so i guess a lot of people here on Holla Forums hate this game for various (non-gameplay related) reasons.
i pirated it, nearly finished it, and i absolutely loved it. anybody else like this game and not feed into the bullshit?
Siege of DragonSpear
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This seems like a b8 thread.
Please check my doubles.
so posting about a game is bait here?
Are you new?
to Holla Forums yea.
Chen thread
This game in particular is bait, due to all of the SJW politics injected into it. While you may have distanced yourself from all of that, many Holla Forumsidya enthusiasts have a hard time doing so.
oh. well thats unfortunate. playing the game it seems to me the main plot is to overthrow this caelen argen person who is trying to start some kind of crusade. i dont see how politics applies to the game -__-
The hivemind of Holla Forums has declared this game "vidya non-grata".
There's a couple of characters that spout SJW bullshit, and the guys who wrote this one shat on the original writters of Baldurs Gate.
You'd think that since you pirated it and those hacks didn't see a single penny, you'd be allowed to enjoy the other 98% of the content, but come on pal. This is Holla Forums were talking about.
If you want to discuss it, you'll have to try another forum or chan. If you make another 2 or 3 posts, you'll be branded a shill.
i already expected that before i even made this thread. some people are so immature
I tried to be reasonable with you on my previous post, since I think Holla Forums is filled with retards who spout the stupidest shit at the most tiny and pointless bullshit.
But just for that, you can fuck off and take your meme game aswell.
Hey faggot, ID are on.
Could it be that you are a faggot?
here, I think you'll like it much more on this website:
hello shillness my old friend
Nobody likes meme-sjw-forced shit down their throats with any form of media, which is why games like Baldur's Gate and Borderlands are getting so much hate.
If I'm interacting with NPCs to get info on a quest, the last thing I want to hear or read is,"IM A TRANNY FAG N U BETAR ACEPT IT CIS SCUM!" when I just want to finish a quest for Xp, loot, and progress.
I'll hear ya out. Gimme some reasons.
Forgot to add this: the last thing you want to do as a developer is force Gamer Gate/SJW shit down people's throats.
no thx
lolwut? where? i didn't catch that….
well for one i think the UI is cleaner. and also i havent tried any other "special?" characters but i found the whole adoy thing with neera kind of neat and funny as well. i liked that it had dynaheir also because in bg1 you can only get her to like lvl 9-10 and that leaves a lot of spells unavailable to you. i liked her character and was glad to be able to experience more of it. minsc i dont really care for but hey he's there as well. the archer character they added is also very useful (starts with grandmastery in longbow) and the fact that the game was so new at the time that i couldnt find help on google (walkthroughs) made me acually just play it for myself more and have fun.
Learn to write you fucking nigger.
i'm not an author nigger
Did you finish your mandatory education? Did they teach you correct spelling and punctuation?
We don't speak in ebonics here.
Fuck it, this thread is garbage and OP is an illiterate middle school student from Brazil.
Check 'em.
why, because my opinion is unpopular???
11th grade.
OP confirmed goon
this thread is now about how hip it is to be square
If your hips are square, you should probably see a doctor.
Impressive. Very nice.
you can't believe someone actually likes something you don't like?
please leave
There is literally nothing wrong with being a tranny. Holla Forums needs to get over it.
Are you saying you're 17 years old?
no. i'm gonna stay here and keep making threads about games i like and talking about them. fuck u
no i'm saying i dropped out in 11th grade. which was over 10 years ago
I won't deny a hivemind, but if you can push an opinion with reason other than "lol triggered", then discussion will follow. Otherwise, you know where Reddit is.
as far as i remember it wasn't illegal like on halfchan, just not particularly advised
i too like to make threads about dubs
We have user ids you retard.
They're mentally ill, and just like furries, built a lifestyle around said mental illness, and are compelled to force it on everyone else.
Basically, oven worthy.
If you were dumb enough to out yourself as an underage faggot you got banned. It was a perfect system to filter newfags and retards in general.
negro, i like to have long hair but even i'm not retarded enough to take estrogen and cut my dick off.
bullshit, hambone
but muh rules
so what you are saying reddit is a better place for actual discussion about video games? tbh i've tried it before but its too confusing. and the "threads?" i visited people seem to focus on the worthless comments and ignore anything quality. it seems all about getting upvotes or points or whatever….
Xenomelia is incredibly sane.
That's exactly how it is here.
if you actually wanted to discuss vidya, go to reddit
Holla Forums hates video games
You get banned for being critical of anything on reddit. It's a hugbox.
No, most people on Holla Forums hate Baldur's Gate entirely because of it's RTWP gameplay.
Holla Forums hates video games
i can tell
yea i won't be going there.
i grew up playing final fantasy and other turn based games. i fucking love RTWP
OP's a goon or a genetic mistake
Try russian roulette.
thanks for all your posts pal, you've really added a lot to the quality of this site, this board and the internet in general
Maybe you should've stayed in school.
What's wrong with hating a game for non-gameplay related reasons?
Is it okay now for a game to have every in-game model be squares of different colors?
Games are a visual medium, so graphics and art direction are important, depending on the genre writing is important, music is also a big factor on the enjoyment of a particular title.
When you take a game primarily aimed towards white, heterosexual men and pozz it up with Marxist shit it's your own fucking fault you get burned for it.
I don't hear anyone on Holla Forums complaining about faggot games made for faggots.
This thread is proof that gamers need to grow up.
thanks, you'd know what quality's all about, huh
yea but what ever happened to just enjoying the game and ignoring the bullshit aspects?
it's just a mod for baldur's gate, right? The gameplay should be the same. So there's no sense in judging the "game" by mechanics which are years old and it didn't invent.
The only thing it adds is story, and you should know by now how incredibly pozzed and SJW-infused that story is
the verdict is it's shit
I can't ignore a tranny. I don't want trannies, faggots, feminist cunts, shitty memes, jabs at whatever internet group the devs are butthurt about and other Marxist filth in my game.
Maybe the developers shouldn't have been such smug, raging retards thinking they'd get away with it. I feel fucking great they got buttfucked for their faggotry and hope it's a sign to others not to try it again.
how the fuck is the story sjw? its a fantasy world and you are fighting against someone on a crusade?
op's an autistic shit-tier troll, and you should stop feeding his pathetic need for attention.
you'd probably eat in a restaurant that serves every meal with a sidedish of nigger shit too, would you faggot
Someone post the Minsc webm.
And mods, ban his underage ass already.
video games have always had stupid "in-crowd" easter eggs and shit.duke nukem had nude strippers and lo-wang shadow walker had hentai. why should i care there is a tranny character? i would never use it.
literally made by SJWs
they inserted literal tranny shit into said fantasy world
jabs at gamergate
changed a female character from base game to be more STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMYN
list goes on
well none of that stopped me from enjoying it. sorry it ruined the game for you.
Could have stopped right there. Nobody wants that filth in their escapism.
Kill yourself op.
thats like saying don't play guilty gear because bridget is a trap. it seems like you have a tranny fixation m8
Thank you.
the japs do it as a joke or for pervert fap-bait
western devs to it to push an agenda
if you still can't see the difference, go ahead and look down the barrel of a loaded shotgun, you'll find the answers there
I'm just glad the game bombed and sjw devs got shat on by everyone.
God help us if the rumors are true and they are making an enhanced edition of Planescape.
If shitting up BG provoked this kind of shitstorm I can't imagine what their shit writing is gonna unleash if they mess with PST.
i see the difference but why should i let politics interfere with my enjoyment of video games?
just because someone who made it has an agenda doesnt mean i even realize it. i could care less
there are only like 10 male portraits. i dont use that dude anyway so i figured it would be better for my PC
and how do you know there isn't armor under that cloak? thats how i always imagine him
because those politics are inserted into the game and negatively impact the story.
they inserted tranny shit even though it doesn't make sense to the setting just so they could pat themselves on the back. They changed a previously established character because it wasn't progressive enough for them.
That amount of disrespect negatively impacts the game, it doesn't matter whether you're observant enough to notice, it's not a good game
Go back to RPGWatch you fagbaby.
i dunno. one tranny character who doesnt even tell you about it unless you ask questions and isnt integral to the story is hardly a game changer for me.
changed who?
Kill yourself.