Muke is officially dead

Muke is officially dead



and nothing of value was lost

He was an obvious COINTELPRO agent used to make us look bad with his poor grasp of theory.

He should've listened to us


at least he admits he fucked up

Honestly, the xexizy bashing is becoming a bit much now, especially simce 95% of you people worshipped him before

go away muke

he was drunk during that debate?

He's just some kid trying to get involved in leftism. Give him a break. The fact that so many of you expect someone so young to have a firm grasp of theory says that a lot of you are probably children yourselves.


except he literally didnt know capitalism was required before the transition to socialism was possible

tankie please kill yourself, there's not a grain of marxism in the entire boot you lick

anarcho communism isnt even marxist.

also what part of that was tankie? capitalism WAS necessary to transfer from feudalism to socialism, are you retarded?

im not a muke fan and never was. I just think it's silly how you guys are constantly shitting on him when before the debate it was known that he didn't read and regularly made poor videos and you people made him your youtube representative.

Fuck you authoritarian pig.

Go on lad, paint gun those anarkiddie posters.

That actually means it makes at least a little sense.

probably not.

"B-but your honor, I was drunk when I keeled my mother."
"Oh, I see! Case closed everybody! The accused is clearly not guilty!" [bangs hammer]


Broken Britain mate.

literally who?

stop dis,

Horrible news.

He tweeted that a while after the debate, clearly not referring to the one on his channel.

He joined an Uni Trotskyist group so he has fallen to the lowest point a man could get.

isn't this the faggot who called himself a ML and then pretended to be leninist "instead" after realizing he's been an idiot for not even knowing what he's talking about?
yeah, trotskyte seems very fitting

He's alive.
He is just having internet problems.