How's your night going? Have you lost control yet?
I played a bunch of good vidya these past few days.
How do you get past the fear of rejection
You get rejected and you learn to accept it as something that will happen frequently from now on. Then you feel better, or you don't.
Maybe what you need to do is instead take apart the reason that you want to play an MMO and break it into component parts that you can fulfill separately.
You want player freedom? What do you mean by this? As in being able to have an impact on the events in the game?
Social interaction? So you want friends?
I know this sounds lame as fuck, but have you considered Garrys Mod? Most people on there are awful, but some people are alright.
I think what you really want is to be a apart of something that you can actually influence the outcome of and have friends, you could try play Pen and Paper games. Just go to d20 and see what's listed on there.
I just want a game I can dick around in with my friends who all want to play an MMO. I'm not that hardcore when it comes to MMOs so they usually leave me behind pretty fast but I'd still like to have something to do while they grind their levels. SWG was perfect, what with the artisan profession and all, but I'm still waiting for EMU to get the god damn space ships. I miss flying in that game. It was my favorite feature.
By player freedom I mostly mean either a full sandbox system or sandbox elements. The ability to play the game as intended or to do your own thing and find your own fun. LotRO annoyed me with it's generic combat system but I found near endless fun playing a lute to the point I met up with other players and formed a band. I learned how to play a couple of songs and got invited to a wedding. It was a weird weekend.
This white whale of a game almost reminds me of Peter Molyneux's idea behind Fable 2's lackluster multiplayer mechanics. The idea of dicking around with your friends "doing anything" and shit. Make up your own fun without being restricted to your "level zones" Explore the world at your pace, not the games pace.
I'm addicted to Black Desert Online
Is that a fun game?
I bought it, played maybe an hour or two, and then completely forgot it existed.
Who here has shit internet?
Also, the other thread is slow
I've done nothing but crafting/professions and that's what I love about the game.
The endgame PVP patch isn't out yet so people complain about "no endgame".
I haven't even tried Alchemy yet.
Woah, what's going on? Why is the thread so late?
The more you get rejected the better you'll feel about it.
The other thread is a lot closer I think. But it's already hit bump limit and is full of avatarfags.
It really is the most insufferable cancer on this site.
Too bad Mark will never ban them.
Thats all those threads are though. Is this like an alternate 4 am thread or something? I'm confused.
deal with it faggots
Meant for
There's a reason I dropped all contact with people from the threads.
cmon on now the only real faggots are that belrose cunt and that ritsu guy
and even then they arnt even that bad
just filter them if they trigger ur jimmies
I'm the reason it's like that you double nigger
I know they might feel like friends to you, but honestly it might as well be a god damn forum with accounts the level of familiarity and names these people go by.
Ritsu sites me as the reason he avatarfags, and since he convinced something like 5 people to also do it, I'm indirectly the reason they're avatarfags.
Once you grow up you look back and think how fucking stupid it was to give a shit about girls that where not sexually attracted to you.
Someone who meets 10 new girls a month has a WAY better chance of getting his penis sucked than some guy who meets 2 new girls a month.
Ten Hail Marys and six Our Fathers while you reflect on the faggotry you've enabled.
oh by no means are they friends
just people to talk to
and yer i get where ur coming from this being a user image board, yer i got nothing for why people should avatar. theres too many positives as to people not avataring in the first place
wait wat?
how the fuck are you to blame for avatar fagging
and lastly i reckon its neets wanting to feel recognised somewhat that avatar shit appeared plus the "uniqueness" of 4am thread to begin with and the same fucking anons posting the same shit they might aswell hav avatars cus cunts will be able to tell them by how they talk
ya get what im saying?
i no i might sound retarded but thats how i think
Make me
It's still cancer.
You always say you'll leave, but you never do…
I'm starting to fall back into heavy depression because of it. Going to bed really early, waking up really early, napping a lot through the day, no energy to do much of anything. Haven't fixed my bedsheets since it stopped working right. I think I should start seeing a therapist if this is how I get when I can't play video games.
Just keep an eye on him and you'll see.
What do you mean by you "can't" play video games?
As in you try to play them but you can't enjoy them?
Also do some push ups or situps, and then maybe some cardiovascular stuff, like that thing where you fall to the floor forward, then push yourself back up and then fall down again. Doesn't really matter how much you do, just keep going until you feel like you can't or something bad will happen if you keep going.
It usually makes me feel better.
It's because I'm using /4am/
I know.
My computer isn't working properly. I can do most stuff on it but it has extreme framerate problems in every game. It's choppy enough that the one I was playing is pretty much unplayable now.
Sounds like you might have an addiction to games then.
You don't have any older games to play while your PC is broken?
I've been playing my 3DS but I really want to get back to PC stuff. I get this way whenever I have computer problems. It's all I have, really. For now I'm going through my library to look for ones I might be able to run.
i almost always ignore him since he never respond to my posts in the first place
am i missing something here?
He's just a prick.