Overwatch Beta Discussion Thread

Overwatch Beta Discussion Thread

Beta's almost over, in just two days. You can still try it and see by yourself just how bad\good this trainwreck\masterpiece really is, instead of relying on the opinions of shills\valvedrones.

Porn is apreciated but let's try to keep the discussion focused on why some characters are clearly too overpowered and require nerfs post-haste because it's too hard to dodge their Ultis.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bastion OP
Dva UP
Mercy Suffering


I was told this could run on older machines.
I underestimated how UGLY it would look.


Seriously, why can I jump around everywhere as half the classes but cant stand on a slightly slanted room to gain a tactical advantage?

Fuck off and never come back, kid.

I'm surprised it runs so smoothly on my toaster.
Makes it heat up like the fucking dickens though.

No clue, but you can do some sick ass tribes-esque surfing on them if you land on a downslope with pharah. There's one particular roof on one of the Tibet sections where you can do the boost jump from spawn and slide down and ramp off the backside of the roof to get to the point really fast.


Mercy is a Lucio that can't reach people in time because there's always a wall between you and them, so you just end up watching them die in the distance.
It's also a Zenyatta that can't fight for shit.

But it's pretty neat when you get teammates to spread all over a large area but still visible to you. I'll usually stay bottom and at the first sign of trouble, fly up to a balcony with the Widowmaker.

Check the Options menu, in the Advanced Setting for the "Render Scale" or something similar. You can try to lower the resolution and increase that thing, it helps a lot for aspect.

Probably because there's no way to reach those places as many different classes or to prevent Pharah or Widowmaker or similar people from standing in relative safety spamming down…
But it's pretty annoying, yeah. There's a ton of coolspots to stick around as Hanzo or Widow that you can't use because of that. I hope they change that.

I'm going to call you faggots shills because it hurts me to think anons here could actually have this shit of taste.

She's also got a probably overpowered ult, but yeah constantly chasing after and switching between people to try and heal them and give them damage boosts is super tedious and doesn't feel as effective as just tossing discord orbs onto enemies at random.

Ive been maining Junkrat and it bothers me to no end that I cant use my mobility to gain higher ground and lob grenades in weird places

The way the maps are designed leaves little room for creativity and it basically just ends up with everyone on ground level shooting shit everywhere because noone can flank properly due to issues like un-scalable terrain.

Thats the point of mobility though, and in my experience, the issue currently lies with all the offense classes with extreme ground mobility while having nearly unchallenged damage. I cant just switch to a longer range class and camp em out because noone of my spots are in any way near hard to reach by any classes.

i woudn't call it an assfaggots at all

game modes differ - payload, king of the hill and conquest.

I don't know about the game personally, i want to like it. I really do.

but i can't help that it feels like the same shit every time.

if i'm defending, you just make sure everyone is tanky and has a healer and you'll be fine, if you're attacking make sure you get in quick and you'll be fine,

Payload goes either way because it relies on the team moving together so if the team doesn't do that you're fuckle'd both ways either way

i'm so fucking conflicted though, there's shit i like and shit i really dont like.
I really hate the movement of some characters, like soldier 69 can sprint and i like being able to move about fast, same as tracer, that's a fun character to play as, being a fast character is nice.

Some of the character cool downs that really make them stand out take forever though and i feel like if they were shorter then you'd get really diverse matches where some characters are designed to move in specific ways quite often as opposed to every now and then some characters can move in an interesting way

this gave me the shits too, when i was jet pack lady, I kept sliding off of Roofs that i shouhld easily be able to stand on if i'm able to fly over them.

fucking hate it when devs take away player agency over things like that, damn gameplay bottlenecking

It's just like one of my ASSFAGGOTS forums!

He's piss easy to play around. Stop walking directly towards him like a retard, or go sniper and never let him enter turret mode.
Then stop playing her as an actual tank. She's a really beefy flanker with high mobility and burst damage provided you know how to use her guns.
If you run around trying to heal everyone, you'll heal no one. Find out who the best dps on your team is, ideally someone like phara or soldier and keep them topped off while damage boosting them.
While it is kinda annoying, do you really think it would be a good idea to give the few characters that have actual mobility the ability to get to areas that are impossible to reach otherwise?


Yes. If offensive classes like Tracer can have complete control of the ground why cant people who cant out damage them use higher ground to their advantage?

The only character I would see causing a problem with this would be Widowmaker, but even then many spots are still within reach of half the classes.

The things that stand out to me, according to playing in the PC (since apparently bastion isn't as scary on the console from people I talk to):

Bastion. His range and damage is just way too strong. His self-heal is also the big problem since you can't whittle him down, you need a clean kill (which doesn't help that he is at 300 health with some armor).

D.Va. She feels well balanced except for her damage being a little too high for how tanky she is. Just remove a small amount of damage from her infinite ammo no reload shotguns.

Genji. He feels really fine balance-wise, but I really wish he was more melee oriented. It feels like his main job is to throw ninja stars, and melee is a distant second. If they made him like reinhardt where his melee is his main attack and does substantial damage, he would be significantly more fun IMO. Since the idea is sort of "sword fighter in a gun fight" doesn't really feel like it is there since he just throws ninja stars.

Junkrat. Please lower the fucking damage on his bombs.

mccree. He needs a little more health, or something since he dies easier than anyone else it seems, and he isn't THAT high reward for that high risk.

Mei. The freezing thing is more annoying than I'd say OP or anything. I'd say she's fine in balance terms, but I fucking hate getting frozen and just sitting there.

Mercy. Its heals. Whatever. I don't know if it's too strong or too weak, because either way it's baked into other people just sticking around. No real comment on this one.

Pharah. I get she is supposed to be the counter for some things, but the problem is she sucks as a counter for shit like like the turrets. They can hit her at any range and kill her first, and then just heal off the one or two rockets she got off.

Reaper. He feels weak and I am not sure why. Or maybe he is working as intended, since he doesn't really under perform either.

Roadhog. He feels like he has a touch too much health. Other than that, seems fine.

Toblerone. Fucking deal with the perfect accuracy instant detection instant rotation shooting.

Zarya: she seems fine except no one ever plays her. I heavily suspect its for aesthetic reasons (it's why I don't play her).

Zenyatta: he does WAY too much damage on his own.

You know what surprises me the most in the game? The snipers.

I usually like the calm methodic and tactical sniping aproach, where you pick a spot and you hang around for a long while just waiting for the right moment, chilling (and pissing into a bottle) until it happens. It's pretty great to be sort of a voyeur of the environment with a scope.
That or a sniper in Unreal Tournament, where you still gotta move fast and aim faster. A fight between Shock Rifle and Sniper Rifle is always interesting.

Which is one of the reasons I never liked the Sniper in TF2 or in many other shooters. You are kinda expected to pick a nice spot and hang around it, changing place a bit to prevent other snipers from taking you out, but it never really works very well since close quarters are your death and it's boring to stick to one spot for a long time. It was even more absurd when even Engineers could reach places nobody else was supposed to but you were still restricted to walking.

But in Overwatch I get the hook for the Widow and the wall running for Hanzo. They feel a lot more mobile than the average sniper role. Like I can actually relocate much more easily and better in a fight. Doing things like jumping from a balcony when someone is behind you, just to trick them into following you, while you go back up with the hook.
I often see that nobody took the sniper role and that it's currently needed and I don't even mind doing it since it's actually fun.

Point is, if they can make sniping being fun without resorting to killstreaks, then they clearly know what they are doing.

Also, for anyone that still thinks the game isn't fast paced, mp4 related. It's a Widow buttshotting a Reinhart.

Try playing with him then. I figured things would go like that but found out the hard way they don't. A Hanzo peeking from a corner shooting you kills you easily, since being shot interrupts your healing and it takes only 3 arrows to kill you. The best strategy is to relocate but that just means he forced you to move out. Junkrat too.

Turrets are limited at 50 meters for range. It would help if we had a range limit display when placing sentries (something I miss from Team Fortress 2) for that.
This means that there are 2 situations for turrets: you either place them on a long area where Pharah can shoot it from far away or you place it near some corner that Pharah can exploit as cover to kill the sentry. I know this since it's what happens whenever I play Toblerone, and the answer is always to rush her with the shotgun and force her out or relocate the sentry to somewhere after every kill.

A lot of people see the guy and think he is Shadow, The Edgehog: the guy that kills everything and stuff. But it's really not that, he does take a lot more skill to play than you might expect. In the right hands, he is indeed the murdermachine he is supposed to be, but in the wrong hands it's a wasted slot.

Start by the fact that he can get health after every kill, meaning much longer survivability. Then remenber that his guns are actually shotguns, rewarding getting as close as possible and even going after tanks. Then remenber that they can still score headshots (on most of the pellets anyway) so aim is crucial. You also have his abilities that have specific uses and wasting them gets you killed easily. Like teleporting to a rooftop with a sniper: he'll just aim for your head and wait for the animation to finish before shooting you.

He is a tank, what'd you expect? Get shotguns or headshots and dodge the hook. No problem anymore. His "too much health" actually comes from his healing, you'll notice.

Kek, gonna call him that from now one. His turrets aren't that great, unless someone hasn't noticed them yet. You can easily destroy them even if he is healing them and they only cause serious damage at level 2. I usally charge them as Reaper and kill the damn things in 2-3 hits.
Think Gunslinger when going against him.

Most likely yes. Her kit is impressive, rewarding proper timing, reaction and teamwork from the shields to the ulti and the grenades. I can't wait to unlock the Siberian skin or the Gothic one, since all others change every color but her hair…

For 150 Health. Remenber that. He can't even self heal like Lucio or literally fly away like Mercy. Honestly, his damage is great but it also means exposing himself to damage. From what I tried, he is better staying behind teammates and let the orbs do their work instead, since they are removed if he dies.


I don't feel like the balance is bad, but I feel like the actual design needs work. Ultimates are generally extremely reliable which makes them fun to use but generally frustrating to deal with. A few ultimates are wonky as fuck compared to the rest (Roadhog and Genji's come to mind; they're only effective as long as you're alive and require ideal positioning to be useful, which punishes you since the regenerate passively) but nothing is irredeemably bad. I'd like the ultimates to generally be a bit more powerful but less reliable so that they feel more meaningful to use, since at the moment they're generally just "I win" buttons.

Bastion has absolutely zero counterplay and breaks the game in half with any number of easy, obvious combinations; Rein, Bastion and dorf makes a combination that's obtuse to beat since Rein blocks any frontal attacks, the dorf's turret's perfect tracking picks off any jumpers/teleporters and Bastion does a trillion damage from close range.

Beyond that there's the obvious issue that you should never have a character that gets a huge amount of results out of very little skill while also requiring a considerably greater level of skill from his opponents in order to stop him. Dorf and Bastion are piss-easy and have no real counterplay; you just shoot at them until you die. It's boring and lazy.

Some characters feel like they do slightly too much/too little damage.

Genji's design feels weird, like they're not really sure what he has going for him. His weapon is the weakest in his category (and one of the weakest in the game period) in terms of output, but it lacks damage fall-off. His dash only does 50, which is fine given the reset mechanic, but it locks up your turn rate an unexpectedly long time. His deflect is good for survivability, but it functions more as some kind of weird anti-burst mechanic to destroy bastion players up close. He's just kind of weird.

dva has two fucking life bars
how is she underpowered
git fucking gud, she's op as shit

the map design is what needs work
it makes no fucking sense that every map has two points that have no means of bypassing unless everyone on your team picks pharah or widowmaker

Two lifebars doesn't mean much when the first has a head hitbox that takes up half her body and the second is essentially a Mercy with 50 less health, no med/buff staff and no floating abilities. Do you really evaluate how good characters are purely by how much numerical HP they have rather than how long it actually takes to deplete it or what they can accomplish while alive?

x1random offense hero
100% winrate

i evaluate characters based on the fact that they have two ultimate abilities, two life bars, and are still more maneuverable when they're meant to be weak than half the roster, and all this is on top of their ridiculously high damage for a 'tank' hero

as soldier i can take on DVA head on and win if i just tap left mouse button for zero recoil while aiming at the head, i have far better range than DVa

HOWEVER when i play as DVA my main function is to use that dash for the tanks and then spray rounds to finish tanks off, and then fall back and heal. DVa is an offensive character and as such has to rotate combat.

That's… actualy very very wrong.
Ultimates are mostly incredibly unreliable actually. Hanzons "furry dragons awaken" is excelent for area denial but since anyone can hear and dodge it, you'll often not hit anyone with it, Junkrat's ulti not only leaves him immovable (and I've caught a few with their pants down) but you can also shoot the tire down and completely nullify it. Even the edgelord can be killed if you shoot at him, shuting down his ulti.
The few actually reliable ultis are some like Widowmaker's wallhacks but those require you to still shoot someone and get you a single kill at best.

Roadhog's ulti isn't even design to kill or cause damage but to push people back and that doesn't require being in short range. It's great to get people off the cart or the point you are capping, which is what a tank is supposed to do.
As for Genji, here's a detail you might have missed. Whenever you get a kill your dash goes off cooldown. This means you can activate the ulti, dash, kill, dash, kill, dash, kill, etc.
It's unreliable and requires you to be decent in melee combat while also having absolute map awareness, which is great.

As for Bastion and Toblerone, read here: Bastion and the turrets are countered by pharah, hanzo, widowmaker, even mccree. Bastion also has an exposed core in his back that gives doubledamage to anyone hitting it. Attacking him from behind or from a vantage point as sniper gets you an easy kill, you just gotta know how the character works.

It actually causes quite a lot of damage if you hit all 3 shurikens, which requires proper leading. He is also supposed to be more mobile and not as damaging as some of the other characters anyway.
His reflect also works against a lot of other heroes, like Tracer, McCree or Widowmaker. Yes, I've had an headshot reflected back to me as Widowmaker and even my ulti as McCree.

Not two bars, she has 400 Armor and 100 HP. The armor is great to eat some damage but a lot of people can chew her if she charges them. Symetra with her gun can easily eat a Dva alive (I do that often) and since the shotgun has horrible damage falloff, you gotta get close. She is excelent as harasser being the most mobile of all tanks, but she can't tank against several people at the same time like Reinhart or even Roadhog can.

Best payload pushers are 2 bastions, 2 toblerones and 2 reinharts. Set the bastions and the turrets on top of the cart, put reinharts defending them and enjoy the killdozer.

she's a tank
fucking everyone in the game except supports should do that
this shouldn't be a talking point
the fact that it even needs to be defended is a sign of bad game design
tanks don't do damage. except her. and she has ridiculous range, one of the most disruptive ults in the game, and no reload time ever

I actually don't know why they set her up as a Tank when she is so much better at Defense.
She can't possibly engage multiple people at the same time like most others or easily heal the damage they cause her, but she can flank and defend an objective very easily. Honestly, she's just in the wrong category, much like Symetra as support just because of her Shield.

I'll wait for it to go f2p, it's alright. I'd pay 20$ max

One of them is just "stop being almost entirely useless and go back to being just mostly useless"
As I said before, that doesn't mean shit unless you can leverage them to get things done
Literally the only people she's more maneuverable then out of the mech are Zenyatta, Roadhog, Zarya, Symmetra, Bastion and Torbjorn. That's six out of twenty one, not even a third of the roster.
This is just blatantly false, she has the lowest effective damage potential of any of the tanks and will lose a head on fight against any of them except maybe Winston if he's stupid enough to not realize his tesla gun still deals damage without hugging your face, something that can't be said about the shotguns.

Except for Roadhog who has a combo that oneshots basically everyone at 200hp or less, Reinhardt who can one shot people with a charge, and Zarya who when fully charged melts everyone.
Nigga u wat? Her shotguns may give you hit markers all the way across the map but they deal single digit damage on headshots anywhere further than five feet.

She has that projectile reflection, let them waste ammo then attack while they're reloading? Deflect projectiles while team fights them? She's definitely tanky. She can also ult then re-mech fairly reliably.

roadhog needs to be at very fucking close range for that COMBO, whereas dva has huge range, and has to hit fire. wow, super high level play, everyone applaud how skilled this player is for left clicking

and if you think her damage is that low you're playing a different game than everyone else is

Why do people say "just get behind" bastion like it's this thing you can just do? if he is backed into a corner, no. And that doesn't mean anything, he can rotate instantly, there is no turn speed. He can rotate and roast you. Unless he just perches right out in the open and has no cover whatsoever. Also the way the maps are designed, he can see when someone is trying to flank him if he can see a choke point or has half way competent team mates which are also using alternate routes.

Which also is completely outside the point. Something doesn't have to be unbeatable to be overpowered. The problem is it takes too much to deal with him compared to everyone else. Just because it's possible to beat him doesn't mean he isn't too strong. If all the turrets had a wider spread on their attacks instead of the ultra accuracy they have now, the arguments of range would be more effective.

33% render scale, when mother fuckers told me it was blurry but playable it looks like a fucking 16-bit game, shit is fucking hilarious

is the robot monk any good. I was thinking of getting the game after seeing him. Probably one of the coolest looking designs I've seen.

My main problem with this game is that the strength and weaknesses of the characters are so exacerbated that it's so fucking hard to fight a counter to your character. Not to mention that some ultimates will kill your entire team/make the enemy team invincible, and some others are just fucking useless.

Hanzo can shoot that fucking dragon through the walls. I've had a few games where Hanzo killed my whole team by using his ult through a wall

reinhardt's ult knocks maybe three people down
bastion turns into a fucking tank and becomes a ohko machine for like 20 seconds
wow great balance, as expected from the developers of starcraft

Hard to tell really, I think he has the highest skill cap of all the healers.
Reason being that you have to multi-task like a mother fucker to get full efficiency of his kit, attack+throw out offensive orb+throw out defensive orb+be VERY cautious of your positioning because you will get blown away because Zenyatta literally has the smallest health pool in the game.

Subpar zenyatta probably the second worst hero in the game behind D.va, a good Zenyetta I might just place as the best support character but they are few and far between.

good job defending your gook waifu
she's a tank that does dps damage
fuck off

nigger her damage is dog shit, you can not be serious right now
you have to be sub level 10 to think something so god damn retarded

she melts reinhardt in less than a second at range
they're SUPPOSED to be the same category????????

D.va needs to be buffed, her base weapon damage is too low.

Winston feels a little too weak for a tank, he either needs more health, or more damage.

Mei needs to be nerfed. Increase her cooldowns, make her weapons have shorter range, reduce the time it takes to freeze butt buff the damage slighty, give her Right Click falloff and slowly velocity to make it harder to hit with.

Make Zarya's Left Click have a large cone so it's a bit easier to hit rather then having to be pinpoint as fuck, and maybe buff her right click damage and projectile speed JUST A LITTLE.

Bastion is fine where he is, people just suck if they can't counter him.

Every other hero is great.

People will beg to nerf McCree's Stunlock on the forms, and I it will happen even though he doesn't need a nerf

good to know you've only played with people on Holla Forums

fucking what? She causes piss damage when she has her gun inside your ass and it's even worse at just a bit further away. It just tickles when she tries to sniper people with that shit.

The point with her is that, if she charges 2 guys at the same time she's a whore, and they will fuck her up, while most tanks can withstand the attack for some time. Zarya has the barrier, Roadhog has the healing and stun and Reinhart has the shield.

I actually think I see their point. She has that ability to negate projectiles while her shotguns are great to discourage anyone from going near, as is her ulti. That combined with the push ability of her dash means she excels at negating an area to the other team, so I guess she actually is a tank. Just not in the sense we are used to. Still think she should be in Defense.

By the range at which you can Hook people, Dva causes almost no damage. Roadhogs shotgun also causes more damage in short range AND can be fired for medium range too, without slowing her down.

backed into a corner means "shoot grenades at me". There are multiple acess routes you can take and the edgelord (natural counter to bastion) can even teleport behind him or on top of him without him noticing.

But he can't react instantly. He seems tanky because of the armor but a shot from behind at his core destroys him faster than most players can react. A Tracer can unload her gun and that's enough if she hits him there.

He only takes a pharah\hanzo abusing a corner to kill him or a junkrat using a wall for cover. Honestly, if he's so great, go try him for a few rounds. I used to think he is OP as fuck too, I tried him and noticed how easily one can cheese him if they know where to look for him.

I promise you she's not that good, play a few more matches and you'll realize she's the worst hero in the game.
Now if you stand in front of her as close as possible and let her gun you down, that's really your own fault but she can't even chase because she gets fucking slows just for attacking.

You keep saying that yet failing to understand her range isn't anything close to huge. At the same distances her shotguns deal less than Roadhogs and like I said deal single digit damage headshots after the point where Roadhog's rounds disappear. Getting a hit marker all the way across the map doesnt mean youre dealing meaningful damage.

also, mcree sucks fucking balls, anyone who says he needs a nerf seriously needs to learn what wasd does

I think the flash bang should get a buff for it's range. I could piss farther than the flashbang goes.

Also Tracer's ult should also get a buff to it's explosion size. Actually I think Tracer should get a completely different ult. It feels so underwhelming, and ill fitting for her character.

yeah here's the thing
roadhog can't do dick as a tank other than his one combo, and he has to reload

roadhog's hook is a single hook with a long cooldown
dva has an infinite shotgun

When he shoots it through a wall, it's often to the objective or some point where he knows there's people, since he can't see them. And if you're smart, you'll get off the payload\point and come back after the furry storm has passed. Really, it's not that hard…

try 8 seconds. Try shields shuting down his attempts at shooting people down or pharah\lucio blowing him down some hole while he moves about.
Try the other team using their ultis as well and stop him dead in his tracks, as well as Reinhart.

Arguably, Mercy has to multi-task more, but I haven't figured out Zenyatta fully.
On one hand, he seems like he should be very close to the front line tossing orbs around, especially since most of his life is Shields.
But on the other hand, it's just 150 health and if you die, the orbs go too.

you are sub level 10 fucking retard man, literally everything you say is straight up the opposite of reality
Roadhog can literally oneshot with his shotgun with both his left-click and right-click, his hook cooldown is SIX FUCKING SECONDS.

You don't need combo to kill people.

six seconds and a single target ability is a lot worse than zero seconds ever and a shotgun with the same range, also you can dash

also, are you already trying to be elitist about this game?
you're not good, fucking no one is

I do play him, on some matches he's guaranteed play of the game without his ultimate. Just mow people down. I have my second highest streak with him even though I don't even find him fun.

The whole "play it and see it's weakness" thing only works if it isn't actually OP. He really is the strongest. Some maps are just obscene.

And as I said, the mere fact something is still beatable means nothing in terms of if it's too powerful. This is like in any other game where people defend the OP options by replying that the mere existence of a counter makes it acceptable.

It would be like a 10 way rock paper scissors game, where one option beat 9, and then people said "well it's balanced because there is 1 way out of 10 to beat it."

I really don't comprehend how you can think dva is overpowered, i mostly play genji and even i can go head to head with her.

Nah it's really really good if you use it right. Dash dash Q, E out. Easy kill on a bastion or turret. Seriously guaranteed.

I don't understand no one here thinks Hanzo is annoying as shit.

After playing the beta, I've created a comprehensive list of things that need to be done in order to make the game actually fun:
1) Replace all hit scan weapons with fast moving projectiles
2) Make characters that are tolerable to listen to and interesting to look at
It'd be worth buying then.

A good Pharah will shut down a bad Bastion or turret most of the time. A mediocre turret or Bastion will force any Pharah to play Reaper.


fucking this
it's not that bastion is just some super-god
he's just slightly overpowered, and the maps HEAVILY favor him in most instances

I fucking hate hanzo, I'm not sure if it's netcode or if it's true that you don't need to aim near them to hit them.

He's not being elitist, you're just that terrible that anyone even remotely competent looks elite to you.

You are a funny guy. His shotgun is excelent for a tank, I've murdered so many people in tight spaces it should be a crime. And it doubles for long range harassment, you have no idea how great this is until you try shooting it, going back to breath some health and repeating it to whitle people down. He's fucking great as a tank, keeps people away from wherever he is and anyone coming near is gonna get destroyed.

You mean, single most obvious ulti in the game? From the "nerf this" to the fucking lightshow that thing generates and the full 4-5 seconds you get to dodge it, you'd have to have your monitor turned off to not see it.

Roadhog has a shotgun that easily causes 2 or 3 times more damage than Dva in short range. I kill Dva in short range as Roadhog very easily.

Are you seriously arguing that it's bad the game rewards teamwork between heroes working together? or denying that a single hero popping a shield, a normal ability, completely recks Bastion's ulti, that doesn't even last as long as you said it did?
Did you even play the game?

sweet ad hominem fam

oh so tanks should do damage
i'm not surprised you're defending this
yeah the full 4-5 seconds that you have to abandon the capture point or fucking die because the explosion range is god damn ridiculous
yeah nigger
where tanks are actually useful
see the thing is you neglect the fact that dva is useful at every range

Also, he's pretty good. You should stay behind your team and lob orbs at shit. He's probably the best support when it comes to dealing damage.

Maps don't favour both teams 50/50, I though people had already figured this one out…
The first sections of the map, usually favor attackers, while the later parts favour defenders.
The last point having a bastion somewhere will seem a lot easier to defend than the first because that's how the maps are designed. But you could use any other hero and see the same thing.

Bastion is countered by a lot of things, even a Reinhart putting a shield while someone behind him shoots. Widowmaker can 2-shot a bastion and you can't take down his barrier in the time she takes for 2 shots.
The thing about him is that, if he is countered this way, then you are a wasted slot for his team. It's a kind of "high risk, high reward" but for defense. My first few games had a lot of bastions reking everyone, but the latest ones have bastions being shat on regularly by people flanking them or outsniping them or teamplaying to kill them.

There are many counters for him, not just a few characters, and any of these counters wins your team an easy 5v6, so it's definetly okay.

tell me more about your success with reaper versus ulti bastion

It's Huntsman Sniper Syndrome. You just sorta plink arrows at a door, or in the general direction of the enemy team, and collect kills, since you can move and shoot way more freely than other snipers, but do comparable damage. A lot of Hanzos don't actually aim or snipe.

Also, his ult and Junkrat's ult should not count towards Play of the Game.

There's nothing left to do except give you ad hominems because you aren't even arguing using facts. You keep saying shit like "dva is useful at every range" which literally anyone who's played as her for more than fifteen seconds knows is objectively false and when that is pointed out to you you just keep repeating it over and over.

cool bro
if you support this style of play be sure not to report anything to blizzard and the game will stay exactly as is
i'm sure there's nothing wrong with the beta after all

A good Pharah will use cover to peek and shoot. She even has her rocket to move bastion into the open for the team to kill. You don't have to take to the air to kill him, just use cover.


Show us on the doll where D.Va touched you, user.

I'm curious, what the fuck kind of d.vas have you seen that are useful at any range?

Go into an AI match as her and try shooting at someone more than 20 feet away from you. You literally will not damage them.

why don't you show me where she touched you to make you defend such a stupidly overpowered character instead

i'm curious what kind you've been seeing that aren't
what the fuck does that even mean, I didn't know torbjorn had a ruler

It means use your eyes you fucking retard. People with functioning brains can usually estimate distances without having to put a ruler on the ground and measure it.

Give actual anecdotes of things that happened where d.va was useful at long range or you're full of shit.

Arguing that someone is balanced because the answer is several other players coordinating against him is a terrible argument, because you are admitting they are too powerful. You keep arguing as if the argument to beat is "bastion is unbeatable", no one has said that. The argument is "bastion is way too powerful". Which you are providing excellent arguments for, but you are mistaking for rebuttals.

The more specific or resource dependent your "counter" is, the more it shows just how powerful the character is.

Are these your final answers?

Stop talking shit about a character you know literally nothing about except that she kicked your ass so hard you came back to Holla Forums still with the butthurt.

He causes damage to everyone that comes near. You do know tanks aren't just punching bags, right? That they are made to discourage people from engaging an area, and an heavy shotgun sounds like a very good reason to not go near the guy, which is why he even has the hook in the first place.

That sounds awfully specific. Point on the ragdoll where the bad Dva touched you.

Again, watch the video. She causes very little damage at medium range.

I don't get it. Of course you can shut down Reaper's ultimate if they run out like an idiot and get butchered by your team. Of course you can shoot the tire if Junkrat tries to drive it across a field, or kill Junkrat if he sits out in the open. Hanzo's is okay though, it's got a decent balance between reliable and skillful.
Yes, and unlike most ultimates that can be used with relatively little forethought to good results it's an over-time effect that can be terminated early, requires him to make himself a target and has modest effects up to that. In group situations it has a great impact but he'll get destroyed by any decent team, and in smaller situations it's simply not very useful given that he can usually hook and destroy a soft target instead of bumping them off into the distance. It's a great ultimate when used right, but doing so is reliant on the map and enemy team being positioned just right–this punishes you since you end up getting an as-good ultimate that's much more selective about usage. If they're going to be big OOMPH skills, then they should all be consistently as such. Genji and Roadhog's ultimates are too reliant on factors beyond the player's control and too often fall short of actually being fun or significant to use.
I don't think I missed it. I'm talking about the fact that the animation locks your camera, which prevents you from turning back to face whoever you're fighting. You'd have noticed this if you bothered reading my post, which you appear to have not because you mostly talked about unrelated shit and provided "observations" I'd already noted.
It has a DPS rate of 84, it's non-hitscan and it requires significant aim. It has no ramp-down unlike most weapons which makes it exceedingly good at long ranges where it's very difficult to hit with. The other characters in the category have DPS rates of around 140-250, and most characters in the game generally have better damage than Genji at moderate or short ranges. It's odd because his design seems to suggest he should dash in and act like a fragile assassin, but his primary weapon (and primary form of damage) is low, unreliable and disproportionately effective at long ranges.
In what universe are you fighting bastions shitty enough to ignore the slow teleport animation of a reaper or a tracer blinking towards them?
In what universe are you fighting bastions shitty enough to get sniped constantly? A significant part of Bastion's value comes from his overwhelming DPS at close-to-mid range and one worth anything will position themselves as such. As for the rest, are you fighting these bastions one on one? Where's the enemy team that's ignoring you while you pop in and out of a corner trying to take him out?
I commented that his design was weird, not that the deflect skill was bad.

7dc114, pretending to be retarded does not count as trolling


Fucking hell, why even hold a beta at all/call it a 'beta'? Seriously, fuck this industry.

It's pretty great, actually. They often don't see the teleport trail behind them and the first shot in their core removes all armor and some life. When they turn to face me, the second shot kills them.
It's incredibly easy, and what's more I can just wraithform while they try shooting and distract them, or rush the objective forcing them to chase me or lose the point. Or just move towards their back and flank them without even using the teleporter.
Really, it's so easy even a child could do it.

Also, Winston shield takes 600 damage, Reinhart 2000, Zaryas shield takes all damage and even makes her stronger, Lucio's ulti gives obscense amounts of temporary health. All of these and more completely shit on Bastion's ulti. I've seen it first hand.

she touched our hearts
and maybe our dicks

mccree is fucking terrible
his ult takes too long and his flash grenade has laughable damage and his roll has as much cooldown as battlefield altering abilities like 76's rocket

did you see how fast her ult charges out of her mech
did you see where her ult bar starts out of mech
did you see how much damage just calling her mech does


laughable range, not damage

He is not. I've been killed by a single Hanzo shooting arrows at me, I've been killed by a single Pharah using a corner for cover and I've killed bastions by just running behind them as Tracer or shooting grenages at him as junkrat.
There are a lot of ways to kill him that only require 1 person, you just need map awareness for that. You can use 2 if that's not possible and be sure it happens but it's not even a requirement.

Bastion is a problem that needs solving and there's plenty solutions but none that will bother with them. Bastion's being OP is simply the same syndrom of "need healer but won't take one". It's just people not willing to solve the problem and wondering why they keep dieing.

They're letting you try it for free so you can decide whether it's shit or not before you even spend a dime, who the fuck cares what they call it?

None of those things have anything to do with being useful at all ranges you fucking moron. In fact the last one is specifically only useful at incredibly short ranges.

Are you seriously complaining that d.va outside of her mech is overpowered?

I'd argue that they're allowing you to collect skins and shit from loot boxes, so you're more likely to buy it, because you feel like you're actually somewhat invested in it.

i'm saying that one bullet generates like 6 ult bar
are you arguing that that's fair

Calling her mech does damage?
I seriously didn't know that. I've been doing it out of harm's way like a chump.

Again, your argument is "if the player playing bastion is bad and his team mates are incompetent, he is a bad character"

you realize her ult out of mech is just getting back into the mech right? No the self destruct? Are you seriously so stupid that you think getting back the basic functionality she spawns with is overpowered?

Outside of killing tanks…mccree can pretty much fuck anyone up 1v1. If you land flashbang you're close enough to unload six shots into them with hammer the fan. From far away you're more accurate than others with hip fire. If you miss hammer the fan…roll to reload instantly and unload again.

His ult is quite odd and hard to use at times but if you do it in the midst of chaos you can pull off some great shit. One time Mercy used her revive on four people and I used high noon at the same time. I killed five people. It has its moments.

So you are arguing for more unreliable ultis while saying that Roadhog's ulti being reliant on teamwork or the map is bad?
He's a tank, he's supposed to assist the team and stay on point anyway, not get kills. His ulti is excelent for just that, so it's perfectly designed for his role.

Knowing where you are on the map, your escape routes and where the enemy is before you activate the ulti are all things in your control. You won't activate it when there's only one guy, you won't activate it when you are alone versus 5. You won't activate it if you don't have the dash active and you won't activate it if the other characters are all incredibly tanky.
This is all under your control.

Sorry, I started replying before reading it all. It still isn't a point since the dash is almost instantaneous and what's more, you can turn around, start backpedaling and dash to move backwards, allowing you to engage whoever is behind you.

One in which they can't see behind their back unless they turn around, so they don't see the Reaper teleport (I've done this before) and one where Tracer's don't blink TOWARDS them but rather AROUND them. You don't charge a bastion, you flank him.

The universe of overwatch? Their aim heavily reduces the damage they can cause in long distance, not to mention they'll often be busy fighting against your team, so a Widowmaker can easily land a shot for about 2/3 of his HP suffering little in return. Hell, it's how I deal with most bastions anyway and how people deal with me and it works. Even hanzo is more retardedly simply, since he can use his wallhacks to see exactly where you are so he minimizes the time exposed while shooting you an arrow. He literally spends less time exposed than you take to react, so he takes no damage while shooting an arrow at you, and you can't heal and shoot at the same time or heal faster than he can shoot you.


Did you knew that his roll instantly reloads his gun?
He can RClick, Roll and RClick again for massive damage in short range. That's why it's cooldown is so great. His flashband isn't even supposed to cause damage, it's supposed to stop someone so you can easily land an headshot or RClick safely.
You suck at playing with a hero therefore he is bad?

Almost all characters also have that but only she has a head the size of a melon. That's actually a point against her, you tard.
Nigger, compare that damage to the damage of literally any other weapon at the same range and tell me again it's "shotgun stopping power". They even show the difference with different distances, so "regardless of range" means you didn't even see the video.


Attacking Tracers on Gibraltar can get into the upper defense area above the first checkpoint.


She's also way more fragile and doesn't have the ability to boost around or absorb projectiles. I'd say that's an okay trade.

Are you playing on console or something?

It causes about 50 damage if you can land it on top of people. It's not great and likely to get you killed since they'll shoot at you while suiting up. It's impractical but kinda neat.

If an Hanzo\Pharah takes a corner and starts shooting at a bastion, he can't heal faster than they can kill him, the ability is interrupted everytime you take damage and it's too slow anyway.
That means a good bastion will move out of that place and possibly try to flank the attacker himself.

However, this means you dislodged the Bastion and forced him into recon mode, so you solved the problem and you're now allowing your team to pass a chokepoint that was previously guarded by bastion.

A bad bastion will get killed, a good bastion will give the point up but both are defeats for him.

I fucking love the fact that one of S:76 skins has his weapon modeled after an M16.
The animations in this game are fucking gorgeous, I would say most notable turret dorf and his gun just looks amazing.

The skins all look pretty good too, most are recolors but the ones that aren't are pretty good.

Although I would say that the aesthetic and cosmetics of a game are pretty low on the totempole in terms of importance but they look pretty good regardless.

Playing on PC.

Try it in the training area. Change your crosshair to a single tiny dot and aim a fair few pixels away from the training robot's heads and you'll find your shots are snapping to the heads.

And the moment anyone notices you, if you even live long enough for that, they'll go after that booty and murder you in seconds.
Honestly, the best thing you can do as Dva out of her mech is bait people into following you for an easy kill, letting your team push.
If you can lead with projectiles while backpedaling, you might even get a kill or charge your mech faster, but that's it.

That has got to be on consoles, buddy. Tried Widowmaker tons of times and no snapping to help me at all. Also I've already posted you a video about Dva having damage falloff. Tracer and Reaper have it too as do any hero that's supposed to be short range.

Now that's a blatant lie. The only shots that don't score headshots are laser\sprays like the Zarya\Winston\Mei Ling ones. Pretty much everything else does headshot, unless you mean things like Junkrats grenades but like those need any more damage…
Even Toblerone's rivet gun or edgelord's shotgun can score headshots.

I don't own any consoles.

Either head hitboxes are much larger than they look, or there is some snapping involved.

I tested falloff in the training area and there was none whatsoever for projectiles. Unless that's training area exclusive, you and I are getting different sets of data.

I'm not seeing it. I am noticing that, if you don't move your mouse, your reticle tends to deviate a slight bit away from where you were originally aiming each shot.
At first I was thinking it was trying to slowly move me towards the bot's head, but after shooting a bit more, it seems to be more or less random.

The bots' heads do seem to be slightly larger than they actually appear.

The space between their heads and their… ear flap things seem to be solid.

I just went to try it, I'll upload a webm showing it.
Their head collision box doesn't have the same shape as their head. It's more like a circle, actually, so if you aim to the sides, you won't hit them or see snapping, but if you aim above it, you see some snapping because that's actually still part of their collision mesh.

Probably just couldn't be arsed to make rectangular shapes for the bot's head.

It's also fairly hard to see weapon falloff since they have so little health.

10/10 IGN

They've got 200 health which is the most common health pool size for characters, assuming the boxes on their bars are 25 like they are for players.

Also, their "hips".

so even if there is falloff, it's negligible for all but the massively tanky characters of which there are maybe four

Bastion is cool, but I really don't see the point in paying money for a multiplayer-only game.
Frankly, that seems the sort of thing only an idjit would do.

This game feels like it'll get boring in a week, or a month at best.

Even with all the extra characters it feels like it has less depth than tf2.

Here's the soldier, showing you that it's shot's don't snap at all.

Can't record the damage falloff bit for some reason, but you can try it for yourself.
There's a robot on the side of those 2 shooting at each other and on the ground there's even markers for distance.
Try shooting it at 20 meters with Tracer, then move 10 meters close and try again. Damage doubles, almost.

Damage falloff is not negligible at all, it just happens to characters that are supposed to go in close, like Tracer or Reaper. Without damage falloff for them, they'd just stay away plinking at you with a lot of escape mechanisms still available to them.


This board.

I think the long and short is that their hitboxes are slightly larger than their visual representation.
I'm not getting that snap you were talking about though.

Go fuck yourself, niggerbrain.

are you guys playing the game the way it's MEANT to be played?

I know that Blizzard are Koreaboos who want to live in a cuckold society run by women, but I'm going to continue playing with Japanese.

You gotta hear a lot more CYKA and HUE to understand the benefits of a paywall and how it makes multiplayer great again.

Besides, it's a mutiplayer-only game that gave the community a free demo, has no cashop (yet at least) and doesn't require 1000 hours to not be shit.
In other words, it's pure unadulterated 100% fun. If they made money with this, maybe other companies would try the same thing. If Overwatch becomes a sucess and Battlefront came a few months after it, maybe it wouldn't have the amount of Day one DLC it has currently, for example. It's about saying that this is the kind of things you want see done since you vote with you wallet.

Because… China owns our asses and the chairs they're in?

How new are you kid?

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Nah not even gonna bother with the beta

I didn't know I could do that.

Thanks user

I love neo-Holla Forums

Nobody was talking shit about Reaper… And Dva isn't bad, just not as good as other tanks.

I was talking about: where he claims shots snap to enemies, especially sniper rifle shots. Dunno why someone would claim this when it's so easy to see it's not true.

The beta is F R E E

Did you finish your homework timmy? Does your mother know you're shitposting on the internet?

News at 11


Japanese Tracer is a kawaii genki girl.

Kill yourself

Or, maybe I don't buy Battlefront or Overwatch, and gamemakers will realize that you can have both a good campaign and a good multiplayer.

Is it really so much to ask that a game have actual content outside of what is made by other players? Used to be, that was the norm.
I miss those days.

Yeah but I don't see the point if I get to play for two days before uninstalling because I ain't buying that shit.

Don't engage him. It's a shitposter trying to derail the thread about the definition of cuck, neo-Holla Forums and assorted crap.
If you're gonna feed him attention, might as well give money to Feminist Frequency. Get's you the same amount of videogame discussion and unrelated topics as bonus.

You know what the two have in common?

They both require you to be good at both positioning and aim, while keeping while being face to face with the enemy.

Something shitters have trouble with

Aye, we're on the same page then.
I'm really bad at paying attention to IDs.

Checked and noted. Good eye.

Except with good positioning and aim Reaper can destroy an entire team, while with good positioning and aim Dva gets maybe one kill and then has to run back to her team and probably loses her mech in the process.

Small steps first? I like campaigns in my shooters too, but not buying shooters just makes them focus on more MOBA's and card trading games, user.
Besides the point of the game is the teamwork and you'd only have that with campaign coop which we are never gonna get because fuck fun… ;_;

You had from 5 to 9 of this month to try it for free and it's also gonna be extended to 10, from what I heard ingame. A total of 6 days to see if you like the game or not and you couldn't be arsed to try it? Is having fun too much work for you?
And yet you can be arsed with jumping on a thread for a game you have no interest in to talk shit about it…

If Holla Forums was one person, it would be you. Making excuses to avoid having fun.

Tried this shit out and it overheated my 6 year old laptop.

Tried it on my desktop and I couldn't keep a consistent framerate for shit, changing the video settings didn't do anything at all.

Well, she is a tank, she's supposed to get attention, not kills so she's an attention whore, lel
She can bump people away with her dash, nullify projectiles when she gets their attention and bodyblock due to how large she.

Seems like she can do her role well if you can position yourself properly.


I thought it was just me. This game heats my shit up something fierce. I can hear my fans struggling whenever it's up.


Nah, I think I'd rather just not support such terrible rubbish.
Multiplay-only is trash, through and through.


So easy to spot the shitters

Thanks for telling us that you're shit

Yeah, they keep just quoting people and implying things instead of actually presenting and arguing points.


Did anyone archive the previous threads? I only got the two prior.

The retarded shit Holla Forums spouts is hilarious.


I'm guessing the people crying D.Va isn't good are the retards who charge in alone and cry that they didn't get play of the match.


please read

Mate, I have no one near me to play in lan. I've had to play Unreal Tournament for years with nothing but bots, RTS games too and even Guilty Gear.
I like those games but I miss the human element because when I went to university and got to test my skills in UT2k4 with other people over LAN, I had lots of fun wrecking them because I practice against Inhuman AI. I can apreciate a campaign in singleplayer but in the end those are made for you to win and there's nothing notable on the long run.

I liked Star Wards Republic Commando and it was one of the best games I've ever played. But if I try it again, I know exactly what's gonna happen the whole time. It's still fun, just not as fun, and that's why I much prefer multiplayer against human oponents. I'd prefer we got a campaign as well and if possible with coop too. But between singleplayer only and multiplayer only, I'd go with multiplayer only. Not like it's campaign kept SWRC alive nor Sev.

You are better off buying good games now and asking on the forum for a singleplayer campaign to show you the story behind it, since Overwatch actually has lore they can use for that.

Can we just post porn and talk about behind the scenes things like how they didnt implement loadout progressions?

We all know Holla Forums is shit at video games and have even worse taste.

Nah, it's usually the people that eat Dvas for breakfast. At the range her shotguns become a mild concern, I can hook her with Roadhog and kill her by emptying the shotgun. Don't even think I'd need all 4 shots. She is still very annoying if you go against her as Tracer and she still has her armor, but you can easily empty a clip, escape and come back to finish the job.

Thanks for telling us your MMR is low

If you want to talk behind the scenes things and you don't mean anal there's this neat video about them explaining how they solve lag compensation.

Honestly, it seems quite neat how they give the shooters priority but have plenty of exceptions to reward proper timing of the players.
It's not perfect and I've suffered for it, but the deathcam usually shows me what the oponent saw and why the kill was fair.

You misunderstand. I am not suggesting that multiplayer is bad. In fact, I rather like mutiplayer.
However, just multiplayer is bad.
I am not going to support shitty business practices what give folk a half [arguably less than that even] finished game.
Good goym, ask for DLC or more half-finished games without multiplayer =^]

Also, for the record, SWRC's mutliplayer was shit, and the only thing that did keep it being one of the best games out there was the campaign. The campaign was literally the only reason people still think of it, now a days.



I know, I have no idea what where they thinking. If you could play with an entire squad just like in the camgain it would have been great.

Who's the coolest girl and why is it Pharah

Let's post!

So (most) mitigation > shooter > the person getting shot

Pretty cool. If they had at least a 60tick server instead of twenty goddamn point eight ticks.

So we're not meant to lead or not?


oh and sucks that 60tick servers are available only for custom games.

Goddamn Jews.


Checked for truth

Why are jap VA's so great?
Am i a weeb?

Voice Acting is seen somewhat more seriously in Japan, afaik, and they certainly do seem to put a lot more emotion into their voice.

Consequently, however, I have not seen many Japanese movie/tv personalities that didn't seem overemotive or just plain bad at acting.

They're not

Fuck off, reddit.

They actually try unlike most Americlap VAs. Not to mention the women sound feminine (and young) and the men don't sound like beta nu-males.

what are you, a cuck?



I mostly play support and the swedish toblerone is just really great.

From what I understand, it's actually considered a job that isn't bottom-of-the-bin, there.

Didnt your parents teach you not to be a faggot user?

This seems like an alright idea. Whoever your "main" is I seriously hope you don't actually consider any single character your main, switch your voice option to that character's nationality. They're the one you're going to be hearing 90% of the time anyway.

Blizz drone here. So they already have a ton of games with single and multi formats. And or gun ally the game was an MMO but they had to boil it down cuz it was retardedly big.

While I agree that multiplayer only games are cancer I can forgive this one game. As long as it's not a trend.

I don't care what anyone says, D.va is best girl.


I don't think you are meant to lead and I've been getting good results without it. At least for most characters, I'm not sure about Pharah for instance.
Her rockets are fast, but not that fast. They say they are already calculated the moment she fires, but if she is still in the ski and it takes a second to travel until the target, than it can't be calculated first…

Maybe there's some reason for that slow tickrate, although I keep reading that the servers themselves are actually much higher…
Since we are talking about Blizzard, it's probably so the game works in north korea or australia.

Also, did anyone play Medal of Honor: Airborne or Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault? Just found out some dude called Timothy Ford that worked on those titles is working in Overwatch, which does explain the experience with FPS. Where those games any good?

Yeah, baka gaijins are only paid millions while sugoi nipponese VAs are paid a few hundred dollars and stalked by losers.

Australia has better internet than america at this point

Symmetra is all i need. I wish i could skip all payload maps and just play symmetra all day everyday.


The standard answer is that it's a viable career path of its own and not just a trash bin for people who failed at real acting.
I think it has more to do with the directors than the actors, personally. You hear shit like a line that's delivered with completely the wrong emotion and tone and that's usually not the actor's fault, it's the shitty director not giving them the right context for the scene. This happens a lot in low-budget dubs, but I've also heard it in big western releases that paid millions for meme actors.

In America, voice acting is most likely for those that didn't made it into the cinema industry or those too ugly for that.
"You have a large hump and your face is corroded by acid, but you talk funny. Come into my studio, we have a role for the Swamp Thing that's just your thing".

In Japan, they actually are on par with actors. You see the VA for many VNs signing autographs and everything, since they are the characters themselves after all, at least as much as the audience knows.

It's probably because the VN business is so big there, while in America "it's just a videogame :^^^^^)"

I actually keep checking my profile for my least played heroes and try to pick those if I get the chance so I play everything a little bit. Having a hero you are really good with is great but understanding how all heroes work is very important and being able to play decently well with several heroes helps you a lot more than being a god with a single one.

Reddit's FGO board likes to steal content from 4/vg/'s FGO thread. /vg/ datamined the then-upcoming New Years event before the Japs did and made an image detailing it with a 'FUCK OFF REDDIT' watermark. The Japs found it soon after and were very confused because they didn't know what the fuck Reddit was.

Truly embarrassing.

Point me to these nip voice actors that are half as successful as Simpsons actors.



Fuck you nigger you can have the literal moe blob

The only good thing about this game is the porn, literally everything else about it is complete garbage.

Well this embarrassing my apologies sir I meant

funfact: Mei Ling wrecks Dva any day of the week.
Her gun freezes the crap out of Dva which even helps if she's on foot, her sniping capability means she doesn't even have to be in reach, unlike Dva, she can use a wall to prevent escapes, the barrier does nothing against her spray and she can even freeze herself to survive the Ulti of Dva.

Mei Ling is much more usefull than Dva and MvP all day errryday. And what's better, you get more meat for the same price!

this game desperately needs ranked and some other game modes. its a bit repetitive.

Uh… It has Ranked. You get to level… 25 I think? And you can play in ranking with other players.

This man knows what he's talking about.

Thanks for outing yourself as a shitter

cime back when youvw climbed outta scrub tier

I'll be sure to come back when I've lost some weight so my fat fucking sausage fingers can actually press the right letters on my phone

It's funny that you browse the internet while defending D.Va because you aren't as effective at posting with it, just like D.Va isn't effective at being usefull.
But she a cute and her "Hello" makes the match worth it

I wish my MMR was so shit I constantly ran into this 1v1 situation against enemies that just stood there

D.Va is kinda cute
Just post porn already

And he was never seen again.

really? shit. didnt know that, and its in the beta too? i might try to get there before it ends then.

its not in beta, they disabled it but it'll back at launch

You're really going to use an extraordinary example to try and prove your point? An example so extraordinary that it might be what ends up finally ending the show?

Let's look at a more realistic example. According to Kyle Hebert, an American voice actor makes $65~ per hour of dialog on average. Meanwhile, Nips get paid per episode at a rate depending on how popular they are - with the highest rate being about $500 per episode though it can go much higher if your name is HanaKana. Note that new anime episodes release far more frequently than new cartoon episodes and there's a huge volume of it airing at any given time so one actor might be in several different shows at once. However, Nip voice actors don't make their money through anime alone. They also do video games like Overwatch (which pays exponentially more than anime), they host radio shows (in particular, Ueda Kana has mentioned that the Blazblue radio show was some of the most difficult work she's ever done), and they make drama / music albums, and perform in concerts. This is where the real money comes in, and where the skills are really needed. Just looking at the massive discography, it's very likely that the idolm@ster and Love Live actresses are the highest-paid VAs in the industry with the sole exception of the Simpsons actors. If you're a VA in Japan, you're not just recording some lines for a cartoon and then going home. You're also doing a bunch of other shit to support that cartoon, and if you're bad at it, you end up like Mitsuhiro Ichiki and humiliate yourself in front of the nation. You're so prominent in your work that you become a sort of mini-celebrity. Ever notice how in Nip video game trailers the voice actor is always listed when introducing a character? Can you even name Marge's actress without looking it up?

I have found that Lucio might be the best support in the game (personally), he has high mobility, can wall jump the fuck out of trouble has a knockback to keep enemies away just enough to get out of there and has a passive heal that you can pump up to get stronger with an ult that gives a nice armor buff. Fucking so much fun

Dva I found to be a little if you try to play her as an actual tank, but if you use her to flank around enemies and pick off some of the healers or weaker offense types you can build up some points quickly for your ult while helping your team defend the point


tl;dr I got nothing.

Didn't have to type up a paragraph to say that

Wait, so you're seriously at a MMR where Mei is allowed to walk up and freeze people?

lmao people weren't joking with Holla Forums being shit at video games.

Thanks for telling us you're shit

gotcha champ

D.VA >> Mei in every way

but Reinhart dumpsters both

So what you're saying is you admit Dva has no way to stop a Mei from walking up and freezing her and will lose a 1v1 ahainst her 100% of the time and has to rely on her teammates to protect her, the exact opposite of what a tank should be doing? And she should not be using her mobility to move around and flank and try to pick off weak characters, she should be hugging her teammates so that they can protect her the second anyone looks at her?

This guy gets it

I would but I don't have any on my phone I keep it clean

So is Toaster-Friendly basically anything but a TitanX with an I7 nowadays? Fucking cocksuckers, I swear to God. I can't even tell what's the bigger annoyance, this or X-Com 2 using the same engine yet requiring DirectX 11

No what he's trying to say is you are so shit at the game you rely on walking up and freezing people and not using your icicles which has a shorter charge time than Hanzo and comes out faster.

Or are you going to regurgitate the long since disproved claim that Dva has amazing range and damage and can kill a Mei faster from outside spray range than Mei's icicles will rape her face?

Technically it doesn't require DirectX11, it requires DirectX10.1 :^)

DirectX 11 was released in 2009 along with win7.

7 years, dude.

I take it back, THAT pisses me off the most. Couldn't just have it be fucking DirectX 11, had to make it 10.1 to royally piss me and my 10.0 ass off just that extra bit more.

Fuck you too buddy, this potato right here saw me through thick and thin for a decade On minimal settings in windowed mode with 800x600 resolution, just the way I fucking like it.

would fucking explain why shit ton of my shots aren't landing coupled with living in alaska.
like holy fuck. and they expect this to be fucking esports fat fucking chance

muh dick

I just upgrade my old toaster from a 7 series two years ago because it was no longer being supported. All things must come to a close. Seeing as how the 9 is a re-branded 8, it got good life.

So does this game require skill or is it just some shitty party game?

Reminds me of Ahri from LoL. Is she the token K-Pop cash in?

Bitch is literally Korean and a "Quirky le so funnay meme" about the SC Pro Scene there. What do you think m8?

Q. Will my progress from the Open Beta carry over to the launch version of the game?

So how is Mercy?
I need a game where I can be a good medic again

Mad because bad

Space Ahri then.

Well that's only a good thing I suppose.

I'll never let go. I'm going to demand in my will that this fucking glorious piece of shit gets buried in my casket, dust-filled fan, half-missing carcass, and fucked up input jacks included.

That said, I am buying a I3-6100 and a GTX 960 this coming week, alongside some other components to replace this rig entirely. With any luck I'll get another good decade out of them before I'm forced to update due to DirectX 12.1

All that means is that if you actually buy this shit you can just play as Bastion and win every game for the first week.

Well, there goes any incentive anyone had to buy it.

Am I the only one who thinks the "Play of the Game" feature is 100% randomized and has nothing to do with actual player performance?

Yesterday while playing Symmetra, the play of the game was the enemy D.VA.
The first 3 seconds featuring her trying but failing at shooting at enemies while walking into my turrets, then vaulting out of the mech as it was destroyed by said turrets, then promptly being one shot in midair by said turrets, ragdolling to the ground, and then lying there for the remaining 70% of the video.

She's "I'm not a clone of the tf2 medic, I have a different ult". Basically instead of invul. she can resurrect 1 dead teammate.

During closed beta or alpha or whatever the fuck they called early testing 99% of PotG that I saw were just Torbjorn sitting next to his turret for five seconds. IIRC they made some adjustments to the system and now it's a complete crapshoot.


Play of the Game needs some serious overhauling from what little I managed to play during my work breaks, but sometimes it can also strike unintentional gold. For example I was playing McCree and trying to kill all six of the opposition cunts riding the carts dick, got sniped the fuck out by a Hanzo one mili-second before I was able to cast the damn thing. That went on to win Play of the Game.

Now the hilarious part is that the fucking clip showed him throwing his fucking dragon at his God damn feet for no fucking reason, running up five stairs, standing still, and firing uncharged arrows down a hallway where the cart was supposed to go by holding left-click. I literally only died because I took an extra step to the left while he was standing still and holding the mouse button down and that was the most skilful play of the entire game.

I would of been mad if not for how fucking hilarious it was.

I'm pretty sure it has an ordered list of what kind of things (kill streaks, multi-revives, etc.) qualify as a "play of the game" and which is more worth of it than others.

That being said, it doesn't seem to take into account anything other than damage, healing, or kills/revives.

Make a really good decision and totally deny the enemy from winning at the last second with a good area denial skill or ult? Not rewarded at all.

Completely clear a point of enemies? Doesn't matter worth a damn if you didn't kill anyone.

Single-handedly capture a point while everyone is playing deathmatch elsewhere? Well, you didn't get a three player kill streak did you?

high frame rate and player moving around frantically on the spot != fast paced.

fast paced = literally moving through the level at high speed, achieving kills quickly.

if anything, that mp4 is the complete opposite of fast paced. it shows one neat trick, but most of it is just a build up of that trick.

THIS, is fast paced:

The fuck. They changed it?

At least she freeze them and stopped they escape

I only played that game for like 2 hours before I trashed it, so maybe you can and I just didnt.

The secret is loli form.

God an it do you have any idea how hard it is to shitpost between pizza deliveries?

I thing she can rez more then one if they are close , but still would take Ubercharge any day or even Kritzkrieg

She can revive as many people as are in her range.

She can still resurrect multiple people if they are in range of her ultimate unless they changed that in the past few days. As that user said though, I'd definitely take the Kritz over it though simply because its more fun to play with overall.

With any luck they will take some lessons from the Hearthstone team that worked on League of Explorers on how to make the game fun instead of having it sit in limbo for four years until even the most dedicated Blizzdrone gets fucking tired of it and Dr. Boom equivalents.

That sounds fucking stupid

it res all dead team mates, not just 1

The guys a shitter she can rez everyone in range the whole team even

What the fuck kind of overwatch thread is this?


Jesus fucking Christ I said I was on my phone you fucking faggot wait till I get home I'll flood the thread. God fucking damn it.

Lucio is lots of fun, Phara is my girl though i even got the raptorion skin, loving it

I wish this game wasnt as good as it is, but its so fun


I was maining Reaper originally, but man I am starting to really love Lucio. I'm not interested in micromanaging healing like you would with Mercy, he has tons of mobility and can defend himself very well as a support.

It's also fun pissing off bastion players from across the map because his gun has no drop off. I'm honestly surprised at how well this game has turned out, it's definitely a bit shallow in terms of depth but I was expecting one hell of a clusterfuck.

I actually asked the devs about this at blizzcon when it was revealed, while I was playing Pharah.

I was told that they basically don't want anyone sitting on a rooftop that another character couldn't potentially flank. Upwards mobility should just make it easier to get a vertical advantage, it shouldn't be a fortress.

add stairs and ladders

bastion is alright but very risky to play. he better be good at the one thing he does.
ill give you DVa though, shes pre airblast pyro levels of bad. extremely situational and cant adapt. she either plays on her terms or not at all and in a 6v6 thats holding back the team.

There are already stairs where the floor isn't slippery and shoves you off. Maybe they were lazy or didn't like how it looked, but that's why they did it. Regarding ladders, each character would need a unique animation. Don't expect too much from blizzard.

I feel like bastion should be more like his ultimate to begin with in turret mode. Reduce his damage, give him a third of his normal speed or something. As it is he feels like Toljborns turret as a class.

Must be a really badly configured list of that's a thing, cause I played an attack escort match where we face stomped the enemy team. The cart never stopped once, we killed them multiple times, our bastion got like… 20 killstreaks or someshit, and the only death we ever had was mercy cause she was sniped, seemingly by accident cause the sniper spent 100% of the time trying to take down Reinheart's shield by firing at the center of it.

Who got the PotG? Widowmaker.
Showed her aim at mercy through the shield, shooting repetedly AT THE SHIELD, and only killed mercy because reinhart turned to the right to shield bastion from one of Toblerone's turrets 0.5 seconds before Widow's snipe recharged. After which she proceeded to aim to the left and firing at Reinhart's shield from behind his back, completely ignoring his exposed back and only focusing on the shield.

Its not randomized at all.

Its just that the criteria for it are trash.

Fuck you Blizzard. Literally every other kill that game would've been more entertaining to watch.

Almost every play of the game I've seen is someone casting an ult into a group of players and getting a double/triple kill. Half of those plays usually also show the player missing every single shot the few seconds before/after he does that too.

Playing as Lucio pisses me off so much sometimes

I dont even want to play Lucio most of the time but I ALWAYS get stuck on the team where everyone refuses to be a healer and the other team has a mercy thats good at their job, so its either play Lucio or lose the match.


I've been conditioned over the years to default to playing heal/support, because no one else wants to fucking do it and it's necessary.

The player base is really bad right now. I've seen innumerable players charge into a group alone, or people argue over who has the most kills and start afking at spawn as part of a temper tantrum. Being pressured into support is the least of my concerns right now.


"It's high noon somewhere" is a direct reference to that.

It can't possibly be a reference to any other thing.

You do realize that "its happy hour somewhere" as an excuse to drink line is older than shit, right? Way older than 2003.

As time goes on, I feel like peoples' memories get shorter and shorter.


Or they are so young they don't know about it.


Here's how to fix zenyatta.

Give him 100 more hp
orb of discord is 25% increase damage instead of 50% and give him damage over time of like 10-15 hp. But he needs to keep you in his vision or else it drops off after 5 seconds.

Orb of harmony needs a buff

His ultimate should drain health from opponents and heal allies. Makes it more viable and more manageable of a hero.

Anyone here thinks Tracer is a qt?

I can't imagine someone being old enough to drive, but not knowing about that phrase.
I thought the internet was going to make us less oblivious, not moreso.

nigger that would put him at 250 health
honestly I can't understand why he's at 150 to begin with, he has literally no mobility, his healing is subpar in comparison to the AoE healing of Lucio and the direct healing of Mercy.

I don't know about 250 health but I think setting him to 200 would be a good start.

The only qt thing about her is that Union Jack patch on her right sleeve. The accent is all over the place, though.
Too bad that it's is totally and irreparably fucked in the second picture

so, have they revealed the gay character yet?

no but I've seen a fuck ton of Yaio porn for Ganji and Hanzo

It's obviously all of them

hey now, this isn't a WWI EA game we're talking about.

200 would be good too. I just think he needs more tools to help him.

no joke though. The female bait for this game has been on point.

Don't know what it is about Tracer but she does nothing for my dick.
I don't understand the obsession with Tracer because bastion is much hotter


Robot fucking omnic loving cuck

pt. 1

My thoughts on the game, playing since the open beta came out.

Flank classes:

Genji feels like he has the highest skill cap of all the characters. He's not a DPS, he's a pick class, and can 1v1 most of the squishy classes bar Symmetra. Should stay away from all the tanks except D.Va and maybe Reinhardt without team support. Can also deal some major damage to a Roadhog in a team fight, too. I've found he's decent with dealing with Mei, but you have to time your dash ability right or she'll just freeze you and kill you.

I haven't played much of Tracer, but played with/against a few good ones, and she is insanely annoying. She doesn't really deal that much damage, and can usually be ignored while you're with your team. However, if she finds you 1v1 and you're not a tank, you're going to die. Her ulti is pretty okay for disruption, and I think it hooks onto players if you aim it right.

Reaper is just very underwhelming to me. Maybe it's just shitty players, but I've never been rekt by one. He's good for making distractions. Plus he has a panic button in his shift ability that'll distract bad players that like to chase. He also has great survivability in that he heals from killing people. His name is not important…

>Reinhardt kek

Hanzo is annoying as a sniper, but loses out to Widowmaker if they have to fight. His ulti is great for clearing a point, and your team can run in behind it because it blocks off visibility. Haven't played much of him, and haven't really seen much of him. I think he has potential to be a threat, but I just think Widowmaker is better for sniping purposes.

Now Widowmaker is definitely valuable on any team. Played against an amazing one (plat highlander TF2 sniper main) and had the whole first point locked off on Gibraltar. We couldn't even cap first. I think Widow is going to see a lot of play in competitive matches.

I've never kek'd harder during a team fight while playing Reinhardt and charging at their healer to murder them.

pt. 2

Healers from worst to best:

Mercy is just very underwhelming, I think. As someone said in the thread, she's a worse Lucio that can't get to her teammates in time and just watches them die in front of her. She's best on defense because of her ulti, but I haven't played a game yet where a well timed ulti has saved the match.

Zenyatta definitely has the highest skill cap of the healers. I feel like he can be very powerful, and does a shit ton of damage to boot, but it'll take time for players to see just how good he can be. The discord orb is extremely useful in a fight, and the range that he can shoot the orbs is great. His ulti is also amazing, and I like it a lot more than Lucio or Mercy's.

Lucio is definitely the best healer out of all. He's incredibly easy to play and extremely useful. Although he heals very slowly, he can heal whoever's in sight at a long range of 30 meters. Plus that speed boost is invaluable in a game where all of the characters move so slowly. Great on both defense, and offense, and his ulti is like an uber only for the whole team. Great for starting or stopping pushes, IMO.

Tanks classes:

D.Va is very easy to play around, and kind of weak compared to the other tanks. I think she should move along with her team, and when her ulti is ready, it should be used on point to disrupt their defense. She can heal herself with her ulti, too, which is nice. I think she's a solid choice for a tank on offense, but really shouldn't be used on defense.

Reinhardt is amazing and my personal favourite to play. That shield is just too good for protecting against snipers and general spam. He's kind of weak on offense when the defending team has a bastion, though. Bastion destroys his shield, but this shouldn't be a problem if your team fucking listens to you and fucking attacks the bastion while he can't hurt you while the shield is up stupid fucking retards. All in all, a solid choice on offense or defense, but probably not the best on KOTH.

Roadhog is a beast on offense or defense, and can stall or stop the enemy team because he has such great survivability. I don't really know much about him, other than that. Also useful in team fights where he can hook someone like the enemy's healer and take them out. 10/10 choice.

I don't know why, but Winston seems extremely underwhelming to me. He's definitely powerful, but I haven't really seen him used to his full extent. Just a big nig who chimps out occasionally. Good on KOTH maps, and other maps with pits because of his ulti that pushes people back.

Zarya is an amazing tank, and probably the best one out of them all. Too bad she looks like a fucking dyke. Her beam canon and bombs that have very little cooldown are extremely useful, and that temporary invulnerability with the shields is great. Even better that it boosts you. Everyone is saying that she's one of the best classes in the game, and I'm prone to believe. It just takes team work to work well.

pt. 3

DPS classes:

Soldier is really fucking OP. His healing is way too good, and his bombs can one shot Tracers. He's generally the best answer to an annoying Tracer, and is great on both offense and defense. I feel like he's definitely going to get nerfed. Also

Pharah is a solid class. She has great maneuverability and her ulti is really powerful. Her rockets don't have any splash damage, though? So, you're basically playing direct hit soldier with the base jumper. Beware of snipers and Bastions while in the air.

I think McCree might be more of a pick class, but he can't really snipe because his revolver has fall off damage. He's really deadly at close range, and the flash bangs are fucking annoying. I think he's a good character, but maybe a bit underwhelming in comparison to the other classes. High noon gives me PTSD, tho (despite being so easy to counter).

Junkrat is a solid class, as well. I think he's going to get nerfed, though. Those bombs do way too much damage for their own good. His ulti is very underwhelming, and can be stopped easily. It's nice that it goes through shields, though. Good to counter Reinhardt if you can get it off on him, but he can still hammer it away.

Other classes:

The dwarf guy is really fucking powerful, and could definitely be considered a DPS class. He has double the damage output when you take his sentry into consideration, and does massive damage with his primary weapon. My friend (a plat highlander engie main) was going ham with him when we were playing, and always getting most damage/most kills and usually play of the game, although I think our team was just shit. He definitely has potential to be a good character.

Mei is just really fucking annoying. I hate that she has two panic buttons when she gets herself into a stupid position and can usually escape unscathed. Will probably get nerfed, but eh. Good. Fuck this class for being so fucking annoying. Her ulti is probably one of the best in the game (also suspicious considering it's named after the company…) Will definitely see a lot of use in competitive play if she stays as is.

Bastion is only a threat when there's more than one working with a Reinhardt and a Tobblerone. Really annoying on Anubis, which is just a shitty map in general. He can be played against easily, but I think it's bullshit that he always gets play of the game regardless of if his team won or lost. Has a great ulti, too.

Symmetra is definitely powerful on offense or defense. Her teleport ulti is extremely useful. Pair her with a Tobblerone, and you can give your players and extra 100 health. Mini sentries are really annoying too, considering she can have 6.

Overwatch really favors playing on the point. I think that's why the points are all really BIG and usually in houses/closed off areas. I hate the timer on KOTH maps, though. It goes by way too fast. You absolutely HAVE to have someone on the point at all times, or they're going to cap it and you're going to lose.

The map design is really shitty, too. In most cases, there's only a couple, or just one way to go through. It's not fun trying to break through a choke point guarded by a Tobblerone/Bastion/Reinhardt, with no viable/alternative ways to try and flank them.

This game also REQUIRES teamwork and coordination. Pushes really are nothing more than group up and use your ults on the point, which is a lot more than some random fucking retard can accomplish, even if you ask him nicely. It's an extremely easy game where most of the classes only require you to walk forward to be useful. It fucking baffles me that people can be bad at this game. You also can NOT carry a bad team, no matter how hard you try. If most of your players are shit, you're going to lose. I think it's more of a moba than an FPS in that regard.

All in all, I really like this game because I get to play with my friends again, and we're all on even ground. It's something new, and looks nice. I'm hyped for competitive.

Game is okay, best thing about it is Mercy. Post more Mercy porn.

I've noticed that in many cases, a lot of maps branch out into various hallways, only to then branch back together in a single choke point. Its like they want flanking, except for all of these chokepoint positions where you will usually get the tip that you need to flank when you die.

This is the worst part about it, considering that are huge maps and only 6 players on a team. If you lose the initial defense, you are generally shit out of luck stopping the push unless your team decides to not run in and die one by one.
Combine that with the teleporter being on a class nobody plays and I can see everything being tilted.

That said, if you have a party you should be fine. But deployables on top of the cart is still fucking bullshit.

You're lucky m8, 80% of my plays of the game have been fucking Bastions just standing there holding M1.

I been using him as my main and I tend create pushes easy and defense camping with him, he is godly in my opinion. I put the debuff orb and people just melt, a good team will focus on my targets and melt them to shit even if they have a healer on them.

I'm also a heavy counter to bastions I debuff them and kill them 2 to 3 shots when they're in turret mode with my superior range.

The trick is to be agressive, and avoid a good tracer like the plague. It also requires huge attention span healing, dps, debuffing, and using your ultimate to push or heal shit out of your team.

Yeah I didn't want to win anyway

Right now it feels about as fun as a f2p game, except you're paying for the polished artwork and general lack of bugs. I don't feel like giving blizzard 40 bucks for this.

The only times i ever see Symmetra is after a defence round where i fucking raped everyone.
I'm surprised so few play her, cause she is downright amazing.

It's not even 40, it's 60. Unless you found a better deal somewhere.

Wasn't 60 was the more expensive edition? Either way no dice.

When you put those sentries in certain corners they tend to cuck the opossing team like shit, she really is nasty. She is a great support with those minor barriers are great too. I main zenttaya and her mostly.

any advice?

I really like Zeynatta,D.va, Torbjörn, Hanzo, and Phara

Symmetra and Tracer are also fun but i don't pick them up often

Oh yeah you're right, nevermind. And yeah, 40 bucks is a lot.

Turretplacement is most important, place them where you think the main push will come through, generally in places so they have to go through the point, and look back to destroy them.

another important thing is Symmetras energy orb goes through shields, so if the enemy has a rheinhardt, spam your orbs. they do pretty good damage.

Last but not least, try to place your portal in good spots, it saves your team so much fucking downtime it's retarded.

Don't underestimate her beamattack either, once it's charged up it does a fuckton of damage, great for killing other supports and weaker attackers, like genji.

yeah I'd pay maybe 20, but no way the full price.

20 sounds like the absolute maximum I'd go for, but even then I'd have second thoughts.

thanks man

very hesitant to buy this game, considering its blizzard, plus i dont want to fork over 40$ for a game. 20 maybe

My experience on Zeynatta

Could this also be a healslut thread?


That's all I needed to know to trash every email I've gotten about this shit excuse of a game.

Getting a terribly inconsistent experience with this game.

Has anyone else run into "Friendlies" yet?

she has potential but theres so many people who can just wipe her guns like theyre nothing. gitting gud with the fireball is important

no never

stop spreading this lie

Sorry you're shit user

sorry you play against bots you casual

Bastion isn't over powered just when you see some one camping with him switch to Junkrat

bastion moves to slow for you the miss with the Frag Launcher. no one plays as him so bastion rapes everyone.

Hanzo IS over powered people spam Dragonstrike because it goes trough walls when you start to get to mid level matches more times than not the "play of the game " is Hanzo looking at a wall the doing dragonstrike and killing 4+ people

for every wall that attack goes trough it should weaken it.

I'd rather have bots on my team than a retard like you that doesn't know how to play tbh

Never fail to be shit Holla Forums

Anyone EU wanna play together?

keep holding everyone back you nigger. if you were to pick up literally any other character youd do better. heres a tip since you clearly havent realized how bad she is, even mercys pistol is a better weapon than her auto cannons. thats how pathetic she is.she cant burst shit, she just scares bads like you

we know

DVa is not going to hold an objective, DVa is not going to make aggressive plays, DVa is not going to go one on one with anyone whos paying attention. shes going to sit there and wait for people to forget about her before sneaking in and getting a single kill. learn to play genji or something if you want to "flank"

Can we all agree this is the best hero?

nigga you is bad

Yes, he's ridiculous.
Nerf his wraith form by giving it a delay or something, I can't die.

youre delusional and a deadweight

i killed a full team with Dva last night i stopped a full rush from their team with the mech, ejected, then went to the rooftops on foot, took out about 3 other people from behind by then I spawned another mech

you have to get a feel for when to get up in peoples faces and when to pull back.

The edgelord is surprisingly good, and easy to get a hang of
And despite being your average 13 year old original character self insert, is somehow one of the least visually annoying characters

So yeah, in a game where most of the characters are either cool but incredibly niche or difficult, or fun and useful but with a design that is a grievous offense to mankind, he's a pretty good middleground

so they were terrible



Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair


fuck off Afro we don't want you here

Unless they sat there from the start of the match to the end of the match letting you attack them until you finally got those 4 kills at the end of the match, I really fucking doubt it.

You know you're sharing a site with shitters when people are saying D.Va isn't top tier.

Speak for yourself you girl kissing faggot

But seriously that vid's already been posted in this thread

I'm fucking average at best at fps, people just kept throwing themselve onto me, i didn't understood what was going on, but still, turret mode went and shredded their whole team.

Then, i met a decent player who went and bashed my head into a wall with rienhardt.

I'm enjoying this game so far, but god damn some people have no idea about how to play.

Welcome to playing free multiplayer games with random people on the internet, without matchmaking.

You'll stomp 90% of the time, all the time.

That's the fun thing, that was his first game. Third game he'll be up against people twice his level because the matchmaking will slingshot him to high levels. Welcome to never feeling like you're improving because the matchmaking system is probably going to be some moba tier shit where you're supposed to win only half the time.

they were moving a cart around a turn
I rammed into Reinhardt stunning him making him drop his shield, turn around a killed Mercy behind him seconds , started moving back as Reinhardt was getting up. he was able to hit me once before i killed him. the cart started moving backwards, Tracer came running up. you can predict where Tracer will appear to get some shots off. by the time tracer run out of shifts her health was as half. the person playing her started running at me then stopped ran back, their fuck up, tracer was dead. I turned a round saw two other people were turning the corner. I had Ultimate then, eject / Self-Destruct killed 2 people . now in the rooftops Widowmaker was shooting at my teams spawn at a room across from me , she didn't see me, ran into the room behind her point blank 2 shots in the back of the head then a melee i remember her turning around trying to move but was stuck on something dead from another shot. i drop down my team was at the cart then.saw Hanzo's heath was at helf took him out, i can't remember the other person, then called down another mech took out Torbjorn didn't see a turret. i think time ran out after that and we won.

the first handful of games you are matched with mouth breathers level 1s it will taken an hour or two for you to get matched with people that know what they are doing. im at the point now where team work is required and people know what they are doing but don't know how to work as a team.

Fuck you Blizzard I see your game

The agenda pushing is real

I don't know if it's just me but Mei is fucking retarded on some maps. I mean if you manage to out-dps her in close quarters and doesn't freeze you she can just use her healing ability which can't be cancelled. At that point you'll probably be too low hp to fight her again and if you do decide to continue and she somehow is so shit she gets low hp again she still has her wall.

I think the biggest dose of BS is the fact that Reinharts dash goes right through her, but she can still block projectiles.

Blizzard choose one or the fucking other.

It's the "getting 2 kills with your ult" bit that confuses me… how can anyone not just get out of the way? You can block it with a shield (I think - seemed to work for me once, while I was also playing D.va), get out of range, get behind a wall… there are many options and the countdown is really long.

It's still pretty great for area denial because it's GTFO or die, but only the dumbest will die. Not going to shit on D.va in general though, I rather like her.

mei vs Reaper in close quarters it turns into who can circle strafe better

That's one of the duels I can see Mei losing easily if Reaper gets the drop on her but if she sees him coming she either freezes him or he goes wraith form which makes him invulnerable but Mei has a move like that and it heals on top of it.

Also she's a direct counter to Winston, I mean the character is designed to get into people's face and disrupt the enemy team by putting a shield in their midst. I can't see a Winston ever being useful when the enemy team has Mei.

it was right at the turn i take it that they only saw the cart trough the wall and only saw the light when it was too late.

They have an allergy to making abilities affect each other directly
One of the many reasons this game is shit

i just think that for a FPS game this game has very little to do with aiming and alot to do with timeing. its off putting to alot of people. its the issue that people have with the "updated" TF2 put put to an extreme many of the Ultimates aim for you

Winston can kill a Mei if he uses his shield selfishly since both sides of it are able to stop the spray so you just have to dance around the shield while zapping. It will at the very least force her to pop her heal and hopefully by then you'll have pulled enough attention for your team to come in safely which is Winston's main goal.

i just played a match with two Reapers and i was mei, killed them both a number of times. the issue with wraith is the mei's gun has a longer spray time than wraith's use. also you can reload while following him when wraith ends you he is still well with in mei's spray.

i never played as her until you guys talk about her, she's very powerful in close quarters they only charter that flat out beat me in a small roomwas Roadhog.

i take it that people are just in shock when they she mei run into there face and don't react fast enough, start to slow down then freeze that will not happen the longer people play.

strong camp setup is Bastion on top of a building with Reinhardt shielding and Mercy feeding heath to them. I've seen spawn camp with this step

I wish there were full replays so I could see exactly what these stupid fucks were dying to while I was holding out 1v4 but at the same time I imagine the sheer retardation of it would deplete all my sanity points.

Lucio is OP
too bad I dont know how to webm

first pic got fucked res for some reason

Lucio's don't stack with each other, it's acutally a waste. just cover more area.

I know, we did this as a joke
but it turned out too well

Genji and robot monk are probably the two with the highest learning curve. I'm shit with it but fuck I've players that are not shit playing it and it's a one man army.

Bastion is not that OP he dies with two maybe three rockets. Just need to aim at him…

What's OP is blobs, Reinhardt + Mercy + Bastion (or possibly worse the dwarf turret, which autoaim isn't bothered by pesky thing like Reinhardt huge model, + armor packs to make it extra tanky…) hanging around a good place, you need an amazing amount of DPS to flush them out.

explains so fucking much to why nothing fucking happens

explains so fucking much to why nothing fucking happens

i really shouldn't buy this on release
but i feel like im going to
help me

I kept getting showered with purple or gold skins and was thinking about buying it.

Then I saw the price tag and stopped.
And I just played a game where I fired at someone as widowmaker almost point blank and the opponent didn't die much less register the hits. The death cam showed that I was pointed directly at him too.

Unless junkrat's trap is supposed to make you miss.

Junkrat's trap is an object and it'll take the shot in mid-air if that's what you mean.

If you mean you got snagged and missed then I guess you just got fucked.

didn't they have months of testing to balance this?

but user didn't you know bastion is op

That's the whole point of the character tho.

The wall has way too much HP it has no counterplay

I wonder how they plan to balance the game, will the console version have a button that instantly turns you around?

How will console players deal with characters that can just blink or dash through them?

Don't be naive user. And that's the whole point of Mei, I don't even know why they bothered to make that wall destructible to begin with. Bitch is just disruptive as fuck and that's her job, if anything they should just lower her health pool so the cunt can't 1v1 people as easily.

Good thing you're not in charge of balancing anything

Good thing you're a goal post moving faggot.

Why do I even bother posting in this shithole

Go ahead and show me then faggot.

okay so she's a tank who can't tank cuz her critical box is gigantic and he shield is inferior to winstons or zaryas

but she can hit and run, except her shotguns don't do as much damage as reapers, and she's so fucking loud you can't ambush people with her, on top of the fact your speed is reduced while firing her tickle babby bullets

i feel like her entire gameplan is to eat shit until you have an ult to throw at a capture point and hope no one hears her yelling "NERF THIS" and scatters

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Basically yes. If you want to tank you pick any of the other tanks, if you want to be disruptive you pick any of the attackers, Winston or Junkrat.

play of the game is so stoopid

I capped the point single handedly while fighting off 3 attackers who kept coming when they realised I was ahead of the frontline and the potg goes to mr jamaica and his ebin beats

She's a weird ass tank that's barely a tank, I mostly use her to troll snipers till I can suicide bomb the high health players.

However the true beauty of playing D.Va, is recklessly attacking the enemy tank at close range, letting your mech get destroyed and following up with her small gun as you run away, killing the tank and waiting till you get your mech back. Her gun is surprisingly effective and I even got some Tracer players with it. There were games where I got 13 eliminations without dying by using these sort of hit and run attacks.

So stupid