Draw thread

infinity booru: 8-booru.booru.org
art boards: >>>/art/, >>>/loomis/
helpful(?):quickposes.com/, youtube.com/user/ProkoTV

draw, request, and discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting this but with a vidya character.

Requesting a mexican chen eating a taco.

Excellent, OP

I'll go with something based off your pic then and request some Tacticool Freya

If you see this user and still want to make it than i want you to know i very appreciated your kind offering in the jojo thread!

Thank you!


Requesting Recette and Tear enjoying a meal together; sitting in front of the same plate of food with Recette feeding small pieces of food to Tear.

Draw chimu being petted


edit: made some shiny things shinier

Draw me an inkling running away from four big squids

Is that meant to be the girl from Darkest Dungeon or Plague Knight?

Don't worry, user, there will be plenty of video games in this thread.

I'm talking like, real big angry squids.

she can eat it in her own country

dankest dungeon

The former. I'd recognize my waifu anywhere.

Draw Risky with Shantae's lamp, forcing her to give her a lapdance.

**Regardless, they're both QTs*

Aw shit, I used to own this game when I was a kid. I wish I still had my 8chenboy though.

Requesting video game characters hitting/killing themselves with their own weapons

what's a Chim?

Requesting Donald Trump as Geese Howard.


Requesting Wario doing the following from the Warioware manual

Truly a gem of its time.

Did something similar/related some time ago.

Good drawing, but that joke has been made many times before. Just look up "Bomberman" or "ボンバーマン" on Pixiv and you'll find a fair amount of drawings all like that.

I just did that, and holy shit. Some of these are fucking hilarious.



Requesting Crash Bandicoot from Crash Retold to be drawn like Guts in 2nd pic related. Preferably black and white.



M8, that looks pretty finished to me.
That guy didn't even post that in a drawthread, he posted in some other random thread.

Dubs get dood(le)s.

Yeah, it's an old joke, decades old.




I'm going to do it anyway because I love this type of shit, but I wanna see the original one.

damn, I wish I could color like that, or colour at all really.

take this sketch

Get a tablet and start learning how to mix/do gradients and shit.

I wish I had the patience to stick with coloring something up to this point/past it and not getting tired of the drawing.

yeah because everyone here has that kind of money to blow.

Looks great. Any plans on finishing it?

I do
but id much rather just get commissions instead



that's a pretty nice sketch user

cute nose, gorgeous lips and eyes

I have some pretty bad same face though

What's the matter McFly?!


Well, I'm poor and white, so I can't get a scribblin board.

You can a decent one for 60 bucks or less.

Or you can buy the next shit AA game that comes out I suppose.


Aww shit. You got a delivery from that anonymous manic-depressive drawfag that's always so insecure about his art, that he rarely ever replies to anyone, if he even comes here?

You should consider that a fucking blessing, man. He draws very rarely, but he hardly ever takes requests, at that. Goddamn.

damn shame, he's pretty good.

The art styles don't look that similar, how do you know it's him? Unless you are him and you're talking in the third-person.

Yeah. I can't dig that fauxfurfaggotry, either. No cloaca, titless nipples, and a severe lack of nostrils, at that. Just what is the point in admiring the exotic, when there is nothing remotely foreign to admire? Either go full-flat, or add some suckers to those things.

Indeed. A shame his talents are wasted on representing such a shit character.

Same gradients, along with the fact he likes drawing his girls in pinup poses.

Busted a gut laughing at this. Very nice.

What? didn't you know you can't be poor if you're white? Just use your white privilege and you'll be rich in no time lad

Is there anyone left in this thread?


delete this


I'm always here. But I admit the lack of the old hustle and bustle has been depressing me lately.

if there is any artist left in this thread still can I request Kayo hugging Satoru

what video game is this?

It's an anime
pls no bully

This is a Holla Forums drawthread, user.


I still wonder how I fucked up with that game back when I was a kid. Thanks.

Requesting if anyone feels up for it, sorry if it seems like I'm asking to much.

Nemissa from SMT soul hackers and Kula Diamond from king of fighters sitting at a diner table eating a parfet like the one in this image but with Jack Frost faces.

there is no other drawthread on this forgotten imageboard, except maybe for Holla Forums but no one is going to take me seriously with that request


They don't have drawthreads back as /a/? That's a shame.

Does /a/ not have drawfags or something?
Holy fuck, even /m/ and /clang/ have drawfags, and those boards are way fucking smaller than /a/ is.

There is no drawthread and even if there was the board is dead with ~10 pph

*there is no drawthread at the moment

I feel boards like /xen/ or /clang/ were created from Holla Forums with the insurance that both drawfags and anons from here would be interested.

Didn't /a/ make their own imageboard on another website?

tacticool freya


user, I should be done within 30 minutes. Tell me, I'm drawing him holding someone in an aikido stance. Any requests who you want on the receiving end?

Not him, but it's gotta be Low-Energy Jeb


Requesting a rule 63 version of Master Hand






i posted the finish result in another thread, you must've missed it.

here it is again.

apex heh

lmao what

I screwed jeb's face a bit, didn't know how to draw it from that angle

Thank you user, I love it.

Requesting Trump giving his position of God Emperor to Duke Nukem

Little challenge for the drawfags:
Draw the bizarro/opposite version of your favourite vidya character.

draw young Psycho Mantis on his knees from the POV of someone who's rubbing their cock on the front of his gas mask.

The only one I can think of would be Spyro, but the only thing I can imagine his opposite being is a shadowsteel-tier deviantart OC

but user, that's a Pimp hand.
Well, at least I got a kek out of it

Yeah, but wouldn't it be female too?

Yeah, I can see it already

Her name should start with "Cynder"

Thanks mate!

why not make a DA donut oc of a vidya game character of your choice then?
try to make it authentic.

Authentic DA donut or an authentic vidya character?

Authentic DA donut

that was /sp/ moving to 711chan, I believe.


Is that a Five Guys shake?

There was a very slow /a/ draw thread a while back. Most of the requests were about what you expect and nobody drew them. I wouldn't bother making one unless you are a drawfag, though.

If you're so desperate for a non-vidya picture, just commision it.

/a/ made a bunker for when this site goes down. It's still centered on Holla Forums.

/sp/ moved to 76chan.

I was working on this animation but I gave up on it,
Taking a request.

Challenge accepted!

the fuck?


Requesting The Chimp (from Super Mario Galaxy 2) playing Showderp.

I have created a monster, haven't I?

Yes, Mr. Dubs



Sleep snug, smug

This is cool as fuck, user

Sleep tight, user. I'll get right to work on it.

Requesting a finished version of this animation :^)

looks good thanks user

thanks Mr. Mc.Coolguy!
Feels good to get 2 deliveries for one request.

she's not my favorite.

She looks like some autistic furfag's fursona.

Hide yo hands hide yo feet!
i do the same


Oh wait the original really doesn't have hand or feet.


Requesting more competitive dancing art starring Shantae against Shovel Knight

So, I tried looking up art guides, I am now drowning in furries
Please help me


Er'yago user
Basically, the best way to git gudder at art is to practice. Buy a notepad and some pencils and start drawing real life objects.
Draw them as raw shapes before you go into detail. Like, if you were to draw some old ass hourglass, you shouldn't start focusing on the details at once, but rather some rough outlines how it fits on your paper and then later on go deeper.
You have Mark who is a guy making western mangoos, but has a crap tone of advice for drawing




Nigger his advice on work relating to comics is actually good. You can call him le roddit humor xdd but overall it's bearable when you take into account what he offers.

The only thing around me is goats? I don't think this is useful to be drawing

This guy is a fucking atrocious artist when it comes to anime/manga whatever bullshit. He's doing that because 12 year old deviantarts suck that up like babies on lollipops and he can get their parents to give him money by selling shitty advice to clueless underageb&s who dream of becoming the next top mangaka.


Literally anything can serve as an object of a drawing, so don't worry.

I can cherry pick too you faggot. I wasn't defending his quality of drawing, rather the advice he gives you double nigger.

The advice he's giving you is from the perspective of a guy who's selling shitty mango to 12 year olds who don't know any better.

forgot image

I dare you to find a good manga drawing from him that isn't a background or a photocopy.

You're really hell bent on the whole shitty mangoo for 12 year olds , aren't you?
Here's an entire fucking playlist you triple nigger

You can do wonders with a good carving knife.

draw the landscape. draw a rock. draw a goat. draw a tree. draw.

Where the fuck are you that all there is, is goats? What are you doing on Holla Forums if you are lost? What the fuck?


Draw your favorite videogame character suplexing the videogame character you like least!


Okay you got me there you fucking nigger.

Someone draw a man posting on a goat, siting on a goat, and all of his stuff just replaced by goats

reposting since there isn't enough Monster World art


What if it's a Cute girl trapped in Goatworld?


Nice! It gets better and better. Maybe I should make more requests like that.

While I'm not as retarded as and can accept that Mark isn't a bad artist, he's definitely not a good teacher. Aside from his perspective tutorials (which are alright as an introduction), he mostly teaches gimmicks and fixed angles.

Someone could probably learn more about drawing from a single Jack Hamm book than the entirety of Marks videos.

Speaking of which, read some stuff from Jack Hamm.

I thought his playlist on comics and pacing did it's job. Work with panels, satisfying a suspenseful buildup with a page flip, thinking when to use closeups and so on.

and normal versions

the actual one.

Draw Hitler

I need to stop having an erratic sleep schedule. Looks pretty neat, though the shadows got me hella curious…

I think his proposal for a learning method/order would be more impressive if he proved it worked, at least for him. Those examples are totally whack. It might be a bias but I prefer following advice from artists I enjoy the art of and tell myself "man, I wish I could draw like that" when I see it.


Brace for impact, this is also directed at everyone in the thread discussing that image.

If the user reposting that is resposting it because I posted it last thread, then they're missing the point of it. What the replies are saying of the examples is true, what I was getting at when I posted it in the previous thread is that if you're an absolute beginner you should use the first few levels of that chart as a general jumping off point of figuring out what to practice. Because the first few stages are indeed good (technique, lines, shapes, forms, perspective, in that order being where I think anyone should begin).

The problem people are having with understanding what I meant and just reposting the chart is that ultimately the most important thing is to practice and be continually identifying your weak points and trying to solve them, (eg things looking flat despite practicing perspective, so you practice foreshortening on top of that) and every single thing he listed in there also goes way further than the tiny square's example.
For example, perspective can go all the way up to 6 point.
The only one on that chart that I'd say to explicitly avoid is the consistency one, because that starts veering into reverting to symbol territory if you're deliberately making sure different aspects of different drawings are literally the same each time. But it more likely applies to just remembering something like making sure a character has three stripes on whatever they do each time you draw them.

tl;dr It's a general starting ground, use some problem solving to figure out what you need to practice personally.

I propose a "new" way of deciding the direction of your art studies:

people should do something besides requesting in these threads

also, fuck stylizing.

Requesting Galactus trying to eat a planet, but it turns out the planet is actually a mimic and it bites him back.

You're in that mimic thread aren't you, user?

I made the request right after I came up with it there

what game is this?

Marvel vs Capcom 3, of course


Requesting X and Zero going clang clang in bed with Alia and Cinnamon respectively.

That pose Shovel Knight is in reminds me of that famous Trump picture.




Could someone just make a more Isabelle version of one of these images? I went through the whole thing thinking of how similar they look and I think I just need closure. Like putting that last puzzle piece in place.

Open-ended request.

Draw your fav male/female couple holding hands.


you got it

Can I have source please?
I'll admit I tried, but reverse image search gives me nothing and "Shizue's Blog" gets me lots of AC shit.

check my sweet new pokemon



Draw a very angry Danielle

do it

Can someone redraw this image with the Major?

I can't get his eyes quite right. Any drawfags here who can help me out?

This is just a WIP, by the way

not vidya
but will do because hellsing

That's a pretty cool Pokémon, user.
Check mine out, he's a funny guy.

Do you want to draw them similar to the merchant's or similar to Tamami's?


Oh hey, user. Ideally they'd be Tamami's eyes. I mean, I tried but I can't get the anime's new style down.


Hey! Hope you're doing fine.

You're missing two things, the "epicanthic fold", a skin fold in the superior eyelid that Tamami has (the red line on the right) and the volume of the eyes/eyelids (in cyan, blue and dark yellow).


Instead of making an edgy version of a normal character, I tried taking an edgy character and turning it normal.
I attempted to make Meta Knight a bit more heroic looking.
Tell me what you think!

I like it. The simple art it's got going on actually makes it blend in really well with Kirby stuff.

Maybe less hair plume.

That design actually works way better than the edgelord shit that's canon.

Between Kirby really not being dark even if it tries (even with the various Zero incarnations, still more cutesy than disturbing) and Meta Knight's role basically being "smarter, stronger Kirby with a valiant knight motif in place of the copy ability and eating fixation", a "dark" design really doesn't fit him. With this one, he's still Kirby's equivalent to Virgil, and still has the usual motif of a tough knight (with a loyal following and some serious power in some games) going, but the unnecessary edginess is gone in favor of a "tougher secondary good guy who isn't as friendly as the main one" look.

It actually looks good and fits with the rest of the bright and colorful visual design of Kirby games, rather than the "ow the edge" nonsense that's the real design. Nice work.


>tfw no one will take your request even though you think it's cute

I guess I should round out this bizarro Kirby and Meta Knight with some bizarro Dedede


It was weeks ago when I requested it user.

Then why mention it now?

Relatively cute.
Would kiss his face.

Why do we do anything user?

You should have just brought immediately instead of acting like an attention whoring faggot. If you have a request then just say it. If it wasn't done it's either because drawfags missed it or it was shit.

>getting mad at an anonymous person on an imageboard

That's pretty good, user.
Like the Monster World one too →
Thanks for coming and showing us your art.

My friggin' Kirby doesn't belong with your Dedede and Meta (White) Knight.

Draw Doomguy beating the shit out of NuDoomguy

Draw Doomguy giving Doomedguy a stern look of disapproval, and Doomedguy walking away dejected and embarrassed.

loli or ara?

Requesting Yuri as Yuri

Do you mean yuri as yuri or yuri as yuri?

Obviously as Yuri, m8

Can I get a smug pepe Abadon?

I've seen this request a lot.

how about some yuri on yuri yaoi?


That is because I have requested it at least ten times by now

is this supposed to be a SVD or a SVDS?
either way looks like someone made a down syndromed tiger draw a glowstick
you should consider stopping drawing guns
and what's with her fingers? the rifle's fucking gigantic, she's barely holding it
that's not SVD

Requesting Casanuva from Yo-kai Watch going through a fate worse than death: Getting his hair shaved off, forced into being a short haired loser or bald. Your choice.

You sick fuck.

Requesting Mega Man Volnutt doing some eurobeat drifting with his jet skates.

Requesting Punished Sagat.

Can't say no to those lucky dubs!

The poor guy.

god dammit

I wanted a hot pic

I got the BEST pic instead

Terrible tbh

I got your back fam.


I'd love to know the original cartoon's name, which short was the original pic from?

That would be "Wabbit Twouble", user.


I want to fuck the goat

Nice sketch, user.
I see one problem with the breasts, so I made you a redline. Hope it helps.

I draw that 4 months ago, and back then people complained about everything you just did. Worst part is that, that one is the fixed version.

Hunh nice catch, thanks for the help.

Either one is fine with me Maybe more loli though so there's already a lot of ara

Why even have these threads?

Very nice

Coolguy seems invested on carrying the thread but not one man can work a drawthread by himself. See;

Personally threads have been so shit lately I automatically cringe at the sight of a drawthread.

aww yeah

Why come to them?

would it be inappropriate if i dumped pictures in drawthreads under the pretense of providing general creative inspiration?

i'd dump in my >>>/art/2869 thread but i'm not fond of the three image limit

That's stupid.

Those are pretty good, how do you make them?

/art/ isn't really so much for dumping paintings as it is for artists to post their work. Unless you're pulling superhuman work you're not gonna run into the image limit when posting your stuff.

this is my favorite meme

haven't a clue. i'll leave that one for artists to solve

The limit is 5 images.


well look at that

anyone ever make the connection between funky kongs guns and vehicles and the kids next door?

are you sure its a 3 image limit or is it due to the 8 mb upload limit? if your uploads combined exceed 8 mb it wont go through

requesting freya in russian GORKA uniform
tacticoolness optional

Requesting Ablus shouting GLYPH IN BULLET or SHANOAAAA


Did this in a hurry, so forgive the half-assness


well fuck you too then

Lurk more.

I raised it to 5 a long time ago, but the board was too dead for anyone to notice.

why are you trying to destroy drawthreads?

There's that word again!

You have to go back.

They're no more waifus than Vivian or Gilda or any other organic mascot we often see around here. I wouldn't expect the whole board to know who they are but don't go around stomping on people's request. If no one likes it then no one will draw it


'preciated, doc

Nice argument, faggot. Get lost.



here's something i drew recently
i know it's crappy, it's just a doodle
at least i'm not shitposting

I don't know who/what that is, but it looks cute.

Saved. Reminder that there's a fan made MML3 in the works: zisakudash3.yu-nagi.com/en/home.html

Would pat on the head/10

I'm back.
Been practicing traditionally for a while and trying to get more comfortable drawing figures.
also pig waifu


Please draw a qt shark getting some very passionate nose-rubs from a friendly diver, within the near future.

We simply need more anthro sharks that aren't just sergals with scales, and I'll just say you're the type who could make them great again.


And I thought inflation was pitiful.

Don't start bringing elder-god tier fetishists in here
because you're speaking to one

I wonder if anyone's gonna doodle I. M. Meen temoving kebab.

Nobody said anything about jacking off, Mister Projector, but maybe there's some implications behind that wall of laugh gifs?

Nah I'm pretty sure he's right.


God fucking damn, I wish my tablet would work on this shitty vista i've had for nearly 10 years now.

Sure, it's beaten to shit, but it's all I have now.

Put windows 7 on it.

Nice one, user

Good argument, nigger. Go treat yourself to a banana.


Thanks man, this looks pretty sick. Wasn't expecting him to look so bored, but I guess it's actually fitting if he's in Takumi's place here.

That's pretty good quickie. His head is a little too big, though.

Glad you liked my doodle, here's some ass.
I remember they went MIA for a good part of last year, it's cool they're still kinda active.

Thanks for the ass.
It's Servbot, not Servibot.


Wow, what the fuck is going on here?

First of all, that is an old image I did a year ago in tower girls thread on halfchan's /ic/, that I touched up recently. And is a good example why I don't touch old pieces. Because they are fundamentally broken.
And secondly I do not finish anything ever because there is no point. I draw to learn, at the end the product serves its purpose even if it doesn't look very good I learned something. I know that finishing something is a skill of itself but I'm more focused on fundamentals right now. That's something you notice from majority of artists, they make their shit pretty and "finished" but if you dig deeper there is nothing to them. So I do not bother finishing, in the end I know I won't be satisfied because I lack skills necessary.

By all means go for it. I honestly don't care about what you or anyone do to my pieces because they are byproducts as I explained above.
Actually I wanted to come here and ask for some help with the head, so if anyone can fix it, would be nice, I guess.

Scott Robertson's gnomon dvd's on matte surface rendering or How to render book.
Or we could organize something like google hangouts so I can maybe tell you a few things. Except not using jewgle.

I'm not insecure, I see ways things could be improved. If anything, my problem is I need to practice more. Also I'm generally in read only mode.
I do indeed draw rarely but I must say that you probably do not link together everything I post. And I don't post everything I draw.

I learned a bunch from things that I did. Speaking of wraith, I actually went on the internet, searched for ripped models of her, then I did renders in blender, all because there was no good reference material. That thing is very complex and hard to draw properly.
If you want cunts and nipples or dicks, you fucking degenerate, somebody could probably slap them on, I can even assist them with original res images or something. Also I never bothered to study a vagina so I don't even know how to draw it. Yet.

Sorry for the wall of text.

Requesting the Medic from TF2 drinking some beer.

Vaginas are gross



lost sight of original request mid-painting. uniform is now a shirt.

how is it

Saved. Ever thought of making art for children's books?

Servbots live the good life

my original goal was getting good enough to draw porn, so that never actually crossed my mind.

Inflation is elder-god tier?

Had fun making a quick redline. The problem with the head seems to be asymmetry, the other half gets distorted, as if it's seen from a 3/4 instead of a kinda-front view.

Also, thanks for coming. It's always cool to have more artist here, even to share personal art.

They definitely do.

>not PHEW
ya blew it

No, but you might be bringing in floor-tile esque people just by mentioning it

All changes to the body are insignificant, they don't change overall appearance. Yeah, shoulder is better, thigh lost volume for some reason, rib cage is still questionable, but if I went in and repainted it, it would still look the same. Only constructing it properly would be any use, since, if I recall, the picture came from a composition sketch, something you should never do. Comp sketches don't have construction underneath it, no camera placement, no lens in mind, no grids, etc. Their purpose is to hold things in place and approximate how final image would look. The best thing to do is to fix head and abandon it. If you know how to do first thing then you should do it. I'm not going to bother with it, I spent enough time as it is and it came to good ol' turd polishing. It doesn't necessary mean it is a turd, it means your actions don't do much.
Should I post the sketch if I find it?

You really should, user.

How else are you going to get good anonymous critique out of a draw thread? How much stuff have you been keeping away from here?

bumping with old drawing

i-is it good?

keep practicing

I dont know what any of this bullshit means but this is exactly what happens when you put an identity on people who come to chans, ie generally each post rests on its own merit, if you guys dont stay to this simple standard, any little pice of weak ass oc gets the namefag who drew it his dick sucked for the entire thread.

I dont, this is the first draw thread I have been in since the pre-october exodus.

Its not a new dawing so who the fuck cares, if people need inspiration they will ask for it.

Its not a meme to me, mememaster, I was legitimately wondering what the fuck the deal is with these threads, and by the look of it I seem to have awoken the thread and cleared the faggotry out just by asking, someone should "meme" this earlier in the fucking thread if thats the case.

it's amazing


Can anyone of you draw me a cute image of Mary O. from mario maker? There's barely any art of her, and yeah.

Not lewd please, cheers!

Chibi or regular?

oh welp looks like the thread passed the bump limit, request again in the next thread

if you finish it and the thread is down, you can post it in the booru.

ok im going to try and if I like it I'll post it but don't count on it since I'm not really good at this, I just got a tablet.