It looks like there's a civil war going on in the government between Trump and his people and the old order.
It looks like there's a civil war going on in the government between Trump and his people and the old order.
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not up to Obama
all official calls like this are monitored
DoJ needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt. Completely tainted by that marxist nigger.
Is it also routine practice for the DOJ to leak private phone conversations of government officials to the media? Next time read the OP.
There's also that whole bit where off the record conversations between officials is not meant for public record because a lot of the time they just shoot the shit.
Treason charges when?
Hence the subversion.
This kike shill is talking out of his ass. This is not routine.
These kikes at WaPo are treating Yates like she's some kind of hero. They're so excited about how it all went down.
Trump really cannot afford to have any weak points that the enemy can exploit. Any minor scandal and they will be calling for impeachment. It's good Flynn realigned then, even though it was literally nothing
Yids are jizzing themselves because they can spin it as "SEE WE WERE RIGHT RUSSIA HACKED US FOR TRUMP" when in reality, a high level DoJ staffer leaked private material to get good boy points from the media.
Trump should not only drain the swamp but pick up a sickle. The season has come for a red harvest.
Because she was their cunt. King niggers cronies and sycophants are riddled in the WH. Hopefully this gives the admin the greenlight to start the putsch on these kikes.
Digits confirm red harvest.
In other words, their hands were tied so they leaked it to the media so they could attack him from a different angle.
Tell me did the FBI ever investigate all the criminal shit Obongo actually did? Was smuggling guns through Libya to "moderates" in other regions not illegal?
Yates should face charges. She's probably been under surveillance for a few weeks now. I'm sure they have enough to make a good case.
From Breitbart, holy fuck…Breitbart is Bannon, this shit is confirmed, fucking WOW
CIA and FBI purge confirmed
We warned the deep state would activate. Here we are, they've got one confirmed kill.
Trump and his team have to purge the entire bureaucracy that still refuses bend the knee and clean out the rats who keep leaking. Media will frame it as "Brave Government Official Leaks Confidential Secrets To Remove Hitler!"
They're doing a fantastic job of outing themselves. I'm never going to get tired. Flynn took one for the team.
First pic.
Pics 2-5
They are all going to die confirmed
I think vid related is a pretty good reference to whats going to happen to these kikes
What's happening in the video ?
So what yer saying pal is, commies are still in the WH, CIA, FBI and DOJ? Damn, I'm still right today and I'm dead!
It's "The Lion".
Checked. I want this one to get it the worst of all for some reason. He's especially annoying.
Ok, thanks.
Embarassing even for people with no integrity.
tell billy eichner that the next step is to just kill all of these people, and hes first on the list
So how long are we going to sit here and let communists actively conspire against the US executive? What's the play here? Kristallnacht?
Just because that fucking kike Eichner pisses me off so bad
b**[email protected]/* */
lets begin shall we
They talk like Putin is a genocidal butcher on par with Pol Pot. I'm 30 years old and this is the first time in my life I've seen liberals in hysterics about Russia. It's amazing how fast the Jew propaganda machine works.
The tables sure have turned. Libs used to make fun of right-wingers for being overly paranoid about Russia. It was practically a meme. They would cite the film "Red Dawn" as an example of unhinged right-wing fear about Russkie commies.
It's incredible how malleable these people's minds are. A few well-timed Buzzfeed and Huffpost editorials, and you could have them foaming at the mouth over Bolivia or any other random country.
Yeah, I was referring to the '84 version. Didn't even know there was a remake.
The play should be start building safety squads and organising proper interconnected law-abiding freedom-loving communities so that when the time comes everyone can get through okay. Hopefully the fine folks of the american right realise this and don't let the ball get dropped too far out of arrogance or autistic misanthropy.
What did they mean by this?
Reminder shills are trying to shill the narrative on this. Don't let them.
We need a meme army in full force again on twatter and everywhere, they can't keep getting away with this.
Meme war never ended
if anyone wants to give billy eichner a call
10220 67th Dr, Forest Hills, New York 11375
Don't forget to tell his wife linda hello
Won't happen. The American right is incredibly well-prepared and can think fast on its feet. Remember, we were pretty burnt out when the election season first started and Jeb! was supposed to crush Hillary with his $100 million SuperPAC. The Donald Trump campaign was a true grassroots effort from day one. No one in the media expected him to fill stadiums.
The Left has the advantage of optics. I'll admit that the speed with which they organized that Women's March was impressive, but it was largely meaningless. Too bad for them they wasted the entire election season assuming Hillary Clinton was a shoe-in. The silent majority knows how to coordinate with each other when it really matters.
Is this supposed to be what "winning" feels like? Is getting the travel ban blocked and the country swarmed by Muslims, "winning"? Are all those leaks coming from the white house and undermining Trump. "winning"? How about accept Australia's refugees?
Trump was right. We're going to have so much "winning" we'll be begging him to stop. Please stop already. Please. No more.
We've gotta start mobilizing and getting together in real life.
We need to get impeachment off the table too. I want to see a large number of us publicly take an oath to violently resist the overthrow of this government. I would gladly associate my real identity with that sentiment.
Are you from reddit? He sounds perfect from your description.
Petraeus is an open-borders gun-grabber. He's in bed with every evil in the world right now. Unless he is some super genius plotting to destroy the NWO/Kikes with god-like subterfuge, he needs to be kept far away from the government.
Looks like kek agrees with you.
Well there goes one mole.
No I am not from reddit shill-kun.
He's not just a gun grabber, he is the one who designed the whole (((arab spring))) and the migrant crisis, the one who gave sarin gas and the stingers to isis.
Getting one of his EOs blocked by leftist judges when the law is pretty obviously on his side will probably be a win, longterm. Flynn fucked up and resigned, it isn't that big of a deal - faggots have been deluding themselves with impeachment scenarios since November.
Quit taking the blackpills.
You're pathetic, become an hero.
nice demoralization shilling kike
if dubs (((you))) should kill yourself
Who the fuck are they to overturn him? He should have told them to go fuck themselves. And his state dept is the one flooding the country with refugees from the worst countries on the planet since it was overturned. Why don't they limit it as best they can until it's resolved?
No, instead we get more terrorists flooding in than before the ban.
KEK has spoken. Off yourself.
This is possible.
Exactly. Petraeus is either a loyal jew hatchetman or a power-hungry sociopath. He simply cannot be trusted. Trump can't offer him more than the Rothschilds/Soros already are.
And this is why I don't see Trump placing him in any position of power
Based post. Based dubs.
This. It was a pussy move to give in. And when the conversation with the Mexican manlet president leaked and we found out he threatened to send in the army, instead of doubling down he claimed he meant it in a lighthearted way. Get that weak shit out of here.
I blame the fact that he listens to that shithead Ivanka and her kike rat husband.
Kill yourself you fucking kike.
How many times did you guys think you've finally, finally, finally stumped the Trump?
Trump is playing 4D chess, and your mind is stuck in 2D.
t. pond scum IQ nobody who would achieve nothing of import even should they be granted a position of power
Learn how to spell Mr. Super High IQ. You're confusing being a bitch with having a high IQ.
What was the content of the conversation.
Having a conversation to russians is not good enough. That's getting tin foiler actually.
You are a shallow weak piece of shit.
I bet if war occurred you would turn tail in your rattish mediocrity.
Fuck off.
Kill the bitch already. Just poison her food with polonium or something.
I'll make the logo
which is exactly why we need to use tumblrtale's imagery in memes to infect the minds of lefties, and the normalfags who have a genuine, but misguided, interest in it.
Because we haven't been complaining about that for years.
What a scum bag.
Is it really required to record everything discussed between diplomats?
Trump didn't hide the fact that he wanted peace with Russia, no promises were made as far as i can tell and its not like we are at war.
Read some rumors on cuckchan that this is 7d chess and he actually wants to fire Priebus instead, possible or retarded?
I'm sorry to break it to you but Petraeus is beyond Soros, or at least on the same level.
Just leaving this here so you know who we are dealing with
Wow, the one-sided portrayal I got after I read the WaPo off of Drudge article is incredible compared to the details I'm learning from Breitbart and this thread.
I want an internal civil war starting as soon as possible with these people.
Nice pic, just started watching that show.
BTW Sally Yates committed treason. Trump was well in his right as President-Elect to communicate with foreign leaders.
In this case I wish halfchan was right and Trump is just removing the Zionist trash but publicly this will be viewed as a loss for Trump which I doubt he wants.
Since when did Trumo cared about what the (((public))) wants?
Also, don't forget
Are You serious?
The (((media))) got a scalp.
You can't see what really happened user.
The fish took the bait.
Isn't Petraeus a RINO cuckservative?
Honestly couldn't care less about this story but sadly its already being used as proof of "Russian hacking". When will the meme die?
He is a psychopathic neo-cohen.
And check out who got killed in the latest false flag in US soil
Please explain the connection.
I never quite understood what DynCorp was.
I remember them gaining prominence in 2001-2002 when the medias reported they would be protecting Hamid Karzai. I then googled their name as I had never heard of them before and I couldn't find anything about them being a bodyguard company, which I found weird for a company protecting a head of state.
Fast forward to the current year and it turns out they're involved in all kinds of shady stuff.
Isn't this outside of Trump's administration?
If this is all true then this has to have been going on for years. Which means that Trump is not directly responsible
This is not good at all, as Flynn will take a lot of supporters with him.
I don't like Flynn being gone. He was an early supporter of Trump and Trump's foreign policy came from him.
Now that leaves just Mattis. And Mattis is a complete neo-con. Mattis quietly opposed Trump during the election and he stabbed Trump in the back during the muslim ban ordeal.
Yeah, Flynn being gone makes me nervous. Who Trump replaces him with will say a lot.
Hope It's note another pro neo con/cia guy suggested by Pence and Priebus, or the noose will grow tighter around Trump's neck.
As much shit as Flynn gets here he at least wasn't rabidly anti-Russia and was in favor of helping Assad regain control.
How many threads need to be had about this man's resignation? Does it need all these threads or can it be converged into one thread? Because I'm getting suspicious with the number of threads popping up about him a method of creating concern and shit as well as sliding other threads off.
If it is Petraeus then it is game over for current administration, Trump compromised.
Call me a shill, but I think it's probably the case that they have Trump on tape.
Fuck off halfchan scum
That's because we've been winning so much, that Shills are now relishing each little pebble we stumble upon. It's hard to demoralize us if there is barely anything, so they need to make multiple threads on fewer topics.
Not that it makes much difference. We're still winning.
It's a major event that has possibility real policy implications. They're focusig on taking out the good guys in Trump adminstration so they can load the cabinet up with more neo cons.
It's something different from jerk off in the 6 millionth thread abot something Trump said.
Eat a dick kike
If you give an inch with these cocksuckers they take a mile, the shills are prematurely celebrating but we need decisive retaliation and meme war after Flynn to stay in power. It is totally possible to navigate out of this in an intelligent manner without cucking but not with any degree of complacency.
Sure, as soon as you provide evidence for your previous claims.
I don't expect you to, being halfchan scum, so I won't be doing anything :^)
They should try her for treason.
It's well known he had a falling out with Epstein, kicked him out of his club, and tried to testify against him. Why do you fucks insist on ignoring that?
Correct and Flynn was also anti Muslim and unapologetic about it.
The fact is, a pawn is a pawn.
Sometimes pawns have to be sacrificed.
Let them relish in the loss of one.
Flynn is a decent enough guy, but he got caught in the crossfire.
Saved for horrific truth.
It's so easy to expose these cunts
No one responded to my theory earlier:
What if Trump was fine booting Flynn out because he was probably compromised by neocon warhawks? The war with Iran is obviously the kike's next step if they can't win in Syria so when Flynn did his tough guy warning to Iran my warning bells started ringing like mad. I didn't particularly mind Flynn being a democrat since it didn't seem to manifest much and I actually very much enjoyed his ability to be cordial with Russia, but for fucks sake let's not let that overshadow his downside which was another top echelon saber rattler for another MidEast engagement for Israel.
Just my .02.
He got busted muh-dicking that reserve officer who was writing a book about it. The guy is trash.
Another good one, Flynn calling Islam "malignant cancer"
He got busted writing things down in a private journal when he was supposed to only keep things encrypted. That was the bigger deal IIRC. Also I don't know enough about Petraeus but most people involved in our foreign policy deserve the noose.
Don't know, but Trump better have something for this. It's only a month in, but they're going to do this for the next 4 years. He needs to respond big.
He was banging a few different women wasn't he, and exchanging emails similar to what Hillary did? I don't want that guy anywhere near the WH.
You're going to have to elaborate.
At least the US government is honest this time :^).
He was anti-Trump during the election. This is the media trying to meme this fucker into contention.
I find it hilarious that the globalist party is now condemning international connections.
Fucking hypocrites :^)
Why are they allowed to live in the country at all? All they do is complain when people try to fix things and make the country work again.
Isn't that an oxymoron?
Certainly is. You're a public servant, not a leader. You can be a leader of a part of servants, but not a leader of a country. Your job is to be the country's bitch.
If I were in the business of advising on National security, I'd probably resign too. What kind of person could handle that role, when it transpires the real threat to the nation's security is the incompetent buffoons within the gov and alphabet agencies that are supposed to be keeping the nation safe?
When employing people for such work, they really should have "has respect for [national/computer/information] security" as a required trait for employees.
Trump should have done a Game of Thrones, handing out six different resignation letters and see which one gets leaked to the press then arrest/fire the person associated with that letter.
Could his resignation be spun in a way such that it gives an excuse to thoroughly clean house and expell all those working in government that are paying lip service to national security?
Of course, this is going to be Trump's card for sure. He's going to turn this (((scandal))) around and purge the swamp hard riding on it
You're right but what I meant was that democracy, by definition, is the opposite of a leader driven political system, hence why democracies are always fiercely opposed to authoritarian systems and why you have so many communist and anarchist systems which are democratic in nature, to avoid having a leader.
And now Pelosi of all people calls herself a democratic leader…it's hilarious.
This. They burned one of their few gatchas on Flynn, which hurts, but we'll recover. I look forward to the choir of autistic screeching when Trump cleans house afterwards because of this.
You want a quick rundown on DynCorp? One that affects Americans directly?
DynCorp is arming the spics south of the border, basically Hillary has got a private army, now with MANPADS pic related that can down any commercial jet
1500 posts later and I still have NO idea what the fuck is going on. So this guy resigns for talking to Russia and failing to recall what he discussed with them and now the entire left is having a field day screaming about muh russians? Do I have this right?
Are the cartels armed by DynCorp Hillary's army or DynCorp directly?
You mean a canary trap? That's a pretty well known thing. It's possibly that someone who's handing info to the media would have a system in place to stop themselves being caught out by something like that.
Feel bad for the guy because he was only trying to counter king nigger's war mongering. Had he not lied to Pence, i woulnt see a problem; tons of other admins violated the same act, including obama.
The funny part is that people think this is a democracy.
In actuality it's the end result of ancap. Difference is the militia is permanent and only some people do it (obviously as hired mercenaries for pay). It's reformed ancap where the money is king. At the moment that means the banks are king.
Computers are making things interesting though, computer wizards/meme wizards are getting pull now.
That's the true nature of the state. Democracy is the facade or the structural system for those with real power.
Yes, and it is a major victory for them, next they are going to try to make a power play against Bannon or Miller. We need decisive action in retaliation yesterday, perhaps another disinfo op like the pissgate thing will help disarm the media for a while.
He was rumoured to have been payed apparently (calling bullshit). Plus I think randomly forgetting what was discussed is fishy.
But the biggest issue is that the dems are tapping the confidential conversations of the politicians.
Also any technical details on HOW they did this? I kinda want to learn.
he's not alone, the Deep State is an open-borders gun-grabbing traitor:
Gen. Petraeus Now Pushing Gun Control
"Retired U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus, who has long resisted calls to run for political office, is teaming up with retired NASA astronaut Mark Kelly to create a new group urging greater gun control.
The two announced on Friday that they were launching Veterans Coalition for Common Sense to encourage elected leaders to "do more to prevent gun tragedies." The group will feature veterans from every branch of the military who are urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws, the organization said in a news release.
"As service members, each of us swore an oath to protect our Constitution and the homeland. Now we're asking our leaders to do more to protect our rights and save lives," said Kelly, the husband of former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and co-founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions, a group that advocates for tougher gun laws."
General David Petraeus Forming Gun Control Group with Mark Kelly
"In addition to Petraeus, former CIA director Michael Hayden and retired Admiral Thad Allen have pledged to push for more gun laws with Mark Kelly."
General David Petraeus founds “veteran gun-control” group with others
"According to The Guardian, the coalition’s advisory committee includes 23 veterans from every branch of the military, including Petraeus, Stanley McChrystal and former NSA director Michael Hayden."
"According to Coalition advisor Rear Admiral Jamie Barnett, his experience as Deputy Commander of the Navy showed him that sailors needed extensive training to use firearms."
except there's no evidence Flynn violated the Logan Act, that's just a Michael Moore talking point
My guess as to how they did this is blackmail.
What a stupid cunt.
It's good that they exposed this fact so early into the new administration but honestly, any day now President Trump, let slip the dogs of war on these traitors and enemies of the people.
Somebody lies to Trump and his people and he gets the axe.
There is nothing wrong with this.
The content didn't matter. What mattered is that he told Pence that the call didn't happen, Pence then went out and defended him - which made Pence look a bit like an idiot.
You can't work with dishonest people like that.
Really idiotic of him to lie.
Does anyone not see how swiss cheese our government is?
A fucking banana republic has more stability than us.
He got fired for lying, not for making the call.
Why did Pence make such a dumb statement?
Wait…How did the press know?
posted the wrong pic
Exactly. Now a bunch of (((c)))rooks in the DOJ are exposed and vulnerable.
There are kikes and shabbos goys in the government leaking shit to their jewish bosses. Anyone appointed to power these last couple decades are controlled beyond belief.
Why are the democrats making a big deal about MUH RUSSIA when they have been working for the soviets all the fucking time?
They can't do anything but project what they do onto others. It's inherent liberal brain damage.
Because Russia did a deal with the Clintons for Uranium, they know that details of this is leverage against them.
The traitors are having a great time laughing at us right now. The beaner raids were a strong move and this is the response to it. Our enemy is showing more of their hand by confirming that they are going to be relentless about the Russia accusations. We knew before that the Russia scandals were their main focus, they set it up so perfectly with all of the questions from reporters in the early days of the administration. Our next move needs to be even more extreme than the last. We have to start pounding them into submission and not stop. We need Hillary Clinton and Podesta to go down for their crimes, in a dreamworld public execution, but I know we don't have the public support yet for such an extreme. It could be that Trump is letting us take a few hard knocks to anger us to that extreme.
I thought this was Jewish? Didn't Uncle Adolf talk about that?
The Clintons are just the facade of the real puppeteers. Who is controlling them?
The public has to get really tired and angry from what has already transpired, though. It's up to us to make it crystal clear that this is the Democrats (lefties, communists) trying to destroy their america, their livelihood all in the name of total power.
I was thinking about this earlier and came to the conclusion that it was the same thought pattern shown in this smuggie. "Let's try to reignite Cold War-era Russian hostility to further our goals. No, that wouldn't work on us gommies but maybe if we try it on actual Americans they'll do what we want."
We should kvetch about how he's a democrat and how democrats are inherently traitors.
And then post the huge list of Democrat party members who spied for the soviets.
I have a friend with a STEM PhD at an Ivy League and he eats this shit up.
Conservatives are bought with money, but liberals with cheap bullshit.
It's amazing. Purely propagandized
is that a serious question?
I know generally, but specifics.
For all the concern shilling going on in the 3 threads I've seen about Flynn resigning, I'm not concern at all. The election cycle and any appreciation with tactics and strategy should've taught you that Trump plays with the intention of the bigger picture meanwhile these kikes play spontaneous and shortsightedly. I haven't lost my faith in this move. After all, remember that he gets his enemies to do his work for him. They think they are in charge of the narrative, that they are able to fight back now, that "this will finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally finally stump the trump", and etc. Little do they know what is really in store for them, and that they really aren't in charge. in fact trump putting various jews in his position at the start was meant for the moment when the left eat their own while thinking that they are winning the battle against Trump. They're only hurting themselves.
This is something that came into sharp focus for me after the Kony 2012 debacle: a slick, half-hour video and suddenly it's the biggest story on earth with celebrity endorsements and everything else under the sun. Beach-kid was another step on this journey.
Very true.
this. We're not thinking straight today.
Is Ryan showing is the neocon narrative here?
That's because the democrats are pissed that the slavbros threw Marxism in the trash. Their dream of ramming hard core communism down the throats of the western world died with the USSR.
I always loved the left's reaction to that film. They hated it with a passion because in their mind the good guys lost at the end of the film
Yup. Only a leftist dupe can look at you and say with a straight face "You don't want to go to war with Russia? YOU MUST BE A NAZI!!11!"
Paul Ryan is controlled the GOP. Election cycle should've taught you that.
This is perfect. Because then they'll have to either call for them to leave too, explain why it was okay to spy for the Soviets back then, or deflect & attempt to bury it as usual. It looks bad for them on two counts, and fucks them over on all three.
Information gatheringright now. I realize Bloomberg isn't our friend, but this article makes a few good points.
The Russia phobia is being ramped up.
I would push it but I don't use social faggotry.
Please lads. MEME IT.
There's something particularly chilling about the military wanting to take away civilian's guns.
my secondary point was, nobody cares about the logan act; fat tranny talking point or not.
Trump should issue a video statement, not a presser, and say that honesty is critical within his admin, and unlike other administrations, he'll fire liars and nip corruption in the bud
that's gives allies a gorillion ways to respond to this by drawing from past examples that hurt the opposition.
Does anyone trust what the jewish spies say?
If Flynn is replaced by Robert Harward, who speaks fluent Farsi and was educated in Iran, at least we can avoid the possibility of a war with Iran.
The citizenery really aught to take these guys out in a legal fashion and have Trump pardon them after legally.
This. We can always throw it back in their face.
Just to bluster their bottoms.
And it would possibly deter the kikes from making any more moves against Trump since this would be a nice way of saying each person he replaces will be a step closer to Hitler.
Follow the rabbit. There is something interesting here.
I'm too tired to fucking go figure it out fully.
Basically, BETRAY-US is gonna fucking BETRAY US AGAIN.
Also note that 6 of those states are anti-2nd amendment.
Oh shit. Can this be
It's ammunition for trump in the long run of things. For what you just mentioned, and also and (checked) said. Take one from Trump's book and throw the momentum back on them.
If all civilians are the military then no guns are taken away.
Trump goes, DC streets flows red. It's that simple. No more time to let those fucking kikes run the show like children, deciding to break their toy when they squeeze their finger in it. It's either that or enjoy your children and grand children getting tortured by apes and subhumans.
I don't want to fight a war against Iran. But that doesn't mean you should cuck out towards their aggression.
You fucking fags need to understand that they don't give a shit about you.
How the hell do you rationalize defending a literal Islamic state?
Not even Sadam was that shitty.
Stop the "muh enemy of my enemy is muh friend" bullshit paradigm. That is liberal logic.
This sounds like subversion.
Hello Newfag, learn the difference between Shia and Sunni, the fucking mudslimes overflowing white states are sanctionned by Israel and Saudi Arabia, not Iran.
This is where having the liberal media against really hurts. Our enemies have been waiting to capitalize on a moment like this. We need to do more damage to liberal media. All it would take is them saying this is a good thing for Trump and the lefties would be defanged. I'm not saying they would do that, but thinking about the true power of them and their mindless drones.
Getting deja vu vibes again.
Have you seen the rational Petraeus gave?
That's complete doublethink.
Good, yes this actually is a big issue with leaky government employees, an issue media are curiously silent on when it implicates the wrong people and can't be spun. How will they handle this?
Of course, the tried and tested "Russians did it". This forced meme needs to be kneecapped.
Do you forget who's in charge, or that Trump's family and team lurks the chans? If the (((journalists))) during the spicer spcial try to capitalize, it's ample opportunity to drop that redbomb by mentioning the list of how many democrats have spied for russia before.
>F-fellow nazis. Iran is our ally! Just disregard Islam! You bigot!
The article does a good job of raising doubt about the peaceful transfer of power. It never happened and there is an internal war going on with Trump's administration that is likely very illegal.
You're a 80 IQ mongoloid. Iran stays in their sand dunes, not the time to fight them for Israel, retard.
He's bought. Either by seductive whores or money. It's evident.
Such wasted Hitler dubs.
He just said to know the difference, not to allow Persians into our country.
Although, if I had to choose between Persians, shitskins, Kikes, or Spics, I'd obviously choose the former.
You could be right, but I've seen some attempts being made to do something like that and the response is "muh logan act". So we have to have a rebuttal to that.
Reminder Iran saber rattle over the sand nigger ban so this rat could dump her litter here.
https:/ /en.
You're right, I do it a disservice by nitpicking that one point. I like that the author also covers the other possibilities from the other side of things, and how normally people would be concerned about what happened if the targets were different.
Do we need to meme the U.S. Militia into existence? I'm shit at memes but the Congress and courts have lost their fucking minds, and, it's infected all of the left. Mustering now would let us fall under the 2nd and be exempt from all local, state, and fed gun laws even by SCOTUS don't conditions.
Get out Saracen scum. You will be removed along with your kike friends.
When the fuck will Trump purge all of the goddamn Obama/Bush holdovers? They're dangerous and actively undermining the highest office.
Kek is trying to tell me something.
I agree that Iranians shouldn't be coming over here (and shouldn't need to!)
HOWEVER, that's completely different than going to war for them for the sake of Israel, or caring whether or not they develop nuclear power.
He needs to purge ALL foreign subversives and those pushovers.
But this will of course twist heads.
You just proved my point by showing you worship an Abrahamic God. Into the filter you go.
Because Pence is playing the nice, reasonable guy role so that no one will realize he's the traitor, using Ivanka and "too clever to be fooled" Kurschnerstein. In this incident, he can pull the crocodile tears how he trusted Flynn, etc.
Yes. The good thing is that American gun culture is changing. It use to be about sportsmanship, shooting at the range, and maybe defending.
Now we're all about defense and readiness. All we need is a wick.
"Don't question the Shoah like Ahmadinejad, goy.
We're your GREATEST ALLY, remember?
Iran is a STATE SPONSOR of terror, not Israel!"
That only works if you're mentally shielded enough to not be subverted yourself. That game's MKULTRA-tier, very powerful and dangerous.
Gas all celebrities.
Don't you know user, everyone on Trump's team is unqualified! t. liberal faggots that voted for a 1-term senator and community organizer for president twice
Already saw it. There are even those trying to pin this on some older tweet of Flynn's talking about how mudslimes are a threat.
Anchor babies need to be deported too.
my mind fails me right now, but I know there's a rebuttle to it.
Just remember jewish antics and tricks are keened towards bullshit and contextual arguments. They specialize in those, as they'll try to fuck over and "interpret" definitions of shit. It's one of their oldest "tactics" in their playbook and it's easy to spot. Be wary and prepared for it with concrete evidence of leftist treason.
What exactly did Flynn say to make the commies scream treason
Considering his long standing as a neocohen evangelical, Pence could damn well be/become a traitor. Not to mention part of what brought him into politics. he was cited as being partially inspired by Martin Luther Coon
It is uncharacteristically unbiased. Not saying it's completely unbiased towards left, but like you said, Lake (author) looks at the situation from both sides. Normally the libs don't do that because they don't want to give us any ammo to use against them.
Another decent article from Bloomberg. Talks about how Putin is in a bad position and needs Trump to succeed, even though this Russiaphobia is all propoganda.
our government is so fucking compromised. King Nigger actively assisted with the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration. Again, who's stopping Trump from axing these fuckers? Is it Rinsed Penis?
Didn't Obama ALSO enact a ton of anti-whistleblower laws that are still valid today?
Wouldn't he need a military coup to be able to realistically rout out all the rats in DC?
As far as anyone is saying in public "Lol, fuck these Obama sanctions for 'Russian Interference in the election, you know that shit's not gonna last the second Trump is in."
Which is all a set up for further arguments that Trump is actually a Manchurian candidate.
not an argument
IIDF out in full force.
Your only deflection is YOUR JIDF. When clearly I state otherwise
We can also consider the scope of what happened as compared to the fuck-ups of Hillary and so on. This was a forgotten phone call compared to Benghazi, deleted e-mails, quid pro quo and so on. One forgotten phone call as compared to all the shit the left has done. In short, we may need to go back into campaign made and make the left lose their shit over all that stuff over again. It would also create an environment where Trump would feel more compelled and more comfortable to come down hard on various people on the left in a bid to drain the swamp some more and fight corruption.
He didn't really say anything. He was shooting the shit with a Russian diplomat. From my understanding, it went something like this:
Sally Yates, a political appointee from the Obama admin, leaked his call, implying that the Democrats were spying on the rest of Trumps cabinet. This is fucking huge for that reason alone. Flynn apparently lied to Pence, which is the real reason why he resigned.
Yep. And there is precedent for shit because Obama utilized those laws actively.
Based Flynn clearly doesn't trust Pence. I know it's Trump's insurance policy to have Pence around but I'm worried he's going to give into his globalist tendencies the first opportunity he sees.
Trump needs to get his remaining team in for his administration to really ramp things up. It's why the democrats have been trying so hard to hold back the confirmations for as long as possible. That and also with pizzagate and flynn's relation on the horizon of shit, the goons and jews are panicking because once that shit starts it'll be an incredible culling of the corruption. politicians, journalists, and other pedos will face either being v& and jailed with their careers ruined and possibly put to death, or they sudoku to avoid it. I can guarantee you once the surprise arrests set in, there's going to be hundreds dropping dead.
This proves that Trump was right regarding how the system is being gamed against him.
He needs to use this card, and use it fast.
I think the wick is in place.
I would rather be ready with a plan in CoC in place than be caught flat footed.
Can't they just counter that the sanctions were placed illegally in the first place?
The only justification was John Kerry lying about Assads chemical attack that Putin debunked and we never heard about again until said sanctions.
Commies must be physically removed.
We need political power plays with surgical precision. Any kind of military coup delegitamizes the whole US government, not only with libs at home, but with the rest of the world. We can't make such a move realistically. Trump is knee deep in the game right now and slogging through all kinds of shit, but he is doing good and I think he can get through this. He needs to attack back real soon though. Best defense is a good offense.
That is what I see happening right now. We are throwing their corruption and double standards in their faces, but they are using this "muh logan act" as a shield.
I'm not shilling for Iran, you worthless Kike.
Anyways, shilling for Iran =/= Shilling for Islam.
I'm saying that we might benefit from allying with them and Russia in order to exterminate the Wahhabist 'ISIS' radicals that are supported by Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Are you really this dense that you can't understand geopolitics and strategic foreign policy negotiation?
Not when you have pizzagate arrests pending. I'll bet you that there's be a decent chunk of the democrats suddenly vanishing or committing suicide to save their asses from the career ruination.
With Sally Yates fired from the whitehouse though, doesn't that mean the leaks also violates any NDA's she might've had to sign upon leaving, or with her work contract having NDA's involved.
Yes we know, but the "God Emperor" shit posting is just that. He is bretty gud but still fallible, he is human and the 3D chess is a consistent pattern but not 100 percent. Blind trust is stupid, and if there is a 3D chess play here I fail to see it as of yet, I really hope the JSOC commander guy that Fox was speculating about replaces Flynn because that would be the biggest fuck you possible to CIA given the feud between JSOC and CIA niggers.
You'll Cowards Don't Even Meme Responsibly
fuck off with your shit opinion goon
>>9258891 >>9260618 >>9261223
A coup d'etat is being orchestrated within the United States itself.
Look up his past, triple nigger. I'm not gonna spoonfeed you, out of spite.
They're trying to set up tensions against Russia because a war between the two would the jew's greatest dream, as it would weaken both countries. The jews would use the opportunity to swoop in and conquer and purge the remaining whites resisting their antics.
their shit against the whites is reminiscent to dbz and freiza's whole fear of the super aryan
In other words, you don't have a legit source for your claims about pence being an undercover neocon spook other than posting unsourced claims.
Delete yourself, chaim
Petreaus is a fucking faggot as has already been established. If he picks a replacement or has a lot of influence in doing so, that's fucked.
Get your head out of your ass, faggot. Trump winning the election was just the start of the struggle. Don't get fat and lazy now.
I am an ivy STEM PhD. The new recruits are just kids and they aren't of the mettle they used to be.
I'm not involved in this discussion but I just find it weird that suddenly so many people on Holla Forums are trusting established career politicians just because they are near Trump. There is only one man in the white house I trust myself and it sure isn't Pence.
It's Trump as our champion in a sea of traitors.
That's never happened here. What the fuck are you on about.
Found the fag who needs a cattle prod.
Liberals didnt give a fuck about Russians when they really were genocidal maniacs but they were communists then so its okay
Pence may or may not be an alright guy but the only reason Trump picked him was to appease the Republican party so he'd actually be able to get shit done in office instead of having both parties hostile towards him. The fact that Pence doesn't like gays doesn't mean he's trustworthy.
I don't know if this post is sarcastic or you are really so retarded you made yourself into an ironic caricature on accident.
The left having to admit they are hypocritical but excusing themselves because "it's different this time".
Your holy land is hundreds of miles from Iran, christkike.
Sweet lord it's like everyone's bullshit detector has stopped working. Come on user. You're better than this. Have your jimmies finally been rustled?
we got flooded with normal fags who dont know how to think for themselves
No shit. This place has been flooded with redditors from /r/the_donald and faggots from 4/pol/. People are honestly trying to push civic nationalism now, it's fucked.
He is an evangelical neocon, retard. That's the exact reason trump picked him, to assure he'd get the evangelical votes and at the same time to extend an olive branch to the Republican party. The only very good thing about Pence is his stance on faggotry.
Only so you would shut your whore mouth, here are 3 sources citing talking about who Pence is:
Next time, use that thing called the internet to look up what is mentioned or lurk the fuck moar, instead of arguing like a Jew asking to be spoonfed at every moment, I'm tired of cuckchan niggers always asking for sources because they couldn't be assed to remember anything or even worse, they think it's all memes and shitposting.
Introducing another piece of evidence in their Russia case against Trump
Personally I think Flynn was fired because He was vocal about Pizzagate and Trump wants to make it look like His Cabinet is being Unbiased When The Arrests Are Made.
I'll never understand the fags who think they can come here and "reason with the nazis" like they have anything remotely resembling a reasonable worldview.
Fucking checked!
Hitler dubs confirm civic nationalism is a shit.
So according to kikebart Trump is going to use this as a reason to purge Rinsed Penis who is probably the rat to begin with.
CNNiggers are calling For Rinsed Penis to step down as chief of staff too. These faggots are too rich.
The goal is not so much "reasoning with the nazis" It's to make the noise to signal ratio so unbearable that any intelligent discussion is rendered practically impossible. Same tactic they used on cuckchan before SJW mods came into power.
This exactly. They flood threads with shitposts and low-effort bullshit and prevent any sort of quality discussion or debate from taking place. Just look at 4/pol/ for the end result of that kind of bullshit. Every thread is shit, tons and tons of 1 or 2 line responses that add absolutely nothing to the discussion. May as well be posting on fucking reddit.
At least we have IDs here, so we can filter shitposters and get on with it. Problem is that there's so many newfags that take the weakest bait every single goddamn time.
So far for being a secret, dummy
Check this shit out from NYT. They really don't like Miller.
Where were these assholes during Benghazi?
Whatever, doesn't matter, the salt is delicious the next four years will be great
There is something creepy about a "professional" major media outlet producing content like that. At least it is exploitable.
Who, Putin or me? Either way, it shows that the Flynn resignation was the greenlight to go full retard about Russia. It only plays to the brainwashed libs though, so it isn't a huge deal unless there is something deeper to the Flynn story, which I highly doubt. The liberals are shooting their load right now, so at least we know for sure that this Russia shit is all they got and it's literally nothing.
Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn are calling for a full investigation of Flynn and want him to testify.
Trump is going to choose that JSOC guy, Trump already considered Patreaus for a positio and told him to fuck off
Something about ISIS and the NYT using the same terrorist tactics
That's what shocked me. Imagine FOX putting disgraced king niggers head on a pike.
Pence is little different from the regular cuckservatives, in that the left knows that they only need to shout abortion or homosexuals for them to start playing the record for the media that lets the multicult win yet again.
Gee I wonder what both have in common. Truly fucking despicable and disgusting, they should be outlawed as a domestic terrorist corporation.
so what exactly was the lie? This has a lot of mystery surrounding it
Gamergate all over again. Just keep repeating the narrative, no matter how many times its debunked, no matter absurd it becomes, just stick to the narrative. Forever.
You'd need a Nuremburg trial to get these people to admit they were wrong.
found the tweet.
This can only end in bloodshed.
Don't gas me for quoting Allinsky, but these two rules seem relevant.
Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, “Okay, what would you do?”
Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
Pence asked him if he talked about sanctions with a Russian diplomat and Flynn said no. So Pence defends him, the phone call gets leaked and now Pence looks foolish.
The bigger takeaway from this should be that high level DOJ officials are leaking sensitive material to embarrass a political rival again. I think that's why they're hammering so hard about Russia right now, so that nobody brings up the Valerie Plame scandal again.
This shit is crazy.
Kek, kikes like anhybody else, hate Traitors the most.
A "chosen" who decided to NOT be a disgusting satan worshipper & Instead Lead a Righteous Life is viewed as lower than goyim to them.
Actual, Self Hating jews are Their Worst Nightmare.
A jewish brain in The Goyim's Hands.
Bumping this counter action/response.
Our government was infiltrated by Islamic agents, Trump is fighting them and their unwitting (or not) pawns. The msm is ironically (not really) mimicking ISIS with these beheading images. We have the liberal establishment doing the bidding of the Islamic extremists right now. By creating a public wedge with Russia, our biggest white allies against Islam, our adversaries divide us while providing a never-ending fuel source for propaganda.
Currently sitting in a waiting room where CNN is on, kike blitzer and co literally using the word "treason" and trying to lead this all back to the Podesta emails that by every indication were internal leaks, not external hacks. Tbh I'm ready to pick up a gun and start purging these cunts as soon as the word is given.
Actually it was globalism pushing kike pawns user.
islam just happens to be a handy (for them) consequence of globalism.
I like the idea of user sitting in waiting room fantasizing about the purge with waiting room music playing in the background.
Both Islam and the kikes have been at it for thousands of years. Our three way war.
islam thousand not thousands
Thanks, user, nicer than the plebbitor deserves.
How about Pence making deals to help a WV Dem get re-elected? Note this is before he was sworn in and for the opposite party. Why, I believe that's called "selling influence"!
Let's settle this lnce and for all, what's better?
Waiting Room Music? or Elevator Music?
Good read, thanks user.
I vote elevator music.
THis this is the righteous move.
Around democrats, don't relax. Spicer confirming it's all about trust. There was no law broken.
I'm with you FBI kun, tell us when and where you want to supply me with all the things to top cousin McVeigh in killing these filthy commies
I actually wouldn't mind at all if Putin was pulling the strings and installed Trump as POTUS. I would feel MUCH safer, because Putin cares more about white Americans than all jews, leftists and shitskins combined.
lel, brilliant
This whole thing pisses me off, lads.
I hope he appoints somebody the deep state hates more than Flynn. The Trump Double Down.
Would you kikes kindly stop trying to meme the USA into a civil war?
It would have been watergateish if Trump found out about it and then tried to cover it up, this is cut and dry. He got caught lying and got the boot but the MSM is going to keep pushing the Russian meme.
Same here, it just adds more roadblocks in the way of getting anything important done and adds fuel to tension between Russia and the US.
It more pisses me off because it telegraphs that even after getting ravaged in the election they haven't even eased up for a second. Campaign season never ended. Every inflated scandal is a "regime shaking leigitmacy crisis." Every action outrages "everyone, INCLUDING FELLOW REPUBLICANS, goy." Cue the usual suspects denouncing things. Every appointment is a "billionaire hitler." Every legal technicality is on the books and violating one of them which has never been brought up until now means you're a tyrant who needs to be deposed. If anything, the screaming, narrative shifts, and shenanigans have gotten MORE intense.
They lost an election. If they don't admit it and maybe make SOME concessions, people will result to less constitutional means. Instead they're doubling down on every thing. It's a state of constant cold civil war.
Here you go everyone, sent a tip myself but the more the merrier.
I literally cannot even fucking list all of the scandals he was involved in or that his administration was involved in, or which occurred directly from his meddling. He was the worst president we have ever had.
Personally I believe that was just for appearances. If Trump really was against all of this, he would never have gotten elected in the first place. They would simply have locked him up on bogus charges with planted evidence or they would have killed him in a plane crash.
Trump about Epstein in NY Magazine:
"He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
What is the name of the cowardly bald motherfucker in this video?
Also is McCullough still alive or was he unpersoned?
all of these fuckers have a name on a bullet. And its going to be delivered soon.
…it's an even easier response to craft now that ben faggot rhodes is in the mix
yes, I'm responding to myself
I've gotta be honest; Bannon looks like a straight demon in human skin. Physically he's someone I'd expect to see on Clinton's side.
he looks like a fat drunk irishman, kind of a boring demon
Arrest her for espionage.
this tbh
I'm just memeing faggot. Wasn't Flynn the guy who told Seymour Hersh that he used DIA intel to assist Assad? That's pretty based.
This. this can be construed as a threat against him and the white house in general. Send it to the secret service as well. This kind of shit justifies increased funding so they don't mind.
David Seaman lied, no high level arrests are being made. Just that Sandusky guy, he probably pissed someone off.
Here's what worries me the most. Who is the leaker? The guy is clearly still close with the President as he's been leaking more and more shit lately.
I don't get it, on one hand there's the whole "this proves Trump is a Russian puppet," which is conspiratoritard tier. Then there's this is "politics as usual." which is being discussed here.
Imo seems like there isn't enough information to even conclude anything until Trump's advisers or the man himself comes out and give a statement. Sooo tl:dr? Not american and haven't seen a good explanation of this whole situation yet.
The longer Trump waits on dealing with these leakers while everyone is blaming him personally, the more impotent he looks. We need a show of strength, and soon.
So I don't know this Flynn guy too well. If I get this right Flynn gave sensitive information to Russia and now he resigns because he was found out, right? Why are people behaving like Trump is behind all this and this is the end of him?
No, he didn't give any sensitive information, shill.
I'm not a shill you retard, I'm just not american and I don't get the fuss about this. I see leftists have the most wonderful moment of their lives today and I don't understand why.
Where can I find a recording or transcript of what he said?
No, he talked about sanctions on a phone call with the Russian ambassador, told Pence he didn't, and CIA found out and released it to the media.
When you sanctions what sanctions are you referring to? And what does Trump have to do with all of this that makes him guilty?
Leftists always make a fuss whenever they think in their stupid little heads that things will go their way. A good example of this were the primaries, the general elections, whenever the electors met to vote, and so on. If anything, we should be making a fuss about how some leftists leaked shit to the media instead of going through the proper channels and urge Trump to use those anti-whistleblower laws Obama made to nail these Obama appointees to the wall.
The left thinks this validates their entire "Russia put Trump in office" narrative and probably assume it's a step closer to removing Trump from office.
U.S. sanctions on Russia, obviously. Trump doesn't have anything to do with this directly, Flynn resigned at his own discretion from the looks of things. Looks more like deep state niggers trying to get rid of his team. The fact that it's the Russian ambassador he was talking to just gives the left a reason to continue on their "muh russian puppet" narrative.
There are very important people in the government and the media against Trump, is it that hard for people to imagine that simply Flynn is a traitor?
That's very unlikely since there is little to support this other than the proclamations of anti-Trump fuckwits. Him stepping down is not a big deal by itself seeing as how this kind of thing has happened before with other people in Trump's campaign. Many of his people are loyal and tend to step down or get out if they can be a bother or a distraction to him.
Kill yourself kike
But how did Pence fuck up? He lied about what Flynn had said to him? I don't follow.
Easy. At first, nobody knows about the existence of a recording, then Pence is maneuvered (perhaps by Priebus) into asking Flynn, then surprising Flynn, Pence announces Flynn's assurance it to the world in an interview.
Then the recording turns up and it turns out that they DID technically exchange a few immaterial words, nothing of substance that Flynn recalled in the context of serious discussions of sanctions, but just enough to make everyone lose face if it gets leaked.
So Flynn has to take the fall.
Theory that Trump is being threatened by Deep State to go to war with Russia.
From one night to other Flynn resigns on good terms. Next day Spicer says Trump lost trust, also mentions Crimea/Ukraine and Russian aggression. Planting seeds of war with Russia as deep state has wanted.
He had predicted that Kellyanne Conway would come under fire next. Beinb betrayed by Priebus and probably Pence.
It seems that it is now the intelligence agency's fault instead. Though it is probably the (((CIA))) who is doing the hacking and leaking.
Here is a new article frontpage drudge headline that details this.
The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America's democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn's ouster was a soft coup (or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn't the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function.
Unelected intelligence analysts work for the president, not the other way around. Far too many Trump critics appear not to care that these intelligence agents leaked highly sensitive information to the press — mostly because Trump critics are pleased with the result. "Finally," they say, "someone took a stand to expose collusion between the Russians and a senior aide to the president!" It is indeed important that someone took such a stand. But it matters greatly who that someone is and how they take their stand. Members of the unelected, unaccountable intelligence community are not the right someone, especially when they target a senior aide to the president by leaking anonymously to newspapers the content of classified phone intercepts, where the unverified, unsubstantiated information can inflict politically fatal damage almost instantaneously.
Sorry mobile can't archive link.
What's with all this crap about Conway packing her bags?
Autism boy, we know that. LEAKING THEM, you stupid motherfucker, was an Obama gimp act of treason.
Between all the shills and disinfo flying around, and the fact that I thought he was /ourguy/, this whole situation has me so fucking confused. Was I wrong in thinking he was good? Did he take one for the team? Is the Administration handling it they way they are to further cause confusion in the MSM so they can get shit done?
I'm lost on this one.
Flynn took one for the team. He gets to sing his heart out on CIA & wreckin crew
This is fucking poetry. Surveillance State turning on itself.
real human bean
Seems that way, check the JSOC's thread for a better explanation.
thehill using this as an opportunity to worship Putin is distubing. There should be an investigation into that shithole.
So do you think that (((they))) were trying to use this to blackmail Trump into not looking into the pizzagate shit? As in "you need to stop investigating the pedo rings or we'll leak this and force Flynn to leave"? I'd be honestly surprised if it was something more innocent than that.
And yet people are focusing on Flynn instead of the fact that this kike bitch leaked important info.
Internal and external purges when?
Fuck, I meant
I'm furious.
What kills me more than these kikes trying to meme their deep state shit is the fucking faggot normies. Where was all this concern hidden? Where has it be locked away for decades? Whence was this "in depth" knowledge of US law and code conjured?
There's going to be a red fucking harvest, all right.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
The country is so fucked up there is nobody to replace Flynn who isn't more fucked up. This is why the jews are cheering.
Flynn was simply too much of a lightning rod. Nothing he did was that big of a deal and everyone has known about the call since December. It was all over Internet in Jan.
He didn't lie to Pence at all. The problem was that Pence tried to carry the "he didn't" story on TV and it didn't fly because everyone already knew. So rather than let Pence be called a liar at Trump request, Flynn had to throw himself on sword.
Well, she is their hero boys. They're basically using her talking points. Shouldn't be surprising really. They were using Obama State Department talking points for the past 8 years without hesitation. Most of your "independent uncompromising" media are quick to jump into bed and throw all pretense of integrity out of the window as soon as some mulatto and his cast of affirmative action hires climb into the office. There is no excusing what they have done, the damage the whole media-entertainment-news establishment has wrought these past 60 or more years. There can be only judgment.
We don't know at this point whether Flynn was forced tro resign over this specifically, because he undermined trust, or he's questioning Kushner, or Trump/Pence/co. want the media shitstorm to maybe die down and he was supposed to be a sacrifice. I don't think it was a good idea but we'll see in time. My impression was Flynn is a sharp guy and his influence there was far fucking better than Kushner's; basically, Flynn would be willing to dig through the deep state, try to make peace with Russia by negotiating something in Donbass, and fuck knows what else. Meanwhile, Kushner's say has gotten us Mnuchkin and a few other dubious cunts.
People will always be be influenced, it just a mater of by whom. Democracy is the biggest fucking joke in human history.
I bet Obama bugged the white house before he left. Trump needs to sweep that place.
Im gonna enjoy gouging your eyes out and watching you scream in agony.
shits this be a somewhat indepth Kikery update report. wtf is fox business and why can all these upper class types afford 1885 fashion.
Alrighty, so they are going to do everything in their power to try and impeach Trump due to ties with Russia
So … let me get this straight because I still cant quite …
A retired lieutenant general of the US Army
Has a secret call with the russkies between the election and the inauguration
And lied to the vice president-elect about it.
Donald Trump had a face to face conversation with Michael Flynn that basically went something like 'how willing are you to die for America? Would you actually be willing to suffer a fate worse than death if it also happened to fuck over the treasonous deep state?'
Trump told Flynn to make that call and what to say knowing it would be intercepted and leaked.
Checked, and pic related.
Paper ballots for everybody!
is this like an office prank? is obama just a dick?
I'm still so fucking confused on this. I can't tell if this was the plug to the whole swamp, or if Trump is honest to God playing chess at such a high level that even with it explained to you, it's beyond comprehension.
holy shit when will these lizards die. HOLDING ON SINCE WWII REEEEE PLS GO.
My theory is Trump pretended to play footsie with Putin to get someone in intelligence to leak.
Intel community was spying on the president and transition team not to prevent working with the Russians, but to effect a coup. Flynn took a bullet for America.
Has to be what he's doing. I don't give a shit what the shills say, I highly doubt we're about to go into WWIII with Russia. This has to be a plan he maybe even discussed with Putin. Remember, Putin was the FIRST world leader Trump met with.
I have to wonder, did Trump ask for his resignation so he could then provide protection for Flynn?
Shut up, Wesley!
Will trump please kill the bitch like what happened to Seth Rich?
Where was the warrant?