So i have been playing this on my cellphone and so far so good, what other FE games ,other than Sacred Stone, should i play?
Also FE thread i guess.
So i have been playing this on my cellphone and so far so good, what other FE games ,other than Sacred Stone, should i play?
Also FE thread i guess.
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I'm playing FE6 trying to get as many /ss/ A rank supports as possible. I didn't realize how hard this game is when you bench Dieck and Rutger and your primary swordsmen are Roy and Chad.
Chad the thief is a better fighter than Roy. Fuck.
You should play Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon DS on hardest difficulty. Then if you somehow beat it, you should play Fire Emblem 11 on hardest difficulty. Bonus points if you do it without save states.
Genealogy, Thracia 776, Path of radiance, Radiant dawn are god tier
the gba games and Fates!Nohr are good
Mystery + its remake are okay
rest is shit
u wot nigger? You meant FE12?
FE6 is the sequel to that game, so that would be the logical next step, although it's not officially translated, a bit unpolished and is much harder.
Shadow dragon and FE11 are the same game dude.
Stop posting on Holla Forums and keep playing FE7
What about Awakening?
What do you think, faggot?
You should use Oujay, he's great. Fir's also good if she gets some STR, especially with how broken swordmasters are in 6.
Genealogy of the Holy War is a must play. One of the best SRPGs ever made in my opinion.
God Tier
FE4, FE7, FE9
Great Tier
FE5, FE6, FE8, FE10
Good Tier
FE3, FE12, Tear Ring Saga
Mediocre Tier
FE1, FE2, FE11
FE13, FE14
I'm trying to get to Oujay, I'm one mission away. I'm currently sitting on a turn where Sue is at serious risk of dying and I'm trying to figure out a way to save her, but I don't think I can. I'll just have to hope she dodges.
It's been a fun run so far. I'm using some really awful units in my lust for ara. I forgot how terrible GBA axe fighters are. But the wonder orphans have been good to me so far. I'm looking forward to getting Oujay and Wendy. The best part? Under my self-imposed ruleset, Lilina's on the bench.
I tried playing FE7 but my emulator kept fucking up and eventually quit because the bugs were driving me nuts.
Considering starting Sacred Stones soon and hoping it works out better.
Project Naga when
What emaltor are you using? I played all the GBA FEs on VBA-M and never had any problems.
Visual Boy Advance, though other emulators were behaving rather "quirky" as well, so I'm afraid it was my computer itself. It's something of a toaster.
It wasn't a very serious bug, just every 5 to 10 seconds the game would jitter and stutter. But it would make the audio freak out every time in a way that felt like getting boxed in the ears. I probably should have muted the game and kept going but instead I got mad and uninstalled.
I figured if I had a good time with Sacred Stones I'd try FE7 again. I didn't get that far I think, just to the level where Eliwood, Hector and Lyn all meet up. Plus I hear Sacred Stones is easier so it might be a better to play that first anyway.
The NES originals are really good, and the remake on the SNES for the first was great. Haven't played 4 and 5, but they're supposedly the best the series has to offer.
The first game comes off as really archaic for me, but I love the soundtrack, so I think I'll press on.
If not, I'll just download the soundtrack while I play the SNES update.
I could get through Awakening, but I didn't even bother beating Fates. As soon as I saw they took the safe road when doing Nohr's story, I gave up on any hope of the game being good.
I hope the team that wrote the past two games get shut down so a real team can start working on FE again.
or maybe just let the series die instead of pumping out more disappointments
I find it amazing just how fast and how hard the Fire Emblem series declined.
I'd say the new Pokemon games are worse than the old ones but I can still play them without wanting to kill myself.
You didn't miss much, Conquest is so fucking shitty it spoiled my desire for any new FE.
I wouldn't say it was fast, it's been on a downward slope for the past 20 years or so since Kaga left.
I know, it really hurts. Fire Emblem used to be a top tier SRPG series, up there with Ogre and Langrisser, but after Radiant Dawn it really nosedived in quality. I remember when Radiant Dawn came out a lot of critics criticized it for being too hard for newcomers and for not changing the formula enough. I wonder if Nintendo took that to heart.
Speaking of Langrisser, how's the new one for 3DS? The art looks awful compared to Urushihara's stuff, but how does it play?
Japan didn't like it.
Game journalists are full of shit, they think they are psychics who can tell what other people think. I remember when I played my first Fire Emblem, it was 7 on the GBA and it was really odd that you could not revive fallen companions, not even once or as a secret or something, and that weapons would degrade over time. And guess what, I still beat the game on normal, I just accepted the challenge and went on with the game. I'm not a drooling retard, I know how to adapt to challenge.
Later games were much more forgiving by letting you stock up on weapons between missions. I like that, it was way too easy to run out of weapons in 7 because you had no idea how many levels without stores would be ahead and if you beat a level without making it to the stores you didn't get a second chance. It was too easy to get stuck because you ran out of supplies.
Can I also point out how retarded it is to say that a game is hard for newcomers and then complain that it doesn't change the formula? If it doesn't change the formula it means it is the same as when the series was new, so if it is too hard for newcomers, how did it get any players at all to begin with when everyone was a newcomer back then?
i want to play FE from the start any info pics with all the best versions of the game?
have some lewds as payment
At least I'm not alone in thinking that
The FC original has some annoying issues like not being able to see your movement range, but it's a solid game and absolutely worth playing.
The SF remake cuts some stages and changes mechanics. Absolutely worth playing, but not a replacement for the original.
The DS remake suffers from a poorly coded RNG that makes the game nigh on unplayable. Skip it.
7 was made for drooling retards new to SRPGs, that's why it sold better outside Japan.
That's disappointing.
I found one of the reviews I was talking about. Prepare to rage, user, it's even worse than I remembered. They actually complain about the game not using motion controls.
I really hope reviews like this aren't the reason Fire Emblem became what it is today.
It's doesn't make it unplayable, just not very fun.
I was having characters regularly get 1 stat level ups in the beginning of the game. Admittedly I didn't play Shin Ankokuryuu all the way through, but if the endgame is anything like the original, that might make it literally impossible to win.
Ancient. I played Der Langrisser beforehand and Re:Incarnation Tensei plays even more dated than that.
That said, it's pretty ok if you can stomach the slow as molasses turns and turn off animations. I'm on NG+ going for another route and husbando.
Can anybody tell me where to find a fully English translated ROM of the original Famicom FE?
The only thing Fates has going for it is the gameplay, but this is only true for half of the whole thing. Conquest's story is such garbage that it pretty much ruins the whole experience sans one fight.
Gheb FE
The fuck is wrong with you? Except maybe FE4, the story of these games was always mediocre, it has always been a gameplay-focused series
To be fair, the game really could have used the pointer, but it's nothing I lost sleep over. I love how many controller options the game has: Wii Remote sideways, Wii Remote vertically, Wii Remote with Nunchuck, Classic Controller and even GameCube Controller.
The difficulty was fairly easy, not piss easy that you could just walk through everything, but as long as you used your brain and picked one of the lower difficulties it was fair enough.
Nohr's story is basically if you got Code Geass but had a retarded Suzaku. Gameplay is a lot better and provides a bigger challenge, and Lunatic is a lot more balanced than Awakening's shitty design(Not that it was hard to do).
Never grow up Holla Forums
Weak bait
I don't think they exist, most of the pre-7 FE fanbase just reads Japanese.
How is that any different from Code Geass? Everyone was retarded in that series.
I'm playing FE6 for the first time, using a team where I rank team priority by rolling each character's place in the priority list when I recruit them, and then play a level bringing the highest priority characters except I always bring 1 foot healer, 1 mounted healer, 1 mage, 1 flyer, and 1 thief.
I'm up to level 10 and my team is Roy, Clarine, Thany, Rutger, Lance, Lot, Lugh, Wendy, Wolt, Bors, Ellen, Astol
Should I play the NES games? I just played fire emblem 7 after my friend lent me out awakening and fates, and I fucking loved it. It feels weird to have started so late in the series. I feel like starting from the beginning. Is it worth it?
Just to clarify, now that I have completed 7, I think fates and awakening are utter shit and regret playing them
The NES ones aren't great unless you have a hardon for dated mechanics. SNES is when they hit their peak.
This, but you should probably play other GBA games before tackling those.
The endgame is as rough as the original, but enemies have altered stats. So much, much worse if you're playing on 3 star hard and up.
I could only beat the game on 4 star hard, and that was playing with a horrible throwaway style early on to get the first gaiden chapter, and late into the game because I honestly did not have the choice. I had to get Athena, since she had solid enough base stats. She fell off later, but she put in a lot of work. More work than any of the fodder the game throws at you en masse at the start of the game. You had to be very picky and pin your hopes on consistent units not getting fucked over by a few bad levels. So basically, I sacrificed anyone not named Caeda, Cain, Abel, Ogma, Barst, Julian, Navarre, Merric, Hardin, and Lena because I needed a healer better than Wrys. After getting Athena, none of the other gaiden units were worth the time and bloodshed. It wasn't easy but at least there wasn't much bullshit along the way and I could keep anyone I wanted. But to be honest, aside from Maria, Minerva, and Linde, not a lot of winners in the middle chapters. And Minerva really isn't that good, she got benched by endgame, but at least she could survive a hit.
On the last chapter, I had to sacrifice Cain and Abel just to get a shot at the final boss. Abel played the role of rearguard as I made my final approach to the boss, and he was critting too many enemies on counterattacks until he was killed by the seventh fucker to challenge him. And Cain sacrificed himself and one of the legendary weapons so that Marth could land the killing blow with the Falchion. I had no one who could have engaged Medeus and survived a turn, his speed and damage was too high.
There are a few units who have potential to be really good, but on the higher difficulties it's not worth gambling your entire run trying to get a unit first up to speed, second up the potential they have. And I mean it, you waste EXP and you're dooming yourself. You're already fighting bad level ups from your regulars, you think you have the time and resources to spend on a fresh rookie? I appreciate that aspect of the game, having to manage who gets your EXP and gold by being careful of who engages in fights, but yeah, Shadow Dragon will happily fuck you up the ass without hesitation if you tell it to.
But there are more fun and even more difficult FE games in the series. SD wasn't the best, but I had some fun with it regardless.
Absolutely worth it. The NES originals are not really replaceable - even with two remakes, Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Ken never got a truly faithful one, and Gaiden is incredibly unique in the franchise.
Was it actually impossible to do damage if you didn't get good enough Power gains though? I seem to recall some endgame bosses in the original Ankokuryuu having defense high enough that even using Silver weapons you ended up doing rather pitiful damage if your Power wasn't near to max. Of course that was balanced out by magic being set damage due to not being influenced by Power or Defense, but I don't recall if magic even worked on Medeus.
That level was pretty crazy. The way I finally beat it was by basically cheesing the whole thing.
I started with two staff users(I don't remember which ones they were), the dragon girl, and Marth in a block formation. I gave one of the staff users a warp staff and him/her warp the dragon girl in front of the dragon that was in front of the Shadow Dragon, and kill it. I then had the second staff user take the warp staff from the first one and warp Marth in front of the Shadow Dragon and attack it with the Falchion. On the enemies turn, the Shadow Dragon killed the dragon girl, but not before she did a decent chunk of damage to him, and all the other enemies in the room attacked Marth, but didn't kill by some miracle. On my next turn I had Marth finish off the Shadow Dragon, who was already almost dead.