Why does Sanic resonate with autistic people so strongly?
Are there any anons with the 'tism that can explain this phenomenon?
Why does Sanic resonate with autistic people so strongly?
Are there any anons with the 'tism that can explain this phenomenon?
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Chemical Reactions.
He goes fast, autists go slow.
Cool Factor
A lot of furries are autistic.
Are there furries that arent autistic?
I assumed it was a brain chemistry problem that made people think they were foxes that wanted to fuck videogame anthro creatures.
It's been discussed a million times.
Last discussion proposed that it wasn't Sonic himself that drew in autists, it was the community, and that for years there's been large masses of cancerous autists wandering from fandom to fandom, shitting them up with egomania and tantrums and crying and attention whoring, before eventually growing bored and moving onto the next big thing.
Sonic was the first of many. In these days, such people reside in the lands of Bronies, FNAF, Steven Universe, and Undertale.
Sonic is simultaneously the cool kid in school and not an asshole.to anyone outside his clique so long as they aren't attempting world domination.
combine that with a simple design and he's easy to latch onto. See: Tails
fan characters, however, weren't much of a thing until after sonic adventure and people started wondering where all the other sonic-like people were
Most of the furry community is gay. One theory is that through the creation of a fursona, (literally an alternate persona) they can express those gay sexual urges without feeling repressed by societal norms. I knew a lot of furries in my teen years who "presented" as straight, but as soon as they donned that fursona they turned into gigantic queens.
There's also the MLP effect, where you've got a community full of social outcasts that is welcoming of other social outcasts, so even those without those furry/horsefucker predilections may immerse themselves in that lifestyle anyway in order to finally feel accepted and have friends.
So would a new sonic adventure game cause a tidal wave of autists from these communities to coalesce into one mega-autism group?
Don't fucking joke about that.
I hope SA3 never exists.
Don't forget Super Smash Brothers.
That place is literal autism maximus
And Pokemon.
Yes, I've seen the swathes of fart fetish fanfiction.
Nah, they probably think they're too good for it at this point, especially now that tons of them have drank the SJW Kool-Aid.
This is also a strong point. The furry community would be a lot less fucked up if it had at least a bare minimum of standards.
I'm pretty sure at least half of /furry/ is pedophiles.
The internet was a mistake.
I have assburgers and never really resonated with Sonic at all.
Games are kinda fun though I guess?
Autism itself is just a convenient self-diagnosed made-up disease some people use to act like dicks towards society.
he's easy to draw
No he's not. Sanic anatomy is all sorts of fucked up, cartoonish proportions that seem to change all the time.
Kirby and Pac-Man are easy to draw.
i liked sonic as a kid but some people don't grow out of it
didn't make OC though, thank fuck that was after my time
You could always make up for lost time and make your own cool hedgehog that speaks to you.
It's because it's simple and consistent. Only a few characters that are mainly the same thing but different colours, and the badguy is eggman, and the environment is blue or yellow or green. It's similar to how autists like chiptunes. Music is just an entertaining set of patterns in audio. The autists want their music to be complex/fast and stimulating, but also need a set of boundries so they aren't taken by surprise. They can't be triggered when the musician randomly adds a dog barking noise or some shit. Simple to understand yes?
It's the last stop for a lot of people. I'm just glad they're able to find a sense of community and friendship, regardless of the quantity of truly disgusting individuals in the community.
Slow people just want to go fast.
F-Zero fans are a 50-50 split of Sonic tier autismo's and relatively normal people.
Anthropomorphic animals
Every other issue they have branches off from that.
Well, they are gay, and faggots have a higher chance of being pedophiles.
Nobody would care about furries, or treat them like lepers, if they didn't make their whole lives revolve around their disgusting fetish. And what's even worse is that they simply can't not let everyone around them suffer along too.
The reason community after community chases furries out like IRL nations do with Jews is because they are obnoxious to the extreme.
Autistic people are called slow and sonic isbfast. He's the opposite of them. Potatoes just wanna go fast.
I always got the impression that Mario is always more respectable to be into then Sonic?
Pretty much this.
I've had furries say…
The fact that he used the word fursecution WHILE he had a fursona name and avatar pic is exactly the reason why.
They go out of their way to make sure that everyone in their vicinity knows they're a fag.
Everyone has their weird kinks and fetishes but most people keep it to themselves.
I want to think those people are actors but I just can't bring myself to do it
All fandoms are terrible and Mario's is just as entry-level as Sonic's if not more so. Their autism might not be as obvious but it's out there if you dare to tread those depths
Is there a succinct way to describe this kind of behavior? Setting every facet of one entire life and personality spinning around a single label or group identity, demanding recognition or a special status for being in the group, forcing it into the limelight of every community they touch, and crying persecution when they're not wholeheartedly accepted or their demands aren't met? Somehow the defense seems to always cite benign individuals and ascribing those values to the entire group.
At least the weeaboo menace has generally learned to keep things just below the level of critical shitposting to not derail things, and that's commendable and just dandy. Casual usage of images versus deliberate obnoxious posts just to cause a ruckus and to keep replying to any objections in the exact same way.
My humblest thanks, weeaboo menace.
It's not just the fact that furries can't keep their powerlevel hidden, it's that they go out of their way to rub that shit in your face.
It's like faggots really. First they whine that they want to be "just like us" and live normal lives, and once they are given that they bitch and moan that tolerance is not enough, that everyone needs to approve. It's why they go out of their way to hire bakers they know are devout Christians and will refuse to make cake for them, or landowners that won't let them stage a wedding on their property, only to go whine to the government when they are denied to force the goyim to do their bidding and be humiliated in the process.
I've gone a tad off topic, but I firmly believe that the pathological need furries feel to make everyone in their surroundings aware they are a furry stems from their homosexuality, since fags exhibit the same narcissism and need for everyone to voice their approval of their butt piracy.
Furries are disgusting. If you've ever interacted with them you'd understand. Not that I recommend you to, but they are a crossover of the worst severe autism and faggotry have to offer, combined with a slew of other psychological issues that end up creating a vile cocktail of disgust.
What is the new gay sex orgy I mean fan convention at the airport Mariott like?
It already has autism and furries though.
I like Sonic and i am not autistic.
Sure, it's called "female behavior" :^)
Women have been doing that shit for nearly 90 years in the west.
I guarantee you scientists would have a field day with these kinds of people if PC culture ever gets toppled and they are allowed to explore the mental illness of sexual deviancy.
It's no coincidence that transsexuals, homosexuals, furries, otherkin et al all exhibit the same behavioral pattern of forcing their sexual fetish on the general public with the ultimate goal of forced-by-law universal approval and praise.
Weeaboos are autists and can be made to understand their shit is not always welcome or asked for, but furries/faggots/trannies seem incapable of understanding that they are not interesting. This has likely to do with the fact that the only "unique" thing about these people is their sexual deviancy, so to feel better about themselves they build their whole life around this one single trait that makes them different from the majority of their peers.
thats pretty deep user. i salute you
Expanding on 'slow people just want to go fast', I'd say it's the vibrant colors, expressive characters, easily recognizable shapes and many levels of consistency, both in story and in art-style.
After seeing Sanitsch, Tails and maybe some other characters, it's easy to see that an Original the Character would be an easy iteration on that formula. All the positive characters are pretty much built on the same skeleton, and the elements which differ are almost the same in every case. There's a pattern to it, and that makes it easy to iterate.
The extensive push for normalcy is pretty disturbing, yes.
If they were to actually succeed in completely normalizing all trans*smibbly bibblykins and overt fetishists, wouldn't that just rob them of their special snowflake status? In search of a new frontier in snowflakedom, would we see ever more obscene whackjobs coming out of the woodworks until the very concept of standards is forgotten?
They've succeeded though. Go back to 2000 and the thought of gays being accepted in society, let alone being allowed to marry, was ridiculous. Fast forward to today and that's the reality we live in.
Ditto for trannies. They've gone from an absolute fringe to semi acceptable in the span of 5 years. Bruce Jenner will now pose nude for Sprots Illustrated, while everyone in the media falls over themselves to call "her" brave and beautiful. The leftists have perfect the art of normalization of these freaks.
Not really. The standard behavior of trannies and faggots is to endlessly cry about wanting to "fit in" and "pass", but they're simultaneously reminding everyone how special they are, what pronouns us cis pigs are supposed to use, etc. The goal is not to normalize, the goal is to elevate these genetic defects on a pedestal and worship them as Marx's gift to humanity.
But we do. First it was homosexuals, then trannies, now furries, otherkin, headmates, bisexuals, pansexuals, omnisexuals, genderfluids, horsefuckers, pedophiles. Pic very much related.
I used to know this one guy in high school.
Let's call him Jack.
He used to be in the same grade school as another friend of mine, my friend told me he was pretty "normal" when he was younger.
In highschool I'd always gotten along with everyone even him(we was a loner).
Couple years ago I asked my friend why he stop hanging with Jack, he told me.
>"He was kind've an autistic sperg, he'd spaz out over the smallest shit but they still got along, one day he sent me a link to a guide on a furry website on how to fuck your pet dog."
Jack realises the cat's out of the bag so he spergs out.
Just before he blocks my friend he tells him…
I knew a kid who thought he was turning into a wolf, and wanted to be a wolf. Turns out he was being abused at home and was using it as an outlet.
I cant imagine there is a single furry, tranny or gay that isn't repressing some severely broken shit from their childhood.
I don't know much about "Jack's" home life but sometimes we'd be having conversations and he'd go on Elliot Rodger-ish rants.
The only reason I still spoke with him and kept in contact was because I wanted to know where it was gonna end, I had a morbid curiosity in seeing if he was gonna an hero or if one day he was gonna walk into school and attempt to murder everyone.
From what I understand, most people who work with Autism hate Autism Speaks
-the color Blue
-something inspiring to autists
>normally around a group of colorful characters
-either a special snowflake (sometimes a Mary Sue too) or a lazy and super-relaxed underachiever
examples after Sonic:
the list goes on
I would not consider myself a "furry" per se, but I do erp as a bunch of anthro characters on f-list.
I would never dare reveal that to people I know IRL.
If I got a penny for every one of these questions I'd be able to fund a cure for autism.
Who better than a Jew to illustrate the way Jews manipulate the goyim?
Blue is the most popular color anyway.
I'll fite u, m8. Though I'll acknowledge that the spriting community was fucking bananas, holy shit.
Things have been steadily getting worse, yes, but I don't know about just constant elevation of defective souls, so to speak. There have been attempts to kick the male homosex out of the alphabet soup community for being too "normal", how male homosex is getting too privileged and how they don't necessarily support your usual mess of inconsistent liberal ideas.
Maybe it's just an attempt to climb the snowflake ladder to get even more special treatment, and what better way to do so than by dragging down the eligibility of an already-certified snowflake group.
At times it seems like political correctness is just one big satire, but we're livin' it.
In any case, I don't see this as a sustainable strategy. Guess I just want to see how this lunacy comes to an end.
Probably the few that may be out there would make it a point to keep it to themselves. I don't see anyone modestly sane voluntarily associating with those identities at large.
Not really. I've been diagnosed with autism and I don't try to be a dick towards society. I just don't understand social interaction very well, and that misunderstanding can cause me to come off as rude even when I'm trying to be nice. I find that it's magnified by the internet because most communication through the net is text-based, so some cues that people rely on (e.g. tone of voice) don't translate very well.
Would you though?
That does bring something to mind though. With Autism, sometimes the mind "makes up" for low social ability with an excess of another. This is why autists stereotypically have good memorization skills as well as being good at math. If a cure for Autism were created, would it negate this effect?
True dat, just look at the way someone with no artistic talent such as Christian Weston Chandler draws Sonic characters. The spikes are a tough challenge for perspective-impaired autists.
It's a figure of speech, even if you do legitimately have autism you should be smart enough to know that.
OP's question is a tired cliche that has been answered a countless times.
As an user with actual autism, even I can tell you that the people who latch onto him so strongly are fucked way more than me. I may like some of his games, but I like to take comfort in the fact that I know plenty of the games are shit and I will never be as bad as those faggots on deviantart that make some of the most cringeworthy stuff. I'm surprised anyone can fucking like this guy past the dreamcast era.
I don't think I have the 'tism though. I also wasn't subjected to the internet at the time.
A lot of it has to do with the timeframe of when the Sonic Adventure games were released, around the time when emos populated deviantArt by the thousand, many bands like Linkin Park were coming around, the Internet was taking shape and Stickam was becoming a website. Add Shadow's edginess with autistic emos and it was the perfect formula to make bank on autismbux. Now most emos became known as SJWs or grew up.
Think back user. Did you play minecraft? fnaf?
Do you spend ages agonizing over names in character creation?
You might be a splerglord, get checked bro.
I think it might have something to do with his mannerisms. There's something really autistic about his gestures and movement. Not to mention his words.
Also, obligatory video that everyone must watch
Only the name part, though mostly because I want people to have a wee giggle when they see my name. I also draw my own characters for vidya and such now.
I honestly don't know why I ever liked Sonic. I had so many better games to play.
Nice bootleg, OP. His arms are blue.
Nothing wrong with the old Sonic games.
It's the people who played the games made after 1995 that are the problem.
They either git gud or die trying
Why do I do this to myself
Spoiler that shit
You need to judge that shit by the thumbnail and avoid if it rings any warning bells.
Suffer and learn like we all did.
Webm of when the autism evolves
Pretty sure gay sex orgies encountering the Imperium is a self correcting problem.
sonics arms are blue until he ate a ham sandwich and became delified sonic foreverially delified sonic and loving it ham arms cheese face bread shoes foreverially delified sonic and loving it
What the fuck is the origin of that image, anyway?
The internet was a mistake.
Is it wrong to make money off them though? Furries are really willing to fill your bank account if you're willing to draw their murrsonas, much like that one YCH auction that went for 1500$
I'm not going to lie to you. I'm an art grad and i have debated this easy easy money.
But it just takes one person to recognise your pen strokes.
About the only use furries have is to be exploited. That's your tax money they are using to finance their perversion.
Can't you art people draw in different styles?
There are furries and there are furfaggots.
Furries don't drag other people around or parade their fetish in public, that's a furfaggot.
it's no different than the dipshits who claim to be gamers but never played anything other than gone homo and suddenly think they have a degree in game design.
As another user said: because it's already an outcast situation, they will accept other outcasts and it leads to a cesspool of deplorable filth.
You can change your style but unless you are ambidextrous other artists can tell its you, the way you hold and move a tablet pen is like a fingerprint. You do a wierd fetish commission and it outs. I dont care how much you think you did it on the downlow it may take years but it will out.
For example the chick behind stephen universe was discovered to have drawn a LOT of gay fanporn of ed, edd and eddy.
It always comes back around no matter how careful you think you are at hiding your personal style.
This sounds like a furry trying to rationalise the concept of arousal at beasts dude, just sayin'
no one would care about furries if furries hadn't collectively backsassed Something Awful in the early '00s. all the tl;dr bullshit ITT about jews and MKULTRA is way off.
the wapanese haven't "improved" so much as they've proven themselves amenable to outside influences, so people don't complain about them as much. hence anime feminists, anime marxists, anime nazis, etc. etc.
Furries occasionally create enjoyable art, when they aren't trying to force their furshit into everything. Song related.
Bullshit, it's completely different. All types of furries are furries, and the more into it they are, the more likely they're going to be the type who goes to a gay animal costume orgy. With video games, the more someone's actually into video games, the more likely they're going to be playing and enjoying them, rather than bitching about nutrans genderqueer heteromollusk representation in video games.
Just a few sketches have earned me a fair bit of spending money, and that didn't take long in the slightest. One could easily forgo part time college work for that.
The only part that really puts me off is the chance of the eventual porn I'll make coming back to hunt me if I ever decide to take my art in a real direction next to a stable job.
Nah I ain't american, and I'm earning well on those dollars your furries get to spend.
Speaking of artstyle though, you'll always have a recognizable "fingerprint" like the other user said
So, it's like prostitution?
Too bad because furries should be exploited.
No surprise there. That filthy Jew cunt and her nigger sow of a girlfriend are a blight.
the guy directly above you sounds like a permabanned ex-goon who's made the jump from his dying spinoff forum to Holla Forums to groom the userbase for a lifetime of complaining about niggers and because he thinks he'll finally be relevant again. he's trying to impress us by dropping spicy "old (fucking 2007 lmao) Holla Forums" memes but he doesn't understand that the internet has moved on.
What about 3D art? If you got gud at modeling and made fursonas bump in SFM, you could probably charge a pretty penny for it,But how obvious is it that a given artist made a 3D model?
Either way I'm probably fucked regardless if people were to look into the Holla Forums humor and other assorted drawings that have been done for drawthreads on the chans
But who in their right mind would work for the modern comics industry anyway?
it wasn't so much that she drew porn of ed edd and eddy as that a group of SJWs with a grudge against Steven Universe dug up her tumblr and tried to make it a thing
nah bruh it's 2007, back when I was young and had faster metabolism
the only way you will be immune to that scenario is if you completely forego anything pornographic or political and exclusively draw anodyne SWPL bullshit/ugly minimalist b&w bauhaus dreck/"ironic" ugly-on-purpose garbage
Just got to be an artist and nothing else. Don't develop an identity. Be a mercenary who's only out there to funnel tugboat money from the autist to the artist. Just a masked man who fulfills their deep dark fantasies. You don't get to make friends.
Probably the largest problem would be if the furfags find something about you that is not agreeable. They'll be the ones who'll make the shitstorm that ends up connecting your work in that realm to you.
At least the people who worked on children's cartoons in the 80s and 90s still retained their talent when they drew pornography later. Background artist for a Christian children's show? Yeah, sure, why not.
I was referring to the weeaboos of imageboards, specifically, and of the ones you've named that I've come across, those have all been very laughable.
I'll pick furries over going full tumblr
there are no "imageboard weeaboos" here, just people who think reposting the first page of r/smuganimegirls is the height of wit. no one here knows shit about anime beyond whatever garbage they think is high-status (logh, gundam, fucking jojo). the rest of my post still stands.
This is the world we live in. On the other hand, you could learn to be ambidextrous, and sell lower quality but still passable lefty-drawings.
I bet this poser doesnt even have VHS tape anime from before the turn of the century.
Back to crunchyroll with you!
Rome and fag orgies go hand in hand already.
to add: honestly, furries are pretty amazing, given that they've had basically the entire internet (including Holla Forums and SA) gunning for them for over two decades and it hasn't measurably dampened their enthusiasm. we are talking about a group who have endured an honest to god unsolved terrorist chemical weapons attack, of the kind the ADL or Take Back the Night would shit themselves over, and they're just like lol whatevs
fucking pagan animal cult magic shit, man
The insanity furries deal with on a daily basis in their own fandom trumps all outside attacks. If you think the fighting with other groups on the internet is bad you've never seen the infighting, they're vicious, literal animals, pardon the pun
not being one, I don't know. they always seemed to have solidarity to me
Shit, I dunno, user. I'm autistic, but I'm not a big Sonic fan, I just masturbate to it occasionally.
It's not like they're an ideologically centered group, it's just a fetish. It would surprise me if people disliking them did lower their numbers. However, to say that they haven't changed as a result of outside influences doesn't quite ring true.
They're drama queens through and through, user. The majority of them are attention whores, and a huge percentage of them have a victim complex. They have solidarity in about the same way that women do.
Well user, rest assured that the complete opposite is true. It's total anarchy, dog eat dog
Is this a thing? I've always associated their kind with very visceral and/or colorful things.
Bauhaus has its place, but it seems like such an indistinct and out-of-the-way style that's more suited to nonintrusive decor than actual subject matter. A style just for the sake of having a style, as an afterthought to where absolutely nothing at all would look unfinished or overly utilitarian.
If you're referring to the chlorine incident, then I'd put that down to some fuckhead just trying to loot the pool supply closet and just dropping their hoard. I think they found the container on the 9th floor of the hotel or something, just laying around: you'd expect an actual attacker to have tried shoving it directly into the ventilation system and being a bit more discrete, or to have had an actual plan.
it is not a thing. you don't understand what i wrote.
Not all autistics are furfags or gay but all furfags are autistic and gay and autistics love shit eating grin faggot attitudes that go well with their teenage angst which they never quite grow out of and Sonic has just the type of faggot attitude that young fags love.
It's a match made in hell.
Because Sonic quite literally causes autism
You are all mentally broken in some fashion. Jerking off imagining you are a dog that walks on 2 legs and fucks dragons doesnt make you less of a failure as a human being.
This pleb doesn't know of the oxidative stress.
people who go to a 4chan clone for people who are too racist and perverted for 4chan think they're etc. etc.
Still not as bad as furries and otherkin. When will you freaks realize there is nothing on this Earth as bad as you?
muslims and niggers are worse
When the site you're leaving is being moderated by literal SJWs, everything is too racist and perverted (unless it's fags and trannies) for them.
They dont go up to children dressed in full fursuits or with fox tails and ears on engaging in what sexually excites them.
You are broken monsters.
Muslims, niggers and furries are all the same kid fiddling degenerates
They'll just rape and kill the kids, and their parents. Muslims and nigs shit on everything they'll touch. Furries are just useless suicidal fags.
Just because other people are degenerates doesnt make you better, just a different flavour.
You're right, my flavor goes to work tomorrow, builds society, and doesn't shit on everything.
But user
we are all degenerates
You said that they were better than furfags and we told you otherwise.
Furfags build their whole lives around their fetishes, but are otherwise completely harmless.
The worst they can do is kill themselves.
Niggers and mudslimes are inherently destructive and must be exterminated.
Autistic sanic fan detected.
Other then the animals they rape.
Reminder that the "Sonic hedgehog" gene is thought to be responsible for autism.
you keep making sweeping generalizations that paint you as being in charge of things
no, "we" don't need to talk about gun control, please go away
Its because hes blue
And finally, the assmad furry reveals himself!
that's stupid. 4chan is not moderated by "SJWs", it's moderated by a bunch of ex-SA hipsters and their underlings. some of them say "SJWish" shit but if you think they're intentionally PC beyond what's necessary to be polite, you're mistaken.
Meme magic strikes again?
Holla Forums learned about the gene years ago.
There was also an article explaining the "dangers" of naming genes after pop culture icons, because how awkward is it for a doctor to explain to a parent that their kid has autism because of Sonic the Hedgehog.
We all had a good kek that day.
It's the color blue
please read the post to which you are replying
afaik they were mostly permabanned in the anime lolicon purges
SA is not imho so much progressive as progressivism is a tool goons use to better get up in everyone's shit. now that everyone's sick of SJWs, you'll see a lot more "alt-right"/esoteric conservative goons. basically anything that allows them to come into a place and start shitting it up.
Fuck off goon.
How about I destroy this piece of shit instead.
I remember when i was 15.
are you incapable of reading
While we're at it…
I don't understand. Are people making OC DONUT STEEL robot masters?
As a matter of fact, they are
obviously, but since we have never heard of them the autism here seems irrelevant compared to horses or hedgehogs
Most people who work with Autism are passive-aggressive douchebags.
Autists love Megaman.
Sounds about right
Crush 40 does some good shit though. Only stuff of theirs I didn't like was the Shadow the Hedgehog soundtrack.
repostan my sanic gameplay. how autistic am i
Devil's Advocate : I see a lot of overlap of Sonic fans being Mega Man fans, at least for the game series
I can imagine no worse fate than writing Sonic comics for a living.
Autism is infectious isn't it?
Oh god, do you even know the irl lore about the ecchidna fued?
Truly the cockroach of internet subcultures.
Tell me Satan. Let us all burn.
Tell us all about it, you handsome devil.
megasatan, story please
Autists have a hard time understanding emotion in others. Sanics design, big eyes and exagerated facial expressions, simplistic morals, and clearly defined actions and reasoning are easy for them to understand and digest.
If you look at many autistic fandoms they all share these things in common.
They only did like two songs for Shadow the Edgehog.
sonic is the perfect storm for autism
Once upon a time there was a man named Ken Penders. Imagine Tom Preston but he got picked up by Archie to insert his sonic fanfic into canon, and soon he did.
You ever notice how few mobians are the same species but new echidnas kept showing up?
Yeah that was Kens dark hand at work.
He loved them you see.
LOVED them.
He kept growing more irrational about it to the point archie let him go. This started a MASSIVE fued and legal action about him 'owning' knuckles.
Naturally he lost but started a independant furry comic about "ech'yd'nas" and the rest is history.
Im sure theres an extensive ED article about him if you check. If thats still around that is. Or shit ask Holla Forums i bet they followed it like /cow/ would have if they were around back then.
The new generation of 14-year-old whiny sexual deviants have taken a liking towards Megaman ever since Egoraptor made a video about the series and the character got into Smash Bros some years after to massive acclaim. It's not as bad as Mother/Earthbound autism or Undertale autism from the same age demographic, but overlap does exist. You can definitely find badly-drawn art of stupid shit like transfluid Proto Man or Cut Man with that skin disease that turns nigs white saying "kill all cis". If not then there's plenty of deviantart-tier pictures of X and Zero assfucking with captions like "HNNG GAY ROBOTS UWU"
I've got some non-DA tier pictures of X and Zero fucking, if anyone wants them
Are the people in charge of Archie retarded? No, wait, don't answer that, their CEO is a raging feminist that screams PENIS! at her male coworkers and got sued for sexual harassment. Of course they are raging retards.
Mother of God, hiring a demented, fanfic writing furry to write for money.
that's some motherfucking nightmare fuel right there.
>Mother of God, hiring a demented, fanfic writing to write for money
You have no idea how much of this shit is in the industry today
Allison Rapp
Amber Scott (wrote the story for the Baldur's Gate EE expansion that was almost universally panned for being garbage)
Hamburger Helper
the list goes on
If they imitate the actual Japanese, then small wonder they try to hold themselves from being overly obnoxious.
Can you imagine a Ken Penders and John Flynt collab?
The Chinese.
Sure, I can do that
it all makes sense now
it's more grey than blue tbh fam, but then again my eyes might be retarded
What about all the Metal Slug/Sonic crossover autism?
Why must Metal Slug be tainted?
Depends, do you see the menora? or are you not one of the chosen?
nah, and i doubt a colorblindness like that exists
is it still there?
Autistism Approved ® checklist:
[X] Blue
[X] Goes fast
[X] Huge eyes
You forgot:
[X] I want to stick my dick in them
i too like to fuck trains with faces user
Thomas is pretty lewd user
I wasn't joking
At least you're not as bad as the tile fetishist.
don't forget the Ohiofag
I didnt need the mental image of trains ahego'ing.
Its gonna be a sad day when he finally kills himself.
I swear to God if someone finds such porn and posts it I will find you and I will hurt you.
I don't think he is smart enough to anhero effectively tbh user.
I'd fap to it for lulz.
Yes, how could I? They are our precious snowflakes.
time for eugenics lads
Autism speaks. Its time to listen.
Reminder that there are pornographic doujins based on Thomas the Tank Engine out there.
More than one.
You know whats the one constant with these spergs?
None of them play the actual fucking games
Sanicfags are not the product of the adventure games, they came out of the putrid stench that was the sonicX cartoon series from the mid 2000s, they are like the first sanicfags from the 90s who also didn't play the classic 2D games but where fun of the drama bullshit that was the archie's sonic comic and the SatAM sonic cartoon
Its the same with FNAF, niggers streaming that shitty game and drawing porn of it for patreonbux are making more money than the faggot who actually started the game, who had to make a ton of sequels to make any money because nobody was playing the fucking game, they were all watching the pewdiefag reaction videos and fapping to trap animatronic porn instead
Some of that porn is pretty good, man.
It is a coincidence, your stupid human brain wants to see a pattern where there is none.
Jews and niggers are lower than humans.
I know it's the final stage of the game but 3D Sonic stages are far too long for their own good.
p. leb imho
This isnt your safe space homeslice.
Not to be that guy but Frank's content and fans are pretty garbage to be honest.
You say that like its not entirely the point.
Frank is a faggot him and his fans are shit.
Now thats embarassing.
Ironic garbage is still garbage, mongoloid.
The point still remains that his fanbase manages to be one of the least intelligent groups on the internet.
The content is alright, his fans are completely trash though
Maybe that's why I see way too many youtube kiddies with crude OC and furry avatars waxing nostalgic about games like Shadow, Black knight, and 06 of all things for their stories.
It's really something to see autistic fanboys deny anything being wrong with their gameplay and use the "you're just bad at it!" to excuse shoddy game design and glitches. In fairness, reviewers are notoriously braindead, which is why games, Sonic and not, have become more automated these days.
You sound like one of those guys that gets angry at tim and eric.
tim and eric is shit for hipsters
Actually I think Tim and Eric is great, and the fanbase for Tim and Eric isn't plagued by superiority complex ridden 16 year olds who use autist and triggered every sentence.
Thats not Portlandia.
but user hes a faggot him
must be the autism
no, it's plagued by shitty hipsters who think that making fun of dumb flyover prole culture is ~hilarious
filthy frank is cancer, and for the kind of teenager who thinks ED is important, but you can ignore it. tim and eric is a slug of polonium. it's a fucking cancer factory.
this is the network that had fucking the eric andre show putting klan hats on tea party people or something. it's fucking shit.
You've become the old man that thinks this about imageboards.
One of my black friends when I was a kid ended up becoming a literal furfaggot that posted on 9gag.
You should post that on his videos, you might get into the next loser reads hater comments video
Have some more franku
You even suck at assburgers son
Holy shit dude take your meds
what's his real name, by the way? he looks like a yid
Joji, I think
That makes sense if you're writing a sonic comic
Isaac Shekelberg
Pretty bright colors, simple.
Same with My Little Pony
Almost the same with FNAF
I used to know an user on Holla Forums
Lets call him "unnecessary spacing"
He would post like this all the time
Disregarding completely how fucking annoying it is to read
The spacing just got bigger
and bigger
Until it was too late
He had become
An ubber faggot.
Stop posting like this you god damn cunts.
you know i'm right and i know that you know i'm right
tim and eric look like they forcibly rape tween runaways and filthy frank looks and sounds like he should be operating a precious metals shop
for all the bluster about how Holla Forums's hostile environment winnows the chaff and cults through bullshit, etc. etc., you faggots do miss a lot of obvious shit
his real name is George Miller, I am sure you will find some jewish connotations so I will watch you try
remember all of the other stupid fandoms you were in
remember how that turned out
You complain about T&E's fanbase being full of hipsters and here you are being a pretentious hipster yourself.
I'd tell you to kill yourself but you seem like you're already dead inside.
What if getting caught was part of their plan?
thanks for reminding me this existed
Come on meme queen, no need to be such a hipster.
i keep being right and life keeps being awful
Not everyone is going to like what you like, that's what partly makes people interesting.
06 was unplayable shit but the thing is that a lot of people shitting on the older sonic games really does suck at it, like the recent RLM review where they were playing and bitching at the original sonic from 1991 and yet it was like they had never played a platformer ever, they reminded me of movieblob who is also a fat balding loser in his late 30s who only plays mario and simply sucks at any other game, but he shits on sonic because "muh pretendo, muh vidya wars"
No joking, he even said the 16bit console wars were his "personal vietnam", no irony whatsoever.
But yeah, sonic took a nosedive after the 16bit age, and SA2 was the last sonic game that I think sega gave a fuck about and put some actual work into it, everything since then feels rushed as fuck
Strange because when I stopped being a cynical faggot like yourself, I started enjoying life a lot more.
Things are shit and people can be shit, but that shit ain't all there is to life you faggot. Quit being a mopey cunt.
Speaking of Sanic, does anyone have any new info on what new gaems are coming out for that speedy faget lately? I swear ever since Sanic Boom, I haven't heard SHIT with new vidya with that hedgehog.
I needs me more going fast, and especially more Dr. Robotnik/Eggman for endless bantz towards Sanic too.
here's my theory.
Autists are unable to pick up on subtle things, like body language, sarcasm, irony etc, to communicate with an autist you have to be very direct and blunt. almost like if you were a machine AI from some early sci-fi flick.
Sonic is overtly "cool" (a tryhard) and thus the character and the franchise resonates with slow autists like other more nuanced characters can not
Shit now that I think about it, I haven't heard of anything either.
There is always mods for Sonic Generations or Sonic Robo Blast 2 though.
Boom was sega's biggest attempt at fixing the franchise and rebooting it, and it crashed even worse than 06 did
Afaik sega now only cares about cashing in on mobas and shitty mobile games so they are probably going to put sanic on the freezer until everybody forgets how much boom sucked
sanic moba when
they have the right amount of characters already
Holy shit, no.
That sort of shit is a facade, it's not even skin deep. They want attention and validation from their peers and they're desperate for it, there is narcissism that is bred in that community. If they are deprived of that for even an instant, they hit rock bottom faster then you can say "fucking furries"
They could just call it the SH gene.
There's like a million ways to explain it to parents or kids.
It's not even a facade, furries take the piss out of each other in social media all the time, twitter is a goldmine for drama
Sega died along with the Dreamcast so yeah that sums it up pretty much. Personally though I wouldn't regard the 3D titles as Sonic games, they're different games for a different time
i've noticed that a lot of the people who shittalk furries on imageboards/forums are themselves furries with various grudges and personal-army needs
I dunno man, there's just something wrong about finding animal faces attractive. I mean at least the japanese have it right in that they either either don't draw a snout, or stylize it to all fuck.
Mind you I'm just as degenerate if not moreso, but I don't have anything that exists in real life to imprint onto and commit a crime (unless fucking fat-hipped plushies is a crime)
The benefits of autistic savants to a society outweighs the losses in therapy and alternative education.
You know what they say, takes one to know one
This. It explains why the autists are complaining about Generations or the actually good 3D Sonic games. Because those games focused less on story and actual games, we have autists making petitions for Sonic Adventure 3 in hopes for more anime story instead of actually good gameplay.
Now the question is why e celebs hate Sonic so much. The autism argument is thrown out because usually they're supportive of bronies and SUfags.
The only reason I'd want an SA3 is for another chao garden. Ideally we'd skip the whole Sonic part of things and just make a standalone game with lots of minigames and shit.
please don't look at my ID
Why? Lost World was meh at its worst. Why take a Crash Bandicoot bootleg engine and say this is Sonic? At least the show minused out part of the damage the game did. At its worst, Boom the game seemed like a bad licensed game.
Filthy Frank is your average faggot e-celeb, except for weeaboo teenagers who still think Shrek is Love and montage parodies are funny.
Stop being so goddamn pathetic. Hell, I'd fap to Paintra if she had any porn.
Whoa whoa. The comics are good now. They fired the guy that turned comic into his own echidna fantasy and fueled the autism. Now the comics are more closer to the games.
Considering that we've already had the Sonic part I'd consider that a fair request
Nice to see faggots coming into a thread just to announce they're triggered by Frank, I'll post him some more in future
isn't this how bronies started
I figured it out.
The same thing that grabs fans of FnaF, MLP, Undertale, and whatever Holla Forums monstrosity that is popular:
1. Simple, colour-coded characters with exaggerated facial expressions that an autist can easily identify with (this also applies to Pokemon)
2. Little to no depth of thinking required to enjoy it. See: fanfictions, Let's Plays, 50% of UT fans having not played the game
3. A community online that enables their autism.
These are often things that apply to what a child likes, like having an array of things where you can "pick your favourite" like Pokemon or Mr. Men, but autistic minds don't go beyond that mindset.
There were none, SA2 was good for 2001 standards but thats it I would even argue its better than current sonic games because it doesnt have those fucking "press A to win" moments and on-rails automation and you actually play the game, even if the camera sucks
Did you even play those games? the sanic games from heroes and onwards were all story-driven, the adventure games were the first to have any dialog and actual cutscenes but those were very short, the games after the dreamcast had long ass CG cutscenes imitating the bullshit from sonicX, thats why sanicfags sperg about those games and not the old ones
Because they are hipsters and hipsters hate sanic for the same reason they pretend like old nes-era nintendo even though they never played those games or owned a nes and saw gamers as "those fucking dorks" at school because its the cool thing to do
You can talk shit about nintendo but a lot of people will be uncomfortable at the possibility of some tard sperging out, however hating sanic is so fucking mainstream not even sanicfags bother to challenge it anymore
You know, I think about how not shit Shadow the Hedgehog could have been more than is probably healthy. Really all it needed was a Metal Gear Solid 1 style story, babbified for the younger audience, that focused on uncovering a conspiracy within GUN, and the Ark's history. It's so dead fucking simple that it astounds me that it didn't happen.
What actual basis is there for using the Fibonacci Sequence as a standard for beauty?
I think he's referring to games like Colors, 4, & Lost World, which have stories that aren't any longer or more dramatic than something like SA2. A trend they started in 2010.
Really? Smash bros always seemed just as autistic as anything else nintendo related. Sure, I've seen smash autism first hand, but it's not really comparable to the mega groups like Tumblr universe or sonic
I'm sorry you've been left out on this, but by all means please Google the Golden Ratio.
The intro was probably the only good part of the game, the gameplay was broken as fuck and the graphics were shit because the retard devs couldn't get the PS2's crap hardware to work so they kept the graphics low for the xbox and gc versions as well, so it was a 2005 game that looked worse than the adventure games from 6 years before
Go to any smash tournament and then we talk
Sometimes I think just about any game has the potential to be great depending on how much of it you change. Though with games like '06 you'd have to change so much you'd need to change so much you may as well make a new game.
Do you even need to ask?
Does nebulous count? I spotted a couple, I guess. Then again, when 150 people are in the same room, there's bound to be a few bad apples.
reminder that the longest piece of literature ever written is a Brawl fanfic
How long we talkan here? How many WORDS WORDS WORDS with it total?
Well there's your problem.
You're referring to the Sora smash fandom, right?
Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest that the gameplay was good, I know it was fucking terrible, because I 100% completed it. I'm saying that the plot of all things was the one thing that had absolutely zero reason to be shit, and yet it still was.
I don't know, but you can read it yourself
More than 3.5 million words
The only reason why I defended shadow the edgehog was because I thought the Japanese version wasn't censored. There's no difference besides the Japanese voices not lip-syncing since the game was made in America.
Yep, that makes sense. Sorry, whenever I hear smash, I immediately associate it with HAL Smash or mod smash. I constantly forget just what kind of a cesspool sora smash can be. Maybe its for the best
I don't want to be right here, but mark my worlds. There will be a group that wants to normalize killing another person. Just straight up ganking some poor sob. I don't think we are far from this since there were people who wanted and tried to get disabilities such as being crippled or deaf and such. Hell, the latter is probably just as bad as the former.
Well there's already SCUM feminists
It's not going to make a big enough surge to have gangs and shit.
The internet gave people a megaphone, but only people who claim to bring peace and happiness, but only want to be at the center of a money pile, like modern feminists (third wave), will surface. People who want disabilities will be seen the same as wrist-cutters, as losers who want attention.
And after this debacle with feminism, the transgender idiots and un-integrated multi-culturalism, people will be less likely to fall for any of this shit.
Dude, it was a black recolor of sanic with a gun and a bike, I have a hard time imagining how it could be any good at all
Nothing changes
If it was played off as a parody it would've worked.