SS13 - Updated Changelogs Edition





Should we start organizing play sessions to at least have a decently populated shift once a week?

Other urls found in this thread:

excuse the double-spacing, ctrl+v fucked up

Its sunday, just say whichever server has people and people will join.

And wait for reasonable hours for euros and burgers to logon.

Yes. It seems the biggest issue with player count is something fucks up (server fracturing, an admin fucking up :^), downtime) and then players jump in and out and no one wants to stick around because who wants to spend 2 hours playing spessmen with a 2-8 man crew?

At least if it's organized we might get some momentum going. There's enough UIDs around to get a good number going.

That's always newserver, though.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. If we had around 20 players at once that should be enough to start the fire. I was thinking of upgrading the server first though so I could support that many.

What kind of shitbox is Newstation on? And why is it running Windows?

To clarify, I don't know if it can support that many without lag. I haven't had enough people on at the same time to stress test it yet.


That's one question answered, not the other. If it's a less powerful machine, why would you run Windows on it? That's a lot of resources wasted on an insecure operating system.

Also, you didn't have to run the entire XAMPP stack, unless you intend to run a web page you only needed MySQL.

I'm only doing it because I know how to use it, and I knew it would be easy to set up a server with it.

As for xampp I do plan on hosting a wiki sometime in the future, right now it's just being used for the rules page though.


BYOND servers can run natively on linux, but there's no problem with running pizza on windows, only later versions of hate are optimized for linux.

You could just link to the miraheze wiki. are we still using miraheze? i thought we'd be using something else by now

So you're inexperienced and couldn't take a few minutes to read through a guide on setting up Ubuntu or using package management?

You're wasting system CPU and RAM on running a full desktop environment when you could just run a headless system and SSH into it. If you're worrying about the effect of 20 people or more on your server, you're doing something wrong.

what does new station run?

IIRC upgraded pizzastation code with 510 lagfix and some bugfixes.

updated pizzacode with new features n shit

Kill yourself my man

I'm the wikifag. Of all the FREE options, Miraheze was by far the least obtrusive. Shoutwiki had ad faggotry. Wikia is… wikia. Wikidot is simple, but it's not Mediawiki, which meant I couldn't import all of /tg/'s stuff as a foundation. I think there was another service I tried and there was something about them I didn't really trust. Plus Miraheze's support staff were pretty cool dudes and uploaded a huge archive of images from /tg/'s wiki for me.
Unless if someone is going to magically start running a serb with mediawiki on it and get a domain, I'm sticking with Miraheze.

Right now it's dead in the water since I was unable to play SS13 for some time, and all the ebin plans for code changes made nothing seem stable. Once things are a bit stable I'll be going forward with some changes and fixes on it. I just really, REALLY don't want to put in hours on it only for shit to get flipped upside down a couple months later. I've been thinking about doing some content hierarchy reorganizing since the way things are now were apparently done as /tg/ developed and as a result are kind of a mess.

Let's not kid ourselves, the Newstation host isn't installing Gentoo anytime soon.

is there no dismemberment on new?

No since it broke a lot of shit

Nope. It's Pizzacode, which is almost a year behind HateStation.

is that going to be fixed and put back in?

It's been fixed on HateStation for a few days now.

Probably, but first bigslice is working on implementing other things we had on h8code

ooooh like what?

dismemberment probably

I wonder, is any of you going to actually play in the server? I don't want to be the only engineer doing atmos, R&D and guncargo for the millionth time.

actually now that I think about it not much besides some minor shit and dismemberment

Wouldn't it be easier to just implement most of it and remove shit that wasn't liked such as solar cleaning?

What the fuck is solar cleaning?

That would be a fork of HateStation and not Pizza then.

I don't think you understand how fucked HateStation's commit history is.


The staff is light years better than hate through, so it's worth it.

Some thing where every 50 minutes or something like that you'd have to go to the solar computer tracker and set it to clean the solar array.

But Pizza is trash where only things Riesen liked ever made it in. I don't want to go back to not having shit like the advanced synthesizer or the old game mode settings where you needed something around 25 people for a wizard to even be possible. It also has a lot of dumb "balancing" shit like MoMMI's not being able to even leave the station z-level leading to awkward as fuck arbitrary laws like them starting with an ion law that states that the asteroid is part of the station.

This better be a ruse cruise

That's not in newstation, plus sounds retarded

it's not

git is a mod there too

It's literally mumble, the same thing that led to much drama back then.
People don't understand that a constant admin circlejerk is what led gitgud to fuck the whole server up while calling players entitled cattle

We can port everything quite easily.

That's because it is retarded. But so is not implementing the like 200 fixes to various shit that happened after Pizza. Most notably Zaers fix to atmos being slow as fuck.

WEEEELL the mumble wasn't the root cause of drama, just the people who weren't in the mumble were mad at the people in the mumble

I used the mumble once and still Hated it.
Retarded circlejerk

Was just a hangout really

The Discord is a largely unrelated group dedicated to watching bad movies on weekends.

But we're going to start a war over the belief that removing this terrible cabal will liberate Holla Forums from the evil Jewish machinations of SomethingAwful, aren't we?

It seemed like that for you, surely.

No, because no one really gives a shit about what's going on hate anyways.

this tbh
it seems like it might be easier to use current hate and remove dumb shit

Well it was for the most part until somebody like NGL fucked up, or tzeentch showed up

I was using pizza when I first started hosting but shortly after I changed it to the latest version of Zaer's fork, which stopped being updated in December. I've since been doing what said and started taking things out that people don't like.

Remove pests and other busywork entirely until we figure out how to make those features good and fun.
Also, take out ducks and try to figure out what to do with memeseeks

He already did

Also, I propose that we change the duck sprite to a noise marine gun and make it a tatot/mining/gateway thing.


Just change them from meeseeks to something else that fits with the rest of the game, like shitty androids made in a fabricator that also show up on the borg blowing console in case they act like faggots.

The actual concept of temporarily bringing back a dead nigger to do some simple task isn't bad.

This is a good idea, since it allows us to mess with their laws and there's no Koriath to get triggered that it isn't like ricky and morty.

Well, that was fun. I didn't know monkeys could hack and make bombs until now.

new station down?


I'm recompiling the code to apply a couple fixes, server should be back up in a few minutes.

Is newstation dowN?

It's down.

it's up

Is it down again?




Classic SS13.

QM here, you're a faget, nearly everyone survived and made it to shuttle. We had combat shotguns with pulse 120 burn damage to xenos slugs.

I have no idea how to play viro, I just assumed it was god virus because he said it was god virus



You literally can't do better than that. Either you have all good effects and food cures it, or you have fuckall effects, tons of negative effects, and it's hard to cure.

At this point a faggot Scientist follows me fucking his waifu
Turns out I was the ling's target

Why didn't you get me man?

I just wanted to fuck with you for awhile



Good round tbh

Get banned, faggot.

What a fucking moron

We still won, faget.
Hepsie Power(Kicknutsbutt) as a Scientist (died)
Get banned.

I remember that one time on Pizzastation where synthflesh existed and blood volume didn't exist, I just brought a monkey to chemistry and made a ton of nutriment on the spot. Good times.

He released plasma and set it on fire in the halls that killed another cultist and suicided to it, if anything he was griffing his actual antag status because he din't want to teamwork.

Yeah and if everyone disables cultist except one person, it's still possible to get a cultist round. He could have roped two others into playing roles they didn't want. So… it's the game mode that's at fault, really.

This kills the powergaming medbay

Was this the same guy that did that last time we had a decent cult round?

Cult is all about converting nigs though. At the end, if the cult does it's job, everyone gets to be antag lite as long as objectives are allowed to be accomplished.

If you DON'T want teamwork-based gamemodes, why are cult and rev in the rotation? Are you going to say a revolutionarie is allowed to set a plasma canister loose in a room full of revheads? It's retarded.

If he din't want to play cult, he coulda just gone do his actual job instead of being a nigger, nobody was stopping him on that.

Hell, I remember danhen using cult status back in pizzastation days to bomb everything and ruin fun with tzeench.

Especially since a chunk of that is going to be tators, AFK folk, and idiots.

Wait what? Is forced antag still fucking enabled?

What the fuck man? I mean this time it was cult but what if it happens with fucking nuclear emergency and you get 2 niggers who don't know how to do the task and ruin the whole round for everyone?

For Christ sake disable that shit, it's bad enough ending up as a ling and being responsible for things not being dull when you just wanted to do some autistic project but having that shit for team based game modes is the dumbest fucking thing in the world.

that was a fun round

every time!

>Fuck no

Why can't they just pick security?

oh thanks for that, you basically gave me Trent since it blowing up hit her in the process

Powersink blew up and the geneticist just walked into the hole without a space suit to follow me.

that's even more silly

I've been thinking of making a SS13 roguelike, it sounds fun(in my head at the very least).
I wonder if there are any free engines for roguelikes out there, if not I might just use Godot since it's free as in free beer and free as in freedom.

that's redundant

also stands when newstation?

The only decent one is the bomb one, they're all boring as shit and retarded as fuck.

so make them not shit

then give me ideas you fat fuck

What is this /tg/? Just don't make them a traitor item and limit tarot decks to rare loot from away missions or asteroid crates.

which ever you pick the rest vanishes but gives random powers based upon what was picked up but gives you a choice of what power you want



I was talking about stand abilities you double nigger


oh well I figure they start with just one ability and they get a chance to gain more over time and if they do certain things

so you'd have three types, fighting, parasitic, utility

other then that I can't really think up something else since my head is starting to hurt but I figure more goofy shit based off of the show instead of just floating fags

it doesn't have to be in maintenance, I figured it'll give people more of a reason to explore more

Would be ok for 1-2 stands, not all of them.
Also, saying " three types, fighting, parasitic, utility" really tells me nothing about their abilities, I wanted gameplay ideas my man.
Also, they can't all be based on the show because shit gets really fucking obtuse after a while and you can't translate abilities like "the ability to melt the opponent into an easily cutable paste if he touches the stains of your fingerprints that are basically everywhere near you in a 10m radius"

yeah sorry, it's late, can't really think specifics

A few off the top of my head

>Sun Stand rip ayys

Those are not bad ideas, you know, I propose some changes though.
On Malice, tox damage + no message is just too strong, sorry.
Death is overall good besides the body husking thing(we could also recycle slaughter demon code for it, making it double good)
The Sun is way too OP, remove user-buffs and now it's ok.

I don't know overall, stands are a tad too hard to balance, seeing as any stuns + stand is OP as fuck even with our revamped stuns.
In my opinion we should drop the idea or focus on manly non-combat stands.

Nobody does their actual job and you want to add more reasons to "explore" maintenance.

May as well rename Assistant to Tourist.

people do their job until they get bored of it then they wonder around and go back to it later

Also, my shitty ideas:
1-Talking Head knock off:

2-Paper Moon King knock off

3-20th Century Boy knock off

4-The World knock off

5-Mr President knock off

holy shit I've autism

Also, I'd make that the stand ability you get is 100% random, and even if it's avaible to tators it'd cost 20 TCs.

I agree the no attack message is very strong, but to balance it you could make the attack play an audio que and then reveal the stand a few seconds after. Alternatively make it act like a syringe (the target needs to stand still) and only they get a notification after they have been stung.

I do think husking is quite a shitter thing to do so it should be discouraged by making the user take 20% of the damage the corpse has.

With the Sun stand I was thinking something along the lines of this.

Overall I've been thinking, and combat stands are incredibly shitty and need not be kept in-game.
In the mango, no one but fujoshits like the straight up fighting stands, and the everyone's favorite parts are always when the stands are used to create mystery and weird shit happening, instead of "lol I kill u directly".
Convoluted and weird shit is the best part about Jojo, it's why people love Another One Bites the Dust and King Crimson.
I think it'd be better if stands required a huge amount of team work to even work, and that concealing the fact that you do have a stand played a bigger part.
If we want more combat shit, I don't think stands are ideal for such ideas, maybe new races/transformations though?



There's sad and there's this.

You forgot the part where I wasn't actually the Captain at all but you decided to try and backstab me mid-mission with me dragging your bartender buddy around. The real Captain killed himself after a few minutes and I stepped into his suit with no real objections.

To boot, I didn't even bring the Captain's ID or PDA with me.

I mentioned Hate when people started asking about a restart and I realized no admins were online.

Anyways as it turns out NewStation isn't running PizzaCode, but the code forked from the last commit on Zaer's repository, which is historically HateStation code.


Gotta carry out that master plan somehow my man

What's the github for newstation again?

The 3-4 first Nurglestation rounds were so fucking good, there were no admins and everything was just pure fun and 40k RP.
Never again I'll be a Nurgle Techpriest spreading the gifts of chaos in a trashbag

I am starting to find it weird that not only is BigSlice a new account but also Merege, one of their coders. Both are only a few days old, yet their commit history suggests that they have enough experience with the game and DM to actually overhaul Zaer's fork significantly. This suggests that the accounts are the alternative profiles of people who have been in the community for a while but have something to hide.

I've yet to get a response back from BigSlice at all though I did play some SS13 with Merege.

It was movie night on HateStation buddy, everyone decided to watch Martian Attack tonight so I played spessmen elsewhere. Don't kid yourself though, the population capped at like 5 on New.

Well you got yourself killed in the middle of the away mission, it was a shit plan buddy.



sage for off-topic

You can win the away mission with only the tools and weapons it gives you.
I won't say you can kill the guardian with them, but you can surely get through the zone safe and sound.

We weren't and I knew as much. I just wanted to do something interesting before everyone cut out for the night.

Also earlier today we hit about 15 players, enough for a wizman round

pizzacode uses syndie firing pins for the syndicate operative's guns so it would've been excruciatingly difficult if not impossible

you can only tank so many faithless hits with that double esword my fam

should've sacced you to nurgle tbh

Sorry fam, but I'm gonna have to tell you to gitgud.
I've went into the zone alone at least 4 times now, all of them unprepared as fuck, and I gotta tell, all these times I made it at the very least to the final faithless room, and once made it to the guardian but didn't kill because not enough ammo, so yes it is possible and not that difficult at all since I don't consider myself robust outside of exploiting the shitty code that Koriath put out.

Where'd you get the guns from then? Syndie firing pins means you can't use those sick rifles the operatives are using.

There are lots of pistols scattered around, ammo is quite plentiful too.
Healing is a matter of sprinting past whatever you can and getting dat fooken armor asap.


I'd agree with you on all of this but god damn that final room is a cunt


Final room is pure luck, I'll admit.
Basically, if the faithless RNG knockdown gets activated once you're dead.

Well now that's done, is killing the guardian possible and is it even worth it

I wouldn't count it as feasible unless you prepared before venturing in the gateway.
Basically, with just the regular pistols and double esword you'd need an enormous amount of space to kite him around, which you don't have unless you killed every single faithless in the last room(which would've spent all your ammo anyways)

Final room is fucking awful.
I like to save up on heavy weapons and such for exactly that, personally. Especially since early enemies are pretty easy. Bullets can be a bitch, but otherwise.

Of course, I've only ever did it once, with a full bag of holding with everything I could ever want in it, including three lascannons because lascannon my waifu

Can anyone explain to me how this piece of code works?

/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/guardian/fire/AttackingTarget() if(..()) if(ishuman(target) && target != summoner) spawn(0) new /obj/effect/hallucination/delusion(target.loc,target,force_kind="custom",duration=200,skip_nearby=0, custom_icon = src.icon_state, custom_icon_file = src.icon)

If possible, how does he set the hallucination to be specific.

Classic goon tactics from hatestaff as expected.

kys mark

I'd love to remake SS13 in a better engine without having that fucking stuttering character movement and shit UI.

I'm just an artfag though, so I can't code. I'd be up for making it pre-rendered 3D I have gamemaker.

That's actually a good idea, unlike stands.

The hilarious bit about forced antag is that even if noone has cultist on, you'll still get a cult round. The current system only takes one thing in account: how many players readied up.
If enough players are ready at roundstart, and cult is in the rotation, it will try to make a cult with people who turned it on, fail and then do cult with 4 guys who didn't have it on in the first place.

I'm looking at the rest of the commits, which basically ammount to huge levels of DELETE THIS and I can safely predict that Cult will simply be disabled in the configs.

I sure do love this newstation. It features even less content than /tg/!

The references to 'target' look like they'd link the hallucination to the hallucinator.

I've yet to make a concrete suggestion. It could be that Merege is just new to the game and can handle DM code decently because they're experienced with programming in general, but the non-standard nature of DM makes that a bit of a stretch.

But the NewStation staff have never addressed their origins or communicated with anyone on the matter, nor are they familiar members of the HateStation or even PizzaStation community.

You've yet to offer a rebuttal to the rational points and hypothesis put forward, and I don't think you care to now, do you?

Classic goon tactics is accusations of being a goon and ad hominem when you lack the capacity to reject the point being made.

This guy probably isn't Mark.

You're a fucking genious.

You should really start reading on OOP if you want to code in BYOND. Otherwise, you're just gonna be Ninja Code 2.0 : The reboot of the speshul snowlake code.

Why even post it through a link?

(imagine if the shitcurity officer inspecting you had become a scalerot carrier from defending the station against the lizardman threat all the time :3 )

newfag please go

Fuck you, you guys came to /tg/ and fuck it up, I'll come here and fuck up yours aswell.

Nah, fam, we didn't fuck up your servers, your admins have no trouble doing that on their own.

git gud faget

The way i would like to see stands is them just being random, so even non-antag can get them and based on what Job (giving QoL benefits) you get on roundstart and incredibly specific rather then antag only and not necessarily require the stand to be played by another player, and NOT be TC purchasable, either you get a stand a Round Start or you don't get one at all.

And of course, if a Traitor, or Traitor Target gets a Stand then the Target / Traitor also gets one.

Some ideas here would be like a Chef's being able to get ones based on influencing foods and food effects like turning Dough into Cake Dough, Microwave shit, Botany get Plant-based ones, like being able to plant shit everywhere or flat out make water at will(it is HYDROponics after all).

Janitor can get one like repairing all lights in a radius instantly instead of needing to fuck with the light replacer or the Borg "walk to clean effect" or slipping immunity, or the ability just simply never get dirty and/or clean others with a Help intent touch.

Cargo can get the ability to teleport Parcels, and only parcels (making that wrapping paper suddenly very attractive) to their stands location (with the stand either being placed manually or being another player.).

Oh, and invisible and un-interactable to everyone but other Stand users and effects (this is something that annoyed me about the Hippie implementation (other then COMBAT ONRY), half the fun with stands is how bizarre shit seems to outsiders).

And having a Stand "ghost" show up when the ability is in use so other Stand users know that THIS IS THE WORK OF A ENEMY STAND, even if it is something as silly as a Janitor walking over a slippery floor without galoshes.

With some stands being utterly useless or superfluous, and some being good shit.

And of course, you DON'T get told what stand ability you have, the usage command would just be called "Ability 1" and possibly "Ability 2" depending on the complexity of the stand, so you need to experiment, and possibly fuck up shit badly doing that to know how the hell your stand works.

How about no.
Stands are redundant and retarded.

They serve the same purpose as Drones and pAI's: bringing dead players back into the round.
Yet they do so by turning a player into a meme-dispensing machine.

They don't even make the player harder to kill.
They just make it extra cringe worthy.
We get it, you watched Jojo and liked it.
But that shit has nothing to do with space or SS13. It's as shit as the meeseeks idea: bringing something from an external series in for nothing more than a few one-line retarded jokes that everyone has to hear because IT'S SO FREAKING COOL, I'VE ONLY HEARD THAT ONE 8 TIMES TODAY.

Get fucked. The game needs things like away missions, actual good gamemodes, and more reasons for players to actually play with each other, instead of being straitght up forced to.

Holoparasites are a good idea. SS13 isn't the super-serious game you think it is, and you get no credit for being a demotivator for people trying to introduce new features.

Get fucked.

fucking this

Nice upvote post.

Literal shit tier, even for a shitty cartoon, it's still the shittiest.

Back to Holla Forums and your meme shit. People like you bought that Deadpool cover, and help kill the industry, one meme at a time.

hey man I just wanted to show that I agree

You silly user, you can't do that here.

Welcome to SS13 general where you can have an opinion but the cost is a thread full of shitposters

I've been on 3 threads so far, I know how it goes.
Heck, the whole board looks like that. And people praise this shit with "at least we're not a hugbox".

Guess what, shouting "FUCK YOU" at everyone that disagrees with the hivemind IS A FUCKING HUGBOX.

there is no hivemind here though just shitposters

Thank god that the people making the decisions of what does and doesn't get into SS13 isn't made by braindead stale memes who can't voice their disagreement without ad-hominems out the ass.

Meeseeks were put into the code by someone with actual ability, and the idea behind them is solid even with the overlap with golems. Summon a guy to do a single quick task, after which he goes back to the salty peanut gallery that is d-chat. There are ways it could be done better, but hating on them and stands just for being memes only makes you read like a salty bitch/teenage angst factory.

Hey, don't hate the players hate the game.

Exactly. This is why the faggot who suggested that belongs on reddit.

Along with tons of bugfixes.

Also, turning assistant into tourist, or even just adding a new tourist role, is not such a bad idea. It would make more sense, considering what assistants usually do. They would spawn with a camera and the holodeck beach setting clothes and other random stuff like balloons, sunglasses, crayons, etc. Maybe they could even get a randomized loadout.

As they're tourists, their lack of access makes more sense (an assistant can't really learn anything or help anyone since they don't have access to departments, ever), and their behavior (i.e. running around maint, finding the hidden bar, etc.) are more explained, and more acceptable (although their having maint access in the first place is kinda weird).

They could become the prime role to enter away missions, for example. Basically, they would be roaming around the station, messing around and taking pictures. Their prime purpose would be pretty much to create shenenigans without them having to be funny (clown or mime) and without the purpose to annoy people (clown).

Then, tator item options might be extended to contain touristy items (a camera that actually acts as a flash, thermo-sunglasses, explosive film reel - or perhaps a special camera that has various effects based on what's put inside of it, and various kinds of film reels for various effects, like smoke, flash, a laser beam, swapping the identity of someone in the picture that was taken, etc).

This also gives an in-character reason to request access to even high-security areas and be taken seriously, unlike assistants.

Stands aren't that bad, the ingame justification is that they're holoparasites; technologically advanced personal bodyguards that hide inside your profile and pop out when needed to lay waste. They tend to be a little OP, all things considered, but the way they're implemented at the moment is that they cost a full 20 tc and they share damage between themselves and their master. Calling them JoJo memes when at most, they only draw inspiration from JoJo stands is a bit of a stretch. I'll give that meeseeks can't make that excuse, but meeseeks are an alien element even in the show they're from.

Shitposting is good for the soul but bad for the thread, so how about some greentext stories?

CE later came by in the other thread and asked if I had to kill him. Now he knows why he had to die. Also, fuck that xenoarch three ways over, he had no fucking sane excuse to bring a death artifact right into the middle of medbay.

Now now Friendo, i was only saying how i would like to see them implemented if they were, which would be as a random usually useless work related "bonus power" like the Mimes invisible wall, unless you got really lucky.

No need get bum blasted about it and i do agree about needing more modes and the like, now one thing that i think would be nice would be non-antag objectives.

Or rather, CREW objectives, Like a objective the whole crew (but traitors, though they get a note about what it is so they can meld in) gets and shares, like needing to have at least (or no more then, for more murderboning rounds) x% Evac-rate, have randomly selected player/npc x being a VIP that needs to survive the round even if player x is might be a traitor, encouraging nonlethal strategies by Sec and Vigilantes, or needing to have a certain amount of a item on the shuttle when it docks with Centcom, which could be everything from burgers, to ore, to monkeys to crates, or have x amount of Cargo points at the time of docking or get some unique item from the Derelict.

Or something as horrifying as needing to have a living Ligger (which would mean someone will need to be sacrificed to become debased.)

Couple that with a new Time Limit round where shuttle is called at round start and is going to arrive after x minutes (no recalls) and stay only for ~30 seconds for you to load up objectives and crew on it and you better get the stations shit together to try to do their work.

The objectives should be based on what crew there is on round start though, so no "Make a Ligger" without a Geneticist and no "Make Burgers" without a Chef.

Didn't see anyone defending meeseeks last thread when they were proven to be certified 100% shit.

But start comparing them to stands and OH NOES, NOT MY MANGU MEMES.
This isn't even shitposting right now.
Shitposting is done for the sake of it. There's no such thing as "selective shitposting".

Fuck off Koriath. You tried that social engineering shit before and noone liked or wanted it.

People do shit in SS13 because they want to.
Stop forcing them to play your own specific way.
Reddit fucking tier.

Okay, and I'm the one thats shitposting ye?

Yeah keep trying. Everyone recognized meeseeks as shit last thread and rightly so for the reasons I already stated.

Tell me now exactly: what are the diferences between the meeseeks and the stands?
Because as far as I can tell, there's only two:

Now since people don't mention the first point (and they should, stands are stupidly OP from a gameplay perspective) that leaves you arguing for the second point.

It's from a chinese cartoon you like.
If we're adding things we like into the game, here's what I want:

Do you know why any of this shit isn't in the game?
Because SS13 is about 2D spess man on a fucking 2D spess station.
It's not about anime shit, it's not about ebin radum cartoons and it most certain isn't about wathever meme of the week you guys cook up next.

Anyone on New or Hate? I'm up for a few rounds.

I'll join in abit

I'll join in abit

The only thing wrong with meeseeks is that they're meeseeks when they could have been robotic automatons or some shit filling the same function instead. Also the way them taking damage works is retarded.

I don't really know what you even mean about stands being from a different source material since that's the case with at least half the game.

I played as warden one round and destroyed all of the greentext on TG with a roundtrip pingpong of 1.0 on my brand new shittelite internet and stirred up a lot of asshurt

You know who I am, I wear the riot helmet

Jesus Christ no wonder they wanted to remove AI, those niggers need all the help they can get with being antags.

That's actually in game.

>Kill two traitors borgs were told to revive one of them over ahelp :^)

Which server is everyone on? Hatestation or New?


Rip newstation

Which /tg/ serb is the best to play as non-shitsec and bust some antag balls?

Reminder that it was the Hatestation staff who first made the accusations of being a "goon" to Newstation.


I have to largely agree. Much of Koriath's old code is just memes that really have no place.
Same for the goddamn meeseeks. Please don't add those in. They were dumb as fuck.

I'd rather department objectives. Like, say, "gain 5000 points" for a miner, or "get combat to level 5" for RnD, or "Keep xpopulation% alive" for a doc.

For all these people saying meeseeks are bad, I guess I have to voice my dissenting opinion. Otherwise next thread we'll get people claiming everyone was 100% behind their removal.

I understand meeseeks have their problems, but simply calling them memes is no reason to remove them. I suggest removing them from R&D and making the box hidden on station single-use, with boxes being a xenoarchaeology thing.

Meeseeks have a niche as single-minded task fufillers. To make them less obnoxious, I also suggest tweaks like making them vulnerable to the chef's gibber.

God, I hate that sort of thing. Just encourages powergaming assistant shitters.

If you absolutely have to keep them, fine, leave it as just a xenoarch thing.

Personally, I wouldn't mind the damn things if they weren't such a loud obnoxious meme piece of trash.
Why not a robot, after all? Like a MoMMI? At least then we'd not have to rip content from a rather mid-tier if that show.

Newstation already removed meeseeks, but it still has forced antag.

Yeah, sadly missing a few of the actually good things from Hate, but I hear the guy's working pretty well on bringing stuff over at least.
Hopefully he gets rid of forced antag soon enough. Should be pretty easy, right?

bagil apparently

They'd be cooler if they weren't such a direct reference or ideally not a reference at all and actually something original within SS13's universe.

Someone earlier mentioned faulty borgs.

Some kind of robotic shell that responds to paranormal energies, kind of like cult constructs. Shit, even lorewise you could say it's an NT effort to mimic that capability. Once activated can be programmed with a task. Because NT technology is notoriously shoddy, that could be used as the justification for instability over time, where the paranormal construct becomes mad like meeseeks do.

Bam. There you have it. Get this meme shit outta here.
As an added plus it'd require metal to build which means some meme master can't just print off a bunch of memeseeks boxes.

I'd rather them just be reworked than hidden away in their current form.

They wouldn't even be a problem if they were just something like drones with a single task or something and came with a decent material cost instead and were very weak instead of almost invincible.

The concept really isn't the problem it's just that big blue faggots that play voiceclips from some animated show stand out like a sore thumb with the rest of the game and that's really a fucking accomplishment considering the game is a mix of space shit and cult monstrosities.

why do rads give toxic damage?

Goons wanting dox is pretty much standard operating procedure as is concern trolling. No one believes you're actually worried who's running a 2D spessman server, you just want to find any way possible to get it shut down. You goons really are pathetic.
There is nothing rational about it and you have exactly zero evidence that needs to be addressed. Concern trolling and vague accusations are not evidence, no matter how much goons want them to be. You haven't proven you're not a goon which is much more likely than there being a problem with newstation.

Think bomb friend killed it

It's back up lads.

It's not necessarily dox as just any history in the community whatsoever. Say what you will about me or anyone at HateStation, the staff is comprised of people who have been here for a while. BigSlice and Merege are unknowns, plain and simple. The names aren't even recognizable as tripcodes.

Because it's not lagfixed.
Seryously, search the commits.
This server is already running on wangblows.
3 or 4 bombs at once will always crash it.

Why does history matter at all?

Doesn't really make sense since gitgud and darts were both pretty much completely unknown when they first opened Hate. In fact the server IP was chancraft something because it wasn't even meant to be an SS13 server.

Besides we all know it's just Aclarkedam on another alt again since he's the only one who keeps doing that but none of us really give a fuck anymore.

Din't crash, he had to restart it to apply the new changes.

going with

We've had lots of unknown hosts show up. I can think of better ways to fuck with a playerbase than hosting a server and making commits.
It's weird how both him and his coder made their accs on May 4, but I really don't give a shit where they're from so long as they host. If they're faggots they'll just get dropped and another host will pop up.

That sounds pretty much perfect to me. Plus, drone with one task doesn't necessarily have to break after the fact.

Personally, I'd say that's a better thing. Considering that everyone on Hate have had their fair share of issues.

So what if some unknowns popped up and decided to take advantage of a shitshow server being shit?
So far the server's been pretty damn good, seems to actually listen to the community, and not be composed of massive fucking tools.
I say that's a good thing.

Personally, I don't give a crap for the same reason I detest IDs on Holla Forums: their name doesn't matter. What matters is their plan.

Server is running 510 now, wew lad.


You realize you're on an anonymous image board, right? Why the fuck would that be an issue on a chan? I'm not sure where you came from but the least you could do is learn the absolute minimum about the culture here, you've certainly been here long enough at this point. And you wonder why people think you're a troll from another community…

Nice meme, (2).




Everytime I come on Holla Forums I see this thread.
If any old admins or players miss me. You know where to find me, Octa, you were a decent guy.

Octa's on the Hatestation discord.
You can come shitpost with him:

Anyone who is an "authority" on the station can potentially get banned if you dare kill anyone. I got day banned for killing a potential tator even though I had killed about two hostiles/tator earlier.
As an assistant though? You can get away with a lot of shit, I went one round killing off a whole bunch of people for the stupidest excuses. Such as getting a a box thrown at me, never did get bwoinked for it.

Admins on Hippie haven't completely agreed on what is valid and what isn't. If you make a forum complaint, you'll probably have admins siding with you if the issue is gray.

General rule on hippie is that if they don't ahelp, you don't get shit.
This means two things:
a) A guy picks a fight with you. You kill him. He doesn't ahelp because he figures he got what he deserved.
b) A guy picks a fight with you. Doesn't really fight back and let's you kill you. THEN he ahelps.

arigatou gozaimashita mr user~



Fucking duplicates

Gitgud and Darts123 had both played on PizzaStation regularly though. Neither one was completely new to the game or community, just new.

I have no clue but some one eventually lynched the faggot.

Thank fuck I injected myself before I got attacked. I assume he thought I wasn't going to wake up for a while.

Reminder that the discord has a metagaming channel like mumble(private """admin""" voice room, whitelist only)

At least, unlike with mumble, we'll have a full log of it as soon as someone leaks data from discord servers, since they log literally everything.

BigSlice is kyron's alt account, NewStation's git literally has a keylogger in the code

You can also join in, hangaround and see for yourself, instead of believing random crap you hear on a chan.


I mean you could join in and see how many people are in that room. There's zero. I haven't even seen anyone use it, and I've been there a long time.

Makes no sense. Kyron/Koriath was always adding shit to the station, even pointless shit.

Bigslice/Merege are simply removing everything:
Removal of pandemic, because fuck yeah, using beakers and droppers for RNG fun times.

The whole commit list reads like someone who fell in love with the DELETE button.

fuck off Gitgud nobody believes your jewish ass especially after you shilled for fucking "Galactic Space Station 13"

OOC: Gitgud: Get used to it buddy, you're an administrator in the most autistic and shit-flingy community on the net.
OOC: Koriath: Because it's Holla Forums? Get used to pointless shit on the thread.

OOC: Gitgud: As for in the thread, because outsiders constantly stir the pot in a volatile community with a tendency to constantly turn in on itself.
OOC: Gitgud: It's like Iraq.
OOC: Koriath: More like Vietnam
OOC: Gitgud: Vietnam's stable now though.

Truth be told, it only has 11 messages since we dont use it at all. I can talk to dopaper about closing it if it would put your mind at ease.


Could be worse. At least they don't add broken, shitty code, what causes a plethora of glitches and are completely untested.

OOC: Koriath: >Thinchin
OOC: Koriath: OHOHOH, I am NOT playing on this station
OOC: Koriath: Good luck everyone, your gonna need it
OOC: Gitgud: I won't take it for granted.
OOC: Gitgud: Everyone in Hate were rejected shitters from /vg/ and /tg/.
OOC: Gitgud: Everyone has a server they shit on.
OOC: Gitgud: I suppose Thinchin's alright here

Well, well, well, threats now.

Apparently, the new pandemic prevented vaccines from being made.
Bigslice and merege are essentially fixing everything wrong with hatecode, really.

kek, I wasn't threatning Bigslice.
If anything I was wishing him luck.
Tinchin isn't just your regular shitter/griefer.
He's also a known ban evader.

And the fact he's playing there made me realize that Bigslice not only didn't port the ban list, he also doesn't have stickybans.

Makes zero fucking sense to play there now.

Deleting ain't fixing.

Are you Koriath?

Back to reddit with you.

Reverting to a working codebase is fixing, yes, that's what it's call koriath. We all know you don't understand the concept, but please contain your autism.

It sucks

OOC: BigSlice: We can talk here if you really want to. I don't want to use private messages for anything but ahelps.
OOC: Gitgud: People are entitled to privacy BigSlice.
OOC: Gitgud: Just because you're an admin doesn't mean you can't have private conversations.
OOC: BigSlice: That may be so but from what I understand it would look a little suspicious if we talked privately.
OOC: Gitgud: I get the community wants everyone's words out in the open and their administration transparent.
OOC: Thinchin: Am I really that much of an infamous shitter? More than Koriath
OOC: Thinchin: More than Koriath "bubonic plague bees"?
OOC: Thinchin: Sorry, accidentally cut myself off there.
OOC: Gitgud: It wouldn't look like anything if we talked privately.
OOC: Gitgud: Nobody would know.
OOC: BigSlice: I try to abide by the communty's wishes as best as possible
OOC: Gitgud: That's the point of privacy.
OOC: Gitgud: The problem with that is that the community is sometimes paranoid to the point of destructiveness.
OOC: Gitgud: The old Mumble was a big example of this, it was a nice place for people to hang out and just talk about life.
OOC: Gitgud: Yeah it was made of "core" players, but there wasn't so much talk about the game as just miscellaneous stuff.
OOC: Gitgud: I heeded the player's wishes and shut it down when we changed hosting.
OOC: Gitgud: But the sense of community was lost for a while.
OOC: Gitgud: It was better to have a cohesive group.
OOC: Gitgud: Now the Discord is getting the same rhetoric tossed at it.
OOC: Gitgud: But the decision for that is out of my hands; dopaper founded it.
OOC: Gitgud: I think it should stay up though.
OOC: BigSlice: Well that's why I plan not to have a discord or any other methods for outside communication unless it becomes absolutely necessary.
OOC: Gitgud: Trust me, it's necessary.
OOC: Gitgud: It's 100% necessary.
OOC: Gitgud: I mean, just git itself is an outside platform for communication.

Gitgud loses it and admits to hating the community (again), while also aleguing to the fact he does metagame like a shitter.
Gitgud also shows an utter and complete lack of even basic common sense and shows that it is extremely unlikely he'll ever understand the community in any way.

Tell me again whom you'd rather have heading your server of choice. A megalomaniac who detests you and shits on you every chance he gets, whose first recourse in case of conflict is slander and subterfuge, or the man who stands against this kind of nonsense.

Oh please. You remove 90% of what the machine did with that.
If they were hellbent on removing the vaccine shit until it was fixed, comenting out 10 lines would remove the option from the machine until they'd fixed it at a later time.

It's like if the chemsynth didn't make one specific chem, you remove the whole machine until it can.

Aside from the "patches upon patches hacked together because lolbyond" development model, there are many relatively fast and stable options. The issue is 99% due to byond itself in that department.

You do realize that virtually every codebase is completely open, right? How do you think people port shit from other codebases all the time?

That's actually sad but true.

Koriath confirmed.

No, that's what using your code does. Reverting your garbage changes fixes the features that were bugged and disabled by your stinking shit of a commit.

I'll take a moment to point out the hipocrisy here:
Several post ago, everyone goes "oh well, who cares about the name of the host".
And now you're actively shitting on someone's posts based on the name atached to them, not the content.

The code I wrote allowed you to store chems on the Pandemic, mix them with a button and store a database of symptoms and diseases.
The only thing that didn't work was Vaccines, and that's only because of the fucked up way blood resistance and disease datums are handled.

Removing the whole machine because one of the features doesn't work does not improve it in anyway. In fact, you gain nothing from it since either with my code or without it, you still had to make vaccines the old fashioned way.

It's just funny that you call someone a shitter while coding in deafness meme ducks, power-cutting ratburgers, and plague bees, Koriath.

Neither virus names nor vaccines (in their entirety) worked and last I checked, refills didn't work either.
Sane people put that kind of crap commits in the backburner pending suitable patches. You don't give a crap, though, all you care about is adding random shit that's either broken, or that nobody wants. Memes are epic for the win after all, better get on that rather than fixing the billion bugs you add per loc.

OOC: BigSlice: I'd just rather not jeopardize the server in it's infancy by becoming involved in something I want no part of.
OOC: Gitgud: Eh?
OOC: Gitgud: What's that mean?
OOC: BigSlice: Specifically I'm referring to the board/server drama that happens in the thread.
OOC: Gitgud: Not all private conversations entail that.
OOC: Gitgud: You just sound paranoid.
OOC: Gitgud: And a little silly.
OOC: Gitgud: The community is important, I've certainly learned that much.
OOC: Gitgud: But I still maintain the believe it isn't God.
OOC: Gitgud: Er, belief.
OOC: BigSlice: I still don't feel like privately talking to other server owners is the best move for me to make right now.
OOC: BigSlice: Sorry man, maybe some other time.
OOC: Gitgud: You've already crossed the Rubicon m8.
OOC: Gitgud: There's nothing to fear in conversation, we're having one now.
OOC: Gitgud: I won't press the private nature of it, sure.
OOC: BigSlice: You were just a minute ago.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: just make it public doc
OOC: SHOAHDAN: like the hatestation discord you posted a link to
OOC: Gitgud: HateStation's Discord works too, you've got an invite into it?
OOC: SHOAHDAN: an invite is in the thread
OOC: Thinchin: >Gitgud's server is so dead he's playing here now

There's really no need to comment here, I think, but I'll do it just because.
So now, gitgud is doing the same thing he did to the firestation admin, trying to guilt bigslice into giving an inch (having private conversations with him) to attempt to take a mile (pressuring and convincing bigslice that his best option is to shut down and merge with hate).

The two sides really contrast violently: on one, someone who doesn't give a shit about the community and is angry that he's not popular, ready to compromise but only when he loses people's attention. On the other, someone who doesn't want to compromise and acts for the sake of the userbase, not personal interests.

I'd also like to comment on while at it, especially
So there you have a known cancerous admin team and they're surprised that a new station didn't port their cancerous banlist to prevent people from playing, possibly wrongly, based uniquely on the words of that admin team which nobody wants anything to do with. And supposedly that's the reason nobody should play there.

If that's not grasping at straws, I have never seen a weak defense.

I have an idea for Newstation
Let's steal the adeptus mechanicus sprites from the wh40k station, make a few edita and make it the servitor robot(replacement for memeseeks, we also add a few laws so they can't be ahitters and make them immune to ling's dna sting only)
New name could be either servitor or "automatic reactive automaton"(ARA for short)
Just make them unable to harm orhers or something, then we can still use that code.
Remove everything related to meseek burgers and lingseeks doe.

Only Koriath said anything about the banlist m8. Though the "not having stickybans" thing might still be a problem. Might be patched in though.

Why is everything so sinister? We literally discussed the morality of private conversation.

Also, I was never even on the hatestation banlist. Deal with it.

Is Newstation fucked for anyone else?

Why's gitgud so bent on a private conversation anyway?
What's he aiming to discuss?

Also, I know you're Koriath because you said "I wasn't threatening Bigslice" instead of "He wasn't threatening Bigslice".

it's laggy as fuck

he's being retarded like a twitter cunt

slurp slurp
lmao chill on that kool aid nigga

since someone was tracking the OOC chat about the private convos

also seems hypocritical to go on about public convos then keep this one hidden

after these screencaps it just devolves into small talk and some memery about rebasing


OOC: Gitgud: See, look BigSlice.
OOC: Gitgud: You gaze into the thread and see people spinning mundane shit into drama.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: so it's Holla Forums
OOC: Gitgud: Exactly.
OOC: Gitgud: I don't see the issue with private convos considering the circumstance.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: private convos would just give them more ammo
OOC: Gitgud: Actually it would give them none.
OOC: Gitgud: Because it'd be between two people.
OOC: Gitgud: It's a kinda simple equation. :^\
OOC: SHOAHDAN: hiding what goes down would raise suspicion that if it was public people wouldn't like what they hear
OOC: SHOAHDAN: just like that there TPP
OOC: Thinchin: this tbh fam
OOC: Gitgud: The proceedings negotiating the bill were private.
OOC: Gitgud: I think legally that's allowed.
OOC: Gitgud: The problem comes when it goes public and everybody just gives it a thumbs up.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: and it's fucking Holla Forums shitposting, it's not like there's a league of kek-worshipping assassins waiting for you to make one slipup in a public convo to have an excuse to kill you
OOC: Gitgud: Or when they give it a "Fast Track"
OOC: SHOAHDAN: the problem was that congressmen didn't even get to see the bill
OOC: Gitgud: Well, they did see the option to see the bill.
OOC: Gitgud: And they were all "lol who reads"?
OOC: SHOAHDAN: that's what happens when you let a nigger be president
OOC: Gitgud: It meant jack shit anyways shit was railroaded as a bipartisan measure.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: but that's beside the point just do a public convo you have no reason not to
OOC: Gitgud: Conversely, people have no right to the public nature of the conversation.
OOC: Gitgud: There's a weirdness to the issue of privacy.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: they do, however, have the right to shitpost so hard the ss13 threads are unlivable and both of the stations die or disasocciate from the site
OOC: Gitgud: We simultaneously demand the privacy of private individuals but the complete transparency of government.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: or mark actually bans the generals, the absolute madman
OOC: Gitgud: Which isn't necessarily wrong in either case, but it's an odd pairing to have.
OOC: Gitgud: Mark won't ban the generals.
OOC: Gitgud: Just don't act like faggots.
OOC: Thinchin: >Why's gitgud so bent on a private conversation anyway? What's he aiming to discuss?
OOC: Thinchin: That poster just asked what I was about to.
OOC: Gitgud: See, that's the thing too.
OOC: Gitgud: Conversations don't need to have a "reason" to be private.
OOC: Gitgud: I'm sure you've been explained the stupidity of the "nothing to hide" mentality before.
OOC: Gitgud: I carry out regular conversations over encrypted channels like Tox and OTR when available.
OOC: SHOAHDAN: even if mark doesn't ban the generals:
OOC: SHOAHDAN: should the shitposting get so high-level that discussion of ss13 is impossible the generals will just kind of die out
OOC: SHOAHDAN: like undertale
OOC: SHOAHDAN: and evolve shilling
OOC: SHOAHDAN: and those bi-daily indivisible threads actually
OOC: Gitgud: Maybe we can stop encouraging those who stoke the flames?
OOC: Gitgud: Maybe we can stop encouraging those who stoke the flames?
OOC: SHOAHDAN: a private conversation would stoke the flames my man
OOC: SHOAHDAN: if you make the conversation public and you don't unleash your inner reptillian there will be no ammo
OOC: Gitgud: Honestly it's impossible unless you're screaming at the top of your lungs "I'm having a private conversation".
OOC: Thinchin: Also, ID 14ee62 in the thread is probably Koriath.
OOC: Gitgud: I could be having one right now.
OOC: Gitgud: With a lot of people.
OOC: Gitgud: Maybe even you SHOAHDAN
OOC: SHOAHDAN: Except the convos (probably) aren't relevant to the server, probably just about Lilly Satou's nice round ass
OOC: SHOAHDAN: If it's relevant to the server, should the players of the server not see it?

Shit literally just rights itself.

Can you fill a fire extinguisher with chloral hydrate?

I don't think you can fill them with anything but sinks and water tanks to begin with, unfortunately.

I just don't get this mentality.

Holy water fire extinguishers still work at least.

t. Edward Snowden

I am all for a private conversation when it is matters of your own personal whatever.
I do not care for private conversations where it concerns and effects others.

This is why we try for government transparency and shit, man.

The reason is obvious, it's easier to destroy someone's psyche in a 1 on 1 conversation. Once someone's psyche is destroyed, it takes a lot of effort to convince them not to make a rash decision (killing the server in this case). Additionally, it becomes relatively easy to use private information against the other party, because they themselves will help you hide the fact that you did that.

If this was the case I wouldn't be wasting my time running an SS13 server. Also, blackmail is silly and I know nearly nothing about BigSlice or Merege. The answers you seek are much more mundane m8.

OK kid
There's a reason you keep demanding that bigslice and merege reveal their information because it's "suspicious" that their accounts were created recently. Thanks for admitting to it at least.

The mergers happened because contrary to popular belief I can carry a conversation, not because I'm a good Internet tough guy.

So shouldn't a conversation like that be public, then?
Something what concerns the future of both servers?

Why do you want such conversations to be private?

The conversation isn't likely to affect the future of either server. It's just a discussion between server owners, not The Treaty of Versailles.

In any case, the reality is most negotiations between sovereign entities are held in relative privacy and secrecy, with the exception of major conventions, summits, and meetings like G-20. International diplomacy is different than internal politics.

What were you going to discuss, then?

It's my opinion that they damn well should be.

Just like with firestation, am I right?

Leave that shit on your Civcraft server.
Oh wait, your Civcraft server died a molten death and you were ousted from it for being a massive faggot that refused to listen to community input while making changes that nobody wanted. My bad. You just do this so often in so many other places that it's hard to keep track of it all.

Seriously though, your particular brand of autism is just fucking sad and it needs to stop.
You. Need to stop.

Can we drop the drama a bit and discuss content?
Marage(newserb coder) fixed dismemeberment and sent a PR it seems, but he also removed buttbots instead of just making them say butt or give us the option to choose what they'll say.
Also, unrelated but /tg/ has some 10/10 sprites we could steal for a myriad of things like the meeseek replacement that will probably be added.
Check them out:

Attention. Crew. Please. Kill. Yourself.

By the way Gitgud I caught you on bagil the other day good to know on the rare occasion you actually play videogames rather than plot to keep your meager powerbase its not even on your own server :^)

I think I'd prefer meeseeks to be replaced by the old sprite for drones. Or maybe just remove the repair drone chassis from MoMMI's and give that to drones.

I imagine it would best if it was something like this.

Also if dismemberment was actually fixed that shit really need to get put back in because being able to remove peoples limbs is amazing provided that it works.

Meant to type to not harm any beings not to harm them.

Only add drones if the admins aren't complete idiots and actually ban shitters; Also encourage humans to ignore drones instead of what happened every single shift.

giant spiders need more work

Game features and codebase are the server op's territory. This has nothing to do with the admins.

They wouldn't be actual drones they'd just be using their sprites and be called drones but functionally they would probably just use the MoMMI limits that prevent you from even clicking on other players and don't have the dexterity to fire weapons.

It's just a method to use the meeseek concept and make it not retarded.

Dude your idea is perfect, but let's give players a bigger incentive to follow their laws:

That sucks. I will never forgive Koriath for that bullshit. Ruined one of my very favorite parts of SS13, mainly steming from an old story along the lot.

fix it so that giant spiders can do more then just lay webs

No reason why we should use drone sprites, /tg/ has lots of cool new sprites we could steal instead.

They should also make spiders not target the ling that spawned them, because it's fucking retarded that it happens.
inb4 hurr durr, spiders eat their moms

it's usually the other way round too

Drones would be fine if shitheads didn't destroy them every two seconds causing most respectable drone players to get a load of animosity towards most the station staff, resulting in massive autism forts way off the station that are not at all helpful in any way.

The reason why he removed buttbots was because they were broken from dismemberment.
Its also because they don't serve an actual gameplay purpose.

They're really nice, though, and I sorely miss them. It was one of my favorite little items, and they always served to give me a big old smile. Up until Koriath ruined them. Then they filled me only with rage.

Is there a way to fix them?

With enough dedication, anything is possible.

Drones are disposable servents meant to serve humans and should be worn as hats whenever possible

Wait… so newstation doesn't have the easy-modo pandemic machine anymore?

I kinda liked having it around….

it does

I was on just moments ago. It's different than the one I used previously… I can't save symptoms anymore.

Bigslice must've fucked something up looks like

It was reverted to the non-easymode one because the easymode one is chuckfull of bugs.

Beside, it makes viro way too easy. Takes 1 minute to make a god virus and then viro is off doing literally whatever. Meanwhile in genetics it still takes the whole round to get meaningful powers, and virus powers are stronger on average.

Muh wrist pain from all the clicking

Yeah, I think the best option is a middle ground where you can save the virus state and reset it at will, as well as inject stuff into it straight from the console, but you can't save symptoms and apply them willy nilly.

It takes 20 minutes for r&d to upgrade the genetics lab into something actually useful, and if genetics is done by two people it can be done in less than 15 minutes.

Then again, as a scientist, you're better off telebombing the entirety of medbay and turning toxins into a genetics lab.

Well to get through the entire genetic code takes about 45 minutes with upgrades, without takes about 1 hour more, at least for me. then again I have a shit sense of time when I spess

Do you spend 30 minutes creating a harem of genetically engineered sex slaves or something?

Read spoiler pls

dead bread

does anyone remember which codebase got those retrofuture jumpsuits?
from what i remember the science one was white with a purple diagonal on the chest, covering one of the shoulders as well. they looked really nice.

Viro was always incredibly easy, you just spammed plasma\UM\milk into a beaker after replicating your current virus and either proceeded with the current one or tossed it aside and replicated a new bottle.

The new interface didn't even changed that, just made it so you didn't had to print bottle after bottle to do the same thing.
Even that ability to combine symptoms at will? That was part of the game as well. You can mix two different custom diseases to combine their symptoms.

Literally all that new interface did was remove the autism with the droppers and the beakers. And the only thing that was bugged were the vaccines. They weren't stored properly in them because they are stored in a shotty way to begin with. Vaccines, the fucking thing that nobody ever bothers with. You're more likely to eat a Gold milkshake to cure your space AIDS then get a vaccine made by Viro.

Are you seriously telling me the new Pandemic Machine was scrapped because a feature that nobody used didn't work? Instead of just fixing that, for all the 0 people that care about vaccines?
Because between having no vaccines or having to micromanage beakers while creating a nice pile of bottles full of crappy virus in a corner, I'd take no vaccines since they clearly cause autism, considering how this whole feature has been handled.

Genetics takes 20 minutes alone, 10 or less upgraded.
You just stick a monkey inside and make him human, noting the gene you used.
Then you cycle all genes from one side to another, putting them above 800.
If a disability turned up, reset the DNA to the last good condition.
if it didn't, it's a power. Crank this gene as high as you can and make an injector to see for yourself what it was, then proceed to the next one.

The "hardest" part of Genetics is the Blind and Monkey genes that prevent you from using the PC and curing yourself, but the monkey is the first one you find and you can test the monkey with the medipen for blindness before you inject yourself.
Or possibly getting some Hyronalin and Dylovene to make the monkeys last longer if you are PETA or something.
You can even keep a Reset on Buffer 3, your current test on Buffer 1 and the one with just confirmed powers on Buffer 2. Literally "save SE to 1, if it has powers save to 2, if it doesn't load 2"

Virus "powers" are regeneration and speed at best and neither of those is fast enough to actually save your ass as much as you might think. Instead of 5 laser shots, people have to hit 6. When you go down to crit, you'll come back except not really because your murderer will move in and finish the job. Even speed doesn't allow you to dodge projectiles.

Meanwhile Genetics has wallhacks, invisibility, stun immunity and super strength, immunity to fire and cold and even XRay, which if used by actual smart people is more abused than you might think.


Not all powers show up every time, and the same disability can even spawn on multiple genes (or maybe those are bugs).
Invisibility is really good if you're a ling, but it's completely useless in a combat scenario. You will never even be able to run away from someone who's already engaged you and stay still long enough to turn invisible, and you're much better off running even further anyway.
Cold res is great, except it doesn't help against pressure, nor does it let you breathe, and usually the three conditions are seen together.
Hulk is cool for all of 5 seconds, then you realize how shit it is to be unable to use weapons and some tools.

Meanwhile, stimulant lets you run through the entire station in 3 seconds flat. You can run from anyone or catch up to anyone. You can win a fight by bringing a knife to a gunfight easily with stimulant. Protip: unless you click the actual target sprite, lasers will not hit. So yes, being fast does, in fact, allow you to dodge projectiles. The only way to beat someone who has stimulants is if they're dumb enough to follow you after seeing you're armed with nonlethals in a straight line. Then you can either use disablers or tazers.
Meanwhile, any ranged weaponry, or even just throwing shit at a hulk, will ensure their death before they reach you.

It takes about 1 minute on average to bring a power to activation range (in my experience) without upgrades. You almost always end up needing a monkey swap, and you'll definitely need to get a rad kit to not kill yourself anyway, but that takes no time to get so whatever. You are also often the only medical staff on station. All in all, 5 minutes overhead, ~20 minutes for powers, 5 extra minutes' worth of checking if the gene causes blindness before injecting yourself, ~5 extra minutes' worth of injecting yourself with various unobservable disabilities. 30-40 minutes at least. If the station gets fucked, someone tries to kill you, or the clown comes to take you hostage, which almost always happens when people play, it'll take at least twice as long. All for the possibility of xray and cold res, which are really the only meaningful powers here, and unless you're a miner, you have limited use of cold res. (miners want it to be able to tank basilisks without dodging their eyebeams).
Almost nobody gets saved by having cold res, but people survive tators due to stimulant and regen fairly often.
I have never seen or heard of someone do anything useful with xray. Given that both tators and lings can have heat vision anyway, it's of limited use to them. I guess a target could escape a direct attempt on their life, but most tators and lings will either approach stealthily (i.e. giving an excuse, and then sleepypen/some sting) or murderbone the whole station (and again, they can see you as well so good luck running, especially without stimulants).

Moreover, you're only considering the positive effects. The negative effects for viruses are downright deadly and can be hard to cure. They can also be spread in a variety of ways, without direct intervention or even being in the proximity of a target. It will even spread by itself when people get infected and come into contact with other people.

For genes, though, you have to use a syringe gun to "infect" anyone, and you're not killing anybody unless they overdose (e.g. radiation poisoning) or suicide after nobody coming to help them out of their blindness. You could just make a chem in 5 seconds to instakill someone, or put them to sleep (preventing them from outing you over comms), for instance.

It did, though. Now you don't have to accumulate powers or even isolate them, you just spam muta until you have a new effect, save it, continue, etc. Synaptizine is used exactly once to get the first mutated power and removing the effect of the base. That's it, then you click mutate near every good effect. Done in 1 minute, got a godvirus.

To be clear, you don't even have to reset the virus, ever, until you have saved every effect. When you click "save", any effect that wasn't already in the database is added to it. When you click mutate near an effect, it injects it straight into the current virus as if it were mutated directly, i.e. it's not like when mixing viruses: when you mix viruses, those that grant immunity against other viruses will kill the foreign strain. Here, you can just mutate this effect into the current strain.

You also don't have to use synaptizine because you can reset the virus to the base state and mutate all the effects you like. After putting the first effect, use one unit of synaptizine to get rid of the bad base effect and you're good to go. You don't use any resource when you mutate in this way, either.

Also, vaccines weren't the only bugged thing with pandemic. Virus names don't get registered correctly, so they always all display as unknown when you save one, which is only not a problem on account of the fact it makes viro take 1 minute to complete with no need to ever save other results than the godvirus.
Additionally, it was not possible to refill the pandemic machine e.g. with liquid plasma.

Also, genetic doesn't give fire immunity. However, I just checked, and cold res also grants pressure res, so it is actually stronger than self-respiration (since the suit gives you a movement penalty and you can't pull one from your arse, but grabbing your box's mask and tank isn't usually an issue).


On an unrelated issue, can you still remove firing pins from guns after getting the plasma Mining tool from research and development?

They both work basically the same way ("make people stronk until they die"), and they're meant to be complementary on most servers (e.g. viro has self-resp, while genetics has cold and pressure res), but what ends up happening is that they're imba one way or the other. Unlike science, which is very versatile, viro and genetics are both single-purpose, so while implants are basically a harder to make, limited, one-per-slot version of a mix of genetics and viro, the sheer amount of stuff they can make beyond that more than makes up for it. Other departments are kinda weak, but who cares lmao, plebs gonna plebs! Although cargo's pretty neat, of course.

Point is, it's either genetics or virology because they're comparable. In fact, this is something that bigslice and merge might want to consider fixing.

Merege please fix objective detection. If you have a bag inside a bag, and that inner bag contains an objective, it's currently not counted.


They usually do if you pester them unless it's something retarded like anything regarding hydroponics or medbay if they're powergaming hulks with memeviruses. Maybe if you din't need 32 matter bins and 22 manipulators it wouldn't be such a waste of time or resources, or if medbay would actually attempt to heal people too instead of being selfish pricks.

I can definitely confirm that it took about 10 minutes at most for Greenside to get full god virus and start spreading it around, last time I played. Virus is pretty overpowered.

I do want to emphasize, I do not want a nerf, I just want genetics to get some more things to use and a better system overall.
Random genetic whatnot on start would also be interesting. But I could see that getting out of hand fast.

Shit, man, the last six odd times I've played, science never even upgraded the ore redemption machine, much less anything elsewhere.
Can't expect them for shit.

This the new meme?

I don't know, that's what we've always called the virus with all the beneficial stuff.

They probably din't upgrade orm because they thought it was changed to the old way of having it in the miner's room, instead of what nu-tg meta and newstation do, with it directly on the hallway for any greyshirt to camp to steal IDs. Old habits?

If they never upgraded anything, they probably din't do R&D and need to be gassed for either being space muslims or xenofuckers.

Nah, they definitely did RnD, since they were running around with their shitty bags and whining at mining.

I've had to break into there a good seven or eight times, now, to get a RPED because they can't be bothered. Hell, a few times, they didn't even upgrade their own machines. I just don't know how someone could fail so wholeheartedly.

How did they even get the levels BoHs? Fucking mining bluespace crystals? Deconstructing teleporter? oh god i will laugh if he deconned the fucking teleporter boards instead of printing them Dumb luck? More importantly, you need 2 full diamonds for a BoH with an unupgraded proto. Why the fuck did anyone give him access to that shit instead of just silver and gold? (So he'd be forced to upgrade shit instead of becoming sec++)

user, why din't you lynch him for being such a faggot? Nobody is this stupid without doing it on purpose.

I was a latejoin chemist. Did break in, though, for what little that's worth. Is how I noticed they didn't even upgrade their own machines.

Whoever did that, I assume was really new at the lot, or something.

Why would a scientist do anything for anyone else?

If I were to play RD and the station had 3-4 security I would just pack my shit up, copy everything to the brig and live in a powergaming heaven, as they even have a mining shuttle of their own.

Hulk is a hard counter to xenos and shitcurity. You just have to give it to everyone instead hoarding it just for yourself. Handing it out to everyone the moment you find it is bad. But in emergency it is extremely effective.
Cold res and X-ray are great for competent security and heads of staff. X-ray with night vision goggles works wonders on clearing xeno nests, busting cult, etc. Cold res also helps greatly if station goes to shit.
Invisibility is good as a defensive tool. Can't kill someone who is invisible.

Because competent science team can save the station?

That's what I did as a scientist.
If science is shit just play scientist more. But if you are that much of a powergamer, you are lost cause already.

Good luck doing that with lavaland