ZOG at it again.
US: No Two State Solution for Israel / Palestine
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Op you are a nigger
Which they obviously don't. Eat shit, shill.
sage and report for low energy shilling
I interpret this as not giving them any more money so they both die. Zero state solution is the best solution.
I hope this is true. True Holla Forumsacks know that nationalist Jews are our greatest ally, and they don't want a half-country.
One state solution is bad for Israel, it'd make the Palestinians Israeli citizens. That's why they're doing this piecemeal annexation so that they can slowly squeeze the arabs out of the region.
This is good. If jews get sandniggers ans niggers in their country they will be culturally enriched
You assume they would let them become citizens.
They are going to kick them out.
Glass the kikes, nuclear war now!
Single state solution, turn it into a representative democracy, shitskins outbreed kikes, then shitskins vote kikes dead.
Then we glass it.
or this.
Fuck off Kike
You assume they'll let them live at all
Pic related
Blow your fucking brains out, a kike is still a kike.
This is the same exact mistake that got us cheated out of a thousand year empire under national socialism.
Israel should be one multicultural state between Arabs and Jews
Anti-racist Hitler did nothing wrong
this video unironically redpilled me on demographic displacement
It was a great piece of propaganda.
I'd go for an Israel single-state solution and support for genocide of palestinians in exchange for Mossad assassinations of their inbred deep state subhuman cousins here in the US.
dubs confirm
Thats fine, a one state solution where the jewish minority are controlled by the palestinian majority would be preferable anyways.
Enjoy the ban TRS
Jews will always be our enemy, they should never be given the right to represent us. Even if they were to want to become our friend, it can only and must only be recognized as a lie. They will never give up in their battle to annihilate us for we are the only ones who can defeat them.
I say Open Borders for Israel and BDS.
Its remarkably normie friendly also, sharing this + With Open Gates on kikebook has done wonders to redpill basic bitch conservatives and moderates.
throw hadji babies in blenders
Kasich tried to make BDS illegal in his state, he passed a law or regulation saying any company which engages in BDS will be denied contracts with the government.
You have W.O.G with the original soundtrack? It never had quite the impact with it removed.
The sources is Carpenter Brut IIRC
Who said anything about working with them? We'll still have to get rid of them eventually, but turning them against eachother for awhile seems like good strategy.
If that strategy means giving israel any more territory or autonomy then it's no benefit to any white man in any regard.
Yeah, carpenter brut, invasion A.D. And unfortunately not, they really fucked us on that copyright.
How do you stop a hadji baby from crawling around in circles?
Nail it’s other hand to the floor
What bounces up and down at 100mph?
A hadji baby tied to the back of a truck.
What do you call a hadji baby on a stick?
A Kebabie.
It just shows how effective it was. It provoked an emotional response when tied to the imagery, it created a physical feeling of increasing tension and anxiety. It was damn near perfect, which is why the jews put so much effort into breaking it. Without the sound, it was 3/10 trash, non effective.
Someone should remake it with a slight tweak or something.
Fuck kikes and mudshits. Fuck kikes who try to divide and conquer first, then the mudshits who are less threatening.
Islam is the sword of international jewry, kill yourself.
Let me ask you something. Are you white? Do you care about the existence of whites?
Muh trump is not a jewish puppet they said.
But then again all your politicians are. Saying that they will protect Israel was one of the requirenments for being a presidentian candidate. You have no idea how fucked up that looks to anyone outside of the usa. You are sacraficing the lives of your soldiers and billions of dollars to help a country on the other side of the planet that never did shit for your people
Youre about to get banned, its obvious youre trying to cover for jews while targeting only muslims in a thread about jews getting total control of the land.
We here recognize that jews are in control, and muslims are their weapon. The weapon does not swing itself, and the sword is harmless without a bearer. We are united in knowledge that the jew is our greatest misfortune, and the muslim becomes impotent without the jew.
JEWS must be dealt with, muslims are always secondary to the jew. A great man once likened the situation to a leaking pipe. You dont clean the water up while its still flowing, first you fix the pipe, then you wipe up the water. The jews are why the pipe is broken, and until the jews are gone, the pipe cant be turned off and be fixed, nor can the water be cleaned up.
Go one step further and youre looking at a ban.
Put on your capcode.
Shit cunt, more wasted quads.
You heard the quads, put on your capcode.
He didnt take the step because he realized youre the shit cunt who is pro-jew by being only anti-muslim. Enjoy your ban, shill. Were not cuckchan, we see through this bullshit.
Do you know how IDs work you fucking MASSIVE faggot?
Muslims are a greater, or equal threat to the jew.
Tell me, who is the bigger threat - the soldier shooting your family or the government that instigated the war?
This too, if this is our vol's mentality we clearly need new ones and I will buy fully into all the shit memes various honeypots have been pushing
I hate kikes also but the immediate threat is muslims
Muslims are not an equal or greater threat than the jew, you must be new. Jews are the reason we have muslims in our countries, jews are the government forces stopping mass deportations, people like the jew tearing up over Trumps muslim ban, and then the jews who shot it down in court etc. Jews prevent us from dealing with muslims, and niggers, and beaners, and feminism, every thing that rots our society. Jews are behind cultural marxism.
Muslims were our ally, when they were in their own countries.Jews have made muslims our ally. Hitler considered muslims an ally, William Luther Pierce considered muslims an ally, a victim. You are either shills, or dangerously ignorant. I wont report you personally because you clearly mostly are on the right track, posting anti-racist hitler etc.. but if thats the first thing that redpilled you, and you think muslims are as dangerous as jews.. you have a long way to go.
Id advise you to not go around aggressively pushing those views, because you WILL get banned for that, around here. The other guy, hes a straight shit cunt and I did report him.
user targeted another poster who specifically singled out mudshits and reminded that poster to not forget the kikes.
What exactly are YOU trying to do?
Why would anyone insist on a two state solution though? The kikes don't belong there, or anywhere.
Muslims were never our ally. They are just another side of the poisoned abrahamic coin. All jews, all muslims, all must be burnt to ash.
I'm not straight shit, I've always will shit talk those who try to garner sympathy for dead shitskins in palestine, my opinion always has and always will be, send them both back to their shitholes and let them kill each other.
This is good. Let them sort out what they want, be a neutral party.
And TBH, this recognizes Palestinians as a worthy partner.
Something that Israel ignored from their inception.
Also you're a faggot for pretending to be a hotpocket even though you're fucking not.
JIDF, please.
The most telling thing, imo, will be if he begins a war with Iran. If he does this, then he is beyond doubt a complete and total zio puppet. Until such time, he is the best option we have. Regardless, it is time for white western folk to mobilize and prepare for the worst.
Im not a hotpocket, but I can tell you that its a razor thin line for X Y Z, and a hair trigger perma ban from the mods if they catch you shilling for jews, or D&Cing etc. This is not cuckchan, newfags should lurk more.
The shitskins have been trying to conquer whites for the past six thousand years, just like the jews. They are our eternal enemies.
Jews made the muslims our enemies, as I said, Hitler considered them an ally as did WLP. They were an ally when they were in their own countries, their culture is incompatible with ours, but they were united with us against the greater threat, the jews. Even GLR worked with the black islamists.
Those were different times, user. The muslims today may hate the jew, they may name the jew- but they want to rule the world just as badly. The only real difference is they want to do it through jihad; the jews do it through subterfuge and guile. They both deserve nothing but ten trillion tons of napalm and a whole lot of rope.
Yes they are, simply because of this fact you acknowledge right in your post.
Using my analogy, the kikes are the government and the jews and muslims are the soldier killing your family.
Almost everything you say is factual up until
You seem to confuse Muslims with Persians, and Egyptians.
Shitting on some faggot defending muslims, who historically and currently have been and are being pitted against white men by jews.
They must both go, neither judaism or islam may be allowed to exist in the world, and semetic peoples have no right to exist racially.
Lad, you've bought into some shitty memes that endchan has spread about our vols. Also stop accusing others of being cuckchanners when you call vols mods.
And just because muslims weren't all that uppity during the nineteenth century doesn't mean they have not historically been our enemies.
Arabs, Persians, Aryans, and Hindis have historically aligned themselves with us, muslims have not.
Are you a muslim, by any chance?
Changing the goalposts, I agree they arent our ally right now. I said jews made them our enemy. They WERE our ally. One guy was saying muslims are more dangerous than jews, the other was saying they are either equally or more dangerous. Both are wrong, beyond debate, like the idea working with nationalist jews. No.
IIRC those people were white turks, not ethnically like modern day arabs
Those are both Islamic peoples, user.
The only salvation for the Aryan race and white civilization is the total annihilation of her enemies. There can be no alternative end game.
During the nineteenth century there was an idea that Whites and Muslims could unite against the jew. This idea has proven incorrect.
People who are islamic only because they were conquered by islam historically. It's like saying that Europe is Christian.
We should neither work with nationalist jews nor nationalist muslims they should be sent back to their shitholes and eventually genocided like the natives in north america.
Carry on then.
Now you're just being autistic to try and say they're not Islamic. By that logic only Saudi Arabia is a true Islamic nation.
Not saying we somehow need to make them into an ally again, or even spare anything except Persians and small areas of places like Syria (which just got a lot smaller). I said the jews made them our enemy, and that they are not an equal or greater threat to the jews.
Jews are the problem, jews are what must be dealt with, these other cunts are D&Cing and they will find out the hard way thats not accepted around here. Trying to suggest muslims are masterminding white genocide, or the prime cause behind it is ridiculous. Cultural Marxism is what is causing white genocide, muslims are like 10% of that, and Cultural Marxism is exclusively a jewish creation and promoted almost entirely by jews.
Quite correct. I stated in another thread a war with Iran indicates Trump is a puppet for ZOG interests. I also support based Assad. There would be no refugee crisis if not for Zionist wars. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that- but groups like ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) and those calling for a global caliphate will never be friends or allies.
I havent bought into any memes. Go ahead and suggest that gassing jews is a joke, see what happens. Ill enjoy the giant red text under your post. Go ahead and even suggest the holhoax happened. Youl be gone. We dont accept that bullshit around here, we dont let nigger cocks and shitposts, or shitposters stick around like on cuckchan. Produce something of value or get out. Get caught dividing and conquering by trying to say muslims are a greater threat than jews, Its pretty safe to say you wont last long.
No, we shouldn't be interfering with anything in the sandbox, let the wildlife kill each other, russia should piss off out of there also.
Iran currently are acting like fucking cunts and I cant say I support them at the moment. They need their government replaced, and that death to America shit needs to be forcefully stopped. They might be our racial cousins, but the jews have made them hate us just as much as they hate the jews, so its pretty hard to not fight with them when they pull a knife out and start waving it in your face (rocket launches) and then get all uppity when you tell them they cant come over anymore (vowing revenge for muslim ban)
Thats all on them. Id treat my own cousin like a dick too if he did things like that.
We also know that Israel is ISIS, ISIS are wahabbi muslims like the Saudis, they all need to get glassed.
What do you think of the jews?
Regardless, more wars in the Middle east only furthers the agenda of Greater Israel; which is the ZOG end game. They want an empire to rival the USA, or more specifically, a pure ethnic USSR in the region.
The only interference that should happen is killing them all eventually
Why the fuck would I do that? I legitimately hold the belief that semetic peoples, especially those who follow the Judaic faith must be systematically exterminated - preferably using some kind of delousing agent do so do.
Anyone who suggests that kind of shit deserves a ban, as does anyone denying the kike's holy hoax.
You only think this is D&C because you hold the belief that muslims were our ally when historically they have only been our ally during a small period during the nineteenth century when the idea that islamic peoples and whites could unite against international jewry which has been proven to be an impossible idea to implement for many reasons. The main reason being that historically and currently jews have pitted muslims against whites and the muslims as a whole have bought into it. You sound like one of those "moderate muslim" assholes.
And stop treating me like a cuckchanner when we both have the same ideas on how this board ought to be run
The idea that vols are ban-happy faggots is the meme I am referring to, they ban people who deserve it, not just any old idiot that disagrees with a user who thinks his view is the prevalent consensus.
Gas them all except stephen miller.
Without starting a back and forth on the second part of your statement, yes, this is probably about Greater Israel… but Israeli generals have been caught leading ISIS in Iraq for example, the turks have been caught funding them, Saudis have been caught airdropping supplies, there was a second story about Israel too where they got caught being embedded in their forces or something, the most important one but I cant recall. Something tells me Im going to have to go hunt for my sources when someone who hasnt heard about this shit asks for it..
I only post here. There is no meme, there is only what Ive seen. Ive been permad myself for a single shitpost, and then unbanned after I said to look at my posting history in the appeal. You go around aggressively arguing with Holla Forumsacks by saying jews are a lesser threat than muslims, youre going to be gone.
Wew, just look at that spin.
Jews are fucking awful
Islam is pretty bad too
I say we get rid of both and live in a world without Semitic people.
I agree with all of that, but no one is fooling anyone, Jews are the prime threat with a large gap. Nothing compares even closely to the danger the jews pose the white race. Nothing.
I guess you don't remember when SRS spread "googles and skypes" here.
I said that in regard to the individual safety of whites, not as a whole-package. I apologize for not being specific enough, it looked like you were defending muslims, which I still suspect you are.
Jews rarely go around bombing people, or running trucks through crowded markets, same cannot be said for muslims, and as I said in an earlier post Islam is the sword of international jewry
the jew subverts the institutions and makes it impossible to crack down on the terror they create by displacing muslims and riling them up against the USA, the muslims still buy into it(as they have done historically as well) and should not be defended for any reason.
also: why were you shitposting? I assume this was an ironic shitpost which leads me to the conclusion that you haven't learned that ironic shitposting is still shitposting and ironically making a community shit still makes it shit.
refugee crisis is also manufactured anyway. they just needed an excuse.
how many niggers and third worlders not from syria did we let into europe?
I agree
The solution is groundzero states
No one but Jews, Liberals and Neocons like those roaches.
Sauce would be good; but I've heard all these things before and am inclined to believe. Nothing is below those fucking demons.
Fair enough. Day of the rope, friends.
So what, did you think I was suggesting jews go around personally harming white people? No one is saying youre in danger of a jew stabbing you tomorrow, despite that we all are considering ANTIFA types are highly populated by jews, and jews have a history of political assassination. Obviously everything that jews do is indirect in how it effects you, but directly stems from them. Jews made faggotry not a mental illness, jews made the feminism movement, jews gave women the vote essentially, jews push addiction and drug abuse, jews cleaned out the churches, jews destroyed the education system, jews push for anti-gun laws, jews push for immigration, jews push for illegal immigration, jews engage in mass sex slave rings on grander scales than the muslims, but get away with it.
Jews have rotted the arts, jews control the media, jews have made white people the enemy, jews create all the leftist propaganda, jews created cultural marxism, jews were responsible for communism, for the communist revolt in Germany, for the assassination of a German diplomat causing Kristallnacht, for the buying of all the land in Germany at unfair rates with foreign currencies. Jews are responsible for porn, jews are responsible for the idea of "cuckoldry" and also for making it relatively normal, and accepted to some degree among white people. Jews are the ones who made white genocide fashionable, and fun, and perceived as the right thing to do. Jews are the reason we have posters saying you cant have white kids because its racist. Jews are the reason you end up in prison for consensual sex, jews are the reason you cant have a wife, and kids, a family, that its hard if not impossible for you to live on your own, jews are responsible for nearly every problem in the world today, and they are our greatest misfortune.
To put muslims anywhere near the level of jews is ludicrous, completely asinine.The level of ignorance and stupidity required to make such a statement is so grand that people around here normally will just assume youre a shill.
Spoilers were broken and caused the image to forcefully maximize without being clicked on. One guy posted a huge smug anime face, I posted a meme about gassing him, and spoilered it.
Since you said they were less threatening I did. Muslims are the ones currently outbreeding us, muslims are the ones currently killing whites in the streets.
You should have said this initially, we agree on absolutely everything. Jews are a much bigger threat to the white race even though they aren't as big of a threat to individual whites personal safety.
I feel fucking autistic now lad
Out of curiosity, at first I was thinking "What a cowardly position" - to think about things in terms of how dangerous they are to you in daily life. To think about muslims as equally or more dangerous than jews, because of the risk of a terrorist attack, or of being randomly shot or stabbed by one, or the risk they pose your children, which would be the most valid out of any of those I guess.. but then I realized I personally dont live around muslims, and dont need to worry about it.
What is the concentration of muslims like in your area, to where you actually feel terrorized and fearful of them? Because my main problem with muslims is that they are in our countries in the first place, not that Im afraid of what they might do. When one random guy gets killed, it doesnt actually bother me that much.. obviously its wrong, and its a symptom of them being here in the first place.. It does when a little girl gets molested, and it really boils my blood when that fucker doesnt get his and the court lets him off for whatever bullshit reason… but personally, my objections to muslims are ones that the public will never agree with, and therefore I (many of us) simply exploit news stories related to muslims that are highly negative to their greatest benefit.. but if it were up to me, all non whites would be blocked at the border and all our countries would be at least 97% white. Yea, you let muslims in, they blow people up, they are incompatible with our society.. but personally the biggest problem is again, that they exist in our country at all. Theres millions of people, terrorist campaigns rarely kill more than a couple hundred people. That plays big in the news, and is a good excuse to be upset about them.. but we should also sort of worry about that.When we arent even actually totally outraged about it, when we only feign outrage.. how can we expect the opposite side to actually care? Thats the same bullshit they do, to a much worse extent… "Youre a hitler if you think blacks arent equal!" for them, obviously blowing innocent women and children up is a little bit worse than that.. yea, its sad to look at the little girl in Nice I believe it was, with the stuffed animal..
I guess the point Im getting to without having realized it as I was making it - is that we will never have an excuse to get rid of muslims entirely, while jews control peoples minds. It should simply be enough to say "they are incompatible with our culture, look at the things they have done already" - and to say we, and our children deserve a racially homogeneous society.. but that will never be enough, while the jews give us opposition.
My main concern is white genocide. In the context of that concern, the muslim threat is from their breeding ability, and the detrimental effect they have on white birth rates. They also push for Sharia, so if you let them get to any real high percentage, they will violently demand their completely ridiculous religious laws, that can not be accepted in any circumstance, to any degree. It would provoke a civil war at that point, if it were even agreed upon by the government, or enacted by islamic government officials - who are growing in number. Yes, muslims are a threat. Yes, muslims are bad, and we need to deal with them as a problem. Im not "defending" muslims, besides that I recognize Persians as our racial cousins despite them being worthy of a sever beat down for how they have treated us lately, and small parts of the middle east to hold valuable crusader blood worth preserving… but anyone in our countries are not where they should be. In the context of white genocide, jews are the only real threat. Every mechanism causing whites to disappear is created by jews, even the one where muslims are brought in and breed, rape, forcefully indoctrinate our society into its grave.
Jesus fucking christ, how is fucking FRANCE of all places able purple pill the kike, taking her from an almost decent human being (still a jewess though,) to being a complete white man hating jew york city spinster?
It's simple - jews want the OPPOSITE of a functional european society.
A two-state solution is essentially impossible by now.
What this in-between situation (which lasted for decades) has permitted is the destruction of the possibility of a two-state solution through relentless colonization of lands in Palestine.
It is territorially impossible to shape 2 different states, and it was never a means to peace, but a way to buy time.
Just like Capitalism, the only way to cancel the Zionist project is through it's own realization. Let them eat everything, let them show their true face, and let the end begins.
France is ground zero for the poz. It has tried to be on the cutting edge of progressivism since the early 1900's, it's only recently that we've been outdone by the Swedes, Germans and Brits.
That is essentially saying fuck the two state solution and the Israelis will view it as yet more support for settlements. Also couple this with the Crimea shit and it's clearly an deep state coup.
Holla Forums in a nutshell:
Wow great discussion.
you're partially correct. there are a lot of young people in israel who couldn't give a shit about having an ethnostate, but these views are NEVER given a platform in western media. they have the ability to coexist, they have in the past, but we're constantly sold this us vs them narrative regarding the issue and there really is no GOOD guy in this situation.
you shitskin lovers make me sick
I red pilled my great grand mother on this.
she already hated kikes, but she wanted nationalists to go to hell with them "so they won't rest in peace"
Trips of truth
theres some serious muslim internet defence ford in here
The word you're looking for Moishe, is worldwide networks of hugely financed isreali jew hasbara kike shills flooding these boards.
this, the one state solution means the leftist jews indoctrinated by their own propaganda will breed with the palestinians watering down their bloodlines.
Also the palestinians breed like rabbits among their own kind, the jews will be a minority within israel within this century.
no they will be deported
for terrorism, for crime etc, they`ll find reasons
It's not for us you retard that image is to use on bluepilled faceberg users
Should be a zero state to be honest.
Wait, I'm confused, isn't this what we want? I thought the über kikes didn't want a 1 state solution because then arabs would be a majority in the country and would then take over Israel.
The kike solution is two state where they keep doing illegal land grabs (like they are doing now) so that they don't have to give citizenship to Palestinians.
Can someone correct me? That's my current understanding of the situation.
where to… no country will accept them.