How to think about women

>It's queer how out of touch with truth women are. They live in a world of their own, and there has never been anything like it, and never can be. It's too beautiful altogether, and if they were to set it up it would go to pieces before the first sunset. Some confounded fact we men have been living contentedly with ever since the day of creation would start up and knock the whole thing over

This is the correct way to think about women. Not enmity and grievance, not hatred, not blind adulation and worship.

Remember that.

This is the correct way to think about women.

reminded me of this


"On Women" should be essential reading.


This is like the third time I've seen this thread. You've probably posted it more. Stop being an attention whore.


I'll never understand how I could come to feel comradeship with such autistic people like these weebfags but I'm happy for it.

I just think of them as children with driver's licenses. It's worked out so far.

Conrad's an idiot. Have you seen the world women have set up since they were given voting rights? Does it look beautiful to you? Women exist to have kids and raise kids, kapeesh? Kapeesh.

That's because your example here is just an example of them invading the man's world. We have been experimenting with people of both sexes crossing over into each other's worlds and it has just led to confusion and sorrow amongst everyone. This is something that the generations following us are going to have to change back. Men joining a knitting circle of old ladies is just as abhorrent as a girl in the marines.

Very correct. I should read that.

I like that picture a lot. Always gets a chuckle out of me.

He is talking about the imaginary world they inhabit with their mind, you dunce.
Ghat same damn quote eludes to the fact that their visions would shatter in an instant, if tried to be applied on reality.

It's in their nature to destroy and tradionally male spaces and occupations were among the first to be targeted. No heterosexual man has any interest in knitting groups because he doesn't give a fuck about women being among themselves. Women on the other hand can not stand the idea of men being among other men so they are compelled to invade these groups.

Men are easily tempted by them first of all. A lot of problems are caused by doormat men. To elaborate, I realllly do not believe that it's in their nature to "destroy" these things. They just have a natural inclination to being included. It seriously drives almost everything they do, whether it's groups of fellow girls or a bunch of guys watching football. The real problem is that men are no longer allowed to have male inclusive clubs anymore, or psychologically, to even tell women what to do. That is a symptom of letting women into our more important, primary group, politics themselves. This in turn is fostered by our elite from the beginning because women are vastly easier to control than men. Men are the natural rebels. You'll notice that as a society becomes progressively pozzed, the men get wimpier and women rise to figurehead positions. I don't think this in an accident. I also believe that whoever is really at the end of the rabbit hole is a jewish or white guy. The feminization of us sheep has a purpose. All in all, Nock wrote about this. As you increase state power, social power decreases. That old social power was OUR power. Now the government has it. There is a correlation I believe, into how close a system is to communism and the masculinity of the men. Look at China. Men do not even keep one cent of their own money. Rambling I know…but the good thing is that I do believe times are swinging back.

But why? Are they afraid we would get together and start doing important things like civilization and industry without them?

The last 6000 years of human civilization would like to have a word with you.

Topkek. God I love being male.

((Women)) haven't set up this world at all. They are used as a pawn in the scheme of destroying white societies by given "rights" and "freedom", stuff they already had before said ((liberation)), without the loneliness and anxiety of having to compete on their own in a society exponantially disfragmented in the sense of communities.

It's a jewish scheme bro, women aren't responsible for it. They were misled and given said "liberation". Women didn't win their "freedom", they were given it by our ((leaders)). Said leaders also were the victors of the world wars.

There was a great post that was capped a while back that I don't have on hand; the user talks about how he was with a girl who had jokingly snatched something from her and in retaliation he grabbed her arm. This was when they were just entering puberty and he hadn't known his own strength, and the look in the girl's eyes gave away everything. Basically it boils down to the same reason that smaller dogs yap at dogs much larger than they are, it's almost like an evolutionary insecurity. On an instinctual level, they know that half of all humanity is completely able at any time to be able to tear up the current social contract, and instate a new one that would be non-beneficial (in their eyes). So in response they try to make themselves out to be as big as they can, infiltrate male groups and cause discord. The reality is, is they do this because they are allowed to by the state, and because they are piercingly frightened of men collectively deciding that women deserve a lot less rights. They know deep down they would never, ever be able to stop a change like that, no matter how hard they fight.


Conrad lived before womens suffrage, idiot.


tfw raised in an 'every human is perfectly equal' household and society and by sheer weight of evidence end up a white supremacist with strict patriarchal hierarchy.

These are both true. 2D is the ideal, and the user should strive to mold the 3D to this vision, yet he must have no delusions that the 3D woman is anything more than where he leads her. 3D women are not important, but we may make them more than worthless.


Or she leads you to the family court, statically that's more then likely how it will go down.

3D women are gross.

Then cut off your balls and get out of Holla Forums

no u

Statistically most men fall for the "women r just lyke me" meme, and never show enough masculinity to prevent death by cucking.

humans are not important

As soon as I got to the end of this sentence I thought the exact same thing.

Ah yes always the mans fault, what else is new.

I agree. But wymyn are fuggin cute! though. It might actually be kind of fun. Plus. We all know the female vajoo and orgasm are a powerful powerful thing.


I met Meg Ryan in an airport a few years ago. She was absolutely gorgeous and she seemed really kindhearted and good. I only spoke to her for a minute. She had just had lip surgery of some kind done, they were poofy but she was still gorgeous. I think she was going to Montreal with Dennis Quaid because he has a place there, I don't remember that part exactly because it was like 2 in the morning. I can't say anything bad about her, she was really nice and took time to talk to me. I didn't meet Dennis Quaid because he was doing their bags I think.

For the last 6000 years they have propagated our species with us. What do you mean by destroy and what do they destroy exactly. I'm aware of them ruining fad and hobby type shit, but that's usually because they get too popular anyways and even still that is not everything. I am not trying to white knight and even believe their suffrage should be reconsidered. But out problems with them are recent as we have let them walk all over us and they have thus instinctively lost respect and admiration. I also unashamedly point to the ever growing state apparatus as the primary culprit. There's now way however, that they have always ruined "everything." That's fucking retarded.

Schopenhauer didn't even live by his own blackpill philosophy

Why should men even care anymore what women think or do? This world and its smart men are moving away from women altogether.
I also cant understand why other guys bitch at men who stopped caring about women. You get your wish of having more pussie and or women to go after and we get our wish of having wealth and a future of ai Wifus and artificial wombs for them.
The whole "White Children!" meme is dumb because in the end the men with ai wifus will save the white race. You have to be realistic here, what more would most likely happen? Men pulling together and finding the weebs or single guys good women to settle down with? Or men making new technology to make life easier?

Kek. Outside of childbirth and child rearing, which is fulfilling their natural role and all due credit to them for it, what have women aided by participating in? Definitely not war. Definitely not politics.

What? You're the one in fantasy land buddy. How do you propagate a race with robots? Are they going to be able to have kids? I am a fucking disgrace with women so far. They frustrate the hell out of me honestly, but I still would dread a world of these "ai Wifus" you talk of. I don't want any part of a future like that sorry.

Not science, mathematics, or physics. Not to any substantial degree at least. Not music or literature, or basically art entirely. Sure as shit not philosophy either.


OK, so they should stay out of those. I already agree with that. Even if they do participate and don't "aid" something, it doesn't mean they destroy it. Wanting to just have them hanging around is natural though. I hope you don't think I am really coming to their side here, they frustrate me to no end myself. But you are a bit too dark with your thoughts on them. Seriously though, nowadays they are even bad at child rearing. What I am also trying to say is that many problems are VERY recent. Blame a progressive society. They have not always been shit I'm sure. 7+ billion people says otherwise.

Thanks TRS.

They can create an ovum from male cells now, not saying I necessarily condone of doing it. I've had a rotten run with women, a bunch of liars who are greedy and materialistic. I still would like to find a decent grill to have a few kids with, but I'm just as content with watching the world burn at this point. I have been thoroughly demoralized fam.

Their lying does suck, but you got to recognize it. I feel like more often than not they are pretty shit at it and any guy should be able to tell. Real greed is only with some of them though. Unfortunately they are kind of designed to be more materialistic I think. Cause they're meant to stay the fuck home tbh.


Do we really need a low-effort thread on women every single day?

If true, then redpill. Go worry about your rainbow pills at trs


This world dose not revolve around you, women minded man. If you think this is fantasy then you are the same as a person who had never seen a car or a jet before. Technology will continue to grow and you cant stop that. If you really fear this then go live in a third world shit hole where nothing changes much over time.

Same with me and a lot of men. We are demoralized to the point where we must seek a new way to live in this world and have a family. Surrogacy is one way men are having families without risking wealth and wellbeing. That is what i will be doing since i have the wealth to do so now. I would advise on also doing this if you want to have a family.

We need to shift this bullshit like the Overton window. The genders are being D&Ced. I don't think its natural for us to feel these ways about them, just like it is not natural for them to act the way they do now. I honestly dreaded the idea of Shillary against Trump, because I knew it would further strain our already jewified gender relations.

this. 2D is the Anima

fuck off back to cuckchan

Nice meme you got there. Do you have any more spicy memes?

Cool meme user I love the bwahaha jew XD

I've flown probably around 30 times on a jet. I am on a computer nearly every day. Doesn't mean I want to fuck a Slope looking robot and have my child develop from some artificial ovum. Get a hold of yourself. To not do that is to want to live in a third world shithole huh? I think there's a happy medium tbh man. I want a human kid with a human wife. I'll fight against a world such as the one you describe. That's not natural. Not all technological progress is natural.

Yes I do. You're on a nat-soc board newfags, get some spirituality or fuck off

Meant to post this but both are relevant

The genders were D&C'ed at birth by being different genders, which is the entire point. Men and women are biologically different, and you do not treat men and women the same way. Treat them for what they are, not the ideal in your head, and you'll get along with them fine.

A people gets the jews it deserves. Women were influenced by jewry because women are women, for the same reason Eve fell for the serpent's lies, and Adam fell for Eve's. Adam fell for vagoo and Eve fell for a beautiful lie; therein lies your most succint description of the difference between men and women.

Its not 2014 anymore, this is a American republican board at best now.

Go ahead, fix women then. Enjoy getting send to jail or something.

I realize what you're saying. I just believe certain false ideals have been put into our heads. That's what I mean.

Oh I catch them every time. I let them keep doing it too, and then I confront them when there is no way they can deny it. They get more sloppy as time goes on when they think they out smarted you. I give them one chance to come clean when I first confront them, then I show them I know. None of them take the chance, which proves they had no dishonesty. That shit hurts fam, but it does feel good to give them the boot on the spot. It takes a toll after the third time it happens in a legit relationship.

Romance was concept invented by jews to sell over priced flowers and candy you should be aware of that today of all days.

had no honesty*

Lurk 2 years before posting, cuckchan. These will keep you occupied:




But make it 4 years, underageb&

When you deal with women, contrary to action-counter-action, which is probably how the vast majority of you go about your lives; you will have to take the dominant and active role in the conversation. It won't be hard to notice if she's into you. But also be careful that she's not teasing you around. Be aggressive, be persistent with your advances. Have a pair of balls. If you don't know where to start, go up to some pretty lady at the bus stop or something and talk to her. You can just flat out say: "Hey I don't know if this is weird or not, typically not something I do"- (this will grab her attention) "but uhm I noticed you standing over here and thought you were pretty." (Don't call her beautiful or stunning or anything, you're mentally gonna put yourself out of her league and she might feel like she's out of your league if you come on too strong.)

Finish up with "so I wanted to ask if I could have your number and maybe go out some time."

Do some small talk, look at her and see if she has a button or bag or some shit from a gym and just talk to her. It will be easier to talk to her the longer you guys do so. You'll feel more comfortable, so will she. You'll be able to just bring up a random topic once you get comfortable enough and kind of build a report with her and have your own little inside things.

t. Only mildly socially retarded

I'm 27

Well you're better with them than me. Good job actually confronting them though. Too many don't do this enough and it ruins them, I've seen it. All I am trying to get across in my numerous posts in this thread is that I am realllllllly not trying to take the blackpill for good on them. I want to see/find something worthwhile. I don't want a robot…

I said look for something on her from the gym or something so you can talk about something. It will be painful awkward hen you just look at her and she's waiting doe you to say something. So find a way to make some small talk.

wew! so you're a massive MGTOW faggot or you're a Holla Forums faggot posing as a massive MGTOW faggot ?

They're annoying but they smell good and I like having sex with them I also need them for procreation and the preservation of my own people n shit.

But they're mostly useless in every other aspect because they're just an evolutionary tool to select the most likeable indivudals for survival to prevail in the next generation


Wow your post was more ad homs then words.

Survivor fan here

Can confirm that every "Men vs Women" season ends up the same as the image says. Funny enough, the hardest working men are usually the first to go, voted out by scheming women

You dont have to fuck a slope robot, you will be able to have your Ai Robo Wifu made to your specifications. Also, if you believe that artificial things are bad then stop flying on a jet and using your computer. Much of the tech that surrounds you was made to replace something or enhance your life via practically or artificially.
As i said before, you can try and fight this but you wont win. Men wont help other men in this world anymore and instead continue to outcast the unlucky ones that cant get a break in normal society.

Have fun being an autistic faggot masturbating to the times of yesteryear where women had no right to vote and men would make the rules. Reality is, women's influence on society has surpassed men's and your advice is abstract and useless at best and counterproductive at worst. If you weren't a kissless virgin yourself, you'd probably know that.


Good job summing up the entirety of the shitty Holla Forums dating tips in a single sentence.

Confrontation can be easy, it depends on the type you want. The sluts like aggressive men, the wife material like you to feign interest and talk. Tried my time with both, over enough time they tend to turn into skanks from programming. If you date in their youth, they will see all of the "fun" young women have being single and they'll want to go be drunk sluts. I've heard the "I don't want to be tied down to one person so early in life" line before.

A woman is simply man - reason and logic

a brain that only has emotions to peer through to the outside. No soul, or brain regions responsible for reason and logic. To reign in basic animalistic instincts.

A brain devoid of these higher thinking regions means that they are obviously very unstable. They get scared faster, they get angry faster, they get happy faster. Since they lack these higher brain regions, their emotional regions are more vibrant, more extreme, more prone to crashing.

A mans default mode allows him to shrug off most things, until they reach a boiling point of some sort, and then they all come out at once or something gay like that. But there is no such thing for women.

Its a competition of many different emotions in their brain, some insane women have a mechanism, like the histrionic mental disability that allows them to accelerate even further in their feminine ways.

But basically all women are like a waitress, juggling many different plates, the whole day, at the same time, trying to prevent them from crashing.

Some women live in complacency.

My family and my sister have lived perpetually with fear of the sky. They know what fucking goes on with their TV etc. Especially after Trump won.

It's women's natural behaviour that let's them so easily be misled or exploited by schlomo's typical tricks. You can trace it all the way back to primitive communism. If we can't hold women responsible, then like an wild dog, there is no improving their behaviour. Only when men once again exercise control over women will they improve.



Media manipulation is corrupting them. They don't know what the fuck they're doing, except maybe pic three, she looks like a kike.

I am one of those unlucky ones. But things are changing. The ones who caught breaks early on, say in school, are still turning into cucks in their marriages and what not. I'm saying to not give up too easy as the world is now filled with these feminine assholes and just by embracing the wrongthink found at this site is slowly giving us a hidden advantage. Also not everything artificial is always better. What about artificial foods? Ever had artificial cheese from a dollar store. I know its apples to oranges here but I just mean some natural things are better left alone. Should we artificially fuck with the weather?

Which is why they make terrible politicians, diplomats or soldiers.

Basically we all see the puppet theatre that is happening before us. And we're also aware of the true reality of the environment we're in. That's why we fear god.

My sister showed me a show where a man get's "abducted by aliens" and put "in an asylum" when he tries to tell this truth.
To me that was her way of saying "I know why you are so worried about the state of the world".

Normie females just shout isms in arguments. They have no esoteric point of view.

The thumbs up in second picture tho

dear entire thread:
If you learn to respect feminine strengths, you will find we want to return to them.

Like diversity?

I don't get women.

That image is stupid. It's putting the blame on men when women have been "freed" for decades now. I'm sure most people here are in their 20s so they grew up with women being shit to begin with, with it being all they know. It's like blaming them for the actions of their ancestors.

Vid related.

it must be hard having idiots for siblings. I'd know, I have brothers.

am I in r9k by mistake

Niggers who get it.

Angry (((mgtow)) who doesn't get it.

Goes back to my original pic of the white knight making excess

Since when have women ever known what they want or like? Women complain about being hit on so that they can brag implicitly. My skank sister did this all the time when I used to talk to her.

No, you ignorant little shit. Like being obedient and maternal and stuff like that.

Women are easily manipulated. Men have allowed feminists–mostly batshit overprivileged women, but some self hating men–to create a propaganda machine that tells women that being feminine is bad. So they try not to be feminine. We pay the price for our complacency.

If men started acting like men again, women would quickly start acting like women.

Never really, if you go by what they say. Never listen to a single thing that comes out of their mouths. Usually its how they say it.


You forgot to type in TUMBLR

Careful user, now that you've brought up discussing women this thread is going to be deleted. Hotpockets are pretty good at most things but someone in there is a serious beta white knight. It won't be good enough to just bumplock this and give us our containment thread, all evidence of wrong think must be purged. I have the suspicion that one of the pockets is a sandy vag cunt. Based on behavior that seems most likely to me

Change is irrelevant now. To many men have been left out of society and where not able to have a family. By the time good women come around, the men leading technology and some parts of society will be to old for them to ever have a family "unless your a pedo faggett". Because of this, you will see a shift in society yet again that will upset men with families because they do not understand how this shift happened.
This Shift will be driven to provide single unlucky men a means to strive and be part of society. This will need to be done by artificial means since natural selection in finding a mate "that is now corrupted by (((Media)))" has driven them away.

At some point you just have to ask yourself whether randomly accusing someone of being mgtow is just Shlomo taking a lazy approach to D&Cing Holla Forumsacks.


I can't get over the fact that I wouldn't have anything to do with women if I didn't want to fuck them or want offspring. I wish I could want something else from them, but everything they do is shallow and childlike and repulsive. I have no common ground with them.

Love is horseshit. Men and women are so different that it's wise to think of all dealings with them as a clean business transaction. You have resources and entertainment, they have their body. It's a simple trade and it's best for everyone.

You're not seeing it like we're seeing it then.

For example:
Oh and my dad and I looked at some birds learning to fly. We came outside again later to find they were on the roof of the house. I said "wow did they learn to fly up there already?" and Dad replied "well they didn't climb a ladder."

Yeah my family is odd, enough about them.

theyre pretty good when it comes to prose structure

Excuse me, but there is strong systematic effort to make sure men are made effete and non-threatening.

You have to go out and strive for a good family. You have to make it happen. It's not going to be given to you. Do you really even want one? You have to make it a goal first. That's how it should be. Poor people start them willy nilly. Part of the reason given for fewer kids being born is smarter people. Too much thinking about too many variables. Third world doesn't do that. It hasn't always been this way for us and it does suck. But hey that's what we get for not letting Uncle Adolf take care of things…

She talked with a voice of disgust. I can read between the lines having dealt with women and I know the differences in "fake disgust, really just trying to brag" and "actual digust".

I don't know what planet you live on, but women are not wanting to be "obedient" today. Also men are taught by women, to "respect" women by being pussies towards them. Both sides are brainwashed, I find it funny you are quick to only blame men you faggot white knight. I'm not even close to ignorant, I've actually been out there in the real world with real women, they suck just like most men.

Forget what you learned then. Forget all of that.

Also a good time to point out he's into that thelema shit.

Kill yourself for thinking any of us would care about that story


I saw it, it doesn't come across as intentional. Text based media isn't the best method of conveying subtle irony, especially with the sheer amount of idiots online.


Not we're I'm from. They just bully pussy men by questioning their manliness.

I've learned that lesson already, my point was that women don't have a clue what they want. Also, that blaming one side entirely is idiocy.

So you got gobbies from both sexes before?

I haven't been able to get a fruit, so why should I care about the responsibilities of their actions?

WHERE many people are from (I've lived all over the US), men are taught to be almost deferential to women.

See red text

The blame is on the jews, faggot, it's the responsibility that's on the men. Women are messed up because men fucked up and let the jews take hold and degenerate society. Women are still messed up because men still haven't fixed the situation, they haven't ousted the jews, they haven't even countered their degeneration by just being a strong father figure to their daughters and keeping their wives in place if you ever wonder where good women come from, it's that.

tl;dr: Stop being so fucking weak. You don't deserve to call yourself a man.

My friend started a family, his women is leaving him now. He is broke because of it and has to take care of his little girl alone. I could help him since I have the wealth to take care of multiple families but i wont because he never helped me in life as much as ive helped him.
This is not just one friend or people i know, this happens with all of them. Yet, people like you keep telling people like me that good women exist. If they do then they are rare and at my age they already have a family or someone. Therefor as i said, Men like me will need to artificially make a family in order to be part of a society now.

Because men don't demand it

Because they're weak.

You're a child.

You should watch some of the women on survivor. They have no clue when it comes to survival and establishing goals.

Then they tried getting "tougher women" on the shows. They were borderline men though.

Women not taught to be nice to men? Do they just have free reign to insults and expect no retorts?

Insult them if they insult you. Your women are pussies, that's your problem. They're frightened of not having their way.
Here we give shit to each other. That's how we get along and "agree to disagree and be different to each other"

Nah. I know civilization will burn because they're retarded, but I just don't care at this point. I'm not alive to be a pooper scooper for the cunts.

How fucking lowly is that?

How witty…

What makes you think if you ever met a good woman, or a good woman's father, you'd deserve her hand in marriage?

Agreed. Robowaifus,artificial wombs/cloning and white men becoming long lasting cyborgs is the way of the future

anyone know where to find that season with english subs? I've always wanted to watch it

Pardon the blogpost
I don't watch that kind of stuff, but twice in my life I have had greatly increased attention from girls. One was when I quit giving a fuck in college, I was depressed and ill frequently, and became the asshole who doesn't help on group projects. Guys got rightfully pissed, girls started doing all my work for me and inviting me over to work on things together. Second was when I got pissed at a friend going full cuck and purposefully started being a dick to all the women around him to prove a point. I wouldn't lift a finger for them, I had one running errands for me and berated her when she spent my change and so I made her bf pay up. I said no to everything. I was even verbally abusive to one (she started it, I'm not a naturally uncaring asshole), and the rest knew it. Only one out of his whole social circle didn't start flirting hard with me, and she was a former turboslut who I think just knew how to fly under the radar.

The men in their lives were bluepilled, but otherwise hard-working and all made more money than me. Most had houses and cars solely because of their men. Yet most were willing to endanger that. So women choosing poorly in who to kick off an island is hardly surprising. I've noticed in general divorce and child support is much higher among the hard-working men here, as well.

the 90s were a mistake

you sound like an angry, bitter femanon feeling extra salty on a lonely valentine's day.

Then fuck off Holla Forums. This isn't a individualist circlejerk nor is it sheltered children anonymous. This is a nat-soc board faggot.

They don't know. They want a good man, and to want what he wants. They won't admit it though. I'm saying I think it's instinctual. We need to remind them. I kinda like having all these nu male scarf wearing yuppies though. I am not the picture of manliness myself but they make it easier for me to stand out among them.

This guy has it. My dad was someone who did not keep my mom in her place, and was not strong to my sister, in fact he was a doormat. Guess whose dating blacks now? Weak men ruin fucking everything, and that includes by letting the women run wild. God knows they can't help themselves. Too many weird chemicals.

I know what I want. I want men to be real evolain men and I want them to respect me for who I am so I can wholeheartedly support them. this whole cultural mess stems from that lack of respect. Look at this thread. stupidity is not gender exclusive

Men were taught to be weak from childhood, that's the point.

Missed the point completely with the rest of your faux Alpha male posturing. You've never been in the real world, you talk like a caricature. Call me names all you want, you know what you really are. Now go fuck your fleshlight.

This is a board about politically incorrect beliefs, opinions and philosophies.

Nice try though

This. Our problems are relatively recent but they are deep within us. Our system has fucked us. School really is completely fucked for a little boy. I made it out relatively easy. I feel bad for little boys having to deal with the evil cunts they have teaching now. Holy fuck.

I tried that with an ex, pick out the key word. You're right, they are told they deserve to be treated like princesses, and when you don't, they go apeshit.

Because, i have no genetic conditions "I take no pills" not even supplements. I have wealth to support multiple families and my own direct family are well balanced. I saved to put my kids through college but it seems that cash will be used on the development of ai wifu's instead.
In society as it stands now, men like me do not deserve good women as you yourself so put forth.

Why thankyou.

I think the main problem in todays society is that people are becoming tame and taught how to think.
Women are taught normalised degeneracy and feminism.
Men are taught normalised degeneracy and that feelings are most important.

People are becoming tame.

Stupidity doesn't discriminate, but in all honesty you're an exception if that's true. Also, "respect me for what I am" can be a lot of really shitty things.

With that mentality I agree.
You're a shitcunt.


We have accepted and embraced safety. There is no thrill in adventure or danger anymore. America was started with disobedience, and built with an outlaw spirit. I'll bet this is why many on here including myself just want WW3 to get on already. Some of us want to be real men again.

I want cuckchan to leave

By your fathers. But keep scrounging for excuses to avoid taking on any responsibility, all you're going to accomplish is raising your own children as poorly as your dad did you.

Go fuck yourself you cuckold piece of shit. Bet you would sell your best friend and biological brothers for 15 minutes of pussy playing, wouldn't you?

Your sending mixed signals here.

Join the army then.
The risk is being kike fodder.

being an exception would explain my lack of female friends. but I know myself and how I differ from men and I don't see modern feminists or men appreciating my femininity. you want high culture? eq is every bit as important as iq.

So all you can say is you're not genetically defected and you've got my money. That you didn't even think your own character as a man, let alone standing in the community, was relevant says everything we need to know about your lack of it.

What makes you think if AI waifus are ever made, they would choose you?


I never had a father and I'm not supporting weakness. I know where society directs men better than most, I'm being descriptive faggot, not prescriptive. Nigger-tier comprehension tbh.

What a cute little boy.
Better not go in the deep end! You'll drown!


Just as most women are taught to be domineering and hostile towards masculine men in a relationship. THOTs are a different story, they like masculine men but you can't have a relationship with them (obviously).

Ooga booga nooga you dirty Nigerian. No it's not a natsock only board, there are lolbergs,ancucks,fascists and even stalinfags here.

I think the healthiest thing would be to openly recognize the vast gulf of difference between male and female and come together as traders with different products who want to barter, but women are so dependent on deception and manipulation that that's unlikely.

If the men interacting with women are the ones responsible for the failures of the women, why are you placing the blame on us robots and wizards who have never had said interactions?

Go and blame the fifty Chads that dicked your biofemale whore. Leave us to our artificial wombs and waifus, you Normalfag filth.

The situation Aristotle is describing is different from our own, but you miss the point. Reread the quote: who is at fault is not relevant.

Fight for your race, parasite.

Kek, every fucking time. What a real surprise. Keep telling yourself how you're just too good for women, user. Why the fuck would a girl from a good household with a strong father figure ever settle for a fatherless bastard from a broken household? What kind of right minded dad would leave his daughter in your hands?

Unfortunately it's just fact at this point that in general, women love emotionally broken men who are assholes. They can't get enough of the abuse. I've had similar experiences to you, especially in high school. The girls I ignored would always flirt more with me if I interacted with them at all, and that effect would generally be tripled if the girl hung out with any mutual friends of mine.

Most women are fucked in the head, user.


it's really sad to see all this bitterness from the lack of understanding of my evolutionary tools. one of which is my desire to heal everyone of you with love. cept the cucks

Only because those degenerates radiate more self confidence than your average nu male.
Overall a shitty gay situation.

If you wish for me to continue to degrade society by going after women who have good men then i can do that. But i wont, I see the bigger problem at hand.
Remember, its not that i cant get a women its that i dont want a bad one. I have found in order to get a good women i will have to destroy a relationship they are already in.

I can explain more of my life for you. Everyone knows me in my town and i always help the good people out. I am well respected and never treated bad. Women do want me but most are not suitable to have a future with. For example, a really nice and kindhearted girl that likes me has a heart condition that is genetic. Therefor, having a family with her is out of the question. Others that ive meet have to many problems of their own making. Many have Ex's that still visit or live around town that i come into contact with on a regular basis. It would be problematic, and i would became part of the womens past & continued drama that she will not solve.


Because I have faced the hard truth about the nature of women and the much easier truth about jews, and because I don't excuse either despite the enemies it makes, I am therefore weak.

Nice try

>my money

I think of them like cats.
Evolved to look cute and attractive, exploiting your natural weaknesses.
Being aware of it helps.

Impeccable logic. The wizards and the robots are the eternal guardian of imageboards.



They like those and cucks.

We're defiant stuck up cunts though.. so that's our problem. :^)

Is it.

I wasn't a bastard, my father was killed before I was born. Every relationship I've been in, the father and I always got along great including my ex-fiancee's. More nigger-tier attempts to slander another instead of addressing the ideas.


I understand the anger/frustration/dissatisfaction that leads to many a young man's conclusion that modern women are simply broken. I thought similarly for a long time but I think that the real problem is a lot more nuanced.

I think the reason we're angry is not because modern women are less inclined to reward dutiful, sensitive, inoffensive (i.e. beta) men with sex, instead choosing alpha chads. We're angry because we've been told that the key to getting girls is to be beta. This terrible advice has come from *everyone* - parents, teachers, community leaders, media, government, academia. So we've played by the rules - did what we were expected to do, behaved as we were told, but what gives - girls are going out with chads, douchebags, losers, criminals.

Naturally, we assume the women are the problem, because after all, we played by the rules.

Agreed. And it's not like [current year] schools are trying to get those said nu-males confident any time soon. The school system and media just beats them down more and more to be self-hating betas. One day in their 20s they become the cucks we see marching with the women in protest of Trump.

We will break free of this cycle soon. The school systems can't remain this shitty for too much longer.

Checked, but look at it this way: The market (dating pool) is much larger and more open than it used to be in the past. Most men come to realize that they are in fact disposable. Since they were raised by the wrong ideals, they try to fix this by becoming clingy, subservient or trying to prove themselves as worthy, which mostly backfires. The right way to go about it would be the paradox one, treat women as the disposable goods that they really are and focus on maximizing your own benefits from life and see your value among women increase.


keep perpetuating the cycle of degradation, that'll work.

Men are like dogs.
Women are like cats.

Both don't know the dangers of dealing with snakes or are too tame to deal with them :^)

We already are. We'll be the White Race's greatest heroes once we unshackle its men from the sinking anchor of biofemales, and provide the safer financial investment in artificial wombs instead.

You'll be stuck licking the semen of fifty men out of your biofemale whore, Tradcuck.












Well you can forget about 'muh alpha male' too.

Our women aren't shit-testing bitches anymore, they are broken. Modern womynz would rather get raped by arabs than be dominated by men of their own race, and they display the same kind of vile viciousness to their own men that they usually only do to other women.

They hate white men and trying to take the 'muh alpha male' approach will only land you with the rest of the divorced alimony-paying alpha suckers. Take my word for it.

t. user who handles bulk of personal data

If I run for office and somehow win, will you be my secretary?

The bait OP turned into a good thread.

Shut up faggot.

why are you so angry
am I on tumblr


Until (((laws))) are repealed, men cannot demand anything without being divorced or going to jail. White knights and kikes prevent any such laws from being repealed.

You can't threaten women with "no babies" either, because they have no loyalty to race and will literally fuck a nigger.

If you do recognize women worth marrying are still around, how can you come to the conclusion of giving up on women and children altogether? Why you can't be as patient waiting for the right woman to come around as you are waiting for AI waifus to be developed?

Actually, I mistook you for the other guy, I'm not sure if your stance is blackpilled.

AWs are the only thing that can prevent humanity from repeating the same process of decline of civilization all over again.
Until then, forget about "1000 year reich [whatever country]".

This guy gets it.

The only way from going off the cliff is jamming the heels in the sand and then backing up.


I get to read some legit points and watch hyper-NEETs pretend to be Chad caricatures.


It's not the truth at all and yet we're told this from day one. Then we use it to legitimize our own personal weakness.

Woah woah woah, they do seem to expect a bit too much nowadays. They need to be put in their place a bit. Expecting too much creates too much of a hassle on daily family life.
If the man is strong, the woman better not be a cunt.


Dumbass Tradcuck. If you 'wait for the right one' and adopt the NAWALT chant, you're willingly walking into a minefield. All it takes is one bad move, and you get financially JUST'd and slapped with a fat alimony.

I reject this. Being "alpha" is just unapologetic about who you are as a person. I agree that a good portion of women today will get triggered by steady moral values, but that's only women in general. There are still some good women in the west that will naturally be attracted to a "alpha" man, which is really just a man with integrity.

Mate it's fucking hilarious seeing these un-self aware neck beards claim their alpha ness.

At least be truthful. Or take the piss.


Well yeah sorry about that friend but I oblige to some comments here and can't help but reply.


That is retarded logic. It's like saying a guy being a drug addict is because of society and not his own incompetence. Are you pretending to be retarded?

The filter exists for a reason, faggot

purposeful bump

My fellows, I have a solution! Well, not really, but a bit of hope in the darkness, so you can stop posting in these obvious fucking demoralization threads.
You must meet an autistic woman, as I have done. The reason you see only shit women everywhere, as I had before, is because all the valuable non-whores are hiding. How can you meet a decent one when all they do is hide away from the world? You can't. I have spoken to over 200 women in public areas, clubs, groupings or otherwise, and all were shit. But that's because I had met them in large quantities, and by their environments were all the same. I don't know how you can find them, my occurrence was pure luck and happenstance:L but they do in fact exist in sheltered areas either supported by their families or own self-sufficient female autism and they are tolerable, and it will make all this bitterness and pain worth it. Your anger will disappear because you will have found a single jewel in a typhoon of shit, a typhoon of shit only the curryniggers of India could dream of. Have hope anons.

It's not a slide thread if faggots like you are still Tradcuck bluepill Normalfags.

I keep seeing threads about women lately. The truth of it all is that both men and women of modern society are both moatly trash. They have been lead astray from righteous things, you can't blame them, they are but sheep who are doing what they are raised to do. I'm sure you've seen all the movies and TV shows out there that promote this shit, they glorify degeneracy, and make the happy housewife out to be this depressed lonely women who hates her life, while the degenerate whore who fucks 13 guys at a party is like omg totes cool and fun and happy.

Women are very impreshonable. The way to get them back is not to hate them, not to turn from them, but to accept them and guide them like you would a child. No, this does not be a cuck, but to be a man.

You guys will call me a shill, fag, cuck, etc. for this but the one thing that modern society has right is that men are the problem. Where we were once proud leaders, we have become a bunch of pussies. Modern men just want to fuck. They want to fuck 20 women and be cool. Having children is frowned upon, and that's what women are programmed to want, is children, so they see that men don't want children and they are confused, so they follow men.

We need to bring back the Man. Not a beta loser who jacks off all day "nice guy etc", not a fucking dickhead who pumps and dumps, but a man who will stand up, get a woman, marry her, and guide her for the rest of her life. Not stronk womyn, not whores who lose their virginity at 13, but a woman who will be loving and devoted to her man.

Sorry if this was all over the place but I was just following my thoughts as they appeared.

Of course they are. I love women when they are actually behaving like women.
Nice tranny b8 m8


Why does it matter if it's "natural" or not? Is cannibalism not natural? Many creatures in the cesspit of nature eat their young, their mates and each other. Nature is a chaotic mess, why limit ourselves to such savagery? We can build a greater world, that not even a god can compete with


still bumping an obvious bait and slide thread















I don't know about that, friend. A good acquaintance of mine has had some experience with them and it turned out they are just as vile,vicious and greedy as neurotypical women, despite him being an independent man with good paying job, home and being fit.


Quit sliding the board, faggot.

Most of the "Alphas" i know are in dept and only fake having a stable life. Alot of them i find jobs for that they seem not able to hold for long or I have them work for myself. Even then that dose not last because they have alot of drama in their lives.
The truth is that Women are pushed to men who cannot provide. This is why the State or government subsidies have grown out of proportions in order to support half baked families.

Your logic is hypocritical.
I never said im giving up on children. You can pay for a surrogate mother in to days age. Women, i have not given up on but i do not have time to wait for a good one to come along. I have learned that if you wait all your life nothing will happen but also that when you do take action make sure its beneficial. This is how i have accumulated my wealth and health. As for ai Wifu's, it will be developed faster when men like me take our wealth and invest into companies and facilities that are working to that goal. Thus for as i have seen, our combined investments are paying off at a nice pace.

Filter it then, stupid malaka.

There are too many women looking for men that "play the bad boy game" and exploit the system through cartels etc.
Women need to learn how to respect the family more. Men need to stop trying to "play rough" like a selfish prick that parasites on society.

Women and men need to play the game properly and start attacking those who do not and leech off the system.
That would make things good again.

Fuck off it's a good thread and you do this with any thread with fucking discussion.

I have severe anxiety from childhood trauma.
I have a mountain to climb.

But you other fags have no excuse only me mwahahahahah

Keep screeching faggot.

Well my point is, it is on us men to put them in their place. Women are by their nature inclined to be demanding, shit-testing, etc, some to greater degree than others. We can't just demand women who are sweet and submissive, we have to make them that way by responding appropriately to their shit-tests.

probably autistic but I doubt it bc I'm too fucking emotionally intelligent woman here, thank you. :)















There is no "We". Us robots and wizards are not the "Men" in society you refer to, there is no kinship between us and the Normalfag or the Chad.

Fuck that TRS nonsense. Is only something British civic nationalist cuckolds say because they don't want their homosexual and Jewish best friends thrown off of rooftops. But seriously, if someone is not familiar with the Kike agenda then how can you blame them for their sick spiritual health, especially if you are too cowardly to talk about the Jewish Question.

I don't really have a word for what I'm trying to describe besides autistic, really. I don't mean actual autism, I mean our kind of autism, sans maleness. I can't explain it. You'll note a strange familiarity about them, is all I can really describe of it. It's plenty reliable, at least in this way.

I want a vial of love. Let's trip fucking balls and gas the kies together!


You mean like pic related? :^)

fuck you faggot

No there is no way my anger will cease.
The best relationship I will probably find is someone just as angry as me.

I mean specifically at women, the anger at Jews and cuckholds for tarnishing your culture, sullying your nation and attempting to destroy your race can stay.

You're doing it wrong.

Bollocks, make them submit :^)

Maybe it was, but now there's a decent discussion that needs to be had every so often. Fuck off.

I can corroborate this. My normalfag "alpha" friend worked for himself for a while and pulled in great cash, but he was still in debt because he's a retard and spent it on frivolous shit like expensive cars etc. His business bombed after a while, and he has gotten fired from every job within a month of being hired because he bitches about everything not being perfectly the way he wants.

Quit sliding the board, you fucking shills.

Except if we stop breeding, then the jews are free of an actual competitor, the conqueror gene. They can then use their brown hordes for slave labor everywhere.


Women are creatures of entrapment. You can get yourself caught in the Black Widow's web all you like, I'm keeping my wallet and my permanent celibacy.

Will you stfu with your screeching now? Holy shit.



They call you Mr. Personality because you're so ugly.

Bollocks, my father is always bitching at mum. She does the same.
Mum says "it would work for her or dad any other way."
The found love through their frustration and anger.

The OP did not intend to discuss the thread which he made. He intended for this thread, an many others to clog up the board with bait replies.

Don't fucking bump it, you moron.

Well someone had to do it, didn't they? You didn't seem to want to.

Well, fuck, whatever works for you my man.

As to you.

I'm stuck at step 8, been there for a few years that's the point.

exactly! It's on us to avoid being the ones to back down.

I know that feel. Taking orders is not my forte.

Kindly make a non-Bait/Slide thread on this topic, or hang yourself.

Doesn't change reality. You're clinging on to the old ways that don't work anymore and data shows you'll end up with the rest of the alimony-paying alphas. If you even get the 'privilege' to pay that is, because nowadays they just go ahead and lay a claim on your monthly salary.

They must be real in your mind then, because they don't exist where i'm looking and i get to see a hell of a lot more than you do.

What's wrong with her if she doesn't want children after a ltr for a couple of years?

STD russian roulette nowadays.

Do you not see that I saged you faggot? What super important threads are being slid right now? there isn't a whole lot going on right now as far as I've seen. FUCK OFF.

MGTOW please go and take your fallacious arguments with you

Quit bumping the slide threads. They're meant to clog the front page with (1) OPs that serve nothing more than to destroy news discussions with meaningless talk, rather than meaningful walk.

Fuck off nigger




































Why is it always the "don't bump slide threads" anons that ruin threads with actual discussion?

If the thread is full of shills, spam your shit.
When discussion occurs, shut the fuck up.

That doesn't change the fact that you're talking down the truth.

Only SJWs and feminists cry about MGTOW, normal people don't care about some irrelevant dudes on Jewtube.

Also feel free to bring an argument anytime.

At least you're not bumping it.

Same to you.


Kek confirms

fuck off faggot, I'm intentionally bumping again in the hopes you pop an aneurysm or stroke out.

It's ruined now faggot.


















Already did.

No you just completely ignored what I said and assumed things in your response. Kill yourself.

no nigger, it's the other way around

Btw i like how you didn't even deny being an SJW/feminist.

Sadly, this is true. Tread these waters with caution.

This user gets it. A Holla Forumsack is your brother in a world full of foes, instead of holding him down, help him to lift himself up.

(Holla Forumstard)

Your meaningless pilfering is costing the board its integrity.

Quit bumping such an obvious slide thread, you poofs.

I didn't, i basically told you you're a full of shit fact-free data-ignoring SJW retard.

I believe it is the moral duty for men to have about 4 kids.
Capitalism and strong nations needs population growth. It's a ponzi scheme.

Unless your an omega like me you likes fucking the universe :^)

Quit replying to this D&C slide shit.

Have some rope, faggot

Quit bumping slide threads with your bitching.

It was worth a try

You fit into the "beta male who jacks off all day" category. Man the fuck up and fix your problems faggot.

Nobody cares about MGTOW except SJWs and feminists.

MGTOW is like 5 guys on Youtube. Crying about MGTOW is like crying about 'muh MRA's, that's another thing only SJWs and feminists care about.

That only started when the sage spammer occurred. Mentally it is irritating to see that when you're having a good chat with Holla Forumsacks.
Then the bitching started.

They clearly don't like us making development with our ideals in any way. They want us to be angry to women objectively.

Fuck off, I'm sick of the media and social media d&c between men and women.


"Manning Up" translates to catching alimony AIDS. I refuse your biofemale filth, and will continue working to realise the dream of artificial wombs.


I thought that post was funny too.


no thanks, keep your gay fetishes to yourself faggot

Which strengths do women have?


Who are you quoting?

Discussion about what needs to be done for men and women to get along WHILE doing what fits structurally into the social/economic system we have is Holla Forums related content.

We need white babies user. We need stronger men. We need stronger women.

Forcing their governments to squeeze men for their last cent.

This is how they raid, you fuck.

I heard their vagina bones are bretty strong.

We do need babies. We just need to remove women as a whole from the equation. I'll probably be very old when I get to sire my children, and I'm gonna use artificial wombs with artificial eggs to do it.

No we need healthy natural women instead of broken ones.

This is how i can tell you're a young one. Back in the day even the losers and betas got settled and had a family, not every husband and father was an alpha He-man. Our reproduction rates plummeted with feminism, and we're not going to turn it around until this is recognized. Can't fix a problem until you see it first.

bumping just to trigger the two autistic faggots who do it for free.


Exactly, stronger women.
They also didn't whinge about it online on origami shitposting forums. They got out there and talked to women.
As I said before but with women. Feminism was an outlet for women with hedgehogs dilemma. They also didn't want to compromise themselves for men.

Relationships are like a deal between man and a woman.

How dare Holla Forums discusses how to get along with women! And how women should try to get along with us!
That's outrageous!

Too fucking obvious.

We need women fixing sandwiches in the kitchen instead of protesting against male supremacy while wearing vagina hats

No. Their parents arranged a marriage, that's how it was in the olden days. "Talking to women" only works when you're good looking.

Subtle. Also, kys. How exactly you can be a race realist and espouse Holla Forums's views on genetics while also not believing in genetics and evolution is beyond me.

And yes, fuck me for responding to bait.

What happened to gentlemen and courtship? Did that die with romance?

Spare me please, but there's no way to say it other than that.

when I was fit, smart, and moving up in the world, but was still a nice guy, girls mostly ignored me though part of that was not knowing the signs of when the shy girls were interested
self-confidence is important, but there is more that attracts women to bad boys. I don't know what all the reasons are, but clearly the hierarchy women but men into has little basis on the hierarchy among men themselves.

these are D&C and slide threads, but just like TRS shills hardened our positions, so will this if we only indulge when it doesn't distract us from other things. There have been three women threads at least in the last 3 days from the same person, it's someone psycho. They also like to push the 'mods are compromised! abandon Holla Forums ' angle.

They should still be bumplocked though.

A guy in debt with resources in the moment trips the same switches for women as any guy with resources. They usually only look at the short-term so it isn't important to them. All the guys I've known with debt problems stay there because they are trying to keep a woman or let their women control the finances.

To say it other then what? You fucked 200+ women or you keep a list of every women you have ever had a conversation with, which is it?