French girl abducted by shitskins

French girl abducted by shitskins

h ttps://

Cant imagine what is going to happen to her next. I know there are going to be assholes who say "the french deserve this" etc but I am not fucking happy about this in the slightest.

If Le Pen wins does she even have the power to stop immigration and arm the citizens? Can she invite American troops to help in France?

Other urls found in this thread:

How to save Europe? Elect Le Pen and kill Merkel. Period.

With this many shitskin invaders in Europe, I imagine it would take a second D-Day.

and (((schulz))

When will you fight back…

Where is this from? What area? Report to the police ASAP user, start working on the plates, see if you can make out what they are

Its on the front page of T_D.

fucking terrible

You have to go back (and fucking stay there with the based nigger lovers)

Rope is the ONLY solution
Try debating those mudshits into not killing anymore white women.

But there are even more in the US – and they make up so, so, so much of the military and government apparatus – so that's never going to happen.

Why the hell do you know?

we Americans have moar Roof's than all of europe just waiting to let loose

Oh, do we? That's news to me.

Nah. You just need to evacuate the cities, besieged them and then starve them into submission/death.

There's one on every home, user.

dubs confirm. Roofs on every home.


God fucking damn it


France should no longer be considered a developed country at this point

Why would you want to?

this. glad I saw it before it went to complete shit.

Yet the problem isn't Mudslimes, of course, it's evil wicked nazi racists like Marine Le Pen who actually think terrorism, abduction, pedophile sex rings and the like have anything to do with Islam! Sheesh, how can these wicked white people be so naive.

You need to get off your ass and start doing something. France has hit a point where you cant fight anymore behind a computer. The shitskins wont stop and the politicians will just flee when shit hits the fan.

Looks like we went a little overboard on the whole "boil the frog" meme





The kyke pope is an obvious Jewish asset.

Where are the news ?
searching for 'femme kidnappé' showed no relevant results.
I want to share it for normalfags but I need a (((source))).

Call me a white knight faggot, but girls being sexually abused makes me gutsick. It has not been an easy past few years seeing all of this happening.

If this shit was happening in my city I'd probably lose it and start hacking up muds with a hatchet or something.

Considering he's a literal marxist and the most kike loving apostate ever seen, bretty much.

I'm going through french news right now, I can't find anything.

France wont do anything, they are the next Sweden.

You can see it in his dead fishy eyes, he sold his soul.

That's not white knighting, that's just a healthy human reaction. White knighting would be backing up some pink haired hambeast who whined about a "microaggression".
Actual sex abusers deserve the noose.

I'm genuinely surprised I haven't seen this cuck take a photo op of him literally sucking a dick to show how progressive he was.

I'm the same way man. Seeing this video makes me fucking sick to my stomach. If we don't get rid of the shitskins this is exactly what will happen to us.

How do we know the girl is French? This is pretty much how they ask a girl to marry them in their culture.

Japanese artists have done it for us, and people fap to that shit because "lol it doesn't real."

It's the same for me. Vigilante gangs need to come about for this kind of shit; beat the abusers with lead pipes.

That's the healthy reaction. Every single last kike and shitskin, user.
Every. Last. One.

fantasy and reality.
You ever beaten something to death? It's not as fun as it looks on your tv shows and video games.

Fun? You want it to be fun? That's your problem.

There is no contigent requirement for necessary actions to be fun user.

The reason all this terrorist shit is happening in France is because the french are fighting back while Sweden is 100% submissive. They will never report any kind of french uprising.

French police are absolutely overwhelmed. I wouldn't be surprised if they lack the manpower to investigate a few dozen beating deaths in the suburbs around Paris.

Just sayin'…


Maybe a little "white knighting" wouldn't go amiss here.

I'm saying that fantasy has no bearing on reality. You should care more about what people do rather than what they fantasize about.

The reason all this terrorist shit is happening in France is because there are more Muslims in France than any other European country

ummmm I thought france had gun laws

fake video.

Still no sign of any news, c'mon frogs.
'kidnappé' and 'femme' are not showing anything relevant in the news.
How recent is this ?

I'm not a violent man, at all, but if it comes town to seeing a little blood and having to watch more videos like that, I'd RWDS with you guys any time.

wtf i love white knighting now

ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.

I think it's more "Grey Knighting" than anything.

More nightmare fuel

stfu there are no guns in France, they are banned

It fucks me up a bit, knowing that this girl is getting gangraped my shitskin invaders as I type this post. No very much I can do about it halfway across the globe, but goddamn, it galvanizes me. We are never letting this happen in the states. Either Don handles it, or we teach these kikes and their pets firsthand why they fear and loathe the second amendment so much. This is NOT happenin here. Ever. I don't give a fuck if I have to water the fucking tree of liberty my goddamn self.

White knights are beta cucks who defend women online because they somehow believe that it'll result in their getting laid. Being angry as hell that mudshits kidnapped a white woman in fucking France doesn't make you a white knight. It makes you a fucking man.

This has been going on for thousands of years. Keep your powder dry for when it counts.

Faggots like you and Donovan can't understand why a man wants to protect a girl and would put his life in danger to save her, that's why you reduce it all to either muh dick or muh "you're a fucking [white] male."

Are you literally fucking retarded? You should learn to read past the first three words of a statement.

When we finally go to war again in earnest we'll need to remove every Arab, there is simply no way to know which are Muslim.

Reddit you're not welcome here. You never were. Get the fug out.

lrn2 reading comprehension, moron.

Don't post quotes from boy lovers then. I know it's you samefagging so don't pretend it's not. The only thing Jack Donovan was violent about was his lust for man meat.

Go away TRS

Hold my Beer

How do you know the woman abducted isn't a shitskin herself and this is all internal shitskin affairs that got videotaped?

Just about that time

Even if it is, this is what's going on with white girls as well.

French cries for help that are clearly not the victim.





I swear, I used to be a normal person. I used to be an Libertarian/egalitarian. This shit makes my blood boil. I want RWDS to be real and enact Martin Luther's plan. Fuck these nigger shitskins, put em' in box cars to concentration camps so we can barge em to Saudi Arabia. I want a 100% white and Christian Europe. Segregate the races and lynch the traitors.


Guys, it's a fake. Video is from a 2015 drug bust.

Good to know.

On a side note, the unsouced /r/t_d-tier ragebait being posted lately really pisses me off.

What retard stickied this? Actual fake news

It is an old video but that story sounds like bullshit. Why did they first try to put her in the trunk and what kind of cop would fire a fucking gun in someones direction like that?

Heres the translation:

Merci mon ami
I knew there was something odd about this video and the fact that we couldn't get any information about it.

here's another sauce.

"un jeune innocent"
C'est ça, et s'il l'avait prise en pleine tête ce serait devenu un "petit ange", on connaît la chanson… ("Oualala c'était le meilleur du quartier, il a jamais fait de conneries, il travaillait dur à l'école, sur la tête du prophète il avait envie de s'en sortir on va le venger")
Aucune bavure ici, tir de sommation tout à fait légitime.

what did he mean by this frogs ?

And now an user figured it out. See
That's how Holla Forums works, moron.

Sc roofian checking in

Can Le Pen stop France from becoming Sweden? I don't know much about the French political system.

"Oh ho ho ho. So you say big man. Every country say the same word.
No not me. We fight. We strong.
No you are not.
We will crush you. Mohammad (pbuh) taught us this, and how weak the non believers are. I never believed id live to see your womens cunt/nations gates be open to the even most low Muslim cock flesh but i am very happy and sing with glee

Shit. End quote it what it said.
The post.
Fuuuck ithat made it sound like i wad saying that.
The quote was what was said.

"an innocent youth"
Yeah right, and if he took the bullet in his face he'd be "a darling angel", we know how it goes… ("He was the best kid of the neighborhood, dindu nuffin, he worked hard in school, I swear on the prophet's head he wanted to get out of the ghetto we're going to avenge him")
No mistake from the police here, completely legitimate warning shot.

Because you are dumb stupid animals that are to be used as tools with no upper value and low capacity for self determination.

Worse your protectionism is what has made women unbearable narcissistic wastes of space they are today, to a point even my sister will tell me women are lying manipulative bitches.

You're the fucking pieces of shit that stand back and watch a woman brutalize a man, laughing about it, but will attack the man the first second he raises his hands in self defense. You are the people that brought upon Romes decline with the same protectionism that rotted its culture that now rots Americas culture.

You even get defensive when people say "muh dick or cuck"because that's what you are only capable of. Moderates are nothing but a cancer that halts and slows solutions to problems. If we are lucky you will realize during a 1/3 drop off in population you did this, but that requires upper cognitive skills you are incapable of possessing.

Feminism, the kikes cancer for women only exists because of people like you.