Republican senators call for Russia investigation, Flynn testimony
Russian ambassador about sanctions. "I think Congress needs to be informed of what actually Gen. Flynn said to the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions," the South Carolina Republican told CNN's Kate Bolduan on "At This Hour." "And I want to know, 'Did General Flynn do this by himself or was he directed by somebody to do it?'"
This is all about policy towards Russia. (((The deep state))), media, and people within both the DNC and the GOP don't want peace. They want war, and they want it now.
Fucking kikes. I knew this was going to happen. The disgusting rat niggers hiding out in congress were just waiting for the right moment to collapse the controlled opposition against libcucks and turn against Trump.
Thomas Wright
The (((usual suspects))) are now publicly shilling for the deep state.
Landon Ward
This is why you never appease the enemy. It seems many wanted Flynn gone, and they're not going to be satisfied with that. I think they'll try and oust Bannon next.
Benjamin Powell
What the actual fuck is even going on anymore This is a fucking happening if I've ever seen one.
Blake Garcia
What to do?
Jace Sullivan
Jordan Smith
Jose Walker
The final answer
Oliver Young
Openly shilling for deep state? The same deep state that potentially has Obama at the helm?
Fucking gas them all.
Aaron Perez
Nathan Bell
Why the fuck are they bombing the shit out of Detroit? It already looks like a thousand nuclear winters here.
Grayson Brooks
This is all the proof of intent Trump needs to look like he is reacting to a threat to the nation when he declares martial law. Kristol, McMullin, Graham, etc. can all be executed.
Adam Ortiz
They're currently going after Stephen Miller
James Peterson
wtf is wrong with these kikes? are we in a timeline in which nukes don't exist or something?
Dylan Peterson
If they go after Jewish Goebbels, we'll go out and get a non-Jewish Goebbels.
Carter King
Daniel Garcia
The ride never ends.
Jose Gonzalez
Jeff Tucker, the alleged libertardian, supporting the biggest source of war and violence on the planet. Not exactly compliant with the NAP.
Michael Reed
too many niggers
Carson Green
The ride never even slows down.
Landon Johnson
Why isn't Trump calling their bluff by now?
Is he afraid he'll be assassinated or something?
This is getting ridiculous, I'm getting pissed off about the fact that this new administration is starting to act like a bunch of cowards!
Man up and take the heat!
Carter Wood
Trump needs to start public executions asap
Joseph Butler
I'm just hoping at some point down the road we'll see them just handing out the convictions once they get all their ducks in a row.
Jason Taylor
But no launches on New York or Atlanta, the Chocolate City? Doesn't sound fair.
Charles Lewis
They want blood.
Benjamin Foster
All we can do is hope Trump will continue to fight for us like he did in the election campaign. If he surrenders to these faggots and lets them win, he and his entire family will be held just as accountable for everything these cucks do.
David Torres
Good luck. Those three are squeaky clean and Trump won't sell them down the river without a fight.
David Perez
What are they thinking?
Josiah Sanchez
They're onto us. No matter.
Kayden Sanders
This. Night of the long knives 2: electric bugaloo
Julian Lee
He's not as instrumental to Trump as Goebbels was to the Third Reich, but he did have some stirring rally speeches. For keks, if they go after Goebbels, you just insert Reinhard Heydrich.
Jacob Ortiz
what's keeping him from pulling the trigger? does he need to wait until he has more people/entities behind him? is he waiting until he has more proof so he can take out more people? is he waiting for them to slip up?
Dominic Ward
it's like pottery
Jordan Russell
I hope they keep doubling down, I hope they go hard and fast to accelerate the inevitable crash with reality.
Mason Foster
Oh, and remember that in a war between Russia and the US/NATO, it would be mostly white men dying, and thus rapidly accelerate white genocide. That's why they're pushing so hard for this.
Hudson Lopez
Partially correct yes but (surprise suprise) the issue isn't just about 'policy towards Russia), it's about the Kikes in Congress, the Media, and Trumps pen administration intentionally trying to force out anyone with peaceful strides towards Russia. Yes, it's about the Jews again. Why? Flynn has been smeared since November about his alleged 'ties to Far Right Nazis' and friendliness with European Nationalist Movements. Think I'm joking? Nope. Leftist Kike-Owned media has been pushing this Flynn-Nazi ties narrative on liberal media for a few months. A few examples* as you can see, the kike owned media have been pressing this low key. Again why? Flynn having strong ties and support for Russia and right wing separatist/ nationalist parties was a threat to Greater Israel. How? Flynn doesn't support the intervention in Syria for one. Syria is a Jewish led war. Kike lobbyists created the Syrian conflict not just to oust Assad but because they want turmoil in Syria to further their endgame of Greater Israel. Flooding Europe with Muslim refugees increases their globalization plans and also is a fear mongering information war which like usual they have the United States as their hired guns to do their bidding. Flynn was a threat to this. If he were to stop the US bombings in Syria their plans would have faced a major setback. You can see now the media is pushing this 'Russian Cruise Missile Aggressive Threat' now that they've got Flynn out. Yes Holla Forums, it all traces back to the Jews. >>>/gasthekikesracewarnow/
Zachary Baker
It's almost like they have no idea that Miller is a kike.
William Mitchell
Wow I wonder what idiot though it was a good idea to bring that up right now?
Isaiah White
(checked) The line between memes and reality is continuing to blur.
Leo Howard
Trump should give the kikes exactly what they want. Declare a "war" with Russia and deploy all Troops to the United States to start killing deep state kikes.
Justin Sanchez
He should hang for this, this is open, explicit, textbook sedition.
Brody Martinez
Shhh, the "nukes are a psyop" user might hear you.
Dylan Robinson
This cannot be stated enough.
Joseph Nguyen
This moronic kike is redpilling people hard by talking this type of bullshit. I hope he keeps pushing it.
Jordan Bailey
The hillary tweet, now these other neocon kikes. They are making these tweets because they are smug and know Trump will do nothing to them. He'll lay down and die like a dog. They know his limits now: He won't declare martial law or us the AG to go after them, so they will escalate into the realm of sedition and open illegality, knowing he won't have the will to counter.
We have already won if they are wrong.
Brayden Jenkins
I don't think they look the same.
Mason Brown
Israel has a Schumann field protecting them from missiles. Expect WW3 to begin when the majority of them will be under the 'holy protection' of Jerusalem. Picture highly related.
Carson Walker
They have gotten cocky. They think they are winning because they got Flynn axed. The left does nothing if not brag about their conquests, no matter if it is real or contrived, and telegraph their hand. Look at what Hillary Clinton (her aids) tweeted last night.
Jacob Cook
The thread about 'Trump demanding Crimea be turned over' got deleted as soon as anons started making the supposition that "what if Trump offered Russia a deal in return for Russia making it seem like Trump is forcing them to turn over Crimea"
William Sanders
Jace King
I heard that Flynn lied, either overtly or by omission, to Trump or Pence and that's why he had to go. Might just be a bullshit rumor, though. Either way I think Trump's too smart to just drop Flynn because the media put the pressure on him, he's been dealing with that for a while. Either Flynn actually did something bad or this is some clever move for a greater purpose.
Parker Edwards
Colton Richardson
Sorry you missed the campaign fun, but the cosmic joke of Goebbels reincarnation as a jew to infiltrate them is cannon.
Brandon Hall
no they deleted it because there are multiple threads about it check the catalog
Sebastian Johnson
Asher Richardson
Ah. Didnt see. muh bad. I just immediately assumed imkikey was on a roll again.
Gavin Cooper
Time to kill these people. If teh fuckign deepstate repalces Trump or kills him we hunt down every last one of these slimy kike bastards and kill them. AT this point I dont care, kill them all!
Dylan Hughes
Angel Cox
Aiden White
That negroid ain't at the helm of jack shit. Deep state owns his ass. If anything he was their only successful to date Manchurian candidate puppet.
Jace White
yeah its better to be high on alert tbh
also what is wrong with normies? do they know that the deep state is basically favour for corporations and interest for multinational groups and other shady shit?
James Bennett
This is what I believe the most, I think Flynn resigned to bring out the wolves and make them think they're safe and to let their guard down along with incriminating themselves with their blatant crimes.
James Martin
I might be reaching here, but I'm starting to think this blitz is because of the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution
Joseph Carter
user plz, normies are the cancer that plague this world and are the ones to blame for the current state of it
John Hernandez
They are sheep. The have no sense of continuity and are easily lead. Not human at all to truthful.
Thomas Reyes
Normies lack souls. There's too many humans these days and not enough souls to go around.
Dominic Walker
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
Luis Martinez
The Jews have no ability to regulate their behavior. They must Jew you at all costs. They cannot do anything else. That's why they always get kicked out and "persecuted" everywhere they go. We are watching this process in real time.
Ian Peterson
Carter Barnes
This. Also, no white American men should die in Iran. Not an option.
Hunter Gomez
NATO goes to war so white men can die. Muslims have even more free reign on their women and children back at home. You would see white children in chains being marched around Europe but the internet will be shut off at this point.
Tyler Adams
You're damn right at this one, son! Hiroshima/Nakasaki were ordinary napalm carpet bombs, the rest is just massive cold war fear mongering. There is no such thing as critical mass. Nuclear power is real, though
Colton Walker
Jonathan Harris
I suspect Flynn will still have a place in Trumps admin after all the dust settles.
Tyler Wright
I want to say that, but its also their fault. They should still be punished for their ignorance.
Jordan Kelly
Our plan is proceeding as expected. Do you feel in charge Deep State. Your money and infrastructure have been important and now. We are the Deep States Reckoning here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on.
Owen Flores
Their little WWI started and ended around the same time frame.
Dylan Williams
We must remember. all these people are traitors and when the time comes something must be done about it.
Connor Mitchell
There are nukes but no one will use them. Nukes are a tool to keep the plebs scared but unfortunately for (((them))) most of us rather be nuked then have our countries enslaved by Islam.
Joshua Morales
Remember Kikes claim to have invented nuclear weapons. Are you going to trust anything a kike says?
Mason Williams
Goddamn it we've woken the "Nukes Were A Psyop user" up.
I am well aware of their nature, but it still baffles me when I witness it in action sometimes.
Ryder Taylor
I hope you are right, but it just feels like wishful thinking if we don't see major moves by next week. We'll soon know if Trump is either brilliant or spineless. If he doesn't harness this open sedition and treason by his enemies into wins, he deserves to be ousted and humiliated along with his entire family.
Josiah Cook
its like some anons said and we are like the jews now and the rest are the goyim or cattle
mfw this life its like a fight of who can get more goyim to fight for them.
also huxley was right
Parker Hill
Guys, does JSOC have a mouthpiece like the CIA has with McMuffin?
Luke Reed
Jaxson Gray
Just leave places like CNN/MSN/ABC headquarters alone, ok guys?
Logan Cooper
Nah, turn those places into abbatoirs. CNN HQ should look like hell on earth.
Thomas Carter
Nukes are a psyop but they also exist. Think of all the children that would go to waste if Israel nukes Europe.
Michael Bailey
CIA wins again. Thanks Barry.
Cameron Allen
I hope burger-anons here have their guns ready, because it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Yes I would never in the case of an all out war where society collapsed march on their compounds line them against the wall and execute them.
Angel Cox
Not being at permanent ready status.
Ian Cox
JSOC rather not have attention brought on it and if had to speak publicly would have to toe the MIC line anyway.
Jacob Allen
I'm fucked.
John Ross
Tucker has to be some kind of plant. He fucked up the Mises Institute, left shortly after and has been spending every single since then to shill for politically correct, leftist-compatible "libertarianism".
Dylan Turner
Andrew Campbell
its something like that. Whether you want to call them NPC's or soulless ones who are incapable of even entering our spectrum of what is reality.. I will say this though.. Of all the normies I know they are all devoid of spirituality. Even the ones who are christcucks that go to church every sunday. They "participate" in religion but have no spirituality. Whereas there are those of us who believe in kek and there are those among us who believe in christ or a combination of the two, and there are even those who believe in a combination of those two and paganism.. etc etc. What we individually believe controls this universe is not of consequence. What does matter is that we all have the spark within us that see a grander picture than what we had for dinner, who our friends are, when the next circus is.. and so on. What spirituality consists of is up for debate but it always has one common thing, the desire to live life, not as perfectly as possible, but as perfectly as possible in order to make the meta of life better and to not allow those who seek to diminish the meta of life an easy victory.
Of course I am over simplifying, and of course I am preaching to the choir… But its a fact that needs to be talked about every so often. It is easy to see setbacks as a bitter defeat or to see the task before us as impossibly daunting, or maybe even pointless, so it is important to take a step back and observe the entire picture, the entire forest, with ourselves removed from it. What is this struggle? What are the forces at play? This is the Great War. The Greatest War. The greatest lie ever told is not that the forces of evil, hell, dont exist.. No. The greatest lie ever told is that the war between Good, Heaven, and Evil, Hell, ever ended.
Whether there is that Christian God, or if its Kek, or if its simply some universal aetheric memetic code which controls reality, we are aligned against forces that fight for abject evil. So what ever the case may be we are in fact warriors, knights.. wizards of Heaven.
Dues Vult!
Nicholas Reyes
Andrew Nelson
I have a rem 700 but it's .223. I thought I'd have another year at least.
Zachary Kelly
Very afraid.
I'll back you up with my Mossberg and my brother can bring his AR.
Why would you ever think that?!
Parker White
As it has been said 1000 times now. Tucker is to stop the right movement from going too far right. There will be a time when we need him the most and at that point he will show his true colors
Brayden Peterson
Wish I could have gotten a Kriss Vector first.
Benjamin Morris
But can you hit things with it?
Evan Lee
Okay, hitler
David Powell
I want to know the next step in Trump's master plan.
Ryder Watson
Did pretty well at the range. Of course that's nothing like an actual fight, but I've got the patience to git gud.
Yeah okay.
Chase Nguyen
Jack Phillips
Jeff Tucker let his daughter date older men when she was underage.
He's a prime pizzagate suspect.
Jacob Bell
Huxley is ((CIA)) and helped to usher in the exact things he supposedly warned about.
Charles Cox
miller's a fucking hero
Jason Taylor
Boss has Hannity on radio, Hannity just said that congressional committee just recommended for Kelly Anne Conway to have disciplinary action against her for recommending people buy Ivanka's stuff.
Grayson Gray
I don't understand what the Pence lightning bolt memes. Someone explain?
Adrian Hall
He's not running for office, you sperg. If you don't think you can learn from your enemies you're a moron.
Leo Jackson
have faith
Gavin Reed
Oh, lawdy please tell more. I know the C4SS and other "left-libertarian" circles are filled with pedos and drug addicts.
He has already shown his true colors when he supported that deranged poly cumdumpster Reisenwitz.
David Garcia
Tesla/Trump/Pences connection - it's the timelines I prefer
Ryder Robinson
So, Haman is the biblical figure who tried to eliminate the Jews and what they celebrate at Purim. Can any photoshop anons make He-Man into Ha-Man?
Grayson Ward
this has been tried before and it failed with the womyn megyn kylly being BTFO
Owen Evans
I think Pence said electro shock therapy can cure homosexuality? Thats my guess anyway.
Jace Jackson
Pence legalized shock-therapy to treat gays who themselves sought out treatment to their homosexuality. This was another shoah.
Levi Torres
And they will continue to replace one traitor with another as the overton window continues to move right. As I said, they are trying to slow the right movement as much as they can but things are starting to accelerate and amplify now that Trump is fulfilling his promises. Try getting any American against Trump once he starts arresting the elites for being pedos.
Brandon Miller
I was told a story by an autistic furry with a Polish last name about how he was 18 and dating fucking Tucker's 14 year old daughter, with Tucker's blessing.
Michael Watson
Crashing the Deep State… With no survivors!
Chase Martin
Underrated post. Deus Vult Brother!
Robert Ortiz
Bluepill as fuck
Xavier Howard
Both are right. We're living a synthesis between Orwell and Huxley.
Jaxon Richardson
capped for posterity
Is that why Iran has been doing everything it can for decades to develop nukes of their own? Are they bluffing too? Is the earth also flat? Are mountains actually the remnants of ancient trees? Do you fuck niggers?
Eli Jackson
Going to be quite honest, it's been a while since I've checked up on Holla Forums. Is the deep state literally the name for all the shadow government doings that we need to get rid of all this time?
And if so, why the fuck are people openly defending it? "Yes, we really love the idea of a shadowy organization with no real checks and balances beyond their own paranoia, what could possibly go wrong?"
Statists needs to fucking hang
Justin Gonzalez
Has anyone considered that nothing at all has changed and this is a game between Trump and Putin to make it look like the dynamics are the same as three months ago?
I mean sure, one could assume Tillerson really gives a damn about Crimea and made those comments a month ago out of his own opinion. Or possibly, just maybe, he did it to lessen what some would consider his ties to Russia?
Jacob Bennett
Daniel Gray
yeah I'm sorry my fellow neo-nazis, I don't want to say he's a based jew, but he's kind of a based jew. i nominate Stephen Miller to be the kapo of Holla Forums.
Christopher Stewart
They are pedophiles and traitors who will hang if the deep state doesn't remove Trump.
Jackson Ramirez
The shadow government organization/entities, yes.
The only people defending the deep state are either indoctrinated lefty retards who dont come here, paid shills hired by the deep state to pollute online discourse or the deep state members themselves.
Liam Martin
Jose Taylor
You're still at the stage where you don't know what you don't know about guns. Get an ar-15 in .223, ~20 mags for it, and ~2,000 rounds of ammunition. If you absolutely have to be a special snowflake get an AK in either 7.62x39 or 5.45x39. Your SMG/PDW is designed for tank crews and officers who need something light in case they have to fight in close quarters, not for people who are actually fighting a war. Nobody gives a shit how "sexy" your gun is when it's useless past 50 yards and you can't find ammo or parts for it.
Polite sage for off topic.
Charles Parker
I already got 1000 rounds of 5.56, but since they're basically the same caliber, I guess it doesn't really matter. No thanks fam I'm no sandnigger.
Dylan Reyes
Have you considered that this is a game between Trump and Putin to make it seem like things are the same as three months ago when really there is about to be the biggest geopolitical shift this planet has ever seen?
Option #2. You got it. I don't think it really matters since the deep state is so afraid of America and Russian alliance that they will keep up the "Trump is a Russian spy" angle regardless.
Benjamin Martin
One of my worst fears is Trump subjecting us to torturous inaction as these deep state kikes get more and more bold and smug.
Jeremiah Bennett
They just gave him a mountain of evidence to be fired.
One at a time, whittle down the state via attrition until all they have is the Media.
Camden Bennett
Well I can promise you they will double down, and they will undoubtedly overplay their hand. That's when Trump can stomp them all into the ground.
Isaiah King
It is the beginning of week #3 user you gotta be patient. Hillary just mentioned pizzagate, Sessions and Mnuchin sworn in. Potential red alert happenings at a very fast pace.
The alliance will come, and this is going to be a bumpy road.
Ian Turner
Someone needs to send President Trump a message, telling him the public is fully backing him on stopping this. The rampant pedophilia, the puppet masters, the destruction of everything decent, it all needs to stop. If he needs numbers, we will provide it. And **if you'll excuse my LARPing here* we'll do it for pay or hell, for free. If they want war and think they will be safe in their dungeons, in their homes, or on the run, I say let us make a house call for war. Let's show them what happens when government officials stop being for the people. Let's show them their love of torture on innocent children can be stopped. If they think the threat of crashing the system will be enough to stop us, let's show them that we have stopped caring about that a long time ago.
Let us stop screwing around, and drain the swamp, a gun in one hand and a nice length of rope in the other.
The pizzagate arrests will probably be the trigger for huge happenings across the planet. Countries possibly getting bombed and governments being overthrown etc. Trump knows that most of America is behind him and the ones that aren't are the biggest useless pussies anyway.
Austin Diaz
Charles Taylor
Reminder that while you can safely fire .223 out of a rifle chambered in 5.56x45, the reverse is not always true.
Good article, now stop namefagging.
Oliver Morris
I'm inclined to believe it, Tucker always stuck me as a weirdo. Not that kind of weirdo but still. Also
Landon Harris
gassing these fucking kikes would be so fucking easy and happen so fast. it would be effortless. just expose their saturnic pedo-cannibal cult and the filthy pleb mobs will built the gas chambers and do it for us.
Josiah Fisher
user, you can shoot .223 out of a 5.56 chambered rifle. But you shouldn't shoot 5.56 out of a .223 rifle.
Either way, I'm good to go. Glock 17, Savage Stevens 230, AR-15 and an SKS. Can't ask for much more than that, I guess. If I die, it won't be because I have no funs. It will be because I did something retarded.
Cooper James
(checked) when is obama going to be hung for treason already
Brandon Williams
Good thing my rifle is chambered for 5/56x45
Matthew Murphy
They have to be shown that this behavior is unacceptable. They must be convinced that the only paths open for them are to step out of the way or to be pushed. They need to learn how to fear again.
I just want blood, user. I'm sick and tired of seeing these fucked up rituals being committed and I'm sick of communists trying to spread their poison into America too. I want to show them there's no hiding. I want a full scale takedown the likes of which historians will even be baffled at.
I want to be a part of that. And if I live or die through it, I want to be that change for the better.
Grayson Rivera
Trump cannot force you into inaction, only your cowardice can do that. Change is coming; be its agent, and the rest will fall into place.
Colton Roberts
What. What? WHAT? WHAT?
Mason Williams
Aiden Bell
Sebastian James
Exactly this. Although it tends to go a bit more toward Huxley than Orwell but clearly both visions are represented in our world.
Nathaniel Bell
when Obama won I gave democracy a chance. I didn't like it but I gave it a chance. This is what I get as an American citizen in return???
3, 2, 1 PURGE
Charles Campbell
As FBI user said early in the Trump campaign:
Trump is trying to get rid of as many key players as possible while avoiding civil war. Some will probably never be caught and some will be brought to justice at a later date. You can't just snap your fingers and bring everything down without having massive implications world wide.
Think about this. What happens to Europe if America is in civil war? India? Maybe even Australia and Canada? All of Americas allies become sitting ducks because USA has to defend USA first.
Evan Kelly
Nah, it was just a lie made up by liberals and (((them))) to ostracize Pence.
Austin Torres
Accidental, was trying it out on another thread.
Colton Thomas
Thread theme.
Jeremiah Foster
I once answered nukes don't exist user with reasonable arguments and facts. He dismissed them and other anons made fun of me for taking the bait. So, unless you are debating publicly for the benefit of newfags I'd suggest you give it a rest.
Eli Harris
Who the fuck cares what happens to India?
Samuel Hill
I got a Moist Nugger with 200 rounds and an AR with 2000 rounds.
Julian White
Doesn't seem to be getting rid of a lot of key players at this juncture. He needs Stalin-style purges at this point or all his attempts at getting rid of key players will be thwarted by other key players.
Oliver Reyes
Benjamin Clark
You want the 2nd most populated country on the planet becoming 100% Shiite? Fuck you're dumb.
Justin Barnes
You are right about civil war causing outside forces to intervene, we have seen it in Syria, and in the case of secession of individual states we know other countries would gladly support it to keep us from getting back together in a reasonable time.
Fugg here we go with the NPC theory again. I'd say at least 90% of the population acts like NPCs sprouting out the same dialect they get from the current year man as if there was absolutely no processing, and his words went straight to memory, ready to be recited.
Normies are like cogs in a machine, they perform their tasks and don't ask questions.
James Brooks
Gabriel Adams
roseanne is redpilled af. shes been speaking out about (((their))) cult activities for years
Connor Flores
She's Jewish though. Makes you think.
Dylan Morris
They need it.
Austerity has dragged on for too long and the wheels are coming off the globalism bus. Populations everywhere are kicking, voting for Brexit, Trump, Le Pens left and right. Italy, Spain and Greece have all but rejected globalism, the EU and the euro politically. The American electorate has cast off the Deep State's front men and is openly rejecting their Media handlers.
They need' a war now. The Deeep State is prepared to instigate a coup d'etat within the US, as they have done for decades in countries across the globe. As they did during the Arab Spring and its aftermath. The State Department, the CIA, select private companies, loyalist civil servants, all moving towards one goal. Usurping the elected government and launching a foreign war, all to keep their own social and economic status.
They need a war, and they are prepared to commit Treason(*) to get it.
Nolan Martin
yeah just like kubrick. at least not ALL of the kikes are down with (((their))) disgusting cult.
Landon Perry
Yeah, but she's also Jewish. Don't forget who you're talking about. A lot of you weren't around at the time Roseanne was on the air, but it was controversial at the time. The very idea that you'd let your daughter's boyfriend live in your house and fuck your daughter was a pretty touchy subject. One of the first primetime shows to have a lovable faggot. Glorified being a lazy parent and obesity. Let us not forget that she's an unapologetic feminist who tweeted that boys should be castrated at birth. She's no hero.
Gavin Sanchez
Rev up those sedition charges. Sessions needs to get on it.
I kinda want to nuke Iran now, just to spite these faggots
Colton Peterson
Some low level kikes understand they are disposable and will be roasted together with the rest of the goyim if shit goes down. They are still not your friends thou, and have no place living in white countries.Never ever forget that. They are not welcome just because they realized how evil their superiors are.
Joshua Butler
No, I'm serious, are we getting blood in the streets and a good spring cleaning of the trash and traitors? Are we? I've never seen the country so divided. I'm behind enemy lines in libshit lala land and funless, but I want to know, because it feels like we're reaching some sort of critical point. Shit is fucked. The left knows it, the right knows it, we know it. we just all disagree on the source of fuckery and there's disinfo campaigns the alphabets and lugenpresse are running to turn us against each other. But jews are naming themselves, pizzagate is reaching normie ears, and I feel like the whole rotten system is being exposed to sunlight for the first damn time. It's like everything got so ridiculous that it exceeded all (((their))) calculations and they haven't changed their methods yet, like a lag in the admin, and now the shadow government is exposed.
If there were ever to be a purge, I think it would be soon. The question is, will the shot heard around the world come in this timeline?
tbh I just want to see rednecks in pickups raiding the shitlib holds and cracking heads of corrupt (((politicians))) and other aristocratic filth. I could die happily in that timeline. I'm not planning to participate but boy, I would eat popcorn to that. At this point either we rip the rotten system out or the whole nation gets gangrene and we die the slow death of rome. I don't want to be the next venezuela.
Alexander Rivera
If they do something to Trump, then all gloves are off. There's no chance in hell that any of us will want to fight (((WW3))) against Russia when the enemies will have taken over the homeland with their useful idiot, physically defenseless SJWs and the minorities who'll become the new slave class.
Andrew Carter
somewhere along the line it seems like she got the invite to a 'party' or something, and she saw what they were really doing. probably like what kubrick went through.
shes done speaking appearances with cathy obrien, etc.
Elijah Baker
Gabriel Brooks
I am certain the goal isn't to take over America anymore but to further weaken it economically and to take out its allies. America will not allow Trump to be taken out "legally" via impeachment and its very debatable that an assassination would change any direction at this point either. Americas allies are sitting ducks as well as the USD.
Daniel Bell
WHY DO THEY WANT WW3 SO BAD?!!! Trump WILL Unite The Poles. This has been Foretold. Fire every single Anti-Russia member of Staff.
Dominic Roberts
They're actually doing it.
They're pushing the deep state as good.
Jayden Hall
If something (((happens))) to Trump, I will participate in any civil war. When your freely elected leaders are assassinated and the illusion of "democracy" is finally dissolved, it's time to fight. If you don't agree, you're a fucking faggot. If you don't fight should something happen to Trump, you're a spineless piece of shit and no better than a nigger.
Levi Miller
Interesting. Sounds a lot like the efforts against deportation that's going on right now.
Kayden Wright
The Samson option would be perfect. I doubt Israel's nukes are enough to wipe out everyone, but causing a nuclear war at the same time would do the trick.
Logan Garcia
While you wait, they continue to advance their agenda.
Matthew King
Someone send This to Trump Straight Away.
Christopher Ward
Seems like we need to start making silent militia's in our cities with just in case this becomes a problem. I doubt it though, but I really don't want this culture war to get any worse.
Angel White
They were trying to take down as many western countries as they could at once but the spread of information over the internet is too powerful. That is where their calculations failed.
The nonwhites will eat the liberals for breakfast and then those people will starve or die of infection and also eventually turn on each other. The rednecks will be sitting comfy with their family and community protecting each other outside of the chaos. Maybe after a month the RWDS will appear to mow over the leftovers but why risk going into the city? I guess out of boredom because the internet won't be on…
Jordan Sullivan
Then you must secure a quick and decisive victory.
Blake Sanders
What is that music from?
Dylan Green
Unfortunately, we do have to wait. We have to keep up the charade for as long as they do. We pretend we aren't going to fucking kill every last one of the motherfuckers and they pretend they're giving us democracy. Until one end of the deal is broken, we are at a strategic stalemate.
I have land in an area where several active militias already train. The reason I don't join up? They're probably fucking honeypots. If you can find a way to weed out the alphabet, it's a great idea. Otherwise, even mentioning a militia is a bad idea.
Ryder Green
That's what the deep state looks like? Man, what a relief. I was starting to worry we might be led by competent people instead of nogainz balding retards.
Caleb Nelson
War is only postponed to the advantage of others.
Jaxson Rogers
>pic related you know the song
Austin Walker
trips don't lie
Kayden Diaz
What is "deep state" for non-burger anons?
Ryder Martinez
Owen Bailey
(trips confirm) what you say is truth. I contend, however, that the element of surprise will not be affected. (((They))) believe we're lazy. Incompetent. They believe they can assassinate the president that we elected and we will stand by and cry about it and wait for them to insert some fucking puppet neo-con. They will be very surprised when we fight back. Truth is, we won't have the support if we start it alone. They need to give us a valid reason. Trust me, though. The element of surprise will not be removed.
Chase Green
I haven't been following Trump too much lately. Do we know what other important shit he has been doing lately? Can this Flynt shit be helpful because it diverts the media's attention from more pressing issues?
Nolan Stewart
The holocaust won't happen by force, but by popular will.
Xavier Walker
Pic related along with the usual backstabbing kikes. Read about how cia etc pushed against flynn because he didn't want to take Assad down.
Nathaniel Powell
We need silent militia networks IRL. Random /k/ guys running solo are going to be ineffectual. Ideally we should want to control the resources (food, water, medicine, ammo, coms). Obviously don't call it a fucking militia. Let's just make like groups of "trump supporters" and get together for beer once a week. And then in PRIVATE, no records taken, then you talk about militiary preparation. One, you need men who can meet up and march, and two you need those men to have each other's contact. tbh we just need to make groups of trump supporters and that will all unfold naturally. I suggest Meetup to get sheer numbers of 20s/30s/40s males. Just do NOT call yourselves a militia at first. btw, this is also a good way to build more allies out of joe mcnormal. the normalshits are too valuable a resource to leave untapped on the table. if shit were to break out, they would call their drinking buddies and ask what the fuck to do. Be the drinking buddy. That's how we get numbers for the godemperor's service.
There are huge swaths of Trump supporters buried in cities. Anyone on Holla Forums saying to just abandon the cities is retarded. Look, hick county is 80% trump and 20% traitor, but they have 100 people. Cuck city is 20% trump 80% traitor, but they have 10,000 people. See the numbers? If we go by pure numbers, it might be that a significant portion live in cities.
In any military campaign, what happens? Think romans. Did they conquer backwater village #12, or did they march for carthage? Cities are valuable. Not to be one of those, but anyone saying to abandon the cities and let the shitskins and libshits have them has got to be an alphabet trying to kill our strategy before the war even breaks out.
Use your imagination what we do once we hold them.
Nolan Green
But on real terms,. Does it mean the "government" taking control over president or what?
Henry Long
Its the unofficial name for our faceless mass of unelected bureaucrats. They are perhaps the most corrosive force in human history.
Michael Gonzalez
Why is any of this our problem? They aren't White.
Christian Bennett
everyone here seems excited to fight the Chinks though, same difference.
James Foster
if dubs the deep state gets eradicated by 2018
Levi Brooks
Bureaucrats, lobbyists, eunuchs, and ne'ere-do-wells.
Our great strength is that we're "together alone". An organization may be subverted and it's leaders assassinated, but the stand alone complex simply is. It threatens to grow and absorb people of all stripes, converting the same agents sent to keep tabs on it. If they were prepared to fight against such a foe, they would be doing so now instead of wasting time with petty games in Washington. With open warfare comes martial law, and our ability to take advantage of the peace-time landscape fades.
Andrew Moore
We need the other side to see our commitment to this. Or they are going to get rid of him. And that's the end of civilization, full stop.
I know that it's possible to have something of "ice bucket challenge" scale. Where something like 5 million Americans with their guns in hand record a video basically saying, if you kill or depose trump, the gloves are off.
How do we make that happen?
Luke Reed
Yes, they undermine and subvert.
Zachary Hall
Trump seriously needs to purge the CIA and all other intelligence agencies.
They're completely rotten
William Mitchell
This is good.
Flynn is the wake up call.
While the impotent among us hide behind muh 3D chess as an excuse to remain on their couch, some of us see this as a call to action.
We will fail and they will win, if we don't start to act. Right fucking now.
Mason Morgan
Okay, to expand on this.
There is nothing illegal about it and again, can't be honeypotted. just don't start sperging. And now BAM we have the social infrastructure in place if needed.
I am serious, if there is a politically associated club in your area, scope it out. If not, make one. Appeal to normies. It's just a club for Trump-supporters to shoot the shit and meet people who agree with them, nothing further.
As it stands, if a civil war did break out, we would lose the chance to take advantage of it. Every Holla Forumsack should join or make a group for their area.
Nicholas Butler
Pretty much. Have a puppet installed and rule from the shadows kind of thing.
Tyler King
(checked for crazy fucking Roesanne)
You know if she was just a white woman they would have hanged her years ago. Kike protection.
Charles Diaz
I'm honestly out in Commiefornia waiting for this shit to start happening. I've found Trump supporters in my local area, but by that I mean 1 guy with REAL full-blown Asperger's, and 1 rampant bridge-burner who has no solid networking knowledge - but he loves guns. However, there is also 1 guy in another city who has a decent head on his shoulders, guns, and transportation knowledge. Is it worth forming a loose group ASAP? How should I go about finding others?
Nolan Collins
Remember that America doesn't have a wall yet either. That is another massive fucking problem. Good point on the cities though but I would still have an exit plan if SHTF and I lived in a city and then go back after a month when a lot of people have wiped themselves out.
Julian Myers
Does anyone actually know what's happening?
Or is this all complete speculation?
Was Flynn really fired because he was dishonest? Is Pence compromised? If so how badly? And if Pence is compromised then why is it so horrible to mislead him?
I don't understand anything and I'm fucking scared.
Trump is surrounded by kikery in his own fucking White House.
Gavin Sullivan
I should also emphasize, how do we go about finding people who are aware of the Deep State and are mentally capable of dealing with anything newsworthy that may come up - HAPPENING-tier or not?
Jack Wood
Read the JSOC sticky.
Hudson Hill
old fag here. in the 70's the people you speak of were your neighbors, your friends, your hunting buddies, the guy who lived down the road, all of that has been broken….. now you don't know if your friend is undercover
Grayson Johnson
It doesn't matter in the slightest if they are undercover. Because there's nothing illegal being proposed
This is another excuse for inaction.
Benjamin Young
Or a call for heroic individuals to act as lone wolves.
Christian Scott
Go to church this is a serious suggestion
Nolan King
You should create a facebook group. This is the single most effective and non-invasive way to recruit.
Here was my idea: Apparently normalfags are getting into prepping. The spergiest of them are forming groups of "zombie hunters" in case of a fictitious zombie apocalypse. Because these "zombie normalfag groups" know the basics of prepping and are usually armed, this would be a target demographic. There has to be a way we can tap into these LARPers who may have voted for Trump and get them to ditch the zombie shit and put on the iron cross, so to speak. Form under the guise of being a "zombie preparedness group" (believe me, the alphabet won't touch that shit because they won't want to bust a couple of autists LARPing in the woods with their friends) and you can attract the normalfags. However, when they find out that you're preparing for RWDS and not for a zombie apocalypse, I have no idea how to retain any of them.
Kevin Martinez
Chase Wood
I like the idea of Meetup (it's an app on your phone.) You can meet IRL with no commitment, and there are a lot of people who use it, not just millennials and liberals. I use it for hiking groups and sports clubs. Just start a group if there isn't one for trump supporters who want to meet like-minded friends and have beer, watch the game, whatever inane normie activities. This is pretty common and you can find it for most interests. And people will randomly show up. I've met a lot of solid people there, so it isn't subject to the autism leftovers that, say, social dating apps are. They're just normal people who are bored. And you're doing nothing but hanging out, remember that.
but it's a sleeper cell. IF you need them, there they are. And until you need them, you don't talk about militias, you aren't a militia, you're a social group who drinks on wednesday night. You have the infrastructure in place so when shtf, you can make a few phonecalls and have people to fall back on. IF there were going to be a civil war, this is the deciding factor in preparedness. If you have the numbers of allies you can rely on, you can survive and win. If not, we're all going to get picked off slowly until the army comes to bail us out.
It's a social group. No talking about radical ideas, at least not at first. Get to know them, make friends, and conversation will flow naturally. Just play it cool.
And I'm dead serious, I'm going to scope my area. We need actual IRL networks in place. Antifa is already moving. Do not reveal your power level until you know the other person well enough. If you aren't certain how it will be received, play it as a joke to judge.
Gabriel Sanchez
And furthermore, even if it weren't the case, this is the kind of shit worth going to jail for..this is the kind of shit worth dying for…
I honestly hope the sentiment of patriotism isn't extinct
Mason James
anybody who hasn't read the info in the new sticky need to do so immediately see:
Brody White
If any kikes or shills are lurking ITT know that if you somehow manage to get us into another neocon war with Russia a lot of cells are going to activate and a lot of kikes are going to die within 12 hours. You have been warned.
Xavier Collins
The deep state is wrestling power away from the president, it's a coup.
Elijah Martinez
I know that. That's why I'm saying get a Meetup group started as a substitute for what the jew has destroyed. Personally, I don't have friends or family in my area, so I'd like to know IRL people I could rely on.
I think the "undercover agent" shit about the feds sneaking in and infiltrating is overrated, anyway. These fags are incompetent and understaffed, remember that. Most of the shit they talk about is just bluffing. Take precautions, but don't let the fear of what the enemy says it is capable of hold you back from taking action. that's what they want, and I think it's hindered us for too long.
Anyway, it legitimately isn't doing anything wrong. It's a social club. bernouts probably had them. You just meet up and shoot the shit, that's it. It's not illegal so the feds can't do shit even if they did have all these agents with nothing better to do than stalk you. If you aren't actually doing anything wrong, you don't need to be afraid, and that's the point of my suggestion for these trump supporter clubs.
And if antifa shows up, you have a group of ten legal and probably armed blue collar truck mechanics with a 18 inch wrench at hand in the back cab to support you. Carry whatever is legal for you, but I think we should form these clubs while the chance of antifa attacking is low. They ain't gonna do shit, and if they do it's self defense.
…Imo church is full of a bunch of old pozzed up cuckbags who donate to the negro college fund. The ones in my city fly fag and blm flags. The church is corrupt. Stop thinking this is 1980. No longer can you rely on that as a quality filter. It also doesn't harness the probably 95% of trump supporters who don't go to church regularly. It could maybe work so try it if you're a christian, but we need bigger reach.
Joseph Miller
which part of CA? I'm in the bay area for another month or so.
Jayden Collins
That's not a bad idea (are faceberg groups a thing? I've never used them and never heard of anyone who has.) But again my point, you don't reveal power levels until the shit hits the fan. That way there is zero risk and you have your militia at the ready.
I'd join a zombie survivalist group. Sounds fun fam. Also there's an unspoken acknowledgement that "zombie" is a codeword for chimpout.
Dylan Perry
How soon until we're allowed into the fight?
Mason Martin
The moment you decide you are willing to commit violence to achieve your political goals.
Ryan Howard
low level kikes want to outkike the top kikes and become the new top kikes they'll stab you in the back as soon as they get the power they want
Landon Johnson
Evan Ortiz
Interesting, thanks for the input. I'm not a fan of kikebook, but I can get on the prepper train. In a SHTF scenario, I have resources. More of a "hide in plain sight" scenario, but it's workable. Enough space to house people, and a good amount of prepper-tier food, lights, batteries, water purification, etc. I have some close contacts who are also willing to help, and 1 is 100% aware of what's going on. I've been working in strategic communication, so I'm trying a few methods of outright pulling people together. For now, I'm trying to come across as approachable/resourceful in as many aspects as possible, even if it's just shit like troubleshooting someone's tech problems for them. "Hey, you see that in the news?" while installing Adblock tends to be quite disarming. Managed to get a decent circle of acquaintances, but I don't really see people often enough to plan hang-outs all at once. At this point, I'm trying to be as blatant as possible when saying I agree with Trump. Had a few normies talk themselves into circles, all to end up agreeing with immigration policies. Some WILL come around.
I'll probably either try Meetup, or at least start showing up at local restaurants just to talk to people. It's the little pro-Trump comments, the smirks, the quiet laughs, that I need to act on.
OC/Anaheim/Yorba Linda/San Diego, although I'm not in SD full-time.
Jose White
Yes, faceberg groups are a thing. And even "zombie preparedness groups" are a thing. With The Walking Dead being so popular, they're springing up everywhere. There are even fitness clubs where you run 10k while people in zombie makeup try to "attack" you. Immediate benefits are 1. People are armed or at the very least, wish to be armed and are interested in guns 2. They already have bug out bags or are at least intimately familiar with the concept 3. They actually wish for a RWDS secretly, but don't know it yet 4. A lot of them are pissed because TWD is turning out to be little more than racemixing propaganda 5. Most of them are actually older, between 20 and 45 years old and not teenagers 6. When they die, you'll get all their sweet gear. The ones really into it have bug out vehicles and a shit ton of MREs and the $250 Alex Jones water filter
Christopher Jenkins
Then why are you asking permission?
John Ward
Because I want Trump to sign off on RWDS so I can do it both legally and say I was following the President's orders.
Ayden Ramirez
Let me guess, you just posted that without a VPN lul
Nathaniel Baker
Then what's stopping you from wearing a mask and carrying a weapon?
Nathaniel Jenkins
Tyler Peterson
That's a piss poor excuse, and you know it.
Jack Stewart
At least you are honest about only being willing to commit violence if you can be absolved of the consequences. I can't fault someone for knowing their limits.
Anthony Cox
Let me guess, you think OPSEC is important, lol
Brody Sullivan
kek, yes
Eli Allen
I see lots of left wing faggots saying they need to impeach Trump over this.
I don't believe.. whatever he did or didn't do.. is tied to Trump but hopefully he is smart enough to work this out on his own.
Kevin Wilson
I'm past the point of caring. I'm in the heart of Texas where every single neighbor I have has their own armory. I'd like to see (((them))) try something.
user I just want the brownshirts to come back.
Grayson Kelly
No one is stopping you.
Bentley Cook
"Sometimes you have to be the brownshirt you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi
James Morales
Now see that might be useful. But that doesn't seem like something the prez would sign off on. But right wing organized "protesters" that stand up to the lefts blatant violence/rioting is probably necessary. If they never get pushback I don't see why they would ever stop their BLM/UC Berkley bullshit.
Evan Miller
enjoy the camps :^)
Rule 1: Don't talk about it ever. Not online or in person.
Rule 2: Pick a target, learn his movements.
Rule 3: Do your business and get out.
Rule 4: Never talk about it ever. Bunnies have rifling which is basically a fingerprint for bunnies. That's why a lot of gov wetworks is with a blunt object already in the home.
Note for alphabets, this is a purely scientific post for laughs :^)
Eli Wright
Ghandi was a fag.
(heil'd) Makes sense, and it's mostly wishful thinking. I'm just so fucking tired of sitting back and not being able to help get rid of these fuckers. I'm always prepared for if shit hits the fan, but I can't be the one to make the first move, unless it does indeed hit the fan. That's one of the downfalls of living in Texas. They're not brave enough to start shit anywhere near where I live, because they'd get shot after 10 minutes of rioting max.
Dominic Fisher
Lincoln Taylor
These subversive kikes are playing chess and slowly taking all the white pieces. The knights are gone. The rooms and bishops are being set up. The pawns are moving across the board. Soon they'll come for the queen. Ron Paul is the clock on the side of the board ticking away telling us… It's happening. You could have prevented this. >>>/gasthekikesracewarnow/
Jordan Wright
Gandhi was also fiercely anti-semitic
Jace Sanchez
I actually didn't know that. I swear, Holla Forums has taught me more history than fucking 12 years of actual history classes.
Austin Cruz
What's wrong with OPSEC you dumb kike?
Liam Edwards
Tfw when Alex Jonestein was right again.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Chase Russell
If some King Nigger dick-sucking lefty says that impeach Trump shit in the real world, call them on it, force them to explain how impeaching Trump would work IN DETAIL, paint them as a psychopath, and compare them to their Republican/Neocon enemies from 2010. They hate having to explain themselves.
Hudson Rivera
It adds significant overhead and it's completely irrational.
It is the reason you are on your couch toking the opium pipe of muh 3D chess instead of organizing a defense force.
I operate in the clear because I've organized my life such that there are next to no consequences for me to do so.
Christopher Jackson
No one will protest anywhere they know they don't have an advantage. They pick area's with liberal Leadership that reign the police in, so they can have their riots. Still as the sarcastic user said. We should be the brown shirts we want to see. Form relationships with like minded people. Organize and oppose leftists in the streets where you live.
Michael Howard
Nah, you did nothing wrong. Remember anons, don't get arrested. Take smart actions and your life can accomplish more than just one lousy dead commie. Spread influence and you can spawn a thousand agents. Then your one life gets 1000 kills. Use strategy.
Ayden Young
Luis Lopez
Or you are willing to accept the natural consequences of your actions. Which is really half of what stops people from taking action. That and being lazy fucks.
John Butler
Yup. I basically told them that you can't impeach somebody just because you're fucking butthurt and to grow up.
I mean I think Trump was the one who fired Him. I think he figured out he was leaking things and was a weak link.
The Democrats think this is a start of something and are pushing it down the pipe to their base.
Fox news just said there is another name coming out later this week related to this.
At the end of the day I think the Emperor will be strong after all is said and done.
Adam Thompson
Exactly, while I don't prefer it and would take any reasonable (from a return on investment perspective) steps to avoid it, I am willing to go to jail or die to protect civilization.
My bad
Jackson Morales
go run 800 through it
Kevin Murphy
Exactly, because commies are cowards.
If no action takes place, this technically all counts as shit talk anyways, right? I'm not saying we're completely safe and anonymous, but all they'll do is keep an eye on you and realize you won't do shit, and you should be good right?
Brody Foster
How much do you think a VPN costs? You must be a straight up nigger to think that OPSEC costs anything other than attentiveness. Posting "KILL LE PREZ IM GOING TO DO IT NOW" on clearnet then you're a fucking moron. Probably have zero browser hardening typing it straight it into google pretending like there are no consequences for that.
In reality you're probably just some low-IQ cuckold who larps as a tough guy online instead of taking the necessary precautions required to actually be an agent for change. You're not going to do shit, you're all bluster and no bite.
Eli Gutierrez
t. couch soldier
Brayden Jones
No one is posting anything like that in the clear.
But you have never and will never do anything in your life worth noting by anyone, let alone an intelligence agency. This is a fact.
Most of the folks that come here are waiting to be lead, and those of us cut out to do that are going to need to not be paranoid faggots
Robert King
It's Valentine's Day, you better know a rifle is always very /k/lose, and the lube is always handy.
Andrew Scott
It's not because they are cowards. They are out in the streets currently committing violence in the name of their ideology. No one on the right has had the balls to do that. And fighting fair is dumb as hell when it's your damn nation that is at at stake. They just made a choice to take the field in an area where they have strength.
Adam Morales
They are and they aren't. They're brave enough to break the law because they get paid to do it, and they're not brave enough to do it in areas where they would get shot.
Daniel Ward
That's a lot of effort spend on a nigger faggot. Can't we just gas them?
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Nice cat, faggot.
Jacob Turner
Tbh they can't even stop retard ragheads who openly brag about wanting to jihad. I think the "power" of the alphabets is over-rated. Anyway I don't funpost from my home network, come get me, trash. Have fun. Think it in money terms, how many boots they actually can pay, how long one single arrest would tie them up for.
I mean use your limited life in smarter ways. Spread propaganda and influence rather than being a footsoldier yourself, and you can have a thousand soldiers at your disposal who can accomplish a thousand times what you otherwise could have. Find ways to be efficient and get the most bang for your buck.
If you want. Look up how many murders actually get "solved", as a percentage.
Tyler Stewart
They dont even know the deep state exists, friend. Thats what makes them normies.
Owen Rivera
This is why I take a hard line stance against degenerate behavior. Alcohol= Degenerate (takes away you worries and causes one to lose focus) Drugs= Degenerate (addictive and removes ones ability to maintain motivation) Fapping= Degenerate (weakens a man's biological ability to fight back)
Oliver Flores
t. fbi kike
Actually I just compiled a database of 1500 illegals with geotags. Fixing to report them to ICE. What have you done you retarded nigger? Oh right, you're a larping faggot who does absolutely zero other than talk tough. LMAO at talking shit against OPSEC when all wet works agencies around the world use OPSEC as their bible.
Carter Diaz
They are p-zimboes. This exists, it is a thing, and you could call them NPC's but even that gives them too much agency.
Ethan Richardson
The all powerful all knowing state is an exaggeration. However it can and will attempt to infiltrate any group it sees as having the ability to actually effect change it does not wish. See the malhuer refuge incident as an example. After the bundy ranch standoff the alphabets noted the bundy's as a potential problem and shoved snitches all around them. Then instigated the malhuer incident.
Justin Smith
And the unfortunate reality is that you are not going to do shit yourself, yet you can't even muster bluster, let alone bite. Just sad, sad cynicism and impotence.
I get it, you're an intelligent person but anything that requires leaving your room is frightening.
So you designate yourself a "change agent" playing at grand strategy. And surround yourself with people who point at the rhetoric of action and say "LARPing faggot" Pretty safe for your psyche, sure, but not actually very strategic at all.
The first step in the strategy of an actual change agent would be to become wealthy, not to set up a VPN to protect communications that are of interest to no one. How much did you make last year?
Jace Roberts
Good job, friend. Also, it doesn't hurt if you post informationals. Here or /baph/. To teach others.
So you have 500 independent "trump supporter" wednesday night meet at the local pub groups. They can't infiltrate them all. Don't call attention to yourselves and don't show powerlevels until you establish trust, and even then have plausible deniability. The enemy uses outdated methods. We are adaptable.
There are zero risk methods to go about this. Decentralize and become legion. Don't do anything arrest-able even if it's technically lawful, because the feds ignore technicalities they don't agree on. But if you're just a group of dudes watching the game there's nothing to arrest. Just be smart about it and it's easy to evade the faggots.
Nathan Gray
Regale us with what you've done then. Unless you have already done something yourself you don't get to soapbox about other people doing nothing. So post what you've done so far, out in the open since you think OPSEC is a jewish construct.
Brayden White
I wasn't saying don't try. Don't organize. Just do not underestimate your opposition. Obviously it can be done. The left is already doing it. Has been for years.
Jonathan Ward
I see the problem with "just drinking beer with Trump supporters." The problem is that these people will most likely know fuck all about what to do when the time comes. By discussing what to do when the time comes, you are no longer just a "Trump supporter's group." If you start out bare bones like that with no real ideology, you're going to get a bunch of fucktards who are going to shit their pants when something needs to be done. The moment you talk about arming yourselves, you are no longer innocent.
Owen Morgan
a cat is fine too
William Torres
Yeah, I guess it's fine to live with an animal that gets HIV, toxoplasmosis and keeps a box of shit and piss in your house, provides no tangible companionship and can not be trained to do anything. Good choice.
Michael Hill
Friend, if I said I washed my own clothes this week and paid my rent it would put me in the 99th percentile of the anonymous horde in terms of meaningful action.
But what I've done is irrelevant to the point that you have constructed for yourself a nice little cargo cult of action. All the trappings are there, but the planes don't fly do they?
Justin Sanders
Alexander Rodriguez
They're playing a few 3D checkers moves but Trump controls the 4D CHESS rulebook.
What the career politicians don't realize is that Trump can deal with setbacks, he's not going to sit quiet licking his wounds. Trump's just getting started, he's still just stress-testing the system and inviting the enemy to lay his cards out on the table and expose his strategies. Oh, they think darkness is their ally. But while they merely adopted the dark, Trump, like the great Bane who came before him, was born in it, moulded by it. Trump didn't see the light until he was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING! In the words of the great Bane himself, "The shadows betray you, because they belong to me!" (words which could apply equally to Trump vs. the deep state shadow government).
Christian Murphy
Hey you forgot to respond to the guy who just blew you the fuck out with his illegal database
Isaiah Watson
Come now user shitposting about revolution is what we do here. Getting shit done happens in the real world. Face to face. Actual interaction with human beings. So you know nothing anyone here is willing to do.
Ryan Jones
It is possible, especially at the state level with a more vague tone to it. Look at that law just passed in I forget which state that allows you to mow over protesters in your car if you feel threatened. Shit like that is already happening.
Jeremiah Adams
1. Miller is a fucking jew. Good luck with Goebbels narrative. Hes rap sheet is also crystal clear. 2. Bannon is the insiders insider. Worked for fucking Goldman Sachs and Breitbart. He knows all the fucking skeletons. Its not happening. 3. Really… they are going to attack a woman? Watch that backfiring…
Flynn was an anomaly. He did some fucking shit before Trump was in office. Nobody else has done something similar.
ITS FUCKING NOTHING. THEY GOT NOTHING. I want to see them try and end up becoming targets for the Trump`s revenge… end up getting all their insiders ousted from important positions.
Anthony Cox
So all things being equal, you say your cat shits and pisses outside, what about the feline HIV, toxoplasmosis and the fact that they can't even alert you when someone is on your property? My dog can retrieve game, doesn't spray my furniture down with piss, will bite the fuck out of an intruder and doesn't make a fucking mess when he eats, unlike the cat who has strewn cat food all across the floor in the pic. What can your cat do besides purr and play with a string?
Benjamin Robinson
the kapos worked in auschwitz genius
Nathaniel Nguyen
You get a network of people you can call and get together with if shtf. The idea is make no movements until it's necessary and thus you can't be arrested for it. They fall back with you, you teach them, coordinate them. Everyone knows each other and you can say, hey, let's meet at Dave's house, he has 10 acres and his own chickens. Like that.
We'll be against flashmobs of antifa faggots in skinny jeans and mohawks and a bunch of genderqueer losers. And nogs who shoot sideways. The important objective is to have IRL people you know who would support you. It's a marked advantage over doing nothing. Yes, it's short of a full trained militia, but it can be the seed for one if the time comes we need it.
A man with ten friends behind him has a better chance than eleven lone wolves.
Also doesn't preclude an "inner circle" of connecting and doing real training.
My ultimate goal would be each group to have a Holla Forumsack seed to spread redpills. This seed would need to be nonthreatening, no spaghetti, to be charismatic and know not to go too far, to be well liked, to be knowledgeable. And that one Holla Forumsack slowly converts the whole club. That would be the ideal and the best we could do to effect actual change in the social landscape. But the primary goal is to get everyone to have a network to fall back on, so we are better prepared than the liberals. Otherwise if shtf we will have nothing, no social infrastructure at all. And they'll have a field day with us.
Evan Wood
But I have a dog too, and you can't get toxoplasmosis unless you have a shitbox in your house.
Landon Barnes
i'm using windows and google chrome without a vpn or proxy i post whatever i want, whenever i want, and i don't give a fuck i've been doing it for years and not even been so much as visited by the police, let alone arrested/disappeared (((they))) know exactly who is and isn't a real threat. security is only important if you're ACTUALLY doing something
Carson Cooper
Jeremiah Watson
Not true. Your cat buries its turds and then comes in with shit on their feet.
Andrew Rodriguez
American Freikorps Free Corps? when?
Ryan Gomez
Yup. A vast body of leftist bureaucrats.
Anthony Powell
Parker Green
meant to post pic related, but those dubs are making me think differently
Matthew Hughes
Cats kill a ton of annoying/harmful shit, including bugs, small snakes, mice and rodents. Are also flexible and small enough to do so with high success most of the time. Maintenance is also low. Where are the downsides?
Also you got an immune system, act like you got it. Toxoplasmosis isn't just acquired by petting a cat, except if you pet it on the butthole or feet for some reason.
Ethan Bell
I'm not licking my cat's feet m8, I just scratch its head after it eats and then it goes back outside
Levi Hill
Tyler Cruz
Cats belong outside. They do kill rodents and are useful. Outside.
Cooper Myers
Mason Wood
Trump should've kept Flynn on and not given them an inch.
Now the left smells blood in the water and is in all out attack mode, this goes to show how you can never give an inch to leftists.
It's amazing how their ideology can turn faggots and cucks into an effective political force.
Lincoln Green
Same user from , dunno if my ID changed. Pulling from this image, oddly enough. How beneficial would it be to begin keeping a roster of known ANTIFA, and confirmed/likely sympathizers? I can start documenting some low-level BLM, outspoken feminists, (((Diversity & Inclusion))), and MSA idiots while I still have reasonably current addresses.
Connor Sanders
A lotta affection for a species of self-obsessed cunts tbh.
Never said otherwise m8.
Ayden Green
It's outside 99% of the time killing shit unless it's snowing, so my chances of getting toxocatlady syndrome are low.
James Rodriguez
Well that would work but I don't think Trump trusts him anymore.
Spiting yourself to stick it to the lefties isn't a good strategy.
I'd rather have somebody in that position who is on my side for the long game.
Hudson Lopez
"They may have killed us, but they ain't whupped us" - Tim Kaine
Aaron Hall
Remember just after 9/11 the FBI raided a very small town community organization and it got played on CNN MSNBC over and over as a "oh whoops, FBI made a mistake in small down bumfuck nowhere thinking these white 80 year olds could be Al Queda" ?
Amazingly successful psyop to make ALL Americans think they are being watched everywhere. It made you not trust anyone in your circle (D&C) and stopped Americans from organizing. IMO you are well beyond the point of FBI / CIA worried about local militias, Trump has them preoccupied for an actual purpose now.
Lincoln Kelly
Not saying I don't like dogs, I just like cats better.
Ian Evans
The funny part is, Kellyanne is probably the most normalfag of them. She would be the one to try and persuade Trump not to have leftist hung and so on. Taking her out would just let loose the reins off of Trump even more.
Charles Hill
I bet you also like red-skinned potatoes.
Levi Gray
They are in attack mode, but they don't realise that this isn't actually a victory for them. Trump isn't going to suddenly appoint Bernie Sanders or something.
fuck off kike
Jack Ortiz
Evan Clark
Hey red skinned potatoes aren't bad, they're really good cooked whole with garlic butter.
Adrian James
Better than Russet, though? Better than Yukon Gold? That's exactly what I would expect from a cat-loving faggot.
Dylan Carter
Another "they are always watching you" psyop to make people self censor. The "you are on a list" bullshit was amped up in the mid 2000's and was amazingly successful at keeping people quiet. Of course if it ever came down to people being rounded up on that list your country would be too far gone at that point anyway so you may as well at least take the fight online to prevent that from ever happening.
I got a pirated windows 7 "protected" by avira anti virus. I don't give a fuck. Just don't say anything illegal and nothing is going to happen.
Nolan Evans
This anti-cat anti-potato bigotry must end.
Cameron Foster
One thing is for certain, Kellogg (Flynn's current replacement) certainly looks like a badass. Is he any good?
Wyatt Clark
I mean, it can't hurt, mate. We can have right wing safety squads report them for lulz at the very least the moment the fags screw up and do illegal shit and brag about it on their normiebook.
It would be good to have names and compiled evidence. For example, say you have antifa and anti-antifa get in a fistfight, and we can produce dirt on antifa and make them look bad. We could free our brothers. Or say a leftist does bad shit and has a job, we could get them fired from their job. Things like that.
At any rate, how it could be used depends on the uncertain political near-future and how things turn out. but it's better to have it than not. So if you have the freetime, stop fapping to traps and compile it.
I love happenings as much as the next user, but it seems like nobody outside of Holla Forums gives a shit about this at all.
Eli Edwards
Damn that is the most impressive jaw you could have before it became ridiculous.
Jose Gray
I would follow that man into battle in a heartbeat, holy shit.
Angel Clark
This is the patch needed
Luis Morris
Different foods call for different types of potatoes user. I wouldn't make mashed potatoes out of red skinned potatoes.
Camden Anderson
He quit the nigger football league to join SF. Got killed by friendly fire and they lied to his family and the public and said he died heroically fighting the Taliban. They used his death to recruit more soldiers. Sad story, if you aren't familiar with Pat Tillman.
William Hall
Unfortunately, if you followed him, you would have been killed by friendly fire.
Hudson Cook
Probably because something like this has happened before. Manafort left as Trump's campaign manager for a similar reason, even though nothing came of it. it was just him being careful and not wanting to be a distraction. This seems like a similar issue to people mostly. The deep state aspect is real but being played up by the left and such to make themselves feel as if they have a fighting chance (even though there was some treasonous shit done by Obama's ilk). Give it some time. I would not be surprised if some of these "deep state" actors get outed, ousted, or arrested.
James Howard
I wonder if you liberal shit for brains know what "impeached" actually means.
If you are weak, make the enemy think you are strong. The alphabets overstate their power. Remember, they're just a bunch of dudes who can't even shill with competence.
I'm not going to blatantly wave around my power level, but I'm not scared. And it shouldn't prevent us from organizing. Just be smart about it and don't break the law.
If we do nothing, then the only ones with a network in place will be antifa. We need to organize and shake hands. Trump needs our help. Just don't give them ammo to use against us.
Stop derailing.
Asher Lee
Paging bf3af0, you forgot to respond to this guy:
Waiting to see your response you disgusting cuckold.
Luke Reed
It's me who was derailing. However, there are a lot of Flynn threads up and I'm not trying to detract from anyone engaging in discussion with Flynn. Polite sage because off topic.
Jaxon Reyes
I'm an idiot and thought it was the same guy as the one above him. Don't mind me, just an idiot.
Daniel Torres
shut up dad, you just don't get me
Kevin Campbell
Will do. I can imagine a few of them deciding to go full retard and eventually doing something illegal. That, and they have some pretty retarded kikebook posts, considering how closely tied to their schools they tend to be. Useful idiots, all of them.
Jason Gonzalez
no biggie. He is decorated and has an EIB, is a fucking WHITE MALE and certainly looks the part, though. I hope he's the real deal.
Adrian Richardson
You are being watched user, see pic
Logan Scott
Hell Yeah Atheism.
Aaron Young
almost anything is better than russet, and if you've grown your own, red-skinned are the best fresh
he's been in a long time, too
Xavier Powell
The yoke of the meme master is a heavy burden user, but we will bear it together.
Kayden Cook
Xavier King
If it's secret squirrel shit, it ain't being used on us. Odds are they just rip the site and have an algo flag keywords.
Julian Myers
Thanks, makes sense. When this got announced last night the board was flooded with shitposts and shilling. CNN was ranting and raving non stop as if they actually accomplished something. I went to work expecting the liberal bitches to bombard me with "I told you so's" or whatever garbage MSM feeds them, but not a single person gave a shit.
Seems like the neo-CTR folk will be looking for new jobs very shortly.
Evan Sullivan
I feel like we've hit that point where it's out of our hands, and it is up to the Don to play chess versus invisible enemies. Remember when mentioning the deep state in public would get you called a conspiracy theorist?
Blake Ward
How do people not know who Pat is?
Bentley Moore
This matters very little. There are multiple people waiting to take his spot that are much more evil (in their eyes) than Flynn.
Ayden Cook
They don't have to rip the site, they get it all in real time in a very nice GUI, in Palantir Gotham or Metropolis or whatever they name it
Joshua Morales
Nice. If our enemy is showing the world he is trash, we need to propagandize this and trumpet it to the world. Get them all fired from any job they might have, harass them, destroy their reputations. They ARE trash so we're not even lying.
Remember, these people want you dead, your children raped, your nation fallen, your race genocided, and they think it's funny. No mercy. They give us ammo, we should use it. Destroy the cucks.
Jonathan Young
The last thing we need is an echo chamber as an intelligence network but a change in leadership and direction seems long overdue.
Alexander Diaz
Given that we're only in Week 4 of Trump being President, and we're still waiting for Gorsuch to be locked into place, I think we're gonna have to be a bit more patient before we get confirmation of anything really.
Thomas Nguyen
Thank you user. Now I can go look up what this is. Obviously I don't what I am talking about. Except maybe that they aren't using super science.
It might be nice to have intelligence agencies that have America's interests at heart and not there own.
Jonathan Wood
Devil dubs for death threat against Miller?
Zachary Lopez
If Miller wanted to, he could use his Jewishness to get Colbert fired. Furthermore, that is a direct threat to a White House official. If Trump was actually a fascist, Colbert would be in a labor camp by this hour.
Nolan Powell
Cameron Turner
Eli Flores
Pence fucked up?
Nathan Wilson
(checked) I agree, I was just implying that the MSM blew their load on this one.
Hillary had started the 'rumour' that one of Trump's admin had illicit ties to Russia. In hindsight it's obvious that it was Obama's administration spying for Hillary.
This was supposed to be their smoking gun and powder keg to somehow oust Trump. Seems like the MSM has been so discredited they can't even get their own liberal base worked up anymore. We're winning, but why stop now
Evan Edwards
Those fucking eyes wew lad.
Camden Davis
Have any anons sent this screen cap and archive to Trump? I don't have a Twitter. I'd seriously take that pic as a threat. What the fuck were they thinking?
Jose Cook
Those are some eyes of steel. Bet you he gives that exact same look to a battlefield.
Jace Morris
This is what makes this both a good and bad thing. Bad because Flynn is gone and someone worse an treacherous can take his spot. good because we can get someone who is an even bigger nightmare to left and such and someone who may tell Israel to really fuck off. I would hope Trump goes with the latter or at least someone who has a seething hatred for the deep state so they'll realize trying to take anyone out will be like trading in a demon for the devil himself.
Jaxson Moore
Colbert was thinking, "Fallon is fucking killing me and I was only funny to a liberal base about politics. Better stick to grade B low-hanging fruit if I hope to stay relevant and keep my job."
Isaiah Butler
what was the threat, or are you referencing the image?
except for having tiny eyebrows that don't follow the curve of his face, I don't get it. He barely even has wrinkles on his face
Jace Green
First name that comes to mind is Petraeus, I don't know the real reason the Obama admin dumped him but if he was an enemy of that administration he had to be doing something right.
Brandon Cooper
It was the image. I'm pretty sure there's a case to be made for pressing charges against someone showing a picture on television of a White House official's head impaled on a stick. Can you imagine what would have happened to him just 25 years ago?
Jaxson Brown
that's not a threat though no, because nothing substantially different was happening in politics at the time.
Cameron Long
No, that's a terrible choice. He was anti-Trump before and part of all this deep state shit. I'm convinced he only got bounced because what he did was actually worse than what we know. I don't trust him. I'd rather have Scheuer but then again, a general in line with Flynn would be good too.
John Smith
Technically it's not a threat, but it's highly unusual for a western country to air a picture of a senior advisor's head on a stick on a major network. I honestly believe he should lose his job. He's not on Comedy Central. He's on CBS. He's not doing a political show. He's doing a late night show that has been an American lexicon for at least 35 years.
Brody Taylor
Until the internal threat is destroyed, everything Trump does will end badly in the long run. He has no room to maneuver until he wipes the cucks and spies out. He can't let himself get destroyed by rogue intelligence agents.
Brandon Wood
Trump doesn't bring on people who were/are against him. Patraeus has no chance.
Lucas Gutierrez
and I honestly believe we need RWDS for the media.
David Russell
Amen. At the very least though, there should be a real discussion among Americans over whether or not this is tolerable on network TV.
Angel Lee
Good to know. Come to think of it Petraeus involvement in ISAF might have been tied to boy diddling in Afghanistan. Just a theory, but I think you're right in that aspect.
Maybe if he wanted a national security advisor he could blackmail, but in this day and age I would think he would want whoever is best for the job. While at the same time someone you can trust and who's not going to slip up like Flynn.
Aiden Smith
I'm just seeing the same pattern I've been seeing. The left just doubling down in panic, and in turn causing more Americans to wake up.
Jaxson Scott
Anons that don't know who Betrayus is exactly need to watch Webb's quick rundowns
Camden Garcia
Its interesting hes replacing Flynn with his Chief of Staff who owns tons of shady merc outfits who designed stuff like TripWire thats installed all over after 9/11. This an interesting move hmmm
Andrew Green
Also note that the executions of the Russian Tzar's family and the Nuremberg prisoners were aligned with Purim.
Benjamin Perez
Kellogg could be a tremendous asset
Jace Bailey
Has Trump made a decision on who he is replacing Flynn with on a permanent basis?
Luis Brown
Watching now, full disclosure I actually shook Petraeus's hand when I was overseas.
I remembered him positively because unlike the rest of the American higher ups, he snubbed the non-american forces by walking right by them and shaking only American hands. Might not have been intentional but I kek'd. Didn't know how deep he was in bed with Hillary thought. Motherfucker had hands as smooth as boiled eggs
Hunter Lewis
no no but nevertheless this temporary guy stepping in the help is fucking powerful
David Diaz
Normies don't give a fuck, tv is just prolefeed for them. Trying to get them worked up about this is like saying liberals are the real racists. If they haven't found the last 10-15 years intolerable, I don't know what this will do.
I have no problem with the left escalating.
Eli Martinez
It's helpful when colossal faggots identify themselves.
Daniel Young
Trump is acting like a manager. The media keeps interpreting him like a fucking politician. Fuck the media.
Robert King
Well he needs somebody. He obviously doesn't trust Mattis to back him up in a confrontation with deep state kikes considering how timid he is acting. Trump needs to start stacking up and getting cozy with mid-level military officers. Colonels and Majors.
Nathan Butler
The secret service does not make these kind of distinctions. Something like that warrants a visit which, to a leftist, will make them shit their pants. The attention such would get would make other leftists pull the same stunt as well, only to make them shit their pants and deepen their idea that they are living under the threat of Trump coming to get them. Either this will make them shape up or they will act out in an unstable manner.
Julian Roberts
There really aren't consequences for stuff like that if it's done in a vacuum. You normally have to ping them irl before they comb through your search history. Not saying OpSec isn't important, just that mass surveillance isn't designed for catching every fish, it's designed so you can target any fish.
Liam Jones
Remember that anyone in an interim position is actually interviewing for the full time position. Let's see how Kellogg does.
David Evans
Neither do I. It's been proven so far when the left Escalates, it only increases the amount of Americans that take the redpill and want to change the country for the better.
Levi Gutierrez
Remember how trump cut Roger Stone out early on so he would be free to do what needed to be done without it falling back on Trump? I have a feeling something similar is going on here.
Alexander Garcia
Nigger, I'll tell you what. Back then I wasn't aware of any of this shit.
God damn this is informative. He kinda glossed over the fact that Hillary quarter backed Odyssey Dawn, but the assumption can be made with the facts he presented.
Nolan Parker
This. They forget he is a businessman first and tries to limit distractions and problems. He also commands a lot of loyalty so there are people willing to stake their lives and careers for him.
True. Say what you will about Stone but it really helped, since Stone was able to put together Stopthesteal and so on and much of Stone's ties to Nixon could not be used against Trump.
Aaron Bennett
Also, fuck off, let me humble brag in peace. Not everyday you shook someone's hand that's mentioned on Holla Forums Yes I realize I'm being a faggot
David Baker
USA went Huxley Europe and China went Orwell.
Brody Green
Nolan Campbell
With a dash of Kurt Vonnegut (Harrison Bergeron) for good measure. SJWS are/were precursors to handicapper generals.
Matthew Sanchez
The one advantage the AK has is the folding stock ones. Gives you all the advantages of a bullpup for in vehicle use without the disadvantages since when out of the vehicle you simply flip the stock back out. Also, 5.56 out of a short barrel is next to useless. Anything less than about 1500 fps and your bullet won't break up, and you might as well shoot them with a .22. Whereas 7.62x39 has some mass behind it so it has some decent stopping power regardless of bullet fragmentation. Only real reason to get 5.56 is easy availability of ammo here in the states.
Jayden Green
You have to be careful though, because it can be equally demoralizing for the right if they feel none of the people they support care enough to fight. It's very easy for defeatism to set in if symbols like Trump act weakly.
See what they did to Berlusconi. Their goal wasn't just to make the left loud and unified, it was to demoralize the right by forcing their people to act defensively and weak.
Gabriel Myers
Matthew Richardson
Note: I expect Trump is aware of this effect considering his adeptness at behavior/psychology.
Jonathan Hernandez
Jeremiah Murphy
And muzzle velocity/accuracy from a carbine length or larger barrel.
Samuel Reyes
I always thought the biggest reason to get an AR was just how customizable it is.
Luke Wilson
Hes JSOC. So is that other guy Zinke.
check out this thread
Zachary Perez
oops here
Thomas Fisher
now when you say trump was born in the darkness then saw the light when he was a man would that explain his association with Epstein? im wrestling with this black pill
Isaac Scott
JSOC Commanders aren't necessarily associated with the good stuff about JSOC. Not to mention he was the Commander of the 82nd Airborne, not JSOC. See: McChrystal and Mcraven for examples of shithead JSOC commanders.
Isaac Hughes
Still not sold on that. I have an AR simply because the parts, ammo, and mags are so much more common around here. Plus under folders are illegal in this state.
Cameron Parker
Ew, no. Your decision on deciding between an AR and an AK should rely on what your application is. Will you be fighting from 100-200 meters from your target? I'd go with the AK. 200-400 meters? Get the AR. Close range? Shotgun or pistol in the caliber of your choosing (I kinda like .40S&W and wish I'd went with a 22 instead of Glock 17). Plus I think right now people are asking way too much for an AK variant. The days of the $300 AK are over. But the days of the $400 AR are in their prime. If finances have an impact on your rifle decision, the AR might be better. Plus, you can bubba the hell out of an AK too. Fagpul offers everything for an AK that they do for an AR.
Dylan Perez
ammo availability and the availability of parts when you need to repair something are what make an AR a good choice. There are other rifles out there just as accurate and more powerful.
TBH if I had the choice id go with a semi auto .308 as my primary but those are 1) more costly to purchase 2) ammo is more $ and heavier to lug around
ARs are pretty comfy in your arms, accurate, reliable as long as you take care of them and know how to run your IA drills. They are pricey also though, atleast for a quality one.
Really.. anything in semi auto with a respectable caliber is going to be a decent choice. If you are comfortable and accurate with it and you can provide yourself with enough ammo to keep it fed any gun is a good choice.
Jackson Wilson
Why not just own both?
Tyler Clark
This, too. Also it's worthy to note that good AK food isn't cheap. Sure, you can feed it anything you want, even that steel core corrosive shit from a Romanian factory in the 70s. But if you want good brass, not the bi-metal shit (because you know if you get into rifles, you're going to want to get into reloading ammo), it's not cheap anymore. That's IF you can find brass casings at a retail store in 7.62.
Dominic Morris
i do, personally. Well, an ar and an sks, anyway. But if I could only afford one, I'd go with the AR just because I'm a former zogbot and I know it and am familiar with it in battle.
Isaac Johnson
Both my stepdad, and the owner of the gym I work for were in the military too. They recommended an AR, and are helping me learn how to shoot, as well as learning tactics and all that kind of stuff. I've only just started, but I'm doing my best to learn about all this.
Austin Ward
He was appointed by Trump. Looks like he got the nomination not from his military service but the work he did in the private sector w/ Oracle.
Bentley Morris
Zinke was a DEVGRU operator, that is JSOC
Kellogg served as spec ops in vietnam.
I havent been able to find anything on what his Green Beret unit was in vietnam but he was doing shit in cambodia. It is not even a leap to assume that he must have seen and been part of what the cia was doing over there or that he knew men that were captured by the enemy and left to rot by the cia.
A bunch of Spec Ops guys even tried to form an unauthorized militia to go into vietnam and save their buddies. The cia blew up their spot twice and fucked their attempts to save their buddies
There is definitely 100% a civil war brewing between the cia and jsoc. My point is thats just one aspect of whats going on. This kind of shit is happening in every crevice of this country. Its like the country is splitting precisely in two and battle lines being drawn. Us vs (((Them)))
Jack Phillips
Its a good choice, fam. That's one purchase you won't regret. I recommend buying the lower and parts kit and assembling it yourself. After you finish putting it together and learning to use it, you'll be buying an AR-10. Then you'll buy a few Mosin Nagants (just to have around). Then some asshole will tell you about 1911s and you'll be learning how to fit one and put it together. You can check out of funtown any time you'd like, but you can never leave.
Bentley Nelson
James Rogers
If true, Why now, then? What changed that makes them want to act more openly against the CIA pedoterrorists?
Leo Sanders
Matthew Morris
Good luck, buddy. GI parts kits are $100 from Sarco. Buy a frame, slide and barrel for a few bucks more and you can save a few Vietnam relics yourself. Plus, I don't know if you're an autist like me about working with things with your hands and sanding something down to perfection, but if you are, say goodbye to your social life, if you have one. You're here, so I assume you don't have a social life. Next thing you know, you'll be looking into machining and CNC, thinking about designing your own fun.
Connor Gutierrez
I'm tempted to buy a WW1 Era Luger and restore her to perfection.
David Moore
Trump has tons of leaks right now though, which means the CIA will know if he gives any orders to clean house.
Wyatt Rodriguez
Thomas Rodriguez
Yep. You're fucked. You'll be building funs. Come back six months after you put together the AR. I bet my life you have at least two more funs by then.
Logan Bailey
Hey America, you have a population of 300 million, why aren't you purging the necocon scum of the streets of DC? You have the numbers to do it.
Julian Ortiz
Trump could give JSOC domestic training orders, and allow them to train however they see fit, combined with a list of CIA agents and politicians that would be more than happy to help them.
Jose Morris
I know I'm fucked. I've resisted it for years, but I'm slowly accepting that I'll actually be alone forever. I'm killing myself by 30, I refuse to be Chris Chan.
Angel Hughes
Happened with Miller as well. We havent seen the last of Flynn.
Josiah Long
Well, he is a faggot, so that automatically makes him subversive.
Easton Roberts
Should I make a 5.56 AR or a snowflake grendel build?
Jackson Garcia
Should follow suit of those dubs and do both.
Isaac Garcia
Grendel it is
Tyler Wood
That true. But until the leaks are dealt with he could do what hes been doing since hes been in.. sending them to directly attack the sand nigger terrorists right where the cia is training them.. etc.
Luke Baker
Fully gunned up. Not at the level of training I wanted, though. Better than nothing.
SHTF plan isn't quite baked, but I could get it in order fairly quickly.
Anthony Gonzalez
You don't kill yourself, fam. I'm divorced and 36. What happens is you take up with other men (not faggots) and you give your life purpose by educating others about firearms, forming militias or community groups. You stand at the ready, waiting to defend your fellow white men, women and children from the horrors of leftism. You don't fucking die for no reason. You fight what's going on with your dying breath because nobody else will. Will you stand up to the degeneracy and arm yourself and protect the whites who can't fight? Or will you be a coward and off yourself when shit gets rough? You're going to fight because somewhere inside you is greatness. Somewhere in your DNA is a soldier who would kick the shit out of you for thinking what you're thinking. Do that ancestor a fucking favor and help wipe these faggots off the anglosphere. You're not going to be Chris Chan. You're going to channel your inner warrior and settle down and have white babies or you're going to work for the cause. Did I fucking make myself clear?
Luke Thomas
It seems KellyAnne Conway was the leaker.
Tonight she has deleted her POTUS pic from her profile. @POTUS and @realdonaldtrump have both unfollowed her this evening. And no new tweets other than the "white supremicist" 'I love you too' earlier today.
Was she canned after the SNL skit this weekend?
Chase Rivera
user I thought about going for an Option 40, but then I hear how the military is just a zog machine. That was my last option and I don't know what else I could do. If by some miracle I happen to come by a fuckton of money, I want to open a gym and eventually attach a gun range to it.
Cooper Lopez
North or South?
Asher Clark
Can we please just start doing this already?
We need to be solid if the entire stinking fucking edifice is coming down. My dad and I are – but a network is needed to truly win the culture war.
And tbh I could use the brotherhood user
Parker Young
Hate and Love are both tools of control and potential plans for Satanic ZIonists to achieve their goals. The only solution is to realize it and not to play.
Bentley Ross
Jacob Peterson
You learn a trade, then. You don't need a fuckton of money to learn how to get experience. I knew nothing about cars before I started delivering auto parts and eventually got an ASE certification. Society has told you you're useless and you're not. I bet you could understand very quickly how an internal combustion engine works. I bet you can figure out how firearms work and become even a gunsmith with some dedication. Unless you're on the backside of 40 and know nothing, you are far from useless. You aren't going to kill yourself. You are not a faggot loser.
Cooper Price
South - specifically, at the end of Apologies if my ID is everywhere, I'm in a big-ass building.
Owen Butler
I don't think outside forces will 'intervene' in an American civil war. That happened in 1860. Even the language of intervention is 19th century thinking.
If Americans started fighting each other, it would easily trigger World War III.
Grayson Taylor
If not now, when?
Asher Phillips
Trips confirm. Go to the officers under the generals. Form bonds and loyalty there.
Blake Moore
If that's true that's some deep betrayal tier shit. I'm amazed.
Xavier Allen
Or else, what? The right wing has proven time and again to be paper tigers. Only people causing violence in the street is the Left, and those methods work.
Parker Foster
Cernovich says he predicted this would happen. Says it's part of the offense against Trump by the deep state. Says Republican body would be calling on Conway next as a way to start undoing Trump's team.
I have 6 more years to try and get something going until I'm 30 user. I'm not just going to give up and wait for them to pass by.
Cernovich is a Grade A bitch, and will claim anything for more money.
Jack Fisher
Hey may be but he also predicted what's going on right now
Chase Edwards
Because we aren't living with our parents or on section 8. If you threaten the livelihood of white people with something to lose–and this hasn't happened since the civil war–they won't submit.
No one listens, though. There's a tipping point. Violence for whites isn't free like it is for leftists. If you increase the cost to not be violent beyond this point, whites will be violent. Basic economics.
Landon Brooks
Gavin Butler
He also predicted the Mike Enoch thing.
Landon Myers
The Final Deal.
Alexander Cooper
He didn't predict it. He had inside info. Eunuch shit on a bunch of people who knew about his kike wife and they have connections to Cernobitch.
Kevin Adams
Evan Carter
That's what I meant, but he was "in the know" and had some inside info. I'm not saying his words are gospel, but sometimes you can be surprised by how much Thernovith knows. He's not altogether stupid, just a kike.
Ethan Carter
The post about kelly is bullshit so this while train of thought is worthless.
Landon Bell
Sanctions are the most retarded and pussy-footed tactic imaginable. It's exactly how a woman would go about solving her problems. Be passive aggressive and build up tension until finally throwing a tantrum. If Republicans have such a big problem with Russia, why don't they fucking tell them? Give a clear message. I can only imagine what this looks like from the Russian side. Meanwhile the dems are screaming that it's because of their precious faggots being mistreated. United States must seem like the most bipolar nation on earth. No wonder our foreign policy is fucked.
Anthony Morales
This smells like coordinated shilling. You posted this on multiple threads as well. The only people who hate Kellyanne are libshits.
I'm not sure who Bill Mitchell is or this Resnick guy, but apparently the two of them and Thernobitch all had something to do with the outing of Kike Enoch's wife.
Daniel White
Have you guys forgotten about this This ties in directly with what's happening now. They are protecting these sandniggers Media covered it up
Jose Thomas
Daniel Evans
Bridges, tunnels, control traffic and trade. Water, sewer, power. Cities will die in a week if blockaded.
Noah Ward
They work for getting right wingers arrested
50% of the people at that Malheur wildlife thing were law enforcement informants
This Take it from someone who lives in one, at the first sign of trouble we're all getting the fuck out. There is no hope for city-dwellers once SHTF.
You have no idea what OPSEC is, it refers to counter-surveilance measures taken when engaging in electronic endeavors, useful to anyone guilty of the high-treason of wrongthink. It's almost like you want the feds fucking around in your network and planting CP.
Liam King
Matthew Green
Yep, here it comes. Do or die for Trump. He either meets this with brutal force or he and his entire family and administration are dead. This was being drawn up the second they got the Flynn resignation.
Kevin Carter
smdh tbh fam
Benjamin Gutierrez
These articles all read strangely. Notice how the liberal press narrative never stop to explain specifically what it was about the leaked e-mails that was 1.) false, and/ or 2.) damaging to Democrats? So far to my knowledge they haven't pursued (1.), and they can't pursue (2.) without acknowledging the Democrats' bad/ illegal behavior during the election. So there's always this blank spot in the narrative: we jump directly from the alleged theft of e-mails, to election interference, without explaining why one caused the other.
I mean, hypothetically, the hack & release of e-mails could have positive effects on a political party, if the content were to reveal a dedication to virtuous principle and fidelity to the public positions, even under the presumption of secrecy from the public.
It's simply common sense that you shouldn't put into written correspondence, anything you wouldn't want to have publicly associated with your name & organization (anonymous *chan posting aside). The fact that Democratic officials didn't exercise such common sense is another problematic factor that these reports don't address.
Blake Bailey
It's to avoid Canary Traps. They keep things as vague as possible while having the lynchpin so Trump can't know who his mole is.
Josiah Reyes
An easy way to get around this is to declare a state of emergency, deploy troops to DC and media HQs.
Kevin Wright
The escalation of shit in just the last 48 hours has been fucking insane. You have Flynn's resignation and the holdovers from Obama's administration flat out admitting to espionage. You have Hillary and her cronies openly acknowledging pizzagate in their gloating. You have the media blatantly stating they now want to pick off Trump's inner circle Ten Little Indians style. To cap it all off you have fuckery with Russia and Crimea that might be a false flag and is being used by Neo Cohens to try to try to shill for World War III.
What a strange cohencidence that this all happens right as Sessions has offficially taken office. Even stranger that we've suddenly been flooded by a fuckton of shills and slide threads.
There is clearly some gravely serious fuckery going on behind the scenes. Either the Alphabits/ Neo Cohens/ Media/ Chosens have finally found a crucial opening in Trump's defenses and are so confident in the lethality of their attack that they don't even care they're gleefully playing their hand, OR Trump finally has all his pieces in place for the Big Purge starting with Hillary and they're lashing out like a cornered animal while putting on a smug facade to safe face.
Gotta be honest, I'm really fucking worried. Something's gotta give, and it's going to give soon. I have faith in Trump, but until he crashes Hillary's plane with no survivors we have no way of being sure our enemies aren't sitting on a nuke.
Anthony Adams
I love how they just use phrases like What the fuck does that even mean? Did they physically take control of human beings that run the DNC? They hacked their computers? Did they hack their life and give them tips on how to pick up girls? What the fuck are they talking about? Did they hack the scanteon sheet I voted for Trump on? Fucking spell it out, cocksuckers. How did Russia hack the election or the DNC? If you weren't full of shit, this would be pertinent information the public should know. Nobody ever explains how any of this matters. Even if the Russians "hacked the DNC," shouldn't we be focusing on the problem of what they uncovered?
Brandon King
Trump is fucked unless he deploys stateside and applies his power as executive. No other way.
Ayden Hernandez
He must cut the knot. He must end this farce. He owes it to us. He said he would fight for us.
Jaxon Sanchez
So how scared are the kikes right now? It looks like they're going all in with these Flynn shenanigans, especially with some of their puppets being dumb enough to bring up #pizzagate and the Deep State over a mere resignation.
Oliver Anderson
(triple timestamp dubs) It's hard to tell if it's the kikes that are fucked or if it's us who's fucked. Is it the kikes lashing out because they're dying? Or is it the kikes lashing out because they have Trump by the balls? I guess we will soon find out.
Elijah Gonzalez
Yep. The Jew is definitely scared.
Sebastian Morgan
What kind of fucking felon ==Doesn't== own a gun???
Get on arms list and drive to a state like ohio that no sales records are required and buy from another fucking felon or something. Shit you can trade shit on craigslist for guns too.
Carter Cook
Good post. As an expert in smugs my gut says Hillary's smugging is nervous "coping" smugging. And if Hilldawg is smugging out of fear than the deep state bureaucrats/pedocracy is definitely shitting their pants.
Connor Flores
The Don's balls are too big to be contained… every time they thought they had him over the last 2 years, he always gave them the slip and they got BTFO.
Owen Robinson
Yeah, no. Firearms are not permitted on CL and get flagged immediately at the mention of funs or ammo. Driving to Ohio is fine, but you must show ID. Armslist is faggot now. Most listings are from pawn shops and gun stores, who require you to be a resident in Ohio. Most Ohioans won't sell you a gun unless they know you're from Ohio. Can't get into the major gun shows in Ohio without showing Ohio ID. I wish it were that easy.
Sebastian Jackson
Jonathan Harris
ID = b8dead I hope user is okay
Nolan Russell
Which is why they are going to give him an ultimatum: We are going to get rid of you, and you can't stop us because you won't escalate to the realm of force. They are betting Trump cares more about himself than his country to risk doing what must be done to save it from them.
They are going to try to cuck him utterly and completely, and destroy any hope of positive change ever until the end of time. They want complete and utter demoralization. For us to never try again to retake the country. To do that, they must humiliate Trump and get him to capitulate without bloodshed.
Julian Adams
Vermont is the superior firearm state. Shotguns and rifles are cash, never got asked for ID. In fact many times the owner will actually go around the business and sell it to you in a private sale. Pistol ammo is sold with no questions either. In NYS they won't even sell you AMMO for a pistol without ID.
Jonathan Mitchell
All Trump has to do is ask for an army of armed gun owners in the streets and he'll have it. Does a single person anywhere doubt this? Does Trump?
Jose Jenkins
guys…i'm scared
Nathan Walker
There was a Facebook group in my area for trading and selling firearms. Shit was so money. Then Facebook banned firearm sales/mentions of sales. Bought two rifles from a guy two miles from my house and bullshitted with him for an hour. Obviously no ID. I'm from Michigan. Don't need anything to buy long guns from an individual, but they get all faggoty about handguns. Intent to purchase or CCW must be obtained to buy a handgun from an individual. Fucking gay. But that's why the new compact 80% Glocks and the 80% full size Glocks are a lifesaver. Plus the 80% Sigs and 1911s got your back. Even if I had the pistols illegally, with our SYG and castle doctrine laws, if I had to defend myself, no prosecutor would want to touch the case for fear of being BTFO by a pro-gun jury.
Ryder Green
Trump has been pretty vague about it. He might not actually understand it, but who knows. If he does, he probably wouldn't want to let on that he does.
Blake Williams
They're pushing hard to get more neo cons in top national security positions. I wish Flynn hadn't resigned. He was the best guy Trump had in charge of national security.
If Trump fucks this up he'll find himself surrounded by neo cons and the noose around his neck will tighten. Every neo con in his administration will stab him in the back. Trump needs to bring Fylnn back in as soon as possible.
Go fuck yourself, nigger. I don't give a shit if Russia has Crimea or not. This is probably a show because of the allegations of working with Russia. Kys now. Don't ever come back here.
Jace Wood
Also, stop direct linking you autistic nigger.
Parker Myers
He's falling right into the trap.
Chase Reyes
Well, he hasn't talked about it himself yet.
But honestly, if he keeps this course, we can expect Obongo 2.0 here.
Jaxon Ortiz
So you think it's just fake news?
Jackson Howard
I don't give a shit about Russia. I want shitskins gone and I want my wall. This is all talk. When something happens, let me know.
Aiden Lewis
Do you really believe Russia wiell negotiate about Crimea?
Are you trolling?
This is a straight up confrontation that is absolutely unnecessary.
Funny how all of this hit just popped up after Bibi's visit.
Top kek.
Easton Allen
Your wall won't save you, if the nuclear fallout from WWIII will spill over it, you frickin imbecile.
But whatever.
Matthew Jackson
Joshua Carter
Is shittalking Russia really Trump's best move right now? How does it benefit America ''at all?" Ukraine is a bunch of fucktards and while I want white people over there to stop killing each other, Crimea is a strategic interest for Russia and they already have a S-400 battery network there. It's a fait accompli. I don't think it's getting undone, and Ukraine can throw as many idiots as they want into that meat grinder, they have no plausible way of winning on their own. And I sure as fuck don't want to go to war with Russia, that's insane. White people have more than enough on our plate without starting another brother war; that's what the kikes want.
Lucas Wood
The point is this is Trump going along with the fake media outrage on Russia. Do you understand why these operatives care so much about Russia in the black sea? It's not because they deeply care about national security.
Trump should have told the media no one gave them the authority to set the agenda and to shut the fuck up and revoke their FCC licenses and give their licenses to a bunch of crackheads and say Jamal has the same right to have a broadcast channel as they do.
Brody Torres
It gets the media off Trump's back about colluding with Russia. That's it and that's all. If something materializes, I'll be the first one to sorry and panic, but you've already got that covered.
David Cook
*worry not sorry
Angel Garcia
You have a lot to learn.
Logan Evans
To make sure retards like you can comprehend.
Jaxon Walker
It doesn't benefit America, it benefits Trump. Stopping the Jews "muh russia" narrative against him.
Easton Long
So do you.
Ayden Nguyen
Nothing gets the media off Trump's back ever. He can say and do whatever he wants and only dead-enders give a flying fuck what the (((media))) says anymore and they're both impotent and unsalvagable. All Trump has to do is ignore their kvetching and give them something new to kvetch even harder about the next day. He doesn't have to give in to their memeoplex, he spent an entire campaign acting as if he knew that, and now he's cucking to more MUH RUSSIA nonsense .
Juan Powell
If you don't see that this is a co-ordinated attack, you are blind. He can threaten to nuke Russia and they would say it was all a ruse to deflect. They want blood. They want Trump gone or dead. They WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THEY ARE DEAD OR SILENCED
Ryan Thomas
Okay, so it's all talk. Nobody is warming up the silos or deploying troops. War hasn't been mentioned at all. You're a fucking shill and you need to kill yourself. This is two superpowers posturing. It has been going on for 50 years. Babby's first year paying attention to geopolitics?
Mason Kelly
What are you talking about? Multiple times in relation to the media, he gave them lip service, double speak, ect. in order to get them to move on and shut up. Did you even pay attention to the election? There were tons of "WHY IS TRUMP CUCKING?" threads when he said "we'll see" ect. in regards to immigration, the wall, and so on. Can't wait to see another shill thread complaining about some irrelevant talking point he got Spicer to say.
Camden Cruz
Do you even know what's going on in Eastern Europe atm, buddy?
Reminder to all anons, check in here and start organizing with local Holla Forumslacks for upcoming events
Jackson Thomas
Guys, Even Though The Height Of The Cold War And The Cuban Missile Crisis Didn't Spark War Between Russia And The US, Some Fucking Dirt Called Crimea That Nobody Gies A Squirt Of Cold Piss About Will: The Post
Colton Foster
What did you do?
Jaxon Turner
Hillary would have started war with Russia over it. It was virtually guaranteed, in my opinion. So we're coming to decisive moments where Trump has to represent what he stands for once and for all. Are the #PizzaGators going to get arrested en masse, despite the number of Senators and Congresscritters involved making that a political event of coup proportions? He's meeting Netanyajew soon - is he going to lay down the law that America isn't going to finance and supply all of Israel's wars anymore, and a strike on Iran is completely out of the question? How's he going to handle the Wall St. ponzi scheme? How is he going to handle the ongoing attempted soft coup? He is going to have to juggle all these problems sooner rather than later, and I for one don't think it's out of line to pore over every detail to find out if we're getting set up to eat a shit sandwich all over again courtesy of the kikes. Because the next big failure of policy might be the last one.
Caleb Cook
I always figured the whole zombie apocalypse meme was a covert way of saying when the great chimpout ensues.
Joshua Brown
Neither side actually wanted war back then. NeoCohens do.
Camden Jackson
Nah, it's rare to see the zombies attacking and eating each other. Niggers do that all the time. Especially in Africa.
Aaron Stewart
I don't think the country's lefties have the stamina to even attempt a civil war. Further more I wouldn't compare the USA being interfered with with the likes of Syria. We have 15 times the population and more guns than citizens, which an overwhelming majority of are possessed by our team. I really think if Trump overthrew the government an overwhelming majority would just throw their hands up and keep going to work. A bunch of 60 year old feminists in pussy hats are going to pick up AKs and hit the streets running.
Brody Parker
I hate to argue when you have those dubs, but I've yet to see the point unless shooting is your only hobby or you are very competitive about your group size at 800 yds and have many years of experience.
I've done a bit of that, it's pretty rewarding. I know one guy who made it his mission in life.
Thernovits will say and take credit for anything, even fake shit for cheap publicity. Disregarded.
Oliver Johnson
You think either side wants it now? Over Crimea? Trump is a businessman. Nuclear war is bad for business. I just don't see it happening over Crimea. No way the lives of millions of Americans are put at risk over something so inconsequential to our lives. Not only that, but you really think US troops will fight a war over Crimea without Russia doing something majorly retarded? Use your fucking brain for just a goddamn second, you fucking anxiety-ridden autist.
Juan Brooks
everyone with a brain knows that Obongo spent forever telling Russia to leave Crimea and that Russia doesn't give a fuck. Trump knows it's an empty threat, which is why he's making it. This way, Trump can make the normalfags think he's willing to stand up to Russia without actually having to do anything. You all are right in saying that the media will kvetch no matter what he does and that they therefore dont matter, but keeping the masses onboard does matter. Unfortunately, the vast majority of normalfags think Russia taking Crimea is unjustified, and that the U.S. at least has to condemn it if not do more.
Benjamin Morgan
I'm gonna argue that most guys who aren't into the hobby shoot once a week or more. The minute your favorite retailer is out of .223 and you realize that shipping is an extra $15+ for ammo, you start thinking real hard about reloading. It's not about having a tight shot group. It's about controlling your own ammo supply.
Xavier Cooper
The Obama administration with McCain and friends already got half of Ukraine without fucking up entirely, anons have already forgotten how close of a call MH370 was. If there's anything to be done it's in a few years time.
Jason Brooks
(checked) What's the per-cartridge cost reduction of reloading?
Nolan Flores
They have Tartus back now, they don't need Sebastapol. Maybe that was the deal.
Jaxson Robinson
Just like the other 116 times, I'm sure.
Liam Morales
At this point, with powder being so expensive and the surplus WC844 being so hard to find and nearly as much as Hogdon's, it's probably equal. Maybe a few cents cheaper per round. .223 I see running about $.25 per round for the cheap shit. Last time I added up the cost, it was about $.23 or maybe less for decent projectiles and a good deal on powder. I keep praying that the cost of powder will go down with a pro-2A president and people stop buying ammo and powder like it's going out of style, but we will see. Reloading isn't about cost or tight shot groups. It's about having your own supply, though it is slightly cheaper and you will see some accuracy improvements if you're good.
Kayden Bailey
Why are scientificially illiterate anons so obsessed with EM fields and superweapons?
Michael Peterson
I don't think Russia will hand over Crimea. Ever.
If you look at their immense infrastructural investions over last few months alone ( etc.), it makes little sense to throw that all away.
Josiah James
polite sage for offtopic.
Camden Martin
.223 is an intermediate cartridge and so is 7.62. If I want to feed my SKS anything but Tul Ammo or Wolf Pack bimetal casings, I have to order it online. Even further off topic, does anyone like the Silver Bear 7.62? Outside of breaking the bank for Winchester brass at like $.70 a round, it's the best round I've shot from my SKS.
Blake Jenkins
Sorry, I'm retarded. Meant to sage this.
Aaron James
$0.70+/- a round is the bare minimum for older full sized battle rifle cartridges. Ancient surplus cartridges would probably be cheaper, but the quality is… questionable. Random hot-loads dispersed in with the rest are a real kick in the sack.
Logan Taylor
David Martinez
So (((they're))) probably planning for the consequences of this already.
What I expect:
That's it, guys.
Bentley Baker
I don't think they are even contemplating it, instead they are probably just using their fake grassroots protests and violence to use as background clamor to justify whatever highlevel powergrab they are going to attempt.
Everyone I've known who isn't completely broke but take shooting serious skills and in case of happenings, not necessarily frequent shooters stayed ahead of the power curve in ammo. You can have some control your own ammo supply by not having only one caliber, buying cases at a time, and always have enough for both training and emergencies for everything you have.
I don't have all the ammo I want, but I have enough to last the rest of my life if I don't go wild, except for one important caliber to me and a few oddballs that don't worry me.
everyone I've known who shoots that much consistently has been serious or has money burning holes in their pockets.
I've never had a problem with brown bear in that or in .223 even in an AR
Michael Lopez
plus the surplus shit is corrosive and steel core. My range actually puts a magnet to the rounds you bring in to check if they're steel core and if they are, you can't shoot it. It would be great for SHTF, but as you say, hot loads and duds make it seem not worth it. I haven't bought any brass to reload, but it's cheap and available. I just never saw the point in reloading 7.62. When you think about buying the dies and thinking about the powder that could be used for .223, which I have everything for, it makes the most sense to keep buying the cheap Russian shit and reloading the .223.
>tfw the Yugoslav plant that made my favorite raifu food closed down years ago and no one else can match their quality.
Jacob Kelly
Are you a canuck? hang onto that shit, I unknowningly used up all my steel core years ago.
Christopher Wood
Not a leaf. 100% burger. The spam cans are still available at the usual places, though they aren't as cheap as they used to be. Bonus for being stored for SHTF already in an airtight metal container.
Josiah Price
Meanwhile, the U.S. military keeps ramping up its presence near Crimea.
To add: my range even checks .223 cartridges to see if they're steel core… as if I would be firing off SS109s at the range for fun. Fucking idiots. Who buys steel core .223 for target shooting? I can understand guys having surplus 7.62 because it's cheap. But those SS109s aren't cheap and you'd be a retard to use them up on targets at the range.
Lucas Carter
Yep, it's the only way to go. Make the up-front sacrifice and spend $150-$300 at a time. Stow it in ammo cans, stick it in the closet and forget about it. I'll go out to the range only occasionally since I'm getting older - I'll go buy maybe 50-100 rounds and shoot those while leaving the cache intact.
Connor Diaz
De-escalation of tensions between US ans Russia allows for focus on domestic issues, cartel purging in spicland, possible naval conflict in Pacific
Julian Rogers
got this from cuckchan
Whether or not the OP is legit this seems to be a pretty accurate report of the situation.
Hudson Ross
So nothing.
Sebastian Johnson
So getting some fucking hashtag trending on twatter will prevent the chosen ones from attacking Trump again? Yea no.
Elijah Long
I hope you're right Anons. Trump's been quiet, and that can be a good or a bad thing, but I feel like something big is going to bust loose. Nothing feels right. It's quiet as a Sunday but the shills are hammering like no tomorrow.
Sandusky's adopted son getting busted for molesting kids, all the busts across the country… Something big this way comes. Keep faith in Kek and Ammit and we'll Shadilay through this storm and find our JUSTICE on the other side.
Ian Fisher
We could converse via the old post mail/ letter system. Its pretty secure and instead of giving our address out we could have it posted to a specific place, or directly to the postoffice. We could even agree on a code to communicate by. Every modern war has codes and secret ways of relying information that the enemy can't read.
Luke Lewis
It does sound pretty stupid. It could all be a counter-psyop, they know one of them is going (maybe conway) and they are trying to meme it into some devastating irrecoverable blow. We must always remember that there are insiders leaking shit out, that psychological warfare is being waged against the country right now.
Carter Morales
The fact that America is a worthless nation, a worthless nation of a worthless race (homo sapiens) who need to be destroyed by aliens.
I want this world to be free of the reign of Humans are nothing more than insects.
Austin James
sure thing chaim
Justin White
Xavier Reed
Fighting back against the lugenpresse is always a good thing but getting a certain hashtag trending at a certain time doesn't accomplish anything.
Ethan Jones
I've got a question you guys, I'm not sure about its and it's kind of out there. Do you think Trump will do shakeups in his administration to get things done and get past certain milestones like he did when he was campaigning? It'll probably be harder now that he's in office but idk I'm just rambling.
Logan Bennett
Why don't you lead by example and kill yourself then. Or you could wake the fuck up, cease whining and start helping to fix this shit storm we are in. Besides aliens are just kikes in jumpsuits.
Connor Edwards
Nice try. Time to shoah this comp
Evan Morales
Stop posting that ugly jew.
Bentley Taylor
Zachary Myers
Thanks for showing people more how ugly and jewish he is, I suppose.
Gabriel Lopez
Bout you fuck right off, chinaman.
Leo Taylor
Nah, son. You need to leave.
Ethan Wilson
You will never be as alpha and successful as good ole' Sammy here.
Adrian Sanders
Christian James
Hey remember that time sam hyde sucked a tranny's dick?
Nathaniel Richardson
It's funny seeing the shills react with jew reaction images to try to fit in. Still not an argument, kikes!
Parker Cox
This is in the top headlines of Drudge. What are the chances of what I found at the end!?
Doesnt mean we can keep our powder dry and make sure our friends do as well
Cooper Hernandez
I guess it's painful, huh?
With Sam and his tranny bf? No thanks.
Xavier Price
kill yourself
Noah Kelly
Andrew Torres
Always stay ready for the fight, always be informed and inform those who need to know. But the only way our numbers get to a point where we have a legitimate force that keeps our (((government))) up at night is by waiting until the thin veil of democracy is lifted and shows its hideous ugly hook nose. Until then, those who would fight on our side are too comfortable and are able to hide the proverbial elephant in the room. We haven't given up the fight. We've just had a temporary truce since 1865.
Jordan Williams
Show me proof of Sam sucking tranny dick and I'll believe you.
Hudson Bell
Be gone with thee, thou dastardly putrid sluggard, slug away until the mighty radiant beams of the our just and celestial Sun doth scorch thy wretched face.
Jacob Reed
Show me actual proof of Sam fucking a Tranny, and not just compiled posts of how a mentally ill person said by here-say they had sex with him.
Juan Wright
It's just some faggot flinging shit all over itself and the board.
Samuel Rogers
Dan Rather got fired for literally trying to create fake news. The fact they are trotting him out now reeks of desperation.
Oliver Mitchell
I know. Fuck him. We were ddos'd for about 3 whole minutes tonight. Guess he's ass-pained because his little raid ain't going too well.
Carter Green
That's no way to talk about your patron saint Sam Hyde. So do you suck his cock while he's sucking tranny cock?
The proof is looking at his jew face. You're being played, moron.
Lucas Perez
John Young
Kek. Filtered. No proof.
Lucas Collins
Nicholas Garcia
Dan Rather got fired for literally trying to create fake news. The fact they are trotting him out now reeks of desperation.
Ryder Morales
Joseph Evans
So it's fucking nothing, Danny boy?
Nicholas Robinson
Joshua Turner
Well, we need to start making that point heard and making sure he understands that. The deep state is a paper tiger. They have no real manpower to control anything of importence. All Trump has to do is release the dox on these fags families and state that there are no repercussions for the people who eliminate them. This whole shadow gov bullshits stops the second he does that.
Remember, these people only have power through institutions or bureaucracy. Do you honestly think these people can hold down a country, much less their own homes and families? No matter how many drones and libshits they get to protect them, they'll never have the raw manpower needed to fully protect themselves and their families.
Ayden Robinson
An 18yo is not a man moralfag
Mason Wilson
That's where you are wrong mr autism
Christopher Ramirez
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Anthony Miller
Man you are one dramatic little faggot. Reading through the entirety of your activity ITT is downright painful. You aren't fooling anyone nigger.
Josiah Nguyen
Get a bugout bag with essentials ready, if you don't already have one. Supply of cash money on hand (unsure if that will matter, but it's better to have it than not). Get your defense situation sorted out. Keep a full gas tank from now on. Have exit routes mapped or at least memorized. Burner phone would be useful to keep on hand. Be ready to drop everything and move at a moment's notice, wherever you are. Know where your close friends and family are at all times.
I'm not larping or shitposting, btw. I'm probably older than the majority of anons here, and I can truly say I've never felt anything like this before in my life. You can smell it in the air, like burnt ozone after a lightning storm. The world has shifted, feels like it was almost overnight, and things are quickly coming to a head. Big Bad Happening is on the way. Be as ready as you can.
Jason Gomez
I'd lose my mind if I didn't lay it all out. This bullshit is taxing for me.
Luis Russell
What is this bypass.png shit? I've seen this before and have wondered if it's used to bypass the captcha.
The image is 1x1px and viewed has a file size of 62 bytes. Downloaded as 3c83…png it has a file size of 1.56KB.
Is there some kind of shill/piggy-jim co-op that's happening here?
Sebastian Clark
user, if you haven't already, check out Daily Stormer Book Clubs. It can be a bit of a commute, but I've met about a dozen of the very worst goyim this country has to offer. At least one's probably a fed, but we don't give a fuck since we don't talk about anything illegal.
As others mentioned, Internet is the best recruitment tool. Reach out to existing 1488 groups in the area. Also, try not to exclude anyone unless they're a complete fucking lunatic. Most of us who've come this far have some kind of social issues. Natural outcome of being raised in a misandrist Kike hellscape.
Regardless of the grand schemes of organized resistance, you can't imagine how great it feels to greet someone with the fourteen words in public. Laughing later about the other tables overhearing our bants. So worth the risk.
Alexander Howard
If this is all so taxing on you, I highly doubt you will survive Rahowa.
Hello newfag. Lurk for 2 years before posting again you complete fuckup.
Brayden White
Lain, I'd reckon.
Hunter Brooks
There is one caveate, the normies must be woken.
Ian Mitchell
You know, Bill Kristol clearly has a lot of information that he wouldnt give up unless someone was breaking his fingers. Interesting to think about.
Nicholas Hernandez
inb4 wasting millions just find out the following OH WOW IT'S FUCKING NOTHING CIA bought the pissplay and Russian prostitute story. Kikes are really terrified I guess Pissrael doesn't want China to play the victim card next few decades.
Jeremiah Jones
fuck off defeatist trash
Jaxon Ward
that's some concern trolling skills, man
Nolan Murphy
you don't wake normies up, you tell them what to dream.
Michael Taylor
golden tiger
Nolan Wood
Aiden Gomez
does this mean we can have a trial for hillary next?
James Parker
Man I REALLY hate it is the kikes can manage to put out narratives, or just words, that can be popular. I hate it how they can still come up with snazzy cool words like "Deep state", I mean, assuming that they did put this word into the limelight.
We need moar power to make even these attempts at framing laughable.
Perhaps we also need a continuous thread to list all the narrative attempts created by the kikes? Or are all of us expected to keep that list inside of our own heads so that they dont know what works and what doesnt? Because its kinda arduous to constantly have to keep in check to understand what is going on.
Camden Wright
Ian Martinez
Noah Johnson
Sebastian Young
Aren't we all. Buy a long gun, buy some canned food, keep in shape and hope things get better.
Jacob Stewart
(fucking checked) Change is coming, soon. One way or another. We must be ready to stand and defend our way of life if necessary.
Ian Perez
Kayden Reyes
Is Rep. King based?
Mason Lopez
m8, that's terminology our side has been using for years. It's more surprising that they're taking our term and actually giving it credibility, the stupidest possible move they could have made.
Evan Roberts
it is our phrase? Well then that changes it a bit yea. Its a good development then. But does that mean that they are openly showing hostility then? Kek.
Joseph Scott
Eli Fisher
PLEASE charge Flynn. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give Trump an excuse to turn on the ovens.
Quick Holla Forums, tell me what to think about this!
Charles Morales
Austin Miller
I like the Harward Coat of Arms.
Oliver Howard
Leakiest fucking administration of all time it seems. Heads MUST roll.
Austin Robinson
What the fuck is wrong with employees and keeping their fucking mouths shut until the actual announcement? I swear Trump really needs to bring out a good purging.
Lincoln Collins
It would be a smooth move, he could do it too, promise to pardon any one accused of executing one of these deep state faggots.
Isaac Reed
Hopefully this leakage will give Trump a justification to clamp down on the deep state.
That may be what he's doing, if he makes outrageous claims, or job offers, the media will want to know immediately. After sufficient leaks, Trump will be able to justify a deep-state clamp down.
Jacob Allen
I think the entire Flynn scenario was engineered by Trump exactly as an excuse to act upon the deep state. It is very likely that Trump will humiliate the players of the deep state while letting Flynn off scot-free.
Dominic Allen
I think you're right
I hope so.
Adrian Perry
If Trump really does read Hitler, then I believe he knows the exact scenario that he is in.
Luke Carter
Wow great analysis there. I think you'd be more at home over at /cuckchan/.
Owen Collins
Nathan Turner
These quads aren't lying.
Samuel Clark
you tell me. He's said some other choice things but I can't find them at the moment
Luis Thomas
Could someone explain to me what the stakes are with this deep state war right now? I'm getting all nervous because I can't grasp the ramifications on Trump's presidency if he doesn't win.
Gavin Morgan
Ryan Edwards
I know a bunch of wn people out in Portland. In all honesty I think we're all waiting until the communists start a full October Revolution style overthrow.
Michael Stewart
Isaac Thompson
internet and electricity will likely get shut down if actual fighting breaks out
Logan Gonzalez
Very good summary. We have no reason to be hostile towards Russia if not for (((them))). There's also the matter of the Jews' grudge against Russia and how they just can't stand the idea of a poz-resistant White nation (the grudge is an interesting case in itself: for example, the Russians gave them every chance to integrate and be self-sufficient, such as by providing them with farm equipment and allowing them to have their own land. But no, physical labor is for the goyim, so the Jews ended up selling vodka to peasants and getting them addicted so they'd have a steady flow of shekels. They totally deserved pogroms, but of course they wail about it afterwards as if they were innocent victims).
You made some really good points, but a major problem is that our people in urban areas are very atomized, as in they're surrounded by those traitors and it's hard to find others like us.
Dylan Wilson
But how does it escalate from where it is now into actual fighting?
I'm not trying to say this is nothing, I'm trying to understand what functional power the Deep State has, and what its capability to threaten Trump's agenda is, and will be.
Chase Powell
Normalfags do not want him to stand up to Russia. War is an incredibly unpopular position outside of the political classes.
Joseph James
The stakes are very high It's either Trump and his presidency or the deep state
Gavin Phillips
they might subvert the SS to leave a window open for a "russian" assassin like what happened to the archduke
Christopher Wilson
Confirmed significance.
Wyatt Parker
Yeah sure you do.
Owen Scott
Logan Walker
i am so fucking pissed flynn is gone, he was one of the best fucking parts of trumps administration. this whole russia thing is absolute bullshit
Bentley Cooper
this user gets it, flynn was trying to bring U.S and Russian relations closer and not pretend that its still the fucking cold war. its time to grow up. islam is infecting the west and that includes russia. and russia WILL have problems with china in the future. just look where lake baikel is. china has like NO clean drinking water. they just ousted the man trying to form the next alliance for the inevitable slugfest this world has never fucking seen before
Angel Hughes
you're retarded if you think obama's the head of the deep state. it's a bunch of old master of puppets types. idk how trump's going to purge all of the intelligence agencies but he needs to do something. he needs to get a group of loyal people to him that he knows are loyal and get them to carry out an inquisition
Ethan Nelson
i thought the deep state was a crazy conspiracy theory?
Mason Walker
Amazing quads.
Anthony Collins
What promises is Trump fulfilling, exactly?
Bentley James
Except he hasn't gotten rid of anyone at all?
Elijah Long
Are we being invaded by shills?
Ayden Garcia
Zachary Myers
This fucking meme comic is horseshit that doesn't match Brave new world.