100% Orange Juice


What's your favorite:

Reminder that Tomomo is a cheating whore and Gift Exchange is the worst card.

Other urls found in this thread:


How do I git gud at this? And why is Poppo so shit?

I've wanted to try this game as there's a distinct lack of native PC party board games, but I don't know any of the characters. Still worth it?

OP make a game and give us the password already

you don't git gud, you git lucky


Barely anybody knew who the characters were on release, as this was their first official game released in english.


Yes. There's a demo because the devs are actually cool so you can just try it out. Game itself goes on sale for like 2$ once in a while.

Excellent, sounds like I should try it out then. Thanks, guys.

I used to play this quite a lot back on half Holla Forums. Does the game run well in Wine? I'm not dual-booting wincuck anymore.

not sure if people are around anymore but I'm gonna host a game anyways

pass is nipnop


100% RNjuice

what is the lobby name

How do I chat in game? I haven't played in a long ass time.

Enter key



I don't like this game. Playing this game makes me wish I was playing Dokapon Kingdom instead.

I miss when people streamed Dokapon Retardy. Those games took ages, but seeing the AI fuck itself over never got old.

It's like you faggots don't even enjoy destroying your opponents efforts slowly in front of their eyes.

Nice meming. .

wasn't this some years-old FOTM?

maybe, i wasn't here when it released. but to my experience the game is enjoyable

i'm shit at this game and have almost no cards. god help me

get tabletop simulator. catan and several other board games including heroquest are on the workshop for free.

Just ruin everyone's lives then.
Max gift exchange
Max Go Aways
Max Here and Theres
and 1 flamethrower

is there a lobby? i've been waiting to play some more

Is this a comfy game where anons can be nice to each other and make friendships or does it cause players to fuck each other over and make anons salty?

it does both, honestly. most lobbies i played in before everyone was real chill and in the rest one or two guys were salty as fuck because they kept getting ko'd.

It's basically Mario Party boardgame with ludicrous amounts of RNG. It's guaranteed fun.


You have two ways to win, through point collection OR through total fight wins, of which you can mix up at every milestone. This means you can grab two kills at the start, then switch over to point farming for the rest of the game.

But that doesn't mean you can't just shit out traps everywhere and make everything !!fun!!.

I might pick it up to buy when it is on sale then, since I doubt the pirated version can play with others.

This. I love it.


I still have 220+ hours on this game tho

I told you man, he's gonna get you.

Anyone hosting a lobby?

I want to tenderly love Poppo.

Shilling for this since it's on sale for $2 at Humble Store right now, actually. And DRM free options available. humblebundle.com/store/100-orange-juice

room name: weeb
password: 100%jew

Get in here faggots.

I'm trying to connect, but when I type in weeb as the connect word it says that there was no response received

we just started

try again now

Then I'll wait and see if there's room for the next game.

we're gonna restart, so join

I have no idea what the fuck this is but it sounds comfy as fuck, brb

if you don't put exchange/gift exchange/here and there in the deck you're playing the game wrong

You guys should have made this thread a year ago, when I was actually playing this game.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

its the only way

good games but holy shit I couldn't believe popo got warped with her base

thanks for playing

So ive been playing it for a bit now and it just seems like a turnbased RPG with qt grill cards. Where does the board game aspect come in?

you… didn't accidentally buy 200% Mixed Juice instead, did you?

they're two different games by the same dev

delicious victory.
The only battle I won gave me the stars i needed, and not even the low rolls to trying to get home, the bird attacking, nor the warp stopped me.

Didnt buy shit, description of 200% mixed juice implied a new and improved orange juice and it said orange juice when launching. This has got to be the most misleading game description ive ever seen.

I think that's the source material for these games, OrangeJuice characters whatever that is.

fucking rigged

You illiterate nigger.

you might have won the game but i won the game of life and stars

OrangJuice characters are already a bunch of characters from jap indie shmups, and a a few original ones.
All the shmups can be found on steam I think, except for the first QP shooting. "Dangerous!!" is the sequel, I'm pretty sure.

Only Suguri, Sora, QPSD and AoS1 are. Red Barrel, QPS, Kurisumashu and Scramble aren't.

Making a new room, same name/pass as this one

Get in here.

Actually, Rockin' Android released Suguri, Flying Red Barrel, and Acceleration of Suguri before Fruitbat Factory released 100% Orange Juice.

The game being mega-popular on Steam prompted Fruitbat Factory to release more of Orange_Juice's games, though, including the second QP Shooting game and a mostly-unfucked version of Sora.

If you are still around, I'll play a round

everyone quit (or the connection dropped), so i stopped hosting.

Alright. its fine then.

We thought your internet died or something so we waited like 20 minutes for you to come back. On our end you were the only one who dropped.

Good games though.


New room: Snake
Pass: 8

Bump, join in.

need one more

Fun rounds, I'll be back in a while after eating.

Room is up again.

100% bump juice


Anyone up for a game?
I'm monitoring the thread occasionally

Firing up the game, and hosting lobby. Dangerous Pudding.

pass: 8

Did your connection drop or was it me?

My connection probably dropped. Tired as shit anyway.