How come it's been over 20 years and nobody's been able to unearth the rest of this masterpiece yet?
How come it's been over 20 years and nobody's been able to unearth the rest of this masterpiece yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was probably trashed, the studio executives confiscated it when they tried bringing the people working on the wild thornberries in on it.
Is that real?
Yeah, artists do weird shit with storyboards sometimes.
the real question, is if anyone bothered to animate it and do a voice over?
it was a storyboard jam. Klasky Csupo's artists would do random shit as exercises
as for the content, this IS the same studio that did Duckman
Panel 6 is always my favourite
Seconded, fond of Panel 10 as well.
I still refuse to believe that's real. Somebody ask one of writers for an explanation.
Its a one-off joke storyboard
Peter Chung worked there too, before making Aeon Flux. I wonder if he ever got to make one of these.
According to Cracked (yeah I know, not a reliable source), the creators left each other sketches making fun of the show, especially about Angelica because everyone hated her.
One of the animators posted about it on his LiveJournal.
Found it.
They put it through the shredder. It's gone, man.
It would be great if it turned out the Drew Pickles videos were started by an ex-Rugrats crew member
Fuchur is an international treasure.
I really want to see the "balls of steel" part.
Just read and it was "Balls of Thunder". Which is better is debateable.
Question is, why hasn't Holla Forums done a storyboard jam before?
Or at least be a big thing
I'm sure that one isn't by him but a similar guy.
Pic related, forgot artist name.
We kind of did in one of the Hellcat threads. Anons soul compose one page at a time and someone illustrated the resulting script iirc.
It was a much better read than the actual comic
Guess that's what I get for browsing on my phone
I think the Angelica video was a collab between Fuchur and Heikatsu. Not 100% sure of that vids origin too.
is that even the whole thing?
asking for a friend