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Was this really supposed to be its own thread?
I'd love to have an intergalactic war with Asians, but enough white peoples have died throughout history I think.
Yours is 91, isn't it OP? Fuck off back to cuckchan you stupid fuck.
this is bound to happen anyway just like the original colonies, with slavery and pure nations etc.
then after several wars the intergalactic jews will snake their way in and erode these planets, in the name of intergalacticization.
we'll end up just like the star trek federation with over 9000 planets all race mixed, no need for currency (because the federation controls all commerce), and faggotry rampant
This is probably the worst thread I've seen all year.
Has there ever been a jew in space?
Maybe they can't handle zero g environments because shekels don't stick on the ground and keep floating out of their pockets.
Let us hope.
It should be at the very least 120/115 IQ you double nigger.
Found the only user that scored under 130.
You need to go back.
Personally I hate people who eat spinach. It only has as much iron as a watermelon.
this tbh. I'm also not in the mood to give up Earth to a bunch of retarded fucking upjumped monkeys with sub 100 IQs so they can ruin the cradle of humanity while the smart folks make sanctuary on Mars and then send my great, great, great grandchildren to fight and take it back a dozen odd generations later. They'd probably nuke themselves a few rounds over in the meantime too. Retards all of them.
Saging because this is a shit thread, but I would like to point out that space colonization will be a necessity for the white race.
Every argument that could be made about the survival of the human species can also made about the survival of the white race. You don't want to have all of your eggs in one basket. If white people only exist on Earth and Earth gets hit by an asteroid, that's it. No more white people. Also, the kikes wont stop trying to end the white race as long as kikes and aryans live on the same planet. One will wipe out the other. That's why I think we will also need a planet just for white people and no one else, be it Earth or some other planet.
90 seems like a very low threshold. Should be 110-120 or at LEAST 100.
Sage because even though I love space-larping threads I can't help but feel this thread is really shitty and an attempt at sliding.
You and your ilk are going to be sterilized and left to rot on earth when the rest of us leave.
Israel's average is like 95 you dumb mulatto. GTFO back to >>>/4cuck/ and lurk 2 years before posting.
Average IQ in the UK is 105 and most people are absolute fucking retards. 110-120, absolute minimum; do we really need anyone who isn't in the top 5-10% of the population?
btw, 90 IQ is really fucking low, 126 IQ reporting in (and that's what I got while tested while having not slept for multiple days and I am a huge insomniac, I think my IQ would be even higher if I wasn't constantly sleep deprived)
I went up from 125 to 130 after I managed to kick my atrocious sleeping pattern. Huge difference in cognitive ability. I still feel like a moron most of the time. 90 is a full standard deviation below the average in UK; considering how stupid the average person is in the UK, people with 90 IQ are essentially functionally retarded.
Is IQ bullshit, Holla Forums? I scored 132 myself, but it was an online test that was 100% pattern recognition. I don't see how that could be such an indication of intelligence.
IQ is in fact bullshit. it's a product that's sold to pretentious retards
you notice how nobody ever gets bellow 100? it's because they'd lose customers so they tell you you're a fucking genius no matter how stupid you are
You can't really say that honestly when we have entire countries that score below 100 IQ. If you mean no one scores under 100 on online tests, I could see that, but I haven't seen enough data to be convinced.
How do they choose the potential MENSA members then?
I was looking at the old catalog.neet.tv website from years ago for 4chan remembering all of the features like thread filtering and auto-pinning that Holla Forums hasn't added in 3 years, and I looked at cuck/pol/'s catalog. It's all shit just like OP. Not even shilling just shitposts. I know our Holla Forums has been in a bad state for a while but now it's really looking like cuck/pol/. Also I'd rather have hard working whites then high IQ losers like OP. Apply yourself.
The IQ test I did was really hard and everyone else on the board I was on did it and most scored below me. Many were around 100 to 110. Only a very few were above 120.
Seems pretty clear to me you won't be able to board your country's ship nigger.
You have to be at least 160 to be a genius
that's only 15 more than official retardation, OP.
its like you're asking to take billions of non-whites with you
this tbqh
Fuck that, unless you're at least 120 IQ you shouldn't be let into space. One idiot fucks something up badly and everyone on board is dead.
We won't be able to send very many people into space, we should send only our finest, the most eugenic ubermensch we have.
Because it's weighted by the entire human species so there's about a billion nigger and a billion pajits boosting everyone else's score.
Your score would be even higher if China allowed random sampling of Chinese instead of only their best and brightest.
You're really naive if you think that would happen, OP. The truth is, even the lowest-IQ group of humans that you can imagine is still easily and by a large margin, the top predator on Earth. Now, without our technology, and without the genes to make them amenable to civilization, the carrying capacity of …well, any location on Earth, would be greatly reduced - so you're right, lots of them would die. But those that survive would find a niche and live on.
If you killed off all humans except for one group (pick the group you hate the most), and destroyed all traces of our technology, and left just 50 of those humans in Africa, they would over the course of millennia once again spread out and conquer the whole Earth.
…however, I'm not claiming that they would ever again create a high technological civilization. I think the genes necessary for that came in part from Neanderthals. These humans you picked might be stuck in the stone age, but that is still more than enough to survive and expand.
We sort of have a warped view of low-IQ groups. We mostly see them in situations where white people give them so much free shit that they sit back and relax - or they increase in numbers and when the free shit stops arriving, they experience famine. If you could see the "natural state" of practically any group, you would probably be impressed. Haven't you seen that video of the African dude running down a gazelle? That guy is a boss.
So yeah, humans wont die off completely
Apparently 14 jews have been in space:
That's 14 jews too many.
Have any niggers, women, or chinks been in space yet?
I have a 140 IQ or so. I see myself as too retarded to get on this ship. Get the fuck out of here with your 90 IQ horse shit.
Maybe the first couple batches won't be that extraordinary simply because they believe those batches will fail and most likely all crew members will die.
user I have an avg IQ of 163 on the wechslers 159,156 on the kids and 164 173 on the adult. Sub 90IQ are fucking full blown mong retards, useful only for repetitive simple tasks and barely competent at that, infact the entire 90-120 iq range is just a bunch of retarded dunning-kruger plebs. The 120-130 range is where 95% of the "intellectuals" exist, these are the retards who are smart enough to be babby walked through your "philosophers" and "great thinkers" ideas, just well enough to poorly explain the ideas and utterly butcher any analysis that they attempt independently. These people aren't smart enough to fully grasp any hyper abstract concepts well enough to explain them to the retards below, and as such they take that as a sign that they are soooo smarty pants because they "understand" things better than the full-blown mongs below them. These people can be easily molded into the ideology or meme-thought-complex of whomever presents themselves as more intelligent than they are. However normally they are actually butt mad when someone shows themselves to be more intelligent than they are, and become absurdly dismissive and smug when they see a true "genius" communicating ideas with the lowly retard plebs beneath them. They almost always latch onto the ideology and meme-complexes of those who are above them in authority, your "black science mans", dead philosophers(whom they always feel overly connected with(not to mention that so many "great" philosophers are the same pleb tier intelligence they are so its a compounding kind of smugfatuation faggotry)) or whoever their boss is, or "professors". These fags are perfect little kike-golem-bots, who fit like perfect cogs in "academia". Incapable of true independent thought and unable to explain or critically analyze ideas and concepts whilst wonderful at rote regurgitation but normally only after repetitive memorization and rarely capable of longterm retention or cross concept comparisons and connections. The 140-150 range are your smart pants the cutoff, cargo zipper smarty pants. These kinds of tards tend to be smart enough to think independently and also tend to realize how dumb they are and also can see how dumb the people are on the rungs below. These kinds of intellects are smart enough to truly "know what they do not know" and typically aim for autistic hyperfocus in one skill as they can truly grasp the core concepts, some are better communicatiors than others at expressing these higher concepts, and those with the interest and drive are quite capable and content at using their intellect to control people. They are smart enough to see how hopelessly retarded the masses are and in many ways this dehumanizes the lower rungs in their eyes, consciously or not. The growing gap of standards of deviation essentially makes them on the edge of the steep climb to complete disassociation from society. They still are dumb enough to relate to a significant amount of the population and because they are normally "academics" or "politicians" or "businessmen" or "researchers and they have a complete social ring of minds they can relate to. Beyond 150+ the standard deviations grow so wide that many cannot relate to the mass of society at all and almost always have a severe disconnect with humanity. Some can cope, some go full tism, some kill themselves. But as the majority of "society" rejects these people and their ideas because they are so incapable of sharing any real meaningful communication.
tbh unless they have a banging body and affable personality sub 125 iq people I'd rather not even bother trying to communicate with. Let alone invite them on a intergalatic space domination campaign. To a person like me with a 160+ iq a regular ~100 iq person is over twice the standard deviations away from a regular avg mong tard is to a fullblown apefrica nigger downy tards. A person with a 130iq is as dumb to me as a retard is to a regular normie pleb.
It's a slide or 4cuck thread.
Is Donald Trump controlled Freemasonic/Ashkenazim opposition?
I see you bought into MENSA. Anyone can get a high score with advance practice, user. That's how cheating works.
no comment
OP, a university STEM undergraduate has an average IQ of 115.
Most of those people are socially underdeveloped with no critical thinking skills. They succeed through cramming.
Current astronaut testing seems to be sufficently rigorous- physical, psychosocial, logic and critical thought, etc. It doesn't require modification, (beyond some reorganizing in terms of ((psychology)) and ((quota)) requirements) the technology to live in space is what needs more work, so that more people can go up at a time. The filter is already in place.
Obviously this thread isn't about that, but about sheer bait.
It's unfortunate our language isn't more complicated to communicate in.
I like it, but as others have pointed out sub 100 IQ is nog tier.
Also, if we are able to terraform in the future, Earth will be obsolete, let the shitskins kill each other over it if it gets too far gone, and go on raiding parties it for slave labor/resources.
I really like the idea of an Aryan Space Viking timeline.
Stop bumping this shit faggots
While I mostly agree, I'd say 110 is the cutoff for decent laborers - not too smart to know labor is a waste nor smart enough to have an insufferable ego. The 90-110 range is iffy (if they're far away and you don't give them handouts they have potential to evolve.) Sub-90 is shit. 132-138 are largely insufferable cunts who fuck up management positions but always land in them, 120-130 and 140-150 actually make decent managers. 150-165 are typically good authors, poets, artists, with STEM overtones, but usually too social to do STEM beyond public relations. 165+ should really simply be granted a percentage of their GDP to research whatever they see fit because at that range autistic STEM aptitude overpowers everything and as long as they have resources they will push the species ahead.
This is something libtards tell themselves to think believing they are on the smart side of things, don't do it.
I've never taken an IQ test, I'm scared of the truth but I really ought to since I talk so much shit about sub 100 IQ people.
Any online tests that are legitimate and not facebook feel good bullshit?
Why so low?
If you're here you probably aren't sub-100. Online tests are garbage in terms of credibility but you search around you can probably find a legit one - just understand it will only be valid the first time you take it and the semi-real ones are timed, require information about age and sex, and consist of the full range of logic + spatial stuff without the emotional "EQ" liberal nonsense.
That's a failed attempt at pseudo-meritocracy that has been discussed billions of times here
Spotted the spearchuckler, get this thread back to cuckchan because it pollutes my eyes
Plus IQ tests can vary by how hard you're trying, how well you feel, or what rewards you get. So don't think it's set in stone, someone who never gets enough sleep will have a lower IQ in situations where it actually matters, they just got sleep for the test and scored well because they wanted to feel smart.
And of course 'stressing' your body can retard the brain, especially in childhood/the womb, so genetics may not be fully expressed.
You can tryhard up to a certain level, but the time you spend alive is limited, at some point the knowledge you can have is limited by your intelligence.
Everyone is told to try because we don't want the people who can succeed wasting their potential, not because everyone will make it.
it was in middleschool highschool 125 retard
I don't believe he is at all. Trump is the perfect combination of deadly to the kike globalist zog nwo faggotry that has plagued humanity for millenia. 150+ iq, highly determined, disciplined and aggressive, whether he is truly psychopathic or merely disassociated from humanity through intellect alone is up for debate, only he could answer that. Having forged his own way and gaming the retard pleb entertainment and utilizing branding to make billions by turning words into money. He uses the jews tactics against them only he is much better at it and having no initiation, or "training" merely innate talent and intellect. Psychopathor not it is my belief that Trump, like all socially aware "geniuses", sees the world for what it is, how it got there, where it is headed and who is responsible.
Trump is in my opinion attempting to fill his life with purpose and meaning through using all he has gained and all he knows to right the world as best as possible. It may appear to be an ugly dangerous battle on the outside, but truly Trumps greatest battle is in trying to find purpose in his life and to give it meaning. One can only feed the ego so much, eventually it grows numb and the hollow pointlessness comes clawing out of the abyss. Make no mistake we are witnessing a triumph of Man, one that is merely the stage for the eternal battle of a man against himself.
wrong kennedy mate
Honestly a lot of what Trump does just shows how having too much IQ could be a bad thing. I'm sure half the trolly stuff he does that we love him for is just him getting so bored he lashes out with incredibly weird practical jokes Plus I'm pretty sure he stays up late at night on twitter to dull him out for tomorrow.
Trump's the smartest man I've seen in person, and I've seen enough "150+ IQ" types in my day. Trump was vastly smarter than any of those idiots.
it's like that quote from george carlin on how stupid the average person is
being extremely smart must be a bitch having to tolerate all of that
The infuriating thing isn't that people are dumb, the infuriating thing is when people refuse to understand because they've been programmed not to question the world.
I can handle the dumbest sack of bricks if they honestly questioned things, even if it took them ten times as long to understand concepts. It's the intellectual dishonesty of sleeple that drives me insane. That their whole worldview is propped up on lies to make them feel slightly better about being awful people.
even the 120s had better be in physically perfect condition and bring some unique expertise to the table. you do not fuck around with space. there are too many different ways to kill everyone for that to be a good idea.
if you're here you are almost certainly not sub-100.
i don't really expect to get much info from differences in IQ above 150. at that point you're really reaching the limits of what the standard tests can measure.
this is partially true (plenty of famous mediocrities like Locke), but clouded by the fact that so many secondary sources that talk about the "greats" are written by complete retards. there is almost no good writing about Plato. literally everything you see written about him in popular writing and most of what you see written about him by professional philosophers will grotesquely misunderstand him and misrepresent his work.
IQ tests can give you wild results.
I've taken multiple tests.
Lowest score I got - 130
Highest score I got - 151
A 20 point difference is yuuuuge.
The only thing I know of that effects IQ by up to 15 points is (((bipolar))).
Non English Psychology fag
I like you.
1) citation needed!
For your IQ classification of people?
2) Are there like 2 IQ scales?
One maxes out at 160 and one who maxed out at 120?
3) IQ is a nice try however it has one fundamental flaw it measures relatively so 100 is ALWAYS the average, society gets more retarded and the average shifts so old 80IQ people are now 100IQ in the new measurement.
You seriously need something to replace IQ something that is a absolute scale not some relative one.
Problems with IQ:
The test is mostly A) B) C) D) so you can make a blind shot and look smart.
Eliminate the obviously wrong ones and you can have 50/50 chances of scoring.
The obvious solution is to actually demand that you draw in the answer not pick from given answers.
Everything is relative!
Literally everything!
It depends on age so kids get corrected and their IQ is boosted.
Fuck this!
NO age correction! Everyone is measured equally and if 8 year old Timmy gets 30IQ fuck him and his bitch of a mother who bitches at me.
Bla bla bla to the extermination chambers with this whore.
Kids are stupid and gain intelligence with age, stop pretending otherwise.
The one I mentioned before is the fact that 100 is always the average so its not absolute.
Personally a great replacement for the IQ test is taking the today IQ tests and sorting them into categories
No ABC bullshit! You write your answer in and after this you have to explain why you wrote the things you wrote if you are making things up randomly or trying to play the guessing game you are immediately disqualified.
The score is always max 100% in every category 100%-90% is the good score if you drop under 90% you have problems.
The test is not public and sort of a secret where you take it once in a institution not some online bullshit.
The final problem with all tests is that if you are not retarded you can boost your IQ by *cheating* not my looking at the answers by memorizing all questions and the correct answers for them, so you always look smart, and all you do is memorize the answers, also there are tricks with pattern and if you know these mental tricks you can know what to search for making the test far easier then it is.
This is why this test is secret, maybe do it once in the adult life when everyone is 25 so you avoid these problems.
Also if you show up drunk/days-without-sleep congratulations if you are not taking this seriously it shows what character you personally have.
You obviously are not very aware on the various tests that are out there and what they measure. Abstract Reasoning, Pattern Recognition, Language and vocabulary, processing speed etc. A proper IQ test needs to be administered by a licensed and train professional, this training is important as proper procedure is important otherwise there is too much variance in the testing. The quotient value is more or less infinite, as it is not a linear measurement. The difference in 170 and 171 is as large a jump in ability and difficulty as 90 to 110. Intelligence is mapped based on age comparative to your peers and predecessors. The distribution of which is shaped like a bell, the father from the center the more rare and higher intellect an individual is. IQ is not a unit of intelligence, but rather a comparative measure of the rarity of individuals who are capable. Your idea of a unit of intellect is retarded as it doesn't allow for any reasonable measure or scaling with the ever increasing intellectual capabilities of man. By working with a comparative measure based on distributions, the scale stabalizes, however it does diminish its ability to map the capabilities of individuals beyond 150+, as speed becomes the driving factor that ranks individuals higher than eachother, which can come down to poor test administration to a fart or cough.
How about no.
The modern relative approach will ensure that you have your fantastic 200IQ points when everyone around you is to retarded to feed themselves.
Its a meaningless measurement and in the kingdom of blind men the one eyed men is king.
If you have a set in stone never changing measure you can see if your generation is getting more stupid or you are more stupid to people in the past. This is important.