Who was the winner of the 7th generation in terms of games?

Who was the winner of the 7th generation in terms of games?

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We all lost, except niche genres on PC.

They all were shit


I go with 360.

7th generation was the beginning of nogaems

360 started alright but got worse.

I go with PC

I'd say 360. I definitely had more games for it than I did for my Wii, and I didn't even bother buying a PS3 for obvious reasons.
It wasn't as clear cut as previous generations though, except in terms of sales.


Wii in terms of actual console sales

Hell I got my hair cut today and saw a Wii in the bar window.

They had Wii sports and only that.

360 hands down.

Everybody knows… is that… PS3 make the best games.

No one.
Wii sold the most, 360 had the best games, and near the end PS3 had the best policy to it's users.

Absolutely none

Wii and Ps3

The Xbox 360 today isnt even worth shit

But the wii and ps3 have some amazing classics and exclusives on them.

Literally every game for 360 was a cross platform between the PS3. What exclusives did it have?

What were the first 6?


I like the 360 controller more and it has my favourite exclusive of that generation (Dead Rising 1) but I gotta go with PS3 because of more games.

360 has like what, Halo, Gears Of War, Fable & Lost Odyssey just off the top of my head and I had a 360 for way longer than PS3.

PS3 has Uncharted, The Last Of Us, Twisted Metal, Metal Gear Solid 4, Sly Cooper & Killzone off the top of my head.

If there's anything else I'm probably forgetting let me know.


It has all the good japanese games

Either the Wii or the PS3.

The Wii had Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, DKC Returns, and a handful of really good niche games like Radiant Dawn and Xenoblade.

The PS3 had Dragon's Dogma, Valkyria Chronicles, and also had a lot of good niche titles like Nier and Folklore.

Overall, I'd probably give it to the PS3.

Well, if you want to know, they all had it's perks. Wii was flexible and fun, PS3 had a lot of weeb games and 360 had good hardware, better than the other too, at least.
I go with
Wii > PS3 > 360


Dragon's Dogma was also on 360

360 easily and I'm not a Microsoft fanboy in the slightest. It didn't have the diversity of the original Xbox, but still had a solid library of action, actual good FPS, sandbox and adventure games. Wii on rare occasion released an actual good game and can't remember when any dumbass bought as PS3 for half of its lifespan besides maybe LBP.

It's shocking to see just how worthless Xbone and their shitty gaming division is after this.

Someone gifted me a 360 4 years ago, I wanted to punch him in the face. Also, PS3 and Wii are easily moddable now. Modding 360 is expensive and limited as shit.

If you have to ask that, you don't know shit about vidya. It's obvious that the PS3 had more highly rated quality/quantity games than either the wii or 360, almost combined.

It's honestly hard for me to give an answer. The 360 started out great but died after 2008/9. The PS3 on the other hand got really great after that, I'm still using it now due to all the sales and games on it.

As for the Wii, I stopped caring for it after 2011. It has some fun games, but since I don't have a CRT I hate that games on it look like gifs, especially since some games look flatout worse than PS2 games.

Kill yourself.


Alright, Sonygger has officially been detected.

He's right though.

He's only telling the truth lobbyist

You must be from 2007 if you still type like that. I'm not even going to throroughly embarrass you because it's a fact that the 360 couln't keep up in terms of games, much less exclusives lol.

I remember early on that many multiplats were objectively worse on PS3 early in it's lifecycle since devs were still trying to figure out it's Cell processor. For example, Call of Duty 3, The Orange Box, Bayonetta, 06-09 sports games, and Skyrim was the worst offender.

You're both so full of shit and denial, it's unbelievable.

PS and PS2 had a ton of great, colorful exclusives while PS3 was most often stained with shit like Uncharted and driving games.


Obviously you didn't pay attention when later on many multiplats like Dante's Inferno, Vanquish and Resonance of fate to name a few, all ran better on PS3.




Stop. This is just pathetic.

It was just representative of that generation's taste. Same with the overabundance of shooters and Japanese arcade games on 360, and the amount of platforms and wagglan sports minigame collections on Wii

Nice cherry pick. That'd be like me listing all the exclusives from the first 4 years to prove that 360 is superior.

says you, it's a small sample but no complete list exists. Even wikipedia shows that PS3 have more games than the 360 ever did. Just because you're wrong doesn't mean you should pretend otherwise for the sake of pride.

It was the PS2.
It was the only 6th generation to keep getting games through the 7th generation and to get an 8th generation multi plat. It also has the biggest library out of them all, combine that with backwards compatibility and online functionality, it truly was the best.

I could still play Vanquish, Resonance of Fate and Dante's Inferno on 360 with no issue though. The games I listed had numerous PS3 exclusive bugs and poor graphics, to downright being unplayable in Skyrim's case.

PS3 babe!. Still releasing games, niggas

Nintendo and Sony were both great during the 6th gen and shit during the next while Microsoft got better than went completely downhill afterwards. I don't see why this is so hard to accept. 7th gen was the lowest point for consoles before now.

I owned all three consoles in the seventh gen, so I can say from a completely unbiased standpoint that the PS3 was the best by the end of the gen. The Wii was also pretty good, but Nintendo can only put out so many first-party titles before third-parties on other platforms catch up.
The Xbox wasn't great, though. It easily had the weakest exclusives of that gen. I never really regretted buying the Wii or PS3, but I did regret buying the 360.

Lots of newfags and retards here have nostalgia for said consoles.
Especially because they used to defend them back on cuckchan.

I completely agree with you, actually.

PS3 had Demon's Souls and multiplats
360 didn't really have anything other than multiplats
Wii had a couple neat games like Madworld but also didn't get most good multiplats like DD or Anarchy Reigns

I guess I'd say PS3 > wii > 360 but not by any significant margins.

It very clearly is cherrypicking, you fucking retard. Let's not even mention how it focuses entirely on a late 3 year period or what kind of shovelware or motion control shit litters the list. And you think PS3 was better just because it had more niche games? Give me a fucking break.

The same could be said of the PS3's early games, like Bayoneetta runs well on PS3 after patch, but fact is PS3 still has more games and more exclusives being released than the 360. The 360 isn't even in production anymore i've heard? The PS3's library surpassed the 360's library many years ago, now that the 360 and Wii are no longer being made it's only a matter of time before the PS3 supasses the Wii in addition to leaving the 360 further in third place.

The difference between the 6th and 7th gen was so massive. It hurts.
I mean, even the weakest console of the 6th gen, the Dreamcast, had better games than the Xbox 360 did.

God, motion controls are cancer. It hurts just looking at complete garbage like Move and Kinect.

I thought they would open new possibilities for gameplay. But I just have forgot just how incompent these faggots can be and all 3 are guilty of it.

Listen friend, The fact is PS3 is still releasing new games. Look it up, the PS3 has more video games than the 360 period.

Exclusive games? Nintendo, obviously.

Can always play 80% the best Playstation games on PC these days.

Fucking 11/10 shit like Little Ling's Sory (no, the cancerous Vita version is not the same), Xenoblade, Zelda, Mario, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Monster Hunter Tri, No More Heroes 2 etc. were all exclusive to Wii.

Of course now there also is Dolphin but some games are still nearly unplayable and you need a very strong PC.


And this shitty argument is about how was better during the Wii VS PS3 VS 360 era.


Uh you mean the OP?

1.PS3 has more games than either 360 or Wii
2. PS3 games/exclusives have higher metacritic scores

Pretty obvious who the winner is.

Silent Hills: SM was fucking amazing, too, btw. Seemed to me most people just didn't know how to play it properly. For example, it's important to know to not move your controller when hiding from monsters and stealthing instead of running away is way more fun. I'm sure most people rushed through the game.


Eat a bag of dicks

Wow. Just wow.

The 11/10 mainly referred to LKS. This game is basically Pikmin + Anno with an incredible OST (classical music), art design and atmosphere. Hope the PC version fixes its flaws.

Tri was an amazing game for Monster Hunter starters, though.

Except you are focusing on that not I so the bag of dicks is rightfully yours. Metacritic is a compilation of everyone's reviews from trolls to average people. It's just a small additional detail since it's tough coming up with a complete finalized list because so many games have been released.

Wikipedia was an OK source but they pussied out by breaking up the PS3 list into sections, and left the 360 games in one complete list.

You fags make claims and can't back it up, I'm the only one coming up with some evidence and your tactic is to try and shame me some how? You fags are clowns heheh.

I enjoyed Tri, but the offline game was way too short and the real meat of the game was completely locked behind online. 3U is what Tri should have been fron the start.

You really are pathetic and you're laughing because you think you've somehow won this shitpost fest?

You've become so desperate you've started banking entirely on other people's ratings and PS3 getting more games long after Nintendo and Microsoft moved on. You're completely dismissing that it's entirely about what system was better during the 7th generation period and trying to twist shit in your favor. Enough of your shit. This is either bait or you're that stupid.


Its bait

Pc is the best.
But in the end, gamers lost.

One of them is still getting exclusives, the other two are dead.

Aside from Atelier everything stays in Japen.

And not ne legitimate argument is your answer Just what I thought. Vdeo games are the measure of any vidya generation. Your feelings matter not. I'm done with you.

PS3, but they only won at the very end, and I think they only won because they had more developers from moonland while the western gaming industry shit itself.

And you clearly don't know shit about what makes good games when you rely entirely on the opinions of others to argue what console was better.

Right back at you.

You're not even trying. You're hopeless.