Post flops

post flops

note: do not post "popular game I dislike"

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Could have fooled me, OP. I thought that's what you were going for. It's what you're going to get, anyway.

The expansion that was supposed to be the one to bring back the oldfags was the one that convinced them to never play the game again.

Entire franchise has flopped at this point since MS tethered it to the unpopular Xboner.

seems more like max pandering to le millenials than luring back oldfags to me

this, i always felt that WoD was casualbait and even marketed as such

I mean, the stronghold shit alone made me cringe just reading about it. I've played deeper games on my fucking cell phone

I'm a few weeks early, but you know it's true

there's seems to be a very fine line between "pandering to oldfags" and "make something that newfags can latch onto and feel like oldfags".

The concept ("Look, we're going back to Warcraft 2, honest") was clearly meant to draw back oldfags. The mechanics of course weren't, but then they keep doubling down on that streamlining thing.

Legion is them going even more so down the fanservice route, but it looks like it's not going to work as well this time since so many people got fucking pissed at Warlords of Draenor.

(inb4 it sells 12 million copies day 1)

My hopes are riding on it.

It'll easily make its money back, then people will actually play it, and sales will stop. Maybe some of those people will stop preordering.

Went off the top selling list in less than a day

Textbook flop

Speaking of Salt I've barely heard discussion of this game since it came out, I thought a lot of Souls fans were looking for a true Souls like experience. Maybe when it comes to PC.

I think it'll be a repeat of WoD but less dramatic.

WoD got a decent player bump, then lost several times that, right? Well halve the bump and the loss and you have Legion. Reason I think it'll lose less players is that they've been bleeding self-respecting customers for a while now and the population percentage of shit-slurping tards will be at an all-time high.


They have never been able to move this game outside of anything other than a cool tech demo.Few people still really seem to have a concrete idea of what there is to do in it, if anything.

I think it might recover more than people expect it to. The allure of playing with Frostmourne or Ashbringer for even hardcores who've lapsed might be enough to get them to play for one month–especially if they have enough gold on their account to not have to pay a subscription.

I predict the post-release sub dive will be steeper than before. So I guess we share dimetrically opposite outlooks on how it will pan out.

Probably because no one wants a dark fantasy game where all the characters look like fucking Crank Yankers.

All I remember is dat ass and being told the devs were so brave for having a female protagonist, the underlying thrust being I was a filthy sexist pig if I didn't buy it. No mention of how the game actually played.

Fuck that, I'm buying a game if it's good.

I think people will remember the fact that nobody remembers this game despite the title more than the actual game.

Also was it any good? At least mediocre?

friend played it. Said it was actually perfectly decent beat-em-up with custom combos and stuff.

I think they made their money back on it just, but it overall it didn't turn a profit.


if the rumors of EA losing the Star Wars exclusivity license soon is true then we know without a doubt that it underperformed.

It definitely made a profit. They sold a fuckton of profits. These modern "multiplayer only" shooters are designed to be obsolete a month after release. It's actually better for them if people stop playing, since they have to spend less on servers. As long as everyone bought the season pass on release they make out like gangbusters. Upfront sales are everything, they're not an MMO afterall.

*a fuckton of boxes

I'm going to buy it and play it out of morbid curiosity. I fully expect it to suck, and I'm accepting responsibility for my stupidity in advance.

It's like you don't even Deluge faggot.

blizzards moba
the mobile deus ex
biowares mmo + every mmo past 10 years
all games that targeted the sjw audience
quantum break, arkham knight, ac:unity pc port

It may have sold a bunch, but did it sell enough? Wasn't their goal like 11 million copies?

It had a pretty cool premise with the custom combos, but they were so limited that you just ended up spamming the same combos over and over since they were the most efficient.

Other than that, the story was ok. Amnesia storylines have been done to death though and it didn't do anything spectacular.

Very mediocre in any way. Though the female protag's ass was pretty nice.

lol k u buttmad arent u?

Command & Conquer 4
Dungeon Siege 3
NFS Undercover
Test Drive Unlimited 2

qbittorrent the fuck out of it

It came out? I checked IGG games and various torrent sites and couldnt find anything

PS4 only right now

They bragged about "shipping 12 million copies" but never announced how many were actually sold. That's a pretty big sign the game sold badly.

Oh man, you not getting the joke just makes it funnier.

What the fuck? Into the trash it goes


Even great games flop while shit games flourish.

why are you even responding to an obvious outsider using an imagur filename response?

that's kind of the point of that joke


They're like roaches. If you let them do their thing, more will come. See the current flood of Overwatch threads.



Thats the point, user. Whats the point in buying a game if you know what it is. :^)

Did that game ever get decent like how Civ 5 did after a few expansions and mods?

Did it even get expansions?

That's not a flop, a flop aka a commercial failure is when a studio doesn't get it's money back on its return.
And even then, unless they're a small studio that only works on one project at a time, they can offset their profits from other games with their losses from a flop

What's the deadline for getting Steam refunds? I'm planning to buy this, play it for an hour so I can write a publishable review and then refund the shit right away

2 hours of play time, and 1 week (or 5 days? something like that) of ownership

If you play for less than 2 hours, and have it for less than 2 weeks, you can get a refund.

It has one expansion.

The only thing you retarded morons are ever right about are disasters anyone can see coming, ever since ToR all you stupid faggots are perpetually on the hunt for the next big failure and you've failed every single fucking time.

The tin-foil is real.

Yes correct, Holla Forums does not need threads of things I don't like.

I swear you guys don't want an active image board, you want a shitposting hugbox.


love how basically Civ beyond shit actually boosted the sales of the competition, amplitude studios



EA went into maximum spin mode and started talking about digital sales and all that shit; you know, the numbers and data only they have access to?

It probably didn't flop as bad as Cisquisition, but between the marketing, the licensing fees to Disney, and the dev costs, I'd be surprised if EA actually turned a profit on the title.

Undeservedly so too

Pic related deserved it 100% though

What went wrong I wonder.

Here's your (You)

Not enough corruption

T. Metzen.

I've never played it and have no reason to dislike it. I don't even have any reason to dislike it based on the advertising material because I have no god damn idea what the game is about.

I posted it in a thread that instructed to "post flops" because it is going to be a commercial flop.

holy shit, I can't not see that now

The combo system was okay, nothing special. The only thing special about the game was part where you'd have to piece back your memories in order to find the truth. Only that shit was only used like 3 times in the game.

EA's Syndicate was the one from recent memory, but I really haven't been paying all that much attention lately.

On the other hand Holla Forums is almost never right about a game being good.

Thats what happens when you have razzed and raped your own fucking established lore.

It all becomes a shitty clusterfuck

Yeah, that game flopped. Too much lensflare made it unappealing.


man, i liked that game too

My biggest disappointment with video games since Hellgate: London. Three years later and Hawken failing still hurts.

In a few weeks, we'll learn the fate of Battleborn.

And why no evolve? fun times posting wraith porn on that fucking shill.


Its been out for a while already and has less sales than evolve


There's flops, and there are flops that kill a series and take all of the steam out of it.

Wow lore is a joke dude.

I wish it were just STALKER with demons.
Except the only thing it got from STALKER were the bugs.

So did this die a disappointing death already? Heh. HEH. And to think it was shilled to death when it first came out too.

Really cool premise with the memory manipulation. Could have been great if there were variables to the memories and not always a preset path. Making a guy think he killed his wife so he commits suicide is one path you have to take if I remember rightly.

Combo system was neat, shame no one copied it. Its your same old console, Batman/Ass Creed combat, but you have a bit of customization and freedom with your combos. Neat idea.

BE really has no redeeming qualities. It's like they forgot everything they learned from Civ5 and its expansions.

I found it amusing all my normalfag friends went back to playing Civ V and GMR rather than continue playing BE.

Greeat game, you know why the user score is so low. Fuck off.

I liked it, fuck off.

As for me… let's see.
>Tree of Savior calling it


What could possibly go wrong?

Have you noticed how much DMCfags speed up their gameplay with some rock music on the background to look like they're actually good at the game?

Is that why there has been ZERO Star Wars games announced by EA?

Its amazing too how fucking dumb people are with purchases.
Then a fucking month or two later they are all quiet as they realize the game isn't a fun as the talking voice on T.V promised them it would be.




First, good game, bad sales. It's sequel came out but no one even knew it existed.
Second, terrible bloated shit. So fucking bad that it didn't meet the ridiculous standards Capcom set and is causing them to backpedal towards what the fans a actually want now.

Does anyone have the anti-reddit edit of this picture where the passive aggressive cunt is told to fuck off?

I think it makes the video more entertaining, but you can tell if they're actually shit or not judging by the gameplay.

Sorry but I think you're wrong about resident evil. The game was shit, terrible shit, but it hasn't made them reconsider their shit. At Pax they were demoing a multiplayer 3rd person shooter where you're fighting against a hoard of zombies and, if memory serves me correct other players. I think it was called Umbrella Corp, or something like that.

u wot

Umbrella Corps is a multiplayer spin-off that has no real bearing on the series as a whole because it's basically floprightoutofthegate material.
The actual shit that matters like REmake 2, and Revelations 2 which tried to take many more steps in the right direction while still retaining Revelations' gameplay are still happening.
Not to mention the REmake/Zero remasters showing that there's a considerable audience for this.

This has happened before, how the hell are you surprised?

A flop is something failing HARD
Nothing like that gets a sequel unless it was already made
Blinx 2, while not better, had character editors and few reused assets so it was a new product altogether
And the first one even had a Platinum Hits reprint, so it wasn't that much of a failure
The vast amount of copies in the used market is another story, but back then it sold

Still wasn't impressed they made a game no one was asking for.

I picked this today from a 5 $ bin, is it any good?

Not terribly bad or good, just mediocre which is why it was forgotten so quickly. At least you didnt give money to SJWs

Why do normalfags preorder?

I can think of a few games that failed badly but still got, or are getting sequels. But you're correct, a better example would have been Blinx 2.

They're still trying to appeal to the generic shootan crowd. That or they're hoping they it would generate enough controversy to get some sales, since stupid mother fuckers will literally buy shit they heard about somewhere and defend it like their child.
Capcom has the worst of these fucking shills on YouTube.

It's like 3 hours long, repetitive and boring.

No source but EAFront did hurt EA's stock

Because they are fucking stupid.
Researching a purchase is too much effort for them.
Often they believe doing so will spoil the game.
They're so apathetic they don't even mind when they get ripped off.
They don't care and admitting it would damage their pride so they just drop it.
Forming an opinion is not something they enjoy.
They're sheep.
They only listen to the most popular bands.
They only see the most popular movies.
They buy whatever is on the front of game-informer.



Yes, Blinx 2 got the shaft
Also Dino Crisis 2 wasn't that bad of a problem, not gonna start bitching at you because you are right on that one but Dino Crisis 3 seems more fit, that one was so bad the devs made a pact to never revive it again

What the hell were they thinking? They took a RE clone, and ripped out the survival-horror while keeping the controls and combat exactly the same in an attempt to make an action game.
I can't stand Dino-Crisis 2.

It still astounds me they thought a giraffe getting a blowjob was a good logo for Resident Evil 6.

I doubt it did as well as you seem to think it did, but you are at least on point in summing up that they plan these multiplayer fps games to be obsolete by the time their next one rolls around.

I'd also say that I'd be surprised if they lost money on the whole thing like people wish they did.

If you call everything shit then I guess sometimes you are right. Most games are shit though.

SFxTekken any good on PC? Was thinking of checking it out.

Oh man, I really fucking liked that game. I even have the Alpha skins. never wasted a penny on it, tho

Too sad.

I wonder if that game would've done better had it just been called "Hardline".


Forgot my asscreed.

What does the under score plus sign mean?

Are you serious?

You need to be 18+ to post here

I am dead serious, user.

It's a margin of error

So there's 106,163 owners, give or take 7440?

"This is Solus, the last star" says the voiceover, while a lone figure stares at a viewscreen showing Solus… and a bunch of stars in the background.

Battleborn can get reamed. Gearbox has not, and never will, recover from Burch's cuckification of Borderlands.


They're really smart with the 40$ buy-in price though.
People are going to buy into the hype, and by then blizzard has already made their money. This game wouldn't work if it was F2P.
The amount of marketing they're putting into this game is fucking ridiculous, yet the game itself gets stale after like a week of playing it.

My prediction is that it's going to sell like a motherfucker at launch, but the flop won't happen until later on when the playerbase hits near zero from boredom.

Kill yourself.


Fuck no, nigga you dumb as hell if you think it even looks good

Fuck you dino crisis 2 was great
You're right with the controls, they feel really out of place, but that game was still good.
Dc3 is the true flop, literally never going to get a real sequel thanks to that piece of trash

but TOR was a huge success and probably the only reason EA hasn't killed bioware

Maybe it's because I expected more of "Resident Evil, But With Dinosaurs" but I didn't like it. DC3 makes my skin crawl when I think about how terrible it was.


It tooks years for it be profitable.

Heroes of the storm a flop?
More people are playing it today
It's a fun game stop reading into others bullshit

Also why tf does this board use IDs. I thought this was like old 4chan? You guys log pageviews too.. this place is a joke
Fuck you Jim
Fuck you HW


the OG flop

I wanted this game to be MechWarrior: Online only good. It wasn't that, but the core gameplay was still good in its own right and I enjoyed it for a time… what a shame

X: Rebirth. What a shitshow that was

every normalfag i know is totally hyped for that and they think im a negative nancy for being uninterested

Is it even going to have offline mode?

A flop is a product that fails to meet expectations to a significant degree. Profitability of games is actually higher than a lot of retards around here give credit. That a game made money enough to break even (without considering marketing) isn't how you gauge whether it's a flop or not.

You are confusing being a disaster with flopping.

Have you ever flopped so hard you crashed the industry with no survivors?

Pac-Man did more damage than E.T., user.

it looks like it was pretty cheap to make though, probably didn't flop too bad and I predict that it'll actually do well when they port it to a platform other than the Bloodbornebox.

Shekel Souls 2 actually sold quite well, fam

Diablo 3 made fucking bank dude, what was it like 12 million copies by release day or something?

Devs didn't know what the fuck they were doing was the main problem
Game started out as a low-grade Mech UT and gradually moved to MechFortress 2: Even more casual edition

It also had some really hilarious collision issues and kept slowing down with every update

Last I heard the APB Reloaded guys bought it after Adhesive/Meteor kicked the bucket