.
You have proof of that? I mean, I don't believe individuals are purposely evil, but are you not familiar with "You happiness is achieved over someone else misery"?
Humans are admirable in a way, but we are way more despicable.
That's bullshit, there were countless of people behind historic icons, they're just icons, like symbols, but the things they "done" could have been achieved with someone else anyway.
Evilness is a human concept, and only human. I wonder if ayyys would have the same or similar concept.
Trying is useless, user. Is like a consolation price.
You are the worst kind of idiot, chump. First of all, you clearly base you impression of humanity as a whole on what you see on the internet since you're too much of an autist to actually go out and meet people, otherwise you'd know how full of shit your claims are.
Second, "good person". You are either a braindead retard who uses the society's definition of a "good person", or you realised that both 'good' and 'evil' are entirely subjective definitions, but included it in your argument anyway despite it having zero actual meaning, as what constitutes a "good person" is anybody's guess.
Third, "nature". The personification of nature is one of the dumbest aspects of today's ecoactivism, and doesn't make any sense – do you think a fucking wolf feels a connection to a dandelion? Or that a rabbit is somehow mentally connected to a bear? There is no "nature" entity and all the plants and all the animals are just as solo as humans. In 'blight upon nature' we are equal to animals, as there is no fucking nature to speak of - "nature" is just the name of a cathegory, not an actual entity!
But hey, let's look at it from a different point of view. Let's pretend for a second that there IS actually nature as an entity. If you were 'Nature' and just got halfway wiped out by a bigass asteroid, what would you do? That's right, you'd try to prevent it. You have evolution at your disposal but uh-oh – no matter how big your animals are, they just can't prevent a big chunk of rock from causing an apocalypse. So what do you do now? Instead of making them bigger, you try making them smarter - maybe they'll be able to stop the rock next time it comes around with explosives and what not. Or maybe they'll spread you onto other planets, making you big enough not to care about losing one planet. Look at it hoever you wish, humanity is nature's greatest investment to date and its only hope of surviving (not getting off the planet means death when another apocaliptic event comes around, or when the Sun goes supernova). Oh, but humans harm some animals and some plants? Pollute? Boo fucking hoo - when the asteroid hit, everything died, yet life still rebuilt. It's a small price to pay for spreading to other fucking planets.
Do you?
Most all humans I've met, they had their issues, but they weren't as horrible as you describe.
Most women I met, for one thing, aren't sluts, for sure, and as far as "conniving" goes, can't say I've run into that outside of competitions where it probably helps to be.
Never met a man who "enjoys pissing on women", either. In fact, the vast majority seem to have a pretty big "chivalry" type deal where doing much of anything negative to a chick is seen as "wrong". Pretty sure that's true for most the area. Maybe you'd get differently from some city slickers, but that's because cities are horrible places of which should be tossed into the sun.
Can't say I've seen "torture of other men" either. Fighting, sure, but that is quite different. I don't much rightly see the issue with that, personally.
Most kids I've dealt with are stupid, yes, annoying, aye, but for the most part they behave if the parent isn't shit, which they usually aren't. At least, not that shit.
I can't say you are a good person, given that you sound like a total asshat on account of wanting to murder all of humanity for rather stupid reasons, but most folk, at least, try. I'd say the same of myself. I probably wouldn't say I am a "good" person, so much, but then again I have never done anything I am really ashamed of outside of some horrible degeneracy fandom stuff. I can say without hesitation I am not a bad person.
I think humans are far more admirable than they are "despicable". Typically, I've found, those who like to paint humanity as such either live in horrible areas and don't have the sense to leave for one of the countless other places where people aren't shit, or, like another user suggested, are projecting something terrible.
Yes, there are people behind them. But that don't mean you can't get people behind you.
One person got those people behind them. They started something, they did it, and people gathered behind them to help.
Mate, that is just plain 100% fucking retarded.
If someone else can do it, why haven't they?
If someone else can, why shouldn't you?
I'm not so convinced. Trying gets a lot out of life, typically if you really try you will get progress.
Besides, at least it isn't as useless as you are. Doing nothing, or worse, doing nothing and resenting those who do something, is far more useless.
don't treat humanity as a single entity, that defeats the point of everything.
unconditional peace peddling is a method of globalist control, conflict has a somber purpose.
not your children, no it doesn't take a village :^)
Of course conflict has a purpose, but fighting for things like greed and such are only going to destroy the lives of everyone involved, it's better to fight for your ideals and to protect the people you love, i'm not saying we should all just give up and make kissy kissy, a part of the reason we've gotten this far is because humanity is stubborn
this reminds me of that user who wanted to be a little witch and have tea parties with other little witches and wear frilly skirts
then it seems he died
i hope hes living his dream somewhere
I should really pop in Destroy all humans 1+2 later this week.
The things you have listed down are a result of a civilization that has no structure to themselves, mixed with a twisted perception of someone who doesn't understand why he met such people or why these people acted the way they did towards himself. The lack of structure is the doing of broken families and misguided children. These things have a way of making narcissistic, lethargic and nihilistic people who become hellbent in spreading their filth anyway possible in discussions on various topics or to destroy a way of life such as families seeing it as pointless and unconsciously threatening. You are no better in fact you are the same narcissistic, lethargic and nihilistic person that adds to the growing problem overall, unconsciously threaten by the concept of a good person; you do away with the thought deluding yourself to justifying the wasted and horrible person you are.
Tell me more, user.
Feels bad. Would've been so much better.
As was, he was already awesome as all hell.
which is often part of greed, as with more stuff, you can follow your ideals easier and protect your loved ones better. Seriously, stop fucking viewing humanity as a single entity. We are individual beings and are under no biological or moral obligation to care about each other or work towards each other's benefit unless it benefits us in some way.
long ago in the early days of the first Exodus
when the one named Moot deemed the GroovyGrapes unworthy of halfchan
Some user simply started a thread asking for vidya where you could play as a little witch.
The thread went on for couple of days with a non pornographic image dump of little witches.
Op confesed he wanted to be a little witch and live in a fantasy world where he could hang out with other little witches, have tea parties, wear frilly skirts, and be cute and do magical stuff, nothing epic, just comfy
Then he said he heard noises outside, next day somebody linked a news site with an article about some dude getting shot near his house in OPs specified area/city
OP never returned, so we assume he died
I have a song somewhat on this lot.
Isn't it kind of selfish to make that assumption about humanity? Against who exactly are you making the comparison?
Are you really a good enough person to assume humanity is evil to its very core, and if you are, why would you assume you're perfect enough to judge mankind deserving of death?
Are you not a human?
I do, look at all genocides and wars. You'll tell me hundreds, even thousand of men are an small portion of human kind? Are you dumb?
Sure, they are soldiers, they do what a person tell them to, but they are humans, they can choose not to, right?
But ok, that's historical context, so I guess that even massive slaughter is suddenly not evil thanks to it, and it's true, those were other times, so let's see now.
We still have war, we still have hunger, people fighting over meaningful and meaningless. You want solid proof? See liberals, they are the perfect way to describe humanity, they preach love and equality when all they do is hate and segregate, and they are not aware of that, which leads me to my next point.
Most humanity isn't even aware of their evil ways, because evil is subjective.
I do hate humanity, but I wouldn't move a finger to destruct it, is meaningless considering it will happen sooner or later. I'd be happy with that, tho.
Yeah, it's like winning at the Paralympics, fag.
Like for example? US? Sweden? Canada? Come on, user.
No, they didn't it was probably a group of persons, and even if it was one person, I seriously doubt is the historical symbol itself. See Simon Bolivar, Che Guevara or any other revolutionist.
Because, historically, someone else already did it, that was obvious, user.
In present, there are people TRYING to do something, andif they fail, someone else will try. It's only logic, there are more fails per success.
Truly retarded and despicable. You're a naive and delusional person user. But go on, ignorance is a bliss.
I like your wicked sense of nihilism OP. We have a lot of things in common.
We still have war, we still have hunger, people fighting over meaningful and meaningless. You want solid proof? See conservatives, they are the perfect way to describe humanity, they preach "retaining the way of life" and "values" when all they do is hate and segregate, and they are not aware of that.
Yo, venezuela may be shit now, but it wasn't the cause of that historical figure, it's because of commies like Chavez that killed all industries and pandered towards the inbred populus for votes instead of fixing shit. Yes, they use the image of that person all the time, but it is just political propaganda, they wouldn't care less that Simon wasn't a socialist and held none of the values they so flaunt about. And before you ask, yes i am from Ven. Things have gone way worse than i imaginated, it's almost post-apocaliptical outside of the main cities.
War there's a fair bit of, but war ain't always wrong. Genocide, however, stays relatively rare. Where it comes up, people are horrified, and tend to put a lot of hate on those what do it.
Considering that the population of this planet takes upwards of a good several billion, yeah.
Sure they can. But, then, not all soldiers partake in genocide. Unless you were talking war, in which case, fuck off you hippie war ain't always wrong. Most the time it's more of a "neutral" thing. Unnecessary, yes, pretty often, but ultimately not an evil thing, the vast majority of the time.
War over meaningless stuff ain't necessarily evil.
Hunger sure as hell isn't, as that's a fucking status.
Holy fuck, I have seen retards in my day, but you top the chart.
Libs ain't everyone, they ain't even a majority, and as for the diehard fanatical ones of whom you seem to be describing, even among them they're a minority.
If you say that, then you might as well not bother saying they're evil at all, as after all, evil is subjective, which means you are no more right than Bill Dickhead who says skinning alive people is not a bad thing.
Pardon, I thought you were OP.
Still, nonetheless, you are far more useless, given that, again, you ain't doing shit.
Well, I was thinking more "not in the shit end of the city", but frankly, given that you've thus far been describing the third world African shitholes, sure.
Sweden is shit, though. So is Canada, really.
I am guessing english isn't your first language.
I'll try to piece this together, so bear with me. The first line was already heard enough to understand, to be fair.
From what I gather, you claim it wasn't one person at first, which is obviously not going to always be true at all. More to the point, you discount times when there was a group at first, but a guy stepped up, took the helm, and pointed them toward a new direction.
But I am not sure, since you immediately contradict yourself by saying "even if it was, I seriously doubt is the historical symbol itself".
Which isn't really english, so I have no idea what the point was, so I can't really respond to it.
Are you an idiot, or are you just being willfully obtuse?
We're talking about historical figures, you retard.
Nobody did a thing some guy did until he fucking did it.
How thick are you?
Sure. Loads of people fail. That ain't no reason to try, you dumb nigger.
Your stupid, vague condemnation of humanity disgusts me, but this is still a fun thread, you prancing homo fairy boy
call man down, he probably triggered withey, he doesn't now
let it go man, let it go
See, I may hate liberals, but conservatives aren't out of the hook, they're both humans, after all.
I hope this doesn't trigger Holla Forums autism
That wasn't my point. My point is that there are plenty more of historical figures way more important and thousand of people more important than Bolivar that we don't even know by name, and yet Bolivar is the mightiest hero on history pages.
I'm from Ven too, fag, I don't really hate Bolivar, I just like Miranda more
The point is not if war is wrong or right, you can totally justify war, but that doesn't mean war is morally good. Killing by itself is morally bad, because the bibles isn't spot on on it.
Only in the last century. Before that thousand of men killing each other was a huge portion of humanity.
That's the only purpose for soldiers to exist, fact. There are different armed forced that keep piece within humans, and as for now, those aren't soldiers.
I'm not really taking on soldiers or war, I'm not a hippie, as I said before that's understandable and necessary, but it's morally bad, that's why war is frowned upon regardless.
Give reasons.
Where you learned to read, retard? I didn't say liberals are everyone, I said they represent and describe humanity for the reasons I gave.
My god, you read with your ass?
They're not. We are animals, and animals aren't evil either.But considering evilness is a human concept and we are humans, I can say we are evil.
My problem with "evil" and "morality" is that is pretty ambiguous. What makes something "good" or "evil"? What the bible say? Then it's a matter of perspective. My point however is that we as an specie are evil under any definition of evil except for logic.
Have you done anything useful lately user? Like really useful as getting rid of corruption in human behavior? I'm guessing not, because you're trying, then you're probably as useless as me. Why is being useless a problem, tho?
Consider that African shitholes and shitholes in general are a huge portion of humanity.
So I'm guessing US is the best of all? You're truly delusional, user.
But that's no contradiction, user. History can be manipulated for a lot of reasons. So let's say this guy is an important figure in history even when hundreds of other people had the same importance as him. He was just a random guy picked to be a hero of history, and most of the time is because there's more pieces of fact about him than the thousand people around him.
My point mostly is that only because you're an important historical figure doesn't mean you was important at all.
And yes, English isn't my first language.
But plenty tried before him, which shows you how stupid trying is. It's not about trying, is about fucking do it, if you don't it's not because you didn't try, is because there are reasons you can't accomplish something, facts, if you can lift something heavy is not because you did not try, is because you're fucking weak. In history, people who accomplished something actually had a chance, and even if they couldn't do it, someone else would have done it, provided they had a chance.Maybe saying anyone can do it is off, but certainly, anyone with a chance can.
"At least you tried" is what you said to your defeated kid.
You realize that's a dumb way of thinking and even monkeys are capable of more, right?
Hating your very species is the final form of a cuck.
I honestly wish I could burn your heretical ass alive.
There are good and bad people to all demographics.
Tip top kek user. Youve somehow managed to sum up this whole thread in one sentence: He's been cucked by life
Life is what you make of it.
That doesn't mean enjoying peoples' company is about projecting good vibes and being optimistic, It just means not surrounding yourself with highschool dropouts.
I bet you are not in STEM
You guys are gay
heh,,,,,I agree,,,,,kid
*tips fedora*
Daily reminder that overcoming nihilism is a test of good character.
Honestly i'm starting to think that we need to start beating teenagers for being faggots again.
Not to mention that edgy teenagers being faggots being such insufferable faggots has made being ""edgy" a meme.
Us being edgy was what kept the normalfags away in the past. But our kind of edgy that was focused on posting the most revolting content to drive away the weak was lumpted in with teenage faggotry.
You really don't get Nietzsche
I'm not a nihilist, I just hate people.
Daily reminder that overcoming faggotry is a test of good character.
ITT: Edgy teenagers try to prove they are the least edgy and therefore the most mature and wise
I agree with OP. But I try to become the change I wish to see. I'd like to be a paladin of sorts, but I know I can't really achieve that. The best I could hope for is a sort of holy man that is outside civilization.
Did any of you Holla Forumsirgins have a hard life? Did it make you hate humans? I want to believe that I was made like this, not born.
I sit in here and play vidya because I can't cope with the outside world anymore. I somehow feel like there's a lot more like me here
>not preparing a portal to Equestria
Have fun fighting for a hopeless cause.
Good. Kill all trannies.
just fucking kill yourself already
I agree with you but what does this have to do with video games?
I really think i may be the greatest Ryu player in the country.
Oops wrong thread.
I still think you are
Part 2>Part 4
Young Joseph best Joestar
We all know Tau are cucks, user, just like modern humans.
In fact, 40k humans used to be like Tau. Unless you fags somehow produce an actual omniscience human being to unify the whole specie under the crisis that existence is, go fuck yourselves. Also, no unreasonable ayys, no Imperium.
wew. What about overcoming baby's first philosopher?
My nigger.
Isn't that fucking Plato?
In fact, 40k humans used to be like Tau. Unless you fags somehow produce an actual omniscience human being to unify the whole specie under the crisis that existence is, go fuck yourselves. Also, no unreasonable ayys, no Imperium.
Imperium is honestly a true representation of humanity because it represents human struggle which is the only thing that gives true meaning to life.
Not for people that think humans worth shit, no. Go and read Descartes, that's one hell of a philosopher although on the same league as Nietzsche in baby's first.
Those fucking marie sues? Maybe Imperial Guard, but the Imperium have done things that aren't only despicable to others and themselves, but they hardly struggle, if 40k was a little more realistic humans would be extinct the moment the Emperor was defeated.
Daily reminder that your mother is a whore
Joseph is alright but Jonathan is the purest definition of a good person there is.
Are you dismissing 99% of the Imperial armed forces?
play this than this
also wut gaem?
I tend to generalize most of regular humans as Imperial Guard. But consider that 40k spins around Astartes, and don't try to deny it, faggot.
Yeah but in the real world the Marines and Army matter more than Seal Team 6.
In the real world we fight each other rather than ayys. What's your point?
My point is that the imperium hardly represents humanity because 90% of it's focus is Space Marines unless you consider fan fiction canon. While Tau represent more humanity since they're technology dependent faggots and their social structure.
I've skimmed the thread, I'm not gonna read the whole fucking thing. It's pretty damn amazing that a majority of people here can see the positive aspects of humanity. I'm not going to say that human beings aren't incredible creatures, but we're pretty fucking disgusting, too. There is no dichotomy, we all possess both the "yin" and "yang" the "masculine" and "feminine" the "light" and "dark" aspects of being human. Being a person of some degree of integrity is a matter of overcoming such aspects that seek to derail and sense of humanity that you have within you.
You're special if you've never had edgy thoughts about smashing a baby's face into the pavement or slitting the throat of that special someone while they sleep. I think most people do, but most people can keep their own bullshit in check. Still, check this shit out:
As you can see, the world is a fucked up place filled with fucked up people and shit happens. Even so, the actions of these individuals cannot be attributed to the entirety of humanity as a whole, because that would then disregard any and all past and possible future achievements that great minds have made possible thanks to their hard work and dedication to making the world a better place. You'll only see the negative if you never focus on the positive and force yourself to establish a more nuanced perspective.
Since when is humanities subspecies only good at a specific talk?
They have a very alien social structure.
Not to mention their utter cock worship of the ethereals due to phermones or some warp shittery.
Pheromones plays an important things in human lives too, user.
If you consider niggers and asians human sub-species then yeah.
Nah, look at the Pope and Europe, it's not that different.
I'm just making observations. Men on chans love to ruin womens' bodies, sabotage social lives, rape, kill, etc
Chan behavior is how normalfags would want to act deep down I learned, and since all humanity is this way, well..
read a book nigger
Niggers, Whites, and Chinks aren't castes that each only do a specific thing.
nihilism? If anything I believe in evil full-stop. It's normalfags and autists on chans who tell me there's no such thing as evil and use it as an excuse to treat everyone else like complete garbage and ruin peoples' lives.
I study physics
Whatever you say, user.
OP is right. Anyone disagreeing with him needs a big gulp of reality.
HAHAHAHA! give in to the darkness in your heart, everything up until now is your fault for resisting! am i really the villain here?
go eat a dick, Xemnas/Sephiroth/Not Important/Lambda/Dragonlord/Zande/Zemus/Exdeath/Luca Blight/Cyrus/Porky/Indalecio/Luther/Batter
Humans aren't the only ones who do evil, we're simply the only ones who can choose to avoid it.
Everything else acts mostly on instinct.
Some choose to do evil and those are the ones you must end, not the whole of humanity and those who choose to be good.
Humans are not evil by default.
Then basically you're saying that the normalfags on 4/r9k/ should be eliminated?
Go ahead and visit that shithole and see for yourself.
I know
Yet that does not make it not a good example of what bad people are like
The real question here is, where the line of evil is.
do they fuck kids? murder time.
do they have bad taste in video games? Not murder time.
do they profit off of the suffering of others? Murder time, new york style.
Do they prank people for fun? pizza time, italian style.
you're projecting yourself onto me, which is dangerous. Don't assume shit and understand what evil actually is.
Not true. It's our nature to survive, even if we have to do evil things to do so, specially when we can choose not to and just die, thus we are evil.
Justification of evil actions doesn't make them any less evil.
My definition of evil has always been this:
"Anyone who ruins the quiality of life for a person or population at large and enjoys it"
The conjecture to that definition is usually "well what if their happiness involves the suffering of others in which the finite paradox ends with those who dont derive happiness from others' suffering. This would include people from Holla Forums who want black people dead to high school bullies who want to beat your jaw in.
I asked if you guys played games where you can slaughter humans. I was thinking those would be discussed. examples being any fantasy game playing as an elf, destroy all humans, freespace mods, etc
You realize all happiness derive from someone else misery or suffering, right?
Name one thing you enjoy that doesn't involve someone suffering.
video games
but it doesn't make the man evil.
killing to survive is simple survival. The one on top is by definition evil and those who survive are living on evil itself.
Life itself is evil by your logic, all that is that lives was built on death.
Invasive species, territory wars, starvation, etc.
The only thing that make a man evil by default by your standards is that he must eat and live.
So that isn't evil, because it's retarded.
You want to talk about the nature of evil, you don't need to be a scholar to understand life.
"Evil" is unnecessary, it's vile because it's unnecessary and it's impractical.
Say you have an urge to get off. Instead of using your hand to masterbate, you kidnap a kid instead and "use" that kid. That's evil.
But by your logic, life is evil because it lives. I say that's retarded. Cause it is.
When people get to that point, it's not about "good" or "evil" for them, they just want something to pin all their problems on. So they pick everything else.
Society, a race, an event, your boss, your co-worker. All scapegoats.
If you can deal with it, with life, then die. Kill yourself.
Then you can be "good".
Maybe if you just asked that instead of making some fedora-tier ebin nihilism post you would have gotten that.
I'm the exact opposite of that. People who say there's no such thing as evil are making excuses to do awful things to others and treat people like trash
What games related to the topic have you played lately
Literally your first post:
None, because I don't like killing innocents in games. I like killing enemies that deserve it.
most humans are evil and deserve it bro. I'm just telling you like it is so we can discuss games where we can slaughter humans. It's no big deal acknowledging we're all evil, I'm just relating the notion to video games so we can share perspective on what games we enjoy and what devs should make next
You learning about the holohoax, kiddo?
holocaust isnt real and the fact that it isnt should speak volumes of liars that poison young minds
If you're evil, then don't propagate more evil through slaughter.
Just commit one murder instead of a thousand.
Commit suicide or live without being evil.
Don't bring any more evil into the world.
Or are you just fucking depressed? Get over it. or learn that you're going to.
Your hardware is probably manufactured in china, which probably mean under payed employees. If you pirate, you're hurting the developer although I don't see anything wrong with this and a game that contain slaughter contains suffering, even if it's not real it depict people suffering, you're spreading it.
Sure, it doesn't make an individual evil, but it makes humankind evil, because we do evil things to survive, and that's based in our own definition of it.
A Lion eating a Zebra is not something you'd call a good act. Sure, the lion did it for survival, but the Zebra? It's irrelevant for them, but not for us, so all life is indeed evil.
That was just the begging of it. The fact that we think makes us even more evil, because we choose to be evil.
Getting off, is evil, user, it's not necessary to jack off, and it's even more unnecessary to spill your perfectly good seed when you can just impregnate another woman, and that's more useful and necessary.
What the fuck, user?
Evilness is like weed, user, if you just pull the leafs one by one it will never stop.By your definition, please, commit suicide.
No, you're wrong. There's tonnes of good people in this world. There's plenty of people whose worst thing they've done to another person was make them upset or had a petty argument. You just sound like some edgelord supreme.
You keep asking for games, but that massive edge in your original post makes me surprised you haven't heard of Hatred. A game like that suits you perfectly.
You have to go back
>>>Holla Forums
Found the mormon
By user's definition, getting off is evil.
You should go out more often.
I don't want top be one of the victims of your edgy murder spree user.
I barely have a will to work, what makes you think I'd go on a murderous spree?
Video games sure makes you violent.
If you had two brain cells to rub together, you'd know the numbers of the holohoax were mathematically impossible.
But you just keep listening and believing.
You find it hard to believe not everyone is a violent, evil person who hasn't brutally beaten somebody before?
anyone that assumes this is the worst type of philosophical debater
Why fight "evil"? Why not instead become an ironic SJW and help shitpost the west into cultural suicide? It doesn't matter how ridiculous your statements are, as long as they push the desired narrative you will gain support and contribute to the destruction of the west in your own little way.
Max Max can't happen soon enough.
No, he put them in camps so they didn't undermine Germany like in WWI.
Oh and tell me, where did Americans put the Japanese during the war?
Killing ain't bad you dumb shit. Murder is bad. Killing can be "good" often enough, if it is justified.
Not hardly. You're still talking several million people.
Again, war isn't bad, nor is killing.
Because evil is typically viewed as "damage to another for your benefit".
If both sides are fighting for retarded reasons, they're both hurting themselves. It isn't good. It isn't bad, though.
Yeah, which is why I said that they ain't everyone.
They don't represent and describe humanity, as not all of humanity are these few libs.
Given that I've sat here and argued with you, obviously not.
I think you've got problems with english. No idea what you are trying to say here.
Sure. Just yesterday I helped fix the porch for my family.
If you mean on the global scale, maybe not. But I am still young. Still, I've at least spread my personal ideals as best I can, whcih I'd say is useful as well.
True. But, given that they're not responsible for much of any what we call "civilization", I don't know that they're worth counting.
Most of the lot have been that way since the start of man, after all. They're little more than animals.
Between Canada and Sweden? Definitely.
Out of the rest of the world? Probably not. Don't know enough out of every where.
The US ain't perfect, obviously, but at least we have rights, even if they do get stamped on now and again.
Listen you dumb moron
You can't do something unless you try.
Sometimes trying gets you closer to your goal.
You realize your line of thinking is literally "give up and commit suicide because you can't do anything at all", right?
If everyone thought the way you did, nobody'd do anything. We'd never land on the moon, we'd never fly, we'd never sail around the world, we'd never do anything of merit.
Shitheads like you are nothing more than parasites on humanity, only serving to harm our progress.
He's right, you should get ut more. I've met guys who ruined other dudes' social lives in college for being a minority or not being dominant enough and these same guys fucked their gf. One that note I've met guys who fucked their professors' wives and laughed about it.
I've met met who happily drove other dudes to suicide and got off on it. I've met men who purposely cause strife. There are football players who drowned a bullied nerd kid to death in 2008 and they got away with it because of their popularity and contacts. You certainly have a very narrow definition of evil and how it is expressed.
those were work camps with efforts to keep worker deaths to a minimum. You should use common sense and personal research m8. Hilter was evil and edgy, but he didn't kill 6 million jews and you're a moronic retard for simply believing what you are told. Now talk about video games
damn, sounds like story time, user.
More like damage to another for your pleasure
Benefit implies a survival aspect which is neutral
Literally Holla Forumsacks in a nutshell
Referring to other humans as animals shows a lack of empathy, which is also evil or at the very least very closely leads to it
They put Japanese American citizens in camps.
What the fuck are they teaching you kids in school?
My high school. I had two friends show me pretty concrete proof but ironically he was detained pretty quickly but campus police when word got out he had evidence. My HS was pretty monsterous, like most chan folk. You guys would be at home there
That explains it. Americans are the World's dindu nuffins.
wew laddie
Pleasure is benefit. What's more, that would only serve to hurt your point more, since hurting purely for pleasure is nearly nonexistent.
Lack of empathy is not evil. As already mentioned, hurting others for your benefit is.
Which I obviously have no intention of doing. Hell, if I could, I'd try to raise them up to civilized standards. But thus far, when people've tried, they get the butt end, and the world blames them on account of treating barbaric idiots as such is apparently "racist".
See Rhodesia.
I feel bad for these people, make no mistake. But I still understand they're barely human. Even a child has more sense than these people.
I haven't given up unlike you. You think you have it rough Jimbo? Try putting yourself on my boots for a day, yet i strive forward, there are memes if you will to be passed on to the people to come, the good ones. Art and culture to enjoy, battles worth fighting.
So if a nigger rang your doorbell, caught you in the neck with a machete and proceeded to go inside and steal all your shit as you bled out; that would be "neutral" because his acquisition of your of resources is a beneficial for his survival?
I'm all for letting it all collapse, but you don't even have a consistent belief system.
More mindless tribalism and dehumanization to further bolstering my argument
Thanks user
By whose standards? Yours? You get to decide mendelian genetics now? You get to decide who is a person or not? Is this not the basis of most genocidal rages, slavery, infanticide, internments, and political persecution?
Im not sure how a powerful culture that influences a race of people to act like savages dissuades you from thinking they are less human than you. There are African college grads and scientists right now out there better than other white sceintists and grads.
To a delusional, evil, barbaric Holla Forumstard I probably sound like a liberal but I can assure you that I'm simply stating empirical truth. You have no right to deem humanity upon others, even when confined to personal judgement, unless you yourself are a god
personally I'd just like humanity to nuke itself and die so a sensible species can evolve sentience and take over
You've never read the memoirs and analysis of a psychopath I take it? There is a catharsis in hurting others that humans naturally enjoy. As another user put it in , we all have it, but the power to keep it dormant is what keeps you from being a complete monster
is there a videogame where i can kill postmodernists and antinatalists?
sure thing fagboy
I don't want to die thank you.
shit nigger I forgot to ask
why? Why do you deserve to live? Why do any of us deserve to live? If russia accidentally "oops" tomorrrow on nuclear launch like they did 40 years ago then you and no one else would have any right to complain since you dehumanize, beat up, sabotage, and hurt others.
What does that have to do with being violent or evil? Only because a person never committed a crime before doesn't mean that person never will.
I'm not saying you should punish someone for something they haven't done yet, but violence and "evilness" is part of our nature. Push someone enough and they'll do it.
Already happened. But I don't like jews either.
You sure? Because people usually say it's worst than rape, even if it's justified.
Yeah, and thousands is the followed unit, specially if they're several thousands.
I don't think it is, but by every definition of evil ITT, it is.
Wrong, user.
To begging with, evil can just be something you don't agree with. Evil doesn't always have to do with any kind of damage, for example, evil can be just being a voyeur.
They do, for they reasons I gave. It doesn't even have to do with libtards, but more with the way they think they're rightful. This user gave it in another way, and it's also valid
What does that have to do with anything?
That our reasons to be evil are logical, so it's not bad, although we're still evil.
Excuses. Once you're old you're going to tell yourself "At least I tried".
That's alienation, and it could be bad.
It doesn't have to do with civilization, but with humans beings. They're humans, barely, but they are.
You're talking about a country that label Trump as evil for doing something logical. That's where you know what people usually see as evil.
Well user, I have a penis. I don't use it, but at least I have it.
Having something that you don't use is fucking stupid, faggot. I admire your laws, tho
You don't try something unless you are sure you can make it, idiot.
Doing the contrary is what brought us communism.
Trying achieve anything. Accomplishments do. You remember all the people in history who tried? No one does, because they don't make history.
A lot of people tried to fly before the Wright bros.
Yes, if everyone followed example, the world wouldn't be as bad. Life should be a luxure, not a right, since some people are a waste of space, including me.
Is no different than taking out the thrash.
We landed on the moon for what is basically the most expensive "my dick is bigger"competition on human history. We flied because someone was actually determined to do so and we sailed because we needed to, and a lot of people died trying.
Trying means nothing, asshole.
Fixing a porch sure will make us go out of this rock, user. Keep pushing humanity forward.
tell the nihlists to fuck off any maybe we can.
Here, let's talk about this
Thread theme.
Whatever you say, user.
Try Rebel Galaxy.
YOU TELL HIM user. I completely agree with you. Sound argument.
Says me what has actually spent time over there, met these people, and discovered that not only do they have no history, no advancement, no culture, no nothing, they don't want any of that, and are perfectly fine living in stagnation.
Those who are content with the status quo, with living in squalor and never improving, I refuse to ever consider truly human
Probably because it doesn't, given that I just fucking said I think they're less human for what they do.
Why are you making my case for me, here? That's pretty much what I am claiming.
So fucking what?
Those guys what actually want to change shit, fix shit, and move forward, I do consider humans, you insufferable retard.
I ain't even Holla Forums.
Well, fear of death is only natural and i watch too many films with heroes that have warped my views of reality and violence solves some things
I take it back, you're a stratifying savage just like him
And nature is what ? A bunch of plants, a bunch of killer animals with limited brain capacity, some minerals etc.
Nature fags are the worst. As the entirety of nature matters without sentient life, be it good or bad.
That's not how rational thinking works.
That's not I-War
Ubermensch as a concept is an invalid nihilistic or post-modern concept, depending on interpretation. Nietzche went mad before actually finishing his philosophy. Ubermensch was an idea still in its alpha when he went mad.
Thomas Aquinas is where it's at.
I actually am finding it hard to disagree with this. I concede then. I thought you were arguing on emotional racism like Holla Forums does
In fact, "The Ubermensch" is an early access first person survival game. Fuck that noise.
Holy SHIT that's edgy.
I'm a cynic and a pessimist, and fuck me if I don't exactly have a ton of faith in humanity. But even I can see the good side of people, even I can have hope in what we could be, what we're capable of. I hate most people, but then I have a family who love me for no fucking reason. I have a group of amazing friends who I trust with my life. I've had the privilege of meeting brilliant people who fill me with awe.
I know I've led a pretty nice life, and it makes me think about why you think all this. And if you've had such a terrible fucking life that you really believe that all people are horrible disgusting beings, then I have nothing but pity for you. I don't know why you've never experienced human kindness, love, or anything else, but whatever the reason, it's just sad. Maybe you had a rough childhood. Maybe your folks beat your ass. Maybe you're a socially inept asshat who sees nothing but the bad in people because that's all you bring out in them. Maybe you're a delusional robot who watched so much anime that you can't distinguish between anime villains and real people anymore. I don't fucking know, and frankly, I don't fucking care.
All I want you to know is that saying stupid bullshit like this doesn't make you cool, it doesn't make you smart, it doesn't make you better than anyone else. All it does is make you look like either an edgy 12-year-old who thinks he's got the whole world figured out, or an utter failure of a man who has chosen to blame his ineptitude on the rest of the world instead of himself. Once again, I don't fucking know which you are, and I don't fucking care. But I just want you to know that, whatever the reason you say this, all it does is make you pathetic.
Identifying and applying statistics regarding race, IQ and crime to your every day philosophy and interactions with others is not "emotional racism" any more than wearing a seatbelt and not looking both ways before crossing a street because you don't want to become a paraplegic is "emotional ableism".
Your definition of "racism" appears to stem from the categorically false leftist belief that humans are all the same, and there are no quantifiable biological differences between the races that should be taken into account when interacting with others unless proven otherwise on an individual basis.
And there are boys with no family. Family who were killed by psychopaths or militaries, and orphans.
And unlike normalfags like yourself there are plenty of men who might be decent people but dont fit in and are therefore outcasts and are ignored by normalfags and even "nerds"
I've had the privilege of meeting brilliant people who fill me with awe.
Aren't you special, you sound like you're bragging
Tell me what you expect when you see an asian or polynesian man
And, of course, those psychopaths are rare as all fuck, and considered "broken" or "mentally unstable" by society, for good reason.
Yes, killing is not bad. Only retard hippies think that justified killing is wrong.
I'm sorry you grew up in a liberal paradise where people run their little double-thinks and idiocy, but that's the way the real world works.
If it is hostile, you kill it.
Once more your english confuses me.
A thousand out of a million is a very small amount.
Obviously you're full of dick, because I just said it isn't, and I am in this thread.
Depends on who you ask, thus the "typically". Most folk will agree with my, albiet simplistic, definition. They typically go for wide-area ideals, rather than set-in-stone concepts, for good reason.
Most folk will think you're some pretentious fuck what thinks morality is all subjective and that anything can be evil if you say it is.
Now, if you want to talk about cultural items, where an action is deemed "degenerate", "unacceptable", or other such items, those are more often than not separate from the local morality systems. When they are tied, typically, they flow towards "this is not what a good person does", rather than a "THIS IS EVIL".
Mate, come on now
Consider learning to read, moron
You, in the prior post, stated "My point however is that we as an specie are evil under any definition of evil except for logic."
I, given that I was arguing over such morality, obviously am running a definition what does not follow with that.
Consider taking the cocks out of your eyes, and it might make paying attention easier.
Or, I am going to keep trying once I am old.
You don't go from 21 to 90 in a year, you know.
I can still do shit up until then. Probably past it, assuming medical advancements occur.
Fucking how, you dumb gook
You just making shit up now, aren't you?
And I want a how for both of that, mind you. For how it could be alienation in the first place, and how alienation is "bad", besides.
Once again, you stupidly label all of a place as something for the actions of a few.
How does it feel to have autism?
Stop making blanket statements based on a few retards.
I use my rights, and for the most part, they're respected. At the very least, I can look around and say "At least my rights are better respected here than in shitholes like the UK, Canada, Ausland, Sweden, Germany, and so on".
Yes you do, moron
That's how most folk do shit.
That's how most science got done
People try shit, to find out if it works. They experiment, they test, they work out new deals. Happens every which way. Nobody knows for sure 100% if they will make it, but you can't make it if you don't try.
Sure I do. Caesar sure tried. So did Alexander, didn't he? Einstein tried a lot. MacArthur did too, I'd say. Wright bros sure as hell tried.
If you truly think that, why are you here? You're obviously not accomplishing anything, since you've got the mentality of a serious defeatist.
So? It was still a major accomplishment, wasn't it?
It was still a huge scientific advancement, wasn't it?
You can't do something unless you try, retard.
Hey, I at least helped soem folk this week, gookfucker.
What've you done?
Sat on your computer and tried to convince people that nothing in this world is worth doing?
Sounds like you are making a hell of a lot of progress, innit.
I'm mad at myself for giving you an actual response earlier. Your just a faggot who really should kill himself.
Also everything you said in the second paragraph says you dont care about anyone else less fortunate than you
It also shows your macheivellianism, sociopathy, and lack of empathy for others or desire to understand specific situations that lead to bad experiences with people outside of a very limited normalfag paradigm.
Fact is some people are treated like shit for no reason
Are you on drugs?
Nah. Not I. Never did like those bootlickers over there. Though, I would look into some of Holla Forums's racism some time. Personally, I don't think they're right, but their reasons aren't quite so cut-and-dry as you might make them sound.
Personally, I look to exceptions and make the claim that, because some can, you can't really say the whole lot is trash. Albeit, they are rarer.
Poor blacks do commit a lot of crime and autistic whites do rape kids so of course you can look out for that but I wouldn't go so far as to be a smug prick who treats someone like shit over their race like Holla Forums does.
Someone who's only passions in life are his work that he may simultaneously hate and food. He'll try to contextualize everything by inserting a societal consensus in one shape or form since he doesn't look at the very essence of things. This usually means he'll never be blunt, or as we see it - honest.
Fuck if I know, I never saw one.
WeW my laddy
Golly this place has some high quality autism
Asia is a big place. Give me a specific type of Asian. There is a pretty fucking big biological difference between Mohammad, Pajeet and Hideki, despite all three being geographically "Asian".
Low IQ, high predilection towards violence and substance abuse.
Your interactions with others must be awful then. Around here in the american south people just talk to others and if they're pricks or stereotypes we make fun of them. No need for autism
I don't get it. What's awful?
dude would you stop pretending people aren't inherently bad?
That is not an argument, that is a projection of your internal emotional landscape.
Neon Chrome probably has you covered. You're a hacker with a hundred plus frozen people "assets" at your disposal that you send one by one to a megacomplex called Neon Chrome where someone called an overseer has total control over each and every security guard in the place and essentially wants to become God. So you slaughter the shit out of 20+ floors of the security part of the mega complex until you get to the overseer, slaughter him and your current asset becomes Overseer 2.0
What preferably linear games actually allow me to be an honorable knight and smite heretics and the wicked?
im sorry user, I'll just leave the thread. this didnt end up being video games and it isnt on topic.
If any mods see this thread, I apologize, it wasnt me intention for it to be bad
Ill start saging it
Using my strategy outlined here is perfectly okay, user. Keep on doing what you do.
I don't see how any of those things you listed are a problem. Shit's fucked, so fuck it. Just have fun and let everyone else deal with shit if they want to. Opt out.
this is the mindset of a woman
Irrelevant. It's called the human condition. Learn to cope with it or kill youself my dude. We all die anyways
Your interactions with women me must awful then. Around here in the american south people just talk to women and if they're bitches or stereotypes we make fun of them. No need for autism. :^)
Fuck I didn't mean to bump.
every time
I swear though if I get banned for spam and the op doesn't I'm going to get mad.
Why not just go talk about or play videogames instead of spamming a shitty thread that triggers you?
If war ever happens, i hope your spoiled ass gets bayonetted to death, then and only then you will appreciate what you once had.
DEVO is cool.
For every evil man there is a good man and morality is subjective anyways. Pick your own set of values. Pick your enemies. Or don't It doesn't really matter
Welcome to the neverending repeating cycle of humanity. A fascinating experience really,
1. No video games. This should be on some other board instead.
2. The op only responded to certain people
3. If there is no point then why haven't the many people in this thread killed themselves, after all their death would mean nothing.
But if he didn't, OP's blatant polbait would continue!
What are some games what let me play/fuck/befriend the dragon?
I want to put this into more succinct words but I can't seem to find them at the moment. The Dawn of War quote "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment" only barely begins to express the evils of hope. Nietzsche's quote "Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man" comes closer to the truth, but it could very easily be read that death is the alternative.
I am reminded of the story of Pandora's Box, where Hope is the last and the worst of the evils to be unleashed from it.
As for how to take this moving forward, remember the famous prayer: “Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Hope is the thing that stands between you and accepting that which you cannot change.
Al so I wanted an excuse to spam chens.
Just beacuse life is pointless that doesn't make death meaningful
Life is not really pointless though. It's like art. Value is in the eye of the beholder
Why not mix it up now?
Your just making the thread more popular for the people who search reply count
There were faggots wishing for humanity's death, but do nothing about it. I say if they feel humanity is worthless, then killing themselves would be a good thing.
user, what do you think of all the movies out there that laud hope as a good thing and make people into bad guys for doubting it, giving "speeches" that are no more than empty diatribes supporting it
Who does that? Mostly I'm trying to get it to 300 so it autosages.
That's an underachiever mindset. Do something neat like the punisher or Rorschach at least.
People do that? Why?
Well they aren't going to do it, seeing as that was my first post in the thread. And they did what I expected and ignored it completely. They don't want change, just something to bitch about.
So what the fuck's your point? What makes your counterexamples any more valid than mine? You can't just sweep the whole world and the whole human experience under one edgy rug.
That ironic bit aside, you're not wrong. Some people ARE treated like shit for no reason. The world isn't perfect, and I'm sorry if that's the message it looked like I was trying to get across in my first post. But the world isn't awful, either. The key word is "SOME." Your problem, now that I think more about it, isn't necessarily your viewpoint. It's the way you're so absolute about it. Such black-and-white idealism. It's immature as fuck to think that way. There's a lot of bad in the world, and there's a lot of good. It's not as simple as you make it out.
Also, that picture is fucking terrible, and it doesn't prove shit.
No, it's his fault for becoming the creepy guy who hits on girls. Not everyone can chat up girls; it's something that attractive people do. But there are other fucking options. When you're not attractive, maybe you should try and let a friendship develop into a relationship instead of being so forward. Maybe you should have a friend set you up. Maybe you should go to something that revolves around an interest of yours, like a hobby class, and use that interest to connect with people. There is not "no reason" why he was treated like shit. He brought it on himself. He should have figured out that straight-up walking up to girls and hitting on them wasn't viable after the 50th attempt, let alone the 500th. And now he's gone and fucked himself with that whole reputation because he was too stupid to try something else. It's harsh to say he deserved what he got, but he certainly could have avoided it.
You ought to post things that are actually cool. Like HFY, comics, or some similar lot.
Why give it something good? That would lead to people coming to the thread.
Fair enough, I guess. Still.
Seems like the thread is bumplocked. Guess I don't need to spam anymore.
After thread 404s, I'll repost OP just for you user.
Cool I guess. I don't think you would get the same shit that this was, but go ahead.
the friendship thing doesnt actually work, they just view you as beta. I say this a guy who gets laid. The "hobbies" thing is vague as fuck especially since women have different hobbies, I've never seen it explicitly work out like that.
Most people get gfs by hitting on random women or asking out a girl from class after proving some level of charisma, which is not easily learned if possible to learn at all
This middle one always makes me wish for more good sprite porn. That stuff is seriously the best. The guy that did it have any more? And it's 2hu, right?
If survival is the highest value, then guess what, who is really bad?
Before calling something/someone bad, prove first that there is an objective, universal morality. Without it calling someone "bad" is nothing more than an opinion.
In what alternate universe?
Read about game theory. Most delusions are not perpetuating themselves efficiently enough.
it's like you faggots like mental strength