Warhammer Thread


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What the fuck even are Tau? I only know them as robotic/africa tier beastmen that castrate POWs for a 'greater good.'

I'd rather fight for the Eldar or Slaneesh

Sage because off topic

Tau are a fairly original concept, which is considered intolerable by many Warhammer fans. This is also why Games Workshop was forced to change Necrons into Tomb Kings 2.0 because a bunch of fans complained they were too weird and alien for them to understand.

This new consumer base won't be happy until all the factions are just slightly different versions of Space Marines. Even the new IG are being given bulkier power armor knock-offs to make that appeal. Age of Sigmar is just a taste of what to expect when Games Workshop decides to "update" more of it's old content to try and appeal to this new demographic.

There are more Warhammer games coming out now than there have been in the past several years. Between Battlefleet Gothic, Dawn of War 3, Space Hulk, Total War, Vermintide and Eternal Crusade, there's a wealth of vidya-related discussion to be had.

My friends make fun of me for liking Tau please help.

What was the necron like before they changed them?

Sounds like you have good friends user who are just looking out for your best interests.

It's okay, they're edgelords who couldn't deal with the imperium looking even more obviously evil by comparison so they had to whine until the Tau were made evil too

Sound like Sour Grapes to me

Your friend is helping you. By endlessly shaming you for having such shit taste he hopes you'll snap out of it.

So anons, anyone pirated Man O'War Corsair?

That guy doesn't seem to be bothered by that ork. Is he part of the crew?

With Orcs? Never know, probably heard they were going looting and wanted to join in.

What's the game like anyway? Is it Pirates! in Warhammer Fantasy or what?

Original Necrons were just space raiders that no-one knew anything about. When the codex came out they were fleshed out into the mechanical servants of god-like beings. ("The C'tans did it" was a not so popular retcon to many things.) Necrons themselves had no personality, feelings or desires. Their singular goal was to eliminate life. Fluff usually described encounters as fleeting ambushes or unfortunates finding them on tomb worlds as they awoke. Any encounter that they were beaten still left their opponents baffled because they would just disappear along with any remains.

They were meant to be unnerving, relentless and completely remorseless. There was no negotiation or reasoning with them. And the looming threat was that the Imperium didn't know anything about them or just how many planets they'd populated which would turn out to be tomb worlds.

They were refreshing in a universe of over the top villains, but kids found them boring. So they changed them so upper rank Necrons now have personalities and desires and epic 100,000 year long just-as-planned moments and the same generic shit the other factions have.

By off topic I meant asking about Tau lore. I didn't really think this thread would be about lore.

I am genuinely curious about the Tau, but don't know where to look for lore.

All I know is Macha a fucking QT

Stay the fuck away from the wiki

Also 1d4chan

I personally found old Necrons boring, and generally overpowered in terms of fluff.

Now players can actually have variety to their Necron armies. Take note that there is nothing stopping you from making them into the relentless terminator army of old.

I personally find it more entertaining when there is infighting and diversity within the factions.

Did they finish purging it of leftists and their shit?

tau are so fucking boring and gay, I will go to sleep tonight dreaming about their sweet anime gear getting looted by orks that then evolve into shootier orks

Seriously though, there seems to be a fucking surge of new 40k fans, DoW3 trailer probably has two million views by now. Tau are always popular among newfags, being sleek and cool without being as strange as the Eldar, so naturally they're all begging for them as a DLC race in every single 40k game. Where the fuck are these retards coming from? Steam?

Dunno. I don't read it all that often but I never noticed anything fishy to be honest

Funny how Trump is called 'god emperor' after a decrepit braindead corpse whose society is destroyed

Found the Chaos butt pirate.


Its not early 00s anymore
People like Tau because they have some nice lore, units and unique tactics.

Im all for the hating the "Tau commie raping my grimdark with their acceptance bullshit" jokes and ironic race war shitflinging.
But if you cant understand why someone other than the newfags that left the franchise years ago like Tau please consider suicide.


Surprisingly good actually and large, really large map that looks like it'd take a day real time to sail round and that's if you have a good wind. Not much to it at the moment apart from trading, looting and fighting. Boarding action is barebones and could use some work and fighting seamonsters is a bit choppy. It's worth watching at least for the moment, seems like it actually could turn out to be one of the best Warhammer games out there.


They castrate their POWs

Mist looks like fucking ass thought.


Dark Crusade. The Tau ending.

There's a few things that look like ass, overall the game though gave me more a Mount and Blade at sea vibe than anything else.

Revisionism to make the butthurt steroid marines feel better about their faction

The Tau used to be a bunch bow and arrow wielding tribes, they had lots of stupid fights with each other all the time, and nearly warred themselves into extinction. Then, out of nowhere, the Etherals showed up and got all the Tau to start working together, or as they frequently quip, "For the Greater Good".

I forget the exact timeline on this, but the Imperium found the Tau, playing with fire and hiding in caves, and just before they were ready to wipe them out and colonize the planet, the planet gets a very localized Warp storm around it and cuts everyone off from the Tau for a couple millenia. The next time the Imperium sees the Tau, they're a space faring race. Again, I forget this part, but I think there was something about the Imperium ship that first spotted the Tau getting caught in that Warp storm, it crashing down to the planet and then the Tau reverse engineering all the tech on it, and then using it as a springboard to advance on their own tech.

The Tau have no psykers or connection to the Warp, and most of them don't even know the Warp exists. To compensate for this, the Tau have some pretty shiny guns and ships. I recall someone saying that if everyone else's ships dive into the Warp to achieve FTL travel, the Tau's ships just skip and skim across the surface. Because of this, the Tau can't expand terribly fast, but they have a pretty firm grip on the places they have gotten to. They like to "enlist" the species of the worlds they conquer, rather than destroy them outright. How they treat these species can vary wildly, but if you're not helping the Greater Good, they have no use for you.

On the whole, they are very not grimdark. There have been some attempts to make them grimdark the sudden appearance of the Etherals, and the Warp storm that was effectively protecting their planet while they turtled up their tech are pretty suspicious but in the end, they're pretty much weeaboo bait.

For the Greater Good!


Tau are just Eldar puppets. And really, it fits, the space leftists are being controlled by the space Jews.

So do I discuss the new streum on warhammer game here?




The thing that disappointing me the most is the lack of speed
I was hoping for EYE levels of speed
Also in Lore they're supposed to be fast

They're literally being made slow for no reason

What's the status of CHAPTER MASTER?

Not while wearing Terminator armor they're not.


Even in termie armor, they're not slow.
Not by normal human standards.




Are the imperium fags butthurt about Tau because their plasma weapons makes their space marine feel vulnerable?

Tactics? They're some of the most absurd armies to fight against with their bullshit anime toys.


Because its a wiki

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my horns.

just change of tactics


what is this?

Rest in peace, Pariahs.


If I had to guess, it's a leftover of when GW hodge-podged real word entities into their universe because they lack creativity.

The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via pastebin.com/raw/UWffBQbn: Mayfly

>The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via pastebin.com/raw/UWffBQbn: Mayfly


You are doomed to your cycles, chaos is part of the balance.

Why does chaos use power armor? Do they use it just for the style points and the huge pauldrons?

because they indoctrinate spess muhrenes by making them pray so hard they are corrupted, so you have a power armor left over and there's no sense in letting it sit in a corner and never rust.

It's to keep the nsa from tracking your information.

Pretty shit tactic against dragnet surveillance smh tbqh famicom

Because Holla Forums has successfully managed to make an already autistic topic even worse.

Why dont you embrace the Greater Good user?
We have cute grills



Did I hear the lore wrong? I may be regurgitating wrongly, this information was buzzed by once in the middle of the night by a friend on Skype and I may have not slept a night before.

Because they are salty the Imperium has the better fashion sense.

Chaos is basically FUCK YOU DAD! edgelords.


ebin :D





talk about being a sad sack of bolts


Pretty much everyone expect Nids use the Warp m8
The Emperor is still techniclly alive otherwise he'd be the strongest chaos god
Dark Age Humanity was arguablly more advanced than the Necrons
Only Feral worlds
Say that to Sly fucking Marbo
Most Imperial soldiers use Lasguns
Funny because that's the Orkz

Listen you tin can, humans had normal space travel before warp travel.
It was simply too inefficient compared to warp travel.

People disliked the Tau because there used to be a super cheap strategy for the tabletop game that basically guaranteed they would win. And Necrons being Tomb Kings in space is Matt Ward's fault



De facto

Chaos Space marines are exactly that though. Especially Lorgar.

1d4chan's pretty good if you don't mind articles filled with in-jokes.



We fought hard against the SJW and purged most of it. Now it is just the normal sperg shit.


Banshees sure seem to have big butts.

How is that? Also someone was talking about how the Emperor beat some dragon a while back. Backstory on any of this??

If I know my lore, the physicality restricts chaos or some shit, so if he became simply a spirit and an idea, with how much he's worshipped directly his power would be maximum

This scale is horribly off.

why don't you track "bad" too guys, I bet that wont generate enough trash data as to make the whole thing useless.

remove bra

Why can't we have a game about the Bolter Bitches?


Look at this faggot


Sorry, I can't hear all that well while your voice comes from the bottom of the pit of irrelevance.

Who will Climb out first? Chaos, Nids, Orks or sisters?

What genre though? Would love some small squad tactics or crpg that lets you take them as units, should have been in DoW2 come to think of it. Think their relative battlefield presence would also make for a neat tactical shooter, as they have the same guns as marines but are not as tanky.

I can't help imagining a lot of flames.

So this is the Republic Commando of WH40k?

You're a fucking lying retard tau are the most easy mode faction ever made. Hurr lets make a make a goodytooshoe army in a GRIMDARK FUTURE where theres ONLY WAR kids are into tha japanesse anamie now too right? By beta cucks for beta cucks.

Your a beta normalfag bringing this universe down with your coward "I don't wanna be seen as a Nazi" outlook on this universe. Your existence dilutes the content and makes shit morer like cuck wars.


That's the best Sororitas cosplay I've ever seen. She's got the perfect face for it too.

I had a lot more but appear to have misplaced them unfortunately.


Tau have always reminded me of that salesman type. Always coming across as super nice and trying to sell you but you can tell they have a hidden agenda and what they might be selling isn't as good as they make it out to be.

he doens't know the maning of an organic society? they leave the melee to the more brute races

Have you been in some more pleasant alternate reality where we didn't fail to do that to subhumans in our countries?


To be perfectly honest I find the space marines to be extremely boring and, the tau at least look interesting.

h-game where they purge xenos girls by scissoring with them


i like their underdog status though, and even though theyre dicks they have a more positive vibe to them because theyre actually improving their technology

I'm calling the Ordo Xenos.

Because not much is better for personal protection than power armour and the vast majority of Chaos Space Marines were loyalist at on point or another. Plus the Dark Mechanicus probably just takes old power armour STCs and puts Chaos heraldry on them.

It's only a matter of time until they make AI and it refuckulates them back into the stone age.

humanity gets all upset that their mutant, 70 chromosome marines (that let them hang with the big boys) get mad at a race that is more malleable and faster at everything, if EMPRAH told them to, theyd be slinging rocks at foes and glorifying humanity
stupid vermin hamstrung themselves

for the greater good

what better way to end your story?

NAh, theirs are smaller.
The designs of Sororitas and Marine equipment (power armor, bolter) is based on the same basic design, but SM is noticably superior.
Their armor is thicker and they have the black carapace, and their bolters are higher caliber.

You don't even have the balls to throw yourself into hell to go sanic fast.

maybe buy an army that isnt 17 models deep lad

The wiki is literally 10000 times better

It includes all the god damn stories user,

Stop including your shitty opinions when factoring in facts

i agree with you user, but in this town weve made this decade, opinions are currency, allow a man his voice

The original Necrons were Terminators meet Dalaks who were also Spooky Skellingtons.

There wasn't much you could do with them in fluff or on the tabletop- the armies were uninteresting since you couldn't make them your own. No names, no commanders, no middle ranking officers, no ungodly lucky footsoldier who is always in the right place at the right time, etc. etc.

He can have his opinion, but I'll have mine to say he's full of shit

If you're wanting to learn the lore go to wiki then 1d4chan for giggles

I think the important question is can a human fuck a tau?


I didn't ask if you had the data. I asked if you can fuck them.

sweetheart we can fuck anything

just takes doing

What are the % of that FPS warhammer game is gonna have sisters of battle and what % is the game going to be good?

From what they showed it looks promising and the level layout looks really big and tons of layout to explore imo. Not linear at all.


Wiki adds non confirmed shit and there are plenty of errors.
Lexicanum curates its info better and is better structured.

You dont need the wiki anyway when 1d4chan exists

Who gives a fuck what GW does though?
As long you and your friends have old codices (which you could just download), you can just play the old Necrons and the old anything. It's much more fun, if you don't worry about "what's "canon"".

post stands strong
retardo marines couldn't find good, sufficient counterarguments
Necrons confirmed for alpha

Why do Necrons seem like pimps of 40k?

Warp travel is hella fast. Necrons don't even use better travel methods, they travel trough stolen webways hubs (which they are loosing, their traveling ability rapidly DECLINES)

The coolest way to travel. But what do Necrons know about cool or bravery? You don't even have balls anymore.

Plenty of good reason. And in 40K, it's not bad.

Wut? Necrons were so shit their bodies decomposed. You abandoned your bodies because you couldn't be arsed to get fit. Meanwhile, we get catachans and Death Corps

Ser Isaac newton still rules. Effectievnes over gaudy shit.

You mean orcs?

citation needed

Being beyond such things seems pretty desirable to me, personally

How is changing your useless physical form to a superior machine worse than simply working on getting a better physique?

I actually don't know enough to comment on this one. Are Gauss weapons hard to create? Is there any material on how difficult it is to manufacture one?
Because generally a desintegration weapon sounds better. However, if you're speaking of cost/damage-done effectiveness, you might be correct!

Come on! Orcs create spaceships without any prior knowledge. They're Einsteins!

what a shit series

1/10 for response.

Come on lad you can do better

So who here serves Slaanesh?

Know what nobody is talking about anymore?

Dawn of War III

Sisters are nice too.

Well you got to have something to rape

Why does that image disturb me so fucking much?

Because chaos us shit-tier garbage.
Want to hear something really disturbing? This is what the media and universities are pushing on us.

You do realize the Tau lose that fight right?


Yes. There was a big celebration on full /tg/.


We never see the Hrud or those lizard fuckers the Blood Pact likes to use, either.

Just hold out hope for a Dark Heresy or Rogue Trader style RPG.

I'd be erect but I know they'd fuck it up.

Also amazed nobody asks for the Rak'Gol in Battlefleet Gothic Armada considering they actually have a more fleshed out navy than both the Dark Eldar and Necrons!

Yeah but they were good as a "force of nature" type enemy that seriously fucked people up and about which little was known.

I guess this works better in the video games where they can be the AI force that players have to fight against (and that low-skill players can play as because they're very simple in DoW DC), but the new Tomb Kings In Space are garbage.

is that from b3ta?

Ok so we are all in agreement that space marines suck except the Minotaurs right?.

Am I the only one who hates all these bio-horror races, like the Hurd, Tyrandis and Rak'Gol?

I really dislike how genestealers became part of tyranids.

They're a pretty cool concept, alien-like creatures who breed with other species to increase their numbers and are basically a very intelligent pest that has managed to infest most space hulks and several worlds/asteroids.

The tyranids and them just operate on such different levels to one another that it doesn't really make sense to have them as the same faction lore-wise.

Has ANYONE played Mordheim? I haven't seen this game discussed anywhere, someone give some feedback, please. It looks alright.

S-so what does Holla Forums think about Total War: Warhammer…?


It is getting better.
I wanted to pirate it to have Warhammer fantasy battle simulator but now who knows. It is getting better but I will still need to see after it releases.

IIRC, that's part of hte Newcron lore.
They managed to break into the Old Ones webway network back in YeOlde day, using more super-massive portals in spehs, but almost all are destroyed or gone, with only a few left. And they only allow limited access (to only some parts)

One demonstrated effort an dedication to bettering oneself. Not to mention ,to discard the holy human form is to blaspheme against the Emperor.

F-35's man. Fancy technology may as well be a rock if it can't be used effectively. Low-tech solutions are more impressive anyway.

The knowledge has been engraved into them by the Old Ones. There is no effort or learning involved.
And they still create ugly, clunky shit that barely holds itself together

40k version of L4D, everyone who i know bought it stopped playing it after a week due to nocontent.

melee was way OP too apparently

Warscape. Your point is invalid.

40k? Mordheim is in the fantasy universe. Also, are you sure you're not thinking of Vermintide?

My bad, meant vermintide

Fuck off shill. This games going to be DOA. Its the same bullshit over and over.

That's all that needs to be said.

Dude I just said it is no longer is Pre-order DLC.


If you want to play Total War: Warhammer, get Medieval 2 and play the Call of Warhammer mod, better yet wait for Call of Warhammer: Beginning of the End Times to be released.

Actually, did the space marine addon for battlefleet gothic come out yet?

Not yet. Those guys are steady but really slow.

Is it worth getting back into tabletop? I haven't played since 4th gen rule book.

Still no.
And that's as someone who loves painting, making terrain, and playing. It's stupidly expensive. Go buy practical things with your spare money, like a gun or a toolkit.

to little known, they come from one part of a one system.

Fuck me, I think actual crack would be cheaper than plastic crack.

Holy shit. Total War: Warhammer getting BTFO

check the chinese recasters, or ask someone with a 3d printer

Seriously. Some russkies made a better game for free on an ancient engine. CA should be ashamed.

All I can say to that, is that I suppose it just comes down to preferences and Reverting each others point with "muh opinion" won't do any good.
Your viewpoint explained to me a little why people like hoomanz in 40k. Thank you for that.

Going from the Battlefleet gothic stuff on Tabletop sim, are we just getting battle barges and escorts? or bigger stuff?

I never rightly got the whole "TAU R SPACE JAPS" lot.
At best, they're Space Indians, but even that's pushing it. Caste systems aren't really a big deal in Jap land, after all.

As far as their mechs are concerned, that too is not really the jap style. In fact, if anything, Eldar are space japs. They've definitely got jap-style armor and robots. Giant sword-wielding mechs is pretty much exactly what the Japs love.

Also, the whole "sterilization" thing is just propaganda from the Imperium to keep guys from running to a massively better society that doesn't treat you like a slab of bullet-absorbent meat.

Seems Battle Barges, Strike Cruisers, Vanguards and their Escorts and possibly some Imperial Navy ships.

Really is a shit engine isn't it?

Its pretty good. For those that don't know how it plays its kinda like X-Com.

It doesn't have a real learning curve, you play and either fuck up and lose a bunch of gear or guys. Or you win and manage to get your contracts fulfilled. Each time a guy drops out of action, the game comes up with an injury ranging from scars to lost limbs and death. There are NO limb replacements. If you have a guy that lost an arm, he can only use a one-handed weapon. That also means he cant climb stuff. If they lose a leg they move slower, etc.

The first "mission" you get is not easy. Its best to play against a bunch of A.I. and build up your warband. Its the only game I've played so far that actually punishes you for losing rather than just slapping a GAME OVER at you or some shit. But yeah you should definitely try it out.

I guess its ok, i dont know anything about BFG.

Id love to fly a barge in the X series though.

Tau armor is very japan-inspired, as well as their mecha (but more towars the 80's, where boxy design was more in).

Eldar are visually nothing like that.

Tau is basically "what if modern day humans with slightly higher tech stumbled upon a 40k setting?"

I like the idea of having unique minor factions in the setting that still have a presence as well.

They are pretty big ships.

Sounds about right.

Tyranids are the best


there should be more xeno-traitor space marine chapters
like, space marines that full-on defect to another faction (that isn't chaos) entirely

What's so difficult to understand about soulless robot skellingtons?
How brain retarded do you have to be?

It's also probably because it's easier to trademark/legally defend tomb kangz in space than it is to defend robot skellies

to keep giving money to GW for plastic figures? pretty damn retarded

Thats the thing, the whole thing with Tau was that they were too busy defending their small system to do any good, but that wasnt grimdark enough and muh humans are the real heroes faggots had to get triggered.

Renegade chapters you mean? Are there even any?

Soul Drinkers come to mind. They are Renegades but still loyal to the Imperium. Knights of Blood as well.

There's a few others where it isn't so clear.

Seems when most Space Marine Chapters turn Renegade it's generally due to the Inquisition fucking them over despite the majority of the time them doing nothing wrong. Which makes it seem like it's only a matter of time before the Inquisition gets ahead of itself and takes the full wrath of a Space Marine Founding Legion

I think we all know what the best race is.

Of course

The Speesh Wolves had a full blown war with the the Inquisition after Armageddon and other chapters like the Dark Angels and their sucessors, the Blood Angels and their sucessors and a bunch of others have a habit of making nosy Inquisitors disappear.

How long till the Inquisition get an Imperial Fisting? :^)

Can't wait to see Cyber-Gabe rip and tear in DoW3

The only good tau is a dad tau.

Imagine what an Ork computer would be like

It would have like 3 buttons and would still somehow type whatever message they want as they smash it repeatedly

you're just jelly of my railguns

So basically Shadowsun's father?

underrated post.

right about the time we past the next millennium.
expect inquisitors to start dying their hair in neon soon.

Wouldn't that be heresy?