#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Running Bird Edition



2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors:
- medium.com/@TrojanHorse711/salon-s-list-of-atrocities-and-a-list-advertisers-to-contact-gamergate-7c5cdeb9f2aa
- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE
4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG:
paste.teknik.io/2491 || itmb.co/ts09w || up1.ca/#OLF7pVJJzk9ci56FwzveAA || twitter.com/McDermie/status/677627235386437633
5. Continue Digs on 8-4 and Nintendo of America:


- archive.is/4TJwc
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/pcmag-violates-ftc-regulation-with-countless-undisclosed-affiliate-links/
> Game, Publisher and developer review website is up: gamesense.co
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/03/pocket-gamer-charges-devs-up-to-50000-for-guaranteed-game-coverage/
> Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269
> VideoGamer Includes Affiliate links in Articles, Twitter Without Disclosure: blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
- breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/02/round-two-hulk-hogan-sues-gawker-media/
- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Apr 26 - /p.teknik.io/5shqa
- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /p.teknik.io/WUMEx
- gofundme.com/nichegamer-e3-2016/


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:



What in gods name..


Be sure to educate yourself on the topic of WW1, friends.

Posted just seconds after the creation of the new bread. Here we go again.

Operation Icy Blizzard is an operation with three main objectives. First it is to raise awareness about corruption in gaming journalism. Second it is to promote ethical alternatives to the mainstream gaming press. Third and most importantly, it is intended to spark a conversation and encourage new people to engage with it's participants and discuss why they are care about ethics in games journalism (and offer suggestions for moving forward).

The operation wasoriginally proposed by MikiSayaka33 last month and with his support I will be launching the operation with an initial Thunderclap campaign, which will send out a message that should reach tens or even hundreds of thousands of people. The campaign is worded in such a way as to both provide links to important resources AND serve as a jumping off point for new people and neutrals to join the conversation.

Obviously ethics in games journalism is only one facet of the conversation and this campaign is not intended to limit the scope of GamerGate, but ethics is the main focus of this particular campaign. The operation will go live on Friday, May 27th. I picked a Friday, because studies indicate that Twitter is more active on weekends and this provides people with a great opportunity to have a dialogue over the weekend.

If you want to participate in this operation, there are many ways you can help! The simplest way to help would be to sign up for the Thunderclap campaign and participate in the #IcyBlizzard and #GamerGate hashtags on Twitter (or other social media). If you are a content creator, you can help by making a video, blog post, art or similar content to encourage people to participate in the discussion and participate in the Thunderclap campaign.

Campaign: thunderclap.it/projects/41573-operation-icy-blizzard


Do Gurkha characters drop like Star Wars Jedi?

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchesta instead of Dubstep, Status Quo instead of progress and Salt for your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your waifu followed by the words “FOR HER”

Remember to always be a big guy


Current Happenings; Nothing

Four posts up.

This is what you fet when teachers try to be hip.


Are you guys still doing that PR thing?

Oh Lordy

If you haven't got the hint yet, good luck on still trying to spread the message about the corruption to journalists. I am sure they will report on it.

The only PR that should matter is PR among other gamers.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior

Don't respond to shills, user. All it does is waste space in the thread.

"They" already did. Without the "PR thing", no one would have reported on it aside from the narrative at all.

You can't be a dick to everyone and think people will take you seriously. You need some moderate elements. Retards still haven't realized that we can do both.

1. Its netscape doing it.
2. Who said anything about getting journos to report on it? Its to damage the trust normalfags have in the media at this point unti it is 0 trust.

The education system has been reduced to this.

You are replying to a useless revoltard. These people have never accomplished a single thing in their entire life, least of all in GG, and yet go mad because people still don't consider their methods helpful, hell, would go as far as calling them counter-productive.
As usual, simply ignore, perhaps even filter.

old bread


no, you just need to be calm and rationally explain things and not fly off the handle.

unfortunately we're dealing with communists.

That fort looks pretty comfy. No wonder these womyn want to join.

I got banned for asking a simple question ;_;



that's not a question, it's an observation or more likely an assertion..

it's not that bad. They're trying to get the kids interested, I can't fault them for that.
I will fault the kids for being dipshit kids though


Lolis and Aras must coexist

Indeed. Internet has really made kids more retarded.

Is he right? >>9259242

For her.


woops my bad user

thought you were rugga

I'm going to assume you're not a shill and reply honestly.
No he isn't right. People aren't calling for blacklisting or boycotting or whatever else just because "filthy niggers". They're entirely fine with the developers making any decision they feel like making, they're just voicing the fact that they're shit choices since they're made for shit reasons.
Adding something to your artistic work merely for selfish moral reasons renders it worthless automatically, as it's a monologue only, which is precisely the opposite thing any piece of culture is meant to be about.
So, no, add those guys for the sake of diversity if you feel like it; people will call you out for being a faggot regardless, and this is neither censorship, censorship apologia, moral crusading or any other stupid thing.

For Her

Be careful, follow anti-shilling guides
Someone's kicked over a hornets nest, and I think it's to do with working out Vince was a phoney. There've been pleanty "Mark won't let us talk about videogames".
Is he perfect? No.
Do you have to stay here to talk about vidya? Probably not.
Do you walk blindly to other places to talk about Gamergate? Fuck no.
You verify who's running it, and if it's a co-opted or D&C cell.
(First three pics are relevant to this).

Remember, shills play both sides. Ignore, Hide, and even Report assholes turning GG threads into anti-(board) or meta Holla Forums.

Meanwhile, back at operations:
OK faggots, the Star Ocean twitter account are opening questions to the public for the devs to answer:

Don't forget to follow them or it won't count!
Now what we need to do is let them know that censorship of any kind is unacceptable.

When people say they’re cancelling their preorders or boycotting etc. over bad localizations, are they also COMMUNICATING TO THE COMPANIES INVOLVED about WHY they’re doing this?

If anyone has Torrential Downpour OP info, post it. It'll be useful.

Don't ask generic questions like "why was it censored?", they'll just fall back on wanting to lower the rating of the game when that is obviously bullshit. Perhaps making comparison to games which have T-ratings and show panties would be better (last two pics). Remember to be polite when asking questions!!!

Just make a burner account, the more people that message about this, the harder it'll be for them to ignore.

Post your tweets here, and we can then fave them (the heart button). Why?
1000 people say X. Whatever.
1000 people say X, and 1000 people show they agree with each comment. The devs then think: Well, some of those might not be the original one thousand! A lot of people could want this. And they put in a lot of effort. Maybe we screwed up.
(unless Twitter does the same ting as Plebbit and bans people if they think they used external websites to make a tweet more popular "artificially")

Link to articles explaining Western MSM/SJW do not speak for gamers.

Using Pastebin for these Japanese articles explaining GG (and I think SJWs), since URLs are huge.

The issue is, mentioning GG, the devs ask a western "expert" and are told it's harassment. So they ignore it. Keeping it in TorrentialDownpour (already infamous for Fire Emblem's bad PR) is better IMO (with link to Japanese explanations of SJWs and the media's hate boner for games is a bonus). But again, that last point is debatable.

Explain to them. Odds are they either think gamers are all SJW and are following suit, or think SJW are the majority and will sink them with bad PR. We need to prove them wrong in either scenario. And if they refuse after that? Let 'em rot.

This is also important
Don't forget to talk about SJW.
Corrupt ethics in an industry in one thing.
Corrupt morals in a culture is suicide. (And with Unis in the news so much, SJW is a dirty word)

Says who?

Mombot is a man

i-i Mean i dont have proof, and one guy who said they know them said they were a man, but i cant prove that right now, but remember Alison rapp?!

The Solipsist God Complex: MY WORD IS FACT!

Yeah, and I know that they rape kids and get away with it because they bribe the judges with the kids. I mean, I got bo proof, but Listen and Believe.


Also, i love how they are still this asshurt over mombot, goddamn

Tweets I've found asking SO5 about the censorship:


In the thread talking about this (not a GG one), someone suggested taking the diaper meme and implying they are fetishizing toddlers. As a joke. @AlexPawllo actually did it, the absolute madman or shill, or idiot. Don't be like Alex.

Mombot could sell all the salv and ve a billionare.

In the trash

Are we buying ads for e3 for deepfreeze?

That could actually be a good idea. Worth discussing indeed.
What did we use last time we did that again ? I forgot.

speaking of star ocean,can you waifu the tiles witch? I was thinking about buying it used.

If you have a ps3, import jap used, it has eng subs, the ameican one is going to be butchered to hell and back. Just watch.

I believe that Mombot is a Japanese person living in Japan, but I'll never be 100% convinced that Mombot is actually female or a mother. That said I have no problem addressing her as such just to see these people squirm.


For her

For all the accusations of us being the woman haters and transphobes, they sure like to deny other people their gender.

All I remember was the thunderclap.
If we could cobble the money together it seems like a pretty good idea. The pessimist in me says it won't do much but I think it's worth a shot.

I didn't know that the jap version has subs, did sony add region lock to the ps4 or is the subs exclusive to the ps3 vesrion? I have both and will import the ps3 version if needed.

What are the details on the powerpuff girls gamergate episode?

This was merely a rumor some random user started. It's very probable such a thing will never happen.

Ps3 version is jap only. West and japan both get ps4

I fail to understand how it even matters. Is she more worth than others just because she's female or japanese? I like her bants and her engagement in GamerGate. I don't follow her because of her sex or race.

It's not like the cultist treat women or black differently to any other GG supporter anyway. They are fucking hypocrites.

Though, if you have ps3 and ps4, import either or. Do not buy west used.

Even a Japanese dev will get that. Even though Japan uses red x for "wrong" and a green O for "good".

No risk of it being twisted as to it being a camera angle thing? (Keep the panties but don't let me see them!)

Consider pic related, then think what SJW do.
To be a woman, you can't act feminine.
To be a man, you can't act masculine.
To be gay, you have to be flaming and protect your sexuality like a religion.
To be accepting you have to wholeheartedly accept _, no matter what, warts and all, and never talk about the warts.
To be a good citizen you have to give more rights and respect to foreigners who have less skill than your own vagrants.
To have a good economy you have to reject capitalism and make everyone equal except the boss. He only has a little bit more.
To be intelligent, you have to reject ideas that don't conform to what you "know."
To be individual, you have to conform.
To reach your goals, you must always progress vaguely towards the "better future".

Marxism and cult mentality.
Take the desperate, deranged, and damaged.
Give them love in spades, then demand they do shit to get more.
And while you're at it, turn everything they know on it's head.
(A) To subvert; (1) To overturn from the foundation; to overthrow; to ruin utterly. (2) To pervert, as the mind, and turn it from the truth; to corrupt; to confound. (3) To upturn convention from the foundation by undermining it (literally, to turn from beneath).
(B) Political subversion; A systematic attempt to overthrow a government, group, or system by working from within; undermining.

Memorize everything about stopping communism/marxism/subversion. There will need to be a BIG trigger in the world to eliminate it, but for now we need to weaken it wherever we can. So what better than our hobby? A media where you cannot progress unless you do as the game says. This is dangerous in the wrong hands. So lets protect it, then we can enjoy all the vices of violence, sex, drugs, all within digital fiction. And then we learn to look at what is taboo in ways we never thought of. True art. A dialogue, not a surreal cry of insanity.

We keep saying we'll need to save the world to save vidya. To be honest, it's not that far from the truth.

It's because of both.
The objective of the anti #GamerGate people is to contain #GamerGate into their own echo chambers. Any individual capable of breaking containment, as in, E-celebs (both in YouTube and Twitter), anyone against the narrative, anyone capable of reaching actual devs, etc, gets painted as a target and gets silenced using swarm tactics, like mass reports, or screaming "harassment!". At this point in time, #GamerGate is properly contained, and we need to do stuff to break containment.

Fucking kill the western game industry and media.

Just fucking kill it.


they hate her so much because she keeps on making them look bad.




Here are his butthurt responses.

Also the FUTURE, guess he's never heard of unisex bathrooms.

Destroying femininity has really hurt trannies more than they will ever admit. I like a pqssable tranny, but a lardbeast who acts like a man will always be a he.

Unisex bathrooms are quite common, too bad hes to stupid to know they exist.


They want to rewrite the past, because they want it to happen again.

No. They want to rewrite it so that no one gets triggered by the inconvenient truths that history often reveals.

Hell, it isn't even a recent development. I remember a show from the 90's had a running joke about unisex bathrooms. I think it was Ally McBeal.

That reminds me has Target buckled yet? Does the boycot still go strong?

Yea the joke is that nobody wants to use them because it makes men and women feel weird peeing/shitting next to folks of the opposite sex.

In America anyway, in Japan its quite common and nobody cares.

The idiotic pawns want that. The head want what I said. "Muh holocaust" does not go as far as it used to. Those who control the knowledge of the past, can control the future.


Just remember Cliffy's game is published by Nexon, that should give you another reason not to play it.

Guess it's a bit early to be asking this but…

Next baker: can you add the Dickwolves dig thread to the Current Happenings?
That list is old as shit and needs some updating.

Wow, he did not just fall, he crashed into the earth like icarus.

Wait, really? You faggots are just now realizing it was the same people all along? Are you fucking daft? You even needed to look? It was fucking obvious to anyone who cared pre-5guys.

I guess that's how you can tell who jumped on the bandwagon from somewhere like Reddit, they're always the ones who forget that #gamergate is only a part of a much larger whole, a much larger fight that's been ongoing for over a decade.

That tactic is failing for the "leaders" then. Jews are considered to be white and therefore more privileged. The pawns are becoming self deluded guided. Like ISIS they will become an animal that is out of their control.


Brandon said they wanted to make all the arrangements within 2 weeks 8 days ago.



If you mean 5 days from now that's barely within the timeframe, though we should try to shill it more before then.

Where'd you find that second pic?

"Diversity" wins wars, people!

For her

>I made a shitty little msPaint sketch of what it should look like to give drawfags an idea. There was so much potential for her leaning on a shovel handle with those big tits. Good to see someone finally did it

You know, I wouldn't have cared if I saw that in game. Any media set in the future is allowed to envision it however it wants. You can't really base a future setting in fact as it's all speculation. If you think we'll have gender neutral bathrooms in the future, then fine. I imagine space conservation will be an issue, so it's more practical than two bathrooms. But don't act all smug about it on twitter, pretending your scifi fiction somehow reflects on the present as some sort of gotcha

Did I strike a nerve? Do you have a photographic memory, or do you care to present a complete list of Dickwolves media agitators?

We wuz soljurs.

Remember that there are more than 1 sect of jew, and much like the sects of chritianity, they don't all get along perfectly either. They are greedy and selfish even amongst their own.

My money's on hotglue

That's not what I said at all, you dumb nigger. I was laughing at the fact that you just now noticed something that was incredibly obvious. By all means, add it to the list, but every time you investigate all the SJW shit and look at what games these websites have promoted (or slammed), no shit it's going to be the same names.

It always was.
By all means list them off, but don't be upset when someone laughs at the leader of GamergateHQ for being shocked, shocked that games media had earned its reputation for years before Reddit noticed.

user, a lot of us knew, but if you can refer to everyone to where it was used for ammunition against the journos instead of the other COIs, because I remember five guys burger and fries was still in the upswing, then GJP list was leaked, and the exodus happened, we were using their dirty shit against them, and people were still pissed when PA guys swallowed the harassment shit and went to digging DiGRA, Indiecade/Indiefest, and COIs, just think of that thread as a consolidation of digs and everything else, because Acid is an idiot at times, but doesn't hurt to archive it all.

Ah shit, they got 5 days to get 400 dollars.

saw it on HQ

Stock lost $2.5B in value, last I've heard. Also pic related. Changing room, not bathroom, but that's just a step away.



Holla Forums is raiding us.

>>>Holla Forums5722744
>>>Holla Forums5724549


I think this is months ago, and it's in the OP. Anything come from this?

Since I don't believe anyone's identity, mombot being a man would not shock me at all.

But I find it funny how the accusers are people who are liars who lied about their identities themselves

Iczer/Margaret Gel is a good example of someone who has no room t talk about people lying about who they might be on the internet.

Back to neogaf you go retard. Everything here has been done by the same people, everyone knows this, but it's good to see the intricacies that may not have been caught or overlooked before.>Mombot

That was an immediate red flag to me

That said, no one like that is very competent


shit wrong link


Oh are they? I think the answer of who is "raiding" us is a lot more simple, Mr. (1).

i am so tired of that fucking sperg

Perhaps, or maybe just to see if the young tards would learn easier or take any interest at all…

they assume she is a man because of high ranking shitposting skill, shoeonhead gets that a lot too
beta orbiters really think women are useless and need to whiteknight a lot, they have reverse-internalized sexism, to use their language

Yeah, uncensored porn and gore, same shit when someone's is really upset at the post quality, must be the Battlefield 1 threads, lots of spaghetti and spergs there.

They said they dindunuffin, here a sarcastic tweet by their EiC years ago archive.is/uPVD7, notice the retweets and faves? indie hipsters.

Unlike the other GJP players, they quietly went underground and hope people forgets about it.

Great, now I can't post the Rockies anymore?

Sounds like goons.

Or /baph/

Did everyone see this already?


/baph/ ARE goons

It's something we must all come to accept eventually.


I checked the thread. The faggot can't even ban evade and he's probably been permab& by now, so I think it should be safe as long as you don't speak in broken English.

Giorgio best boy.

So the answer to the fix the post quality is by doing edge the raid?

I don't care about having a nigger as a main character, Niggers still won VC and Medal of Honors, and I've met personally niggers serving in the SAS one of which was who is has a VC and is still fucking alive, it's perfectly believable but a woman, now you have fucking stretched it. Women in the military are a joke, even the best female soldier is worse than a below average male soldier, ask anyone who has served in the military and they will hold the same sentiment.

I suspect 50% of that thread is the guy samefagging for false consensus. Thread ids have been quite useful in preventing that here.

Ralpshill must be bored as fuck

Ralphshill can ban evade.

He now wants to get Holla Forums and /a/ to raid us. Heh. Neither care enough about Holla Forums to bother with us.


Or drive users away for awhile, its either a butthurt retard trying to form an army or just a goon, seems like its just 2-3 people posting shit.

You know that you can post multiple pictures? Like a cap of the content you want to post and your reaction image?

The obvious virtue signaling is fucking disgusting, devs care more about how "progressive" their game is instead of finding new ways to innovate their games. Gamers don't give a fuck about a fucking bathroom in a fps or we care more about the quality of a fun and if it is fun something that western devs seems to have forget. Faggots like him who are wasting time trying to appease the sjws and the media instead of trying to appease their target audience are the reason we are heading into a dark age with gaming.

I assumed people already saw it so I didn't think it was worth taking a cap, especially since it's not quite on topic

His game is published by Nexon, so nothing of value was lost.

I really need to reread before I post.

So you want everyone to click on the link, just to see something they already probably saw? Quite a lot of effort for many, instead of one.

I post on our /a/ and I can tell you it would be really hard to convince them to raid their own kitchen pantry let alone a board.

Unless I'm mistaken, don't some of their games include fucking rootkits?


I can only hope that most JP Centric devs remain untainted.

Seems like SE focuses on the west so their shit will always be tainted.

Sony never adds region lock after PS2 because one of the heads got pissed at the idea if they travel a lot they would have to buy games from different region and it didn't work for the system. Only P4U got region locked because Atlus was afraid of reverse importers and then swore they would never do it again after loads of people thew a hissy fit

Yes, the only game that I can honestly say that was good was Maplestory, but that game is old, before the whole lets steal player information and force them with pay to win shit and make the game as unplayable as it is addictive.

If I remember right, some of them are packaged with Pando Media Booster, because fuck you.

Games have not even tried to be creative after every dev and hos mom decided to use unreal or unity like an ugly crutch for their lack of programming skills. AAA and AA will only begin heal after they get away and make new engines again.


It is really telling that when the problem affets you, good shit gets done.

Yeah its way better than Nintendo who made the DS region free only to region lock the Wii, the Wii U, and the 3DS for no reason.


While we are "contained" bar a few scuffles on Twitter- to be honest, SJW are more "triggered" and retreating/blocking, making their own safe-space tighter to GG AND neutrals.
Any time anything anti-SJW or pro-Trump comes up, we get blamed!
We didn't tell Milo to do that tour. We didn't tell a neutral to think more rationally. We didn't tell good devs and youtubers to speak frankly about us.

We are a boogeyman. But we do need to bare our fangs more often to keep that reputation.

I keep saying we tag-jack gaming events and mention any journo/dev that's going and all the shit they did. (bar E3 out of it being fun for "everyone", but with how much of a shit-show it's been, maybe we should forget that)

I also think we need to repost mailing goals in threads. When was the last time you emailed an advertiser?
When was the last time we checked who was advertising on SJW websites??

However, beyond these old tactics I'm stuck.
If we debate SJW, they block us and encourage twitter to silence us. If we inform normals, we come across like Jehova's Witnesses.

We do need to shill Deep Freeze HARD. Trigglypuff became infamous as Big Red overnight. The whos are half-way there (supported by journos), yet the journos are untouched. Save for Megaphone, they still have their ivory tower and legion of plebs to say they are good. The pedo connections? The harassment? The cons? We need to expose that more. Make them TOXIC. It's not harassment if it's true, and a warning to consumers.

Then we need to make a Deep Freeze equivalent for informing people about SJW. Milo articles for normalfags. Another way of doing this is memes. Not just internet jokes, but the actual study of how memetic information spreads. Holla Forums got a guide leaked by the US goverment on how they use memetics. We need to use our own "meme magic" to spread the truth. How better than to turn the SJW from idol of the future to radioactive, and anyone who dares breath the words they did become toxic by association.

We also need to push an alternative social media platform Twitter and time it perfectly so that becomes the next big thing when Twitter fails. The people who use SJW are watching, and you can be damn sure the next social media they'd want would re-enforce SJW politics HARD.

We need to connect to Japan more. We have a website explain GG in Japanese, now we need to spread it to 2ch and others. Look at the first pic related. They think we are ALL SJW. This will crawl up to the bigger developers. The jew-y ones are already in on the game, and are happy to sell anything for money. The decent devs will just refuse to localize. No interest in foreign games means stricter laws against imports (like TPP) will come into effect- how can their be opposition? Someone who wants something no one is selling him. How dare you don't support your countries' economy! Buy games from shops here. Games made by jew AAA or cucked indies. The SJW build a wall against Japanese games (bar the ones they approve of), and made creative freedom pay for it. Then SJW win.
Get Japan on our side, get messages up the chain.
We're technically part of the 2ch network for fuck's sake. Yes online translators are jank- better than nothing.
And don't we have 20+ guys learning Japanese to import? Why not get some of them to translate our messages and post on 2ch for us?
How hard is it to organize compared to what we've done already?

Dsi did it first. Maybe we should get the execs to travel with their kids and gift them games like adventure time that they cannot play on their 3dses.

Finally, we need to push more for a "union of gamers" style of thing- or just some way for all gamers to clearly say "these are our demands" or "this is bullshit, we won't buy it and will discourage others.". A way for everyone to make their voice heard. However, it does come with the risk of SJW using bots to manipulate the vote, AAA just ignoring it, or even worse taking a bastardized version of that demand and making it the new advertising buzz-word (like Low Fat Only 5000 calories or Organically Grown in a lab).

As a minor addendum, doing more charity work could help. Get our names out again, SJW get madder and madder as people say nice things about us, then they blurt out a lie. Then we stomp it into the dirt in front of our new "fans".

No matter what we do, remember that the truth is the sharpest dagger. It'll cut through anything, and the bigger the lie is, the more that crumbles when it's sliced.
We also have an enemy using the most bumbling foot soldiers imaginable; albeit many and having a foothold. They are narcissists. They are paranoid. They would rather humiliate and undermine their own argument to try and enrage or sadden their enemy. They will gloat and say things that reveal their true nature.
Use it. They are predictable, we just need to work out how they react- and then how they will react to us so that we may be the ones who push while they flounder and panic (and we take advantage of tackling multiple angles at once).
I've also included a screencap which might help for self-analysis, second pic related.

"When truth is buried, it grows. It chokes. It gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows up everything with it." ~ Émile Zola

"Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness…is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." ~ Helen Keller

"There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world." ~ user

Webm related, it's amazing that people are easily fooled by corporations

I don't know why

Shit you're right, all that cancer

Why did Indie gaming produce so much cancer? They were supposed to be the chosen ones.

because the smugness

I don't even need Loogle's opinion.

How can I love Giorgio if he doesn't even love himself?

Sooo, let me recap.

Who is coming next ?

Sometimes we need to swing the big stick. We dont have to hit anything, but simply swing while speaking softly.

Mmmm, if we do any charity, look up shit, and don't do it at random, and don't simply do it for pr. Thats a shitty reason to do good. Do good simply to want to do good. Look up help efforts in alberta, find one you like and chip in. Not as a gamer or gg, but simply as you, a guy or gal who wants to do good.

That's what game sense is for. The guy running it needs help spreading the word though, he's not very good at it.

Maybe we should hang a sign or something, I doubt anyone regular in this thread gets assblasted or upset at all. Personally, I'm pleased when the site is working and remind myself constantly I've never paid money to raid free sites on the internet.

Oh, and take that cap with a grain of salt. Trust, but always be wary. And do not throw words around lightly.

Because the bar is set so low, any faggot who can put some pixels together in paint to make a shape can be a "game dev" that can kickstart games where they show no gameplay, and win awards for unreleased games.

Low barrier to entry and a shitty, corrupt press promoting their friends who make pretentious non-games

Same here. I'd even say it is fun to see how many people are trying to get us off the internet without managing to do so. And at this rate, I doubt anyone could get rid of us.

Indie gaming is filled with cancer, because a lot of people want to make video games. And social justice isn't based on merit. It's based around giving everyone an award. So, you have a field with a low barrier to entry (but a high skill ceiling), and a group of people who all tell each other everything they do is great.

It's like the ultimate cycle of shit. Loser wants to make video game. Loser has SJW friends. SJW friends encourage them, even if the loser has no talent. Tons of loser SJWs make shitty games, all SJWs say they are great. SJWs run the media, so you only hear about the shitty SJW indie games.

Meanwhile, the people who develop games and work hard at it get the middle finger by nearly everyone. Not all indie games are bad, but a lot of them are, and it's because you have SJWs that can't tell someone their game sucks if they're fellow SJWs, and a lot of SJWs who want to make games.

As for Icy Blizzard, how exactly do we accomplish this goal? Twitter has just about reached saturation and it's hard to push it any further there. Maybe you could personally talk to anyone posting in a video game tag but then you sound like some Mormon/Jehovah going door-to-door to talk about Jesus. I'm assuming the Thunderclap is just to get the attention of anyone who wants to participate, as it's useless otherwise.

Are there new areas of the Internet you want to explore? I think that might be an interesting idea. Pushing alternative media sources in other (appropriate) gaming communities is always a good idea.

If you want to talk with Japs on 2ch and don't want to use a Jap proxy, there's always /liveanarchy/. Just be warned that threads there get deleted after like five minutes without a response, so it's not so much an informational campaign as much as just a way to shoot the shit. Speaking in English is fine there, too. If they don't care then they'll just ignore you.

Idiots thought that all these artsy fartsy flash games deserve cash. You dont deserve shit on frivious goods and services. The only people that deserve wealth are those who provide absolute necessities, like farmers, other food providers, and people who build houses. Not even clothes are that much of a necessity, simply a courtesy.

Is Icy Blizzard using Roninwork's broad explanation about GG for this?

Need to start reaching out to neutrals. Just show them the facts about how shitty localization is, how corrupt some sites are, etc. Rub it in their faces, let the know. Twitter is saturated, Holla Forums is saturated, reddit is saturated. They're all saturated.

Stay focused on the games and the journalism. That's it, if they bring up Chelsea, here's your answer

You still have good indie games coming out, like FTL, Shovel Knight, Stardew Valley, and Hotline Miami

And shantae. the new game is getting a physical release too apparently.

But SJWs don't buy games.

Inquisition was literally tumblr the game and it failed.

I have a huge backlog, but that game looks fun.

"Icy Blizzard" is from Netscape. As far as I can tell his reason for doing anything is self-promotion and drama more than anything else. That's why he didn't discuss it beforehand or anything, he only posts in this thread to shill his stuff.

For some reason it was stickied by KIA mods immediately though. Meanwhile I messaged them but they never stickied the Niche Gamer E3 fundraiser or even responded, which is frustrating.


All shantae games are fun. And the new one coming out, while looking a bit too chibi, looks great. Estimated release june/july.

Exactly, they're not all bad. But the SJWs encourage more shitty SJW developers, because they won't tell them their game is bad. That's why there's so many. Do you think the journos would be nice to a game that was completely equivalent to Rev60 in quality if it was made by someone from gamergate, Holla Forums, or even someone like Tennepal (the Earthworm Jim guy, I butchered his name).

There are lots of good indie games. But if you're not an SJW and in the clique, they will only talk about you if you get enough organic interest in your game through places like forums, image boards, and reddit. Meanwhile, the most awful shit will be shilled in major sites as some some or revolutionary artistic narrative storytelling experience because it was made by an SJW.

Is there one I should start with? I mean, I don't want to play the best one first. Is it better to go chronologically?

Kia is pissed at not being the leaders I imagine. Remember how a fer of their shitier users tried to coopt TD and claim it was all them.

I hate to say this, but nobody is taking the initiative here in Holla Forums.

All are on 3ds, so pirate them if you want, play riskys revenge first, then the gameboy do not emulate, it really does not like emulators, pirate on 3ds and then pirates curse, which I like the best.

You get massive spergouts like Phil Fish and that guy who made that awful looking phonecall game. That's a huge red flag. When they act like that, chances are their game was never worth buying in the first place, but there might be exceptions I'm not thinking of.

If I can purchase it on 3DS, I'll do that. I want to support devs if I can help it, but only if I feel they deserve it by putting in the effort of making a good game.

They have 50 000 user count and sit on their asses, while we have a good 150 on this thread, and maybe 300 more on hq. If they all posted shit on twitter about TD fire emblem, the damage would be glorious. I am glad to see them getting off their arses, but lets not deny the sat on their hands for a while and do virtue signal a bit too much.

Try then buy, but get riskys revenge on pc for the best version.

That's not my point. You could have 50.000 retards sucking their thumbs, they mean nothing if they don't do things. And while we have 50+ people at best on this thread, nobody is taking the initiative to make those 50.000 people work.

Sure, nothing wrong with taking initiative, I'm just tired of Netscape's attention-seeking and meltdowns. It seems pretty hard to fuck up a thunderclap though.

Anyway, we should shill the Niche Gamer fundraiser to try to get it funded the next few days. Could someone make another KIA thread next morning?

It's hard to tell what is being purposely upboated over there. Their lack of ops can be summed up in pick related

Ahh, it sounds like we are on the same page. Sorry

The voting system is garbage. You have people trying to get as much upvotes as possible and panic when they get downvotes.

I created an account when Holla Forums was spamming baneposting (It was an askreddit topic about the saddest movie scene and they spammed CIA dying in the Dark Knight Rises). They upvoted anything toi do with the planecrashing scene and downvoted everything else.

One user fucking panicked when he received downvotes, editing his posts just begging for it to stop. It was baffling as fuck. It's just a point system for comments you make.

I think you guys are under-estimating how lazy and unmotivated people are. It's not just gamergate, the whole world is getting like that. people don't like to work hard anymore to accomplish anything. They're overwhelmed with information and technology makes it really easy to do some amazing things. Things you'd normally never be able to do or would take a ton of work and talent.

You need people to get people motivated. I'll probably be called a leaderfag or something for this, but you need people who can guide people and point them on the right track. But every time anyone steps up to try and do that for gamergate, the community or people pretending to be gamergate is split on them. We're spinning our wheels. But imagine a group of 50,000 people with no leader, and trying to get them to accomplish something. It'll never happen, even if you have a ton of really intelligent people.

Worst part of this is that getting started with this stuff, it always feels like you're pissing into the wind. Not a lot of people can deal with the fact that on the internet, you have to keep shouting and shouting amongst the noise until people start to recognize you. It's a long and arduous process, and people give up way too easily. We were handed action on a silver platter with 5 guys, Chelsea had a juicy sex scandal on top of some really fucked up journalistic corruption. It was a perfect storm to get people motivated. But that's never going to happen again. It's only going to happen if people take the dive and get used to screaming into the ocean of screaming retards and hoping that the bright stragglers in the ocean hear you and help you.

Look at niche gamer. There was a time when it was just some blog and it had one post by someone (probably Brandon) on it. No hits, nothing. No one cared. And you know what? He kept at it, and now it's successful. And people dont' realize on the internet, no matter what, you have to fight for people to get motivated. You could create the perfect website or community or whatever, that solved a ton of problems for people, and they wouldn't sign up for it, unless it was something they used every day in their lives.

Doesn't matter how amazing you think your idea is, or your infographic, or your meme. You have to keep shilling it and pushing, even when it feels like you're doing nothing.

It helps if what you are trying to push is a good idea to begin with, not this whole "We need to boycott devs" thing some others try.

But yea, if it wasn't for pushing info with hard work, gamergate would never have taken off to begin with. The threads exposing LW's COIs didn't get many replys, until people started noticing the censorship coming from this.

This sounds about right. Any random putz coming in with no merit is bound to bring in cancer.

Developers now are convinced that diversity will finally give them the ever-elusive "mainstream" numbers like CoD has and make them big bucks. They are mistaken, but they are still deluded in this thinking.

I'm more getting tired of useless thunderclaps, Netscape or not.

People seriously need to stop, they trigger me so goddamn hard. They only worked a very small number of times, give it a rest. Thunderclaps are always so forced and fill people's feed with obnoxious spam, I admittedly ignore them all now.

Dis nigga's power level is off the charts.

Weaponized autism and if no one else will, we have to be the watchdog while not burning out or let GG dictate our lives.

>>>Holla Forums5920506

Off topic, but if we're being shilled, this is a good indicator as to what could be happening.

Hes probably got some tales to tell.


Sounds fake. I doubt actual paid PR firms spend any time on imageboards, that really sounds more like someone from Holla Forums bullshitting.

This sounds way too much like a Holla Forums user flattering other Holla Forums users.

Shilling on imageboards has always seemed more the work of unpaid autists rather than actual PR thinking it's a productive use of time and money.

Those groups exist for video games. Search for "ayzenberg" or look at ion.co. There's a lot of them, check their client list. The reviews for ayzenberg on glassdoor have people who left claiming the company tells people to leave good reviews on glassdoor. This is what they do, they exist, they don't say they are shills or marketers. They say they're advertising via organic methods or some other technical bullshit.

It's definitely not outlandish. It's a lot like how native advertising took over television. In the 90s, you had people freaking out about tivo letting you skip ads, and you had shows like Seinfeld where the brands where all covered up, even cereal in the apartment.

And now? You have Comcast who owns NBC selling people set top boxes that can skip commercials. And you know what else changed? You watch a TV show, and there's corporate logos everywhere. Apple laptops, alienware, coke logos. Cups turned so you can see the logo.

Advertising has changed. It's not how it used to be. But if you think there aren't people who are getting paid to influence social media, while pretending to be a real user, you're insane. It happens, there's companies that do it.




Of course these groups exist, and of course there are marketers on at least 4chan, if not here. It's so easy to do.

But plausible does not mean proven, and Hitchens' razor still applies.

BBC has always been for a couple of decades now, try one-upping US Universities giving "Participation" Awards and money to nutjobs.


Why isn't that illegal? It's blatant discrimination

You gotta be shitting me. I would be be disgusted if I had that Award, since it fucking worthless as dog shit now.

Because it's okay when they do it. :^)

Meritocracy doesn't care about your gender, race, or whatever, just on how well you can work.

But in this day and age, everyone wants to get paid for doing fuck all.

Because its some shit job and the intern will be used as a slave.

Its why you don't see this shit in jobs that matter like being a nurse, diversity isn't going to save anyone in a life and death situation nor can you deny treatment to someone either.

Archive.is won't archive this page, so here's a article written by Burch for keks.
web.archive.org/web/20160508024725/https://www.please use archive.is/leveling-systems-scare-the-crap-out-of-me-352929.phtml

fugg, I'm an idiot.

leveling systems in any game

Uhh user, some contries are going for more muslim doctors, and are going to let them have prayer breaks. Maybe even through an operation. Though, the mal0ractice lawsuit may drive the muslims away.

what sort of kikery is this

So Memeland's leveling system and in proxy the entire game was a mistake?

Oh, well nevermind, I'm an idiot, you need to be a "patron" support on destructoid to read an article written by Burch. My bad.

Are you fucking kidding me?

No just, fuck no, healthcare is the one thing that should be safe from these cunts.

As for denying treatment, there are slimy ways around that. Though if caught pulling that, they would not be able to live in north america without a new face.

Im not kidding you. But as I said, taking a prayer break through a surgery, or doing a sloppy mess would land a malpractice lawsuit pretty damn fast, and probably deter others from becoming doctors.

Is Kotaku in Action cancer?

Redditors are really attached to their imaginary internet points. Like social media addicts who validate their worth by the number of likes they have.

It's kind of sad to see.

That's adorable.

I understand it I hate that sony and microsoft made the trophy/achivment system. but it is retarded.

I'm glad I never invest in those. Never platinum'd a game before. Never will.

Some can be fun, but most are tedious. Any achivment that needs boosting to get, I ignore. and many are too spoilery for my liking.


Andromeda comes to mind.

I think I've actively tried to platinum a few games that I was already close so why not etc… I think I finished most games with about 40% percent of trophies completed. When it adds extra challenge, that is usually what will do it. So many games are so easily beatable.

It's their jobs to basically stoke the flames of fanboys, so the fanboys head out and do the marketing for them. It's like a jump start type of thing.

I platinum'ed LOTR Shadow of Mordor.

Never again.

Plenty of paid shills story from halfchan days, especially the ME3 one and if it was to be believed, it was the journos who started that the complaints about the ending was entitlement and you should respect Bioware's halfass game and Day-1 DLC.

There's two types of achievements
The second one isn't that bad, it's sort of like having someone go

Story ones are lame. Challenge ones can be neat, but also can be stupid. Collect shit ones are meticulos and not usually worth it. Speedrun ones are the worst ones in my opinion.

ME 3 was a PR disaster for EA. The journos were at their beck and call, especially IGN if I remember well.

ME 3 made me ignore AAA shovelware, at least I owe it that.

Achievements were thought as a way to track how much of a game was actually played. For example, you can see how many people has finished a game by tracking the "end game" achievement.

So, back to the topic. Netscape is shilling his own thing. Nichegamer needs to be funded. Star Ocean will be released soon, we need to push OC to Torrential Downpour. And in general, we need more memes and more OC and try to find new ways to break containment. What about YouTube?

Got burnt during the seventh gen for consoles, the triple A bullshit and buzzwords, and the utter disappointment, false promises and broken and overpriced hardware.

Pardon my ignorance but who is Netscape?

An old webrowser

There are some you have to save/reload repeatedly to do.

Like for example in Trails of Cold Steel, you get a trophy for each of the character dance scenes. You have to keep reloading and viewing each scene. Tedious as fuck.

Another one where you have to open every single chest in the game in a single playthrough. Played it 3 times but still can't open all.

Then cancel enemy arts a hundred times. Enemies do arts rarely.

A non-notable ProGG sperg.

Autist, just imagine a John Kelly who isn't a conspiracy nut, but still drops spaghetti and sometimes goes on meltdown, but manages to get back up, he's a bit more honest on his intentions, but he can get goddamn annoying with his drama.

Can't keep up with all those ecelebs, especially since I don't use any social medias.

Holla Forumsack allegedly interviewed TrigglyPuff.


Reminder that goons are scum. Pics include goons getting pissy about shantae being a little lighter in a piece of art, telling someone to die because they're not SJW scum, etc. Goons are scum.

Looks pretty fake.

Shouldn't they be off crying in halfchan and plebbit because they're losing a lot of money on their virtual war effort in EVE?

Granblue eh. Do you have a good team?

Her name, face and voice will forever be attached to the Trigglypuff meme. It will come up once she ask for credit and will come up when HR google her name.

A fate worse than death for the sjw.

did you read the description? clearly says it's a parody

Fucking hypocrites. And which pic is the shantae one of the original pics were too pale, but I would not flip out at wayfoward like a retarded sperg. I met a dev of the gameboy game and he was cool.

Nice clickbait

I still don't understand how a website that started out with the intent on being edgy and trolling people ended up in social justice hell, pretending to be moral crusaders against stinky doo-doo heads on the internet. I mean, it's laughable. How can you even pretend to be a hardcore provocateur if you make yourself an open target by getting offended at silly things? How does a person become so hypocritical that they twist their ideology around like goons have?

Maybe this:

Or maybe SJWs wormed their way in/infected and warped it to their liking. Much like what they're trying to do with games.

I'll have you know I may or may not have been drinking.

Many reasons, nepotism, challenge, thriving on large outrage, money, alot of money. Thats all I got.

but it's not even new people infecting the site, it's old goons who were long time trolls turning into pussies.

Take retsupurae for instance. Those guys used to make fun of faggots making shitty let's plays. They would take their footage, talk over it, and just roast them. Then they stopped doing it "because it was mean." And Slowbeef started uploading opinion videos where he shits on gamers and nerds for being racist/sexist.

Then you've got people like zoe quinn, who started out on helldump, basically a doxing forum. She goes from that to turning around and complaining about harassment? Fucking how?

Maybe they couldn't accept they're dicks and tried to convince - and possibly redeem themselves - they're good people.

Nah, some are doing it for counter outrage. But quinn is doing it for money. Infact, I imagine many are doing it for money. Everyone has a price, and someone found theirs.

Quinn is easy. She's still every bit as malicious and vicious as when she was on Helldump, but now she masks it with anti-harassment, and she's using that narrative to boost her income

I can't explain how goons turned into SJWs though. That one's beyond me.

Easy to justify malice as justice and get away with it, or as I said, money.

It's complicated but I think part of it is actually related, in that the mentality and tactics to mock and raid randum furries or people with weird fetishes or whatever were then taken up to witch hunt and raid "misogynists" or "racists" or "pedophiles". Except that the latter is far more dangerous because it involves smears that give disproportionate power among more mainstream groups. Also just the norm of strong groupthink in general makes a SJW death-spiral easier.

The took the word atonement the wrong way.

Hello and goodnight


These fake conspiracies are getting more elaborate.

None of these cookies actually exist, all a ruse to drive people to some dead spin off site.

When was the last time you told your waifu you loved her?

I say it every time before I fall asleep in hopes of having good dreams about her.

I've been doing it since 1996.

It's like they're not even trying anymore

You remind me of my nerdy black friend from middle school who was absolutely bonkers for Washu and Need for Speed oddly enough


I like your friends taste then again, as long as its not ayaeka.

Odd choice

Mihoshi was better

Washus a pervy goblin who in the ova can become an ara at will, but tends not to.

They're not the most forward-thinking lot.

I asked once before, but asking again:


It is needed, and badly.

There's some effort there, red text infographic, wall of text, archive links. It's dressed up as something an Alex Joonesbergstein type might fall for.

A shot in the dark, ask if kym has any of the info.

Ayeka a shit

Strongly disagree

sounds familiar but it's not ringing any bells

All girls were pretty good ayeka aside.

Check the archives of the breads at the Currenthappenings page, it was during December 2014 to February 2015

it's because he's the reason /furry/ has a captcha per post

It's the thing he used to flood several boards he created so they'd appear in the "top 25" list. I think it was also used on Holla Forums back when they kept sperging out.

/gg/ edge thread

Torrent for all Edge issues torrentino.net/torrents/15qc6-edge-collection
Thread that link was in archive.is/WEsXx

What is Tasofro thinking?

Im still waiting for another more traditional touhou gighting game with yuugi and shouand kanako too.

'tis all that i need.

Come to think of it, why don't we have one website or category in the GitGud repo purely for linking to (and backing up) GG dig archives/pastes? I feel like we end up in this conundrum so much and yet we never end up keeping a list. I realize that some people will inevitably butt heads on which digs are allowed but I'd rather have all the digs than not have a single repository in the first place.


Firing of Tim Langdell

In 2009, the IGDA fired board member Tim Langdell of defunct studio Edge Games for threatening to sue any developer whose game had the word "Edge" in the title, such as Electronic Arts and its game Mirror's Edge.
Andy Chalk, Tim Langdell Loses IGDA Membership, The Escapist forum post, escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.238788-Tim-Langdell-Loses-IGDA-Membership
KPexEA, Tim Langdell & the IGDA, Slashdot submission, 2009, beta.slashdot.org/submission/1050893/tim-langdell-the-igda

Langdell claimed that Edge Magazine publisher Future Publishing had ordered Langdell to pursue these claims under the terms of a previous trademark sharing agreement.
please use archive.is/articles/2011-07-21-tim-langdell-refutes-trademark-troll-tag

Edge Magazine had anti-gamer articles in 2003:
* April 2002 cover story: Videogames are pointless. Discuss. Why academics and the mass media see you as a silly child playing silly games.
* April 2003 cover story: Bored to death of videogames? Gaming reaches its mid-life crisis.
* January 2004 cover story Mainstream: Why the days of hardcore gamers are numbered.

Persons allegedly involved:
* Keith Stewart (Dec 1995 - Aug 2005) - Contributor to [[The Guardian]]
* Jon Jordan (Feb 1998 - Dec 2007) - Editor-at-large of [[Pocket Gamer]]
* Kieron Gillen (Mar 2002 - Mar 2007) - Co-founder [[Rock, Paper, Shotgun]]
* Simon Parkin (Jan 2003 - Dec 2007) - Wrote an anti-GG article for [[The New Yorker]]
* Jin Rossignol (2003-2005) - Co-founder [[Rock, Paper, Shotgun]]
* John Walker (Sep 2003 - Dec 2006) - Co-founder [[Rock, Paper, Shotgun]]
* Tim Edwards (Jan 2004 - Mar 2007) - Owner of [[PCGamesN]]
* Brandon Boyer (June 2004 - Dec 2006) - Chairman of [[Indie Game Fund]]
* John Hicks (Jun 2006 - May 2007) - Former editor-in-chief of [[Xbox Magazine (UK)]]
* Ste Curran - Co-owner of [[Agency for Games]]
* Leigh Alexander - columnist (2011-present) when her politics did a 180
* Matthew Devereux - edge writer (2006-2007) also wrote a 2008 CSMonitor article The Moral Cost of Video Games decrying violence in video games csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2008/0107/p09s02-coop.html
This is according to an Holla Forums image not confirmed


And the raid continues. Report whenever you see shit threads popping up.

>>>Holla Forums5724705

sad but it's the weekend and they prob need to let off some steam, doubt many will follow such a invitation anyways

have at it

This guy must be really fucking rectal ragnarok'd.


what's this about Battlefield again?

If you missed it, ea being ea and using "we are pro sjw guys" to deflect criticism. Again.

Wait there is a raid going on?

It's pretty fucking weak if I barely noticed it, even that one guy that use to mainly spam threads was more noticeable

Remember where you are.

You can't "raid" Holla Forums. We shitpost more than the raiders do.

The "raid" is just shills trying to D&C. The problem is they don't have enough people to make it look real. It's just a couple of guys with VPNs slowly "raiding." It's honestly pathetic.

Come on

I mean, come on

This is the sort of piece of human shit that WISHES he had the chance to be a pathetic cuck.

story on pic?

Feminism was right all men are rapists. Are they right about the wage gap too.

It's funny because the guy's an obvious plebbitor, too. All he does is "spam" in a couple template threads with pictures stole from imgur and one-word comments. I always knew Holla Forums was shitty and full of newfags but cut me some fucking slack here.



Yeah, about that.

Every time.


It is. Read the article.

Of fucking course.

Now if they were on GNU SOCIAL MASTER RACE this wouldn't be a problem.

das cute

11/10 Loving the emotive ahoge.
Speaking of appreciating draws: Too bad there won't be a finished version.

As far as I understand, Twitter is a promotion tool, meaning you either make a short phrase to promote yourself/an idea you like or link to a long form promotion with a short "baity"/catchy title/statement. Makes me wonder if Bob knows what a pastebin is.

Can't wait until GNU/Social becomes more popular than Twitter.

What do you guys think of Karl Popper? I see a lot of what feminism puts forward going against his scientific and political theories. He is considered one of the most important scientific philosophers of the 20th century, so using his quotes in their proper context (politics and science) gives instant credibility. Here's a taste.

This guy is pure fucking gold.

Cool, I'm Welsh, I should ap-
Of course, I should never have doubted


I might be stupid, but I'm having trouble understanding this one. Is he saying that truth is outside of human understanding, or control? I think it's the latter, but I am unsure

This is freaking adorable.

That explains all the CP from the guy who never figured out that actual Holla Forums users don't use trips.

He's saying that if we hold something, particularly a popular idea, to be so sacred that we can't question it (finding out the truth), then we forfeit our right to claim that we are capable of, or have the authority as an intelligent species, to know the truth of anything and everything.

Basically everyone can be criticized, and because of everyone can be criticized we shouldn't trust anyone as an objective source of knowledge. It's the difference between a scientist going "Such and such is true because I'm a scientist and I say so" and a scientist going "Such and such is true because of the evidence". Popper is condemning the first one because they are using their authority as a reason to accept what they are saying, whereas popper prefers the latter one because they are backing up their claim with evidence.

As it relates to feminism it's an outright condemnation of the whole "listen and believe" philosophy. No human can be trusted completely with having the truth and so listening and believing anyone outright is a bad thing to do. What Popper suggests we do is actively try to disprove our current theories, then if they can take what we throw at them we are justified in accepting them.

As for what he thinks about truth being outside of human understanding, that's a whole other rabbit hole.

no dignity.

none at all.

"No cow is sacred" then. I don't want to derail by getting into the human understanding thing. Thank you both.


funny thing about plans, they tend to fuck up and don't have the desired outcome.

The best way to advance is to do nothing and take apart the plans of others.

It's like some of the basic tenants of Tae-Kwon-Do, if you wait until the enemy attacks, you can hit them with greater force as they advance with their own assault.

Intl will fail at whatever they do because we're AWARE of them. That itself is a fatal error. The paranoia is there and that itself only means people will power through the idiocy so long as you make these sorts of posts.

I'm glad these GG breads are still a regular thing. Nice to know shills haven't burned everyone out.

300 posts in 9hrs, it's pretty much dead, just us autists left now.

That's kinda gay.

That is bloody adorable.

Vavra is da real MVP

He worked on skyrim?

Yes, lead designer.

You misogynists doing anything for Mother's Day?

Bought my mom a spa weekend or some shit, that's enough.

will visit, bring a small present, and do some errands for her

I don't want to think about it.

GG died about one year ago. This is just a hangout now for most of you I wager.

I'll move out of the house one of these days

Play vidya

You should always be playing vidya

I honestly don't see a "raid" anywhere, or are they referring to that one guy from a couple of threads here that would post the most obvious shitpost and get banned after five minutes or that head sculpture avatarfag concern troll that would get one saged post in a thread and then disappear?

That's pretty cool, I never bought skyrim ut since a gg guy as lead designer I will buy it next sale.

What does it matter?

Vavra was also lead designer for Fallout 4.

Good to know.

Gon cook steak for mum.
Apart from that, stay in and fap like usual.


I mean it's cool not having to worry about shit but I have fuck all to do

Gonna go see captain america with her tomorrow.

I just caved bought skyrim due to gg dev, so have that to fill my time, any good mods I should get

That's just asking for a thread derailment.

You want porn? Go to lovers lab. You want just general good stuff just look at the top choices on the nexus. See what appeals to you.

Mod your life out of the game files

Kill yourself retard.

Come now, quit messing with the silly user.

He did not work at any zenimax related studio. Trust, But Verify.

stop responding to ralpshill

Did someone use that argument yet?


Fucked the arrow's direction, now it's fixed
What happened to you David
Was he always this much of a pansy faggot ?

As you all may be aware of the improved edition if Briana's Wu game Revolution 60 is coming to Steam soon (She's already uploading it to Valve servers ahead of worldwide release)
With this an opportunity to massively improve our PR efforts presents. Briana Wu is a massive voice in the modern indie games scene/feminist scene and we can score big if we do something to prove we are not against women or transexuals
We buy Revolution 60 on Steam, play it for one or one and a half hours (you can idle in the menu if you like) and leave a positive review of the game with #gamergate and #notyourenemy at the end of the review. If you like the game you can continue playing or refund it, so either way you lose nothing.
By showing the feminists we're supporting women in gaming we can clean some of our bad PR we've accumulated over the years.
Shall we?

Go back to bed, Wu.

Could you please try to be LESS obvious next time ?

Wait, that's what I'm doing!

I want shills and false-flaggers to fuck off.

What happened?

why would we give a shit about PR

You failed to kill yourself.


You posted on the board that cares about video games instead of gamergatehq.

Reminder that only shills have casual ears

Jaffe has been full GoonyBeardMan SJW. since at least 2014.



Becoming a video games journalist for dummies

my sister made her breakfast and I bought some flowers

To people who keep whining about GG being so obviously right-wing, as all other statistics established, they're full of shit


You're doing it wrong.


It is due to that the most radical cancer's are the loudest… and the most self-destructive included.

I'm sorry, I'll go ask for tumblr's forgiveness


Morning, faggots.

How goes the fall of the western industry.



Buying her cake and I got her a big Calvin & Hobbes compilation book.

My mother likes yellow flowers, so I'm getting her a pot of dahlias to add to the house's garden.

This is retarded.

Leaving fake good reviews for a bad game you are not even interested in playing (even worse, didn't actually play for more than an hour or just fiddled with the menus for a while -shame on you for even suggesting that-) only for brownie points is not good PR, is corrupt and exactly what the Journos GG despises do. Besides, Wu is a crazy ball with no loyalty to anyone and utterly despicable in every way, proved time and time again before.

spread this


It never stops.


This shit already happened in another San Francisco school last year and there was a massive backlash.

They never fucking learn.

Fascists. No doubt about it.

It looks that another lolcow archive.is/DXyDz is being rigorously active on twatter by using his other account, bashing the hashtag as if he has nothing else to do
Makes me wonder of how much are these loons even lurking here…

but of course

He is a goon and circle jerks with kav
Have been since the very start

They both constantly make sock accounts and often get caught because its so obvious its them
Like a brand new account tweets about mombot its so clear its them

He's been everywhere, just search his name and gamergate, you can see he comments about it rigorously while defending Zoe's blackhole in the hopes on going into the Nathan Grayson Horizon.

So then it's a nobody who wants to get attention from literally wu's by becoming a lapdog shocktroop?
Makes me wonder if those people ever get payed for embarrassing themselves

The entire western industry needs to fucking burn.


It isn't surprising that Zoe between the almost 1-month media blackout on Eron's zoe post managed to get both GJP to protect her cunt along with gathering her helldump goon buddies to astroturf every major social media network.


Is social justice dying?

It seems to me that it's on the ropes, at the very least. A lot has happened over the last few months that make me think this.

>FemFreqs new kickstarter is funded, but by few people, with huge donations.

There's a lot more that I can't think of off the top of my head. I really think SocJus is weakened right now. The PEOPLE see it as the cult like bullshit it really is. Teenagers and twenty something chanting "free speech sucks!" and other riff raff have really pushed a lot of their allies away. SocJus comes across as a wounded animal, backed into a corner. And like a wounded animal, is lashing out viciously to defend itself. Now colleges have "mandatory social justice classes" no doubt in response to the open hatred for them coming from the public.

And what has me really convinced? Something from my personal life. A coworker of mine that is a social justice warrior. (She even has a blue streak in her hair. Well, it's turned a shity green, but it was a baby blue) Over the last year I've watched her go from being a full blown Tumblr posting SJW, praising Sanders to, get this, loathing feminism and is thinking about voting for Trump if Sanders "get's fucked by Hillary." (I may or may not be the cause of her wanting to vote for Trump. I can be persuasive when I want to be!)

That last example means jack shit on the internet, I know. But it's given me hope. The battle for the world's soul is being waged. An entire generation is being torn down the middle, one side advocating for authoritarianism, self loathing, censorship, hatred and fear. The other side fighting for unchecked freedom. Many times throughout history a movement arises that seeks to silence others and take away freedoms. Every generation.

And every generation that movement fails.

People just want to be free, to be left alone, to like what they like and enjoy their lives. To be happy. The very idea that a bunch of cry bullying tantrum throwing twenty somethings actually thought they could kill liberty just so they could feel powerful on the internet is laughable.

All we have to do is point and laugh. Every time they spout some bullshit, laugh. Every time they cry about their boogeyman of the week, laugh. Ridicule is the most potent weapon against these sorts, these self loathing creeps. These creeps that rely on lies and corruption to "succeed." Live for the salt! Thrive on it! Harvest that shit! Because the more salt they generate, the more normalfags start to laugh at them too.

Twisted Metal series
God of War series.

No wsee, this is a person that has been fundamentally broken. Point and laugh.


So then… it's now sexist for people going to prom?

So he's bitching about "sexism" when being involved with a game that had a fucking sex mini game

I just… christ, i still remember him blowing that one journalist the fuck out over the blowjob comment, where did it all go so wrong?

Everything is sexist. It's only a matter of pointing it out.

Go on, try it! Look around your room and the next object you see is sexists. Now make up reason why that is. Because there is no doubt in my mind that whatever it may be, it is absolutely sexist.


One step away from the old "YEAH? WELL HITLER SAID THAT, TOO!" argument.

Either he drank the kool-aid hard or he's straight up fake virtue signalling.

Not even, it's more like "I bet Hitler was happy while he ran Germany"

My can of diet A&W root beer is sexist! It's sexist because the can has a slight phallic shape! Also, the diet is body shaming, which affects women more, so it's sexist!

Now you're thinking like a cultural marxist!

He does realize that Sony has triggered so many people by raping historic figures when they made more servants and hired actual hentai artist to draw for Fate/Grand Order



jesus christ

I enjoy Books, movies, music, and video games. Fuck whoever made that, especially since it was most likely made by a self loathing faggot with "gamer" in his twitter profile.

That snoke person seems to be a goon.

I'm pretty sure SJWSnoke is literally retarded. Also, he probably looks like pic related. Prove me wrong. Also I like how they end up repeating the same arguments practically verbatim from each other. SJWs all play from the same handbook.

Nuclear Nigger Knows


Pic related.

Can wait for his beat down on both this faggot and Cliffy-Bitch.

And rekt.

Isn't he the fucking creator?

I wish I saved some of his previous work, It's genuinely enraging.

He works for Cracked.

The sex minigame was in God of War 3, which he didn't work on, I believe.

Nope. It's been in since God of War 1 with 2 chicks.
It was in the ship at the beginning of the game.

If I had kids, i'd want them to not be scared over a fucking prom picture.

David has to be fucking with us, there is no way he's being serious here, right?

This is a 180 as to how he used to act.

After Twisted Metal was a fucking failure and his new game isn't relevant, think he's going to re-imagine himself as an indie dev, just like John Romero.

You'd be surprised how quickly people reverse their persona in fear of losing relevancy, even if they've already lost it

John Romero became an app developer

I guess, I was never relevant, so I wouldn't know, but going full retard doesn't seem like the best option to save your reputation as a game dev.

Ha! Why am I not surprised? I'll be sure to be super grown up the next time I see them overanalyze a children's cartoon, or prove [insert clickbait bullshit here, probably about superman or some nerdy shit]

Not if he appears in "Indie Hipster" documentaries while bragging about his hair and new found freedom.

Hope his game with Carmack makes it a return to form for him.

Fixed it a bit

technically yes but he doesn't develop video games for any other platform apart from smartphones

even Rami Es Ain Idioot developed some of his games for pc

Rami has never worked on a single game he just takes credit

the other guys then.
I'm tired, I had to clean my room for two days straight. it came up nicely though

Why was it so messy you fucking slob

Perfect. You did a good user.

Hes just the resident jew, its the other one that does all the developing.


How asshurt do you need to be to make this?


This sucks big time, they can't fathom people in the real world just want to have fun and don't care about SJ crusades.

A better one now with correct coloring

Where is this old man with children looking for high school photos?

it's wasn't that messy, there was a lot of dust. the real mess was my library

I'm pretty sure it's a woman. Or a beta faggot. Uses terms like "dearie" when losing a conversation. Pretty sure no man writes like this.
But your pic is still accurate.

goons do


Things goons hate


IGN thinks the people who disliked the Ghostbusters trailer are nazis



The PR budget must be really terrible if they have to around the clique to shill for the movie.

Good job on the webm, but people will bully you for direct linking to plebbit.

Yep. I forgot. I'm fully ready to be bullied.


Hard and deep.

Here, have a Chen slap you faggot.

serious fucking horseshit

Don't give what a masochist wants!

That's why they will lose in the end. Their bullshit, where every conciceable action can be interpreted as any number of slights and "isms", is completly incomparable with society at large; no sane person is going to spend their life walking on eggshells trying not to offend some faggot on the internet's sensabilities. People only put up with it so long as it doesn't directly effect them which is why things like watching one's speech go over so well, but as they incrouch more and more, declaring innocuous behavior like that prom photo as sexist, They're going to find less and less supporters of their ideas. Eventually they will alienate everyone and be left in their echo chambers self assured that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Damn he got shit all over. Can't believe this faggot is a SJW after he went ape shit when that gorllla hernadez wrote that shitty articale about his game. Oh how the mighty have fallen

the problem seems to be that they got girls as their children and have this feminist view that girls are the weakest sex and need to be helped in any way or form.

Wow, how did you figure that one out?

You know what happens when you cuddle and shelter girls all their young life? They go ape shit when they taste freedom, which leads to a lot more problems if you as a parent thought your child about the real world.

Anything interesting happening this weekend? Like happenings-wise?

Americans don't seem to realize that. American women nowadays are kind of terrible for that reason among others.

Even better!

God damn reddit is confusing. How does it work? Is that shit in chronological order, or what? Should I make an account so I can shitpost?

Snokey is a guy.

What does it mean?

Also, I'm upset that he's not fat. This sum bullshit.

I find it pretty funy when a normalfag woman bitchsmacks beta faggots. When its us, its funny because of the salt, but when a normalfag woman does it, the idiots are put in a position where everything the say is putting both feet into their mouths.

That SJWsnoke is his troll account.

I don't speak SJW but profile says this:

Same guy on the pic.

On another note, why care about what some beta says on internet.


So "lolwhitey mode" is shitpost mode? Wow, how brazenly racist. Also, he looks like the sort that would rub his nipples in the windows of a mcdonalds, while using the free wifi to shitpost about social justice.


Yes. It's a shitpost account.



Bought her roses.

>some retard has to make shit up about it being sexist (ironically sounding sexist himself with their the men as heroes… bullshit narrative)
1% of humanity restored

I am so fucking tired of this garbage.

And where are the archives for these tweets

Enough already with these retarded images, you guys have killed this shit.

Here archive.is/IP5eV

He went full retard.

thanks, can't be to careful with these faggots

You know, i thought someday i would stop getting mad at these cunts, but nope, still mad

I stopped getting mad at them. Just look at how much flak he's getting. Hardly nobody agrees with him. Him and his SJW fuckbuddies are the vocal minority, no matter how much they may try to pretend otherwise. Point and laugh. Call him a dumbass, then laugh harder when he cries about it. For real, don't get mad. Don't let them make you mad. Don't give them that victory. Laugh at them my friend. Be happy.

No matter who you are, no matter your life circumstances, be happy. Why? You're not him.

Meanwhile, in the NYT magazine

Honestly it makes me angry because these kids are just trying to have fun, what if this gets back to them, what if they start to think that they did something wrong.

That shit was planned and its a fond memory they'll look back on, as an old fart it makes me a bit jealous to be honest because I don't have memories like that, so it makes me angry to see some virtue signaling cunt shit on things like that.

As much as a total fucking retard he is, that screencap doesn't show the tweet before it

Abu Hajaar did nothing wrong

is he trying to garner attention?
pr for his game doesn't seem to exist (haven't seen or heard anything since it was anounced). his exposure pretty much vanished when he left sony.

also he didn't explain what excactly is sexist did he? even though some people asked him. just "feels like muh internalized sexism".

spot on!

I actually realised that twitter fucked jaffe's conversation and only left his last tweet about it; he actually went "I just said what they did was bad, not that I want them to be punished for it !", except that the "I want them to be punished for it !" was on a standalone tweet that was the only one visible if you clicked on it. Thus, people understanding it as "I want those SHITLORDS to get FIRED FOR IT"

Well, its his fault for forgetting twitters format is shit and twitters fault for being shit

this is pissing me off more than him bitching about the prom photo

Meanwhile, in today's LA Times

What a homo.

Heh, watching ano old episode of billy and mandy, they predicted that hambeasts would have vibrant dyed hair, scare children and be affiliated with evil.

This worries me a bit sometimes, technology shouldn't be hampered because of feels.

@filthyfujoshi Huh? Trolling for what? I genuinely find the pic disturbing.

He finds kids having fun on their prom day disturbing.

The more I think or read of this idiocy more upset I get. This is so stupid.


What episode?

Also when reading this, I remembered the movie WALL-E was scarily accurate as to how human society is coming along.

I found out later on that he mentioned he was upset about the idea his girls would have to go through this too, that they'd have to suffer such sexism.
It makes this whole charade that much more sensical : he just is terrified of having his daughters growing up and becoming sexual, having sex with men (thus not loving only their dad anymore, "dad when I'm all growed up I will marry you !" will be out of the way), so he's projecting this narcissistic frustration onto other issues.
"It's sexist, because it reminds me that my daughters will one day enjoy sucking a man's dick, and this I cannot deal with", in short.

I just found this in second life. I'm pretty sure it's a reference to "Ready Player One." But I can't help but notice the Time magazine cover, with wil wheaton named "person of the year." It's fake, right? RIGHT?? Please god tell me that's a mockup and the wil wheaton is "Playing" Halliday (The guy that made the virtual reality shit in the book, it's a long story.)

Tyrone is always on our side.

To be person of the year you have to actually achieve something instead of leaching off your "nerd cred" for the rest of your life.

I swear the only thing that "game" is good for is finding retarded shit, making fun of retarded people and being lewd.

I think it's a mock up, I can't read it very well but I think it says "James Halliday." So the guy that made that very much wants Wil Wheaton to play that role, but he can fuck off because this guy got the role.

One could say he is… disturbed.

Well yeah, that's why I play it. It's loads of fun, so long as you follow Rule Number 1: DO NOT ENGAGE. People in SL are fucking cancer, I treat it like Jane Goodall. Watch, but never interfere.

David Jaffe afraid of posting on YouTube so he puts it on fucking Periscope.


I pretended to be a grill and got three beta orbiters buying me shit within a week of making the account


I have two accounts, one male and one female. On my male account I got a creepy as fuck guy/girl/thing stalking me. That's what led to Rule Number 1, and me playing as my female mostly.

Yet a couple of kids having fun taking a picture is.

Holy shit this guy is retarded. Didn't he used to tell gawker to fuck off? I think iti s funny how a joke offends him like that and how he needs to try and get kids kicked out of school for some comic book pose shit.

At least everyone is calling him retarded and saying that does not make sense.


Did anyone see this? Goons decided to try and shit on mombot for mothers day. Imagine wasting a mother's day to try and shit on people you disagree with.

At least it seems like the people retweeting it did so just to make fun of how retarded it was.

Yep. And then after they got massive burn, they pretend that there was no burn at all. They are so fucking butthurt by mombot.

I'm still fucking baffled Jaffe is the one behind this retardation. He's made "sexy" games, he's been smeared by game journos on at least three occasions for "sexism", and years later he buys into this PC shit so much he came out the other side back into flagrant offensiveness. Guess they finally got to him and he bent the knee.


I hope your doing it ironically fam.

The one that they introduced scar in. And while wall-e is close, Ialso find we are becoming Morlocks, while sjws are becoming Eloi. And I remeber how that ends, not well for the Eloi.

I took my mom out to lunch for mother's day. Good to see pathetic goons on twitter wasted theirs trying to hurt a mother on the internet. Report them all for targeted harassment.

sage for offtopic
Except that he's right. People who go nuts because someone made a joke at the expense of their favorite candidate or topic or person or whatever are weak-minded retards. Hillary is obviously the worst candidate but trump supporters who can't take a joke are faggots as well. That's all he's saying.


I just checked and they ignore it to instead try and shit on marche for making fun of them by shitposting about gone home. They got even more asshurt at some other joke mombot told to try and correct grammar about a joke mocking someone grammar.




I swear this faggot.

Being pedantic is one of his trademarks.

so Jaffe was always a fucking idiot


Praying to KEK


And I just finished my Death by Ex-Girlfriends story. Everything is going to be alright, I just know it



I hope you do eat regular meals for lunch and supper.

Because happy cult is still a cult and wants to spread.

Being completely bonkers.

There is no god but Kek, and Bane is his prophet.

It's normal for teenagers to experiment with their identity and personality. It's difficult to define yourself when your childhood was defined by how your parents educated and treated you, so when you become your own person you have to try out various things that'll allow you to better gather who you are, and who you can be.
A show that fulfills your interest for the other gender's passions and affections is always something you inherently seek in those periods, so MLP directly gives you ways to help. However, the danger is to let it define you entirely instead of just participating in your self-making.
When you go overboard with that "it's totally meeeee", you become ONLY this. Only about this. And so you fall into dedicating your entire identity and personality to it. Probably for the worst.

In other news I'm enjoying some of radiohead's leaked album's songs. Identikit's bassline is fucking RAD

i don't get this situation. it's clear what he meant with "sexism" wasn't sexism. and if what wrote is true it makes this whole situation even more ridiclious. he should just stop and the twitterfags should do the same. (fuck off for trying to bring games into this. i thought we hate this behaviour) there's no reason to continue.

Oh fuck off

tell that to the fags telling him he can't say that because he made god of war, implying it's a sexist game because there's sexscene.

There not saying the game is sexist, they are just saying by his criteria the game is sexist and he is a hypocrite.

The point people are making is fair though. The dude is going "well even if they don't SEE sexism it can still be there !", and then he replies "well I don't SEE sexism in my games you know !"
that's called being a hypocrite, user

No bully pls.

People with glass houses should not throw stones at angry rockmen. And if hes following saint anita, its the most sexist game this side of Dead or Alive and he should have lashing scars for it :^] .

Close the gate.


That's pretty fuck on this part. Kratos fucks anything that moves.

And that isn't sexist either. Aside from being referential of mythology where gods fucked pretty much anything hot, and this includes children and animals, it's simply part of an ideal of power and strength. Sexuality participates to that shit openly and cleverly, and it's entirely fine.

They're different right?. Some is omitted from Schreier's update.

Gawker media taking someone's words out of context to present a narrative? That's unheard of! that has definitely never happened before!

He didn't say "kick kids out of school", he said the OPPOSITE and was taken out of context due to twitter being shit.

I'm pretty sure he's anti-Anita. He's also called out SJW game journalists in the past and been somewhat sympathetic to GG.

But we are not using the morality of the time of the ancient greece, but "current" standard, which "also" applies to ancient cultures. So yes it sexist.

But when the vetran said people were being overworked and under appreciated his daughter called him sexist.

Polyshit said that there is no proof, cucktaco worded it as if it was an absolute fact. Schrier is shit as usual.

you have missed my :^]. But he is being a dumbass.

We know, your cap and explanation have been posted already user.



Also, still funny that they feel the need to use player.

Player means guy who fucks alot of women.

They really are bad at this

On E3, If EA uses "Player" to describe their audience, we should make OC to show the world that EA wants "Players". Along with the regular debunking.

He's called them out before, sure, but that doesn't mean he can't change.

He's clearly either virtue signalling or drinking the kool aid.

He's looking at a prom picture at a bunch of nerdy kids enjoying themselves. He calls it sexist.

He defends it by saying that the Klan might've been into lynchings (when confronted with the idea that the girls might have been into posting the pictures)

He calls the picture disturbing

He pulls his "my daughter" and "think of the children" cards… all over a harmless picture.

Was he BTFOing out people before? Yes. Did he support GG before? Yes.

Can people change and/or act really fucking stupid? Yes.

With meme magic, we could make this work.

Then remember it for later. And save stuff fot the OCs.

Yep. Or blackmail/job potential can lead to it.

They are making a ww1 game with niggers and women as the main characters. They don't want us as the audience they pander to, they know we won't boycott anyway, it's win win, they get the new sjw players and we will still buy it rather then boycott.

he is also known to be quite the hothead.

I think he's probably just incapable of backing down in an argument. So he's arguing it's sexist because his first thought seeing the picture was "that looks sexist". But he also got in conflicts with SJWs because he said things they decided were sexist and then didn't back down in those arguments either.

I am suggesting it for sheer idga and EA butthurt,but using E3 to spread the word of what a "Player" is, is the most efficient way.

Without a gamer boycott what does it matter, They get the new player market and the old gamer market still buys the game.

They did it last year too.

Ot was hilariously bad last year. And I just realized that 69ef57 is either ralphsill or a moron, most likly both.


1. EA did that last year.
2. EA doesn't have a keynote this year.

Dang it, harder to pin them down if they don't show they are going to show and use players in sony's keynote. It should not stop us to make oc and get salt fromidga and everyone else using "Player" I feel like compaing them to roosh.

Damn how long has this thread been up

Like for around 18 hours

Sorry. I need to lump respond more.

Is he on drugs or something?

A drug called social justice.

He's curse and doomed to be irrelevant now

Sniffing kool aid powder burns straight through to the brain.

does he even have any games he's working on?

I have a feeling a big chunk of it is insecurity about his daughter+ kool aid.

For all the talk about female empowerment, SJWs are basically telling everyone to live in fear because they're women.

Like one free to play shooter for the PS4 but he's doomed to suffer greatly and become irrelevant for life for cursing Sony privately or something.

Social Justice. War is Peace. Lies are Truth.

For those who care about internet freedom
#ObjetivoTTIP is trending WORLDWIDE on twitter at 51k Tweets.
TTIP is Europe's TPP. If it fails, it'll give a boost to others to help stop TPP and will help slow down kikery censorship and control in Europe.
The EU used to be a bunch of trade deals, so there's no doubt they would want to combine TPP and TTIP into NWO. And Obama says he wants Europe to have it, so it must be bad. (Check green-peace's leak of the doc).

Help out and RT TTIP shit. The english equivilant is #NoTTIP, so push that to.

How can we fix that?

Webm related. Mock the SJW, but debate why their ideas suck to everyone else.
We want this ideology to be toxic for 50 years, 100!

For those who care about internet freedom
#ObjetivoTTIP is trending WORLDWIDE on twitter at 51k Tweets.
TTIP is Europe's TPP. If it fails, it'll give a boost to others to help stop TPP and will help slow down kikery censorship and control in Europe.
The EU used to be a bunch of trade deals, so there's no doubt they would want to combine TPP and TTIP into NWO. And Obama says he wants Europe to have it, so it must be bad. (Check green-peace's leak of the doc).

Help out and RT TTIP shit. The english equivilant is #NoTTIP, so push that to.

How can we fix that?

Mock the SJW, but debate why their ideas suck to everyone else.
We want this ideology to be toxic for 50 years, 100!


I thought we'd gotten rid of it actually ? I do remember France telling the EU to fuck off with it after the leaks.

Canada had an organisation (open media) take out an ad against the tpp on canadas jumbotron. Duuno if it did any hood.

Morning gaymergays.

Expect they'll rename and shill for it in the next 5 years if they don't get it passed.

Might very well be, but such things need to be repeatedly stomped upon until they no longer move.

The fight for peace is an endless one user. We just wanted to play videogames.

Daily reminder that Dean Takahashi is a fucking hipster fuck and Rami is an idiot, and the narrative is all over the place. archive.is/ZSGP0

Eternal vigilance to bullshit, its the price of freedom.

>La Sexta, a national TV channel, actually went and made a program about the TTIP ON PRIME TIME
Jesus fuck, I through that shit was actually impossible, even if La Sexta is leftist as fuck.

This user speaks truth.

Never underestimate the power of ridicule to destroy a belief's following.

It's a thing of beauty to see the left and right agree on something and not go at each other's throat.


Bigger bump limit fucking when?

It can be beautiful when it benefits the populace, but not when it is against the populaces best wishes like all agreeing on hillary for president.

I remember when we had trouble reaching the 300 post limit when 8ch was really shitting itself back in the winter.



Not even hitting 600 posts in over day is bad…even for a Sunday. Jeez we need a happening to spruce things up around here.

these threads are shit.

it's just the same do nothing fags posting anime at each other over and over.

It looks like nobody posted the DF update, which probably didn't help. I'll post it in the beginning of the new thread.

Again, nobody is taking the initiative.
Hell, we don't even have new OC to spread anymore, and we aren't actively finding new niches to infiltrate, we're stuck in Holla Forums, twitter, facebook and tumblr, contained like good goys.

Slow month, and think some Maplefags got affected by the fire at Fort McCurray.

Better to just monitor for bullshit and keep digs, GameSense and the DF update should be a focus on the next bread.

Last time I tried I got told to kill myself multiple times and the thread was derailed into (more) shitposting.

GGHQ and this general can rest in piss.

Well what did you suggest?

I keep telling you lazyass faggots you need to get flexible

But go on ignore me while our opponents tighten their stranglehold on hobbies while you shitpost and grow weaker

I've tried a few things but I just gave up after all the flaming I got for suggesting people leave negative reviews for Fire Emblem on metacritic.

This thread is garbage and sane people will avoid it like the plague.

Nigger help me out on twitter then if you wanna do something and rally people

We also need OC

Give out your suggestions then, realistically and not just leaderfagging.

It's also Mother's Day in a bunch of countries.

took about 2 minutes for my post to load.

time to exodus back to 4chan.


come on user stop being assmad

Were all of your suggestions boycott related?

Anyone got any of the fire emblem fates infographs? I want to get some ready to dump in the tag for the European/Australian release.

I rather become Anthony Burch than go back to cuckchan

I've said it before homo

More people need to come out on twitter and help with OPs

we also need to rally isolated fourms to see our arguments. Too many faggots here are lazy or scared of fourms and social media when they are just tools

Ok, never mind. Disregard my last post. No wonder people flamed you. You're the fucking Ralphshill.

Here's the Imgur that I think has all of them, though it has lots of old stuff so you might want to pick out the ones you like best:


Seriously every faggot getting scared of twitter here when I've been on since day one reminds me of fucking cavemen scared of fire while being a modern man. its kinda cringe inducing


the anti boycott autism has had it's day, stay on your dead gay board GGHQ.

There's no engagement from this thread, it's a thread about activism where the posters aren't doing any activities.

stay on GGHQ you horrible cancer.

Thanks user

I want to ruin the "Player" Label and force them to get burned by trying to coopt "gamer" again. But I am holding back until EA uses "Player" at Sony's or Microsoft's confrence. Need some pics of roosh and other "Players"

Hey ralphshill, at least you are not as pathetic as statue faggot who wanted to make Holla Forums raid Holla Forums



Today alone I've been accused of being 3 different people I am not on 3 different boards.

Why are you cancerous faggots on an anonymous image if identity matters so much to you?

Stay on Twitter or Reddit.

Fuck off Rene

it's 4 now.

Its been happening more and more lately, shills have been running rampant these past couple of days.

/news/ in particular is getting hit real hard with the Holla Forums stormfront crowd

Twitter is going to the shitter in the future, and talk to the twitterfags with huge followings then for help with Op spreading, doesn't help that they'd rather just "BTFO" the SJW bullshit than help with OpTD and just claim credit for it themselves.

And which forums do you suggest we expand to? we got some lurker supporters like for example in mmo-champion and RPGCodex but heavy handed moderation in forums are to expected even if we play by the rules, look at that Alt-history forum and neofag.

I don't mean moralfags and e-clebs we don't need em

I mean guys like you

If you are scared of being banned from every fourm you ain't gonna get far.

Hmm I'm thinking

I've been dwelling Marvelous's fourms for months for example


Dyaks fourm is pathetically underused as well

We have ample resources to push discussion at our feet user

Also Niechegamerfourms

I kwwp seeing trianglefaggots showing up which leaves me tense and lots of the faggots here don't post there no more

Twitter is not going anywhere, it's a site with hundreds of millions of users.

this is peak delusion coming from someone posting on a small site that doesn't even work properly.

You fags do this all the time for over a year and more

It's always in a constant state of flux. Things aren't a constant stream. It's been 2 years, why can't you fags realize this yet? have you been paying attention?
