What's his name again Holla Forums?
What's his name again Holla Forums?
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Just the other day I was wondering why people didn't like Cliff Blazooper.
Thank you for reminding me.
No one I should give a shit about.
It's amazing how far the mighty have fallen.
So can you go into the tranny room & slaughter mentally ill degenerates?
spliff blazeinski
I personally don't care what message the game tries to put in but as soon as the devs go
I get mad.
GOTYAY 10/10
Cucked Bazinga
Cliff Bitchleszinski
If the bathrooms were gender neutral they wouldn't have any symbol on them. Or would just say bathroom or have a picture of a toilet on it. God this moron cannot even pander properly. Not like anyone is going to buy his game anyway he made it PC only and last generation he said making games for PC is a poor business decision since all PC players are thieves.
Does anyone even know about that game tho?
nobody seems to care.
and the retards that he's pandering to right now dont even play games
Sure looks like it.
Rockcock is based
I checked the twitter replies or whatever they are called.
everyone is making fun of him for virtue signalling
He's too perfect for this world.
it's called a unisex
what a fucking smug asshat
That's what I was thinking. What would the icon be for a restroom for anyone? The gender segregation symbols both inform who is permitted and what the door leads to. A picture of a toilet isn't very aesthetically appealing and lettering isn't as concise.
Is this where the three seashells begin?
the argument that sjws are making in part implies that anything and everything is based around gender and not sex.
The argument they make is that bathrooms are gender segregated and not sex segregated, because sex is something that is indisputably a difference between male and female, but gender is a gray zone. Kind of like how they are calling transsexuals transgendered.
This is from the same guy that created the most dudebro game series of all time. What the fuck happened? Is there some sort of secret social justice brainwashing program that seems to affect everyone nowadays?. I mean look at Spector and Shitface…
One day we'll actually get a fun game like that, although it might hurt peoples feelings, but back in the day no one gave a shit about that.
I've been to one and it just said unisex bathroom on the door. I spent as long reading it as I usually do triple checking that I'm not walking into the women's bathroom.
Cliffy is just doing what he has always done, pander to the lowest common denominator.
The butthurt is real.
Insulting your customers, smart move.
Goddamn what a tremendous faggot.
what happened
Why aren't we using meme magic to make 'progressive' a negative term used by normalfags?
They already exist, they're called unisex toilets and nobody uses them because both males and females feel awkward peeing around people of different gender.
Liberals happened. Shit was more fun without them around
Its the mentally ill trannies that make these demands, actual women hate this because it makes it easier for creepy weirdos to spy on them and set up cams.
Target is one of the first major retailers to offer gender neutral restrooms, they've since lost 2.5 billion dollars in stock and their once active twitter account has been silent since april 19th, they also have a petition against them at like one million people to boycott them.
The mentally ill are humanity's greatest treasure and must be protected at all costs, even in fiction
Gender neutral bathrooms are fucking retarded because they make up a good .01% of the population.
They're just an abysmally loud minority.
video games
Unless, of course, you're an exact sciences student and have literally trascended humanity, having seen so many dicks and pussies of different shapes and forms that you're rendered frigid or impotent.
This is an actual problem on my college, we call them monsters because they don't act like humans anymore.
is he for real? rofl what a fucking sissy
The only good way to play of Watch Dogs was to play it as a degenerate purging simulator.
Wish I still had the Holla Forums webms.
Meanwhile from a better dev;
I didnt find any recent tweets calling him a faggot
Its just pandering to socjus buddies
I don't understand the 180, dude was responsible for making games that SJWs hate now all off a sudden he's pandering to this tiny demographic that doesn't buy games.
The biggest reason I have no respect for devs like this isn't even the social justice pandering, it's the antagonistic tone they do it with. If they actual cared about furthering their social justice shit, they'd try to be more reasonable and diplomatic, instead they act like this and just create more resistance.
They're memeing it into existence all on their own by refusing to get the fuck out of anybody's face with it, dominating college campuses and it typically being talentless retards who decide to virtue-signal
it's almost like the guy is a lying piece of shit whose only output is insincere checkbox garbage.
Remember when people said that the world would end in the 2000's they were wrong. It was just the begining of the end of western society
But it's the CURRENT YEAR user, who would dare challenge them?
And if they really cared they wouldn't do this shit, this stuff just hurts those causes more than anything, never mind the damage its done to the industry.
Years ago nobody cared female characters in games or niggers or whatever, now if you add a female character or a black dude its instant pandering even if it turns it wasn't.
The guy just makes boring games that don't draw people on mechanically. So he just attaches whatever is seemed as popular at the time to sell it. During the 360 this was dumb idiots who loves shooting guns and muscly dudes playing football. Now everyone is saying it's being a sjw so he is doing this. Now the problem is these customers don't actually buy or play games so he is up for a rude awakening.
It's not happening quick enough, we need to weaponise the memes.
This is your brain on social justice. Any questions?
We gave women too much control, that's what happened. Women tend be shortsighted.
He can be as "progressive" as he likes, but him acting like an utter cunt about it guarantees his image will be tainted forever in the eyes of gamers much like Tim Schafer.
Black people>White people
The mighty?
Cliffy has been the biggest douchebag since the beginning of the Universe, everything that comes out of his mouth is utterly retarded, this is the same guy who defended always online DRM and claimed that Diablo 3 would have sold half as many copies without it.
Cliffy always goes out of his way to have the most retarded opinion possible, no matter the subject.
Nah, those were the 90s. You can thank marketing research people and corporations for that.
Marquis de Sade was right.
The only reason women exist is so important men can vacate their minds of distracting toughts in order to be more prudent when makind important desisions.
Good to see the ole' "misogynerd reddit" boogeyman is alive and well
Not sure man, after all it's millenials the progressive fuckers that were brainwashed into accepting this.
We're already doing everything we can, cap'n, the only thing to do now is keep up the pace and watch the results. Tumblr's already eating itself alive due to mismanagement of the website (David Karp and his employees are hilariously incompetent web-developers and general administrators who have a soft-spot for college-age bleeding hearts and attention-whoring teenagers) and schisms forming even amongst the social-justicey types as they can't figure out what the hell any of them mean when they're all supposedly talking about the same thing.
Take Tokyo for example, because of the way the city of Tokyo is planned and because of the massive overpopulation, most malls and cinemas have unisex toilets (because there is simply not enough space).
And how has this progressive thinking led Japanese society to the future?
They banned social sciences in all universities. because they believe they're useless.
The same Tokyo that has separate tram cars for men and women because of all the groping?
Fucking perfect, now if he'd just finish the fucking game.
But they are.
Well that actually makes sense tho.
There is an actual problem there.
This can't be real
And hope it doesn't suck. The combat is really worrying me.
Well, not all universities, but a number of them threw out that trash.
this is the guy who defined the genre of sit behind cover and play whackamole but still refer to it as a "shooter" just so casuals will think what they're playing is pretty much the same as quake because it has gore and guns.
But gender neutral bathrooms already exist. They're called unisex bathrooms. How fucking retarded can he be?
I always figured unisex bathrooms would require be less efficient, considering urinals take up less space than cubicles and women take longer in the bathroom.
If there was ever a face you wanted to smash with a fucking hammer, his would be it
and even then it was stolen blatantly from Namco.
When was Cliff Bazinga mighty? I missed that part.
The artist who invented the male and female symbols, Otto Neurath, would be disgusted at seeing his work denigrated in this manner.
Not necesarily, you can just put three cubicles and have people make a line for it.
It's not your problem and you'll still fulfill the basic necesities to have the place running
When are they going to realize that gamers are mostly cis white shitlords that don't like agendas in games? With all the example from ubisoft, microsoft and ea, it should be fucking clear by now.
This is what every SJW does and they never get fired.
I always think that when I see this photo. I hate that edgy middle finger to the camera shit and it makes me cringe every time I see some faggot doing it.
Cliffy Zimbabwe
give it time, cuck has only recently broke into mainstream
Oy vey.
He's got small hands
In my future bathrooms say XX, XY & MUTANT.
This is fucking incredible this really delivers a blue to all those people saying it's only a matter of time before Japan becomes as bad as the rest of the world
Sadly it's on it's way to becoming a third world country.
Everything is as overpriced as it is in Argentina and they still use the economic plan they've been using for almost 80 years, which no longer works basicly because the world is no longer controlled by the Soviet Union and the US
Because most of those cis white shitlords are going to preorder the game, act surprised when it plays like an untested beta for at least a month and has day one DLC, then eagerly await the sequel and/or reboot. This shit happens because gamers are shitty consumers that beg to be treated like this.
Based dev strikes again
I don't think so.
And there is also the problem that everyone is scared of fucking because they don't want to leave their lifestyle, even when the media promotes creampie fetishism to try and get more childbirth.
Dude bro archive these. So when he back peddles we got this to BTFO him with
God damn
Have you fags never heard of Unreal Tournament?
I'm talking economically third worldish, the population will still be basicly the same.
Japan hasn't grown economically for almost 50 years.
It's a kike lie that "growth" is the prime directive of any economy. It's why Merkel is flooding the EU with savages, so the economy can "grow".
Japan will fix itself once population numbers fall back to reasonable levels.
I love UT, but it seems to be doing perfectly fine without him
how responsible was he for OG UT?
the absolute madman
That's why imageboards are anonymous.
Sales are going down thouh The more they push their agendas, the less the game sell. The trend can be seen from a mile away.
He was the designer behind the original Unreal.
That's an actual problem though, tram cars has people packed like sardines so groping was extremely easy and got way out of hand.
Cliffy's name isn't really attached to unreal though at least I've never heard of them being intrinsicly linked.
What are you talking about Japan was an economic power house up until the late 90s. Even with their bubble economy bursting in the 80s. Recently though Japan has been floundering their out done handily by the South Koreans.
This only matters if they care about sales. It's proven they're perfectly willing to take a hit on their profit margins to push the Narrative.
fair enough, I suppose he was mighty enough to have fallen. He just seems to have gotten the falling part over with awhile ago, now he's just squirming around at the bottom.
And hasn't made anything worthwhile ever since.
I'm not saying that they should be accepting migratees, they're culturally on the right spot; they have the views of a Reinassance era Frenchman: Male homosexuality is a clown-esque trait and female homosexuality is just a fetish and a phase, transexualism is illegal and crossdressing is a perversion or a really fucked up hobby.
I'm just saying that unless they ban condoms or something they're pretty much fucked.
Sorry, I've overexhagerated, still 30 or so years of economical latency isn't a good thing for a country.
I'm also not saying that they should go full South Korea tho, I've been to Busan recently and I can confirm that it's like a Brazilian favela but with skyscrapers.
Again, no, that's leftist propaganda. Same as when they say Europe can take more animals.
Japan is a country with the landmass of California of which only 20% are plains, yet they house the equivalent of a third of the total US population.
They're overcrowded, always have been. People don't start families because housing is expensive as fuck anywhere that matters (the cities) and taxes are used to care for the elderly.
Japan doesn't need more people, especially with the advent of automation so close at hand. Said automation will render shitloads of menial jobs obsolete, making a large population superfluous.
We already have generic icons for toilets. WC or 00.
Why invent something new?
Also, whats the issue with using the other genders toilet? Ive been to plenty of events where there was a huge line for the mens room and none for the woman. Just walked into the empty one and did my thing
It will definitely be difficult to adjust older people don't work and cannot pay for themselves. So when they outnumber the young people it stresses out the economy. However one they get through the populating will shrink which is good. This will make housing more affordable and drive up the demand of labor.
I've been to lots of places that "had gender neutral" bathrooms. They're usually the kind of places that don't have enough room for two separate bathrooms. My house has a "gender neutral" bathroom.
Really because I find it's normally the opposite. Constantly have women going into a nearly empty men's bathroom because they don't want to wait for the line at the ladies. I'm not opposed to just doing away with gender segregated bathrooms. However adding a 3rd or keeping them but allowing people to go in either just seems assinine.
I looked through some of this guy's tweets, is he always this angry, arrogant and confrontational? Seems like everything he does is to pick a fight or start controversy in some form or another.
His blood pressure must be through the roof.
Guy is mad because he used to be a fookin legend
What game?
Didn't he divorce his wife to marry a trophy whore instead?
or maybe it takes more people to make games and cliffy isn't solely responsible for jazz jackrabbit and unreal
don't know anything about a divorce but his current wife is taller than him.
Ever seen a queue for womens toilets? Trannies and shit make that queue longer. Only having one type of toilets makes that queue longer.
You don't even have to be disgusted by the idea of trannies using toilets they shouldn't be to hate it.
Women are like animals when bathrooms are concerned. Rabid chimps would make less of a mess.
in japan those over 65 outnumber those under 30
(citation needed i know but from memory that wat it is atm)
Weren't unisex bathrooms a thing decades ago?
That explains it
Cuck Blozonsko
A lot of SJWs are well known pedophiles
Yes, I know teenagers arent exactly pedophile bait but you get my point
Show this to him, see what happens
It all makes sense now
You might as well have a "blacks welcome ;)" sign to point to whenever anyone questions your devotion to the cause.
Even if this sort of thing is expected in the current year, the execution is still sickening.
Leftists mostly suffer from severe narcissism. Virtue signaling is the only thing they care about.
So when unisex bathrooms become standard across the developed world so we're no longer making mentally retarded people's feelings hurt, how many people are gonna put little cameras just under the rim of the toilet so they can get some piss vids? It seems pretty easy now, you don't even have to sneak into the girls' shitter, you can just set it up while you take a dump.
Well I mean if that's what SJWs are inviting us to do.
the only self esteem they have is what they get from others
To be fair, people with anime avatars can be really obnoxious & stupid. Pointing at their anime avatar doesn't automatically prove them wrong, it merely suggests the possibility that they're a stupid obnoxious weeaboo.
Pointing out the avatar is an ad hominem, it tells us that Cliffy is a cowardly faggot that knows he's full of shit and needs to resort to cheap insults to silence the opposition.
I'm tempted to leave fake cameras lying around, to cause a scare.
cliffyb has been a running joke since before most of you were born.
its all they have left.
They have run out of things to be angry about so in order to keep the victimbux rolling in they gotta do shit like point out unisex bathrooms.
They should be pitied, really. Like drug addicts, their condition can be cured and underneath there might actually be a person of some merit.
Toilets in the future will have DRM and you'll be unable to make unauthorized modifications.
I hear they're dopamine addicts. Virtue-signaling (including faking & exaggerating being offended) gives them a hit of dopamine from the delusion of moral superiority, They temporarily get a "holier-than-thou" feeling. Of course the inevitable dopamine crash hits which is why most of them are, in reality, very depressed & unhappy people.
Virtue-signalling on social media is all they have to get their fix & like an addict they are very hostile/aggressive toward anyone who would deny them that dopamine high. That's why they're always screaming "BLOCKED" at anyone who breaks through the charade & brings them back to the reality that they are truly depressed, unhappy & not virtuous.
Trips of truth.
That makes a frightening amount of sense.
Besides the ovens, how do we fix them? Take note I prefer the ovens.
Wouldn't that apply to extremists from the far-right too?.
Don't see why not.
Extremism is a disease.
There would be no right wing extremism without leftists. They awaken the monster.
It's a two way street.
Adds up. It would explain their self sabotoging behavior. Every attempt to appease or pander to them only ends up offending them. They can't allow any actual progress on what they push for because they wouldn't be able to get their fix.
What's this showing off stupidity I see so much now? It's like they're desperately trying to outdo each other in morality.
Nope. What is the right wing about? Conservative values and ethnic supremacy.
What do the leftists fuck with? Conservative values and ethnic supremacy. Right wing extremism are like white blood cells going berserk trying to purge the cancer from the system when everything else fails.
You can see the creeping insanity approaching critical mass in the West right now. The left is basically making sure there is no other recourse but to round them, their families, friends and pets, and kill them.
I will never understand the tranny-acceptance push
The only difference between the far-right and the far-left extremists is how they frame their bullshit. They're both ultimately just ultra-authoritarian faggots.
Check your privilege you able minded human, he is a trans retard
Progress for the sake of progress. Doesn't matter what is being pushed, just that we are moving "forward".
Next up, bestiality and childfucking.
Fuck off Holla Forums.
Just had a thought. If they use blocking to hide from anyone who can outsmart them what happens if someone were to take that away? For example, if someone were to repeatedly destroy their arguments in a neutral public debate and they couldn't run away, would they go nuclear?
But you envision the future while you look at the past through a looking glass. Furthermore, this is happening in the present.
Is this guy retarded?
I have never seen a SJW that actually references the physically disabled. They don't refer to the mentally disabled because that's all of them.
I'm waiting for huge sjw movements pushing the idea that medicating schizophrenics is a form of shaming and oppression. I'm amazed it hasn't happened yet.
They're smart enough to avoid unmoderated discussion at least.
And yes, they go apeshit when wrongthink goes on unchallenged, as that fat hambeast screaming at Sommers recently proved.
Actually I'm /rightleaningmoderatepol/. Nice to meet you. I'm sure we can work out our differences and come to some sort of a compromise, so long as it doesn't involve homosexuals or trannies.
Reminds me of this.
What a fucking wanker. Many gym's here have saunas, one for both genders and then two more either male or female only.
Some people just don't want to do certain things in front of other. I know some restaurants that have gender neutral bathrooms (because they didn't have the space to make a second one) and people hate using.
right wing always blaming it on the left wing. You know the 2 world wars that Germany was part off? Guess who started it, and guess who got blamed for the defeat.
I have no idea what headmates is. Is that like that ancient /x/ "tulpa" joke?
SJW version of imaginary friends.
There is no compromise or common ground with the left. They've proven that in the past 60 years.
It's like saying you can sit down and talk ISIS out of their bullshit.
No, they will only ever stop when you put a bullet in their brains, which is exactly what is going to happen in 20 years, be it right wingers, niggers or mudshits doing it.
But with fucking, right? "Mates" implies fucking and procreation.
Or is this a British SJW thing?
Sometimes I forget that there's so many dumbfucks around here that never go outside.
No? its the new SJW word so its not violent or triggering (kek) so people can sit there and talk to themselves.
What has WW1 to do with ideology?
What you need to ask yourself is why Hitler got into power. Because let me tell you, he wasn't an instant hit, but because of the behavior of a certain group of people sending people to concentration camps suddenly seemed a good idea.
The left wing always pushes the right wing to extremes.
I don't see what the big deal is. We've always had bathrooms for the disabled.
Well, "freedom" is a leftist concept. The right's version of this concept is "freedom in moderation as it makes sense for the betterment of society".
Another example of the two-side-of-the-same-coin effect is the left's ideal of "to everyone according to their needs" implying that people deserve free shit just for being alive - and the right's superior ideal of "to everyone according to their ability" which is healthily implying that everything given must be first earned in some way.
You're alright.
Just imagine it…
This is the future all these gender neutrality folks want.
Oh damn, this is gonna be my new hobby.
BRB, stockpiling refried beans.
Cliffyb used to be hot shit back when casuals cared about gears of war, he was even partially a media darling on places like gawker.
Now he's just some washed up dev who I guess still makes games? I don't know.
Difference being that left wing bullshit leads to pic related.
Left wing advocacy of (false) equivalence is an attempt to hide just how damaging their policies are to the people.
Governments come and go, but once you shit up a nation's genepool those mocha miracles are there to stay.
You've never seen what women do to female bathrooms, have you?
That's because they're already much worse than the rest of the world. They're pretty much going to go extinct soon and it seems like muslims are already gearing up to take over the island.
You better do it soon before they ban beans as a problematic food.
I guess 120 million Nips are just gonna go and drop dead tomorrow if they don't get their curative injection of nigger semen, right?
It astounds me how retarded you people can be. Does Germany need all the animals? What about France, Italy, Sweden?
You do realize they've been pushing this propaganda turd hard precisely because Japan has no wish to yield, right?
>Unlike the past you envision
I'm pretty sure the past and indeed the present have bathrooms split by gender so I'm not envisioning shit. Hell that's a major point in how society is supposedly unfair for the trannies. But hey throwing in a fancy word make you look smarter than those evil shitlords keeping the tranny people down so it's all good.
Holy shit. Is he stuck in between 2008 Reddit and current year tumblr? Someone dare him to call out Muslims in Twitter.
Say you are Muslim and Cliff is offending you by posting transgender propaganda
Cliff probably apologize for being islamophobic
yfw you realize Germany was more fucked than Japan and the media distracted you from that.
u wot m80
Islam is a religion of peace shitlord, they are a progressive, egalitarian culture that values diversity and staunchly defends LGBTMNVOP+ individuals.
The only joy I have left is knowing the mudshits will give leftists their just reward.
funny, isn't it?
the left helping the right to fuck with the right?
my "ally" is the enemy of my enemy
yes, mudslimes are left wing.
They are left-leaning with the amount of power they allow a government to have over them.
Stalin was a lefty. Holla Forums loves Lenin.
Islam dictates mandatory charity to the poor.
It is a leftist ideology.
Because the objective isn't equality the objective is special treatment.
That's why shit like ze and zir (or xe and xir) need to be used as pronouns. It's hardly a coincidence that they chose the most snowflakey letters of the alphabet instead of something reasonable.
You'll also notice trannies choosing insane names when they change instead of doing the logical thing and looking up common names from the year of your birth.
It's all attention seeking.
Now I suppose it's possible a minority of people really do have some form of genetic defect and simply want to try and live it out without killing themselves but I've yet to see much evidence of that.
It's like being an abused house wife. I know all I'll get is shit but I keep coming back.
Dumb shit does seem to have a way of correcting itself.
Atleast the fuckers are based
Dude, I could give less of a fuck about you being a faggot. I still think you're mentally ill and need professional help, but so long as you keep fucking each other and stay quiet about it I could care less.
Yeah, well, too bad it's us that get the short end of the stick in the process.
WW1: started by anarchist jews(leftists) creating unrest in the Balkans. Germany collapsed because communist agitators(mostly jews, obv leftist) mutinied in the navy and formed a commune in Berlin.
Once the reactionaries took care of the traitors they melted back into the population, assuming they could get back to their business now that the red menace had been dealt with.
Instead, the menace returned with American and British money(jews, still leftists) buying up depressed properties and forcing the German state to buy (((international bank))) notes at insane rates. The country spiraled into a living nightmare complete with 9 year old prostitutes and mass starvation
WW2: Worldwide Jewry "declared war" on Germany in 1936
It's never really been the right blaming the left or vice versa, it's always been about checking these
This too shall pass. The pendulum goes back and forth. It just takes few decades each time.
You sound just like every single "hai guise, im a grill xdd" poster. No one cares about your sexuality so stop flaunting it. This is why people hate faggots. If you degenerates kept your mental illnesses to yourselves instead of telling every single person you know of your mental condition you'd have less of a problem.
Faggots 50 years ago knew their place and kept to themselves so why can't you?
Most of the West will be minority white by 2050. I don't think we have a "few decades".
The niggers and mudshits vote as a block, by the time they make up 30% of the population there will already be problems.
Cucky B
Yeah but wasn't that the SP Unreal? Was he the designer by UT 99?
also, who would you anons choose, Romero vs Cliffy B
romero all the way
Gook pls.
Romero since he isnt a SJW
I love this brave new progressive future where grown men and little girls share dressing rooms! Feminism and pedophiles are the future guys!
It's Cliff, relevancy isn't one of his strengths.
Wait, you are saying that he was a crypto jew?
because he knows he's a washed up loser deep down
Germany died decades ago, what you have right now is just a rotting corpse filled with rats.
Well when so much of the population is just old people they very well might.
What you mean the sand nigger semen they're trying to bring in their country to replace the evaporating workforce??
This is probably the most attention he's received since Gears 3 released. He fell hilariously out of sync with the industry a long time ago, and just acts provocative on twitter now, talking about how great his life is.
Never trust anyone who feels the constant need to do nothing but tell random strangers how amazing their life is, cause it means they've probably got aids or something else currently tucked away in their closet. This is all he's got, because his game sure isn't gonna get him attention.
…but we already have gender neutral bathrooms, they're called UNISEX BATHROOMS
To quote CliffyB: Safer, braver, and more progressive indeed!
He has media connections. His brother was high-up in Vox Media.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
In future Holla Forums America, Goons will be forced to wear an SA grenade patch on their chests.
I feel sad I have to explain this over and over again to idiots like you.
Japan is overpopulated, Europe is overpopulated, neither of these two countries/regions needs this many people. In America only 2% of the population works in agriculture, yet not only can these 2% feed the whole of the fucking USA, but also export shitloads of food abroad.
This applies to all first world nations, they have no need for this many fucking people, which is why so many countries are experimenting with living wages.
They already know that widespread automation is right around the corner and will render millions of jobs redundant and obsolete.
Why would any of these nations require all these mentally challenged mudshits and niggers?
Poland survived but with a birth rate of 1.30. Holla Forums cheers on their nationalistic stance but it's more like the band playing on as the Titanic sinks. The media never says anything about white countries dying, they just wait quietly then use it as leverage to force third world immigration and race mixing.
what's this thread about?
Wrong again, fool.
I am two niggers.
Wow I wonder what it's like to be that retarded.
Don't talk shit about neets faggot
I ain't no fucking lefty
If your sex is male you're male now fuck off
Nigga, we've made unbelievable grounds in the past 4 years. The RaHoWa is coming.
His new game is published by Nexon, that should be reason enough to put it in the trash.
What even more annoying is that no man is going to stop a woman from using the men's bathroom. Most men in that instance would just assume that all of the woman's must be occupied right then and that why she had to be desperate enough to resort to that. No one MtF or FtM would be denied there.
But with woman bathroom, if a man goes in there well . . . you either better hope no one noticed or get called a pervert and have the cops on your tail. A MtF could get stopped here (depending on how masculine they look).
So wouldn't most trannies solution be just to stick to using men's bathrooms?
I for one congratulate Mr. Bazinga for creating such a realistic dystopian future.
Public restrooms are fucking gross enough as it is.
I can't believe this is actually a thing. Like people are actually fighting over this stupid shit.
God damn the society I live in is so stupid. Going back to playing video games.
oh silly cliff
transgender people don't want gender neutral bathrooms, they want to totally mess with those ebil transphobes by breaking their rules and rebelling against their conformities. they want there to be sex segregated bathrooms so that they can reinforce their mental illness and also let everyone else know that they are doing so.
if all bathrooms were made gender neutral tomorrow, trannies would complain about it. 'you're erasing our identities!' or something.
Every fucking time.
If he could finish the game. Is already established he is based but FFS now I want to give you money and play
They already have bathrooms for transgenders, they're called disabled toilets.
Idiotic and self-gratifying argument. Nothing about the far right imitates the virtue signalling that makes up the foundation of the left.
The far right's viral potential can be said to emphasize fear over anything, especially existential (death of the nation/race) or connected to the family (think of the children).
You might be confusing virtue signaling with the tendency common to both extremes to isolate themselves from conflicting viewpoints. This is ingroup-outgroup signaling, it's not the same thing.
"Racial purity"
Clit Bilishitski
Having prescriptive ideals isn't virtue signalling dumbfuck. People don't go out and marry white women solely to show off to their friends how they're proud whites advancing the race.
that's already my fetish. I'm more than willing to help the japs out at any time
Why, azn wimin are ugly.
I think eating fish for aeons mutated them.
Oh but they do want to separate them. One for actual females and one for males and freaks.
Captain McGayforDay
except he married an SJW
Who is this based guy?
Also, that talk of some left-leaning people talking about leaving the country gives me the creeps. Here in Argentina the exact same thing happened with the Kirchnerist-favoring artists and peoples. Not only they didn't leave, but now they're "resisting with holding", and there's been many strikes around.
The same arguments and "fear campaign" is getting repeated in your country ("Macri is the dictatorship" "Donald is a nazi", and now I see that there's that other thing with leaving the country too).
Makes me think there's some upper hand at play over there. If that is so, Donald will win, but not overwhelmingly (there will be some talk of fraud, but since he won, it will be accompanied with "it was to appease the left") (Here, Macri won with 51.34%, but there was talk that the real number was about 60-70%), and then some fiscal correctitude will happen. Liberal think tanks will probably start appearing more (In Argentina, thinkers like Espert have been getting more publicity, or maybe it's just that I've been starting to pay attention). I suppose that if there's more than coincidence here, some parallels will be had with our latest economic policy, and USA-Argentina relations will be cozier (as Obongo came here the other month)
If so, then I suppose we can't trust neither Macri nor the Donald, even if they are friends. The coincidences are too eery.
I'd argue that Q is more snowflakey than X or Z. You encounter both of them way more often than fucking Q.
What are the normalfags of letters?
Wasn't it an area shooter? That could be a different one because we've already getting a ton of them out now.
It's true. Everyone likes to give praise to the minds behind X-Com: UFO Defense and always want the Gollops back making more games, but they never set out to make X-Com, they set out to make Laser Squad 2. Their publisher just told them that shit was gay and made them add the strategic layer. That asshat went on to the modern era, where he's launching games on Kickstarter, and getting funded solely because he thinks he was important.
The same goes for the vast majority of developers that have been idolized. It's all accidents. Almost none of these people made the projects what they are, but all of the circumstances or people around them did.
Try again Max.
I really hoped that was true, you have disappointed me user.
holy shit that article…Have we started the fire?
As someone who used to work dish in a restaurant and had to clean the bathrooms, this is 1000% true.
They will only need male and female bathrooms in the future. All mental illnesses will be cured by then.
Holy shit this gave me cancer.
fatties can think of nothing but food
a full stomach cannot fix an empty heart, but they continue to fill that endless void with sweets and confections.
I have seen a fake leg or an eyepatch on tumblr bullshit art, usually more obviously tokened in there than the ambiguous brown people. Of course, there is zero talk about how not being able to walk your entire life is worse than getting called a nigger like once a year. SJWs don't want to help people who have actual problems.
user, your scale is far too broad. They definitely took a hit after their announcement on the 19th.
If the "market cap" at the bottom is their total shares, then their total losses compared to the 19th WOULD be about 2.9 billion, if my math is right.
A lot of asian women are ugly, I'll give you that. But there are also many attractive ones, and the attractive ones tend to be more attractive than the average attractive western woman to me.
what the fuck do you want? a pick of user's hardon when looking at chinks vs gorillas?
I have a terminal case of yellow fever. No cure in sight.
I just groaned loudly.
You sure blew me the fuck out Bazingski.
I want the pics sauce.
I know right
It would probably just be a sign that says "washroom"
No they're not
Wal-mart has had this for years. People only care now because it's an issue right now
Wow! And this is the same guy who brought us the uber red pilled Gears of War games. How fucked up is that?
Hate to break it to you mate, but that's the plastic surgery. (And even so they don't look great.)
Asian women only look half-decent after plastic surgery. Natural, they've got crooked teeth, squinty eyes, messed up faces, yellowy-brown skin, no breasts, all the same straight black hair (not a bad thing in general, but it'd get boring in Japan), etc.
You're playing on stereotypes of the ugly and pretty asians. And I'm not a fan of koreans, who are the ones that have plastic surgery.
Bloody hell, I used to think that.
But now I see a lot of asians in real life, and they all match that "ugly stereotype". I see around 20-50 young asian visitors per [week]day, and maybe once every couple weeks there's one that looks decent.
I see a lot of american women in my every day life and they aren't very attractive either.
>Cliffy B's face right fucking now
It really doesn't though
Tell me, who is stopping anyone from doing this right now?
Cliff please leave.
What a fucking putz.
You both have what is known as a confirmation bias
Oh, are you trying to deflect attention from my post to hide that you're Cliff?
I admit, I obviously don't get a good look at all of them, but still, what I see is pretty depressing.
Hmm. I find most white women I see to be pretty decent. But I guess we just have strong preferences.
Oh come off it Dr. Chan. Didn't I mention in my post (maybe I didn't) that I'm usually optimistically looking to see if there's a cute asian? I want to be proven wrong.
Go to some chink tourist spot in your country sometime and have a look. You'll agree.
Anyway, I should stop derailing.
Cliff please leave and go stare at you little bitch bathroom signs.
I don't think you're being ironic enough, buddy.
Cliff please
There's a qt3.14 asian student in my department at school and every time I see her she always is walking around looking lost or clumsy just like in my chinese cartoons.
I live next to a city that has an overwhelmingly majority of East Asians
Most of them aren't ugly, they're just normal. I guess boring would be accurate. They aren't the qt's you see in J-pop and they aren't the ugly chinks either. There are the hot ones but just like white, they are a minority as well.
I don't have a race bias honestly, I just go where my dick goes.
With dick, unity.
I've neglected to mention that asians are pretty great at being cute/demure. We can probably agree on that.
I'm not usually a saucefag, but holy dicks, sauce?
That's not sauce onii-chan.
Serbs/Slavs are now jews?
Are you mentally retarded or is tgis Murikan education at it's finest?
You asked so nicely, so here
I have a mighty need
Pretty much, I read tentacle hair man what do you expect?
Many things user
Even food?
I think once or twice
The death of imageboards: when actual discussion is replaced by stale memes for the sake of memes, usually pulled from nigger twitter
maybe you should find a nice IRC faggot
The propaganda that Japan is being sterilized by a NEET epidemic, it will soon be 99% centenarians, and nips will surely go extinct unless we throw all their teenagers into rape camps like panda bears or import swarms of mainland immigrants is completely false.
Let's, just for an example, compare Japanese population growth with that of the USA during the same period, minus immigrants and their offspring. In the last 50 years, Japan went from ~100M to ~127M, or ~127% growth; assuming legal immigration rate quotas hadn't changed, the USA would've gone from ~193M to ~252M, or ~118% growth. Does anyone reputable run around screaming that the descendants of 1960s Americans have stopped reproducing?
Japan is just going through the exact same thing we should be right now, a population correction, one that (just like us and any other 1st-world country) their economy is far more than strong enough to support Social Security even with far fewer workers. And they need one way more than us, thanks to their insane population density, both for the country as a whole, and even moreso for their population centers, thanks to the extremely rugged nature of most of the Japanese countryside.
That Japan's economy has been stalled for 50, or even 30 years, is utter nonsense. Economic growth was usually high up to the mid-90s, and only been in a sustained stall since 2008. Also, as notes, growth in and of itself doesn't matter, only the size of the economy. Japan has the 3rd highest GDP on earth, and the 24th most GDP/capita, they're doing fine.
What's even more retarded is that massive amounts of jobs are being automated, why do we need more people to do less work? Plus the population density is already soul crushing. People are not meant to be packed that tightly.
The real reason for the oyveying is they aren't flooding their country with niggers.
Is she a degenerate SJW like most women on college campuses?
10/10, I can't tell whether this is masterfully excessive crossed-the-line-twice trolling, or genuine wingnuttery of a most profound nature.
user, that's not how growth percentages work.
If you go from 100m to 200m for example, that's a 100% increase - doubling the population. If you have more than a 100% increase, then you have more than doubled the population.
Look at these faggots, still believing in right-left dichotomy
"Leftists" is easier to say than "commies, anarchists, feminists, Jews, and cuckservatives".
Ebert was right y'know.
just say cuck then