This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
Trump - This Russian connection non-sense
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No, its attempt by Jews to start a war Russia and to make it look like Russians are manipulating US politics when the Jews actually are.
I never voted for a Jewish Deep State
Did you?
If you voted in the election, you did.
The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
Go back to goonville, cock-sucker.
you forgot to check em, saltykike
We need to get our people in those twitter repsonses.
There are many pro-trump people replying to his tweets but twitter seems to filter them out.
Further proof the meme war continues. These fucks are going all out and we're barely a month in.
twitter has rolled out an even more robust version of basically silencing pro-trump posts. It is shadowban twitter 2.0
It's a disgrace, it is actually worse than China. Soon to reach North Korean levels and a big reason why I am beginning to feel that America is quickly losing any moral high ground it may have once had with the old adage Truth, Justice & the American way……… fucking disgraceful to all the brave service members that fought for that in WWII
Haven't researched myself, but looking into it - See pic. Also if you've seen the talk going around, twitter has created a crafty new way of shadow banning that is hardly recognizable.
Yes, it's twitter, but every front counts in this battle. Redpills must be sewn everywhere we can get them before the internet goes full walled garden.
If he tries what I think he's hinting at, good luck getting reelected. But I doubt he's so blind as to not see who's fucking him over.
On the plus side, there was astory a few days ago where twitter acknowledged that Trump gets so many responses that it breaks their system. Just the idea that he generates so much salt that it literally breaks twitter makes me smile.
And what do you think he's hinting at that would result in no chance at reelection.
Starting shit with Russia to prove he's not owned. Most of the people cheering for that kind of outcome are people who already hate his guts and have wet dreams about impeachment..
That one was lost after King Nigger took office and basically took a dump on the constitution whenever he wanted or was told to do so.
I was locked out of my account 5 seconds after I tweeted something politically incorrect to a CIA nigger pic related. I am not joking about the 5 seconds, maybe it was even less.
I like it. Regarding the Russians, his constant narrative is that they're tough and he respects that about them. I do not see him escalating anything to conflict, but he may have to do some light saber rattling until he has purged the agencies.
In all seriousness the PR game always was, and still is unwinnable. I hope the Lugen phase wears off soon and he says fuck it and just does what he wants soon.
The only Russian connection you will find are the Russian jewish mafia that intersect with the American jewish mafia Trump has surrounded himself with.
Based zionist neo-con globalists
But if you haven't noticed Trump's tweets haven't been getting as much RTs and likes as they used to.
Soros/CIA black programs really amped up the game with the shills now.
Twitter is 90% shills now, they are banning everyone with a different opinion
I dispute this. Media relations maybe, but not public relations. He is still crafting and getting out a good narrative, that President Trump is trying his best to MAGA but the mean 'ol deep state and their puppets wont't let him. After this goes on for a while his base will be calling for the heads of the deep state. Then he can act, and openly have them arrested and brought to justice. PR is useless to Holla Forums, but Holla Forums is not a politician, or a president.
Do you equate criticism of Trump's entirely zionist neo-con globalist personal cabinet with shilling?
Only that's not how it works.
Most of them simply don't appear on my TL, I have to check his profile manually, I expect by March that won't be enough either.
it's happening all over social media. In fact I used my disqus account and posted this
"politics has infected my friendship feed on facebook, my personal connection to friends and family on twitter. It's becoming unbearable for everyone."
it was flagged as spam, no one saw it. Harmless comment right, not for the powers that be that insist on driving us all crazy, everyday, with these crazy insane headlines, everyday.
Social media is being manipulated so bad that what is ocurring should be criminal.
You're right on a short term basis. However, the percentage of his base that are pissed about the PR stroking seem comparable to the percentage that are blackpill prone. He won by nose forward charging, with swamp draining in the platform.
If he came out tomorrow and said, "here's the people who are going to trial and a lengthy explanation as to why", you end up with the same results of effect and same amount of people crying. The gain are those that would be lost to the media. The media is fighting a war of attrition, and they're very good at it.
Clearly nonsense. If they were best buds, Ivan wouldn't have a spy ship with surface to air missiles parked outside our sub base in CT.
Burn in hell while chewing on a pig's asshole, kike.
I think you're wrong, he has to get the narrative first right. It needs to be a story of
The first step is that he has to get all the pieces on the board, he absolutely must have the enemy be visible pieces on the board before he can do anything else. That means he must have the IC be known to the public as a partisan opponent of Trump. This is what he is doing right now . I argue the deep state is seriously screwing up by going after Flynn like this, at the end of the day he was an expendable pawn to Trump, which he was willing to sacrifice to get out the narrative that the IC is badly compromised and he has no choice but to Fix them.
Obama's contingency plans.
Also the narrative went from Hitler to incompetent just in time for this. Hmm.
Look at that, #TrumpImpeachmentParty is trending on Twitter.
Every day these faggots go unanswered, they embolden the lies and cognitive dissonance. Trump needs to step the fuck up. If the libshit media isn't razed, I hope they get their way and end society as we know it. I knew this election was the turning point, but in my idiocy I held hope for humanity. There is none.
checks out
He can stall for time on 'incompetent' by ensuring that he is always seen to be trying to MAGA but TPTB keep exerting tremendous force into stopping him. He can't be blamed for not getting immediate results if there's a corrupt power in control stopping him, so long as he makes sure they take the blame for it. He will in the meantime put out bits and pieces of red meat for his base to sate us until he is ready for a NOTLK, generating a news cycle is easy for him and he likely has a few more EOs saved for a slow news day.
Don't worry, we're still going to war with Russia. (((Trumptenberg))) just told Russians to budge on one fucking issue they won't and can't budge on. GENIUS.
It's pretty obvious tat he wants to make a deal. Why let them get it for free when he can bargain it away instead? Hence why he emphasizes taken. Why let them take it when you can essentially sell it?
Shills kill yourself. He has made it clear his issue with a lot of things is that we are getting nothing out of this or that. If he wanted war, he would have gotten it already.
Comey was hated by both sides during the election in very quick succession. Also, the refugee issue brings to light overreach of the IC. I think both sides are acutely aware of a needed overhaul. Perhaps it needs to be laid out bare for the low-info crowd, but he'll be demonized regardless so I don't understand appealing to them further when he could just say "hey, remember Comey fucking Hillary?" Whenever he jumps, the narrative will still be that he's purging to cover his ass.
The media doesn't realize that by continuing to push constant fake news and globalist propaganda they're only helping to inoculate the average normalfag against anything negative about Trump. They've making the public so numb to the autistic screeching of the MSM and the globalist establishment that even if they did have something legit against Trump, the public wouldn't care.
If he wanted peace, he would've lifted sanctions and recognized the Crimea reunification with Russia. Instead, he says that he will make the research on Cuckrainian situation, and then comes out supporting exactly the same narrative that was peddled by lugenpresse and Obama administration.
I guess it's easy to lose sight of the fact that he's fighting something that can and will cause all kinds of damage if it thinks its cornered with no way out. He has to hem them in until they can't move
He has already lifted some sanctions but is holding on to others because he wants to bargain for those. Why should he give up those sanctions for free for the sake of peace when Putin has already shown that he is not going to go to war over those sanctions in the first place since if he wanted to he would have done so already?
Best year, best timeline, best everything
Yep, yep, he is totally holding on the Obama's retarded policies as bargaining chips, not because he became another handpuppet of (((establishment))).
Bibi stream
can't be fucked to make a thread
Top kek. Typical shill. You can't refute the fact that this is the best move to make with someone who has no intention of fighting you over something like this since if he did he would have done so in the past when the previous president was more aggressive and obvious in how he wanted things to end. you want him to literally roll over because you either cannot fathom the idea of bargaining or just looking for other excuse to whine about Trump. That said, if he is owned, then congrats, you're going to die in nuclear hellfire. Maybe if you whine some more then you can somehow make a difference.
One of the things I think I like most about Trump is how he has absolutely no problem with coopting and taking over their narratives as they come. It must drive them absolutely up the wall. I sometimes think we could learn from him here. Incidentally, Hitler made the NSDAP flag red as a fuck-you to the commies.
True. I do expect at some point that the left and so on will start arguing for him to give Russia what it wants, which is probably what he intends while at the same time getting something for it, purely on the fact that the left opposes him simply because it's him saying something.
As long as there' sanything of worth to something, I've always enjoyed coopting the shit out of things for my own gain. There's really no defense for it if you do it right.
Do I need Facebook to see this?
h ttps://
Trump can do many things but he can't change channels for you. Try disconnecting the electric jew. Also, don't put up with fucking normies on your stream.
Thanks m8. He's not cucking too hard, it's OK so far.
Thanks user.
gf is a normie working at a pozzed college. having trouble dealing with it and am projecting
Put Obama under house arrest, treat him like Julian Assange.
Go back to endcuck faggot.
Yep, yep, yep, not disowning entire fucking peninsula because they dared to express their will and ruining economy of the other country because it was protecting their own people abroad means you are rolling over. Yep, yep. What kind of pussy bitch acts like decent human being? You should fuck over other countries and then call it "bargaining". Because that's totally not what Obama administration was doing all along.
So someone please explain what's actually happening, I'm so fucking confused.
Is he actually being impeached or not? Can he even fucking be impeached?
Not at the moment. They've claimed a minor scalp but he barely has become president.
In theory. Not more is actually required than a majority of the House demanding it, Some understand the law as saying that some kind of indictable crime is needed but it isn't too hard to fabricate if you're going for that. They need certainty that they won't be hanged when they try and it's simply way too soon.
I want to know to.
Im spooped.
Top kek. You're so flustered you can't even make a coherent argument. Obama made it clear he was not looking to bargain. Trump has by already easing some sanctions in good faith and making it clear he wants to continue looking this over. If he was following Obama's plan, then there would have been no easing of sanctions and no further discussions. You cannot explain why Trump should bend over for something that Putin wants but won't go to war over. There is no reason for Trump to give up something he can use as a bargaining chip. This is absolutely clear and you're an idiot for not understanding this. Every country acts in their own best interest and it is in USA's best interest to have Russia give something up for something they want so badly. The Obama administration was just looking for an excuse to go to war with Russia while installing a government they controlled into Ukraine. Trump has done none of that, eased off of some of the important sanctions as an act of goodwill but left some on to show that he will not roll over entirely and that he hopes to work with them. He has something Russia wants. He has no reason nor any obligation to hand over anything, no matter how mad some random shill like you gets mad about it. That said, nice work ignoring the fact that this is what countries do all the time. Yep, yep, yep.
Polite sage for derailing.
For similar reasons, this is why
was fucking bullshit
What I like about Trump is that he's not the most skilled or artful memer but his natural ability is so high that he's an Ultraviolet-level memetician anyway.