So can we safely say Battleborn is the current blunder of the year?
IGN: 7.1/10
Gamespot: 7/10
Destruciod: 6/10
So can we safely say Battleborn is the current blunder of the year?
IGN: 7.1/10
Gamespot: 7/10
Destruciod: 6/10
Other urls found in this thread:
Only reason its sitting at 70 at Metacritic is because of positive reviews from some unknown sites. But its hilarious seeing as Randy was trying to hype up this game as the next great e-sport, and so far its turning about to be average as fuck
That's what you get when you have Anthony Burch writing for the game, game mechanics aimed for 30fps and clunky as fuck movements not to mention a pathetic advertising campaign that confuses it for an fps moba.
Yes user, we can safely say that.
To be fair, Burch isn't writing it. I haven't seen gameplay or dialogue, so I'm guessing it's still awful.
it's just borderlands but with mediocre moba guts
nothing to see here
the physics are borderlands and the writing is borderlands
even the art direction is just borderlands
If Burch was writing this game, he'd get his buddies at Destructoid to give the game a 9 or 10, while shilling for it and banning or discontent.
Come on Randy! better get the production of Memelands 3 up fast!
I honestly think the best part about all this was Overwatch started its beta testing on the very day Battleborn came out.
He gets a gameplay credit for part of the writing team along with his sister being a VA for one of the characters.
The dialogue is awful too, the story mode jokes if you could call them that are all reddit tier memes there's even a part where the robot spider says
I shit you not.
Why? I thought he was fired.
He's still given a credit for part of the writing team though, I don't know how much input he had, but you can tell his influence is all over it.
I fucking hate the "humour" in this trash so much.
Its like Gearbox learned nothing from Borderlands 2, when they were mocked and criticized online for all the forced memes added in the game
Is there video proof of this. I have to see this. There is no way that line can be real.
this game never stood a fucking chance, i dunno why they even tried to release this in the same fucking century as overwatch because from day 1 you know that game was gonna squash this one
I wish I took a screen shot now, but I sat through the credits of the game during the beta and he gets a writing credit he's on there. Problem is it doesn't really say how much work he did on the game. His sister Ashley Burch also got a credit for being a VA.
It was a flop from the get go. So can we stop pretending it wasn't?
Who the hell was pretending it wasn't? everything in that game was wrong, there isn't even good porn of it.
it needs to die
Confession time:
Whenever I feel down I go to the Batteborn subreddit and wallow in their misery, their pain comforts me.
They literally spend 90% of the time crying about the critics "not giving it a chance", it being better than Overwatch… they spend more time talking about Overwatch than Battleborn.
Oh and any criticism is dismissed as "You're just a dudebro, this isn't COD"
Am I a sociopath?
You want to wallow in misery?
it was doa
I can see where the leddits are coming from, but I've already accepted my fate
overwatch is in open beta so you can go see why battleborn never stood a chance
even if you don't like blizz or overwatch, it's clearly the superior game
I also go to the Evolve subs from time to time to get a laugh, threads on the front page are 2/3 days old.
Saw someone insist the game could still be saved with a patch, like watch a baby chimp trying to revive the carcass of his mother
Does anyone have those pics with the Evolve shill
If I wanted to do that, I'd go play TF2
The only reason I was semi-interested in this game was because it didn't look fully like something I could get from that game.
Yet, because you know if it's popular enough, Valve will slap it on TF2's life support. MOBA Update when?
is it just bot matches?
Stop being asshurt.
Battlefront is shit and so is Gearbox.
That's how forgettable the name is
Memelands style gameplay with bullet sponge bosses and Burch humor, its fucking shit.
No, I'm telling you what's done in Overwatch is done miles better in Team fucking Fortress 2, which is F2P so I don't have to give Blizzard any money.
Face it, both games are shit
overwatch has a trump paywall to keep the brs and the russians out who knows how long it will hold though
otherwise the games are pretty similar though, won't deny that. i'm having fun with the beta, but might not be enough to warrant a purchase
no, that's the worst part because people will look at Blizzard's awful competition and overrate the game horribly rather than realize that all of them are garbage just of different magnitudes.
Absolute gold.
Battleborn will suffer the same fate
I miss class-based shooters instead of these CRAPCUNTS
I miss good games
Better to blame CoD for that. DICE didn't go from BF2 to the shit they have now because they were copying first person mobas.
Why, why is this happening Holla Forums.
I don't want to hate videogames, I want to enjoy them.
Why the fuck do they keep shitting abominations that they call "games". I just want to fucking enjoy my time with my hobby.
Why I can't play a good team shooter with my fiance that is not fucking TF2? TF2 is so fucking bad right now, yet it's the best this fucking market offers.
I'm on the fucking verge of buying Battleborn just to have some FPS to play with friends that is not CoD neither these obscure games where there are only four cats playing.
I hate everything.
Overwatch is cheaper than Battleborn yet Battleborn looks and feels like it has less money and effort put into it. Why the fuck would people spend money on a Gearbox game? Do they have a fetish for Burch-styled writing and dialogue?
They both have shite writing and "MUH MEMES AND POP CULTURE REFERNEZES", but I guess literally anything is better than Burch's "writing".
It seems obvious that BlizzActi is banking on microtransacting the Overwatch userbase into oblivion, hence they take a loss lead on the base game.
Battleborn on the other hand is just another attempt to squeeze more shekels out of the Borderlands formula. Casuals are still buying into MEMELANDS nonsense, but if the reviews are indicative of anything, the magic has worn off for Gearbox bullshit. That and Blizzard is pulling rank on normalfag shekels at the same time.
The Pre-Sequel bombed
At least you tried.
Great between this and BB, I hope this is the end.
I've never even heard of it, and it looks like generic trash made for casuals. I can only assume this is a shill thread attempting to gauge interest in the game. Fuck off.
Fuck out of here Marcofag
Get fucked Randy!
Nigger, no.
user, I've been in Holla Forums since 2006, why would I leave now?
Can't I even finish a day of Recettear without your shitposting?
eww normalfag
yes, totalbiscuit loves battleborn
you have to remember even though he doesn't have long to live, he still doesn't value his time very highly
I watched enough of TB fellating Battleborn to get an idea of what it was, since I hadn't paid any attention.
The single player (even the first five minutes for fuck's sake) looks like somebody made a custom map, dropped enemies around at random, and added some dialog triggers. Oh wait that's all it is.
I didn't.
If you read my earlier comment
You'll see that I go to the Battleborn sub to see those fags cry and moan.
Oh yeah
Not a fan of Gearbox by any stretch of the imagination but
Okay that's actually pretty funny
Did you receive your exclusive preorder figures yet? :^)
Fuck now I want to pick that up
This really is burch quality.
Also holy shit
the figurine actually has a more expressive face.
Holy shit!
Gearbox literally does not give a single fuck.
Is that a vacuum cleaner being held to clooney's head
can we play this on lan or something? I want to try the coop
It got better
A dlc for a free game is higher
Just went on and checked myself
Don't know what you're talkin about m80
Meanwhile, in Australia.
I know, I'm a faggot
But I did post earlier in the thread that I spent money on it and actually had some fun
Since you have it dose the game use server side or steamworks. So I can know if there is a crack coming
from what I know, the game needs to be connected to steam at all times
It seems to be region based.
Also, god damn it user.
Needs steam at all times. Get DC'd from it for even some basic server maintenance and you get thrown back to the main menu.
But other than that, I've barely run into server problems themselves
. what I mean is when you go into the game does it have like 'connecting to the servers' thing. that means it uses Greabox servers for multiplayer and not steams. just like dark souls for example.turns out it does use server side check
looks like there will be a crack soon
It does do the "Connecting to server" thing, but it also needs you to be online for Steam. I guess it's a mix then?
My only guess is that the Gearbox servers are asking for authorization from Steam, and if steam goes down it just kicks users off
Looks like a few checks bounced.
>also PC
still waiting to see what overwatch will do
I'm guessing Blizzard still has plenty of retardbux from WoW so their checks will probably clear and Diversitywatch will get 8s and 9s.
More likely they didn't send enough interns to suck enough dicks
I need this question answered so I can retain my sanity
Overwatch is being shilled like fucking CRAZY here and it's not just me, right?
because I honestly would leave if that many people actually like that festering abortion of a video game
There was a time there were nearly 15 different threads about Overwatch on here
It's shilled to hell, so it's not just you
Holy fuck, really?
ur a cheeky cunt u r m8
Wish I saved the picture but Battleborn has had 12,000 players on at its peak compared to the 28,000 that Evolve had
But boringlands got good reviews.
They had money then.
Battleborn is somehow worse than Overwatch
Tracer's in-game ass isn't even that good. It's really flat. Mei has a way better ass than Tracer by a mile, you just have to get the right angle.
Well, that "controversy" over her ass certainly got people from the normalfags and the gaters on it's side easily
It's real, but like the "Feminism is awesome" line, the meaning out of context is the opposite of what it is in context.
Simple-minded robot spider says, "I have reached the 'mainframe' but it is 'encrypteeeed'. I'm gonna have to use my l33t 'hacking' skills - deploying 'hacking' laser!". The "mainframe" is a door, the "encryption" is a lock, the "hack" is cutting the door open.
It's a joke about hack (computer access) and hack (cut), and the robot spider comically overselling itself.
That's with SJW-inflated review scores too. 5/10 confirmed. Toppest of keks.
WTF did you pay for that shit?
No shit, my local EB was going a charity thing today where you could spend $1 and get a lucky dip prize. Three quarters of that shit was all Battleborn pre-order shit because nobody pre-ordered it. There were playing cards and figurines everywhere. They literally couldn't give them away as a tax write-off charity thing.
Fucking. Hilarious.
Agree with this user, even grading on the curve it still does that bad? Total shit show.
They're like Dark Souls characters
forever since even brs and russians know its a bad game
Never heard of it? Does it have porn like the Overwatch?
What does CRAPCUNTS stand for again?
No, that would be Star Fox still
Is Sven Co-op still considered obscure now that it's on Steam? It's co-op only, but is a God-tier co-op FPS.
Wait for No man's Sky
That's kind of Hi-Rez's niche. Build decent games on a budget large enough to look like an AAA project, without blowing the farm on some insane marketing push.
then drop them for no reason and make another one